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The bmj and its predecessor, The Fraternal, have been resourcing Baptist ministers for many years with theological reflection and discussion of issues pertaining to ministry today. These publications provide a superb snapshot of Baptist life and ministry and are an amazing resource for social research as well as material for ministers to use. Enjoy browsing them - and our sincere thanks go to Rob Bradshaw, who has carefully scanned them in and made this collection accessible in a digital age. Sally Nelson, bmj editor (2016).
"Editorial," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 240 (Oct. 1992): 2. |
David R. Coffey, "The Journey So Far," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 240 (Oct. 1992): 3-6. |
Philip Clements-Jewery, "Intercessory Prayer (3): How To Do lt," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 240 (Oct. 1992): 7-10. |
Ronald E. Clements, "Old Testament Study Today: Some Current Concerns," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 240 (Oct. 1992): 11-13. |
S.G. Tim Bulkeley, Roy M. Deller & Peter S. Brewer, "World Mission: Theological Education, Ministry, Lay Training," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 240 (Oct. 1992): 15-20. |
George R. Neal, "David Russell: An Appreciation of His Life and Work (2)," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 240 (Oct. 1992): 21-24. |
Ruth A. Bottoms, "Reading Patterns and Prayers for Christian Worship: A Reflection," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 240 (Oct. 1992): 25-26. |
Baptist Union of New Zealand, "My Code of Ethics," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 240 (Oct. 1992): 26. |
"Book Reviews," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 240 (Oct. 1992): 27-29. |
"Editorial," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 241 (Jan. 1993): 2. |
Darold H. Morgan, "Life in the Southern Baptist Convention, 1993," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 241 (Jan. 1993): 3-7. |
Frank Cooke, "Is lt All In The Mind?" The Baptist Ministers' Journal 241 (Jan. 1993): 8-11. |
Stuart P. Jenkins, "Eleven Reasons to Abolish Sunday School," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 241 (Jan. 1993): 12-16. |
Angus T. MacNeill, "The Relationship Between Mission Partners," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 241 (Jan. 1993): 16-19. |
"Book Reviews," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 241 (Jan. 1993): 21-25. |
"Editorial," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 242 (April 1993): 2. |
Brian Stanley, "Culture and Christian Mission: A perspective from History," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 242 (April 1993): 3-6. |
Faith Bowers, "The Story of Build," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 242 (April 1993): 7-9. |
R. Alastair Campbell, "Romans Through New Eyes: Part 1: Purpose," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 242 (April 1993): 11-14. |
Peter Shepherd, "Christian Ministry and Enterprise Culture," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 242 (April 1993): 16-18. |
Edwin H. Robertson, "The Changing Form of Preaching: An Essay Review of 'The Open Door: Variations on Biblical Themes', The Baptist Ministers' Journal 242 (April 1993): 19-22. |
"Book Review," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 242 (April 1993): 23-25. |
"Editorial," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 243 (July 1993): 2. |
Roy Searle, "Exploring the Celtic Tradition," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 243 (July 1993): 3-7. |
Ruth M.B. Gouldbourne, "Identity and Pain: Women's Consultations, 1987-92," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 243 (July 1993): 8-10. |
Alasdair Campbell, "Romans Through New Eyes: Part 2: The Real Issue," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 243 (July 1993): 11-14. |
Donald Elliott, "Overseas Mission in an Ecumenical Age," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 243 (July 1993): 15-19. |
Brian E. Wilson, "The Fellowship of Believers and the Status of Children," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 243 (July 1993): 20-23. |
"Review Section," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 243 (July 1993): 25-29. |
"Study Conference: David Bosch's Transforming Mission (Details)," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 243 (July 1993): 29. |
"Editorial," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 244 (October 1993): 2. |
Simon J. Robinson, "Contemporary Challenges in Christian Social Ethics," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 244 (October 1993): 3-6. |
Terry Peasley, "A Church for the unchurched: The Southcourt Experiment," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 244 (October 1993): 7-10. |
