10.1 |
Paul E.
Copeland, "A Guide to the Study of the Prophets," Themelios 10.1
(September 1984): 4-9. |
Roy Kearsley, "Curriculum for Credo: the Content and Aim of the Church's Teaching Task," Themelios 10.1 (September 1984): 9-14. |
David Lyon, "Seculaization: the Fate of Faith in Modern Society," Themelios 10.1
(September 1984): 14-22. |
Edwin M
Yamauchi, "Pre-Christian Gnosticism, the New Testament and Nag Hammadi in
Recent Debate," Themelios 10.1 (September 1984): 22-27. pdf |
Roger T.
Beckwith, "The Ecumenical Quest for Agreement in Faith," Themelios 10.1
(September 1984): 28-30. |
10.2 |
J. Andrew
Kirk, "Race, Class, Caste and the Bible," Themelios 10.2 (January 1985):
4-14. |
Jim Stamoois, "Church and State in South Africa," Themelios 10.2 (January 1985):
14-24. |
Philip Lewis, "Caste, Mission and Church Growth," Themelios 10.2 (January 1985):
24-30. |
John Root, "Issues for the Church in a Multi-Racial Society," Themelios 10.2
(January 1985): 30-.36. |
10.3 |
David F. Wright [1897-2008], "Ordination," Themelios 10.3 (April 1985): 5-10. |
Carl F.
Wislett, "Recent Trends in Roman Catholicism," Themelios 10.3 (April
1985): 10-15. |
Gordon J. Wenham, "The Date of Deuteronomy:
linch-pin of Old Testament criticism Part 1," Themelios 10.3 (April
1985): 15-20. |
11.1 |
I. Howard Marshall, "The Hope of a New Age, the
Kingdom of God in the New Testament," Themelios 11.1 (September 1985):
5-15. = Jesus the Saviour. Studies in New Testament Theology. Downers
Grove, IL: InterVarsity / London: SPCK, 1990. Hbk. ISBN: 0830612733.
pp.213-238. pdf This article was reproduced from the
US edition of the article. |
Gordon J. Wenham, "The Date of Deuteronomy:
linch-pin of Old Testament criticism Part 2," Themelios 11.1 (September
1985): 15-18. |
Paul Helm, "A
Taproot of Radicalism," Themelios 11.1 (September 1985):
18-18-22. |
11.2 |
Alexander, "The Old Testament View of Life After Death," Themelios 11.2
(January 1986): 41-46. |
J. Harris, "The New Testament View of Life After death," Themelios 11.2
(January 1986): 47-52. pdf |
Stephen H.
Travis, "The Problem of Judgment," Themelios 11.2 (January 1986):
52-57. pdf |
Ida Glaser, "The
Concept of relationship as a Key to the Comparative Understanding of
Christianity and Islam," Themelios 11.2 (1986): 57-60. pdf |
11.3 |
R.W.L. Moberly, "Story in the Old Testament," Themelios 11.3 (1986): 77-82. |
Winfried Corduan, "Humility and Commitment:
an Approach to Modern Hermeneutics," Themelios 11.3 (April 1986):
83-88. pdf |
David F. Wright [1897-2008], "'Incidentalism' in Theology - or a Theology for Thirty-year-olds," Themelios 11.3 (April 1986): 88-92. |
"Survey of
Recent Journals," Themelios 11.3 (April 1986): 93-98. |
12.1 |
John M.G.
Barclay, "Paul and the Law: Observations on Some Recent Debates," Themelios 12.1 (September 1986): 5-15. |
Norman Geisler & William D. Watkins, "Process Theology: a Survey and an Appraisal," Themelios 12.1 (September 1986): 15-22. |
Paul Helm, "Asking God," Themelios 12.1 (September 1986): 22-24. |
12.2 |
Craig L.
Blomberg, "Synoptic Studies: Some Recent Methodological Developments and
Debates," Themelios 12.2 (January 1987): 38-46. |
E.C. Lucas, "Some Scientific Issues Related to the Understanding of Genesis 1-3," Themelios 12.2 (January 1987): 46-51. |
Gerald L.
Bray, "Recent Trends in Christology," Themelios 12.2 (January 1987):
52-56.= Evangelical Review of Theology 12.1 (Jan. 1988): 52-63. |
David F. Wright [1897-2008], "Four Other Gospels: Review Article," Themelios 12.2 (January 1987):
56-60. |
12.3 |
Hans Kvalbein, "Jesus and the Poor: Two Texts and a Tentative Conclusion," Themelios 12.3 (April 1987): 80-87. |
John W.
