1.1 |
J.B. Dunelm, "Internal Evidence For the Authenticity and Genuineness of St. John's Gospel," The Expositor Fourth series 1.1 (Jan. 1890): 1-21. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Joseph Agar Beet [1840-1924], "New Testament Teaching on the Future Punishment of Sin. I. External Introduction," The Expositor Fourth series 1.1 (Jan. 1890): 22-37. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Thomas Kelly Cheyne [1841-1915], "The Twenty-Sixth and Twenty-Eighth Psalms," The Expositor Fourth series 1.1 (Jan. 1890): 37-49. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
James Oswald Dykes [1835-1912], "Our Lord's First Appearance at the Feast of Tabernacles. (John vii.11-29)," The Expositor Fourth series 1.1 (Jan. 1890): 49-59. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Charles F. D'Arcy [1859-1938], "Micaiah's Vision (1 Kings xxii.19-23)," The Expositor Fourth series 1.1 (Jan. 1890): 60-65. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Samuel Cox [1826-1893], "St James and His Epistle," The Expositor Fourth series 1.1 (Jan. 1890): 65-75. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
A. Robertson, "Brevia: Arnold's 'Neronian Persecution'," The Expositor Fourth series 1.1 (Jan. 1890): 76-79. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Arthur Carr [1837-1916], "Brevia: St. Philip's Calculation (St. John vi.5-7)," The Expositor Fourth series 1.1 (Jan. 1890): 79-80. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
1.2 |
J.B. Dunelm, "Internal Evidence For the Authenticity and Genuineness of St. John's Gospel, II," The Expositor Fourth series 1.2 (Feb. 1890): 81-92. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William Sanday [1843-1920], "In Memoriam Dr Edwin Hatch," The Expositor Fourth series 1.2 (Feb. 1890): 93-111. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
J.R. Gillies, "Jehovah Resting: Isaiah's Conception of History (Isa. xviii, xix, xx)," The Expositor Fourth series 1.2 (Feb. 1890): 112-122. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
James Oswald Dykes [1835-1912], "The Waters of Life (John vii. 37-39)," The Expositor Fourth series 1.2 (Feb. 1890): 122-130. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Joseph Agar Beet [1840-1924], "The Future Punishment of Sin. II..The Universal Purpose of Salvation," The Expositor Fourth series 1.2 (Feb. 1890): 130-142. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
J. Rawson Lumby [1831-1895], "I Peter III.17," The Expositor Fourth series 1.2 (Feb. 1890): 142-147. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Alexander B. Bruce [1831-1899], "The Epistle to the Hebrews. XVI. The More Excellent Ministry (Chap. ix.11-14)," The Expositor Fourth series 1.2 (Feb. 1890): 148-160. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
1.3 |
William Milligan [1821-1893], "The Resurrection of the Dead (1 Cor. xv.35-41)," The Expositor Fourth series 1.3 (March 1890): 161-176. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
J.B. Dunelm, "Internal Evidence For the Authenticity and Genuineness of St. John's Gospel, III," The Expositor Fourth series 1.3 (March 1890): 176-188. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Thomas Kelly Cheyne [1841-1915], "Psalms CXIII-CXVIII," The Expositor Fourth series 1.3 (March 1890): 189-200. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Joseph Agar Beet [1840-1924], "The New Testament Teaching on the Future Punishment of Sin. III. The Gift of Eternal Life," The Expositor Fourth series 1.3 (March 1890): 201-211. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Alfred Plummer [1841-1926], "Recollections of Dr. Döllinger. 1870. The Vatican Council," The Expositor Fourth series 1.3 (March 1890): 212-225. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Alexander B. Bruce [1831-1899], "The Epistle to the Hebrews. XVI. The More Excellent Ministry (Concluded)," The Expositor Fourth series 1.3 (March 1890): 226-237. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
F.L.H. Millard, "Brevia," The Expositor Fourth series 1.3 (March 1890): 238-240. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William Gray Elmslie [1848-1889], "Brevia: Psalm xiv.7," The Expositor Fourth series 1.3 (March 1890): 240. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
1.4 |
James Stalker [1848-1927], "The Present Desiderata of Theology," The Expositor Fourth series 1.4 (April 1890): 241-260. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Samuel Cox [1826-1893], "The Function of Trial," The Expositor Fourth series 1.4 (April 1890): 260-269. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Alfred Plummer [1841-1926], "Recollections of Dr. Döllinger. II. Roman Difficulties," The Expositor Fourth series 1.4 (April 1890): 270-284. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
