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The bmj and its predecessor, The Fraternal, have been resourcing Baptist ministers for many years with theological reflection and discussion of issues pertaining to ministry today. These publications provide a superb snapshot of Baptist life and ministry and are an amazing resource for social research as well as material for ministers to use. Enjoy browsing them - and our sincere thanks go to Rob Bradshaw, who has carefully scanned them in and made this collection accessible in a digital age. Sally Nelson, bmj editor (2016).

Old Series
Vols. 1-21 (1907-1930)
New Series
No's. 1-39 (1931-1941)
No's. 40-79 (1941-1951)
No's. 80-119 (1951-1961)
No's. 120-159 (1961-1971)
No's. 160-199 (1971-1982)
No's. 200-239 (1982-1992)
No's. 240-279 (1992-2002)
No's. 280-319 (2002-2012)

No's. 320-356 (2013-2022)

No's 357- (2023- )

Volume 80 (April 1951)

Article in Journal or Book "Editorial: Changing Pilots," The Fraternal 80 (April 1951): 1.
Article in Journal or Book D.R. Griffiths, "Some Recent Interests in the Study of the New Testament," The Fraternal 80 (April 1951): 2-7.
Article in Journal or Book R.E.O. White, "Church Relations in England," The Fraternal 80 (April 1951): 7-10.
Article in Journal or Book G.H. Woodham, "The Christian Year," The Fraternal 80 (April 1951): 10-14.
Article in Journal or Book C. Sidney Hall, "What Holds Us Together?" The Fraternal 80 (April 1951): 14-17.
Article in Journal or Book R.A. Jones, "Reflections," The Fraternal 80 (April 1951): 17-20.
Article in Journal or Book W.J. Grant, "A Year's Reading," The Fraternal 80 (April 1951): 20-26.
Article in Journal or Book C.M. Doke, "South Africa. Our Baptist Witness For These Days," The Fraternal 80 (April 1951): 26-30.
Article in Journal or Book Douglas Stuart, "In Search of a Soul. A Study of Aldous Huxley," The Fraternal 80 (April 1951): 30-35.

Volume 81 (July 1951)

Article in Journal or Book "Editorial: We Carry On," The Fraternal 81 (July 1951): 1.
Article in Journal or Book C.H. Cleal, "The Christian Approach to Industry: Introduction," The Fraternal 81 (July 1951): 2-4.
Article in Journal or Book Arthur Crabtree, "The Biblical Doctrine of Work," The Fraternal 81 (July 1951): 5-7.
Article in Journal or Book Paul Abrecht, "The Church and Industry - A World View," The Fraternal 81 (July 1951): 7-12.
Article in Journal or Book George Goyder, "A Manager Examines Christian Responsibility in Industry," The Fraternal 81 (July 1951): 12-15.
Article in Journal or Book Howel Bithell,"A Trade Unionist Faces Industey's Challenge to the Christian Church," The Fraternal 81 (July 1951): 15-19.
Article in Journal or Book M. Towy-Evans, "Human Relations in Industry: Personnel Management," The Fraternal 81 (July 1951): 19-23.
Article in Journal or Book Dennis Horwood, "The Work of an Industrial Chaplain," The Fraternal 81 (July 1951): 25-28.
Article in Journal or Book T.G. Dunning, "Christianity in Industry," The Fraternal 81 (July 1951): 28-31.
Article in Journal or Book "Pastoral Session," The Fraternal 81 (July 1951): 31-35.

Volume 82 (October 1951)

Article in Journal or Book K.C. Dykes, "Foreword," The Fraternal 82 (Oct. 1951): 1.
Article in Journal or Book H.H. Clarkson, "The Doctrine of the Church in Contemporary Theology," The Fraternal 82 (Oct. 1951): 1-5.
Article in Journal or Book E.F. Knight, "A Reconsideration of the Sacraments," The Fraternal 82 (Oct. 1951): 5-9.
Article in Journal or Book A.E. Mold, "The Atonement and the Experience o Forgiveness," The Fraternal 82 (Oct. 1951): 9-12.
Article in Journal or Book G. Farr, "The Mid-Week Service," The Fraternal 82 (Oct. 1951): 12-14.
Article in Journal or Book E. Buckley, "Focus on the Church Meeting," The Fraternal 82 (Oct. 1951): 14-17.
Article in Journal or Book A.S. Clement, "Education - The Need For a Christian Philosophy," The Fraternal 82 (Oct. 1951): 18-23.
Article in Journal or Book F.J. Bayliss, "Religious Education in the State Schools," The Fraternal 82 (Oct. 1951): 23-25.
Article in Journal or Book W.D. Hudson, "Jean-Paul Sartre and the Experience of Freedom," The Fraternal 82 (Oct. 1951): 25-29.
Article in Journal or Book H. Ingli James, "Church Relations in England," The Fraternal 82 (Oct. 1951): 29-32.

Volume 83 (January 1952)

  Berkeley Baptist Divinity School Issue - Robert B. Hannen, editor.
Article in Journal or Book "Editorial," The Fraternal 83 (Jan. 1952): 1.
Article in Journal or Book Maxwell Powers, "Introducing Berkeley," The Fraternal 83 (Jan. 1952): 2-4.
Article in Journal or Book Robert B. Hannen, "Limits of System in Theology," The Fraternal 83 (Jan. 1952): 4-10.
Article in Journal or Book E.P.Y. Simpson, "Some Comments on Apostolic Succession," The Fraternal 83 (Jan. 1952): 10-15.
Article in Journal or Book Ralph E. Knudsen, "The New Commandment," The Fraternal 83 (Jan. 1952): 15-17.
Article in Journal or Book Sandford Fleming, "Accreditation in American Theological Seminaries," The Fraternal 83 (Jan. 1952): 18-22.
Article in Journal or Book Gordon R. Lahrson, "Television in U.S.A.," The Fraternal 83 (Jan. 1952): 23-27.
Article in Journal or Book Kenneth S. Hobart, "American Baptist Work in Japan," The Fraternal 83 (Jan. 1952): 27-31.

