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The bmj and its predecessor, The Fraternal, have been resourcing Baptist ministers for many years with theological reflection and discussion of issues pertaining to ministry today. These publications provide a superb snapshot of Baptist life and ministry and are an amazing resource for social research as well as material for ministers to use. Enjoy browsing them - and our sincere thanks go to Rob Bradshaw, who has carefully scanned them in and made this collection accessible in a digital age. Sally Nelson, bmj editor (2016).

Old Series
Vols. 1-21 (1907-1930)
New Series
No's. 1-39 (1931-1941)
No's. 40-79 (1941-1951)
No's. 80-119 (1951-1961)
No's. 120-159 (1961-1971)
No's. 160-199 (1971-1982)
No's. 200-239 (1982-1992)
No's. 240-279 (1992-2002)
No's. 280-319 (2002-2012)

No's. 320-356 (2013-2022)

No's 357- (2023- )

Volume 120 (April 1961) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial," The Fraternal 120 (April 1961): 4-5.
On-line Resource J.B. Middlebrook, "William Carey and the B.M.S.," The Fraternal 120 (April 1961): 5-9.
On-line Resource E.L. Wenger, "Carey: Vision and Realisation," The Fraternal 120 (April 1961): 9-13.
On-line Resource Raymond Carey, "Carey - The Man," The Fraternal 120 (April 1961): 13-17.
On-line Resource G.A.D. Mann, "Hospital Chaplaincy Serice," The Fraternal 120 (April 1961): 17-19.
On-line Resource W.E. Booth Taylor, "Psychiatry and the Ministry," The Fraternal 120 (April 1961): 19-23.
On-line Resource J.H. Freshwater, "The More We Are Together," The Fraternal 120 (April 1961): 23-25.

Volume 121 (July 1961) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource R. Fred Bullen, "Baptists of Canada," The Fraternal 121 (July 1961): 4-7.
On-line Resource R.F. Aldwinckle, "Further Reflections on Christian Love," The Fraternal 121 (July 1961): 8-11.
On-line Resource I. Judson Levy, "Baptists and Ecumenicity," The Fraternal 121 (July 1961): 11-13.
On-line Resource N. Leslie Stokes, "What's Wrong With Gambling," The Fraternal 121 (July 1961): 14-17.
On-line Resource G.H.C. Angus, "The New English Bible," The Fraternal 121 (July 1961): 17-20.
On-line Resource H.A. Smith, "Our Teaching Ministry," The Fraternal 121 (July 1961): 22-24.
On-line Resource W.T. Cowlan, "The Child and the Church," The Fraternal 121 (July 1961): 25-28.
On-line Resource Oswald Henderson, "God's Presence With the Blind," The Fraternal 121 (July 1961): 28-29.
On-line Resource "Amendments to Ministerial Recognition Rules," The Fraternal 121 (July 1961): 30.

Volume 122 (October 1961) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource S.F. Winward, "The Prayers at Public Worship," The Fraternal 122 (July 1961): 4-7.
On-line Resource H.W. Burdett, "Looking Back," The Fraternal 122 (July 1961): 7-11.
On-line Resource Hugh Martin, "Mending and Marring," The Fraternal 122 (July 1961): 11-15.
On-line Resource C.J. Parsons, "Angola," The Fraternal 122 (July 1961): 15-20.
On-line Resource A.K. Bryan, "Young People and the Church," The Fraternal 122 (July 1961): 20-24.
On-line Resource E.L. Blakebrough, "The Ferndale Cellar Club," The Fraternal 122 (July 1961): 24-25.
On-line Resource J.O. Barrett, "Teaching Through Preaching," The Fraternal 122 (July 1961): 25-28.
On-line Resource J.E.T. Hough, "The B.U. Diploma," The Fraternal 122 (July 1961): 28-30.
On-line Resource R.B., "The Baptist Music Society," The Fraternal 122 (July 1961): 30.

Volume 123 (January 1963) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial," The Fraternal 123 (Jan. 1962): 4.
On-line Resource Frank Buffard, "Out Ministry and the Ministry of St. Paul," The Fraternal 123 (Jan. 1962): 5-8.
On-line Resource S.F. Winward, "The Administration of Baptism," The Fraternal 123 (Jan. 1962): 8-11.
On-line Resource Hugh Martin, "The Doing of Hymnbook Editors (continued)," The Fraternal 123 (Jan. 1962): 12-15.
On-line Resource D.G. Gardener, "Marriage Guidance," The Fraternal 123 (Jan. 1962): 15-19.
On-line Resource J.E.T. Hough, "The Minister and the Professional Social Worker," The Fraternal 123 (Jan. 1962): 19-23.
On-line Resource K.W. Witting, "A North London Experiment," The Fraternal 123 (Jan. 1962): 23-24.
On-line Resource G.L.L.P., "The Baptist Music Society," The Fraternal 123 (Jan. 1962): 24-25.