F. Godet, "The Logical Arrangement of Rom. V.15-17," The Expositor Fourth series 1.4 (April 1890): 285-295. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
David Samuel Margoliouth [1858-1940] , "The Language and Metre of Ecclesiasticus. A Reply to Criticism," The Expositor Fourth series 1.4 (April 1890): 295-320. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
1.5 |
Herbert E. Ryle [1856-1925], "The Study of the Old Testament, With Special Reference to the Element of Compilation in the Structure of the Books," The Expositor Fourth series 1.5 (May 1890): 321-339. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
F.W. Farrar [1831-1903], "'Fasting' in Holy Scripture," The Expositor Fourth series 1.5 (May 1890): 339-351. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Alexander B. Bruce [1831-1899], "The Epistle to the Hebrews. XVII. The New Covenant (Chap. IX.15-28)," The Expositor Fourth series 1.5 (May 1890): 351-365. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Alexaner Mair, "The Testimony of Napoleon I With Regard to Christ," The Expositor Fourth series 1.5 (May 1890): 366-381. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
D.S. Margolioute, "The Language and Metre of Ecclesiasticus. A Reply to Criticism," The Expositor Fourth series 1.5 (May 1890): 381-387. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Samuel Rolles Driver [1846-1914], "Note: The Language and Metre of Ecclesiasticus. A Reply to Criticism," The Expositor Fourth series 1.5 (May 1890): 387-390. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Thomas Kelly Cheyne [1841-1915], "Note: The Language and Metre of Ecclesiasticus. A Reply to Criticism," The Expositor Fourth series 1.5 (May 1890): 390-391. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
James Oswald Dykes [1835-1912], "Abortive Attempt to Arrest Jesus. (John vii.30-36, 40-52)," The Expositor Fourth series 1.5 (May 1890): 391-400. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
1.6 |
E.L. Hicks, "Demetrius the Silversmith. An Ephesian Study," The Expositor Fourth series 1.6 (June 1890): 401-422. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Alfred Plummer [1841-1926], "Recollections of Dr. Döllinger. III. English Topics," The Expositor Fourth series 1.6 (June 1890): 422-435. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Alexander B. Bruce [1831-1899], "The Epistle to the Hebrews. XVIII. Shadow and Substance (Chap. x.1-18)," The Expositor Fourth series 1.6 (June 1890): 436-451. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
J. Rawson Lumby [1831-1895], "Some Thoughts on the Structure of the Book of Proverbs," The Expositor Fourth series 1.6 (June 1890): 452-465. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
W. Baudissin, "The Late Professor Delitzsch," The Expositor Fourth series 1.6 (June 1890): 465-472. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
"Index," The Expositor Fourth series 1.6 (June 1890): 473-476. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
2.1 |
William M. Ramsay [1851-1939], "Saint Paul at Ephesus," The Expositor Fourth series 2.1 (July 1890): 1-22. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Edgar C.S. Gibson [1848-1924], "On the Relation of Christian to Jewish Worship," The Expositor Fourth series 2.1 (July 1890): 22-35. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William Milligan [1821-1893], "The Resurrection of the Dead. II. (1 Cor. xv.42-44)," The Expositor Fourth series 2.1 (July 1890): 35-50. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Thomas Kelly Cheyne [1841-1915], "The Sixty-Third Psalm," The Expositor Fourth series 2.1 (July 1890): 50-60. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Joseph Agar Beet [1840-1924], "New Testament Teaching on the Future Punishment of Sin. IV. The Fourth Gospel," The Expositor Fourth series 2.1 (July 1890): 60-68. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
John Turner Marshall [1850-1923], "Did St. Paul Use a Semitic Gospel?" The Expositor Fourth series 2.1 (July 1890): 69-80. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
2.2 |
Richard Travers Smith, "The Old Testament and Our Lord's Authority," The Expositor Fourth series 2.2 (August 1890): 81-101. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William Milligan [1821-1893], "The Resurrection of the Dead. III. (1 Cor. xv.45, 46)," The Expositor Fourth series 2.2 (August 1890): 101-115. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Alfred Plummer [1841-1926], "Recollections of Dr. Döllinger. IV. Continental Topics," The Expositor Fourth series 2.2 (August 1890): 116-130. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Alexander B. Bruce [1831-1899], "The Epistle to the Hebrews. XIX. Draw Near! (Chap. X.19-31)," The Expositor Fourth series 2.2 (August 1890): 131-144. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
