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The bmj and its predecessor, The Fraternal, have been resourcing Baptist ministers for many years with theological reflection and discussion of issues pertaining to ministry today. These publications provide a superb snapshot of Baptist life and ministry and are an amazing resource for social research as well as material for ministers to use. Enjoy browsing them - and our sincere thanks go to Rob Bradshaw, who has carefully scanned them in and made this collection accessible in a digital age. Sally Nelson, bmj editor (2016).
Volume 40 (October 1940)
Sydney G. Morris, "The Minister in War-Time - As a Prophet," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 40 (October 1940): 1-3. |
Arthur Dakin, "Religion in the Day Schools," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 40 (October 1940): 3-6. |
Gwilym Davies, "Europe in Two!" The Fraternal and Remembrancer 40 (October 1940): 6-11. |
Violet Hedger, "Women in a World at War," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 40 (October 1940): 11-14. |
Ronald A. Ward, "More Reflections on Recent Reading," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 40 (October 1940): 15-16. |
A.C. Bryan, "A Concern," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 40 (October 1940): 16-17. |
"Secretary's Notes," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 40 (October 1940): 17-18. |
"Bombed!" The Fraternal and Remembrancer 40 (October 1940): 18. |
Hubert L. Watson, "The North West - Liverpool," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 40 (October 1940): 19. |
"Book Notices," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 40 (October 1940): 19-22. |
Volume 41 (January 1941)
P.W. Evans, "The Unconsumed Bush," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 41 (Jan. 1940): 1-3. |
Gwilym Davies, "Britain and Europe," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 41 (Jan. 1940): 4-8. |
A.C. Underwood, "Prayer in War-Time," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 41 (Jan. 1940): 8-12. |
B.G. Collins, "Reflections on Recent Reading," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 41 (Jan. 1940): 12-13. |
H.H. Pewtress, "Middleton Murry - And All That!" The Fraternal and Remembrancer 41 (Jan. 1940): 13-15. |
W. Rowland Jones, "An Out of Date Gospel," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 41 (Jan. 1940): 16-17. |
William J. Isbister, "Farthest North," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 41 (Jan. 1940): 17-19. |
L. Leslie Chown, "Fulfilling Our Ministry," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 41 (Jan. 1940): 20-21. |
Volume 42 (April 1941)
Gwilym Davies, "The Vatican and International Politics," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 42 (April. 1940): 1-6. |
A.J.D. Farrer, "The Doctrine of the End, in the Christian Faith and Life," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 42 (April. 1940): 6-10. |
F.W. Bond, "The Fellowship Scheme From Within," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 42 (April. 1940): 11-14. |
Herbert Anderson, "Indian Political Aspirations From a Religious Standpoint," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 42 (April. 1940): 14-18. |
Ernest A. Payne, "Some Recent Books," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 42 (April. 1940): 18-20. |
H.H. Pewtress, "What are the Churches to do After the War?" The Fraternal and Remembrancer 42 (April. 1940): 20-22. |
Volume 43 (July 1941)
F. Cawley, "Bunyan - The Preacher's Preacher," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 43 (July 1941): 1-5. |
Henry Townsend, "States Schools and Religious Education," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 43 (July 1941): 5-7. |
E.W. Bacon, "Bethel," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 43 (July 1941): 8-10. |
H. Ingli James, "Problems of Our Polity," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 43 (July 1941): 11-14. |
E.W. Price Evans, "Reading For the Pulpit," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 43 (July 1941): 14-18. |
R.C. Walton, "Reflections on Years Spent in College," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 43 (July 1941): 18-19. |
Emlyn Davies, "The Church - An Enquiry," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 43 (July 1941): 19-21. |
Volume 44 (October 1941)
"Editorial - Church Union," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 44 (Oct. 1941): 1-2. |
E. Corns Davies, "Our Fellowship and the Future," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 44 (Oct. 1941): 2-4. |
H.R. Williamson, "The Japanese Christian Church," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 44 (Oct. 1941): 4-8. |
Henry Cook, "A Call to Prayer," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 44 (Oct. 1941): 8-9. |
A.B. Crabtree, "The Essentials of Reconstruction - The Role of the Church," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 44 (Oct. 1941): 10-13. |
J.R. Edwards, "A Preacher of Long Ago," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 44 (Oct. 1941): 13-15. |
J.H. Rushbrooke, "Religious Libery a Supreme Issue," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 44 (Oct. 1941): 16-18. |
Arthur Dakin, "Problems of Our Polity," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 44 (Oct. 1941): 18-20. |