Volume 84 (April 1952)

Article in Journal or Book "Editorial. One Another's Burdens," The Fraternal 84 (April. 1952): 1.
Article in Journal or Book S.F. Winward, "Evangelism Through Fellowship," The Fraternal 84 (April. 1952): 2-5.
Article in Journal or Book J.C. Rendall, "The Baptist Union and the Baptist Missionary Society," The Fraternal 84 (April. 1952): 5-8.
Article in Journal or Book

R.E. Maycock, "Superannuation or Assurance?" The Fraternal 84 (April. 1952): 9-12

Article in Journal or Book John Olford, "The Present Attitude of Students to the Christian Faith," The Fraternal 84 (April. 1952): 12-16.
Article in Journal or Book Frank Buffard, "The Worshipper and Public Worship," The Fraternal 84 (April. 1952): 16-20.
Article in Journal or Book John Hough, "A New Approach to Ministerial Training," The Fraternal 84 (April. 1952): 20-25.
Article in Journal or Book H. Ingli James, "Biblical Authority To-Day," The Fraternal 84 (April. 1952): 25-28.
Article in Journal or Book Ronald J. Still, "Chritian Leadership and the Devotional Life," The Fraternal 84 (April. 1952): 29-31.

Volume 85 (July 1952)

  The Rüschlikon Issue
Article in Journal or Book "Introductory," The Fraternal 85 (July 1952): 1.
Article in Journal or Book Joself Nordenhaug, "The Rüschlikon Seminary," The Fraternal 85 (July 1952): 2-6.
Article in Journal or Book J.D. Franks, "Summer Conferences at Rüschlikon," The Fraternal 85 (July 1952): 6-10.
Article in Journal or Book Claus Meister, "Virgil's Messianic Eclogue," The Fraternal 85 (July 1952): 10-13.
Article in Journal or Book John D.W. Watts, "'For My Names's Sake' A Study of the Phrase in Ezekiel xx," The Fraternal 85 (July 1952): 13-17.
Article in Journal or Book Heber F. Peacock, "Baptist and the Holy Spirit. An Exegetical Study of Titus iii, 5," The Fraternal 85 (July 1952): 17-20..
Article in Journal or Book John Allen Moore, "Felix Manz, Anabaptist Martyr," The Fraternal 85 (July 1952): 21-24.
Article in Journal or Book Arthur B. Crabtree, "The Unity of the Biblical Revelation," The Fraternal 85 (July 1952): 24-28.
Article in Journal or Book J.D. Hughey, Jr., "'And Some Pastors'," The Fraternal 85 (July 1952): 28-31.
Article in Journal or Book A. Dakin, "Supplement -Spiritual Healing," The Fraternal 85 (July 1952): 32.

Volume 86 (October 1952)

Article in Journal or Book "Editorial: Cooperation in Conference," The Fraternal 86 (Oct. 1952): 1-2.
Article in Journal or Book W.W. Bottoms, "Introduction," The Fraternal 86 (Oct. 1952): 3-4.
Article in Journal or Book Hugh Martin, "Church and State I: A Re-Construction," The Fraternal 86 (Oct. 1952): 5-9.
Article in Journal or Book Henry Townsend, "Church and State II," The Fraternal 86 (Oct. 1952): 9-13.
Article in Journal or Book Shephen Neill, "Church and State III," The Fraternal 86 (Oct. 1952): 13-18.
Article in Journal or Book R.C. Walton, "Church and State IV: A Study Outline," The Fraternal 86 (Oct. 1952): 19-25.
Article in Journal or Book Maurice P. Jackson, "Leadership in Christian Education," The Fraternal 86 (Oct. 1952): 26-29.
Article in Journal or Book Walter Fancutt, "The Ministry of a Deaconess," The Fraternal 86 (Oct. 1952): 29-31.
Article in Journal or Book Henry Cook, "A Minister's Reading," The Fraternal 86 (Oct. 1952): 31-37.
Article in Journal or Book Henry J. Charter, "Free Church Hospital Chaplaincy," The Fraternal 86 (Oct. 1952): 37-39.

Volume 87 (January 1953)

  Australian Number
Article in Journal or Book Walter W,. Bottoms, "Editorial Greetings," The Fraternal 87 (Jan. 1953): 5-6.
Article in Journal or Book "Introduction," The Fraternal 87 (Jan. 1953): 7..
Article in Journal or Book B.G. Wright, "John Saunders - First Baptist Missionary to Australia," The Fraternal 87 (Jan. 1953): 8-12.
Article in Journal or Book E.G. Gibson, "'White Unto Black'," The Fraternal 87 (Jan. 1953): 12-16.
Article in Journal or Book A.J. Grigg, "The New Depth in Theology," The Fraternal 87 (Jan. 1953): 16-21.
Article in Journal or Book G.H. Morling, "The Minister and the Mystics," The Fraternal 87 (Jan. 1953): 21-26.
Article in Journal or Book E.C. Burleigh, "The Theology of Wisdom Literature," The Fraternal 87 (Jan. 1953): 26-31.
Article in Journal or Book Leslie J. Gomm, "Pastoral Work in Australia," The Fraternal 87 (Jan. 1953): 31-35.