Gladwin, "Work, Faith and Freedom," Themelios 12.3 (April 1987):
88-89. |
Gerhard Maier, "Three Commentaries on Matthew: a Review," Themelios 12.3 (April 1987):
89-93. |
13.1 |
Richard N. Longenecker, "'Who is the
Prophet Talking About?' Some Reflections on the New Testament's Use of the
Old," Themelios 13.1 (Oct/Nov 1987): 4-8. |
Melvin Tinker, "The Priority of Jesus: a Look at the Place of Jesus' Teaching and Exsmple in
Christian Ethics," Themelios 13.1 (Oct/Nov 1987): 9-19. |
A.N.S. Lane, "Conversion: a Comparison of Calvin and Spener," Themelios 13.1 (Oct/Nov
1987): 19-21. |
Scotland, "Towards an Analysis of Cult," Themelios 13.1 (Oct/Nov 1987):
21-25. |
13.2 |
McGrath, "Justification: the New Ecumenical Debate," Themelios 13.2 (
Jan./Feb. 1988): 43-48. |
Hans Kvalbein, "Go Therefore and Make Disciples... The Concept of Discipleship in the New
Testament," Themelios 13.2 ( Jan./Feb. 1988): 48-53. |
David Wenham, "The Paulinism of Acts Again:
Two Historical Clues in 1 Thessalonians," Themelios 13.2 ( Jan./Feb.
1988): 53-55. |
Bong Rin Ro, "Theological Trends in Asia," Themelios 13.2 ( Jan./Feb. 1988):
55-57. |
Guthrie, "New Testament Pseudonymity: A Review," Themelios 13.2 (
Jan./Feb. 1988): 58. |
Martin J.
Selman, "Evangelical Commentaries on Isaiah," Themelios 13.2 ( Jan./Feb.
1988): 59-60. |
13.3 |
I. Howard Marshall, "An Evangelical
Approach to 'Theological Criticism'," Themelios 13.3 (April/May 1988):
79-85. |
Stephen N.
Williams, "Outline for Ethics: A Response to Oliver O'Donovan," Themelios 13.3 (April/May 1988): 86-91. |
Bruce Winter,
"'Seek the Welfare of the City': Social Ethics According to 1 Peter," Themelios 13.3 (April/May 1988): 91-94. |
14.1 |
Ellingworth, "Hebrews and the Anticipation of Completion," Themelios 14.1 (October / November 1988): 6-11. |
Melvin Tinker,
"Truth, Myth and Incarnation," Themelios 14.1 (October / November 1988):
11-17. |
Georges Chawkat Moucarry, "The Alien According to
the Torah," Themelios 14.1 (October / November 1988): 17-20. pdf |
W. Ward
Gasque, "Recent Commentaries on the Acts of the Apostles," Themelios 14.1 (October / November 1988): 21-23. |
Sally Ashford,
"Women and the Kingdom of God: Three Recent Books," Themelios 14.1
(October / November 1988): 23-26. |
Wilkinson, "Five Christian Books on AIDS," Themelios 14.1 (October /
November 1988): 26-27. |
14.2 |
Dick France,
"Matthew's Gospel in Recent Study," Themelios 14.2 (Jan./Feb. 1989):
41-46. |
L.W. Hurtado,
"The Gospel of Mark in Recent Study," Themelios 14.2 (Jan./Feb. 1989):
47-52. |
I. Howard
Marshall, "The Present State of Lucan Studies," Themelios 14.2
(Jan./Feb. 1989): 52-57. |
D.A. Carson,
"Selected Recent Studies of the Fourth Gospel," Themelios 14.2
(Jan./Feb. 1989): 57-64. |
14.3 |
Gordon J. Wenham, "The Place of Biblical
Criticism in Theological Study," Themelios 14.3 (April 1989):
84-89. |
G.K. Beale,
"Did Jesus and his Followers Preach the Right Doctrine from the Wrong Texts?" Themelios 14.3 (April 1989): 89-96. |
David T.
