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Volume 16.1 (4th January 1935) pdf
- A Joyous New Year - The Editor
- Foursquare Revival in Manchester. Conversions and Healings
- An Impression - a former Lady Mayoress of Manchester
- The Revival in Manchester Through the Eyes of an Outsider - Alpheus Isherwood
- Praise God, I know I am saved [Words and Music]
- What Next?
- Bible Study Helps
- Family Altar. Scripture Union Daily Portions - Pastor H.A. Court
- A New Year Motto: "Ambitious to be Well-Pleasing Unto Him" - Dr Harvey Farmer
- Editorial
- What Will Happen in 1935? - Pastor H.A. Court
- Welcome News of Widespread Revival
- New Year's Wishes
- A New Year Message to Crusaders - John Leech
- East Ham Rally Scenes - Pastor W.G. Channon
Volume 16.2 (11th January 1935) pdf
- The Royal Order of Helps - T. Burton Clarke
- Don't Stay Away From Church
- Cameos of Jesus. Sidelights on the Greatest Figure of History. I.—Christ's Birth - Pastor H. Kitching
- A New Year's Message - the late Alexander Maclaren
- Standing on Promise Ground - Mrs C.H. Morris [Words and music]
- Bible Study Helps
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- The Prayer Life
- The Success of Prayer - Ernest Williams
- The School of Prayer
- Editorial
- Silent Request - E.C.W. Boulton
- Nothing Comes to us Second-hand - Mrs E. Cunningham-Pike
- News from the Churches
- "Brethren" - A. Wright
- "Hot" Days in "Cold" Scotland. Revival Fire Reigns over Greenock - James Boon
Volume 16.3 (18th January 1935) pdf
- Marvels of Prophetic Fulfilment. The Witness of Extinction, or the Testinomy of Ammon and Moab - Rowland V. Bingham
- Humility - B. Philips
- Prayer Problems - Pastor H.A. Mason
- Bunyan in Bedford Prison - Pastor P.N. Corry
- I Have the Witness [Words and music]
- Bible Study Helps
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Can We Have a Revival - W.E. Moody
- Editorial
- Unto Perfection - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Out Spiritual Food - Henry Proctor
Volume 16.4 (25th January 1935) pdf
- The Principal in Ireland. Crowds Gather at Ulster Temple - Pastor Horace Kitching
- The Principal in Scotland. Great Gatherings at City Temple - Pastor Arthur Longley
- The Ulster Demonstration. A Crusader's Impressions - James Lindsay
- Cameos of Jesus. Sidelights on the Greatest Figure in History. II.—Christ's Childhood - Pastor H. Kitching
- "Life and Service" [Words and music]
- Bible Study Helps
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Stewardship - J.N. Hoover
- Giving
- Editorial
- The Sower's Reward - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Timely Themes No. 1. Leadership - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Praise the Lord!
Volume 16.5 (1st February 1935) pdf
- A Message from Principal George Jeffreys
- What the Elim Crusader Movement Means to Me - Miss L.M. Smith
- The President's Call to Service (Eccl. xii.1) - Pastor James McWhirter
- "Win Them One by One" [Words and music]
- Bible Study Helps
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- National Crusader Activities. Week by Week Ministry - Douglas B. Gray
- Junior Crusaders—Elim Foursquare Cadets
- Editorial: Preaching that Prevails
- The Crusader Council and Commissioners
- The London Crusader Choir (1929-1935). Six Successive Years of Successful Service
- News of the Great Crusade
- Decision
Volume 16.6 (8th February 1935) pdf
- Cameos of Jesus. Sidelights on the Greatest Figure in History. III.—Christ's Baptism - Pastor H. Kitching
- "Christ is Risen"
- The Foundation of Effectual Prayer - Ernest S. Williams
- Bible Study Helps
- "Hallelujah for the Blood" [Words and music]
- The Folly of War
- Which Side is Your Heart? A Short Sunday Morning Meditation - Pastor A. Jackson
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Triumphs of Our Missionaries in Challenging the Darkness [India, South Africa & Japan]
- The Greatest Joy
- Editorial
- The Fragrant Life - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- A Tribute to Pastor Cyril Taylor, M.A. (Canta) - Miss A. Henderson
- Contending for the Faith. Conventions and Campaigns—The Word Winning its Way
- How to Preach Without Winning Converts
- "Conscience, an Unreliable Guide" - L.L. Wrightman
Volume 16.7 (15th February 1935) pdf
- In the Army of the King. A Message to Elim Crusaders - MIss Adelaide Henderson
- "The Cross" - R.E. McAllister
- The Keystone of Redemption - Rev W.S. Bowden
- Danger of Blindness
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- The Unique Death of the Lord Jesus Christ - S.D. Gordon
- Editorial
- Heart Worship - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Timely Themes No. 1. Leadership (continued) - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- News from Fields Afar
- The Birth of Christ and its Message to Us
- Wonderful Waters
Volume 16.8 (22nd February 1935) pdf
- Pentecostal Outpouring in York
- Saintship. The Saint and his Saviour - Pastor T. Burton Clarke
- The Lord's Prayer and Divine Healing - Henry Proctor
- "Father, Glorify Thy Name"
- Cameos of Jesus. Sidelights on the Greatest Figure in History. IV.—Christ's Intercession - Pastor H. Kitching
- Your Care
- He is Risen [Words and music]
- Bible Study Helps
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- The Foursquare Movement in Scotland. An Impression By a Congregational Minister - Rev. A.J. Parker
