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The bmj and its predecessor, The Fraternal, have been resourcing Baptist ministers for many years with theological reflection and discussion of issues pertaining to ministry today. These publications provide a superb snapshot of Baptist life and ministry and are an amazing resource for social research as well as material for ministers to use. Enjoy browsing them - and our sincere thanks go to Rob Bradshaw, who has carefully scanned them in and made this collection accessible in a digital age. Sally Nelson, bmj editor (2016).
Volume 1 (January 1931)
A.C. Underwood, "Modern Cults," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 1 (Jan. 1931): 1-5. |
L.H. Marshall, "Relgious Controversy in Canada," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 1 (Jan. 1931): 6-11. |
Alexander Hodge, "Psychology and Evangelism," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 1 (Jan. 1931): 12-17. |
John Pitts, "The Minister's Bookshelf," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 1 (Jan. 1931): 18-21. |
Volume 2 (April 1931)
G.C. Leader, "A.J. Payne. A Brother Beloved," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 2 (April 1931): 1-2. |
H.W. Tribble, "British Baptist Life Through American Eyes," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 2 (April 1931): 2-7. |
E.W. Price Evans, "The Minister as Diplomatist," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 2 (April 1931): 8-13. |
H.J. Morley, "The Modern Challenge to the Christian Ideal of Marriage," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 2 (April 1931): 14-19. |
John Pitts, "The Minister's Bookshelf," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 2 (April 1931): 20-24. |
Volume 3 (July 1931)
Gilbert Laws, "Pastoral Visitation: Special Cases," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 3 (July 1931): 1-6. |
Samuel Brown, "The Ministerial Settlement and Sustentation Scheme," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 3 (July 1931): 7-11. |
A.C. Underwood, "The 'Ad Hoc' Fallacy in Education," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 3 (July 1931): 12-18. |
Frank Buffard, "The Christian Use of Leisure," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 3 (July 1931): 18-22. |
R. Burch Hoyle, "Dr. G.P. Gould, M.A. - 'Georgie'," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 3 (July 1931): 22-24. |
John Pitts, "The Minister's Bookshelf," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 3 (July 1931): 24-28. |
Volume 4 (October 1931)
J. Glynn Edwards, "Should We Further Modify Our Independency?" The Fraternal and Remembrancer 4 (Oct. 1931): 1-7. |
Thomas Greenwood, "Ministerial Settlement and Sustentation," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 4 (Oct. 1931): 8- |
Ernest A. Payne, "Herbert Wildon Carr (1857-1931)," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 4 (Oct. 1931): 10-13. |
John Pitts, "Academic Study in the Pastorate," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 4 (Oct. 1931): 13-16. |
H.E. Stickler, "The Future of Denominationalism," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 4 (Oct. 1931): 16-19. |
John Pitts, "The Minister's Bookshelf," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 4 (Oct. 1931): 20-22. |
Volume 5 (January 1932)
Hugh Hunter, "The Pastoral Session," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 5 (Jan. 1932): 1-4. |
Evan Williams, "The Time Limit - Facing the Facts," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 5 (Jan. 1932): 4-7. |
W. Taylor Bowie, "The Oxford Group Movement," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 5 (Jan. 1932): 7-10. |
H.J. Wicks, "American Baptist Life Through Englush Eyes," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 5 (Jan. 1932): 10-14. |
H. Ingli James, "'Woodbine Willie'," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 5 (Jan. 1932): 14-17. |
John Pitts, "The Minister's Bookshelf," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 5 (Jan. 1932): 17-21. |
Volume 6 (April 1932)
M.E. Aubrey, "Our Ministers and the Discipleship Campaign," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 6 (April 1932): 1-5. |
J.H. Rushbrooke, "The Fifth Baptist World Congress: August 1933," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 6 (April 1932): 5-8. |
W.H. Haden, "Baptist Ministers and Peace," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 6 (April 1932): 8-11. |
L. Clifford Cross, "Paul Conception of the Incarnation," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 6 (April 1932): 11-14. |
E.W. Price Evans, "Doctors and the Church," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 6 (April 1932): 14-16. |