Volume 124 (April 1962) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial," The Fraternal 124 (April 1962): 4.
On-line Resource Hugh Martin, "The Making of the Baptist Hymn Book," The Fraternal 124 (April 1962): 5-9.
On-line Resource Kenneth Barrett, "The Music of the Baptist Hymn Book," The Fraternal 124 (April 1962): 9-12.
On-line Resource Walter Fancutt, "The Hymns of the Baptist Hymn Book," The Fraternal 124 (April 1962): 13-15.
On-line Resource J. Penry Davies, "The Baptist Hymn Book Companion," The Fraternal 124 (April 1962): 16-19.
On-line Resource L.H. Champion, "A Baptist in New Dehli," The Fraternal 124 (April 1962): 19-22.
On-line Resource S.F. Winward, "The Administration of the Lord's Supper," The Fraternal 124 (April 1962): 23-27.
On-line Resource F.C. Morton, "Notes From My West African Diary," The Fraternal 124 (April 1962): 29-35.

Volume 125 (July 1962) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial," The Fraternal 125 (July 1962): 4.
On-line Resource W. John F. Huxtable, "1662-1962," The Fraternal 125 (July 1962): 5-8.
On-line Resource Frank Buffard, "A Further Study in 2 Corinthians," The Fraternal 125 (July 1962): 8-11.
On-line Resource Norman D. MacLeod, "Baptists and Industry," The Fraternal 125 (July 1962): 11-16.
On-line Resource Norman B. Jones, "Church and Gospel in the North of England," The Fraternal 125 (July 1962): 16-20.
On-line Resource J.A. Callaway, "Excavating Israel's First Capital: Shechem," The Fraternal 125 (July 1962): 20-25.
On-line Resource A.G. Dubé, "'There's a Light Upon the Mountains'," The Fraternal 125 (July 1962): 25-28.
On-line Resource Victor E.W. Hayward, "Christian Centres For Study of Other Religions," The Fraternal 125 (July 1962): 28-29.

Volume 126 (October 1962) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource A.J. Westlake, "Pascal and Today," The Fraternal 126 (Oct. 1962): 4-7.
On-line Resource C.K. Barrett, "Recent Trends in New Testament Scholarship," The Fraternal 126 (Oct. 1962): 7-11.
On-line Resource Alec Gilmore, "Our Heritage and Christian Unity," The Fraternal 126 (Oct. 1962): 11-15.
On-line Resource P.G. Saunders, "Let the Queen Reign," The Fraternal 126 (Oct. 1962): 15-19.
On-line Resource Norman Brooks, "The Parson and the Press," The Fraternal 126 (Oct. 1962): 19-22.
On-line Resource R.H. Spooner, ".Visitation by Appointment.," The Fraternal 126 (Oct. 1962): 23-25.
On-line Resource Ernest F. Clipsham, "Some Reflections on 'The Doctrine of the Ministry'," The Fraternal 126 (Oct. 1962): 27-29.
On-line Resource "The Library," The Fraternal 126 (Oct. 1962): 29.
On-line Resource "J.O.B.," The Fraternal 126 (Oct. 1962): 29.

Volume 127 (January 1963) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial," The Fraternal 127 (Jan. 1963): 4-5.
On-line Resource "The Betrayal of the Future?" The Fraternal 127 (Jan. 1963): 5.
On-line Resource A.S. Herbert, "Recent Trends in Old Testament Studies," The Fraternal 127 (Jan. 1963): 6-10.
On-line Resource Geoffrey Ellis, "The Ministry in England," The Fraternal 127 (Jan. 1963): 10-14.
On-line Resource F.W. Bond, "The Jews - and the Church," The Fraternal 127 (Jan. 1963): 15-18.
On-line Resource G.R. Beasley-Murray, "Ecumenical Encounter in Russia," The Fraternal 127 (Jan. 1963): 18-22.
On-line Resource J.J. Brown, "A New Approach," The Fraternal 127 (Jan. 1963): 22-25.
On-line Resource G.D. Reynolds, "A Translation For Translators," The Fraternal 127 (Jan. 1963): 25-28.

Volume 128 (April 1963) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource C. Howard Bentall, "The Perils of Our Profession," The Fraternal 128 (April 1963): 4-6.
On-line Resource D.M. Himbury, "Australian Baptists Today," The Fraternal 128 (April 1963): 6-10.
On-line Resource Angus H. MacLeod, "Fifty Years in New Zealand," The Fraternal 128 (April 1963): 11-14.
On-line Resource Derek G. Winter, "Brazil," The Fraternal 128 (April 1963): 14-18.
On-line Resource J.W. Beaumont, "Ministers' Income Tax," The Fraternal 128 (April 1963): 18-20.
On-line Resource M.F. Williams, "Swanwick Conference on Worship," The Fraternal 128 (April 1963): 20-23.
On-line Resource "Fraternal Findings," The Fraternal 128 (April 1963): 23-24.