Paul Beasley-Murray, "Celebrating Faith in Baptism," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 244 (October 1993): 11-14. |
Fred Stainthorpe, "The Local Minister: Catalyst for World Mission," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 244 (October 1993): 15-18. |
Stephen Greasley, "The Goodness of God," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 244 (October 1993): 19-21. |
Michael V. Jackson, "Colliding with the text: Narrative Theology," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 244 (October 1993): 22-23. |
Vic R. Sumner, "Current BMF Issues," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 244 (October 1993): 24. |
"Review Section," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 244 (October 1993): 25-28. |
"Editorial," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 245 (Jan. 1994): 2. |
Clive Calver, "The Evangelical Alliance and the Life of the Nation," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 245 (Jan. 1994): 3-7. |
Anonymous, "A Possible Pattern for Settlement," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 245 (Jan. 1994): 8-9. |
E. David Cook, "Moral Decision-Making: New Grey Areas," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 245 (Jan. 1994): 10-14. |
W. Roy Turvey, "The Place and Choice of Leisure," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 245 (Jan. 1994): 15-16. |
W. Donald Hudson, "Logic and the Liturgy," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 245 (Jan. 1994): 18-21. |
Clive Jarvis, "In Defence of Sunday School?" The Baptist Ministers' Journal 245 (Jan. 1994): 23-24. |
"Review Section," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 245 (Jan. 1994): 25-28. |
"Editorial," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 246 (April 1994): 2. |
Simon Reynolds, "Once Upon A Time: The Gospel As Story," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 246 (April 1994): 3-9. |
Ray L. Vincent, "A Personal Pilgrimage," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 246 (April 1994): 10-13. |
Larry J. Kreitzer, "Release from the Burden of Sin: Two Complementary Images," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 246 (April 1994): 13-19. |
Philip Clements-Jewery, "Surviving in Ministry: The Case for Appraisal," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 246 (April 1994): 20-23. |
"Review Section," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 246 (April 1994): 24-26. |
"Editorial," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 247 (July 1994): 2. |
John Capon, "Watch This Space: Religious Publishing Today," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 247 (July 1994): 3-7. |
Clive Doubleday, "Church Planting in Eastern Europe," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 247 (July 1994): 8-11. |
Gordon P. Brand, "Church and Management: Incompatible?" The Baptist Ministers' Journal 247 (July 1994): 12-15. |
W. Ernest Moore, "Paul and Woman: A Journey," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 247 (July 1994): 16-21. |
Ron Armstrong, "Communicating the Gospel and Contextualisation," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 247 (July 1994): 22-25. |
"Review Section," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 247 (July 1994): 26-29. |
"Editorial," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 248 (Oct. 1994): 2. |
Nick S. Mercer, "Postmodernity and Rationality: The Final Credits or Just a Commercial Break?," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 248 (Oct. 1994): 3-8. |
Michael L. Bray & Tony G. Noles, "Pastoral Care and Counselling for Ministers and Spouses:
The B.U. Scheme," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 248 (Oct. 1994): 9-11. |
Paul Beasley-Murray, "Celebrating the Faith at the Lord's Table," 12-18. |
Joel Edwards, "A Black Perspective on Church Life," 18-21. |
Paul R. Allen, "The U.K. and the Social Chapter: Kicking Justice into Touch?" The Baptist Ministers' Journal 248 (Oct. 1994): 22-25. |
Fritz H. Haus, "Dispatch from the New South Africa," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 248 (Oct. 1994): 26-27. |
"Review Section," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 248 (Oct. 1994): 27-29. |
"Editorial," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 249 (Jan. 1995): 2. |
Brian L. Harbour, "Priorities of an American Pastor," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 249 (Jan. 1995): 3-7. |
Michael I. Bochenski, "Together We Will Serve the Lord: EBF Conference, Lillehammer, 26-31 July,1994," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 249 (Jan. 1995): 8-10. |
Nigel G. Wright, "The Theology of Religious Liberty," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 249 (Jan. 1995): 11-14. |