A.J. Westlake, "Not Enough Romans," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 44 (Oct. 1941): 20-22. |
W. Bruce Young, "The Revelation of the Church to the State," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 44 (Oct. 1941): 22-25. |
"Editorial - The Ministry of Laymen," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 45 (Jan. 1942): 1-2. |
John MacBeath, "The Divine Strategy," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 45 (Jan. 1942): 3-6. |
E. Corns Davis, "An Urgent Appeal," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 45 (Jan. 1942): 6-7. |
J.O. Barrett, "Aspects of Baptist Polity," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 45 (Jan. 1942): 7-12. |
L.J. Moon, "Polity and Purpose," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 45 (Jan. 1942): 12-15. |
B.G. Collins, "Pencil Marks in a Book of Devotion," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 45 (Jan. 1942): 15-18. |
E.W. Burt, "'The Church of Christ in China'," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 45 (Jan. 1942): 18-20. |
Ernest A. Payne, "On Preparing For the 1942 Celebrations," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 45 (Jan. 1942): 20-22. |
T.P. Skillings, "What Can We Believe About God - and Providence," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 45 (Jan. 1942): 22-25. |
"Editorials: Politicians or Prophets?" The Fraternal and Remembrancer 46 (April 1942): 1-2. |
W.H. Coats, "The Objective Element in the Atonement," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 46 (April 1942): 2-5. |
R.F. Aldwinckle, "Finalities," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 46 (April 1942): 5-7. |
H. Spendelow, "If I Had My Time Over Again," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 46 (April 1942): 7-10. |
Gwilym O. Griffith, "On Slovinliness in the Pulpit," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 46 (April 1942): 10-12. |
J.O. Hagger, "'The Other Side of the Hill'," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 46 (April 1942): 12-17. |
O.F.M. Campbell, "A Padre Reflects," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 46 (April 1942): 16-18. |
R.C. Ford, "Ersatz Ethics," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 46 (April 1942): 18-21. |
A.H. Hawkins, "A Conference on Anglo-American Post-War Relations," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 46 (April 1942): 21-23 |
R. Guy Ramsay, "Christian Propaganda," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 46 (April 1942): 23-25.. |
W. Taylor Bowie, "On Books," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 46 (April 1942): 23- |
"Editorial: The Scarlet Thread," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 47 (July 1942): 1-2. |
"A Message From Our Chairman," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 47 (July 1942): 2-3. |
H, Wheeler Robinson, "Study in the Pastorate," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 47 (July 1942): 3-6. |
L.H. Marshall, "Chivalry," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 47 (July 1942): 6-11. |
W.E. Booth Taylor, "The Gospel and Politics." The Fraternal and Remembrancer 47 (July 1942): 11-14. |
W.D. Reynolds, "The Belgian Congo in War-Time," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 47 (July 1942): 14-17. |
Emlyn Davies, "Training for the Ministry," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 47 (July 1942): 17-20. |
J.O. Barrett, "Aspects of Baptist Polity," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 47 (July 1942): 20-22. |
Gwenyth Hubble, "Prayer and the Young Church Member," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 47 (July 1942): 22-24. |
H.S. Curr, "Preaching Without Notes," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 47 (July 1942): 24-26. |
"Our Annual Meeting," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 47 (July 1942): 27. |
J.D. Jamieson, "Scottish Notes," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 47 (July 1942): 28-29. |
"Editorial: Carey's Cobbling," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 48 (Oct. 1942): |
L. Edgar Deake, "Carey's Countryside," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 48 (Oct. 1942): |
Sydney G. Morris, "Carey's Call," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 48 (Oct. 1942): |
H.V. Larcombe, "Carey's Colleague," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 48 (Oct. 1942): |
Ernest A. Payne, "Carey's Companions," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 48 (Oct. 1942): |
W.D. Jackson, "Carey's Compass," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 48 (Oct. 1942): |
C.E. Wilson, "Carey's College," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 48 (Oct. 1942): |
H.E. Stickler, "Carey's Character," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 48 (Oct. 1942): |
J.B. Middlebrook, "Carey's Challenge," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 48 (Oct. 1942): |
H.L. Hemmens, "Carey's Chroniclers," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 48 (Oct. 1942): |
"Editorial: A Matter of Urgency," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 49 (Jan. 1943): 1-3. |
A Country Minister, "Ministerial Stipends," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 49 (Jan. 1943): 3-5. |
