20.1 |
Richard N. Longenecker, "On Reading a
New Testament Letter - Devotionally, Homiletically, Academically," Themelios 20.1 (October 1994): 4-8. |
Oskar Skarsaune, "Heresy and the Pastoral
Epistles," Themelios 20.1 (October 1994): 9-14. pdf |
Kwame Bediako,
"Understanding African Theology in the 20th Century," Themelios 20.1
(October 1994): 14-20. |
Karl Olav Sandnes, "The Death of Jesus for
Human Sins: the Historical Basis for a Theologkal Concept," Themelios 20.1 (October 1994): 20-23. |
20.2 |
Kenneth E. Bailey, "Informal Controlled
Oral Tradition and the Synoptic Gospels," Asia Journal of Theology 5
(1991): 34-54. = Themelios 20.2 (January 1995): 4-11. |
David Wenham, "How Jesus Understood the Last
Supper: a Parable in Action," Themelios 20.2 (January 1995):
11-16. |
Eckhard Schnabel, "History, Theology and the
Biblical Canon: an Introduction to Basic Issues," Themelios 20.2
(January 1995): 16-24. pdf |
20.3 |
R. Paul
Stevens, "Living Theologically: Toward a Theology of Christian Practice," Themelios 20.3 (May 1995): 4-8. Reprinted in Evangelical Review of Theology 20.3 (July 1996): 196-208 |
William A.
Demski, "The Fallacy of Contextualism," Themelios 20.3 (May 1995):
8-11. |
Richard S. Hess, "Studies in the Book of
Joshua," Themelios 20.3 (May 1995): 12-15. |
21.1 |
J. Glen
Taylor, "The Bible and Homosexuality," Themelios 21.1 (October 1995):
4-9. |
Stephen Hunt,
"Deliverance: The Evolution of a Doctrine," Themelios 21.1 (October
1995): 10-13. |
Riggans, "The Parousia: Getting our Terms Right," Themelios 21.1
(October 1995): 14-16. |
21.2 |
Steve Walton,
"Rhetorical Criticism: An Introduction," Themelios 21.2 (January 1996):
4-9. |
James I.
Packer, "Why We Need the Puritans," Themelios 21.2 (January 1996):
9-13. |
Gray, "Destroyed For Ever: An Examination of the Debates Concerning
Annihilation and Conditional Immortality," Themelios 21.2 (January
1996): 14-18. |
Richard Bauckham, "The Relatives of
Jesus," Themelios 21.2 (January 1996): 18-21. |
21.3 |
Storar, "'Verigo' or 'Imago'? Nations in the Divine Economy," Themelios 21.3 (April 1996): 4-9. |
Martyn Eden,
"Comment," Themelios 21.3 (April 1996): 9-10. |
R.M. Jones,
"Language in God's Economy: A Welsh and International Perspective," Themelios 21.3 (April 1996): 10-15. |
Phil Hill,
"Comment," Themelios 21.3 (April 1996): 15-16. |
Summerton, "Identity Crisis?: The Nation-state, Nationality, Regionalism,
Language and Religion," Themelios 21.3 (April 1996): 16-20. |
22.1 |
Gordon Wenham, "Pentateuchal Studies
Today," Themelios 22:1 (October 1996): 3-13. |
Stanley E. Porter, "Understanding
Pauline Studies: Part One," Themelios 22:1 (October 1996): 14-25. pdf |
David N.
Livingstone, "Evolution and Eschatology," Themelios 22:1 (October 1996):
26-36. |
Scotland, "The Role of Methodism in the Chartist Movement," Themelios 22:1 (October 1996): 37-46. |
22.2 |
J.P.U. Lilley,
"The Judgement of God: The Problem of the Canaanites," Themelios 22:2
(January 1997): 3-12. |
Stanley E. Porter, "Understanding
Pauline Studies: Part 2," Themelios 22.2 (1997): 13-24. pdf |
Craig Bartholomew, "Post/Late? Modernity
as the Context for Christian Scholarship Today," Themelios 22:2 (January
1997): 25-38. pdf |
Miyahira, "A Japanese Perspective on the Trinity," Themelios 22:2
(January 1997): 39-51. |
22.3 |
J. Gordon
McConville, "The Old Testament Books in Modern Scholarship," Themelios 22:3 (April 1997): 3-13. |
Elgvin, "The Messiah Who Was Cursed on the Tree," Themelios 22:3 (April
1997): 14-21. |
McGrath, "Three Evangelical Voices," Themelios 22:3 (April 1997):
22-24. |
Williams, "A Supplementary Word," Themelios 22:3 (April 1997):
25-27. |
Anthony R.