Fred Stainthorpe, "The Minister's Pen: Mightier Than His Word?" The Baptist Ministers' Journal 249 (Jan. 1995): 15-16. |
Mark E. Rudall, "Worship, History and the Whole Measure of Christ," 18-20. |
Alison V. Fuller & Revd Michael I. Bochenski, "Ministerial Stress and Settlement: Update," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 249 (Jan. 1995): 21-23. |
"Annual Conference, 1995," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 249 (Jan. 1995): 23. |
"Book Reviews," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 249 (Jan. 1995): 24-29. |
"Editorial," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 250 (April 1995): 2. |
John Weaver, "Developing Patterns of Ministerial Training," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 250 (April 1995): 3-8. |
Malcolm Goodspeed, "A Perspective on Ministry," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 250 (April 1995): 9-13. |
Peter Tongeman, "Preaching the Word," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 250 (April 1995): 13. |
Carol McCarthy, "Ministry in the Local Church," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 250 (April 1995): 15-18. |
Stanley Baxter, "What's Wrong with the Minister?" The Baptist Ministers' Journal 250 (April 1995): 19-22. |
Douglas McBain, "A Dance on Some Eggshells," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 250 (April 1995): 23-26. |
"Review Section," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 250 (April 1995): 27-29. |
"Editorial," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 251 (July 1995): 2. |
Arthur Grimshaw, "The Church in the World: For Whose Sake?" The Baptist Ministers' Journal 251 (July 1995): 3-7. |
Larry J. Kreitzer, "The Millennium of Revelation 20:1-4: Some Suggestions for Study and Discussion," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 251 (July 1995): 8-10. |
Peter Shepherd, "Recovering Confidence in the Local Church," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 251 (July 1995): 11-15. |
Ronald Armstrong, "The Descent into Hell: Preaching the Descensus," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 251 (July 1995): 16-20. |
Jon Green, "A Baptist Dilemma: Children, Baptism and the Lord's Supper," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 251 (July 1995): 21-25. |
"Book Reviews," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 251 (July 1995): 26-29. |
"Editorial," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 252 (Oct. 1995): 2. |
J. Nelson Kraybill, "The Incarnation as Peace-making Strategy," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 252 (Oct. 1995): 3-9. |
John D. Weaver, "Equipping the Whole Church," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 252 (Oct. 1995): 10-14. |
David F. Tennant, "Advocacy for Children:A Challenge to Faithfulness," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 252 (Oct. 1995): 16-20. |
Michael L. Goodman, "As We Were: Baptists in the 1930's: Part One," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 252 (Oct. 1995): 21-25. |
John C. Rackley, "Travellers' Tales: Spirituality in the Ministry," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 252 (Oct. 1995): 26-30. |
"Review Section," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 252 (Oct. 1995): 31-33. |
"Editorial," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 253 (Jan. 1996): 2. |
Susan A. Stevenson, "Spirituality and Ministry: An Impossible Dream?" The Baptist Ministers' Journal 253 (Jan. 1996): 3-5. |
Michael I. Bochenski & Revd Stuart P. Jenkins, "Options for the Future Role and Functions of the BMF and its Committee; a Background paper," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 253 (Jan. 1996): 6-7. |
Hans Sinning, "Austria: A Nation between Secularism and Spirituality," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 253 (Jan. 1996): 8-11. |
Michael Ball, "Anthony Trollope and the Evangelicals," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 253 (Jan. 1996): 12-16. |
Tony G. Noles, "Resource Books on Counselling," 16. |
Michael L. Goodman, "As We Were: Baptists in the 1930's: Part Two," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 253 (Jan. 1996): 18-21. |
Jonathan P. Edwards, "Working for You: Twenty Years of the BMF," 23-25. |
"Review Section," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 253 (Jan. 1996): 26-29. |
"Editorial," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 254 (April 1996): 2. |
John F.V. Nicholson, "In Praise of Erasmus," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 254 (April 1996): 3-6. |
Jim A. Pollard, "Wired for Sound: 26 Years in Local Broadcasting," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 254 (April 1996): 8-10. |