- The Foursquare Gospel in Aberdeen. An Impression by a Church of Scotland Minister - Rev. John Telfer
- Editorial
- Life's True Quest - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- A Word from the Editor to Our Readers
- Welcome News of WIdespread Revival
- Alabaster Boxes of Human Sympathy
- Be Filled With the Spirit
- Christ's Transforming Power - Alfred Mathieson
Volume 16.9 (1st March 1935) pdf
- What is a Christian? - Principal P.G. Parker
- Man's Willingness and God's Unwillingness. A sermon - Pastor J.J. Morgan
- The Pith of the Gospel
- His Ways are Past Finding Out - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Knocking, Knocking, Wo is There? [Words and music]
- Bible Study Helps
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Regeneration: The Birth From Above. An Exposition Based on John iii. 1-16 - John R. Riebe
- The New Creation - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Editorial
- Prevailing Prayer - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Salvation a Glorious Certainty
- Contending for the Faith
- The Glory of the Lord (The Shekinah) - Miss Eva WIllmott
- Swansea Crusader Branch
- How Five Soul-Winners Did it
- The Great Necessity - D.L. Moody
Volume 16.10 (8th March 1935) pdf
- Cameos of Jesus. Sidelights on the Greatest Figure in History. IV.—Christ's Intercession (continued) - Pastor H. Kitching
- Foursquare Revival in York. Santified Emotionalism - J.T. Clarke
- Preparation for Revival - Pastor Wilfred G. Hawkins
- Opening of New Tabernacle. Crowded Gatherings
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Emphatic Sonship (Galatians iii. 26) - P.G. Parker
- Editorial
- The Foursquare Revival Party in Aberdeen. How It Strikes a Stranger - Rev. D. MacDonald
- Jehovah my Strength
- News from the Churches
- Knottingley Crusader Week. Great Youth WItness for Christ
- Easter Choir Music
- The Many-Sidedness of Christ
- Where are Your Treasures?
Volume 16.11 (15th March 1935) pdf
- Satan Beneath our Feet - W.E. Moody
- Sleepless Nights - Pastor W.G. Channon
- Have You Heard?
- Stillness - Pastor A. Longley
- Marching On [Words and Music]
- Bible Study Helps
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- May we expect a GREAT REVIVAL Before the Coming of Christ? - H.A. Ironside
- Editorial
- The Conviction and Conversion of John Wesley
- Praise the Lord!
- Orient Bound Anticipatory - Pastor James McWhirter
- London Crusader Choir's Diary
- Searching for God
Volume 16.12 (22nd March 1935) pdf
- Penetrating Prayers. A Sermon - J. McAvoy
- A Dream, or was it a Dream? R.A. Lapsley
- Proving God (The Testimony of one of our Swiss Elim Bible College Students)
- Both Helpless Cripples. Both Instantaneously Healed
- Divine Love the Key to Healing - Henry Proctor
- Abide With Me [Words and music]
- Bible Study Helps
- Reproduction - Pastor P.N. Corry
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- "A Cavalcade of Clouds" - Pastor P. Le Tissier
- Editorial
- The Way to Spiritual Wealth - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Cameos of Jesus. Sidelights on the Greatest Figure in History. V.—Christ's Farewell (continued) - Pastor H. Kitching
- Radiant Revival Reports
- Solemn Talks on Serious Subjects (From Young Men and Women) - Miss Adelaide Henderson
- "It was for Me!"
Volume 16.13 (29th March 1935) pdf
- Life After Death - Gerald B. Winrod
- "His Blood will I require at the Watchman's Hand"
- "That He may Send Forth Labourers..." Valedictory Service of New Missionaries at Elim Tabernacle, Letchworth
- Thank You, Lord {Words and music]
- Bible Study Helps
- The Increasing Importance of Gospel Music - Herbert G. Tovey
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Welcome News of Widespread Revival
- Editorial
- Love's Power to Bear - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Cameos of Jesus. Sidelights on the Greatest Figure in History. VI.—Christ's Crucifixion - Pastor H. Kitching
- The Appreciation of Christ - Canon E. Daniel
- The Deity of Christ - Henry Proctor
- Prayer the Keystone of Revival - Charles G. Finney
- Solemn Talks on Serious Subjects (From Young Men and Women) - Miss Adelaide Henderson
- Rally Revival Scenes
- Sham
- The Sargeant-Piper's Conversion
Volume 16.14 (5th April 1935) pdf
- Were Prophesies as to Ancient Babylon Fulfilled? - R.V. Bingham
- Daniel and the Doom of World Governments - W.B. Riley
- Steadily the "Mark" Draws Nearer
- The Sure Word of Prophecy
- The Breaking of the Day [Music and words]
- Bible Study Helps
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- A Peep into the Future - W.G. Hathaway
- Editorial: The Profit of Prophecy
- Blessing in Transjordan - P.N. Corry
- Contending for the Faith
- The Coming of His Feet
- The Crusader Page
- A Year of Eclipses
- Saved from the "Hell Club"
Volume 16.15 (12th April 1935) pdf
- The Saviour's Charm - A.B. Simpson
- News from the Eastern Battlefields
- Palms in their Hands - Dr. G. Watson
- A Fourfold Viewpoint
- She Being Dead, Yet Speaketh. Miss Harriet Sheppard with the Lord. A Tribute from Tamworth
- Cameos of Jesus. Sidelights on the Greatest Figure in History. VII.—Christ's Resurrection - Pastor H. Kitching
- In My Heart a Song is Singing [Music and words]7
- Bible Study Helps
- Sympathy & Compassion
- Have You Heard?