Maxwell Berry, "Evangelism and Its Message," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 49 (Jan. 1943): 5-8. |
Gwilym O. Griffith, "Preaching With Notes," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 49 (Jan. 1943): 8-10. |
Graham W. Hughes, "Christendom Was His Diocese," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 49 (Jan. 1943): 10-14. |
Stephen F. Winward, "Holy Living," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 49 (Jan. 1943): 14-17. |
J.C. Rendall, "A Convenant For Baptist Ministers," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 49 (Jan. 1943): 17-18. |
J.C. Rendall, "Prof. Joad Thinks Again," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 49 (Jan. 1943): 18-21. |
F.C.S. Filewood, "From a Hospital Ward," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 49 (Jan. 1943): 21-23. |
"A Note on Polity," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 49 (Jan. 1943): 24. |
"What About Book Tokens?" The Fraternal and Remembrancer 49 (Jan. 1943): 25-26. |
Editorial—The Polity Report," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 51 (July 1943): 1-3. |
Gilbert Laws, "A Covenant For Ministers," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 51 (July 1943): 3-6. |
Arthur Dakin, "Original Sin," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 51 (July 1943): 6-9. |
G.R. Beasley-Murray, "The Church and the Child," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 51 (July 1943): 9-13. |
R. Foster Aldwinckle, "Fixed Theologies," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 51 (July 1943): 13-15. |
Frank H. Ballard, "Women in the World Crisis," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 51 (July 1943): 15-18. |
Herbert Anderson, "India, Gandhi, and Christ," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 51 (July 1943): 19-21. |
W. Chas. Johnson, "Open Air Preaching," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 51 (July 1943): 21-24. |
W. Harold Tebbit, "Diagnosis and Remedy," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 51 (July 1943): 24-28. |
R.W. Thomson, "Youth in Denominational Affairs,," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 51 (July 1943): 28-30. |
Edwin Jones, "Gair O Gymru at Gymru," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 51 (July 1943): 30-31. |
John O. Barrett, "Book Notes," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 51 (July 1943): 31-32. |
"Of Interest to You," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 51 (July 1943): 32-36. |
"Editorial," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 51 (July 1943): 1. |
Ernest A. Payne, "The Relevance of Theology For Preaching," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 51 (July 1943): 1-2. |
F. Cawley, "The Fact of God," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 51 (July 1943): 3-5. |
H. Ingli James, "The Incarnation," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 51 (July 1943): 5-7. |
R.L. Child, "The Atonement," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 51 (July 1943): 7-10. |
A.B. Miller, "The Holy Spirit," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 51 (July 1943): 10-13. |
L.H. Marshall, "The Church," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 51 (July 1943): 13-16. |
J. Williams Hughes, "The Last Things," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 51 (July 1943): 17-19. |
"Criticism of Baptist Polity Commission Report," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 51 (July 1943): 20-21. |
"Editorial: The White Paper," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 52 (Oct. 1943): 1-2. |
"Bangor Baptist College," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 52 (Oct. 1943): 2-4. |
Ellis Jones, "Forgiveness Through the Cross," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 52 (Oct. 1943): 4-6. |
M.B. Owen, "The Validity of Our Ministry as Baptists," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 52 (Oct. 1943): 6-9. |
J.T. Evans, "Why Do the Righteous Suffer?" The Fraternal and Remembrancer 52 (Oct. 1943): 9-12. |
Gwilym Owen, "Our Difficulties and Their Solution," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 52 (Oct. 1943): 12-14. |
W.T. Lloyd Williams, "Eminent Wlesh Missionaries," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 52 (Oct. 1943): 14-17. |
E. Corns Davies, "Doctrine in the New Day," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 52 (Oct. 1943): 18-20. |
B.J. Collins, "The Baptist Polity Report. The Criticism From Leicester," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 52 (Oct. 1943): 20-21. |
"Book Notes," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 52 (Oct. 1943): 21-22. |
"Editorial: Stand Fast, Baptists!" The Fraternal and Remembrancer 53 (Jan. 1944): 1-2. |
Arthur Dakin, "The Gospel and the Application," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 53 (Jan. 1944): 2-4. |
Keith Tucker, "Can Rome Unite With Us?" The Fraternal and Remembrancer 53 (Jan. 1944): 4-6. |
A.C. Davies, "Five Fundamentals For Revival," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 53 (Jan. 1944): 6-9. |
L.G. Champion, "A Rugby Experiment," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 53 (Jan. 1944): 9-11. |
R.C. Walton, "Religious Education After the War," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 53 (Jan. 1944): 11-13. |