Volume 88 (April 1953)

  The Church and the Creeds
Article in Journal or Book "Editorial," The Fraternal 88 (April 1953): 5-6.
Article in Journal or Book G.R. Beasley-Murray, "Introduction," The Fraternal 88 (April 1953): 7-9.
Article in Journal or Book Hans Luckey, "The Origin of the First Creed and Its Relation to the Gospel," The Fraternal 88 (April 1953): 9-12.
Article in Journal or Book Henry Chadwick, "The Creeds of the Developing Church," The Fraternal 88 (April 1953): 12-16.
Article in Journal or Book Rupert E. Davies, "The Confessions of German Protestantism," The Fraternal 88 (April 1953): 17-22.
Article in Journal or Book Mervyn Himbury, "Baptist Confessions of Faith," The Fraternal 88 (April 1953): 22-29.
Article in Journal or Book Emlyn Davies, "Baptists have No Creed," The Fraternal 88 (April 1953): 29-32.
Article in Journal or Book Stephen Winward, "A Plea For the Use of the Creeds in Our Our Baptist Churches," The Fraternal 88 (April 1953): 32-35.

Volume 89 (July 1953)

Article in Journal or Book "Editorial: Crowned," The Fraternal 89 (July 1953): 5.
Article in Journal or Book A.W. Argyle, "Church Relations in England," The Fraternal 89 (July 1953): 6-8.
Article in Journal or Book Brian S. Lewis, "Baptists and Episcopacy: I," The Fraternal 89 (July 1953): 9-12.
Article in Journal or Book Godray Le Quesne, "Baptists and Episcopacy: II," The Fraternal 89 (July 1953): 13-16.
Article in Journal or Book Howard Maishman, "Nicolas Berdyaev," The Fraternal 89 (July 1953): 17-21
Article in Journal or Book Alec Gilmore, "Apostolic Christianity," The Fraternal 89 (July 1953): 21-24.
Article in Journal or Book Sydney Clark, "Ministerial Priorities," The Fraternal 89 (July 1953): 24-27.
Article in Journal or Book Hugh Reid, "To Pray or Not to Pray," The Fraternal 89 (July 1953): 28-29.
Article in Journal or Book T.M. Bamber, "The Baptist Revival Fellowship," The Fraternal 89 (July 1953): 29-31.
Article in Journal or Book Henry Bonser, "The Coronation," The Fraternal 89 (July 1953): 31-32.
Article in Journal or Book W. Charles Johnson, "The N.S.S.U. Ter-Jubilee," The Fraternal 89 (July 1953): 33.

Volume 90 (October 1953)

Article in Journal or Book "Editorial," The Fraternal 90 (Oct. 1953): 5-6.
Article in Journal or Book Rex A. Mason, "The Theology of Baptism," The Fraternal 90 (Oct. 1953): 7-11.
Article in Journal or Book W.E. Whilding, "Conversion, Baptism, and Church Membership," The Fraternal 90 (Oct. 1953): 11-14.
Article in Journal or Book E.H. Newton, "Doctrine of the Holy Spirit," The Fraternal 90 (Oct. 1953): 14-18.
Article in Journal or Book Gilbert Laws, "Some Reflections After Fifty Years," The Fraternal 90 (Oct. 1953): 18-21.
Article in Journal or Book D.R. Griffiths, "Baptism in the New Testament," The Fraternal 90 (Oct. 1953): 21-28.
Article in Journal or Book B. Gordon Hastings, "An Outline of the History of Baptism," The Fraternal 90 (Oct. 1953): 28-32.
Article in Journal or Book W.D.Hudson, "Some Insights of Personalism," The Fraternal 90 (Oct. 1953): 32-35.

Volume 91 (January 1954) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

  Scandinavian Issue
On-line Resource H.H. Rowley, "Introduction," The Fraternal 91 (Jan. 1954): 5-6.
On-line Resource Gunnar Westin, "Ander Wiberg - The Free Church Pioneer in Sweden," The Fraternal 91 (Jan. 1954): 7-10.
On-line Resource Erik Rudén, "Baptist Work in Scandinavia Today," The Fraternal 91 (Jan. 1954): 11-17.
On-line Resource Alfons Sundqvist, "Baptist Work in Finland," The Fraternal 91 (Jan. 1954): 17-23.
On-line Resource Eric Strutz, "Scandinavian Baptist Foreign Mission Work," The Fraternal 91 (Jan. 1954): 23-26.
On-line Resource Johannes Nörgaard, "Shall Our Interpretation of Baptism Be Allowed to Divide Baptists?" The Fraternal 91 (Jan. 1954): 27-31.
On-line Resource Nils J. Engelsen, "The New Testament - Authority and Actuality," The Fraternal 91 (Jan. 1954): 31-36.

Volume 92 (April 1954) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial: The Wood and the Trees," The Fraternal 92 (April 1954): 5-6.
On-line Resource R.L. Child, "The Authority of Scripture," The Fraternal 92 (April 1954): 7-11.
On-line Resource G.R. Beasley-Murray, "The Minister and His Bible," The Fraternal 92 (April 1954): 11-16.
On-line Resource Norman S. Moon, "Nature and Man in Biblical Thought," The Fraternal 92 (April 1954): 17-18.
On-line Resource W.W. Bottoms, "The Unity of the Bible," The Fraternal 92 (April 1954): 19-20.
On-line Resource Frank Buffard, "Bible Study - Epistle to the Galatians," The Fraternal 92 (April 1954): 20-25.
On-line Resource L.G. Champion, "Doctrine of the Church," The Fraternal 92 (April 1954): 26-29.

Volume 93 (July 1954) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial: Lightning from Heaven," The Fraternal 93 (July 1954): 5-6.
On-line Resource H. Ingli James, "Ministerial Training in this Age," The Fraternal 93 (July 1954): 7-10.
On-line Resource A. Dakin, "Training the Minister in Theological Studies," The Fraternal 93 (July 1954): 11-14.
On-line Resource J. Ithel Jones, "Training of the Ministry in Preaching and Pastoral Work," The Fraternal 93 (July 1954): 14-16.
On-line Resource Seymour J. Price, "Training of the Non-Collegiate," The Fraternal 93 (July 1954): 17-19.
On-line Resource Victor E. Hayward & E.H. Worstead, "Ministerial Training - The Missionary Emphasis," The Fraternal 93 (July 1954): 19-23.
On-line Resource N.B. Jones, "Infant Dedication," The Fraternal 93 (July 1954): 24-28.
On-line Resource Ian Prentis, "Stewardship of Money," The Fraternal 93 (July 1954): 28-30.
On-line Resource Frank Buffard, "Bible Study - The Fourth Gospel," The Fraternal 93 (July 1954): 30-34.
On-line Resource J. Leslie Chown, "The Builder of the Houses of Parliament," The Fraternal 93 (July 1954): 35-36.

