1.1 |
James I. Packer, "Hermeneutics and Biblical
Authority," Themelios 1.1 (1975): 3-12. |
R.T. France, "Inerrancy and New Testament
Exegesis," Themelios 1.1 (1975): 12-18. |
Robert P.
Gordon, "Preaching from the Patriarchs," Themelios 1.1 (1975):
19-23. |
1.2 |
Derek Kidner, "The Way Home: An Exposition of Hosea 14," Themelios 1.2 (Spring 1976):
34-36. |
Peter Davids, "The Poor Man's Gospel," Themelios 1.2 (Spring 1976): 37-41. |
Andrew Kirk, "The Meaning of Man in the Debate Between Christianity and Marxism," Themelios 1.2 (Spring 1976): 41-49. |
Harris, "Resurrection and Immortality: Eight Theses," Themelios 1.2
(Spring 1976): 50-55. pdf |
1.3 |
Nicholls, "Nairobi 1975: A Crisis of Faith For the WCC," Themelios 1.3
(Summer 1976): 66-75. |
Baptist Church, "Jesus Christ Frees," Themelios 1.3 (Summer 1976):
75-80. |
David Gillett, "Shalom: Content For a Slogan," Themelios 1.3 (Summer 1976):
80-84. |
Andrew Kirk, "The Meaning of Man in the Debate Between Christianity and Marxism, Part 2" Themelios 1.3 (Summer 1976): 85-93. |
2.1 |
John R.W.
Stott, "Paul Prays For the Church," Themelios 2 (1976): 2-4. |
I. Howard
Marshall, "Orthodoxy and Heresy in Earliest Christianity," Themelios 2
(1976): 5-14. |
David F. Wright [1897-2008], "Why Were the Montanists Condemned?" Themelios. (Sept. 1976):
15-22. |
2.2 |
Alan R. Millard, "Approaching the Old
Testament," Themelios 2.2 (1977): 34-39. |
Robert J.M. Gurney, "The Four Kingdoms of Daniel
2 and 7," Themelios, 2.2 (1977): 39-45. pdf |
John E.
Goldingay, "The Book of Daniel: three Issues," Themelios 2.2 (1977):
45-49. |
Gordon J. Wenham, "Daniel: the Basic Issues," Themelios 2.2 (1977): 49-52. pdf |
A. Skevington
Wood [1916-1993], "A Bibliographic Guide to the Study of the Reformation," Themelios 2.2 (1977): 52-57. |
2.3 |
Clark H.
Pinnock, "Karl Barth and Christian Apologetics," Themelios 2.3 (May
1977): 66-71 |
Mangalwadi, "Five Ways to Salvation in Contemporary Guruism," Themelios 2.3 (May 1977): 72-77. pdf |
Grant R.
Osborne, "The 'Rapture' Question," Themelios 2.3 (May 1977):
77-80. |
Colin J.
Hemer, "Acts and Galatians Reconsidered," Themelios 2.3 (May 1977):
81-88. |
3.1 |
Andrew T.
Lincoln, "God's Lethal Weapon (Hebrews 4:11-13)," Themelios 3.1 (Sept.
1977): 1-3. |
C. René
Padilla, "God's Word and Man's Myths," Themelios 3.1 (Sept. 1977):
3-9. |
Martin J. Selman, "Comparative Methods and
Patriarchal Narratives," Themelios 3.1 (1977): 9-16. |
Ronald Y.K.
Fung, "The Forensic Nature of Justification," Themelios 3.1 (Sept.
1977): 16-21. |
3.2 |
Gerald E.
Bray, "Can We Dispence With Chalcedon?" Themelios 3.2 (January 1978):
2-9. |
Richard Bauckham, "The Rise of Apocalyptic," Themelios 3.2
(January 1978): 10-23. |
A. Skevington
Wood [1916-1993], "A bibliographical guide to the study of the Reformation: Part 2.
Development," Themelios 3.2 (January 1978): 24-27. |
3.3 |
Colin J.
Chapman, "Thinking Biblically About Islam," Themelios 3.3 (April 1978):
66-78. |
Bruce D.