Volume 129 (July 1963) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource J.O. Barrett, "Sydney Morris - A Portrait," The Fraternal 129 (July 1963): 5-6.
On-line Resource W.E. Hough & W.M.S. West, "A New Look at the Christian Faith," The Fraternal 129 (July 1963): 6-12.
On-line Resource H.W. Burdett, "Men to Remember," The Fraternal 129 (July 1963): 12-16.
On-line Resource G. Hendon Davies, "Jacob's Struggle at Penuel," The Fraternal 129 (July 1963): 16-19.
On-line Resource Leslie S. Hunter, "European Churches: A Common Inheritance," The Fraternal 129 (July 1963): 19-22.
On-line Resource G.D. Savage, "Ruschlikon 'Church and State' Conference," The Fraternal 129 (July 1963): 22-24.
On-line Resource Three Leading Baptist Laymen, "Laymen Look at the Ministry," The Fraternal 129 (July 1963): 24-25.
On-line Resource "Arrangements For National Assistance," The Fraternal 129 (July 1963): 27-28.

Volume 130 (October 1963) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource J.R.C. Perkin, "Recent Trends in Theological Studies," The Fraternal 130 (Oct. 1963): 4-8.
On-line Resource A.R. Liston, "Teaching the Faith in the Church," The Fraternal 130 (Oct. 1963): 9-12.
On-line Resource G.C. Ottaway, "The Ministry of the Church," The Fraternal 130 (Oct. 1963): 13-16.
On-line Resource G.D. Lant, "Reflection on 'Honest to God'," The Fraternal 130 (Oct. 1963): 16-18.
On-line Resource A.B. Jestice, "Anglican-Methodist Reunion," The Fraternal 130 (Oct. 1963): 19-23.
On-line Resource J.B. Middlebrook, "Intriguing Contrasts," The Fraternal 130 (Oct. 1963): 24-27.

Volume 131 (January 1964) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "A Greeting From Our Chairman," The Fraternal 131 (Jan. 1964): 4.
On-line Resource Geoffrey R. King, "The Church's Ministry to its Own People," The Fraternal 131 (Jan. 1964): 4-8.
On-line Resource R.E.D. Markillie, "Some Thoughts on the Ministry," The Fraternal 131 (Jan. 1964): 9-16.
On-line Resource J. Clifford Askew, "Grappling With Our Times," The Fraternal 131 (Jan. 1964): 16-19.
On-line Resource Harey Mowvley, "Christian Education," The Fraternal 131 (Jan. 1964): 19-22.
On-line Resource H. Wheeler Robinson, "The Final Authority: Scripture and Tradition," The Fraternal 131 (Jan. 1964): 23-25.
On-line Resource Paul H. Ballard, "Some Thoughts on the Liturgical Use of Hymns," The Fraternal 131 (Jan. 1964): 25-28.
On-line Resource E. Ungoed Davies & R.J. Findlay, "Christian Stewardship," The Fraternal 131 (Jan. 1964): 28-29.

Volume 132 (April 1964) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource Gordon F. Glover, "THe Christian Sunday. 1. The Biblical background," The Fraternal 132 (April 1964): 4-8.
On-line Resource Gordon Smith, "Churches and Schools," The Fraternal 132 (April 1964): 8-11.
On-line Resource Herbert W, Burdett, "The Far Horizon," The Fraternal 132 (April 1964): 11-15.
On-line Resource Arthur C. Davies, "The Re-Emergence of the Drink Problem," The Fraternal 132 (April 1964): 15-19.
On-line Resource L.J. Moon, "Partnership," The Fraternal 132 (April 1964): 19-23.
On-line Resource E.R. Grief, "A Group Assurance Scheme," The Fraternal 132 (April 1964): 24-27.

Volume 133 (July 1964) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial: Swanwick, 1964 and After," The Fraternal 133 (July 1964): 4-5.
On-line Resource J.C. Askew, "The Christian Sunday. 2. In English Protestant History," The Fraternal 133 (July 1964): 5-8.
On-line Resource W.S. Davies, "Our Village Churches," The Fraternal 133 (July 1964): 8-11.
On-line Resource Hugh Martin, "An Antidote to Rome," The Fraternal 133 (July 1964): 12-15.
On-line Resource W.W. Bottoms, "The Baptist Times," The Fraternal 133 (July 1964): 15-18.
On-line Resource P.F.E. Amies, "The Unconscious Missionary Faith of the West," The Fraternal 133 (July 1964): 18-22.
On-line Resource W.H. Kennedy, "Incorporate in Christ," The Fraternal 133 (July 1964): 22-27.
On-line Resource J.F.V. Nicholson, "Three Experiments in Christian Education," The Fraternal 133 (July 1964): 27-32.