Volume 94 (October 1954) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial: Walking and not Fainting," The Fraternal 94 (Oct. 1954): 5-6.
On-line Resource V.E.W. Hayward, "Introduction," The Fraternal 94 (Oct. 1954): 7.
On-line Resource W.M.S. West, "History and Redemption," The Fraternal 94 (Oct. 1954): 8-11.
On-line Resource A. Stuart Arnold, "Eschatology and Missions," The Fraternal 94 (Oct. 1954): 11-15.
On-line Resource W.S. Davies, "The Spirit and the Ministry," The Fraternal 94 (Oct. 1954): 15-19.
On-line Resource Gwyneth Hubble, "Christian Vocation and Missionary Vocation," The Fraternal 94 (Oct. 1954): 19-23.
On-line Resource George Farr, "Mission and Unity: Its Biblical Basis," The Fraternal 94 (Oct. 1954): 23-26.
On-line Resource D. Mervyn Himbury, "Mission and Unity: A Study in Church History," The Fraternal 94 (Oct. 1954): 26-33.
On-line Resource Frank Buffard, "Bible Study - Jeremiah," The Fraternal 94 (Oct. 1954): 33-38.

Volume 95 (January 1955) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial: Any Improvement?" The Fraternal 95 (Jan. 1955): 5-6.
On-line Resource "Baptists of South Africa," The Fraternal 95 (Jan. 1955): 7-8.
On-line Resource R.H. Philpott, "The S.A.B.M.S.," The Fraternal 95 (Jan. 1955): 9-10.
On-line Resource Wilfred Edmunds, "South African Baptists and a Multi-Racial Society," The Fraternal 95 (Jan. 1955): 10-15.
On-line Resource J.L. Green, "Men For the Ministry in South Africa," The Fraternal 95 (Jan. 1955): 15-18.
On-line Resource John Poorter, "New Testament Ethics and Energy," The Fraternal 95 (Jan. 1955): 18-21.
On-line Resource W.W.B., "Latest Developments in South Africa," The Fraternal 95 (Jan. 1955): 21-22.
On-line Resource "South Africa General Notes," The Fraternal 95 (Jan. 1955): 22-23.
On-line Resource Paul Rowntree Clifford, "Training For the Ministry in Canada," The Fraternal 95 (Jan. 1955): 24-28.
On-line Resource Frank Buffard, "The Minister and the Hospital Patient," The Fraternal 95 (Jan. 1955): 29-32.
On-line Resource Adoniram Judson, "Mode of Baptism," The Fraternal 95 (Jan. 1955): 33-34.
On-line Resource Walter W. Bottoms, "Baptists and the World-Wide Church," The Fraternal 95 (Jan. 1955): 35-36.
On-line Resource Walter W. Bottoms, "Ecumenical Responsibility," The Fraternal 95 (Jan. 1955): 36-38.
On-line Resource Ronald C. Salmon, "Ministerial Vocation," The Fraternal 95 (Jan. 1955): 38.

Volume 96 (April 1955) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial," The Fraternal 96 (April 1955): 5-6.
On-line Resource Heber F. Peacock, "The Lord's Supper - I. Institution," The Fraternal 96 (April 1955): 7-11.
On-line Resource E.P. Winter, "The Lord's Supper - II. History," The Fraternal 96 (April 1955): 11-16.
On-line Resource G. Henton Davies, "The Lord's Supper - III. Significance," The Fraternal 96 (April 1955): 16-21.
On-line Resource Frank C. Bryan, "The Lord's Supper - IV. Practice," The Fraternal 96 (April 1955): 21-25.
On-line Resource John Pitts, "Four American Preachers," The Fraternal 96 (April 1955): 26-30.
On-line Resource James W. Bottoms, "'I WIll Magnify Mine Office'," The Fraternal 96 (April 1955): 31-32.
On-line Resource F.E. Eden, "'Christ Liveth in Me' (Galatians ii, 20)," The Fraternal 96 (April 1955): 33.
On-line Resource W.O. Lewis, "The Baptist World Alliance. Notes on its early history," The Fraternal 96 (April 1955): 34-37.
On-line Resource J. Penry Davies, "The Tape Recorder - Friend or Fangle?" The Fraternal 96 (April 1955): 37-39.

Volume 97 (July 1955) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial: Our Baptist Family," The Fraternal 97 (July 1955): 5-6.
On-line Resource Alan Richardson, "The Bible and Work," The Fraternal 97 (July 1955): 7-11.
On-line Resource John Lawrence, "The Christian Frontier," The Fraternal 97 (July 1955): 12-14.
On-line Resource W.W. Bottoms, "Sermons in Series," The Fraternal 97 (July 1955): 14-17.
On-line Resource Frank Buffard, "The Churches' Blind Spot," The Fraternal 97 (July 1955): 18-22.
On-line Resource Maurice C. Lee, "Experiment in Evangelism," The Fraternal 97 (July 1955): 23-25.
On-line Resource N.R. Wood, "Baptist Unity and Belief," The Fraternal 97 (July 1955): 25-28.
On-line Resource W.R. Miller, "Reflections of a General Superintendent," The Fraternal 97 (July 1955): 28-31.
On-line Resource L.V.D. Ashley, "From the Roof of Africa," The Fraternal 97 (July 1955): 31-36.
On-line Resource George A. Young, "The Minister's Devotional Life," The Fraternal 97 (July 1955): 36-39.
On-line Resource Ernest A. Payne, "The B.U. Superannuation Scheme," The Fraternal 97 (July 1955): 39-42.
On-line Resource L.G. Champion, "Candidates For the Ministry," The Fraternal 97 (July 1955): 42-47.