E.L. Hicks, "Ephesus: A Postscript," The Expositor Fourth series 2.2 (August 1890): 144-149. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Marcus Dods [1834-1909], "Survey of Recent Literature on the New Testament," The Expositor Fourth series 2.2 (August 1890): 150-160. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
2.3 |
Andrew Harper, "Professor Elmslie," The Expositor Fourth series 2.3 (Sept. 1890): 161-181. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Thomas Kelly Cheyne [1841-1915], "Psalm LXVIII," The Expositor Fourth series 2.3 (Sept. 1890): 181-193. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Alexander B. Bruce [1831-1899], "The Epistle to the Hebrews. XX. Not of Them Who Draw Back! (Chap. x.25 to xii.29)," The Expositor Fourth series 2.3 (Sept. 1890): 194-207. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Joseph Agar Beet [1840-1924], "New Testament Teraching on the Future Punishment of Sin. V. The Synoptist Gospels," The Expositor Fourth series 2.3 (Sept. 1890): 207-215. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
James Oswald Dykes [1835-1912], "The Light of the World," The Expositor Fourth series 2.3 (Sept. 1890): 216-223. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Arthur W. Hutton, "Personal Reminiscences of Cardinal Newman," The Expositor Fourth series 2.3 (Sept. 1890): 223-240. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
2.4 |
J.J. Stewart Perowne [1823-1904], "Notes on Genesis," The Expositor Fourth series 2.4 (Oct. 1890): 241-256. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
George G. Findlay [1849-1919], "The Gospel of Paul at Thessalonica," The Expositor Fourth series 2.4 (Oct. 1890): 256-262. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Samuel Cox [1826-1893], "Wisdom: Whence Shall She Be Gotten?" The Expositor Fourth series 2.4 (Oct. 1890): 263-274. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William Milligan [1821-1893], "The Resurrection of the Dead. IV. (1 Cor. xv.47-49)," The Expositor Fourth series 2.4 (Oct. 1890): 275-287. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Joseph Agar Beet [1840-1924], "New Testament Teaching on the Future Punishment of Sin. VI. The Book of Revelation," The Expositor Fourth series 2.4 (Oct. 1890): 287-296. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
David Brown, "In the Study of the Greek Testament From my Note-book," The Expositor Fourth series 2.4 (Oct. 1890): 297-304. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Arthur W. Hutton, "Personal Reminiscences of Cardinal Newman, II," The Expositor Fourth series 2.4 (Oct. 1890): 304-320. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
2.5 |
J.J. Stewart Perowne [1823-1904], "Notes on Genesis. Chapter I," The Expositor Fourth series 2.5 (Nov. 1890): 321-336. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Arthur W. Hutton, "Personal Reminiscences of Cardinal Newman, III," The Expositor Fourth series 2.5 (Nov. 1890): 336-350. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Theodore Nöldeke, "The Language and Metre of Ecclesiasticus," The Expositor Fourth series 2.5 (Nov. 1890): 350-356. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Theodore Nöldeke, "Additional Note to 'Ecclesiasticus'," The Expositor Fourth series 2.5 (Nov. 1890): 356-358. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
W.W. Peyton, "The Hebrew Problem of the Period. Our Lord's Second Temptation," The Expositor Fourth series 2.5 (Nov. 1890): 360-378. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Joseph Agar Beet [1840-1924], "New Testament Teaching on the Future Punishment of Sin. VII. Modern Opinions," The Expositor Fourth series 2.5 (Nov. 1890): 378-394. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Robert F. Horton [1855-1934], "Brevia: 'Imago Christi'," The Expositor Fourth series 2.5 (Nov. 1890): 394-400. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Thomas Kelly Cheyne [1841-1915], "Letter to the Editor," The Expositor Fourth series 2.5 (Nov. 1890): 400. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
2.6 |
William Henry Bennett [1855-1920], "The Old Testament and the New Reformation," The Expositor Fourth series 2.6 (Dec. 1890): 401-418. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Joseph Agar Beet [1840-1924], "New Testament Teaching on the Future Punishment of Sin. VII. (continued). Modern Opinions," The Expositor Fourth series 2.6 (Dec. 1890): 419-428. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
J.J. Stewart Perowne [1823-1904], "Notes on Genesis. The Fifth Day (vers. 20-23)," The Expositor Fourth series 2.6 (Dec. 1890): 429-438. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