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- The Symphomny of Spring - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Editorial: Royal Albert Hall Gatherings
- The Principal and Party by the Lake of Galilee - P.N. Corry
- The Indwelling Glory - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Barabbas - Jane Carol
- Praise the Lord!
- The Crusader Page
- Only One Inch Short
Volume 16.16 (19th April 1935) pdf
- Easter Week in London. The Great Convention and Demonstration
- The World's Greatest Lover - Henry Proctor
- Bible Study Helps
- "Peace, Be Still!" [Words and music]
- Open Saturday at Elim Woodlands
- Marah - Ernest S. Williams
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Is There Any Word From the Lord? - W.E. Moody
- Editorial
- Flowers in the Master's Garden - M. Craig
- News from the Churches
- The Crusader Page
- Immanence - Miss Adelaide Henderson
Volume 16.17 (26th April 1935)
- The Chief of Conquerors - Charles A. Shreve
- The Immortal Christ
- "He is Risen"
- Were the Resurrection Witnesses Fakers?
- Is Salvation Easily Found? - Pastor H.T.D. Stoneham
- "He's Everything to Me!" [Music and words]
- Bible Study Helps
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- "I Shall Wake at the Dawning of the Resurrection Morning" - B. Taylor
- Editorial: Compromise or Suffering
- Lessons in the Wilderness - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Prsyer with Tranksgiving
- News from Here and There in the British Isles
- The Crusader Page
- The Glory of the Lord—The Shekinah - Miss Eva Willmott
- A Bad Foundation
Volume 16.18 (3rd May 1935) pdf
- A Summary of Our Palestinian Tour - Pastor E.J. Phillips
- "Ye shall be Witnesses unto Me... in Jerusalem" - Pastor R.E. Darragh
- Transport Thrills on the Tour - Pastor A.W. Edsor
- Prophecy and Fact in Palestine - P.N. Corry
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- "Jerusalem... Trodden... Down... Until... Fulfilled. Prophecy in History Foretold—History in Prophecy Fulfilled - Principal George Jeffreys
- Elim Crusader Page. Pilgrimage Reflections - Pastor James McWhirter
- A Taste of Revival Power
- Miraculously Healed in the Holy Land
- Principal and Party in the Holy Land. Days of Blessing for Many
- Principal George Jeffreys at Amman, Transjordan - Amin Bey Kawar
- Testimony of a Transjordanian Minister - Rev. S. Benjamin of Es Salt
Volume 16.19 (10th May 1935) pdf
- Royal Albert Hall Impressions. Veritable Billows of Glory. Vast Throngs in Beautiful and Scriptural Order - Rev. Willard H. Pope
- Tenth Year at the Royal Albert Hall, London. Besieging Crowds at Every Entrance—Hall Packed to Capacity - Pastor H.A. Court
- "Honour the King" (I. Peter ii. 7)
- Foursquare Gospel Demonstration par Excellance - Jane Carol
- Faith that Bears
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Editorial
- Blessed Spiritual Atmostphere. LIfted into the Third Heaven - Rev. T.J. McCrossan
- Royal Albert Hall. Scene Beyond Description - Dr Emile Lanz
- A Bobbed Age
- 1910–1935 - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Sixty Baptised in Tank
- Sufferers Anointed With Oil at Albert Hall Service
- The Crusader Page
Volume 16.20 (17th May 1935) pdf
- Forward Forges of Foursquare - Alderman C.E. Dearden
- Thrills on the Skating Rink - Evangelist D. Vanstone
- A Praying Ministry and a Praying Church
- Modernism or the Present Revolution - Pastor J.T. Bradley
- Sweeter Than All [Music and words]
- Bible Study Helps
- Praying Mothers - Pastor C.N. Corry
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- The March of Empires - Pastor J. Smith
- Editorial
- Divine Deliverances - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- The City Temple Gatherings - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Rousing Revival—Splendid Results
- The Crusader Page
- Living Stones - Mrs D. Evan (Clapham)
- The Knowledge of Salvation
Volume 16.21 (24th May 1935) pdf
- Noah—The Man Who Saved His House - W.T. MacArthur
- "We Ain't Got No Bible at Our House"
- The Children for Christ
- Asking Questions - Principal P.G. Parker
- Some Glad Day [Music and words]
- Bible Study Helps
- Only a Boy
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Capturing the Children for Christ - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Editorial
- The Reward of Lowliness - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Why Not a Sunday School Revival? - Mrs W.C. Kohler
- Late News: Revival Blessing in the North
- News from the Churches
- The Crusader Page
Volume 16.22 (31st May 1935) pdf
- Revival Fire Burning in the North
- The March of Empires (continued) - Pastor J. Smith
- Bible Challenge and Bible Name Patience. Reviewed by Pastor W.G. Hathaway
- Does God Means What He Says? - S.L. Whitten
- "The Pierced Hand" [Music and words]
- Bible Study Helps
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- The Victorious Life and How to Enter Into It. AN Address by the Late Mrs Crisp given in 1915
- Editorial
- Wordless Worship - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Healing, Health and Life - Henry Proctor
- Contending for the Faith
- The Crusader Page