Volume 134 (October 1964) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource Erik Rudén, "The Russian Baptists 1944-64," The Fraternal 134 (Oct. 1964): 4-8.
On-line Resource Theolphil Rehse, "Baptists in Germany," The Fraternal 134 (Oct. 1964): 8-12.
On-line Resource J.D.W. Watts, "Opportunities at Rüschlikon," The Fraternal 134 (Oct. 1964): 12-14.
On-line Resource J.C. Askew, "The Christian Sunday. III. In England Today," The Fraternal 134 (Oct. 1964): 14-18.
On-line Resource W.H. Campbell & L.B. Keeble, "Family Church," The Fraternal 134 (Oct. 1964): 18-22.
On-line Resource J. McGregor Tosh, "Dig This!" The Fraternal 134 (Oct. 1964): 23-25.
On-line Resource John E.T. Hough, "They Talk of Prayer," The Fraternal 134 (Oct. 1964): 25-28.

Volume 135 (January 1965) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial," The Fraternal 135 (Jan. 1965): 4.
On-line Resource W.H. Davies, "According to the Scriptures," The Fraternal 135 (Jan. 1965): 4-9.
On-line Resource Geoffrey W. Haden, "Centenary of the London Baptist Association 1965," The Fraternal 135 (Jan. 1965): 9-12.
On-line Resource W. Donald Hudson, "1980: Must They Include Us Out?" The Fraternal 135 (Jan. 1965): 12-14.
On-line Resource David Pringle, "A Plea for Prophecy," The Fraternal 135 (Jan. 1965): 14-16.
On-line Resource Eric P. Sharpe, "The Minister, The Organist and the Choir," The Fraternal 135 (Jan. 1965): 16-20.
On-line Resource D.R. Chesterton, "Free the Minds," The Fraternal 135 (Jan. 1965): 20-23.
On-line Resource J.R.C. Perkin, "The Interviewing of Candidates For Baptism and Membership," The Fraternal 135 (Jan. 1965): 23-29.

Volume 136 (April 1965) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial: The Personal Factor," The Fraternal 136 (April 1965): 4.
On-line Resource B.R. White, "Writing and Preserving Baptist History," The Fraternal 136 (April 1965): 4-9.
On-line Resource J.D. Pawson, "1980: Must They Include Us In?" The Fraternal 136 (April 1965): 9-13.
On-line Resource James Sutton, "The Silent Revolution," The Fraternal 136 (April 1965): 13-16.
On-line Resource Norman P. Wright, "Church Nights: An Experiment," The Fraternal 136 (April 1965): 16-19.
On-line Resource E. Ungoed Davies, "The Stewardship Department Thus Far," The Fraternal 136 (April 1965): 19-22.

Volume 137 (July 1965) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial," The Fraternal 137 (July 1965): 4.
On-line Resource Theodore F. Adams, "Our Baptist World Fellowship," The Fraternal 137 (July 1965): 4-9.
On-line Resource Donald L. Finnemore, "British Baptists and the B.W.A.," The Fraternal 137 (July 1965): 9-11.
On-line Resource R. Baungaard Thomsen, "Baptists Will Argue," The Fraternal 137 (July 1965): 11-14.
On-line Resource Roger Hayden, "Liberty For a New Pattern," The Fraternal 137 (July 1965): 14-22.
On-line Resource William Scott, "The Spiritual and the Sacramental in the Theology of Baptism," The Fraternal 137 (July 1965): 22-28.
On-line Resource J. Clifford Askew, "Puritan Perceptions," The Fraternal 137 (July 1965): 28-30.

Volume 138 (October 1965) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial," The Fraternal 138 (Oct. 1965): 4-5.
On-line Resource Michael H. Taylor, "Ministry Without Religion," The Fraternal 138 (Oct. 1965): 5-12.
On-line Resource W.B. Harris, "Parsons and Poets," The Fraternal 138 (Oct. 1965): 12-17.
On-line Resource W. Charles Johnson, "Our Hundred Years of Baptist Witness in London," The Fraternal 138 (Oct. 1965): 17-20.
On-line Resource Michael Wotton, "The Ministry of Healing: A Personal Comment," The Fraternal 138 (Oct. 1965): 21-27.
On-line Resource R.A.B. Thompson & D.J. Warner, "Outreach to France," The Fraternal 138 (Oct. 1965): 27-29.
On-line Resource J.F. Matthews, "The Contemporary Ecumenical Situation; A Comment on Recent Articles," The Fraternal 138 (Oct. 1965): 29-32.