John Pitts, "The Minister's Bookshelf," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 6 (April 1932): 16-19. |
Volume 7 (July 1932)
P.W. Evans, "'Blinded by Our Eyes'," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 7 (July 1932): 1-7. |
B. Grey Griffith, "The B.M.S. and the Churches," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 7 (July 1932): 7-12. |
W.G. Anderson, "'Take Up The Cross'," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 7 (July 1932): 13-15. |
D. Russell Smith, "Ministerial Stipends," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 7 (July 1932): 15-18. |
Hubert L. Watson, "Ministerial Stipends - A Further Suggestion," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 7 (July 1932): 19-20. |
John Pitts, "The Minister's Bookshelf," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 7 (July 1932): 20-23. |
Volume 8 (October 1932)
George Evans, "My Experiences in the Group Movement," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 8 (Oct. 1932): 1-5. |
E. Corns Davies, "A Disciple-Making Ministry. I," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 8 (Oct. 1932): 6-9. |
A.C. Underwood, "Civilisation's Drift From Religion," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 8 (Oct. 1932): 10-17. |
John Pitts, "The Minister's Bookshelf," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 8 (Oct. 1932): 18-21. |
Volume 9 (January 1933)
A.C. Underwood, "Civilisation's Drift From Religion. II," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 9 (Jan. 1933): 1-7. |
Alexander Hodge, "Prayer in the Modern World," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 9 (Jan. 1933): 8-13. |
H.V. Larcombe, "Christian Ethics and Gambling," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 9 (Jan. 1933): 13-19. |
Henry Clarkson, "The Mystery of Preaching," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 9 (Jan. 1933): 19-22. |
John Pitts, "The Minister's Bookshelf," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 9 (Jan. 1933): |
Volume 10 (April 1933)
W.H. Gaussen, "The Immanence of God," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 10 (April 1933): 1-6. |
F.C. Spurr, "An Ancient Christian in a Modern Man," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 10 (April 1933): 6-10. |
E.W. Price Evans, "Sample Sermons," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 10 (April 1933): 11-13. |
'Timotheus', "A Student Faces the Ministry," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 10 (April 1933): 14-16. |
John Pitts, "The Minister's Bookshelf," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 10 (April 1933): 16-21. |
Volume 11 (July 1933)
W.T. Whitley, "Our Attitude to Young People," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 11 (July 1933): 1-7. |
Ernest A. Payne, "A Failure of Nerve," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 11 (July 1933): 7-11. |
F.J.Taviner, "On Oratical Slimming," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 11 (July 1933): 12-15. |
L.R. Floyd, "Towards a New Society," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 11 (July 1933): 15-18. |
John Pitts, "The Minister's Bookshelf," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 11 (July 1933): 18-21. |
Volume 12 (October 1933)
Rabbi Israel Mattuck, "Currents of Thought in Modern Jewish Life," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 12 (Oct. 1933): 1-7. |
W.J. Grant, "The Spiritual Condition of Our Churches in the Light of the Discipleship Campaign," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 12 (Oct. 1933): 7-11. |
Morton Gledhill, "The Two Oxford Movements," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 12 (Oct. 1933): 11-17. |
Sydney G. Morris, "The Epistle of 'Paul' to 'Timotheus'," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 12 (Oct. 1933): 17-19. |
John Pitts, "The Minister's Bookshelf," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 12 (Oct. 1933): 19-22. |
Volume 13 (January 1934)
Gwilym O. Griffith, "The Nature of Revival," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 13 (Jan. 1934): 1-5. |
W.J. Lush, "Sunday Observance," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 13 (Jan. 1934): 5-9. |
W.U. Torrance, "The Sacraments and Authority," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 13 (Jan. 1934): 10-15. |
J.C. Rendall, "The Romance of Worship," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 13 (Jan. 1934): 15-18. |
John Pitts, "The Minister's Bookshelf," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 13 (Jan. 1934): 18-23. |
Volume 14 (April 1934)
John Pitts, "Spurgeon as a Preacher," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 14 (April 1934): 1-5. |