W.W. Peyton, "The Hebrew Problem of the Period. Our Lord's Second Temptation, II," The Expositor Fourth series 2.6 (Dec. 1890): 439-454. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Alfred Plummer [1841-1926], "Recollections of Dr. Döllinger. V. Biographical," The Expositor Fourth series 2.6 (Dec. 1890): 455-472. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
"Index," The Expositor Fourth series 2.6 (Dec. 1890): 473-476. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
3.1 |
John Turner Marshall [1850-1923], "The Aramaic Gospel. Introductory," The Expositor Fourth series 3.1 (Jan. 1891): 1-17. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William Sanday [1843-1920], "On the Title 'Son of Man'," The Expositor Fourth series 3.1 (Jan. 1891): 18-32. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Samuel Cox [1826-1893], "The Prayer of Faith," The Expositor Fourth series 3.1 (Jan. 1891): 32-42. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
J.J. Stewart Perowne [1823-1904], "Genesis and Science. Introductory Note," The Expositor Fourth series 3.1 (Jan. 1891): 42. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
George Gabriel Stokes [1819-1903], "Professor Stokes on Genesis, I, " The Expositor Fourth series 3.1 (Jan. 1891): 42-48. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
"Professor Pritchard on Genesis, I," The Expositor Fourth series 3.1 (Jan. 1891): 48-50. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
George Gabriel Stokes [1819-1903], "Professor Stokes on Genesis, II, " The Expositor Fourth series 3.1 (Jan. 1891): 50-52. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
"Professor Pritchard's Reply," The Expositor Fourth series 3.1 (Jan. 1891): 52-53. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
James Oswald Dykes [1835-1912], "The Self-Witness of the Son of God (John viii.12-20)," The Expositor Fourth series 3.1 (Jan. 1891): 54-63. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William Gray Elmslie [1848-1889], "Hosea," The Expositor Fourth series 3.1 (Jan. 1891): 63-80. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
3.2 |
William Sanday [1843-1920], "A Survey of the Synoptic Question. I. Recent Literature," The Expositor Fourth series 3.2 (Feb. 1891): 81-91. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
James Iverach [1839-1922], "The Ministry of Light (2 Cor. iv.1-6)," The Expositor Fourth series 3.2 (Feb. 1891): 92-103. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
T.G. Bonney, "Appendix to Dr. Perowne's 'Notes on Genesis'. The Mosaic and Geologic History," The Expositor Fourth series 3.2 (Feb. 1891): 104-109. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
John Turner Marshall [1850-1923], "The Aramaic Gospel. The New Criterion," The Expositor Fourth series 3.2 (Feb. 1891): 109-124. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
J.J. Stewart Perowne [1823-1904], "Notes on Genesis," The Expositor Fourth series 3.2 (Feb. 1891): 125-142. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Marcus Dods [1834-1909], "Survey of Recent English Literature on the New Testament," The Expositor Fourth series 3.2 (Feb. 1891): 142-150. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Thomas Kelly Cheyne [1841-1915], "Brevia: Mr. G.A. Smith's 'Exposition of Isaiah xl.-lxvi'," The Expositor Fourth series 3.2 (Feb. 1891): 150-160. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
3.3 |
William Gray Elmslie [1848-1889], "Joel," The Expositor Fourth series 3.3 (March 1891): 161-179. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William Sanday [1843-1920], "A Survey of the Synoptic Question," The Expositor Fourth series 3.3 (March 1891): 179-194. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Samuel Cox [1826-1893], "Grave Reverses a Decisive Test of Character," The Expositor Fourth series 3.3 (March 1891): 195-205. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
John Turner Marshall [1850-1923], "The Aramaic Gospel. Indications of Translation," The Expositor Fourth series 3.3 (March 1891): 205-220. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Emmanuel Pétavel [1836-1910], "The House of Gethsemane," The Expositor Fourth series 3.3 (March 1891): 220-232. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William Sanday [1843-1920], "Professor Ramsay on the Geography of Asia Minor," The Expositor Fourth series 3.3 (March 1891): 232-240. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
3.4 |
"The Descent of Christ into Hades. A Correspondence Between Professor Franz Delitzsch and Professor Von Hofmann," The Expositor Fourth series 3.4 (April 1891): 241-263. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Samuel Cox [1826-1893], "The Blade of Grass," The Expositor Fourth series 3.4 (April 1891): 264-274. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