- Gospel Messengers to Prison - Pastor James McWhirter
- Jubilee Reflections - Pastor James McWhirter
- "By the Sacrifice of Himself"
Volume 16.23 (7th June 1935) pdf
- Revival Fire Spreading. Signs and Wonders Confirm the Word. Over 300 Converted
- Cameos of Jesus. Sidelights on the Greatest Figure in History. VIII.—Christ's Return - Pastor H. Kitching
- Saintship. The Saint and His Sword - T. Burton Clarke
- What God Says to His Soldiers
- Strength - Henry Proctor
- Wonderful Deliverance - Mrs H. Pocock
- "My Choice" [Music and words]
- Bible Study Helps
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Resumé of Missionary Achievements. "Lest we Forget" - Miss A. Henderson (Missionary Secretary)
- Editorial
- Love's Captivity - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Palestine and Prophecy
- Why I Do Not Dance - Rev. A.E. Thurston
- Praise the Lord!
- How to Rise Upon the Promises - A.B. Simpson
- The Crusader Page
- Hope - Granny Walshaw
- An Important Question - James Waugh
Volume 16.24 (14th June 1935) pdf
- What Whilt Thou? - the Late Andrew Murray
- "Behold, He Cometh!" (Rev. i. 7)
- The Secret of Spiritual Balance - Miss Edith M. Ryde
- Going Home to Zion
- "First Things" by Myra Morony - Reviewed by Mrs W. Channon
- "The Presence of the Power" [Music and words]
- Bible Study Helps
- God's Unchanging Power - W.J. SImpson
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- The Transforming Power of the Holy Ghost - John Gibson Inkster
- Editorial
- The Lifted Veil - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- The Efficaious Cross - Pastor R.A. Gordon
- Late News: Signs Following in Middlesborough. Over Four Hundred Conversions
- Our Capabilities - G.D. Watson
- News from Japan. Another Village Open to the Gospel - Miss V. Hoskins
- News from Here and There in the British Isles
- The North British Crusader Tour. Impressions by Evangelist David A. Vanstone
- Overcoming the Accuser - Alice Luce
- He Wanted to Know
Volume 16.25 (21st June 1935) pdf
- Principal and Party at Sheffield. Great City Hall Besieged—One Hundred and Thirty Conversions
- The Method of the Master - Pastor W.J. Hilliard
- Listening to God
- Palestine and Prophecy. A Fortnightly Feature for Bible Students
- Home Field versus Mission Field - Mis Adelaide Henderson
- "Complete Knowledge of the Essentials of Pianoforte Playing" by Miss Janet Fuller - Reviewed by Pastor W.G. Hathaway
- "A Yard from Hell" - Pastor P.N. Corry
- "From here, There, and Everywhere
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- My Medicine Chest or, Helps to Divine Healing - Rev. A.B. Simpson
- Editorial
- Fruit of Affliction - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Radiant Revival Reports
- Prosperity - Henry Proctor
- Have You Heard?
- The Crusader Page
- Readiness
- Much Baggage - Rosa Allen
Volume 16.26 (28th June 1935) pdf
- What the Bible says about the Blood of Jesus - Rev. W.N. Murray
- True Worship - W.T. Gaston
- "Whispers from within the Veil". A Book Review by Henry Proctor
- "The Double"
- "Break Every Fetter for Me, Dear Lord" [Music and words]
- Bible Study Helps
- Your Summer Holidays
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Power from On High. I.—Drink for the Thirsty - Pastor A. Longley
- Editorial: Is Principal George Jeffreys Rich?
- Tithing Facts
- Worship - Henry Proctor
- Welcome News of Widespread Revival
- THe Crusader Page
- Valued
Volume 16.27 (5th July 1935) pdf
- Power Fro On High. II.—The Gift of the Holy Ghost - Pastor A. Longley
- Revival Enthusiasm in Manchester. Principal Jeffreys conducts Baptisms - Pastor W.L. Taylor
- Love's Captivity [Music and words]
- Bible Study Helps
- Burying It
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Pentecostal Scenes in Sheffield. Principal Preaches in City Hall. Many Conversions and Signs follows - Pastor P. Le Tissier
- Editorial: Elim and its Government
- Palestine and Prophecy. A Fortnightly Feature for Bible Students. Progress During 1934
- Mission, or Omission
- News from the Churches
- Scriptureless Preaching
- The Crusader Page
Volume 16.28 (12th July 1935) pdf
- Man-Made or God-Breathed? - Kenneth S. Wuest
- The Bible - C.H. Robinson
- "The Miracle of Miracles". A Book Review - Pastor P.N. Corry
- The Most Wonderful Book in the World
- God's Care for the Bible
- Four Bible - Gordon Watt
- What About Bible Schools? - Alice Luce
- The Word of God
- Back to the Bible [Music and words]
- Bible Study Helps
- How Wesley Proved Inspiration
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- The Bible Amid the Storms of Today - S.D. Gordon
- Editorial
- Like Unto Him - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Why the Bible Cannot Be Destroyed - W.D. Herrstrom
- Suppose the Bible were Gone
- Contending for the Faith
- The Crusader Page
Volume 16.29 (19th July 1935) pdf
- Saintship - Pastor T. Burton Clarke
- Power from on High. III.—Proving the Baptism with the Holy Ghost - Pastor A. Longley
- Elim Healing Miracle. Lady Holman's Sight Restored. Interview at Heathfield
- Spirit of God Inspire Me (Music and Words)
- Bible Study Helps
- Bible Educator Ribbon Text - The Competition Editor
- Have You Heard?
