30.1 |
Mark J. Boda,
"The Delight of Wisdom," Themelios 30.1 (Autumn 2004): 4-11. |
Hamilton, "Were Old Covenant Believers Indwelt by the Holy Spirit?" 30.1
(Autumn 2004): 12-22. |
Paul Wells,
"In Search of the Image of God: Theology of a lost paradigm?" 30.1 (Autumn
2004): 23-38. |
K. Scott
Oliphant, "Most Moved Mover," 30.1 (Autumn 2004): 39-51. |
Castleman, "The Last Word: The Skim-milk Gospel of Cheap Grace," 30.1 (Autumn
2004): 52-53. |
30.2 |
Chester, "Justification, Ecclesiology and the New Perspective," Themelios 30.2 (Spring 2005): 5-20. |
Preston M.
Sprinkle, "The Old Perspective on the New Perspective: A Review of Some
'Pre-Sanders' Thinkers," Themelios 30.2 (Spring 2005):
21-31. |
Carl Trueman,
"Uneasy Consciences and Critical Minds: What the Followers of Carl Henry Can
Learn From Edward Said," Themelios 30.2 (Spring 2005):
32-45. |
Giacomo Carlo
Di Gatano, "Are We Confronted With a New Italian Denomonationalism? Marginal
Notes on a Book on the Relationships Between Evangelcals and Catholics," Themelios 30.2 (Spring 2005): 46-51. |
Castleman, "The Last Word: The Soothing Sin of Self-Esteem," Themelios 30.2 (Spring 2005): 52-53. |
30.3 |
David L.
Baker, "Ten Commandments, Two Tablets: The Shape of the Decalogue," Themelios 30.3 (Summer 2005): 6-22. |
Marion Carson,
"For Now We Live: A Study of Paul's Pastoral From Pride to Peace," Themelios 30.2 (Summer 2005): 23-41. |
Harrower, "An Augustinian Engagement with Pluralism and Postmodernism," Themelios 30.2 (Summer 2005): 42-58. |
Joshua W.
Jipp, "The Quest for the Historical Machen," Themelios 30.2 (Summer
2005): 59-68. |
Joe Kapolyo,
"Black Religious Experience," Themelios 30.2 (Summer 2005):
69-72. |
Castleman, "The Last Word: Joy, the Gigantic Secret," Themelios 30.2
(Summer 2005): 73-75. |
31.1 |
Julie Woods,
"The West as Nineveh: Hows Does Nahum's Message of Judgement Apply Today?" Themelios 31.1 (October 2005): 7-37. |
Bruce M.
Winter, "Introducing the Athenians to God: Paul's Failed Apologetic in Acts
17?" Themelios 31.1 (October 2005): 38-59. |
Stephen E.
Witmer, "The Lost Message of the Lost Message of Jesus," Themelios 31.1
(October 2005): 60-67. |
Charles L.
Echols, "Review Article: The Story of Israel," Themelios 31.1 (October
2005): 68-74. |
Castleman, "The Last Word: Killing the Messenger," Themelios 31.1
(October 2005): 75-76. |
31.2 |
Pahl, "Is Jesus Lost? Evangelicals and the Search for the Historical Jesus," Themelios 31.2 (Jan 2006): 6-19. |
Jeffrey K.
Jue, "What's Emerging in the Church? Postmodernity, The Emergent Church, and
the Reformation," Themelios 31.2 (January 2006): 29-39. |
R. Michael
Allen, "Putting Suspenders on the World: Radical Orthodoxy as a Post-Secular
Theological Proposal or What Can Evangelicals Learn From Postmodern Christian
Platonists," Themelios 31.2 (January 2006): 40-53. |
Steven Tracy,
"Chastity and the Goodness of God: The Case for Premarital Sexual Abstinence," Themelios 31.2 (January 2006): 54-71. |
Castleman, "The Last Word: A Stone Hushin' Life," Themelios 31.2
(January 2006): 72-74. |
31.3 |
J.V. Fesko,
"N.T. Wright on Prolegomena," Themelios 31.3 (April 2006):
6-31. |
Paul Wells,
"Reformational Thought and the Social Covenant," Themelios 31.3 (April
2006): 32-47. |
John Wilks,
"Blinder Than You Think: A Response to Neil Broom's How Blind Is The
Watchmaker?" Themelios 31.3 (April 2006): 48-61. |
Thomas T.