Keigh G . Riglin, "Homosexuality: A Christian View," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 254 (April 1996): 11-15. |
Fred Stainthorpe, "Patterns of Christian Giving: Treetrunk or Rabbit's Ears?" The Baptist Ministers' Journal 254 (April 1996): 16-18. |
Mike A. Smith, "1 Corinthians 7: A Paradigm for Pastoral Counselling," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 254 (April 1996): 19-20. |
Brian A. Howden, "Roots That Go Deep: Benedict and Ignatius," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 254 (April 1996): 21-25. |
"Review Section," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 254 (April 1996): 27-29. |
"Editorial," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 255 (July 1996): 2. |
C. Norman Moss, "Living with the Toronto Blessing: One Church's Experience," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 255 (July 1996): 3-6. |
"U.S.A. Exchange Ministries Opportunity," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 255 (July 1996): 6. |
David R. Coffey, "Post 2000: What Kind of Union?" " The Baptist Ministers' Journal 255 (July 1996): 7-11. |
Neil B. Hall, "Association Life and Women: Reflections on an Enquiry," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 255 (July 1996): 11-14. |
Chandu Christian, "No Curry Please, They Are Welsh," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 255 (July 1996): 15-18. |
Faith Bowers, "The Saving Cry of Dereliction," " The Baptist Ministers' Journal 255 (July 1996): 19-20. |
Robin J Giles, "Homosexuality: A Christian View - A Flawed Appraisal?" " The Baptist Ministers' Journal 255 (July 1996): 21-22. |
John F.V. Nicholson, "An Essay Review: Scriptural Interpretation," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 255 (July 1996): 23-24. |
"Review Section," " The Baptist Ministers' Journal 255 (July 1996): 25-26. |
"Editorial," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 256 (Oct. 1996): 2. |
Edward H.B. Williams, "JOPPA: Its Role and Vision," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 256 (Oct. 1996): 3-6. |
Ron Armstrong, "A Forgotten Theologian: P.T. Forsyth," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 256 (Oct. 1996): 7-9. |
Anthony Thacker, "Co-habitation 1: The Issues," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 256 (Oct. 1996): 10-13. |
Haddon Willmer, "A Defence of Theology," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 256 (Oct. 1996): 15-19. |
Chris Cottom, "Baptist Ministers Today: A Survey," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 256 (Oct. 1996): 20. |
Peter Shepherd, "The Renewal of the Union," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 256 (Oct. 1996): 21-24. |
"Pre-retirement Course, 1997," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 256 (Oct. 1996): 24. |
"Book Reviews," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 256 (Oct. 1996): 25-29. |
"Editorial," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 257 (Jan. 1997): 2. |
John D. Weaver, "Reconsidering Believers' Baptism," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 257 (Jan. 1997): 3-7. |
Vic M. Jackopson, "Mission to the Outsider," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 257 (Jan. 1997): 8-11. |
Valdis Teraudkalns, "In Procession with Corpus Christi," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 257 (Jan. 1997): 11-13. |
John V. Beaumont, "Baptist Churches and the Charities Act 1993," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 257 (Jan. 1997): 14-18. |
Keith G. Jones, "Specialist Groupings and Networks," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 257 (Jan. 1997): 19-21. |
Anthony Thacker, "Co-habitation 2: Pastoral Response," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 257 (Jan. 1997): 22-24. |
"Review Section," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 257 (Jan. 1997): 25-29. |
"Editorial," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 258 (April 1997): 2. |
James Taylor, "The Spirituality of Weakness," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 258 (April 1997): 3-7. |
Philip Cooke, "A Central Stipend Fund:lmpossible Dream?" The Baptist Ministers' Journal 258 (April 1997): 8-11. |
Callum N. Jones, "The Role of Prayer in Spiritual Warfare," 12-15. |
"Richard Baxter Institute for Ministry," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 258 (April 1997): 15. |
Don D. Black, "Perspectives on a General Election," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 258 (April 1997): 16-19. |
Ted J. Hale, "Your Church Is Too small," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 258 (April 1997): 19-22. |
"Secretary's Report for 1996," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 258 (April 1997): 23-24 |
"Review Section," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 258 (April 1997): 24-28.