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Fruit to Perfection - Mrs F. McBride
- Editorial
- The Reigning Life - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- The Root of the Matter - Pastor W.B. Kelly
- An Open Letter to Our Readers
- Praise the Lord!
- From Here, There, and Everywhere
- The Assets of Youth - Pastor Douglas B. Gray
- Stirring Crusader Campaign at Ealing (June 2-9)
- Sir Walter Scott and the Bible
Volume 16.30 (26th July 1935) pdf
- Sheltered 'Neath His Wings - J.R. Elsom
- Reason and Faith - Dr A.T. Pierson
- Power From On High. III.—Proving the Baptism with the Holy Ghost (continued) - Pastor A. Longley
- I Dare not be Defeated - M.E.B. (China)
- Be Still! - E.M. Juchan
- Jesus has Won My Heart - J. Hodgson [Music and Words]
- Bible Study Helps
- The Sepulchre in the Garden
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- The Fivefold Function of the Church - Robert L. Evans
- Editorial
- Reckoning on God - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Palestine and Prophecy. A Fortnightly Feature for Bible Students
- Methods of Prayer - Henry Proctor, F.R.S.L.
- News From Here and There in the British Isles
- Stillness, Outlook and God-Consciousness - G.H.C. MacGregor
- The Crusader Page
- The Importance of Communion - C.H. Spurgeon
- The Cross of Christ - L.L. Wightman
Volume 16.31 (2nd August 1935) pdf
- Power From On High. IV.—Proving Spiritual Gifts - Pastor A. Longley
- Gas!
- Free and Forgiven
- Waiting - Clement Cowl
- Livingstone's Story
- Sweet Will of God [Music and Words]
- Bible Study Helps
- "A Feast of Fat Things". The Crystal Palace on 7th September
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Heaven - C.J. Gladwin
- Editorial
- The Vision of Victory - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- The Ovecoming Life - Henry Proctor, F.R.S.L.
- From Here, There, and Everywhere
- Radiant Revival Reports
- The Crusader Page
- How Deep Shall the Cross Go in Your Life? - Mary Warburton Booth
- Jesus Our Passover - Mattie Broome
Volume 16.32 (9th August 1935) pdf
- How to Bring Men to Christ. Some Hints and Suggestions - Dr R.A. Torrey
- Billy Lyons - Pastor P.N. Corry
- Have You Heard?
- Palestine and Prophecy. A Fortnightly Feature for Bible Students
- Win Them One by One [Music and Words]
- Bible Study Helps
- Talking Business
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Winning Souls One by One - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Editorial
- After Many Days - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- The Christian Worker's Secret of Success - Percy G. Parker
- Fishing for Men
- Welcome News of Widespread Revival
- Personal Soul-Winning - Dr L.G. Broughton
- The Crusader Page
- Crusader Meditations: Science and Religion: GOd the Author of Both
- When the Baby Cried
- What the Bible Teaches about Blood - J.L. Stauffer
Volume 16.33 (16th August 1935) pdf
- Heralding the Coming King - Pastor C. Johnson
- The Abiding of the Holy Spirit - Rev. J. Hudson Taylor
- Whatever We Ask - Mrs C. Nuzum
- What is Prayer?
- Is Anything too Hard for the Lord? (Gen. xviii.) - Florence N. Gribble
- Strike for the Hills [Music and Words]
- Bible Study Helps
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor V.S. Pritchard
- Spiritual Incense-Burning - W.I. Evans
- Editorial
- The God of Deliverances
- Wedding Robes - Dr A.B. Simpson
- Mystery of the Atonement - Victoria Booth Demarest
- Prayer Power
- Crystal Palace Crusader Features. Study Your Programme - Plan for the Day
- Crusaders' Song
- Safeguarding Gospel Music
- The Stewardship of Life
- A True Estimate
Volume 16.34 (23rd August 1935) pdf
- Principal's Revival Campaigns. Baptist Church Taken Over at Middlesborough. Glorious Revival at Scunthorpe
- Lord! Send Revival - Principal P.G. Parker
- Bible Educator Ribbon Text - the Competition Editor
- Power from on High. V.—The Operation of Vocal Gifts through the Believer - Pastor A. Longley
- My Dearest Friend [Music and Words]
- Bible Study Helps
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor V.S. Pritchard
- The Mastership of Christ. "One is Your Master, Even Christ" - William Evans
- Editorial
- Tidings from Far Off Battlefields - Miss A. Henderson
- The Elim Evangel a SIlent Force - R.G. Tweed
- Come to the Crystal Palace. Great Foursquare Rally on September 7th
- News from the Churches
Volume 16.35 (30th August 1935) pdf
- Principal in Lincoln and York. Revival Scenes in Two Historic Cities
- Power from on High. V.—The Operation of Vocal Gifts through the Believer (Continued) - Pastor A. Longley
- My Thrilling Days by the Sea of Galilee - Gwilym I. Francis
- From Here, There, and Everywhere
- Have You Heard?