Volume 139 (January 1966) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "A New Year Message From the Chairman," The Fraternal 139 (Jan. 1966): 4-5.
On-line Resource D.S. Russell, "In Defence of the Apocrypha," The Fraternal 139 (Jan. 1966): 5-10.
On-line Resource W.B. Harris, "Parsons and Poets (continued)," The Fraternal 139 (Jan. 1966): 10-15.
On-line Resource Stanley J. Voke, "The Biblical Doctrine and Experience of Koinonia," The Fraternal 139 (Jan. 1966): 15-19.
On-line Resource Colin Marchant, "Towards a Theology of Social Responsibility," The Fraternal 139 (Jan. 1966): 19-23.
On-line Resource Donald G. Clarke, "An Experiment in Preaching," The Fraternal 139 (Jan. 1966): 23-25.
On-line Resource T.J. Budge, "Safeguarding Our History," The Fraternal 139 (Jan. 1966): 2728.

Volume 140 (April 1966) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial," The Fraternal 140 (April 1966): 4-5.
On-line Resource The late Rev Henry Bonser, "Letter to a Probationer," The Fraternal 140 (April 1966): 5-8.
On-line Resource Roger Hayden, "Time to Think," The Fraternal 140 (April 1966): 9-16.
On-line Resource Colin Marchant, "Experiments in Social Responsibility," The Fraternal 140 (April 1966): 16-19.
On-line Resource Paul T. Harrison, "On Being the Church in the New Society," The Fraternal 140 (April 1966): 19-28.
On-line Resource R.W. Thomson, "Accommodation For Retired Ministers," The Fraternal 140 (April 1966): 28-29.

Volume 141 (July 1966) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial: A Whole View of Mission," The Fraternal 141 (July 1966): 4-5.
On-line Resource G.P.R. Prosser, "Background to Mission," The Fraternal 141 (July 1966): 5-8.
On-line Resource Leslie H. Moore, "Facing the Challenge in Congo," The Fraternal 141 (July 1966): 9-12.
On-line Resource Kenneth F. Weller, "The Baptist Missionary Society in India Today," The Fraternal 141 (July 1966): 13-17.
On-line Resource Derek. G. Winter, "Mission-Church Relationship in Brazil," The Fraternal 141 (July 1966): 17-24.
On-line Resource J.C.G. Binfield, "History Is...," The Fraternal 141 (July 1966): 24-28.
On-line Resource Peter H.K. Tongeman, "Time For God," The Fraternal 141 (July 1966): 29-30.
On-line Resource Librarian of the BMS, "Give Attendance to Reading," The Fraternal 141 (July 1966): 32.

Volume 142 (October 1966) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource Lewis R. Misselbrook, "Call to Prayer and Mission," The Fraternal 142 (Oct. 1966):
On-line Resource Ronald A. Cowley, "The Question of Authority in the Ministry," The Fraternal 142 (Oct. 1966):
On-line Resource John Hough, "The Local Church and Community Service," The Fraternal 142 (Oct. 1966):
On-line Resource E.B. Greening, "Ministers' Prayers," The Fraternal 142 (Oct. 1966):
On-line Resource R.W.F. Archer, "An Ecumenical Chaplaincy For Canterbury," The Fraternal 142 (Oct. 1966):
On-line Resource Eric W. Hayden, "Systematic Visitation," The Fraternal 142 (Oct. 1966):
On-line Resource Arthur H. Bonser, "Have You Given It Any Thought?" The Fraternal 142 (Oct. 1966):

Volume 143 (January 1967) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource Harry H. Pewtress, "Doing Priceless Work," The Fraternal 143 (Jan. 1967): 4.
On-line Resource Lewis R. Misselbrook, "The Persistent Question," The Fraternal 143 (Jan. 1967): 5-8.
On-line Resource J.J. Brown, "Pastoral Service in a Secular Age," The Fraternal 143 (Jan. 1967): 8-18.
On-line Resource R.E.O. White, "The Master on the Ministry," The Fraternal 143 (Jan. 1967): 18-25.
On-line Resource G. Abraham-Williams, "Coventry: A Comment on Ecumenical Relations," The Fraternal 143 (Jan. 1967): 25-27.

Volume 144 (April 1967) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial," The Fraternal 144 (April 1967): 4.
On-line Resource John Potts, "Jubilee," The Fraternal 144 (April 1967): 4-8.
On-line Resource D.J. Hollidge, "A Cool Look at the Inner City," The Fraternal 144 (April 1967): 9-13.
On-line Resource Donald Monckom, "The Jamaican Scene - Achievements and Opportunities," The Fraternal 144 (April 1967): 14-18.
On-line Resource Harry Weston, "The Church's Ministry of Healing," The Fraternal 144 (April 1967): 18-25.
On-line Resource E.F. Clipsham, "The Church Tomorrow," The Fraternal 144 (April 1967): 25-28.