"Editorial," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 259 (July 1997): 2. |
Chris Barter, "Towards a New Spirituality?" The Baptist Ministers' Journal 259 (July 1997): 3-6. |
Larry J Kreitzer & Richard Hoskins, "King Herod: the 'Bad Boy' of the Christmas Story," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 259 (July 1997): 7-10. |
Paul Rowntree Clifford, "Barth's Theology of Baptism," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 259 (July 1997): 11-13. |
Ron Armstrong, "Guidelines for Missionary Candidates or Enquirers," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 259 (July 1997): 13-16. |
Paul P.J. Sheppy, "A 'Good' Funeral: Shaping the Final Exit," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 259 (July 1997): 16-19. |
Paul L. Henstock, "The Retired Baptist Ministers Housing Society," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 259 (July 1997): 20-21. |
"Review Section," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 259 (July 1997): 22-26. |
"Editorial," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 260 (Oct. 1997): 2. |
Alex Gilmore, "Preachers Are Of Three Kinds," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 260 (Oct. 1997): 3-7. |
Tony Cross, "When Praying Is Not Enough," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 260 (Oct. 1997): 7-9. |
Mike A. Smith, "The Magdalen College 'Matthew' Fragments," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 260 (Oct. 1997): 10-13. |
Clive Doubleday, "The Transformation of Eastern Europe," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 260 (Oct. 1997): 13-14. |
Sue M. Thompson & Jim A. Pollard, "Readers' Response to 'A Central Stipend Fund: Impossible Dream?'," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 260 (Oct. 1997): 16-18. |
Paul H. Ballard, "Baptists and Baptism: A Socio-Ecumenical lssue," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 260 (Oct. 1997): 18-23. |
"Review Section," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 260 (Oct. 1997): 23-25. |
"Editorial: Unity in practice but not always in prayer," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 261 (Jan. 1998): 2. |
"Thank You, Michael," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 261 (Jan. 1998): 3. |
Keith Clements, " Speaking Truth to Power," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 261 (Jan. 1998): 4-8. |
Michael C. Docker, " Why did He Lose Six Million Jews?" The Baptist Ministers' Journal 261 (Jan. 1998): 9-14. |
Nicholas J. Wood, "Rooted In Popular Culture - Up To A Point," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 261 (Jan. 1998): 15-20. |
Rowan Williams, "Thanks, Uncle Sidney," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 261 (Jan. 1998): 21-24, |
"Book Reviews," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 261 (Jan. 1998): 26-31. |
"Editorial: Changing all the time," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 262 (April 1998): 2. |
Jayne Scott, "Too Much to Take," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 262 (April 1998): 3-7. |
Kenneth E. Hyde, "What makes Adolescents Religious?" The Baptist Ministers' Journal 262 (April 1998): 8-12. |
Graeme Dodos, "'I was in prison'," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 262 (April 1998): 13-16. |
R E O White, Graham Wilde, Rosemary Clarke, Ron. Armstrong & Glyn. P.R. Prosser, "j-mail," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 262 (April 1998): 16-21. |
"Book Reviews," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 262 (April 1998): 22-26. |
"Editorial: Much for their comfort," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 263 (July 1998): 2. |
Margaret Jarman, "Baptists in the MonasticTradition," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 263 (July 1998): 3-6. |
Alastair Campbell, "Whom shall we send?" The Baptist Ministers' Journal 263 (July 1998): 7-10. |
A Minister, "Dealing with Depression," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 263 (July 1998): 11-14. |
Mike Smith, "Evidence from The Past," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 263 (July 1998): 15-18. |
Bill Allen, "Trends in Ministry," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 263 (July 1998): 19-21. |
Jim Pollard, Terence Cooper, George Whitfield & John Balchin, "j-mail," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 263 (July 1998): 22-24. |
"Review Section," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 263 (July 1998): 25-28. |
"Editorial: Listening to the drums," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 264 (Oct. 1998): 2. |
Morris West, "Going, going - but not gone!" The Baptist Ministers' Journal 264 (Oct. 1998): 3-6. |
Hazel Sherman, "A tapestry of connections," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 264 (Oct. 1998): 7-10. |
David Butcher, "To sit back and listen," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 264 (Oct. 1998): 11-14. |
Anne Peate, "Spotlight on the pulpit," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 264 (Oct. 1998): 15-18. |
Robert Gardiner, "'Why Mr Spurgeon had less trouble with young people'," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 264 (Oct. 1998): 19-23.