Percy Austin, "Failures and Fears," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 14 (April 1934): 5-9. |
W.S. Davies, "Knowledge of Christ," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 14 (April 1934): 9-13. |
E. Gordon Fletcher, "The Thraldom of Metaphor," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 14 (April 1934): 13-19. |
John Pitts, "The Minister's Bookshelf," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 14 (April 1934): 19-23. |
W.H. Jones, The Priesthood of All Believers," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 15 (July 1934): 1-5. |
W.E. Elliott, "Sweet Reasonableness," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 15 (July 1934): 5-8. |
W.G. Anderson, Dr. C.C. Torrey's New Translation of the Four Gospels," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 15 (July 1934): 8-12. |
A.G. Hill, "Fear and the Gods," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 15 (July 1934): 12-15. |
A.J. Kellam, "The Essentials of Christian Discipleship," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 15 (July 1934): 15-19. |
John Pitts, "The Minister's Bookshelf," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 15 (July 1934): 19-23. |
Henry Bonser, "Dr. W.E. Blomfield: Leader and Friend," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 16 (Oct. 1934): 1-3 |
Ernest A. Payne, "Anti-God Propaganda," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 16 (Oct. 1934): 4-12. |
W.H. Jones, "The Priesthood of All Believers," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 16 (Oct. 1934): 12-16. |
John Pitts, "Emil Brunner's 'The Mediator'," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 16 (Oct. 1934): 16-18. |
John Pitts, "The Minister's Bookshelf," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 16 (Oct. 1934): 19-22. |
Arthur Dakin, "Seasonable Worship," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 17 (Jan. 1935): 1-2. |
C.T. Le Quesne, "The Significance of the Berlin Congress," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 17 (Jan. 1935): 2-6. |
D. Glan Morgan, "The Ministry of Mental Healing," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 17 (Jan. 1935): 7-10. |
Frederick Cawley, "The Legacy of Spurgeon," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 17 (Jan. 1935): 10-16. |
John Lewis, "'All-Including Goodwill'," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 17 (Jan. 1935): 16-18. |
W.H. Matthews, "'Continentally' Speaking," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 17 (Jan. 1935): 18-20. |
John Pitts, "The Minister's Bookshelf," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 17 (Jan. 1935): 20-25. |
Charles Brown, "The Value of Intercessory Prayer," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 18 (April 1935): 1-4. |
Charles H. Sears, "The Significance of the Individual," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 18 (April 1935): 5-7. |
W.H. Weston, "Christians and the Cinema," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 18 (April 1935): 7-10. |
W.H. Haden, "The Devotional Life of the Minister," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 18 (April 1935): 11-17. |
J.W. Townsend, "A Theological Balance," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 18 (April 1935): 17-20. |
John Pitts, "The Minister's Bookshelf," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 18 (April 1935): 21-24. |
Reginald Lillington, "A Neglected Task," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 19 (July 1935): 1-8. |
Thomas Greenwood, "Why Pacifist?" The Fraternal and Remembrancer 19 (July 1935): 9-12. |
Wilfred R. Bowell, "Peace With Honour: A Defence of Pacifism," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 19 (July 1935): 13-17. |
Leslie T. Comber, "The Re-Organisation of Ministry," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 19 (July 1935): 17-19. |
Ronald A. Ward, "History and the Interpretation of the Gospels," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 19 (July 1935): 19-21. |
John Pitts, "The Minister's Bookshelf," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 19 (July 1935): 22-24. |
P.W. Evans, "Thomas Greenwood: Remembrance and Thanksgiving," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 20 (Oct. 1935): |
Reginald Lillington, "A Neglected Task (Concluded)," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 20 (Oct. 1935): |
John Pitts, "Otto Borchesrt's 'The Original Jesus'," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 20 (Oct. 1935): |
J.H. Malins Johnson, "The Preacher in His Public Prayer," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 20 (Oct. 1935): |