Chilton, "An Evangelical and Critical Approach to the Sayings of Jesus," Themelios 3.3 (April 1978): 78-85. |
David F. Wright [1897-2008], "James Barr on 'Fundamentalism' - a review article," Themelios 3.3 (April 1978): 86-89. |
4.1 |
Dick France, "Barnabas - Son of Encouragement," Themelios 4.1 (Sept. 1978):
3-6. |
Joyce G. Baldwin, "Is There Pseudonymity in
the Old Testament?" Themelios 4.1 (Sept. 1978): 6-12. pdf |
Noel Weeks, "The Hermeneutical Problem of Genesis
1-11," Themelios 4.1 (Sept. 1978): 11-19. pdf |
Paul Helm, "Arguing about origins," Themelios 4.2 (January 1978):
20-24. |
The editors,
"Review of Theological Journals 1977," Themelios 4.2 (January 1978):
25-29. |
Jim Mynors, "A
Guide to bibliographic sources," Themelios 4.2 (January 1978):
30-31. |
4.2 |
Bauckham, "Universalism: a Historical Survey," Themelios 4.2 (January
1978): 47-54. |
N.T. Wright, "Towards a Biblical View of Universalism," Themelios 4.2 (January 1978):
54-58. |
Edwin A. Blum, "Shall you not surely die," Themelios 4.2 (January 1978):
62-69. |
4.3 |
Jim Packer, "The Vital Question," Themelios 4.3 (April 1979): 84-87. |
R.T. Kendall, "Preaching in Worship," Themelios 4.3 (April 1979): 88-92. |
David Wenham, "Jesus and the Law: an Exegesis of Matthew 5:17-20," Themelios 4.3
(April 1979): 92-96. |
Armerding, "Structural Analysis," Themelios 4.3 (April 1979):
96-104. |
5.1 |
Geoffrey W. Bromiley [1915-2009], "Evangelicals and Theological Creativity," Themelios 5.1
(September 1979): 4-8. |
Robert H. Stein, "Was the Tomb Really Empty?" Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 20.1 (1977): 23-29 = "Was
the Tomb Really Empty?" Themelios 5.1 (September 1979):
8-12. |
Robert R.
Cook, "The Psychology of Incarnation," Themelios 5.1 (September 1979):
13-17. |
Stephen T.
Davis, "God the Mad Scientist: Process Theology on God and Evil" Themelios 5.1 (September 1979): 18-23. |
5.2 |
I. Howard Marshall, "How Do We Interpret
the Bible Today?" Themelios 5.2 (January 1980): 4-12. |
D.A. Carson, "Hermeneutics: A Brief Assessment of Some Recent Trends," Themelios 5.2
(January 1980): 12-20. = Evangelical Review of Theology 5.1 (April 1981): 8-25. |
David Baker, "Interpreting Texts in the Context
of the Whole Bible," Themelios 5.2 (January 1980):
21-25. |
Kwame Bediako, "The Willowbank Consultion Jan 1978 - A Personal Reflection," Themelios 5.2 (January 1980): 25-32. |
5.3 |
A. Van Seters, "God and Family: From Sociology to Covenant Theology," Themelios 5.3
(May 1980): 4-7. |
Edwin M. Yamauchi, "The Reverse Order of
Ezra/Nehemiah Reconsidered," Themelios 5.3 (May 1980): 7-13. pdf |
Bloesch, "The Sword of the Spirit: The Meaning of Inspiration," Themelios 5.3 (May 1980): 14-19. |
David R. Denton, "The Biblical Basis of Hope," Themelios 5.3 (May 1980):
19-27. |
6.1 |
David Wenham, "Spirit and Life: Some
Reflections on Johannine Theology," Themelios 6.1 (September 1980):
4-8. |
Douglas Stuart, "Old Testament Prophets'
Self-Understanding of Their Prophecy," Themelios 6.1 (1980):
9-14. |
Wing-hung Lam, "Tensions in Calvin's Idea of Predestination," Themelios 6.1 (September
1980): 14-18. |
N.T. Wright, "Godliness and Good Learning: Cranfield's Romans," Themelios 6.1
(September 1980): 18-24. |
6.2 |
"Survey of
1979 Journals: Old Testament - Gordon Wenham; New Testament - Dick France;
Church History - D.F. Wright; Systematic Theology - Clark H. Pinnock," Themelios 6.2 (January 1981): 4-7. |
Richard J.
Mouw, "Explaining Social Reality: Some Christian Reflections," Themelios 6.2 (January 1981): 7-12. |
A. Skevington
Wood [1916-1993], "The Radical Reformation Reassessed," Themelios 6.2 (January
1981): 12-17. |
Howard Biggs, "The Q Debate Since 1955," Themelios 6.2 (January 1981):
18-28. |
6.3 |
Ronald Y.K.
Fung, "The Status of Justification by Faith in Paul's Thought: A Brief Survey
of a Modern Debate," Themelios 6.3 (April 1981): 4-11. |
William Dyrness, "Mercy triumphs over justice:
James 2:13 and the Theology of Faith and Works," Themelios 6.3 (1981):
11-16. pdf |
Anthony Stone, "Three Current Challenges of the Occult," Themelios 6.3 (April 1981):
16-19. |
Craig M.
Watts, "Christian Ministry in its Theological Context," Themelios 6.3
(April 1981): 20-26. |
7.1 |
David W. Gill, "Jacques Ellul: The Prophet as Theologian," Themelios 7.1 (September
1981): 4-14. |
Robert M.
Price, "Niebuhr's Doctrine of Revelation in Contemporary Theology," Themelios 7.1 (September 1981): 14-17. |
C. René
Padilla, "The Interpreted Word: Reflections on Contextual Hermeneutics," Themelios 7.1 (September 1981): 18-23. |
David G.