N.S. Noon, Individualism and the Modern Trend," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 53 (Jan. 1944): 13-16. |
W.W. Bottoms, "Bristol College and Missions," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 53 (Jan. 1944): 16-18. |
"Book Notes," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 53 (Jan. 1944): 18-19. |
"Editorial: A Great Advance," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 54 (April 1944): 1-2. |
T.W. Chance, "Baptist Theological Training in South Wales," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 54 (April 1944): 3-6. |
Evan Williams, "The Call to the Ministry," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 54 (April 1944): 6-8. |
Edward Roberts, "Earliest Christian Praching," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 54 (April 1944): 8-10. |
Rowland Jones, "Preaching and the Present Situation," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 54 (April 1944): 10-13. |
W.T. Williams, "The Place of Preaching in History," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 54 (April 1944): 13-16. |
William Davies, "The Successful Ministry," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 54 (April 1944): 16-19. |
Emlyn Davies, "Some Aspects of the Ministry Other Than Preaching," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 54 (April 1944): 19-21. |
"Editorial: To Every Church a Minister," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 55 (Sept. 1944): 1. |
A. Dakin, "Towards a Doctrine of the Church. I," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 55 (Sept. 1944): 2-3. |
Stephen F. Winward, "Towards a Doctrine of the Church. II," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 55 (Sept. 1944): 3-5. |
Eric F.H. Knight, "The Baptist Theory of the Ministry," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 55 (Sept. 1944): 6-8. |
J.B. Middlebrook, "Towards a Doctrine of the Church. III," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 55 (Sept. 1944): 8-10. |
Henry Cook, "The Finality of the Gospel," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 55 (Sept. 1944): 10-12. |
D. Gordon Wylie, "The War and the Preacher," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 55 (Sept. 1944): 12-15. |
H. INgli James, "Wanted! A Faith," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 55 (Sept. 1944): 15-17. |
Gwilym Davies, "Some International Questions," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 55 (Sept. 1944): 18-19. |
"Rome, Up to Date," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 55 (Sept. 1944): 20. |
"Editorial: The Insider," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 56 (Jan. 1945): 1-2. |
Douglas Stewart, "The Nature of Our Faith," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 56 (Jan. 1945): 2-6. |
James Hair, "The Flight From Reason," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 56 (Jan. 1945): 6-9. |
R. Guy Ramsay, "A Two-Way Sermon," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 56 (Jan. 1945): 10-13. |
William Manson, "Environment and Worship," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 56 (Jan. 1945): 13-16. |
J.T. Stark, "Who's To Blame," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 56 (Jan. 1945): 16-18. |
R.B. Hannen, "Christian Journalism," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 56 (Jan. 1945): 19-20. |
"Editorial," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 57 (April 1945): 1-2. |
Kenneth Grayston, "'What are the Results?'. A Survey of a Relgious Broadcasting Experiment," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 57 (April 1945): 2-4. |
Alexander Clark, "The Preacher in a Changing World," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 57 (April 1945): 5-7. |
Ernest A. Payne, "Theology Again," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 57 (April 1945): 7-10. |
F.C. Bryan, "An Experiment in Christian Unity," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 57 (April 1945): 10-11. |
P.H. Crunden, "Our Diet of Worship," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 57 (April 1945): 11-14. |
G.J.M. Pearce, "Newman's 'Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine' 1945," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 57 (April 1945): 14-16. |
W.B. Wilson, "Reflections on Working in a Fellowship," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 57 (April 1945): 16-18. |
E.W. Burt, "The Baptist Creed and Baptist Polity," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 57 (April 1945): 18-19. |
"Editorial: They're Coming Home," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 58 (Sept. 1945): 1. |
Henry Townsend, "The Free Churches and Ourselves," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 58 (Sept. 1945): 1-5. |
B.C. Shildrick, "Baptist Witness and the Ecumenical Movement," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 58 (Sept. 1945): 5-8. |
Herbert Motley, "To A Young Minister," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 58 (Sept. 1945): 8-10. |
W.G. Hilton, "The Holy Spirit and the Community," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 58 (Sept. 1945): 11-13. |
J.W. Townsend, "The Corrective," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 58 (Sept. 1945): 13-15. |