Schreiner, "A New Testament Perspective on Homosexuality," Themelios 31.3 (April 2006): 62-75. |
Castleman, "The Last Word: Surprise, the Essential Nature of Grace," Themelios 31.3 (April 2006): 76-78. |
32.1 |
P.G. Nelson, "Christian Morality: Jesus'
Teaching on the Law," Themelios 32.1 (October 2006): 4-17. pdf |
G.K. Beale,
"Doctrine From The Wrong Text?" Themelios 32.1 (October 2006):
18-43. |
Armstrong, "Eusebius's Quest for the Historical Jesus: Historicity and Kerygma
in the First Book of the Ecclesiastical History," Themelios 32.1
(October 2006): 44-56. |
Castleman, "The Last Word: Gender, Grace and a Greek Conjunction," Themelios 32.1 (October 2006): 57-59. |
32.2 |
Melvin Tinker,
"The Servant Solution: The co-ordination of evangelism and social action. The
John Wenham Lecture 2006," Themelios 32.2 (January 2007):
6-32. |
Anthony T.
Selvaggio, "Preaching Advice from the 'Sermon' to the Hebrews," Themelios 32.2 (January 2007): 33-45. |
Yuille, "How Pastoral is Open Theism? A Critique from the Writings of George
Swinnock and Stephen Charnock," Themelios 32.2 (January 2007):
46-61. |
Blomberg, "Mission in the Bible: Non-existent in the Old Testament but
ubiquitous in the New? A Review Article," Themelios 32.2 (January 2007):
63-74. |
Robbie F.
Castleman, "The Last Word Column: Second Temple Evangelicalism," Themelios 32.2 (January 2007): 75-78. |
32.3 |
Peter Enns,
"Response to Greg Beale," Themelios 32.3 (May 2007): 5-13. |
G.K. Beale, "A
Surrejoinder to Peter Enns," Themelios 32.3 (May 2007):
14-25. |
Michael A.G.
Haykin, "'Come to the Father': Ignatius of Antioch and his calling to be a
martyr," Themelios 32.3 (May 2007): 26-39. |
Gordon L.
Belyea, "Origins of the Particular Baptists," Themelios 32.3 (May 2007):
40-67. |
Robbie F. Castleman, "The Last Word: The Great Commission:
Ecclesiology," Themelios 32.3 (May 2007): 68-70. |
33.1 |
Carl Trueman, "Minority Report: Why Should Thoughtful Evangelicals Read the Medieval Mystics?" Themelios 33.1 (May 2008): 2-4. |
Paul Hartog, "Blondel Remembered: His Philosophical Analysis of the "Quest for the Historical Jesus"," Themelios 33.1 (May 2008): 5-15. |
Kirk R. MacGregor, "Nonviolence in the Ancient Church and Christian Obedience," Themelios 33.1 (May 2008): 16-28. |
Dane C. Ortlund, "Truthfulness in Usefulness: Stanley Fish and American Literary Pragmatism,"Themelios 33.1 (May 2008): 29-38. |
Peter Sanlon, "An Augustinian Mindset," Themelios 33.1 (May 2008): 39-45. |
Keith Ferdinando, "Mission: A Problem of Definition," Themelios 33.1 (May 2008): 46-59. |
Joe Coffey, "PASTORAL PENSÉES: How a Mega-Church is Rediscovering the Gospel," Themelios 33.1 (May 2008): 60-61. |
33.2 |
Carl Trueman, "Minority Report: The Second Most Important Book You Will Ever Read," Themelios 33.2 (Sept. 2008): 4-6. |
Adam Sparks, "Salvation History, Chronology, and Crisis: A Problem with Inclusivist Theology of Religions, Part 1 of 2," Themelios 33.2 (Sept. 2008): 7-18. |
Paul Hartog, "'Work Out Your Salvation': Conduct "Worthy of the Gospel" in a Communal Context," Themelios 33.2 (Sept. 2008): 19-33. |
Dane C. Ortlund "The Longing of Love: Faith and Obedience in the Thought of Adolf Schlatter," Themelios 33.2 (Sept. 2008): 34-47. |
Keith Ferdinando, "The Ethnic Enemy—No Greek or Jew... Barbarian, Scythian: The Gospel and Ethnic Difference," Themelios 33.2 (Sept. 2008): 48-63. |
Bruce L. Fields, "Pastoral Pensées: Barack Obama: The Quandary of 'Selective Invisibility'," Themelios 33.2 (Sept. 2008): 63-69. |