Volume 98 (October 1955) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial: It's a Good Time to Be Alive," The Fraternal 98 (Oct. 1955): 5-6.
On-line Resource T.F. Keyte, "The Restless Spirit of God," The Fraternal 98 (Oct. 1955): 7-12.
On-line Resource Theodore Robinson, "A New Translation of the Bible," The Fraternal 98 (Oct. 1955): 12-14.
On-line Resource An Old Hand, "Sermon Series II," The Fraternal 98 (Oct. 1955): 14-16.
On-line Resource A.S. Herbert, "Commentaries on the New Testament," The Fraternal 98 (Oct. 1955): 16-19.
On-line Resource S.I. Buse, "Commentaries on New Testament Books," The Fraternal 98 (Oct. 1955): 19-23.
On-line Resource G.D. Lant, "Some Problems in Public Worship," The Fraternal 98 (Oct. 1955): 24-27.
On-line Resource J.T. Hough, "The Church and Miinstry in a Welfare State," The Fraternal 98 (Oct. 1955): 28-34.
On-line Resource E. Williams, "A Canadian Ordination," The Fraternal 98 (Oct. 1955): 34-36.
On-line Resource C.A. Arrington, "A Ministerial Exchange," The Fraternal 98 (Oct. 1955): 36-37.
On-line Resource Alexander Karev, "The Union of Evangelical Christian-Baptists in the U.S.S.R.," The Fraternal 98 (Oct. 1955): 39-44.

Volume 99 (January 1956) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial: Somewhat Sentimental," The Fraternal 99 (Jan. 1956): 5-6.
On-line Resource George Beasley-Murray, "The Church of Scotland and Baptism," The Fraternal 99 (Jan. 1956): 7-10.
On-line Resource R.L. Child, "The Church Meeting," The Fraternal 99 (Jan. 1956): 11-15.
On-line Resource David S. Russell, "The Officers of the Church," The Fraternal 99 (Jan. 1956): 15-19.
On-line Resource John O. Barrett, "Ministerial Authority," The Fraternal 99 (Jan. 1956): 20-22.
On-line Resource W.J. Grant, "Worship in a Baptist Bethel," The Fraternal 99 (Jan. 1956): 23-26.
On-line Resource Stephen F. Winward, "Church Discipline," The Fraternal 99 (Jan. 1956): 26-31.
On-line Resource W.P. West, "Television," The Fraternal 99 (Jan. 1956): 31-35.
On-line Resource L.R. Misselbrook, "An Experiment in Evangelism," The Fraternal 99 (Jan. 1956): 35-40.

Volume 100 (April 1956) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial," The Fraternal 100 (April 1956): 5-6.
On-line Resource Gilbert Laws, "Recollections of F.B. Meyer," The Fraternal 100 (April 1956): 7-10.
On-line Resource W. Harold Tebbit, "A Landmark - No. 100 of The Fraternal," The Fraternal 100 (April 1956): 10-12.
On-line Resource Sydney F. Clark, "Ministerial Priorities," The Fraternal 100 (April 1956): 12-14.
On-line Resource A.W. Francis, "Some Aspects of Pastoral Work," The Fraternal 100 (April 1956): 14-18.
On-line Resource H.W. Janisch, "Evangelism - An Experence and a Question," The Fraternal 100 (April 1956): 18-20.
On-line Resource A.T. Peck, "Are We Too Suburban?" The Fraternal 100 (April 1956): 21-23.
On-line Resource A.G. Hill, "Agape in Therapy," The Fraternal 100 (April 1956): 24-27.
On-line Resource G. Denis Lant, "Public Worship - A Reply," The Fraternal 100 (April 1956): 27-28.
On-line Resource E.V. Rieu, "Translating the Gospels," The Fraternal 100 (April 1956): 28-34.

Volume 101 (July 1956) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorrial," The Fraternal 101 (July 1956): 5-6.
On-line Resource E.H. Robertson, "Some Relfections on Religious Broadcasting - I," The Fraternal 101 (July 1956): 7-12.
On-line Resource Janet Rees, "China Today," The Fraternal 101 (July 1956): 12-16.
On-line Resource Rex A. Mason, "The Theology of Evangelism," The Fraternal 101 (July 1956): 16-19.
On-line Resource McEwan Lawson, "The Gospel and Today," The Fraternal 101 (July 1956): 19-23.
On-line Resource Ernest F. Kevan, "'The Rector Rectified'," The Fraternal 101 (July 1956): 24-27.
On-line Resource Trevor O. Ling, "Demons and Baptists," The Fraternal 101 (July 1956): 27-32.
On-line Resource Ronald Messenger, "The Gospel in a Mental Hospital," The Fraternal 101 (July 1956): 33-37.
On-line Resource John O. Barrett, "A New Venture in Christian Fellowship," The Fraternal 101 (July 1956): 37-39.
On-line Resource W.O. Lewis, "Baptist Relief on the Continent of Europe," The Fraternal 101 (July 1956): 40-43.