Cross, "Historical Methodology and New Testament Study," Themelios 22:3
(April 1997): 28-51. |
23.1 |
I. Howard
Marshall, "Recent Study of the Pastoral Epistles," Themelios 23:1
(October 1997): 3-29. |
Thomas A. Noble,
"Scripture and Experience," Themelios 23:1 (October 1997):
30-39. |
Jey J.
Kanogaraj, "The Poor of the Gospels and the Good News Proclaimed to Them," Themelios 23:1 (October 1997): 40-58. |
Graham Tomlin,
"The Theology of the Cross: Subversive Theology for a Postmodern World," Themelios 23:1 (October 1997): 59-73. |
23.2 |
David Wenham, "A Historical View of
John's Gospel," Themelios 23:2 (February 1998): 5-21. |
John W. Drane,
"Methods and Perspectives in Understanding the New Age," Themelios 23:2
(February 1998): 22-34. |
Colin Duriez,
"The Theology of Fantasy in Lewis and Tolkein," Themelios 23:2 (February
1998): 35-51. |
Williams, "That You May Believe: An Editorial," Themelios 23:2 (February
1998): 52-55. |
23.3 |
Blomberg, "Eschatology and the Church: Some New Testament Perspectives," Themelios 23.3 (June 1998): 3-26. pdf |
David T.
Williams, "Theology in South Africa: The Current Situation," Themelios 23.3 (June 1998): 27-41. |
Don Fairbairn,
"Salvation as Theosis: The Teaching of Eastern Orthodoxy," Themelios 23.3 (June 1998): 42-54. |
Dewi Arwel
Hughes, "Two Books on Mission: Review Article," Themelios 23.3 (June
1998): 55-62. |
24.1 |
Graham Keith,
"Formulation of Creeds in the Early Church," Themelios 24.1 (October
1998): 13-35. pdf |
Williams, "Lindsay Brown," Themelios 24.1 (October 1998):
36-43. |
David L. Baker, "The Jubilee and the Millennium," Themelios 24.1 (October 1998): 44-69. pdf |
24.2 |
Peter S.
Heslam, "Architects of Evangelical Intellectual Thought: Abraham Kuyper and
Benjamin Warfield," Themelios 24.2 (February 1999): 3-20. |
Tony Gray,
"God Does Not Play Dice," Themelios 24.2 (February 1999):
21-34. |
Macleod, "The Christology of Jürgen Moltmann," Themelios 24.2
(February 1999): 35-47. |
Gerald Bray,
"Rescuing Theology From Theologians," Themelios 24.2 (February 1999):
48-57. pdf |
24.3 |
Craig Bartholomew, "Qoheleth in the Canon?:
Current Trends in the Interpretation of Ecclesiastes," Themelios 24.3
(May 1999): 4-20. pdf |
S. Rosner, "The Concept of Idolatry," Themelios 24.3 (May 1999):
21-30. pdf |
Benjamin Breckenridge Warfield [1851-1921] , "The Religious Life of Theological Students," Themelios 24.3
(May 1999): 31-41. |
Johnston, "Review Article: New International Dictionary of Old Testament
Theology and Exegesis," Themelios 24.3 (May 1999): 42-45. |
Daniel Hill, "Book Review: Evangelical and Truth: A Creative Proposal for a Postmodern Age, Peter Hicks," Themelios 24.3 (May 1999): 80-81. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
25.1 |
Groothius, "The Postmodern Challenge to Theology," Themelios 25.1
(November 1999): 4-22. |
William K. Kay & L. Phillip Barnes, "Developments in Religious Education in England and Wales," Themelios 25.1 (November 1999): 23-38. |
D. Eryl
Davies, "Dr. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones: An Introduction," Themelios 25.1
(November 1999): 39-53. |
Martin Downes,
"Review Article: Select Works of Dr D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones," Themelios 25.1 (November 1999): 54-59. |
Grogan [1925-2011], "New Testament Christology - or New Testament Christologies?" Themelios 25.1 (November 1999): 60-73. |
25.2 |
Mark A.
Seifrid, "The 'New Perspective on Paul' and Its Problems," Themelios 25.2 (February 2000): 4-18. |
Macleod, "The Christology of Wolfhart Pannenberg," Themelios 25.2
(February 2000): 19-41. |
Tony Gray,
"Systematic Series - A Review Article," Themelios 25.2 (February 2000):
42-47. |
Carl R.
Trueman, "Admiring the Sistine Chapel: Reflections on Carl Henry's God,
Revelation and Authority," Themelios 25.2 (February 2000):
48-58. |
25.3 |
Philip Barnes & William K. Kay, "Developments in Religious Education in
England and Wales (Part 2): Methodology, Politics, Citizenship and School
Performance," Themelios 25.3 (June 2000): 5-19. |
D.G. Hart, "J.