Volume 145 (July 1967) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial," The Fraternal 145 (July. 1967): 4-6.
On-line Resource John Barrett, Ernest A. Payne: A Personal Tribute," The Fraternal 145 (July. 1967): 6.
On-line Resource G.W. Rusling, "E.A. Payne - The Writer," The Fraternal 145 (July. 1967): 7-9.
On-line Resource A.R. Vine, "Dr. Payne and the Free Church Federal Council," The Fraternal 145 (July. 1967): 9-11.
On-line Resource J.R. Chandran, "Dr. Payne and the Ecumenical Movement," The Fraternal 145 (July. 1967): 12-14.
On-line Resource A.S. Clement, "Ernest A. Payne and the B.M.S.," The Fraternal 145 (July. 1967): 15-18.
On-line Resource Ernest A. Payne, "Baptists in Post-War Britain," The Fraternal 145 (July. 1967): 20-30.
On-line Resource Ernest A. Payne, "The Protestant Union," The Fraternal 145 (July. 1967): 30-31.

Volume 146 (October 1967) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial," The Fraternal 146 (Oct. 1967): 4.
On-line Resource J.G. Hobbs, "Introducing Dr. David S. Russell," The Fraternal 146 (Oct. 1967): 5-9.
On-line Resource D.S. Russell, "Greetings From the New General Secretary," The Fraternal 146 (Oct. 1967): 9-11.
On-line Resource Theo. F. Valentine, "The Particular Baptist Fund, 1717-1967," The Fraternal 146 (Oct. 1967): 11-17.
On-line Resource J.F. Carrington, "David Allen Claxton, Baptist Minister in Kisangani," The Fraternal 146 (Oct. 1967): 18-21.
On-line Resource T.S.H. Elwyn, Roger Hayden & Stanley Voke, "Baptists and Unity," The Fraternal 146 (Oct. 1967): 23-28.

Volume 147 (January 1968) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource H.H. Pewtress, "A New Year Message," The Fraternal 147 (Jan. 1968): 4.
On-line Resource A.J. Westlake, "Let Baptists Beware," The Fraternal 147 (Jan. 1968): 5-11.
On-line Resource Margaret F. Jarman, "The Ministry of Women," The Fraternal 147 (Jan. 1968): 11-16.
On-line Resource Kenneth E. Hyde, "Religious Education in the Nineteen Seventies," The Fraternal 147 (Jan. 1968): 16-26.
On-line Resource Neville Cryer & J.E. Newport, "Baptists and Unity: Two comments from Ministers outside our own denomination," The Fraternal 147 (Jan. 1968): 26-32.

Volume 148 (April 1968) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial," The Fraternal 148 (April 1968): 4.
On-line Resource T.G. Dunning, " The Fraternal 148 (April 1968): 5-10.
On-line Resource E.B. Hardy, "Ministry in the Mid-Sixties," The Fraternal 148 (April 1968): 10-14.
On-line Resource John N. Jonsson, "The Problem of Communication in Evangelism," The Fraternal 148 (April 1968): 14-18.
On-line Resource Eric P.Sharpe, "Does Stewardship Stifle Spontaneity?" The Fraternal 148 (April 1968): 18-21.
On-line Resource W. Gordon Robinson, "Teach Yourself Religious Gobbledygook," The Fraternal 148 (April 1968): 23-25.

Volume 149 (July 1968) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial," The Fraternal 149 (July 1968): 4.
On-line Resource G.R. Beasley-Murray, "Easter 1969," The Fraternal 149 (July 1968): 4-7.
On-line Resource W.M.S. West, "Membership and Mobility," The Fraternal 149 (July 1968): 7-10.
On-line Resource E. Roberts-Thomson, "Baptism and Church Union," The Fraternal 149 (July 1968): 10-16.
On-line Resource R.R.R. Collins, "Noughty to Ninety," The Fraternal 149 (July 1968): 16-20.
On-line Resource H.L. Watson, "Ministerial Settlement," The Fraternal 149 (July 1968): 20-24.
On-line Resource Pauline Webb, "Missionary Structures in the U.S.A.," The Fraternal 149 (July 1968): 25-31.
On-line Resource R.S. Eldridge, "...An Hundredfold Now in the U.S.A.," The Fraternal 149 (July 1968): 32-35.
On-line Resource J.C. McFadyen, "The Making of a Man of God," The Fraternal 149 (July 1968): 35-37.
On-line Resource Ronald Armstrong, "A New Day for Christian Preaching," The Fraternal 149 (July 1968): 37-43.