Volume 102 (October 1956) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource John O. Barrett, "A Message From the Chairman," The Fraternal 102 (Oct. 1956): 5-6.
On-line Resource H.G. Wood, "Christ and History," The Fraternal 102 (Oct. 1956): 7-12.
On-line Resource Ethelbert Stauffer, "Theology and Eschatology," The Fraternal 102 (Oct. 1956): 12-16.
On-line Resource Alec Gilmore, "The Scottish Report on Baptism (a Study Outline)," The Fraternal 102 (Oct. 1956): 16-19.
On-line Resource V. Greenwood, "Ministerial Settlement," The Fraternal 102 (Oct. 1956): 20-23.
On-line Resource W.D. Reynolds, "Congo Revisited," The Fraternal 102 (Oct. 1956): 23-28.
On-line Resource R.C. Cowling, "Church Union in Ceylon," The Fraternal 102 (Oct. 1956): 28-36.
On-line Resource E.H. Robertson, "Some Relfections on Religious Broadcasting - II," The Fraternal 102 (Oct. 1956): 36-40.
On-line Resource J. Penry Davies, "Opportunity Down-Town," The Fraternal 102 (Oct. 1956): 40-44.

Volume 103 (January 1957) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial: That Letter," The Fraternal 103 (Jan. 1957): 5.
On-line Resource G.R. Beasley-Murray, "The Significance of the Second Coming of Christ," The Fraternal 103 (Jan. 1957): 6-9.
On-line Resource L.G. Champion, "Interpreting Scripture," The Fraternal 103 (Jan. 1957): 9-12.
On-line Resource R.T. Brooks, "A Free Church View of Preaching," The Fraternal 103 (Jan. 1957): 13-17.
On-line Resource E.H. Robertson, "The Use of the Bible," The Fraternal 103 (Jan. 1957): 17-20.
On-line Resource J.P. Hickerton, "Christian Freedom," The Fraternal 103 (Jan. 1957): 21-23.
On-line Resource Angus MacMillan, "Church Union in Ceylon. A Betrayal of Baptist Principles," The Fraternal 103 (Jan. 1957): 23-27.
On-line Resource L.R. Misselbrook, "Experiments in Evangelism," The Fraternal 103 (Jan. 1957): 28-32.
On-line Resource H.S. Tymms, "Evangelism in the Metropolitan Area," The Fraternal 103 (Jan. 1957): 32-34.
On-line Resource R.P. Taylor, "Evangelism in a Village and its Strategy on a New Estate," The Fraternal 103 (Jan. 1957): 36-38.
On-line Resource L.R. Misselbrook, "Reflections on the Leaveson Road Mission," The Fraternal 103 (Jan. 1957): 38-40.
On-line Resource "The Wider Circle," The Fraternal 103 (Jan. 1957): 40-43.

Volume 104 (April 1957) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial," The Fraternal 104 (April 1957): 5-6.
On-line Resource S.J. de S. Weerasinghe, "Why Baptists Negociate for Church Union in Ceylon," The Fraternal 104 (April 1957): 7-10.
On-line Resource Hugh Martin, "Church Union in Ceylon," The Fraternal 104 (April 1957): 10-12.
On-line Resource E.H. Robertson, "The Use of the Bible - II," The Fraternal 104 (April 1957): 12-17.
On-line Resource Eric W. Hayden, "Preaching Through the Bible," The Fraternal 104 (April 1957): 17-20.
On-line Resource Frank Buffard, "Our Ministry and the Ministry of St. Paul," The Fraternal 104 (April 1957): 20-23.
On-line Resource Bernard Green, "A Neglected Doctrine," The Fraternal 104 (April 1957): 23-26.
On-line Resource Marjorie Perry, "The Church of the New Estate," The Fraternal 104 (April 1957): 26-30.
On-line Resource J.E.T. Hough, "Christian Education in Day and Sunday Schools Today," The Fraternal 104 (April 1957): 30-33.
On-line Resource P.N. Bushill, "New Angles," The Fraternal 104 (April 1957): 33-35.
On-line Resource William Speirs, "Ministerial Service," The Fraternal 104 (April 1957): 35-40.

Volume 105 (July 1957) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial," The Fraternal 105 (|July 1957): 5-6.
On-line Resource E.H. Robertson, "The Prophet Jeremiah and the Modern Minister," The Fraternal 105 (|July 1957): 7-11.
On-line Resource John O. Barrett, "Children and Religious Education: The Customer's Point of View," The Fraternal 105 (|July 1957): 11-13.
On-line Resource C. Howard Bentall, "Unity in Diversity," The Fraternal 105 (|July 1957): 13-16.
On-line Resource Eric P. Sharpe, "The Pastoral Care of Baptist Undergraduates," The Fraternal 105 (|July 1957): 16-21.
On-line Resource H.T. Thorn, "My First Pastorate," The Fraternal 105 (|July 1957): 21-24.
On-line Resource Ralph W. Mitchell, "Ten Years in America," The Fraternal 105 (|July 1957): 24-27.

Volume 106 (October 1957) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource M.E.A., "Editorial: Planning," The Fraternal 106 (Oct. 1957): 4-5.
On-line Resource T.G. Cowling, "Science and Religion," The Fraternal 106 (Oct. 1957): 6-8.
On-line Resource R.F. Aldwinkle, "Existentialism," The Fraternal 106 (Oct. 1957): 8-13.
On-line Resource Wilfred J. Bradnock, "A Translation Secretary in East Africa," The Fraternal 106 (Oct. 1957): 13-18.
On-line Resource Erik Routley, "Living With the Hymnbook," The Fraternal 106 (Oct. 1957): 18-21.
On-line Resource Robert C. Walton, "Theology for Schoolboys," The Fraternal 106 (Oct. 1957): 21-25.
On-line Resource J.W. Beaumont, "Christ's Men," The Fraternal 106 (Oct. 1957): 25-26.
On-line Resource Ralph Mitchell, "Billy Graham in New York," The Fraternal 106 (Oct. 1957): 27-30.