Williams, "The Sabbath: Mark of Distinction," Themelios 14.3 (April
1989): 96-101. |
15.1 |
John J. Bimson, "The origins of Israel in
Canaan.' an examination of recent theories," Themelios 15.1 (October
1989): 4-15. |
Jackson, "Properity Theology and the Faith Movement," Themelios 15.1
(October 1989): 16-24. |
David Deboys,
K.A. Kitchen & R.S. Hess, "Writing the History of Israel: a Review
Article," Themelios 15.1 (October 1989): 24-29. |
15.2 |
Craig L.
Blomberg, "New Testament Genre Criticism for the 1990s," Themelios 15.2
(Jan/Feb 1990): 40-49. |
Deryck Sheriffs, "Moving on with God: Key motifs
in Exodus 13-20," Themelios 15.2 (Jan/Feb 1990): 49-60. pdf |
John White,
"AIDS, Judgement and Blessing," Themelios 15.2 (Jan/Feb 1990):
60-63. |
Martin Davie,
"A Survey of Church History Articles 1986-9," Themelios 15.2 (Jan/Feb
1990): 63-66. |
15.3 |
Beckwith, "Intertestamental Judaism, its Literature and its Significance," Themelios 15.3 (April/May 1990): 77-81. pdf |
Roy Kearsley, "Faith and Philosophy in the
Early Church," Themelios 15.3 (1990): 81-86. pdf |
Hingley, "Evangelicals and Spirituality," Themelios 15.3 (April/May
1990): 86-91. pdf |
David Wenham,
"Survey of NT Articles 1988 and 1989," Themelios 15.3 (A |
16.1 |
J.H. Wright, "The People of God and the State in the Old Testament," Themelios 16.1 (Oct/Nov 1990): 4-10. pdf |
Wright, "The New Testament and the 'State'," Themelios 16.1 (Oct/Nov
1990): 11-17. |
Austad, "Attitudes the State in Western Theological Thinking," Themelios 16.1 (Oct/Nov 1990): 18-22. |
16.2 |
Nigel G.
Wright, "Restoration and the 'House Church' Movement," Themelios 16.2
(January/February 1991): 4-8. pdf |
Sugden, Tormod Engelsviken, Erhard Berneburg & Arthur Glasser, "Conference
Theology: Four Personal Views," Themelios 16.2 (January/February 1991):
9-14. pdf |
Riggans, "Jesus and the Scriptures: Two Short Notes," Themelios 16.2
(January/February 1991): 15-16. pdf |
Tony Lane,
"Recent Calvin Literature: A Review Article," Themelios 16.2
(January/February 1991): 17-24. pdf |
Martin Selman,
"A Survey of OT Articles 1989-1990," Themelios 16.2 (January/February
1991): 25-26. pdf |
16.3 |
Ernest C.
Lucas, "God, GUTs and Gurus: the New Physics and New Age Ideology," Themelios 16.3 (April/May 1991): 4-7. |
Bishop, "Green theology and Deep Ecology: New Age or New Creation?" Themelios 16.3 (April/May 1991): 8-14. |
Melvin Tinker,
"Purpose in Pain? - Teleology and the Problem of Evil," Themelios 16.3
(April/May 1991): 15-18. |
Responses," Themelios 16.3 (April/May 1991): 19-21. |
Moberly, "Sternberg on Biblical Narrative - A Review Article," Themelios 16.3 (April/May 1991): 21-22. |
17.1 |
McFall, "Has the Chronology of the Hebrew Kings finally been settled?" Themelios 17.1 (1991): 6-11. |
McConville, "Jeremiah: Prophet and Book," Themelios 17.1 (1991): 12-16. |
Responses," Themelios 17.1 (October/November 1991): 16. |
Mark J.
Cartledge, "Charismatic Prophecy and New Testament Prophecy," Themelios 17.1 (October/November 1991): 17-19. |
Nigel G.
Wright, "The Kansas City Prophets: an Assessment," Themelios 17.1
(October/November 1991): 20-21. |
17.2 |
H.H. Scobie, "New directions in Biblical Theology," Themelios 17.2
(January/February 1992): 4-8. pdf |
Conrad Gempf, "Pseudonymity and the New
Testament," Themelios 17.2 (January/February 1992): 8-10. |
Mikeal C. Parsons, "Appendices in the New
Testament," Themelios 17.2 (January/February 1992): 11-13. pdf |
Tony Lane, "A
Survey of Historical Theology Articles 1989-90," Themelios 17.2
(January/February 1992): 13-15. |
Robert R.