Volume 150 (October 1968) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial," The Fraternal 150 (Oct. 1968): 4.
On-line Resource Lewis R. Misselbrook, "Not Stopping Short," The Fraternal 150 (Oct. 1968): 5-7.
On-line Resource D. Mervyn Humbury, "Preaching in an Age of Uncertainty," The Fraternal 150 (Oct. 1968): 7-13,
On-line Resource B. Gordon Hastings, "The Need for Flexibility in Church Life," The Fraternal 150 (Oct. 1968): 13-17.
On-line Resource J.O. Barrett, "A Word to Young Ministers," The Fraternal 150 (Oct. 1968): 17-18.
On-line Resource W.D. Hudson, "Modern Moral Philosophy," The Fraternal 150 (Oct. 1968): 19-24.
On-line Resource Kenneth F. Weller, "A Missionary Changes His Field," The Fraternal 150 (Oct. 1968): 26-31.
On-line Resource B.W.O. Amey, "The Minister and Missionary Education," The Fraternal 150 (Oct. 1968): 31-37.
On-line Resource Michael J. Quicke, "Oh No! Not Students!" The Fraternal 150 (Oct. 1968): 37-44.
On-line Resource E.E, Peskett, "A Pastoral Problem," The Fraternal 150 (Oct. 1968): 44-45.

Volume 151 (January 1969) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource Harry H. Pewtress, "A New Year Message," The Fraternal 151 (Jan. 1969): 4.
On-line Resource A.J. Westlake, "Baptists and the Present Hour," The Fraternal 151 (Jan. 1969): 5-12.
On-line Resource Stephen F. Winward, "The Structure and Functions of the Local Church," The Fraternal 151 (Jan. 1969): 13-16.
On-line Resource Harry Mowvley, "The Child and the Church," The Fraternal 151 (Jan. 1969): 16-24.
On-line Resource W.D. Hudson, "Christian Ethics Today," The Fraternal 151 (Jan. 1969): 24-30.
On-line Resource H.F. Drake, "Christo Redentor," The Fraternal 151 (Jan. 1969): 31-37.
On-line Resource T. Kerr Spiers, "The Prophet of Humanity," The Fraternal 151 (Jan. 1969): 37-42.

Volume 152 (April 1969) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial: Forgotten Men?" The Fraternal 152 (April 1969): 4-6.
On-line Resource Ronald Goulding, "The Significance of Teilhard de Chardin," The Fraternal 152 (April 1969): 6-9.
On-line Resource W.D. Hudson, "Faith and Morals," The Fraternal 152 (April 1969): 9-15.
On-line Resource Muriel Westcott, Norman B. Jones & J.J. Brown, "Team Ministry," The Fraternal 152 (April 1969): 15-30.
On-line Resource Brian Tucker, "'But Thou, O Christ, Art There," The Fraternal 152 (April 1969): 30-36.
On-line Resource John Pitts, "John Henry Jowett: Prince of Preachers," The Fraternal 152 (April 1969): 37-42.

Volume 153 (July 1969) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial: The Assembly Pastoral Session; 50th Anniversary," The Fraternal 153 (July 1969): 4.
On-line Resource Arthur Dakin, "The Pastoral Session: Jubilee Reminiscences," The Fraternal 153 (July 1969): 4-5.
On-line Resource J.J. Brown, W.H. Wragg & S.J. Voke, "Baptists and Some Contemporary Issues," The Fraternal 153 (July 1969): 6-21.
On-line Resource Michael Walker, "The Significance of Teilhard dr Chardin (2)," The Fraternal 153 (July 1969): 21-27.
On-line Resource J.O. Barrett, "Some Thoughts on Re-Reading Wordsworth," The Fraternal 153 (July 1969): 28-31.
On-line Resource Donald Monkcom, "The Authority of the Bible," The Fraternal 153 (July 1969): 31-45.

Volume 154 (October 1969) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial," The Fraternal 154 (Oct. 1969): 4.
On-line Resource Andrew D. MacRae, "European Baptist Conference - Vienna 1969," The Fraternal 154 (Oct. 1969): 5-9.
On-line Resource A.G. Mendham, "Karl Barth: A Minister's Appreciation," The Fraternal 154 (Oct. 1969): 9-12.
On-line Resource T.G. Dunning, "The Preparation of the Sermon," The Fraternal 154 (Oct. 1969): 13-20.
On-line Resource E. Bruce Hardy, "Authority in the Local Church," The Fraternal 154 (Oct. 1969): 20-27.
On-line Resource L.B. Keeble, "Fish - The Sign of a Caring Community," The Fraternal 154 (Oct. 1969): 27-32.
On-line Resource Philip H. Gathercole, "The Sunday Evening Service: An Experiment," The Fraternal 154 (Oct. 1969): 32-36.
On-line Resource Ian S. Kemp, "A Fresh Look at the Book of Proverbs," The Fraternal 154 (Oct. 1969): 36-45.