W.H. Compton, "The Sovereignty of God and the Church," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 20 (Oct. 1935): |
John Pitts, "The Minister's Bookshelf," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 20 (Oct. 1935): |
Henry Cook, "A Woord From the President," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 21 (Jan. 1936): 1-2. |
Henry Townsend, "The Origins of the Pastoral Session," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 21 (Jan. 1936): 2-5. |
G.G. Dawson, "Christians Religions Healing," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 21 (Jan. 1936): 6-11. |
Harry Kay, "The Sovereignty of God and the Individual," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 21 (Jan. 1936): 12-15. |
P.W. Evans, "The Relevance of the Ministry," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 21 (Jan. 1936): 16-20. |
John Pitts, "The Minister's Bookshelf," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 21 (Jan. 1936): 21-26. |
Carey Bonner, "Ministers and Worship-Song," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 22 (April 1936): 1-4. |
W. Rowland Jones, "The Religion of Keir Hardie," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 22 (April 1936): 4-9. |
John O. Barrett, "An 'Oxford Movement' Among Baptists," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 22 (April 1936): 9-12. |
Robinson Brunskill, "Problems of the Spiritual Life," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 22 (April 1936): 12-16. |
Ernest A. Payne, "John Mott and John Foster," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 22 (April 1936): 17-19. |
John Pitts, "The Minister's Bookshelf," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 22 (April 1936): 20-24. |
J.W. Ewing, "In Memoriam: Dr. E.W. Gibbons," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 23 (July 1936): 1-2. |
L.P. Cook, "The Discipleship Campaign Reconsidered," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 23 (July 1936): 2-6. |
G.W. Harte, "An Expedient That is Not Lawful," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 23 (July 1936): 7-11. |
R.C. Walton, "The Place and Meaning of the Lord's Supper," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 23 (July 1936): 11-16. |
Alexander Small, "Christ's Saving Message: Obstacles to Its Acceptance," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 23 (July 1936): 17-20. |
John Pitts, "The Minister's Bookshelf," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 23 (July 1936): 20-24. |
James Mursell, "Pastoral Visitation," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 24 (Oct. 1936): 1-8. |
Alexander Small, "Christ's Saving Message: Obstacles to Its Acceptance," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 24 (Oct. 1936): 9-17. |
James F. Taviner, "Jesus, The Supreme Teacher," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 24 (Oct. 1936): 17-21. |
John Pitts, "The Minister's Bookshelf," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 24 (Oct. 1936): 21-25. |
E.W. Price Evans, "Precepts For Preachers: Points From Charles Simeon," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 25 (Jan. 1937): 1-3. |
Ernest A. Payne, "A Baptist College at Oxford," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 25 (Jan. 1937): 4-6. |
Humphrey Chalmers, "The Christhood of God," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 25 (Jan. 1937): 6-11. |
H.J. Dale, "Making Religion a Force," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 25 (Jan. 1937): 11-16. |
G. Lloyd Phelps, "What is the Future Life?" The Fraternal and Remembrancer 25 (Jan. 1937): 16-19. |
John Pitts, "The Minister's Bookshelf," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 25 (Jan. 1937): 19-24. |
J.O. Hagger, "The After-Life," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 26 (April 1937): 1-5. |
W. Erskine Blackburn, "John Calvin: 'The Master Mind of the Reformation'," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 26 (April 1937): 6-11. |
H.H. Turner, "Revival," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 26 (April 1937): 12-18. |
W. Rowland Jones, "Recent Theological Tendencies," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 26 (April 1937): 18-19. |
John Pitts, "Emil Brunner's 'The Divine Imperative'," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 26 (April 1937): 19-22. |
John Pitts, "The Minister's Bookshelf," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 26 (April 1937): 22-26. |
Volume 27 (July 1937)
R.L. Child, "The Ministry and the Bible," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 27 (July 1937): 1-8. |
Hugh Martin, "The Position of the Christian Non-Pacifist," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 27 (July 1937): 9-16. |