Herbert Clarkson, "Doctrine and Preaching," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 58 (Sept. 1945): 15-17. |
K.C. Dykes, "Original Sin," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 58 (Sept. 1945): 17-20. |
"Editorial: A United Front," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 59 (Jan. 1946): 1-2. |
R.L. Child, "Public Prayer," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 59 (Jan. 1946): 2-6. |
S.B. John, "The Doctrine of the Atonement," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 59 (Jan. 1946): 6-9. |
W.D. Jackson, "Stimulating a War-Weary Church," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 59 (Jan. 1946): 10-12. |
W.H. Haden, "A Pastoral Problem," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 59 (Jan. 1946): 12-14. |
W. Charles Johnson, "The Church and the Youth Club," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 59 (Jan. 1946): 14-15. |
E.J.E. Briggs, "Re-Marriage of Divorced Persons," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 59 (Jan. 1946): 16-19. |
"Editorial: A Lost Sense," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 60 (April 1946): 1-2. |
L.H. Marshall, "The Relevance of the Ethic if Jesus to the Modern World," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 60 (April 1946): 2-7. |
C.E. Baylis, "A Word For Our Time," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 60 (April 1946): 7-11. |
J.C. Whitney, "Anabaptist Tendencies in England During XVIth Century," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 60 (April 1946): 11-14. |
George A. Young, "A Missionary's Impressions of British Religious Life," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 60 (April 1946): 15-18. |
J.B. Middlebrook, "The Ecumenism of Prayer," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 60 (April 1946): 18-22. |
"Editorial: Fellowship in Finance," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 61 (July 1946): 1-2. |
Edgar W. Wright, "The Progress of Religion in the Soul," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 61 (July 1946): 2-6. |
G.R. Beasley-Murray, "The Second Coming of Christ," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 61 (July 1946): 6-10. |
B.J. Gibbon, "Reminiscences and Relfections," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 61 (July 1946): 10-15. |
W.W. WIlson, "Building Brifge-Heads," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 61 (July 1946): 15-18. |
A.J. Westlake, "A Theological Lobby," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 61 (July 1946): 18-21. |
J.M. Tosh, "Scottish Notes," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 61 (July 1946): 21-23. |
"Editorial: The Archbishop Enquires." The Fraternal and Remembrancer 62 (Oct. 1946): 1. |
R.L. Child, "Foreword," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 62 (Oct. 1946): 2. |
R.L. Child, "The Ministry of Public Prayer," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 62 (Oct. 1946): 2-4. |
G.H.C. Angus, "Training For the Ministry in India," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 62 (Oct. 1946): 4-7. |
C.H. Stearn, "The Baptists' Role in Canadian Education," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 62 (Oct. 1946): 7-11. |
T.C. Warriner, "The Challenge of Great Possibilities," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 62 (Oct. 1946): 11-15. |
H.V. Larcombe, "The Minister and the Denomination," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 62 (Oct. 1946): 15-18. |
E. Murray Page, "Our Job," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 62 (Oct. 1946): 18-20. |
T.H. Robinson, "Bible Study," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 62 (Oct. 1946): 20-23. |
"As Man to Man," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 62 (Oct. 1946): 23-24. |
Emlyn Davies, "Notes From Wales," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 62 (Oct. 1946): 24-25. |
"Editorial: The Pastorate," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 63 (Jan. 1947): 1-2. |
N.S. Moon, "The Birmingham Issue - Foreword," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 63 (Jan. 1947): 3. |
Ernest Price, "The Spiritual Climate of Birmingham," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 63 (Jan. 1947): 3-5. |
Morley B. Simmons, "The Minister and Himself," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 63 (Jan. 1947): 6-8. |
Samuel G.H. Nash, "The Pastor and His Flock," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 63 (Jan. 1947): 8-10. |
B.G. Baxter, "Drama in the Service of the Church," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 63 (Jan. 1947): 11-13. |
A.J. Klaiber, "Youth Clubs as a Gateway for the Church," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 63 (Jan. 1947): 13-15. |
"Factories as a Field for the Church," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 63 (Jan. 1947): 15-18. |
Eric F.H. Knight, "New Problems of Church Extension," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 63 (Jan. 1947): 18-21. |
Norman S. Moon, "A Gap That Needs to be Bridged," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 63 (Jan. 1947): 21-22. |
A.S. Herbert, "The Prophetic Emphasis in the New Situation," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 63 (Jan. 1947): 23-25. |