John Turner Marshall [1850-1923], "The Aramaic Gospel. Indications of Translation (continued)," The Expositor Fourth series 3.4 (April 1891): 275-291. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
J. Oswald Dyer, "On Spiritual Bondage and Freedom (John viii.31-36)," The Expositor Fourth series 3.4 (April 1891): 292-301. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William Sanday [1843-1920], "A Survey of the Synoptic Question. III. Points Proved or Probable (continued)," The Expositor Fourth series 3.4 (April 1891): 302-316. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Marcus Dods [1834-1909], "Survey of Recent English Literature of the New Testament," The Expositor Fourth series 3.4 (April 1891): 317-320. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
3.5 |
William M. Ramsay [1851-1939], "Glycerius the Deacon. The Story of a Heresy," The Expositor Fourth series 3.5 (May 1891): 321-344. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William Sanday [1843-1920], "A Survery of the Synoptic Gospels. IV. New Hypotheses," The Expositor Fourth series 3.5 (May 1891): 345-361. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
"The Descent of Christ into Hades. A Correspondence Between Professor Franz Delitzsch and Professor Von Hofmann (continued," The Expositor Fourth series 3.5 (May 1891): 361-374. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
John Turner Marshall [1850-1923], "The Aramaic Gospel. Dr. Resch's Proofs of Translation," The Expositor Fourth series 3.5 (May 1891): 375-390. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
John Massie [1842-1925], "Dr. Martineau and the Gospels," The Expositor Fourth series 3.5 (May 1891): 391-398. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Thomas Kelly Cheyne [1841-1915], "Brevia: Psalms of Solomon," The Expositor Fourth series 3.5 (May 1891): 398-400. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
3.6 |
George Henry Gwilliam [1846-1913], "Is the Apostolic Liturgy Quoted by St. Paul?" The Expositor Fourth series 3.6 (June 1891): 401-410. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William Sanday [1843-1920], "A Survey of the Synoptic Question. V. New Hypotheses (continued)," The Expositor Fourth series 3.6 (June 1891): 411-426. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William Gray Elmslie [1848-1889], "Habakuk," The Expositor Fourth series 3.6 (June 1891): 427-442. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Samuel Cox [1826-1893], "The Secret and the Reward of Constancy," The Expositor Fourth series 3.6 (June 1891): 443-451. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
John Turner Marshall [1850-1923], "The Aramaic Gospel. Dr. Resch's Proofs of Translation (continued)," The Expositor Fourth series 3.6 (June 1891): 452-467. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Thomas Kelly Cheyne [1841-1915], "Brevia: Book-jewels; 1 Kings x.22; Isaiah xix.18; Tatian's 'Diatessaron'," The Expositor Fourth series 3.6 (June 1891): 468-470. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Edward H. Sugden [1854-1935], "Brevia: Critical Note on Psalm cxix.122," The Expositor Fourth series 3.6 (June 1891): 471-472. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
"Index," The Expositor Fourth series 3.6 (June 1891): 473-476. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
4.1 |
Alfred Plummer [1841-1926], "The Advance of Christ in Sophia," The Expositor Fourth series 4.1 (July 1891): 1-14. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William Milligan [1821-1893], "The Resurrection of the Dead, V. (1 Cor. xv.50-52)," The Expositor Fourth series 4.1 (July 1891): 15-33. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Charles F. D'Arcy [1859-1938]"'It Became Him' (Heb. ii.10)," The Expositor Fourth series 4.1 (July 1891): 34-41. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Samuel Cox, "The Sinner's Progress," The Expositor Fourth series 4.1 (July 1891): 42-51. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Joseph John Murphy [1827-1894], "The Parables of Judgment. (Matt. xxiv.45-xxv.46; Luke xii.35-48)," The Expositor Fourth series 4.1 (July 1891): 52-62. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Frederick Cornwallis Conybeare [1856-1924], "One Some Fragments of a Pre-Hieronymian Latin Version of the Bible," The Expositor Fourth series 4.1 (July 1891): 63-80. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
4.2 |
Walter Lock [1846-1933], "Interpretation of the Life of the Early Church," The Expositor Fourth series 4.2 (August 1891): 81-91. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