John Morgan-Wynne, David J. Laskey, Roger L. Cuin, Jack Ramsbottom , "j-mail, The Baptist Ministers' Journal 264 (Oct. 1998): 24-25. |
"Book Reviews," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 264 (Oct. 1998): 26-29. |
"Editorial: Personal meaning and public hope," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 265 (Jan. 1999): 2. |
Ian Hargreaves, "Creating something where there was nothing," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 265 (Jan. 1999): 3-7. |
Robert Ellis, "Gathered at the Table," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 265 (Jan. 1999): 8-13. |
Michael V. Jackson, "Jesus' vision of the New Society," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 265 (Jan. 1999): 14-18. |
Jane Kingsworth, "The real human Mary," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 265 (Jan. 1999): 19-24. |
Michael J. Cleaves, "Finding the signs to follow," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 265 (Jan. 1999): 25-29. |
Roy A Freestone, John N. Jonsson, Harry Young & Bob Almond, "j-mail," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 265 (Jan. 1999): 30-32. |
"Book Reviews," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 265 (Jan. 1999): 34-38. |
"Editorial: For the sake of the Cause," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 266 (April 1999): 2. |
One, "'Rocky saw him'," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 266 (April 1999): 3-5. |
Philip Clements-Jewery, "lt pays to advertise," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 266 (April 1999): 6-9. |
Derek A. Rumbol, "Looking forward to what is to come," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 266 (April 1999): 10-13, |
Colin Sedgwick, "In search of strays," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 266 (April 1999): 14-18. |
Jonathan Edwards & Jim Clarke, "In House," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 266 (April 1999): 19-21. |
Michael I. Bochenski & Mike Smith, "J-mail," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 266 (April 1999): 22-23. |
"Book Reviews," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 266 (April 1999): 24-28. |
"Editorial: Cod's Little Joke," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 267 (July 1999): 2- |
Ronald Ham, "'Unseen Patterns of Grace'," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 267 (July 1999): 3-7. |
Stuart Jenkins, "Poor, Chaste, Obedient. As if!" The Baptist Ministers' Journal 267 (July 1999): 8-11. |
A Church Member, "A Stray strikes back," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 267 (July 1999): 13-16. |
Geoff Walters, "Still enjoying my job," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 267 (July 1999): 17-21. |
Alastair Campbell, "People who fit the bill," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 267 (July 1999): 22-25. |
Bob Paul, "j-mail," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 267 (July 1999): 26-27. |
"Book Reviews, " The Baptist Ministers' Journal 267 (July 1999): 28-32. |
"Editorial: How?" The Baptist Ministers' Journal 268 (Oct. 1999): 2. |
Richard Hayden, "A Gift," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 268 (Oct. 1999): 3-5. |
Ruth Gouldbourne, "Voices," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 268 (Oct. 1999): 6-9. |
Judy Holyer, "The Edge," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 268 (Oct. 1999): 10-14. |
Paul Allen, "A journey," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 268 (Oct. 1999): 15-20. |
J. Martin C. Scott, "The Text," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 268 (Oct. 1999): 21-25. |
Stanley Mudd, John West & Clive Doubleday, "j-mail," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 268 (Oct. 1999): The Baptist Ministers' Journal 268 (Oct. 1999): 26. |
"Book Reviews," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 268 (Oct. 1999): The Baptist Ministers' Journal 268 (Oct. 1999): 27-28. |
"Editorial, " The Baptist Ministers' Journal 269 (Jan. 2000): 2. |
Kenneth Walker, "Where will we be in 2010," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 269 (Jan. 2000): 3-6. |
Bob Almond, "The Internet - Devil's Distraction?" The Baptist Ministers' Journal 269 (Jan. 2000): 7-9. |
John Nicholson, "Changing Attitudes," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 269 (Jan. 2000): 11-14. |
Paul Sheppy, "Taking off our shoes," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 269 (Jan. 2000): 15-18. |