George Howells, "Co-Operation Abroad Calls For Co-Operation at Home," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 27 (July 1937): 16-21. |
John Pitts, "The Minister's Bookshelf," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 27 (July 1937): 22-25. |
Volume 28 (October 1937)
George Howells, "Co-Operation Abroad Calls For Co-Operation at Home (Continued)," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 28 (Oct. 1937): 1-9. |
E.W. Price Evans, "A Plea For a Teaching Ministry," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 28 (Oct. 1937): 9-11. |
E.W. Mills, "The Witness of the Free Churches," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 28 (Oct. 1937): 11-19. |
James Scott, "'The Transcendence of Jesus Christ," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 28 (Oct. 1937): 19-21. |
John Pitts, "The Minister's Bookshelf," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 28 (Oct. 1937): 22-24. |
Volume 29 (January 1938)
Percy Austin, "Editorial," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 29 (Jan. 1938): 1-4. |
Evan Williams, "Dr John Pitts - A Tribute," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 29 (Jan. 1938): 4-5. |
H.H. Farmer, "The Christian Valuation of the Individual," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 29 (Jan. 1938): 5-10. |
J.W. Ewing, "The Springs of the Minister's Influence," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 29 (Jan. 1938): 10-15. |
J. Ivoty Cripps, "The Baptist Attitude to Peace and War," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 29 (Jan. 1938): 16-24. |
Volume 30 (April 1938)
Percy Austin, "Editorial," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 30 (April 1938): 1-3. |
W.E. Sangster, "That the Ministry Be Not Blamed," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 30 (April 1938): 3-8. |
J.N. Britton, "Ministers As I Have Seen Them," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 30 (April 1938): 8-13. |
T.J. Whitman, "The Pastoral Session - Retrospect and Prospect," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 30 (April 1938): 14-17. |
P.T. Thomson, "Cromwell Speaks," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 30 (April 1938): 17-20. |
E.W. Price Evans, "A Preacher's Reading," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 30 (April 1938): 20-23. |
Volume 31 (July 1938)
Percy Austin, "Editorial," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 31 (July 1938): 1-4. |
E. Corns Davies, "Our Minister's Fraternal Union," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 31 (July 1938): 4-7. |
P.T. Thomson, "Our Ministry," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 31 (July 1938): 7-10. |
Evan Williams, "Independency, Presbyterianism & Methodism," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 31 (July 1938): 11-19. |
"The Pastoral Session, 1938," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 31 (July 1938): 19-22. |
Volume 32 (October 1938)
Percy Austin, "Editorial," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 32 (Oct. 1938): 1-3. |
R.L. Child, "Baptist Polity," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 32 (Oct. 1938): 3-7. |
J.N. Britton, "More Ministers I Have Met," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 32 (Oct. 1938): 7-12. |
H.C. Rowse, "The Yorkshire Baptist Ministers' Conference," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 32 (Oct. 1938): 12-17. |
Robinson Brunskill, "The Voluntariness of Christ's Death," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 32 (Oct. 1938): 18-22. |
Leslie Kingsbury, "Visiting With a View," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 32 (Oct. 1938): 22-24. |
Volume 33 (January 1939)
Percy Austin, "Editorial Notes," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 33 (Jan. 1939): 1-2. |
A.H. Hawkins, "The Sermon," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 33 (Jan. 1939): 2-5. |
A.W. Gummer Butt, "An Ex-General Superintendent Looks Back," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 33 (Jan. 1939): 5-10. |
Henry Cook, "A New General Superintendent Looks Forward," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 33 (Jan. 1939): 10-12. |
J. Miller Hamilton, "Edmund Luscombe Hull. A Great Baptist Preacher of the Victorian Era," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 33 (Jan. 1939): 12-17. |
J.B. Middlebrook, "The Christian Doctrine of Providence," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 33 (Jan. 1939): 17-20. |
Seymour J. Price, "Know Your History," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 33 (Jan. 1939): 20-22. |
Volume 34 (April 1939)