Gresham Machen, Inerrancy and Creedless Christianity," Themelios 25.3
(June 2000): 20-34. |
J.H. Wright, "Interpreting the Bible Among the World Religions," Themelios 25.3 (June 2000): 35-54. |
David Smith,
"Junction or Terminus?: Christianity in the West at the Dawn of the Third
Millennium," Themelios 25.3 (June 2000): 55-68. |
26.1 |
"The Gospel of
Jesus Christ: An Evangelical Celebration," Themelios 26.1 (Autumn 2000):
3-10. |
Groothuis, "The Biblical View of Truth Challenges: Postmodern Truth Decay," Themelios 26.1 (Autumn 2000): 11-33. |
Carl Trueman, "The Importance of Being
Earnest: Approaching Theological Study," Themelios 26.1 (Autumn 2000):
34-47. |
with Professor Howard Marshall," Themelios 26.1 (Autumn 2000):
48-53. |
26.2 |
Randolph Vincent Greenwood Tasker [1895-1976],
"The Biblical Doctrine of the Wrath of God," Themelios 26.2 (Spring
2001): 4-17. |
Tinker, "Last Supper/Lord's Supper More than a Parable in Action?" Themelios 26.2 (Spring 2001): 18-28. |
David Smith,
"The Bible and Education: Ways of Construing the Relationship," Themelios 26.2 (Spring 2001): 29-42. |
Daniel Hill,
"Warranted Christian Belief - A Review Article," Themelios 26.2 (Spring
2001): 43-50. |
Castleman, "The Lost Word," Themelios 26.2 (Spring 2001):
51-52. |
26.3 |
Randolph Vincent Greenwood Tasker [1895-1976],
"Biblical Doctrine of the Wrath of God, Part 2," Themelios 26.3 (Summer
2001): 5-21. |
Rodney Holder,
"Karl Barth and the Legitimacy of Natural Theology," Themelios 26.3
(Summer 2001): 22-37. |
Kenneth A. Kitchen,
"Ancient Egypt and the Hebrew Monarchies: A Review Article," Themelios 26.3 (Summer 2001): 38-50. |
Sharon James, "Are There Essential Differences
Between the Sexes?" Themelios 26.3 (Summer 2001): 51-63. pdf |
Castleman, "The Last Word," Themelios 26.3 (Summer 2001):
64-65. |
27.1 |
Paul F.M.
Zahl, "Mistakes of the New Perspective on Paul," Themelios 26.3 (Summer
2001): 11. |
Douglas J.W.
Milne, "The Father With Two Sons: A Modern Reading of Luke 15," Themelios 26.3 (Summer 2001): 12-21. |
Alistair I.
Wilson, "New Testament Literature Survey - 2000," Themelios 26.3 (Summer
2001): 22-31. |
Daniel S.
Strange, "The Secret Diaries of Jonathan Edwards Aged 54½ Themelios 26.3 (Summer 2001): 32-43. |
Castleman, "The Last Word," Themelios 26.3 (Summer 2001):
44-45. |
27.2 |
David Gibson, "Eating is Believing? On
Midrash and the Mixing of Metaphors in John 6," Themelios 27.2 (Spring
2002): 5-15. |
Richard B.
Gaffin, Jr., "Redemption and Resurrection: An Exercise in Biblical Systematic
Theology," Themelios 27.2 (Spring 2002): 16-31. |
John C.
McDowell, "A Response to Rodney Holder on Barth and Natural Theology," Themelios 27.2 (Spring 2002): 32-44. |
John J.
Johnson, "Is John Hick's Concept of the Real an Adequate Criterion for
Evaluating Religious Truth Claims," Themelios 27.2 (Spring 2002):
45-57. |
Castleman, "The Last Word," Themelios 27.2 (Spring 2002):
59-59. |
27.3 |
Gathercole, "Devotional Books on the Old Testament: Some Recommended Reading," Themelios 27.3 (Spring 2002): 5-18. pdf |
Blomberg, "Introducing the New Testament: Its Literature and Theology - A
Review Article," Themelios 27.3 (Spring 2002): 19-22. pdf |
Kenneth A.