Cook, "Keith Ward: Taking Leave of God Incarnate - A Review Article," Themelios 17.2 (January/February 1992): 16-17. |
17.3 |
Robert Letham "The
Hermeneutics of Feminism," Themelios 17.3 (April/May 1992):
4-7. |
A. Hauge,
"Feminist Theology as Critique and Renewal of Theology," Themelios 17.3
(April/May 1992): 8-11. |
E. Jensen,
"The Value of Women and World View," Themelios 17.3 (April/May 1992):
12-14. |
C. Powell, "A
Stalemate of Genders? Some Hermeneutical Reflections," Themelios 17.3
(April/May 1992): 15-19. |
R.P. Stevens,
"The Mystery of Male and Female: Biblical and Trinitatian Models," Themelios 17.3 (April/May 1992): 20-24. |
18.1 |
R.T. France,
"Development in New Testament Christology," Themelios 18.1 (October
1992): 4-8. |
W. Riggans,
"The Jewish Reclamation of Jesus and its Inplications for Jewish-Christian
Relations," Themelios 18.1 (October 1992): 9-16. |
Scotland, "The Social Work of the Clapham Sect: an Assessment," Themelios 18.1 (October 1992): 16-20. |
Peter Kuzmic,
"Christian Mission in Europe," Themelios 18.1 (October 1992):
21-25. |
18.2 |
John Goldingay, "How Far Do Readers Make
Sense? Interpreting Biblical Narrative," Themelios 18.2 (January 1993):
5-10. pdf |
R. Paul
Stevens, "Poems for People in Distress: The Apocalypse of John and the
Contemplative Life," Themelios 18.2 (January 1993): 11-14. |
Chris Wright,
"Biblical Ethics: a Survey of the Last Decade," Themelios 18.2 (January
1993): 15-19. |
John Corris,
"The Gospel as Public Truth: A Conference Report," Themelios 18.2
(January 1993): 20-21. |
Richard S.
Hess, "New Horizons in Hermeneutics: a Review Article," Themelios 18.2
(January 1993): 22-24. |
18.3 |
Wilkinson, "Gaia Spirituality: a Christian Critique," Themelios 18.3
(April 1993): 4-8. |
R. Ward Wilson
& Craig L. Blomberg, "The Image of God in Humanity: a Bibical-psychological
Perspective," Themelios 18.3 (April 1993): 8-14. |
Richard S.
Hess, "The Roles of the Woman and the Man in Genesis 3," Themelios 18.3
(April 1993): 15-19. |
Martin Davie, "A Survey of
Church History Articles 1990-92," Themelios 18.3 (April 1993):
19-21. |
19.1 |
Steve Bishop,
"Science and Faith: Boa Constrictors and Warthogs," Themelios 19.1
(October 1993): 4-9. |
Robert Cook,
"Postmodernism, Pluralism and John Hick," Themelios 19.1 (October 1993):
10-12. |
David Ball,
"Some Recent Literature on John: a Review Article," Themelios 19.1
(October 1993): 13-18. |
David Wenham,
"The Star of Bethlehem, Drawing Giraffes, and Other Good Things: a Selection of
New Testament Journal Articles 1990-92," Themelios 19.1 (October 1993):
18-19. |
I. Howard Marshall [1934-2015], "Faith and Scholarship," Themelios 19.1 (October 1993): 35. |
19.2 |
L.W. Hurtado,
"The Origins of the Worship of Christ," Themelios 19.2 (January 1994):
4-8. |
Richard S.
Hess, "Recent Studies in Old Testament History: a Review Article," Themelios 19.2 (January 1994): 9-15. |
Steve Bishop,
"Introductory Source for the Interaction of Science and Christianity," Themelios 19.2 (January 1994): 16-20. |
19.3 |
David M.
Clemens, "The Law of Sin and Death: Ecclesiastes and Genesis 1-3," Themelios 19.3 (May 1994): 5-8. |
M. Daniel
Carroll R., " Context, Bible and Ethics: a Latin American Perspective," Themelios 19.3 (May 1994): 9-15. |
Escobar,"Beyond Liberation Theology: A Review Article," Themelios 19.3
(May 1994): 15-17. |
David S. Lim,
"Trends of Theology in Asia," Themelios 19.3 (May 1994):
17-19. |