James. S. Candlish [1835-1897], "On the Moral Character of Pseudonymous Books, I," The Expositor Fourth series 4.2 (August 1891): 91-107. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Alexander B. Grosart [1827-1899], "Lost or Latent Powers of the Five Sense with Relation to 2 Kings vi.8-17 and St. Luke xxiv.13-25," The Expositor Fourth series 4.2 (August 1891): 108-119. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Samuel Cox, "God Not the Author of Evil, But of Good," The Expositor Fourth series 4.2 (August 1891): 120-128. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Frederick Cornwallis Conybeare [1856-1924], "One Some Fragments of a Pre-Hieronymian Latin Version of the Bible (concluded)," The Expositor Fourth series 4.2 (August 1891): 129-141. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Thomas Kelly Cheyne [1841-1915], "Dillmann on the Text of Job," The Expositor Fourth series 4.2 (August 1891): 142-145. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Marcus Dods [1834-1909], "Survey of Recent Literature on the New Testament," The Expositor Fourth series 4.2 (August 1891): 145-156. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Thomas Kelly Cheyne [1841-1915], "Brevia: Klostermann versus Kautzsch and Socin; Isaiah lxv.15," The Expositor Fourth series 4.2 (August 1891): 157-160. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
4.3 |
James Iverach [1839-1922], "Dr. H.H. Wendt on the Fourth Gospel," The Expositor Fourth series 4.3 (Sept. 1891): 161-178. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Walter Lock [1846-1933], "The Christology of the Earlier Chapters of the Acts of the Apostles," The Expositor Fourth series 4.3 (Sept. 1891): 178-190. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William Milligan [1821-1893], "The Resurrection of the Dead. VI. (I Cor. XV.53-58)," The Expositor Fourth series 4.3 (Sept. 1891): 191-207. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
John Turner Marshall [1850-1923], "The Aramaic Gospel. The Galilean Dialect," The Expositor Fourth series 4.3 (Sept. 1891): 208-223. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
W.W. Peyton, "The Human Splendours, Our Lord's Third Temptation," The Expositor Fourth series 4.3 (Sept. 1891): 223-236. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William Sanday [1843-1920], "Brevia: Dr. Dods on St. John's Gospel," The Expositor Fourth series 4.3 (Sept. 1891): 237-240. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
4.4 |
A. Duff, "The Prophet Jeremiah. A Study of His Development in Thought and Utterance," The Expositor Fourth series 4.4 (Oct. 1891): 241-255. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
H.M. Gwatkin [1844-1916], "The Fourfold Revelation of God," The Expositor Fourth series 4.4 (Oct. 1891): 255-262. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
James. S. Candlish [1835-1897], "On the Moral Character of Pseudonymous Books, II," The Expositor Fourth series 4.4 (Oct. 1891): 262-279. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Samuel Cox, "The Pure Word in the Foul Plot," The Expositor Fourth series 4.4 (Oct. 1891): 279-286. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Marcus Dods [1834-1909], "Candidates For Discipleship. (Luke ix.57-62)," The Expositor Fourth series 4.4 (Oct. 1891): 286-297. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
J. Llewelyn Davies [1826-1916], "Note on Logismoi in 2 Corinthians X," The Expositor Fourth series 4.4 (Oct. 1891): 298-302. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William Gray Elmslie [1848-1889], "Zechariah," The Expositor Fourth series 4.4 (Oct. 1891): 302-320. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
4.5 |
William Sanday [1843-1920], "The Present Position of the Johannine Question. I. The Tendency of Recent Criticism," The Expositor Fourth series 4.5 (Nov. 1891): 321-339. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
W.W. Peyton, "The Human Splendours, Our Lord's Third Temptation," The Expositor Fourth series 4.5 (Nov. 1891): 340-360. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William Gray Elmslie [1848-1889], "Samson," The Expositor Fourth series 4.5 (Nov. 1891): 360-373. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
John Turner Marshall [1850-1923], "The Aramaic Gospel. Indications of Translation," The Expositor Fourth series 4.5 (Nov. 1891): 373-388. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
J.F. McCurdy, "Uzziah and the Philistines," The Expositor Fourth series 4.5 (Nov. 1891): 388-396. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Marcus Dods & William Sanday [1843-1920], "Letters to the Editor: The Roman Reckoning of the Day," The Expositor Fourth series 4.5 (Nov. 1891): 396-397. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Thomas Kelly Cheyne [1841-1915], "Old Testament Notes," The Expositor Fourth series 4.5 (Nov. 1891): 397-400. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