33.3 |
Carl Trueman, "Minority Report: The Way of the Christian Academic," Themelios 33.3 (Dec. 2008): |
Tim Keller, "The Gospel and the Poor," Themelios 33.3 (Dec. 2008): |
Jared M. Compton, "Shared Intentions? Reflections on Inspiration and Interpretation in Light of Scripture's Dual Authorship," Themelios 33.3 (Dec. 2008): |
James M. Hamilton Jr., "The Center of Biblical Theology in Acts: Deliverance and Damnation Display the Divine," Themelios 33.3 (Dec. 2008): |
Adam Sparks, "Salvation History, Chronology, and Crisis: A Problem with Inclusivist Theology of Religions, Part 2 of 2," Themelios 33.3 (Dec. 2008): |
Philip Graham Ryken, "Ezra, According to the Gospel: Ezra 7:10," Themelios 33.3 (Dec. 2008): |
34.1 |
Robert W. Yarbrough, "The Embattled Bible: Four More Books," Themelios 34.1 (April 2009): |
Jason S. Sexton, "How Far Beyond Chicago? Assessing Recent Attempts to Reframe the Inerrancy Debate," Themelios 34.1 (April 2009): |
Andrew Atherstone, "Divine Retribution: A Forgotten Doctrine?" Themelios 34.1 (April 2009): |
Kenneth J. Stewart, "Calvinism and Missions: the Contested Relationship Revisited," Themelios 34.1 (April 2009): |
34.2 |
Jonathan R. Pratt, "The Relationship Between Justification and Spiritual Fruit in Romans 5-8," Themelios 34.2 (July 2009): |
D. Patrick Ramsey, "Sola Fide Compromised? Martin Luther and the Doctrine of Baptism," Themelios 34.2 (July 2009): |
Lee Gatiss, "The Inexhaustible Fountain of All Good Things: Union with Christ in Calvin on Ephesians," Themelios 34.2 (July 2009): |
34.3 |
Wayne Grudem, "The Perspicuity of Scripture," Themelios 34.3 (Nov. 2009): |
Dane C. Ortlund, "Christocentrism: An Asymmetrical Trinitarianism?" Themelios 34.3 (Nov. 2009): |
David VanDrunen, "Bearing Sword in the State, Turning Cheek in the Church: A Reformed Two-Kingdoms Interpretation of Matthew 5:38-42," Themelios 34.3 (Nov. 2009): |
Mark Rogers, "'Deliver Us from the Evil One': Martin Luther on Prayer," Themelios 34.3 (Nov. 2009): |
35.1 |
Nijay Gupta, "New Commentaries on Colossians: Survey of Approaches, Analysis of Trends, and the State of Research," Themelios 35.1 (April 2010): |
Martin Salter, "Does Baptism Replace Circumcision? An Examination of the Relationship between Circumcision and Baptism in Colossians 2:11-12," Themelios 35.1 (April 2010): |
35.2 |
Fred G. Zaspel, "B. B. Warfield on Creation and Evolution," Themelios 35.2 (July 2010): |
Stephen Dempster, "A Member of the Family or a Stranger? A Review Article of Jeffrey J. Niehaus, Ancient Near Eastern Themes in Biblical Theology," Themelios 35.2 (July 2010): |
Denny Burk, "Why Evangelicals Should Ignore Brian McLaren: How the New Testament Requires Evangelicals to Render a Judgment on the Moral Status of Homosexuality," Themelios 35.2 (July 2010): |
William Edgar, "Parallels, Real or Imagined? A Review Article of Jeffrey J. Niehaus, Ancient Near Eastern Themes in Biblical Theology," Themelios 35.2 (July 2010): |
35.3 |
Daniel J. Estes, "Fiction and Truth in the Old Testament Wisdom Literature," Themelios 35.3 (Nov. 2010): |
Daniel J. Brendsel, "Plots, Themes, and Responsibilities: The Search for a Center of Biblical Theology Reexamined," Themelios 35.3 (Nov. 2010): |
Stephen M. Garrett, "The Dazzling Darkness of God’s Triune Love: Introducing Evangelicals to the Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar," Themelios 35.3 (Nov. 2010): |