Volume 107 (January 1958) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial: His Swan Song," The Fraternal 107 (January 1958): 4-5.
On-line Resource D.S. Russell, "The Meaning and Practice of Ordination Among Baptists: I," The Fraternal 107 (January 1958): 6-9.
On-line Resource Hugh Martin, "The Meaning and Practice of Ordination Among Baptists: II," The Fraternal 107 (January 1958): 10-13.
On-line Resource Theo. M. Bamber, "The Meaning and Practice of Ordination Among Baptists: III," The Fraternal 107 (January 1958): 13-15.
On-line Resource Maurice F. Williams, "The Meaning and Practice of Ordination Among Baptists: IV," The Fraternal 107 (January 1958): 15-18.
On-line Resource Norman Goodall, "The World Council of Churches and the International Missionary Council: Their Relationships," The Fraternal 107 (January 1958): 18-22.
On-line Resource J. Crowlesmith, "Marriage Guidance," The Fraternal 107 (January 1958): 22-25.
On-line Resource C.N.W. Harrison, "This Freedom," The Fraternal 107 (January 1958): 26-29.
On-line Resource J.F.V. Nicholson, "My First Pastorate," The Fraternal 107 (January 1958): 29-31.

Volume 108 (April 1958) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial," The Fraternal 108 (April 1958): 4-5.
On-line Resource S.F. Winward, "Conservative Evangelicals and Their Fellow Christians," The Fraternal 108 (April 1958): 6-9.
On-line Resource Victor E.W. Hayward, "Issues at the I.M.C. Ghana Assembly," The Fraternal 108 (April 1958): 9-12.
On-line Resource C. Sidney Hall, "Baptists and the Welfare State," The Fraternal 108 (April 1958): 13-15.
On-line Resource V. Carney Hargroves, "Packages," The Fraternal 108 (April 1958): 15-19.
On-line Resource J.T. Crozier, "Through the Eyes of a Stranger: First Impressions," The Fraternal 108 (April 1958): 19-21.
On-line Resource B.W.O. Amey, "My First Pastorate," The Fraternal 108 (April 1958): 21-25.
On-line Resource "'The Church on the Green'," The Fraternal 108 (April 1958): 25-30.
On-line Resource E.A. Payne, "The Terjubilee of the Baptist Union," The Fraternal 108 (April 1958): 30.
On-line Resource J.E.T. Hough, "B.U. Diploma of Religious Knowledge," The Fraternal 108 (April 1958): 30-31.

Volume 109 (July 1958) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial," The Fraternal 109 (July 1958): 4.
On-line Resource S.F. Winward, "A Visit to the Holy Land," The Fraternal 109 (July 1958): 5-8.
On-line Resource E.H. Robertson, "West Africa," The Fraternal 109 (July 1958): 8-12.
On-line Resource Alec Gilmore, "Some Baptismal Problems," The Fraternal 109 (July 1958): 12-15.
On-line Resource W.B. Wilson, "The Minister and the Communion Service," The Fraternal 109 (July 1958): 16-18.
On-line Resource W. Morris S. West, "The Baptist Historical Society," The Fraternal 109 (July 1958): 18-22.
On-line Resource Cecil H. Radford, "These Five and Thirty Years," The Fraternal 109 (July 1958): 22-24.

Volume 110 (October 1958) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial," The Fraternal 110 (Oct. 1958): 4-5.
On-line Resource L.G. Champion, "God Who Creates," The Fraternal 110 (Oct. 1958): 6-11.
On-line Resource J.O. Barrett, "The World in Which We Work," The Fraternal 110 (Oct. 1958): 11-15.
On-line Resource W.E. Hough, "The Adventure of the Spirit," The Fraternal 110 (Oct. 1958): 15-18.
On-line Resource J.D. Lambert, "Leigh Park," The Fraternal 110 (Oct. 1958): 19-22.
On-line Resource J.R.C. Perkin, "An Obstacle to Evangelism," The Fraternal 110 (Oct. 1958): 23-27.
On-line Resource R.L. Child, "The Psalms and Hymns Trust," The Fraternal 110 (Oct. 1958): 27-29.

Volume 111 (January 1959) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial," The Fraternal 111 (Jan. 1959): 4.
On-line Resource Johannes Schneider, "The Pastoral Office," The Fraternal 111 (Jan. 1959): 5-8.
On-line Resource L.G. Champion, "God Who Redeems," The Fraternal 111 (Jan. 1959): 8-13.
On-line Resource S.J. Dewhurst, "Preaching the Atonement," The Fraternal 111 (Jan. 1959): 13-18.
On-line Resource Emlyn Davies, "The Canadian Scene," The Fraternal 111 (Jan. 1959): 18-23.
On-line Resource A.H. Kirkby, "Carey's Cottage," The Fraternal 111 (Jan. 1959): 23-27.
On-line Resource T.O. Ling, "Religion and Radical Non-Conformity," The Fraternal 111 (Jan. 1959): 28-32.

Volume 112 (April 1959) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial," The Fraternal 112 (April 1959): 4-5.
On-line Resource N.R. Wood, "Baptist Life in New Zealand," The Fraternal 112 (April 1959): 6-8.
On-line Resource E. Roberts-Thompson, "The Theological Outlook of N.Z. Baptists," The Fraternal 112 (April 1959): 9-12.
On-line Resource A.L. Silcock, "Maori-Pakeha Relationshipships in New Zealand," The Fraternal 112 (April 1959): 13-15.
On-line Resource Johannes Schneider, "The Pastoral Office (Cont.)," The Fraternal 112 (April 1959): 16-19.
On-line Resource David Staple, "The Baptist Students Federation," The Fraternal 112 (April 1959): 20-23.
On-line Resource W.D. Hudson, "'Pseudo-Ecclesiasticism': A Reply to T.O. Ling," The Fraternal 112 (April 1959): 23-27.
On-line Resource "Letters to the Editors," The Fraternal 112 (April 1959): 27-28.