Volume 155 (January 1970) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource C. Sidney Hall, "A New Year Message," The Fraternal 155 (Jan 1970): 4-5.
On-line Resource L.G. Champion, "Two Honoured Teachers: Arthur Dakin (1884-1969)," The Fraternal 155 (Jan 1970): 5-8.
On-line Resource Ernest A. Payne, "H.H. Rowley (1890-1969)," The Fraternal 155 (Jan 1970): 9-12.
On-line Resource R.L. Child, "Nonconformity and the New Age," The Fraternal 155 (Jan 1970): 12-21.
On-line Resource A.A. Boorne, "Missionary Reflection on British Christianity," The Fraternal 155 (Jan 1970): 21-26.
On-line Resource Norman Hunt, "The Social Implications of the Gospel," The Fraternal 155 (Jan 1970): 26-33.
On-line Resource "A Suggested Basis of Belief," The Fraternal 155 (Jan 1970): 33-36.

Volume 156 (April 1970) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial," The Fraternal 156 (April 1970): 4.
On-line Resource A. Michael Ramsey, "Christianity and Humanism: Man's Freedom and Dignity," The Fraternal 156 (April 1970): 4-10..
On-line Resource F.J. Roberts, "Clinical Theology - A Reviews," The Fraternal 156 (April 1970): 10-17.
On-line Resource Paul Harrison, "Clinical Theology - A Qualified Tribute," The Fraternal 156 (April 1970): 17-22.
On-line Resource James Taylor, "A Man of God," The Fraternal 156 (April 1970): 23-26.
On-line Resource Ronald Goulding, "Baptists at Work in Europe Today," The Fraternal 156 (April 1970): 27-33.
On-line Resource Irwin Barnes, "Observations of a Globe-Trotter," The Fraternal 156 (April 1970): 33-39.
On-line Resource Bryan Gilbert, "Continuous Evangelism," The Fraternal 156 (April 1970): 39-43.

Volume 157 (July 1970) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial," The Fraternal 157 (July 1970): 4-5.
On-line Resource Neville Clark, "Theology in the 1970s," The Fraternal 157 (July 1970): 5-10.
On-line Resource Eric C. Rust, "The Contemporary Theological Scene - I," The Fraternal 157 (July 1970): 10-18.
On-line Resource L.H. Brockington, "Some Reflections on the Translation of the Old Testament For the New English Bible," The Fraternal 157 (July 1970): 19-23.
On-line Resource Maurice F. Williams, "Youth in Further Education," The Fraternal 157 (July 1970): 23-27.
On-line Resource J.T. Aitken, "Christianity and Medical Ethics," The Fraternal 157 (July 1970): 27-35.
On-line Resource Ernest Wilmott, "Jew and Arab in the Holy Land," The Fraternal 157 (July 1970): 35-41.
On-line Resource Donald D. Black, "About Books: Important Citizenship Publications," The Fraternal 157 (July 1970): 41-43.
On-line Resource Robert G. Brown, "Retirement Homes For Ministers, Missionaries or Other Elderly Baptists," The Fraternal 157 (July 1970): 44.

Volume 158 (October 1970) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial," The Fraternal 158 (Oct. 1970): 4.
On-line Resource Eric C. Rust, "The Contemporary Scene - II. An Age of Theological Experimentation," The Fraternal 158 (Oct. 1970): 5-15.
On-line Resource Derek B. Murray, "The Relevance of Sociology," The Fraternal 158 (Oct. 1970): 15-20.
On-line Resource Lewis A. Drummond, "Relfections on British Baptist Life," The Fraternal 158 (Oct. 1970): 21-26.
On-line Resource Henry A. Jacquet, "The Vocation of the Dissenting Minister To-day," The Fraternal 158 (Oct. 1970): 26-31.
On-line Resource P.H.K. Thompson, "Time For God. A Voluntary Service Scheme for Young People," The Fraternal 158 (Oct. 1970): 32-35.
On-line Resource Stuart Y. Blanch, "The Violent Universe," The Fraternal 158 (Oct. 1970): 36-41.
On-line Resource E. Bruce Hardy, "Fraternals Now," The Fraternal 158 (Oct. 1970): 41-45.

Volume 159 (January 1971) - Complete Issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "A Message From the B.M.F. Chairman," The Fraternal 159 (Jan. 1971): 4.
On-line Resource Helmut Thielicke, "The Present Task of Theology: I," The Fraternal 159 (Jan. 1971): 5-10.
On-line Resource W.T. Cowlan, "A New Macedonian Call?" The Fraternal 159 (Jan. 1971): 11-15.
On-line Resource George Young, "A City Pastorate in Glasgow," The Fraternal 159 (Jan. 1971): 15-21.
On-line Resource E.W. Price Evans, "The Minister as Preacher," The Fraternal 159 (Jan. 1971): 22-24.
On-line Resource J.C.G. Binfield, "Some Abiding Virtues of the Victorian Church," The Fraternal 159 (Jan. 1971): 24-31.
On-line Resource P.H. Gathercole, "The Ministry of Healing in the Local Church," The Fraternal 159 (Jan. 1971): 32-37.
On-line Resource "'Ministry Tomorrow'," The Fraternal 159 (Jan. 1971): 39-42.

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