"Editorial: Here's to You Sir," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 64 (April 1947): 1-2. |
P.W. Evans, "The Spurgeon's College Issue - Foreword," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 64 (April 1947): 3. |
F.W. Boreham, "Wheels Within Wheels," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 64 (April 1947): 3-7. |
E.H. Worstead, "Essentials to Salvation," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 64 (April 1947): 7-11. |
A.J. Barnard, "The Use of Symbols in the Baptist Church," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 64 (April 1947): 11-16. |
Malcolm Guthrie, "The Minister and the Mission Field," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 64 (April 1947): 17-20. |
Gordon J.M. Pearce, "On Reading Virgil," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 64 (April 1947): 21-25. |
Lionel F. Higgs, "The Minister Finding Illustrations," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 64 (April 1947): 25-28. |
"Editorial: Our Spiritual Foundation," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 65 (July 1947): 1. |
Melville Evans, "The Non-Collegiate Issue - Foreword," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 65 (July 1947): 2. |
S.W. Hughes, "Our Place in Scholarship," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 65 (July 1947): 2-7. |
H.L. Watson, "'The Minister and the Denomination'," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 65 (July 1947): 7-9. |
Melville Evans, "Some Things a Minister May Forget," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 65 (July 1947): 9-11. |
F.W. Rumsby, "On Preaching," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 65 (July 1947): 11-15. |
Harry J. Fox, "A Preacher and His Books," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 65 (July 1947): 15-18. |
Walter Fancutt, "The Poet's Eye and the Pastoral Office," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 65 (July 1947): 18-23. |
S.P. Goodge, "The Minister and the Press," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 65 (July 1947): 23-26. |
H.D. Longbottom, "The Pastor as a Politician," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 65 (July 1947): 26-28. |
"Editorial: After Copenhagen," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 66 (Oct. 1947): 1-2. |
R.L. Child, "Second Adventism," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 66 (Oct. 1947): 3-8. |
William Whyte, "Final Destiny - I," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 66 (Oct. 1947): 9-11. |
G.W. Byrt, "Final Destiony - II," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 66 (Oct. 1947): 12-16. |
A.W. Argyle, "The Root and Fruit of British Toleration," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 66 (Oct. 1947): 16-18. |
James Mursell, "Systematic Preaching," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 66 (Oct. 1947): 19-20. |
A.M. Ritchie, "An Epistle of Praise and Blame," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 66 (Oct. 1947): 20-23. |
Melfryn W. Powell, "The Theology of the Man in the Street," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 66 (Oct. 1947): 23-26. |
Paul Rowntree Clifford, "Side-Light on America," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 66 (Oct. 1947): 26-29. |
"Editorial: Up Against It," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 67 (Jan. 1948): 1-2. |
Berkeley G. Collins, "The Conduct of Public Worship," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 67 (Jan. 1948): 2-5. |
Hugh Martin, "The Reality That Started It All," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 67 (Jan. 1948): 6-8. |
L.A. Read, "The Ordinances," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 67 (Jan. 1948): 8-10. |
D.J. Davies, "The Test of Greatness in the Christian Ministry," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 67 (Jan. 1948): 11-12. |
L.T. Comber, "R.I.," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 67 (Jan. 1948): 13-15. |
C.G. Carpenter, "More R.I.," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 67 (Jan. 1948): 15-17. |
Kenneth C. Parkinson, "The Family," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 67 (Jan. 1948): 17-19. |
A Latvian Pastor, "A 'D.P.' in Germany," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 67 (Jan. 1948): 19-21 |
"Editorial: Miniterial Settlement," The Fraternal 68 (April 1948): 1-2. |
M.E. Aubrey, "Introduction," The Fraternal 68 (April 1948): 3-5. |
A.J. Klaiber, "the Superintendency in Baptist History," The Fraternal 68 (April 1948): 5-7. |
H. Bonser, "The First Baptist Union Superintendents," The Fraternal 68 (April 1948): 8-10. |
J. Scott, "The Superintendency in Scotland," The Fraternal 68 (April 1948): 10-11. |
E.T. Samuel, "The Superintedency in the Welsh Baptist Union," The Fraternal 68 (April 1948): 12-13. |
J.C. Rendall, "On Becoming a Superintendent," The Fraternal 68 (April 1948): 13-15. |
H. Motley, "The Superindent's Board at Work," The Fraternal 68 (April 1948): 15-17. |
W.H. Tebbit, "Day by Day in the Superintedent's Life," The Fraternal 68 (April 1948): 17-19. |
W.D. Jackson, "The Superindent as Pastor," The Fraternal 68 (April 1948): 19-21. |
Henry Cook, "The Superintendent as Spiritual Leader," The Fraternal 68 (April 1948): 22-24. |
A.J. Nixon, "The Ministers Our Churches are Seeking," The Fraternal 68 (April 1948): 24-26. |