David Butcher, "Love too strong for killing," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 269 (Jan. 2000): 20-24. |
Keith Jones, "J-mail," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 269 (Jan. 2000): 25. |
"Book Reviews," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 269 (Jan. 2000): 26-30. |
"Editorial," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 270 (April 2000): 2. |
Julian Gotobed, "For your own good," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 270 (April 2000): 3-8. |
Colin Cartwright, "God's law on Marriage and Divorce," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 270 (April 2000): 9-13. |
David S. Russell, "The Ward and the Word," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 270 (April 2000): 14-16. |
Stan Lane, "Tale of Two Cities and a Village," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 270 (April 2000): 18-22. |
Kenneth Toms, "J-mail," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 270 (April 2000): 22-23. |
"Book Reviews," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 270 (April 2000): 24-28. |
"Editorial," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 271 (July 2000): 2. |
Nicholas Rothon, "Opposite the Millennium Jewels," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 271 (July 2000): 3-4. |
Paul Walker, "'Birmingham's Coloured Preacher'," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 271 (July 2000): 5-9. |
Albert Richards, "Called to be a Preacher," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 271 (July 2000): 10-12. |
Steve Holmes, "Truth not Heard Elsewhere," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 271 (July 2000): 13-18. |
Robert Ellis, "On a Journey of the Spirit," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 271 (July 2000): 19-22. |
Richard H. Clossman & Harry Young, "j-mail," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 271 (July 2000): 23. |
Bob Almond, "In House," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 271 (July 2000): 24-25. |
"Book Reviews," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 271 (July 2000): 27-29. |
"Editorial," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 272 (Oct. 2000): 2. |
"Are Preachers born or made?" The Baptist Ministers' Journal 272 (Oct. 2000): 3-5. |
Sean Winter, "Preaching into Luke," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 272 (Oct. 2000): 6-10. |
Sally Nelson, "Pride and Prejudice," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 272 (Oct. 2000): 11-14. |
John Weaver, "The Eucharist: Celebration and Participation," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 272 (Oct. 2000): 15-19. |
Robert H. Allaway, "Filioque Out!" The Baptist Ministers' Journal 272 (Oct. 2000): 20-21. |
Inderjit S. Bhogal & Malcolm Smalley, "j-mail," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 272 (Oct. 2000): 22. |
John Houseago, "Review Section," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 272 (Oct. 2000): 23-27. |
Jim Clarke, "Guest Editorial," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 273 (Jan. 2001): 2. |
John Garland, "The Gospel According to the Lord of the Rings," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 273 (Jan. 2001): 3-6. |
Peter Shepherd, "Choose to have a Past," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 273 (Jan. 2001): 7-10. |
Tim Bradshaw, "Anglicanism as Christianity," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 273 (Jan. 2001): 11-15. |
Arthur Grimshaw & Glyn P.R. Prosser, "Aspects of Age," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 273 (Jan. 2001): 17-20. |
Mike Dales, "Progressing Pilgrims," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 273 (Jan. 2001): 202. |
Ron Armstrong, David M Harris & Ernest Whalley, "j-mail," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 273 (Jan. 2001): 23-24. |
Ruth Gouldbourne, "Baptists in Europe," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 273 (Jan. 2001): 25-26. |
"Book Reviews," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 273 (Jan. 2001): 28-31. |
"Editorial: Our or Mine?" The Baptist Ministers' Journal 274 (April 2001): 2. |
Luke Bretherton, "A new word for an old labour," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 274 (April 2001): 3-5. |
John Matthews, "Facing Fragmenting Cultures," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 274 (April 2001): 6-8. |
Paul Rowntree Clifford, "Feminism: a neglected Baptist issue," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 274 (April 2001): 9-13. |