Percy Austin, "Editorial," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 34 (April 1939): 1-5. |
John Pitts, "Ministerial Life in Canada," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 34 (April 1939): 5-9. |
P. Franklin Chambers, "The Minister and the Microphone," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 34 (April 1939): 9-12. |
R.I. Hopwood, "The Ministerial Session of the Methodist Conference," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 34 (April 1939): 13-16. |
Eric F.H. Knight, "Principal William Robinson, D.D.," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 34 (April 1939): 16-18. |
W,H, Pratt, "Our Circulating Library," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 34 (April 1939): 18-19. |
"'The Holiday Supplies' - A Fable," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 34 (April 1939): 19-21. |
"Draft Constitution of the Baptist Ministers' Fellowship," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 34 (April 1939): 21-23. |
Volume 35 (July 1939)
Percy Austin, "Editorial Notes," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 35 (July 1939): 1-4. |
William Robinson, "The Nature of the Christian Ethic," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 35 (July 1939): 4-11. |
H.F. West, "The Minister, His Central Task and Purpose," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 35 (July 1939): 11-18. |
Ashworth Howorth, "What I Expect From A Minister," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 35 (July 1939): 18-21. |
"Sheena," "A Human Document," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 35 (July 1939): 21-23. |
"Brief Book Notices," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 35 (July 1939): 23-24. |
Volume 36 (October 1939)
Percy Austin, "Editorial Notes," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 36 (Oct. 1939): 1-3. |
T.J. Whitman, "A Word of Cheer," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 36 (Oct. 1939): 3-4. |
F.W. Rose, "The Way of Salvation," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 36 (Oct. 1939): 5-10. |
D. Gordon Wylie, "The Christian Pacifist in War-Time," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 36 (Oct. 1939): 10-12. |
H.J. Dale, "The Divine Standard," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 36 (Oct. 1939): 13-16. |
"Brief Book Notices," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 36 (Oct. 1939): 16-17. |
Volume 37 (January 1940)
Percy Austin, "Editorial Notes," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 37 (Jan. 1940): 1-2. |
Henry Bonser, "Ministerial Settlement in Wartime," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 37 (Jan. 1940): 2-4. |
H.J.S. Guntrip, "Epstein's 'Adam'," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 37 (Jan. 1940): 4-7. |
Percy Austin, "Ministerial Success," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 37 (Jan. 1940): 8-13. |
H.J. Vellacott, "A Minister's Dream," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 37 (Jan. 1940): 13-15. |
"Brief Book Notices," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 37 (Jan. 1940): 15-18. |
Volume 38 (April 1940)
Percy Austin, "Editorial Notes," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 38 (April 1940): 1-3. |
Robinson Brunskill, "A Study of Temptation," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 38 (April 1940): 3-8. |
A.J. Westlake, "The Artist and the Camera," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 38 (April 1940): 8-11. |
Percy Austin, "Last Words," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 38 (April 1940): 12-16. |
J.O. Barrett, "Impressions of the B.U. Church," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 38 (April 1940): 17-18. |
"Nitsaup", "The Chapel- Keeper," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 38 (April 1940): 18-21. |
"Brief Book Notices," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 38 (April 1940): 21-22. |
Volume 39 (July 1940)
J.R. Edwards, "Crisis," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 39 (July 1940): 1-3. |
R.L. Child, "The War and the Church," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 39 (July 1940): 4-7. |
G.H.T. Blake, "I Was At Dunkirk," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 39 (July 1940): 7-9. |
Seymour J. Price, "A Business Man Talks to Ministers," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 39 (July 1940): 10-14. |
A.J. Klaiber, "'Go To It, Baptists'!" The Fraternal and Remembrancer 39 (July 1940): 15-16. |
J.B. Middlebrook, "Reflections on Recent Reading," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 39 (July 1940): 17-18. |
"Brief Book Notices," The Fraternal and Remembrancer 39 (July 1940): 18-19. |