W.R. Miller, "To a Probabationer," The Fraternal 68 (April 1948): 26-28. |
H. Ingli James, "The Denomination - Whither?" The Fraternal 68 (April 1948): 28-30. |
"Editorial: The Pulpit Bible," The Fraternal 69 (July 1948): 1. |
L.H. Brockington, "The Prophet and the Word of God," The Fraternal 69 (July 1948): 2-5. |
Frederick Cawley, "The Soul of the Prophet - The Masculine Approach to Religion," The Fraternal 69 (July 1948): 5-8. |
G. Henton Davies, "The Minister's Study of Scripture, With Special Reference to the Old Testament," The Fraternal 69 (July 1948): 8-12. |
A.S. Herbert, "The Living Law," The Fraternal 69 (July 1948): 12-15. |
A.R. Johnson, "The Covenant Issue in the Old Testament," The Fraternal 69 (July 1948): 15-19. |
T.H. Robinson, "The Old Testament in World Religion," The Fraternal 69 (July 1948): 19-22. |
H.H. Rowley, "Recent Trends in the Study of the Psalter," The Fraternal 69 (July 1948): 22-24. |
J.N. Schofield, "Bible and Archaeology," The Fraternal 69 (July 1948): 25-28. |
"Editorial: The Church and Communism," The Fraternal 70 (Oct. 1948): 1-2. |
G.R. Beasley-Murray, "The Sacraments," The Fraternal 70 (Oct. 1948): 2-7. |
I.J. Barnes, "Our Threefold Task," The Fraternal 70 (Oct. 1948): 7-10. |
Howard Maishman, "The Baptist Church and its Life," The Fraternal 70 (Oct. 1948): 10-12. |
Ernest A. Payne, "Isaac Watts and His Hymns," The Fraternal 70 (Oct. 1948): 12-16. |
John O. Barrett, "Some Comments on the Office of General Superintendent," The Fraternal 70 (Oct. 1948): 16-19. |
Edgar W. Wright, "Congregational Retreats," The Fraternal 70 (Oct. 1948): 19-22. |
W.W. Bottoms, "The Future Organisation of the Church For Work Overseas," The Fraternal 70 (Oct. 1948): 23-25. |
Edward Williams, "Black and White," The Fraternal 70 (Oct. 1948): 26-28. |
H. Ingli James, "Christianity and History," The Fraternal 70 (Oct. 1948): 28-32. |
M.E. Aubrey, "Introductory: To the Men of the Front Line," The Fraternal 71 (Jan. 1949): 1-3. |
L.G. Champion, "The Ministry of the Local Church," The Fraternal 71 (Jan. 1949): 4-7. |
Gilbert Laws, "The Pulpit Ministry of the Pastor," The Fraternal 71 (Jan. 1949): 7-10. |
D. Gordon Wylie, "The Minister as Pastor," The Fraternal 71 (Jan. 1949): 10-13. |
F.R. Schofield, "Creating Christian Fellowship," The Fraternal 71 (Jan. 1949): 13-15. |
C.E. Baylis, "The Minister's Public Influence," The Fraternal 71 (Jan. 1949): 15-17. |
W.W. Bottoms, "The Minister's Opportunities For Wider Contacts," The Fraternal 71 (Jan. 1949): 18-20. |
J. Ithel Jones, "The Inner Life," The Fraternal 71 (Jan. 1949): 20-23. |
T. Rhys Richards, "Our Abiding Ministry," The Fraternal 71 (Jan. 1949): 23-27. |
"Of Interest to You," The Fraternal 71 (Jan. 1949): 27-29. [Not Included] |
"The Wider Circle," The Fraternal 71 (Jan. 1949): 31-35. [Not Included] |
R.F. Aldwinckle, "So This is Canada," The Fraternal 71 (Jan. 1949): 35-38. |
A.J. Klaiber, "A Visit to German Baptists," The Fraternal 71 (Jan. 1949): 38-41. |
"College Notes," The Fraternal 71 (Jan. 1949): 42-43. |
"Book Reviews," The Fraternal 71 (Jan. 1949): 44-45. |
McMaster University Issue |
G.P. Gilmour, "The History of Theological Education in Canada," The Fraternal 72 (April 1949): 1-5. |
Harold Stanley Stewart, Understanding Community Agencies," The Fraternal 72 (April 1949): 5-8. |
Lois Tupper, "Women's Leadership Training School," The Fraternal 72 (April 1949): 9-11. |
N.H. Parker, "The Sabbath (Genesis ii, 3)," The Fraternal 72 (April 1949): 11-14. |
H.W. Lang, "The Christ of the Apocalypse," The Fraternal 72 (April 1949): 14-17. |
G.P. Albaugh, "Protestantism, Puritanism and Capitalism," The Fraternal 72 (April 1949): 17-20. |
L.O. Bristol, "The Sources of the Epistle to the Hebrews," The Fraternal 72 (April 1949): 21-23. |
L.C. Kitchen, Visual Aids in the Service of the Church," The Fraternal 72 (April 1949): 24-26. |
J. Wreford Watson, "McMaster and the Rural Church," The Fraternal 72 (April 1949): 26-29. |
R.F. Aldwinckle, "Made in the Image of God," The Fraternal 72 (April 1949): 29-32. |
"Of Interest to You," The Fraternal 72 (April 1949): 34-38. [Not Included] |
"The Wider Circle," The Fraternal 72 (April 1949): 38-43. [Not Included] |
"Book Reviews," The Fraternal 72 (April 1949): 44-46. |
F.G. Hastings, "Our Abidingness of Ministry," The Fraternal 73 (July 1949): 1-5. |
David S. Russell, "The Preacher's Message - Its Basis and Authority," The Fraternal 73 (July 1949): 6-9. |
Cyril Smith, "Doing God's Will and Preaching," The Fraternal 73 (July 1949): 9-12. |
Gwilym O. Griffith, "The Witness of the Church to the Design of God," The Fraternal 73 (July 1949): 12-14. |
G.M. Hardie, A Minister's Life Purpose," The Fraternal 73 (July 1949): 15-17. |
W.E. Whilding, "The Vagaries of Value," The Fraternal 73 (July 1949): 17-20. |
T. Tudor Rhys, "Tension in Utopia," The Fraternal 73 (July 1949): 20-24. |
Margaret McLaren Cook, "Art and Morals," The Fraternal 73 (July 1949): 24-26. |
Kenneth E. Hyde, "Tao Fong Shan," The Fraternal 73 (July 1949): 26-29. |
H.G. Long, "Education," The Fraternal 73 (July 1949): 30-32. |
"Of Interest to You," The Fraternal 73 (July 1949): 32-35. [Not Included] |
"The Wider Circle," The Fraternal 73 (July 1949): 35-38. [Not Included] |
Book Reviews," The Fraternal 73 (July 1949): 39-44. |
"Editorial: So, The WHole Round Earth..." The Fraternal 74 (Oct. 1949): 1. |