4.6 |
William Sanday [1843-1920], "The Present Position of the Johannine Question. II. The Eternal Question," The Expositor Fourth series 4.6 (Dec. 1891): 401-420. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
James. S. Candlish [1835-1897], "Dr. Dale's Theology," The Expositor Fourth series 4.6 (Dec. 1891): 421-434. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
John Turner Marshall [1850-1923], "The Aramaic Gospel, Duplicate Translations in the Gospel of Mark," The Expositor Fourth series 4.6 (Dec. 1891): 435-448. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Samuel Cox, "The Divine Looking-Glass," The Expositor Fourth series 4.6 (Dec. 1891): 448-456. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Frederick Cornwallis Conybeare [1856-1924], "Upon Philo's Text of the Septuagint," The Expositor Fourth series 4.6 (Dec. 1891): 456-466. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
George Adam Smith ]1856-1942]& W. Ewing, "The New Edition of Baedeker's 'Palestine'," The Expositor Fourth series 4.6 (Dec. 1891): 467-472. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
"Index," The Expositor Fourth series 4.6 (Dec. 1891): 473-476. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
5.1 |
G.A. Chadwick, "At Midnight [a poem]," The Expositor Fourth series 5.1 (Jan. 1891): 1. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Joseph Agar Beet [1840-1924], "The Doctrine of the Atonement in the New Testament. I. The Synoptist Gospels," The Expositor Fourth series 5.1 (Jan. 1891): 2-11. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William Sanday [1843-1920], "The Present Position of the Johannine Controversy. III. Relation to the Synoptic Gospels," The Expositor Fourth series 5.1 (Jan. 1891): 12-29. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William M. Ramsay [1851-1939], "Saint Paul's First Journey in Asia Minor," The Expositor Fourth series 5.1 (Jan. 1891): 29-39. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
G.A. Chadwick, "The Miracles of Christ," The Expositor Fourth series 5.1 (Jan. 1891): 39-50. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William Gray Elmslie [1848-1889], "Gideon," The Expositor Fourth series 5.1 (Jan. 1891): 50-65. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
James Stalker [1848-1927], "The Book of Lamentations," The Expositor Fourth series 5.1 (Jan. 1891): 65-75. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Thomas Kelly Cheyne [1841-1915], "Abraham Kuenen," The Expositor Fourth series 5.1 (Jan. 1891): 75-77. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Thomas Kelly Cheyne [1841-1915], "Old Testament Notes: A New View of Psalm xvi.1-4; The Hebrew Idea of Wisdom; Jewish Influence on Persian Beliefs," The Expositor Fourth series 5.1 (Jan. 1891): 77-80. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
5.2 |
Thomas Kelly Cheyne [1841-1915], "Dr. Driver's Introduction to the Old Testament Literature, Part I," The Expositor Fourth series 5.2 (Feb. 1891): 81-114. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Joseph Agar Beet [1840-1924], "The Doctrine of the Atonement in the New Testament. II. The Johannean Writings," The Expositor Fourth series 5.2 (Feb. 1891): 115-126. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
G.A. Chadwick, "The Miracles of Christ. II," The Expositor Fourth series 5.2 (Feb. 1891): 126-139. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
George Adam Smith ]1856-1942], "The Historical Geography of the Holy Land. Introductory," The Expositor Fourth series 5.2 (Feb. 1891): 139-157. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Marcus Dods [1834-1909], "Brief Notices," The Expositor Fourth series 5.2 (Feb. 1891): 157-160. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
5.3 |
William Sanday [1843-1920], "The Present Position of the Johannean Question. IV. The Author," The Expositor Fourth series 5.3 (March 1891): 161-183. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Joseph Agar Beet [1840-1924], "The Doctrine of the Atonement in the New Testament. III. St. Peter," The Expositor Fourth series 5.3 (March 1891): 183-189. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
George Adam Smith ]1856-1942], "The Historical Geography of the Holy Land. II," The Expositor Fourth series 5.3 (March 1891): 189-209. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Thomas Kelly Cheyne [1841-1915], "Dr. Driver's Introduction to the Old Testament Literature, Part II," The Expositor Fourth series 5.3 (March 1891): 210-240. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
5.4 |