Volume 113 (July 1959) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial," The Fraternal 113 (July 1959): 4.
On-line Resource D.S. Russell, "Christian Baptism I," The Fraternal 113 (July 1959): 5-8.
On-line Resource Ernest F. Kevan, "Christian Baptism II," The Fraternal 113 (July 1959): 8-12.
On-line Resource A.C. Elder, "The B.M.S. in Brazil," The Fraternal 113 (July 1959): 12-15.
On-line Resource B.F. Thompson, "Philadelphian Interlude," The Fraternal 113 (July 1959): 15-19.
On-line Resource Anonymous, "The Good News in a Hospital Ward," The Fraternal 113 (July 1959): 19-23.
On-line Resource S.J. Wallace, "Church and Community in a Village," The Fraternal 113 (July 1959): 24-28.

Volume 114 (October 1959) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource R.F. Aldwinckle, "Syncretism," The Fraternal 114 (Oct. 1959): 4-6.
On-line Resource C.M. Meaday, "Baptist Church Architecture," The Fraternal 114 (Oct. 1959): 6-9.
On-line Resource R.P. Taylor, "Building a New Church and Manse," The Fraternal 114 (Oct. 1959): 9-13.
On-line Resource R.J. Hamper, "City and Church Co--operate in Youth Work," The Fraternal 114 (Oct. 1959): 13-16.
On-line Resource Neville Clark, "Christian Baptism Under Fire," The Fraternal 114 (Oct. 1959): 16-18.
On-line Resource Walter Fancutt, "Dostoievsky: A Study in Prophetic Realism," The Fraternal 114 (Oct. 1959): 18-24.
On-line Resource B.W.O. Amey, "The Fraternal Library," The Fraternal 114 (Oct. 1959): 24-25.
On-line Resource "Editorial Note," The Fraternal 114 (Oct. 1959): 25.

Volume 115 (January 1960) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial," The Fraternal 115 (Jan. 1960): 4-5.
On-line Resource J.O. Barrett, "Ministerial Settlement," The Fraternal 115 (Jan. 1960): 5-9.
On-line Resource Erik Ruden, "Baptists in Sweden," The Fraternal 115 (Jan. 1960): 9-13.
On-line Resource L.G. Champion, "Theology as Tension," The Fraternal 115 (Jan. 1960): 13-18.
On-line Resource N.B. Jones, "Christian Baptism III," The Fraternal 115 (Jan. 1960): 18-23.
On-line Resource W.D. Hudson, "What's All This About Ministers Being Priests?" The Fraternal 115 (Jan. 1960): 24-27.

Volume 116 (April 1960) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource A.M. Limb, "Education For the Christian Adult," The Fraternal 116 (April 1960): 4-8.
On-line Resource L.G. Champion, "Theology as Commitment," The Fraternal 116 (April 1960): 8-13.
On-line Resource W.E. Moore, "Surprised by Authority," The Fraternal 116 (April 1960): 13-16.
On-line Resource W.M.S. West, "An Oxford Experiment," The Fraternal 116 (April 1960): 16-18.
On-line Resource "Two Experiments in the Family Church," The Fraternal 116 (April 1960): 19-22.
On-line Resource S. Hudson-Reed, "The Church on Wheels," The Fraternal 116 (April 1960): 23-24.
On-line Resource Arnold S. Clark, "Letter From the Baptist Men's Movement," The Fraternal 116 (April 1960): 24-25.

Volume 117 (July 1960) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource G.H. Blackburn, "Baptist Life and Thought in Australia," The Fraternal 117 (July 1960): 4-8.
On-line Resource F.P. McMaster, "Significant Opportunities For Baptist Individualism in the 1960's," The Fraternal 117 (July 1960): 9-12.
On-line Resource F.A. Marsh, "The Australian Aborigine," The Fraternal 117 (July 1960): 12-16.
On-line Resource K.N. Grigg, "Retrospect Thoughts on a Stewardship Campaign," The Fraternal 117 (July 1960): 16-20.
On-line Resource S.D. Cuthbertson, "Authority in the Church in Relation to Baptist Polity," The Fraternal 117 (July 1960): 20-27.
On-line Resource J. Poorter, "Africa's Years of Destiny," The Fraternal 117 (July 1960): 27-29.

Volume 118 (October 1960) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource F.C.B., "Editorial," The Fraternal 118 (Oct. 1960): 4-5.
On-line Resource A.B. Crabtree, "Glimpses of American Baptist Life," The Fraternal 118 (Oct. 1960): 5-9.
On-line Resource W. Charles Johnson, "American Journey," The Fraternal 118 (Oct. 1960): 9-14.
On-line Resource R.E.O. White, "Baptism: The Domestic Debate," The Fraternal 118 (Oct. 1960): 14-17.
On-line Resource R.L. Child, "The Biblical Doctrine of Initiation," The Fraternal 118 (Oct. 1960): 18-23.
On-line Resource Henry Bonser, "Our Calling," The Fraternal 118 (Oct. 1960): 24-27.
On-line Resource Tom Powell, "The Ten-Jubilee Celebrations," The Fraternal 118 (Oct. 1960): 27-28.

Volume 119 (January 1961) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource H.L. Watson, "A New Year Greeting," The Fraternal 119 (Jan. 1961): 4.
On-line Resource W.D. Jackson, "Are We Being Side-Tracked," The Fraternal 119 (Jan. 1961): 4-8.
On-line Resource J.H.G. Adam, "Spiritual Leadership," The Fraternal 119 (Jan. 1961): 8-11.
On-line Resource Gwenyth Hubble, "Women in the Ministry," The Fraternal 119 (Jan. 1961): 11-15.
On-line Resource W.M.S. West, "The Child and the Church," The Fraternal 119 (Jan. 1961): 15-19.
On-line Resource Bernard Green, "Authority For Baptising," The Fraternal 119 (Jan. 1961): 19-22.
On-line Resource R.L. Child, "The New English Bible," The Fraternal 119 (Jan. 1961): 23-27.

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