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor V.S. Pritchard
- The Threefold Ministry of Christ - R.B. McAlister
- Editorial
- New Elim Church at Middlesborough. Principal at the Opening - Pastor Charles Johnson
- This Moment - Annie Johnson Flint
- The Lord Hath Spoken [Music and Words]
- Bible Study Helps
- Contending for the Faith
- A Hearty Invitation From the Principal
- Answer to the Test
- The Indian Chief and the Judge
Volume 16.36 (6th September 1935) pdf
- A Great Day at the Crystal Palace
- Great Musical Programme. For Crystal Palace Visitors on September 7th
- In the Potter's Hand
- Principal Jeffreys Back in York. Revival Fire brighter than ever - Pastor Wilfred Hawkins
- Power from on High. VI.—Spiritual Gifts and Natural Ability - Pastor A. Longley
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor V.S. Pritchard
- The Holy Land - J.H. Hunter
- Editorial
- Palestine and Prophecy. A Fortnightly Feature for Bible Students
- "Oh, Dad, I can See" Remarkable Healing at Scunthorpe
- The Bible. What Four Great Men Said of the Book
- News From Our Missionaries in Spain
- Praise the Lord!
- The Crusader Page
- He is Despised [Music and words]
- Bible Study Helps
- What Simple Trust and Prayer can Do
Volume 16.37 (13th September 1935) pdf
- Easily Shaken, or Not - A.M. Clarke
- Healed at Principal George Jeffreys' Meetings. Bangor, Co. Down, Ireland
- From Here, There, and Everywhere
- The Hittite Empire and Biblical Archaeology - Roger I West
- Have You Heard?
- Good Monring to Heaven [Music and words]
- Bible Study Helps
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor V.S. Pritchard
- Christ Our Life - W.E. Moody
- Editorial
- Power from on High. VIII.—Prophecy - Pastor A. Longley
- News from Here, There, and Everywhere
- Signs and Wonders in Lincoln. Principal's Great Campaign. Foursquare Gospel Church Established
- The Crusader Page
- The Effectual Prayer
- The Commencial Traveller's Distress
Volume 16.38 (20th September 1935) pdf
- Reality
- Power from on High. VIII.—Prophecy (continued) - Pastor A. Longley
- Palestine and Prophecy. A Fortnightly Feature for Bible Students
- A Sinner Saved by Grace [Music and words]
- Bible Study Helps
- "Honey Two of Lisu-Land". Reviewed by P.N. Corry
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor H.A. Court
- The Philosophy of Prayer - Gerald B. Winrod
- Editorial
- The Pathway of Suffering - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Resurrection Bliss - Henry Proctor, F.R.S.L.
- News from the Churches
- Bible Educator Ribbon Text - The Competitions Editor
- The Crusader Page
- The Radiant Life - Dr. R.A. Torrey
- The Gardiner's Great Problem
Volume 16.39 (27th September 1935) pdf
- Principal at the Palace. Monster Crowds Enraptured - Pastor H.A. Court
- "God is My Adventure" by Rom Landau. Reviewed by Pastor James McWhirter
- A Day of Radiant and Rapturous Fellowship Reviewed
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor H.A. Court
- The King of Kings Crowned. Vast Audiences Bow in Adoration and Praise. Signs and Wonders at the Crystal Palace - Miss Adelaide Henderson
- Editorial
- Principal and Team in France. Tremedous Reception—Great Town Theatre Packed - Paster Robert Tweed
- A Visitor's Impressions - by Douglas Craig
- Romans Ten and Nine [Music and words]
- Bible Study Helps
- Scenes of Fervour. Magnetic Personality of Pastor Jeffreys - Nerina Shute
- The Crusader Page
- A Countryman's Story
Volume 16.40 (4th October 1935) pdf
- Revival Scenes on the Continent. Over One Thousand Conversions. SIgns and Wonders Confirm the Ministry
- Power from on High. IX.—Inspiration - Pastor A. Longley
- The Archbishop's Broadcast and on the Voice of God - H. Burton-Haynes
- From Here, There, and Everywhere
- Book Review. Reviewed by Pastor W.G. Channon
- Crippled Woman Healed by Faith at Lincoln Mission. Four-Sqaure Gospeller's Campaign Arouses Great Enthusiasm. Modern Miracles!