Fox, "Two Recent Commentaries on 1 Corinthians - A Review Article," Themelios 27.3 (Spring 2002): 23-27. |
Carl R .Trueman, "Reckoning with the Past in
an Anti-Historical Age," Themelios 27.3 (Spring 2002):
28-44. |
David Smith,
"Between Bukuru and New York: Reflection on Islam, Christianity and Western
Values," Themelios 27.3 (Spring 2002): 45-54. |
Castleman, "The Last Word," Themelios 27.3 (Spring 2002):
55-56. |
28.1 |
Alan Thompson,
"Blameless Before God? Philippians 3:6 in Context," Themelios 28.1
(Autumn 2002): 5-12. |
Stephen Williams, "The
Transfiguration of Jesus Christ," Themelios 28.1 (Autumn 2002):
13-25. |
Robert Letham,
"The Trinity - Yesterday, Today and the Future," Themelios 28.1 (Autumn
2002): 26-36. |
Goldsworthy, "Ontology and Biblical Theology - A Response to Carl Trueman's
Editorial: A Revolutionary Balancing Act," Themelios 28.1 (Autumn 2002):
37-45. |
Castleman, "The Last Word: The Mirage of the Heart," Themelios 28.1
(Autumn 2002): 46-48. |
28.2 |
Tinker, "Evil, Evangelism and Ecclesiastes," Themelios 28.2 (Spring
2003): 4-15. |
Stephen Williams, "The
Transfiguration of Jesus Christ (Part Two): Approaching Sonship," Themelios 28.2 (Spring 2003): 16-27. |
Dennis Ngien, "Theology of Preaching in Martin
Luther," Themelios 28.2 (Spring 2003): 28-48. pdf |
Manuel Otiz,
"The Church and the City," Themelios 28.2 (Spring 2003):
49-63. |
Castleman, "The Last Word," Themelios 28.2 (Spring 2003):
64-65. |
Daniel Hill, "Book Review: God and Time: Four Views, Gregory E. Ganssle (ed.)," Themelios 28.2 (Spring 2003): 102-103. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
28.3 |
Paul Woodbridge, "Did Paul Change His Mind?
An Examination of Some Aspects of Pauline Eschatology," Themelios 28.3
(Summer 2003): 5-18. |
Carl Trueman,
"Theology and the Church: Divorce or Remarriage. The John Wenham Lecture 2002," Themelios 28.3 (Summer 2003): 19-31. |
Miss E.A.
Bellermaine, ed., "Dialogue of Devils: Five Letters Found in an Eighteenth
Century Folio Volume," Themelios 28.3 (Summer 2003): 32-39. |
Gathercole, "Redaction Criticism, Tradition-History and Myth in NT Theology," Themelios 28.3 (Summer 2003): 40-48. |
Without God - A Review Article," Themelios 28.3 (Summer 2003):
49-53. |
Castleman, "The Last Word," Themelios 28.3 (Summer 2003):
54-55. |
29.1 |
Tinker, "Living in a World where Life is Cheap. The Relevance of the Book of
Deuteronomy and the Sixth Commandment for the Debate on the Sanctity of Human
Life," Themelios 29.1 (Autumn 2003): 5-17. |
Oliver Crisp,
"On Barth's Denial of Universalism," Themelios 29.1 (Autumn 2003):
18-29. |
Robert W.
Yarbrough, "The Last and Next Christendom: Implications for Interpreting the
Bible," Themelios 29.1 (Autumn 2003): 30-37. |
Paul Wells, "A
Free Lunch at the End of the Universe?" Themelios 29.1 (Autumn 2003):
38-51. |
Trueman, "Interview With Manuel Ortiz," Themelios 29.1 (Autumn 2003):
52-57. |
Castleman, "The Last Word," Themelios 29.1 (Autumn 2003):
58-59. |
29.2 |
Michael Bird, "Should Evangelicals Participate in the
'Third Quest for the Historical Jesus'?" Themelios 29.2 (Spring 2004):
5-14. pdf |
Richard S.
Briggs, "Gender and God-Talk: Can We Call God 'Mother'?" Themelios 29.2
(Spring 2004): 15-25. |
David F. Wright [1897-2008], "Children, Covenant and the Church," Themelios 29.2 (Spring
2004): 26-39. |
Leonardo De
Chirico, "The Blurring of Time Distinctions in Roman Catholicism," Themelios 29.2 (Spring 2004): 40-46. |
Jamie Grant,
"How Shall We Sing The Psalms - A Review Article," Themelios 29.2
(Spring 2004): 47-50. |
Castleman, "The Last Word," Themelios 29.2 (Spring 2004):
51-52. |
Daniel Hill, "Book Review: A Short Course in the Philosophy of Religion, George Pattison," Themelios 29.2 (Spring 2004): 89-90. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
29.3 |
Daniel M.
Gurtner, "The Rending of the Veil (Matt. 27:51a par): A Look Back and a
Way Forward," Themelios 29.3 (Summer 2004): 4-14. |
Jey J.
Kanagaraj, "Johannine Jesus, The Supreme Example of Leadership: An Inquiry into
John 13:1-20.Themelios 29.3 (Summer 2004): 15-26. |
David Gibson, "The God of Promise: Christian
Scripture as Covenantal Revelation," Themelios 29.3 (Summer 2004):
27-36. |
Gathercole, "Simon Gathercole Meets Henri Blocher," Themelios 29.3
(Summer 2004): 37-42. |
Castleman, "The Last Word: My Father and Common Grace,"Themelios 29.3
(Summer 2004): |