John Barry Dyer, "The Ineffectiveness of the church as an instrument for change," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 274 (April 2001): 15-20. |
Bob Almond & Jim Clarke, "In House," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 274 (April 2001): 21. |
Michael I. Bochenski & John Cole, "j-mail," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 274 (April 2001): 23. |
"Book Reviews," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 274 (April 2001): 24-29. |
"Editorial: Re-imagining Ministry," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 275 (July 2001): 2. |
Stuart Jenkins, "What's the Point?" The Baptist Ministers' Journal 275 (July 2001): 3-5. |
Carol Nolan, "The death of a baby, The Baptist Ministers' Journal 275 (July 2001): 6-10. |
BUild, "The Amen of those with learning disabilities," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 275 (July 2001): 10-11. |
Malc' Halliday, "Who are we?" The Baptist Ministers' Journal 275 (July 2001): 13-18. |
Phil Jump, "Six days in Kosova, The Baptist Ministers' Journal 275 (July 2001): 19-20. |
Fabian Best, "j-mail," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 275 (July 2001): 20. |
"Book Reviews," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 275 (July 2001): 21-24. |
"Editorial: Conquering Evil," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 276 (Oct. 2001): 2. |
Hazel Sherman , "Foot and Mouth," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 276 (Oct. 2001): 3-6. |
Ted Hale, "Down with Leaders," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 276 (Oct. 2001): 7-9. |
Michael Frost, "Chocolat and Church," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 276 (Oct. 2001): 12-14. |
Sean F Winter, "Preaching from Matthew," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 276 (Oct. 2001): 15-20. |
Crawford Mclntyre & Kath Lawson, "j-mail," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 276 (Oct. 2001): 21. |
"Book Reviews," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 276 (Oct. 2001): 23-28. |
"Editorial: In proportion," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 277 (Jan. 2002): 2. |
Edward Kessler, "The roots of religious fanaticism," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 277 (Jan. 2002): 3-5. |
Simon Carver, "'God Bless America'," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 277 (Jan. 2002): 6-8. |
G. Alex Potts, "'to make us think of God'," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 277 (Jan. 2002): 9-12. |
Ken Parkhurst, "Padre," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 277 (Jan. 2002): 13. |
John Rackley, "Stillness, silence and prayer," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 277 (Jan. 2002): 15-17. |
Darrell Jackson, "Does the future have a denomination?" The Baptist Ministers' Journal 277 (Jan. 2002): 18-23. |
David & Margaret Staple, "j-mail," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 277 (Jan. 2002): 24. |
"Book Reviews," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 277 (Jan. 2002): 25-29. |
"Editorial: Hogwash or Holiness," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 278 (April 2002): 2. |
Michael Ball, "Monarchy or Republic?" The Baptist Ministers' Journal 278 (April 2002): 3-6. |
Andrew Taylor, "Sex Offenders and the Church," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 278 (April 2002): 7-11. |
Michael Ipgrave, "Leicester Areopagus," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 278 (April 2002): 13-18. |
Martin Poole, "What's so amazing about Yancey?" The Baptist Ministers' Journal 278 (April 2002): 19-23. |
Ron Armstrong, "J-mail," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 278 (April 2002): 24. |
John Houseago, "Review Section," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 278 (April 2002): 25-28. |
"Editorial: Eureka!" The Baptist Ministers' Journal 279 (July 2002): 2. |
Vivienne Lassetter, "End Times Literature," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 279 (July 2002): 3-7. |
Anne M. Davies, "A hard road to travel," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 279 (July 2002): 9-15. |
Edward Williams, "When God vanishes," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 279 (July 2002): 15-18. |
Michael I. Bochenski, "When all in the garden is not rosy," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 279 (July 2002): 19-23. |
Keith Jones, "j-mail," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 279 (July 2002): 23. |
"book Reviews," The Baptist Ministers' Journal 279 (July 2002): 24-28. |