- Happy With Jesus {Music and words]
- Bible Study Helps
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor H.A. Court
- Anti-Semitism in the Pulpit and the Press - Keith L. Brooks
- Editorial
- The School of Gentleness - Dr J.H. Jowett
- Revival in France. Principal in Le Havre and Rouen - Pastor Leslie Newsham
- Have You Heard?
- Contending for the Faith
- Saved from the Surgeon's Knife
- The Crusader Page
- "I've got to Die, and I am Afraid"
Volume 16.41 (11th October 1935) pdf
- A Message to Youth - Pastor James McWhirter (Crusader President). This Address was given at tbe Great Crusader Rally at the Crystal Palace, on September 7th
- Some Impressions from Brighton Crusader Camp, 1935 - Rev R. Allen
- O Magnify the Lord [Music and words]
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor H.A. Court
- The Reality of Christ in Everydau Life
- Representative Groups of Elim Crusaders (Includng Choirs and Orchestras of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales
- Editorial
- Prison Ministry and its Results - Queenie F. Slemming
- Dispatches from the Crusade. Condensed by Evangelist David A. Vanstone
- The Glossop Crusader Camp = Stanley Lovett (Nottingham)
- Splendid Isolation - Adelaide Henderson (Crusader Commissioner)
- The Boys' Camp, Cuckmere HAven - Commander P.N. Corry
- Principal's Continental Tour. Thronging Crowds—Packed Auditoriums. Over 2,500 Conversions
Volume 16.42 (18th October 1935) pdf
- The Revival in Switzerland Over Six Thousand Converts. Acts of the Apostles Repeated
- Revival Fires in France and Switzerland - Pastor Robert Gordon Tweed
- Palestine and Prophecy. A Fortnightly Feature for Bible Students
- God's Loving Word
- Keeping Abreast of the Times
- The Far-Reaching Infleunce of Christian Character - P.W. Bichener (Letchworth)
- Sin Shall Not Have Dominion [Music and words]
- Bible Study Helps
- Youth and God - Pastor A. Longley
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor H.A. Court
- The Cross: The Emblem of Glory. A Sermon by Rev. R. Allen, B.A.
- Editorial
- God's Way Through - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Revival Scenes on the Continent. Principal Jeffreys in France and Switzerland. Hundreds Saved—Miraculous Healings - Pastor P. Le Tissier
- Radiant Revival Reports
- The Crusader Page
- Do We Really Trust God?
- Other People's Sins
Volume 16.43 (25th October 1935) pdf
- Spiritual Warfare in Switzerland. Fortresses of SIn & Sickness Falloing. Eight Thousand Prisoners Captured
- Foursquare Gospel Triumphs. Thousands Turning to Christ. Word Confirmed on the Continent - Pastor John Hill
- Have You Heard?
- From Here, There, and Everywhere
- "The Prey of the Terrible shall be Delivered' (Isa. xliv.25). A Resumé of Missionary Trials and Triumphs - Miss Adelaide Henderson (Missionary Secretary)
- An Appreciation of Grace Brown by her freind and co-worker, Daisy Ching
- Thou Hast Snapped My Fetters [Music and words]
- Bible Study Helps
- Trying, Not Resting
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Wasr Time Talks, No. 1 - Principal P.G. Parker
- Editorial
- The Crimson Path to Power - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Opening Services of New Elim Tabernacle, Lurgan
- A Wonderful Witness to DIvine Healing
- Welcome News of Widespread Revival
- The Crusader Page
- Bible Educator Ribbom Text - The Competition Editor
- He Did His Best - Dr. A.E. Hunt
Volume 16.44 (1st November 1935) pdf
- Grand Finale to Continental Campaign
- Power from on High. X.—The Value and Order of Spiritual Gifts - Pastor A. Longley
- The Bible—God's Book
- Palestine and Prophecy. A Fortnightly Feature for Bible Students
- "The Prey of the Terrible shall be Delivered". A Resume of Missionary Trials and Triumphs (Continued) - MIss Adelaide Henderson (Missionary Secretary)
- I'm Longing [Music and words]
- Bible Study Helps
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Bonds of Love - Pastor J Woodhead (Plymouth)
- Editorial
- Unto the End - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Lessons from the Life of Moses - Henry Proctor, F.R.S.L.
- A Present Help
- Our Harvest Gift - Miss E. Tetchner
- Unload Your Cares
- Praise the Lord!
- Prevailing Prayer - Mrs H.R. Pannabecker
- The Crusader Page
- The Divine Law of Marriage. Book Review by Pastor James McWhirter (Crusader President)
- Assurance
Volume 16.45 (8th November 1935) pdf
- Principal and Team in Switzerland. Twelve thousand decisions for Christ. Thronging Crowds. Signs and Wonders
- Through the Eyes of the Press. The following Report is translated into English from the French newspaper L'Express, October 9th, 1935: Some Reflections After a Religious Campaign
- Sidelights on the Great Switzerland Revival - Pastor Robert Gordon Tweed
- Revival Fires in French Switzerland - Pastor P. Le Tissier
- Swiss Revival Campaigns. Some of the Miraculous Healings - Pastor R.E. Darragh
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Echoes of the Swiss Revival. Principal Jeffreys and Team in Lausanne. Thousands Saved in one Town - Pastor John Hill
- The Principal's Continental Crusade - Pastor Charles Johnson
- News from Here, There, and Everywhere
- Crown Him Lord of All [Music and words]
- Almost—But Lost - J.W.H. Nichols
Volume 16.46 (15th November 1935) pdf
- Armistice Day Reflections - Pastor Horace KItching
- From Here, There, and Everywhere
- Conference Congnitions - an Elim Minister
- A Memorable Ordination Service
- A Review if the Ordination Service - E.J. Thompson (South Africa)
- I've Cast My Care omn Jesus [Music and words]
- Bible Study Helps
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- The Annual Conference. A Week of Deliberation in the Cause of Christ
- Editoral
- Hidden in God - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Keep the Mind Alive
- Have You Heard?