W.D. Jackson, "Your Men Shall See Visions," The Fraternal 74 (Oct. 1949): 2.4. |
F.C. Morton, "Baptist Work in South Africa," The Fraternal 74 (Oct. 1949): 4-5. |
W. Morrow Cook, "Ministerial Training in South Africa," The Fraternal 74 (Oct. 1949): 5-8. |
J. Edgar Ennals, "South Africa's B.M.S.," The Fraternal 74 (Oct. 1949): 8-10. |
J.E. Newnham, "Home Mission Work in Australia," The Fraternal 74 (Oct. 1949): 10-14. |
G.H. Morling, "Training For Baptist Ministry in Australia," The Fraternal 74 (Oct. 1949): 14-17. |
J.J. North, "A Veteran's Retrospect and Prospect," The Fraternal 74 (Oct. 1949): 17-18. |
Theo. M. Bamber, "In the Antipodes," The Fraternal 74 (Oct. 1949): 18-21. |
Miles F. McCutcheon, "Canadian Baptists," The Fraternal 74 (Oct. 1949): 21-23. |
Anonymous, "Pakistan Problems," The Fraternal 74 (Oct. 1949): 23-25. |
Derendra Naik, "The Pastor and Indian Church," The Fraternal 74 (Oct. 1949): 26-29. |
Ernest A. Payne, "Baptists and the World Council of Churches," The Fraternal 74 (Oct. 1949): 29-34. |
"Of Interest to You," The Fraternal 74 (Oct. 1949): 34-39. [Not Included] |
"The Wider Circle," The Fraternal 74 (Oct. 1949): 39-41. [Not Included] |
"Book Reviews," The Fraternal 74 (Oct. 1949): 42-48. |
Volume 75 (January 1950)
"Editorial: 'Dinna Forget Spurgeon!'," The Fraternal 75 (Jan. 1950): 1. |
A. Cunningham Burley, "Home," The Fraternal 75 (Jan. 1950): 2-4. |
J.R. Edwards, "Humour," The Fraternal 75 (Jan. 1950): 4-7. |
John W. Ewing, "The Preacher," The Fraternal 75 (Jan. 1950): 7-10. |
Gilbert Laws, "The Man of Prayer," The Fraternal 75 (Jan. 1950): 10-13. |
A.J. Barnard, "The Puritan," The Fraternal 75 (Jan. 1950): 13-17. |
G.J.M. Pearce, "Spurgeon and Athens," The Fraternal 75 (Jan. 1950): 18-21. |
S.J. Dewhurst, "The Master Theme," The Fraternal 75 (Jan. 1950): 21-24. |
W.H. Worstead, "Heritage," The Fraternal 75 (Jan. 1950): 25-28. |
Fred Cawley, "The Theologian," The Fraternal 75 (Jan. 1950): 28-33. |
Volume 76 (April 1950)
"Editorial: he Secretary-Designate of the Baptist Union," The Fraternal 76 (April 1950): 1. |
E.C. Rust, "The Biblical Doctrine of Creation," The Fraternal 76 (April 1950): 2-7. |
A.B. Crabtree, "The Biblical Doctrine of Righteousness," The Fraternal 76 (April 1950): 7-13. |
Norman S. Moon, "The Biblical Conception of Personal Religion," The Fraternal 76 (April 1950): 13-16. |
K.C. Dykes, "The Biblical Doctrine of Church and Covenant," The Fraternal 76 (April 1950): 16-18. |
Ernest Buckley, "The New Testament Doctrine of Society," The Fraternal 76 (April 1950): 19-22. |
W.E. Moore, "The Christian Hope," The Fraternal 76 (April 1950): 23-28. |
Volume 77 (July 1950)
M.E. Aubrey, "Foreword," The Fraternal 77 (July 1950): 1- |
J.O. Barrett, "Introduction," The Fraternal 77 (July 1950): 2-3. |
R.C. Walton, "Background to Evangelism," The Fraternal 77 (July 1950): 4-6. |
W.D. Jackson, "The Mid-Century Crusade in Kent and Sussex," The Fraternal 77 (July 1950): 7-10. |
David Jackson, "Baptist Advance in the Villages," The Fraternal 77 (July 1950): 11-14. |
W. Charles Jackson, "Begin Here... In the Sunday School," The Fraternal 77 (July 1950): 14-17. |
L.J. Moon, "Baptist Advance and Preaching," The Fraternal 77 (July 1950): 17-20. |
Paul Rowntree Clifford, "The Training for Leadership," The Fraternal 77 (July 1950): 20-22. |
Irwin J. Barnes, "Three Lines of Advance," The Fraternal 77 (July 1950): 22-26. |
Ernest A. Payne, "A Theology For Baptist Advance," The Fraternal 77 (July 1950): 27-30. |
Volume 78 (October 1950)
W.W. Bottoms, "Introduction," The Fraternal 78 (Oct. 1950): 1. |
Arnold S. Clark, "What the Laymen Expect of the Ministry," The Fraternal 78 (Oct. 1950): 1-4. |
C.B. Jewson, "The Minister and Civic Affairs," The Fraternal 78 (Oct. 1950): 4-6. |
Walter Stevens, "The Minister and History," The Fraternal 78 (Oct. 1950): 6-9 |
H.L. Hemmens, "The Minister and the B.M.S.," The Fraternal 78 (Oct. 1950): 12-15. |
J.B. Williams, "The Minister and Social Work," The Fraternal 78 (Oct. 1950): 15-18. |
Walter Richards, "The Minister and the Lay Preacher," The Fraternal 78 (Oct. 1950): 18-21. |
C.A. Pither, "The Minister and Industry," The Fraternal 78 (Oct. 1950): 21-25. |
"Summer School Supplement. Oxford, 1950," The Fraternal 78 (Oct. 1950): 25-31. |
Volume 79 (January 1951)
"Editorial: Whom Oceans Apart," The Fraternal 79 (Jan. 1951): 1. |
Luke H. and G.M. Jenkins, "How it Strikes Us," The Fraternal 79 (Jan. 1951): 2-5. |
J.T. Crozier, "The Religious Situation in New Zealand," The Fraternal 79 (Jan. 1951): 5-7. |
J.A. Clifford, "One Hundred Yers of Baptist Witness," The Fraternal 79 (Jan. 1951): 7-10. |
N.R. Wood, "These Blazed the Trail," The Fraternal 79 (Jan. 1951): 10-14. |
E. Batts, "A Typical New Zealand Church," The Fraternal 79 (Jan. 1951): 14-16. |
Marjorie Holland, "Women and the Church in New Zealand," The Fraternal 79 (Jan. 1951): 16-19. |
H. Whitten, "Youth Work in Our Churches," The Fraternal 79 (Jan. 1951): 19-22. |
P.F. Lanyon, "Our Missionary Task and Achievement," The Fraternal 79 (Jan. 1951): 23-26. |
L.J. Boulton Smith, "A New Zealander Looks at the United States," The Fraternal 79 (Jan. 1951): 26-29. |
R.J. Thompson, "The Imaginative Use of the Bible," The Fraternal 79 (Jan. 1951): 29-32. |
Rex Goldsmith, "Workmen Unashamed," The Fraternal 79 (Jan. 1951): 34-37. |