36.1 |
Keith E. Johnson, "Trinitarian Agency and the Eternal Subordination of the Son: An Augustinian Perspective," Themelios 36.1 (May 2011): |
Uche Anizor, "A Spirited Humanity: The Trinitarian Ecclesiology of Colin Gunton," Themelios 36.1 (May 2011): |
Stephen Dempster, "Review Article: Magnum Opus and Magna Carta: The Meaning of the Pentateuch," Themelios 36.1 (May 2011): |
36.2 |
Scott M. Manetsch, "Is the Reformation Over? John Calvin, Roman Catholicism, and Contemporary Ecumenical Conversations," Themelios 36.2 (August 2011): |
John C. Peckham, "Intrinsic Canonicity and the Inadequacy of the Community Approach to Canon-Determination," Themelios 36.2 (August 2011): |
Mark R. Saucy, "Canon as Tradition: The New Covenant and the Hermeneutical Question," Themelios 36.2 (August 2011): |
Dan Strange, "Not Ashamed! The Sufficiency of Scripture for Public Theology," Themelios 36.2 (August 2011): |
Sinclair B. Ferguson, "A Preacher’s Decalogue," Themelios 36.2 (August 2011): |
36.3 |
Melvin Tinker, "Friends: The One With Jesus, Martha, And Mary; An Answer To Kierkegaard," Themelios 36.3 (Nov. 2011): |
Jonathan Gibson, "Jonathan Edwards: A Missionary?" Themelios 36.3 (Nov. 2011): |
Andrew Moody, "That All May Honour the Son: Holding Out For A Deeper Christocentrism," Themelios 36.3 (Nov. 2011): |
Rodney J. Decker, "An Evaluation of the 2011 Edition of the New International Version," Themelios 36.3 (Nov. 2011): |
37.1 |
J.V. Fesko, "John Owen on Union with Christ and Justification," Themelios 37.1 (April 2012): |
Douglas Sean O’Donnell, "The Earth Is Crammed with Heaven: Four Guideposts to Reading and Teaching the Song of Songs," Themelios 37.1 (April 2012): |
Jason DeRouchie, "The Profit of Employing the Biblical Languages: Scriptural and Historical Reflections," Themelios 37.1 (April 2012): |
37.2 |
Robert W. Yarbrough, "Bonhoeffer as Bible Scholar," Themelios 37.2 (July 2012): |
David Gibson, "Sacramental Supersessionism Revisited: A Response to Martin Salter on the Relationship Between Circumcision and Baptism," Themelios 37.2 (July 2012): |
Martin Salter, "Response to David Gibson," Themelios 37.2 (July 2012): |
David A. Shaw, "Telling the Story from the Bible? How Story Bibles Work," Themelios 37.2 (July 2012):
David B. Garner, "High Stakes: Insider Movement Hermeneutics and the Gospel," Themelios 37.2 (July 2012): |
Hans Madueme, "Some Reflections on Enns and The Evolution of Adam: A Review Essay," Themelios 37.2 (July 2012): |
37.3 |
Andreas J. Köstenberger, "The Present and Future of Biblical Theology," Themelios 37.3 (Nov. 2012): |
Rob Smith, "Music, Singing, and Emotions: Exploring the Connections," Themelios 37.3 (Nov. 2012): |
Peter R. Schemm Jr., "The Writing Pastor: An Essay on Spiritual Formation," Themelios 37.3 (Nov. 2012): |
38.1 |
Eric Ortlund, "The Pastoral Implications of Wise and Foolish Speech in the Book of Proverbs," Themelios 38.1 (April 2013): |
David Shaw, "Telling the Story from the Bible (Part 2): Reviewing The Big Picture Story Bible and The Jesus Storybook Bible," Themelios 38.1 (April 2013): |
38.2 |
Peter Orr, "Abounding in the Work of the Lord (1 Cor 15:58): Everything We Do as Christians or Specific Gospel Work?" Themelios 38.2 (August 2013): |
Owen Strachan, "Carl F. H. Henry’s Doctrine of the Atonement: A Synthesis and Brief Analysis," Themelios 38.2 (August 2013): |
Gerald R. McDermott, "Will All Be Saved?" Themelios 38.2 (August 2013):