Kibble, "The Kingdom of God and Christian Politics," Themelios 7.1
(September 1981): 24-32. |
7.2 |
"Survey of
1980 Journals: Old Testament - Gordon Wenham; New Testament - Dick France;
Church History - David F. Wright; Systematic Theology - Clark H. Pinnock;
Apologetics - Norman L. Geisler," Themelios 7.2 (January 1982):
4-8. |
Bruce A.
Demarest, "The Contemporary Relevance of Christendom's Creeds," Themelios 7.2 (January 1982): 9-16. |
N.M. de S.
Cameron, "Dean Burgon and the Bible: An Eminent Victorian and the Problem of
Inspiration," Themelios 7.2 (January 1982): 16-20. |
Donald Dean
Smeeton, "Hans Küng: Architect of Radical Catholicism," Themelios 7.2 (January 1982): 21-24. |
7.3 |
Richard J. Bauckham, "Weakness - Paul's
and ours," Themelios 7.3 (1982): 4-6. |
N.T. Wright, "A New Tübingen School? E. Käsemann and His Commentary on Romans," Themelios 7.3 (1982): 6-16. |
Glaser, "Towards a Mutual Understanding of Christian and Islamic Concepts of
Revelation," Themelios 7.3 (1982): 16-22. pdf |
Theo Donner, "Some Thoughts on the History of
the New Testament Canon," Themelios 7.3 (1982): 23-27. pdf |
Nigel M. de S.
Cameron, "Talking Points: Genesis and Evolution," Themelios 7.3 (1982):
28-31.= Evangelical Review of Theology 8.2 (Oct. 1984): 176-182. |
John Webster, "Recent Work on Barth: A Survey of Literature Since 1975," Themelios 7.3
(1982): 31-35. |
8.1 |
John E. Goldingay, "The Old Testament and
Christian faith: Jesus and the Old Testament in Matthew 1-5: Part 1, Themelios 8.1 (September 1982): 4-10. |
Cheeseman, "Dynamic Christology, Themelios 8.1 (September 1982):
10-15. |
Leon Morris, "The Emergence of the Doctrine of the Incarnation, Themelios 8.1
(September 1982): 15-19. |
Ernest C. Lucas, "Covenant, treaty, and
prophecy," Themelios 8.1 (September 1982): 19-23. |
Nigel N. de S.
Cameron, "Talking Points: Science versus Religion, Themelios 8.1
(September 1982): 23-27. |
8.2 |
John E. Goldingay, "The Old Testament and
Christian faith: Jesus and the Old Testament in Matthew 1-5 Part 2," Themelios 8.2 (January 1983): 5-12. |
Michael W. Holmes, "The 'Majority Text
Debate': New Form of an Old Issue," Themelios 8.2 (January 1983):
13-19. pdf |
W. Stanford
Reid, "Jean Calvin: the Father of Capitalism," Themelios 8.2 (January
1983): 19-25. |
Gordon J.
Wenham, "Recent Old Testament Study: an Evangelical Assessment," Themelios 8.2 (January 1983): 25-26. |
Chris Sugden & David Bosch, "From Partnership to Marriage: Consultation on the
Relationship Between Evangelism and Social Responsibility (CRESR)," Themelios 8.2 (January 1983): 26-27. |
8.3 |
McConville, "The Pentateuch Today," Themelios 8.3 (April 1983):
5-11. |
Miroslav Volf, "Doing and Interpreting: an Examination of the Relationship Between Theory and
Practice in Latin American Liberation Theology," Themelios 8.3 (April
1983): 11-19. |
David Hempton, "Evangelical Revival and Society: a Historiographical Review of Methodism and
British Society c.1750-1850," Themelios 8.3 (April 1983):
19-25. |
David Field, "Talking Points. The Divorce Debate - Where are we Now?" Themelios 8.3
(April 1983): 26-31. |
9.1 |
Webster, "The Identity of the Holy Spirit: a Problem in Trinitarian Theology," Themelios 9.1 (September 1983): 4-7. |
D.A. Carson, "Recent Literature on the Fourth Gospel: Some Reflections," Themelios 9.1 (September 1983): 8-18. |
Goldsmith, "Contextualisation in Theology," Themelios 9.1 (September
1983): 18-23. |
9.2 |
J. H. Wright, "The Christian and other religions: the biblical evidence," Themelios 9.2 (January 1984): 4-15. pdf |
Dewi Arwel
Hughes, "Christianity and Other Religions: a Review of Some Recent Discussion," Themelios 9.2 (January 1984): 15-21. |
Lamb, "Dialectical Ministry: Christian Life and Mission in the Multi-faith
Situation," Themelios 9.2 (January 1984): 21-27. |
9.3 |
Clark H.
Pinnock, "Building the Brudge from Academic Theology to Christian Mission," Themelios 9.3 (April 1984): 3-6. |
J. Bauckham, "'Only the suffering God can help': Divine Passibility in Modern
Theology," Themelios 9.3 (April 1984): 6-12. |
Mark Geldard, "Why Study Philosophy of Religion?" Themelios 9.3 (April 1984):
13-21. |