- News from the Churches
- The Crusader Page
- Can a Man be Saved on the Street?
Volume 16.47 (22nd November 1935) pdf
- Power from on High. XI. Power to Witness - Pastor A. Longley
- Palestine and Prophecy. A Fortnightly Feature for Bible Students
- War-Time Talks—No. 2 - Principal P.G. Parker
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor V.S. Pritchard
- Subject and Predicate - Pastor W. Greenway
- Editorial
- Divine Union - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Perfect Redemption in Christ - Henry Proctor, F.R.S.L.
- Strong and of Good Courage - Andrew Murray
- News from Here, There, and Everywhere
- Bible Educator Ribbon Text - The Competition Editor
- Before Thy Throne [Music and words]
- Bible Study Helps
- The Crusader Page
- "WHat about that text"?
- Supplement pdf
Volume 16.48 (29th November 1935) pdf
- Meetings for the Deepening of Spiritual Life at Bristol. Principal George Jeffreys and Party in the City
- Power from on High. XII. Tarrying Meetings - Pastor A. Longley
- From Here, There, and Everywhere
- Anglo-Catholicism Examined and Exposed
- Stretch Forth Thy Hand [Music and words]
- Bible Study Helps
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor V.S. Pritchard
- Revival - Pastor W.M. Barton (Eastbourne)
- Editorial
- The Glory Within - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- The Anointing. Notes of a Sermon by Pastor W.L. Kemp (Bournemouth)
- Have You Heard?
- Contending for the Faith?
- The Crusader Page
- Youth and Kingdom - Agnes Wolfe
Volume 16.49 (6th December 1935) pdf
- Late News: Stirring Scenes in Bristol Church and Theatre Over One Hundred Conversions. Deepening of Spiritual Life. Healings
- The Condescension of Christ (Philippians ii, 5–11) - George C. Reed
- A Wholesome Tongue - A.B. Simpson
- Fresh Crucixions
- Armistice Service in Super Cinema in Cardiff. Twenty=One Souls Decide For Christ
- Over Dear Erin [Music and words]
- Bible Study Helps
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor J. Smith
- Arms and the Man. Sermon recently preached by Pastor P.N. Corry of Cardiff
- Editorial
- Divine Discontent - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Palestine and Prophecy. A Fortnightly Feature for Bible Students. Jerusalem Old and New - Pastor P.N. Corry
- Christ Our Full Redemption - Henry Proctor, F.R.S.L.
- The Crusader Page
- Spared Not—Even So
- Enter In
Volume 16.50 (13th December 1935) pdf
- Athanasius at Nice
- From Here, There, and Everywhere
- War-Time Talks—No. 3 - Principal P.G. Parker
- Jesus, Lover of My Soul [Music and words]
- Book Review
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor J. Smith
- The Christ of History and of Experience - Dr Andrew J. Ramsey
- Editorial
- Strength Sufficient - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- Why does the Resurrection mean so much to the Christian?
- Radiant Revival Reports
- The Crusader Page
- McCrossans' Farewell Gathering - Miss L.M. Smith
- The Down Express
Volume 16.51-52 (25th December 1935) pdf
- The Principal's Bethlehem Message. Greetings to His People
- 1935 In Retrospect - the Editor
- Principal Jeffreys and Party in 1935
- Faith in the Incarnation
- Have You Heard?
- The Spirit of Christmas - Pastor E.C.W. Boulton
- A Sign Spoken Against
- Contracts - Pastor C.J.B. Kingston
- How to Spend a Really Happy Christmas - Principal P.G. Parker
- A Christmas Wish
- Editorial Greetings
- What Christmas Means to Me. A Christmas Message from Some of Our Ministers
- "Emmanuel—God With Us" (Matt. i.33) - Pastor J.T. Bradley
- Christmas - A.M. Ardagh
- Spiritual Heroism. Relative to God's Call to Missionary Service - Miss A. Henderson (Missionary Secretary)
- The Promised Prince
- He That is Born King - Pastor J.J. Morgan
- Remember the Jubilee Appeal Fund this Christmas - Pastor P.N. Corry
- The Christ of the Manger
- Savious and Friend [Music and words]
- Bible Study Helps
- Bible Educator Ribbon Text - The Competition Editor
- Healed by the Power of God
- Family Altar. The Scripture Union Daily Portions. Meditations - Pastor J. Smith
- Meetings for the Deepening of Spiritual Life. Principal and Party at Bristol - Miss M. Barbour
- Jesus Christ, Our Righteousness - L.L. Wightman