Thomas Kelly Cheyne [1841-1915], "Dr. Driver's Introduction to the Old Testament Literature, Part III," The Expositor Fourth series 5.4 (April 1891): 241-269. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
G.A. Chadwick, "The Miracles of Christ. III," The Expositor Fourth series 5.4 (April 1891): 270-280. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William Sanday [1843-1920], "The Present Position of the Johannine Question. V. The Author (continued)," The Expositor Fourth series 5.4 (April 1891): 281-299. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
George Adam Smith ]1856-1942], "The Historical Geography of the Holy Land. III," 300-317. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Andrew Bruce Davidson [1831-1902], "The Canon of the Old Testament," The Expositor Fourth series 5.4 (April 1891): 317-320. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
5.5 |
Samuel Rolles Driver [1846-1914], "Klostermann on the Pentateuch," The Expositor Fourth series 5.5 (May 1891): 321-342. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
J. Llewelyn Davies [1826-1916], "St. Paul's Karis," The Expositor Fourth series 5.5 (May 1891): 343-346. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
G.A. Chadwick, "The First Miracle," The Expositor Fourth series 5.5 (May 1891): 347-358. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Joseph Agar Beet [1840-1924], "The Doctrine of the Atonement in the New Testament. IV. Romans iii.24-26," The Expositor Fourth series 5.5 (May 1891): 358-371. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William Sanday [1843-1920], "The Present Position of the Johannine Question. VI. Partition and Derivation Theories," The Expositor Fourth series 5.5 (May 1891): 372-391. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Marcus Dods [1834-1909], "Survey of Recent English Literature on the New Testament," The Expositor Fourth series 5.5 (May 1891): 392-398. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Arthur Wright [1843-1924], "On the Day of the Crucifixion," The Expositor Fourth series 5.5 (May 1891): 399-400. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
5.6 |
James Vernon Bartlet [1863-1940], "Fides Divina et Fides Humana; or, Faith According to Christ," The Expositor Fourth series 5.6 (June 1891): 401-417. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
George Adam Smith [1856-1942], "The Historical Geography of the Holy Land. IV. Judea," The Expositor Fourth series 5.6 (June 1891): 417-431. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Joseph Agar Beet [1840-1924], "The Doctrine of the Atonement in the New Testament. V. The Further Teaching of the Epistle to the Romans," The Expositor Fourth series 5.6 (June 1891): 432-443. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
G.A. Chadwick, "The Nobleman's Son and the Centurion's Servant. (John iv.46; Matt. viii.5; and Luke vii.1)," The Expositor Fourth series 5.6 (June 1891): 443-456. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Robert Rainy [1826-1906], "Cardinal Newman," The Expositor Fourth series 5.6 (June 1891): 456-472. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
"Index," The Expositor Fourth series 5.6 (June 1891): 473-476. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
6.1 |
R.W. Dale [1829-1895], "Jonah," The Expositor Fourth series 6.1 (July 1891): 1-18. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
G.A. Chadwick, "The First Miraculous Draught of Fish. Luke v.2-11," The Expositor Fourth series 6.1 (July 1891): 18-26. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Joseph Agar Beet [1840-1924], "The Doctrine of the Atonement in the New Testament. VI. Other Teaching of St. Paul," The Expositor Fourth series 6.1 (July 1891): 27-34. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Robert Rainy [1826-1906], "Cardinal Newman, II," The Expositor Fourth series 6.1 (July 1891): 34-48. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
George Adam Smith ]1856-1942], "The Historical Geography of the Holy Land. V," The Expositor Fourth series 6.1 (July 1891): 48-65. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
James Myers Danson [1845-1909], "The Doctrine of the Logos: Its Genesis and Corruptions," The Expositor Fourth series 6.1 (July 1891): 65-79. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Andrew Bruce Davidson [1831-1902], "Brevia: The Canon of the Old Testament," The Expositor Fourth series 6.1 (July 1891): 79-80. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
6.2 |
John Turner Marshall [1850-1923], "The Aramaic Gospel. Its Contents," The Expositor Fourth series 6.2 (August 1891): 81-97. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William Gray Elmslie [1848-1889], "Samuel," The Expositor Fourth series 6.2 (August 1891): 98-113. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William Milligan [1821-1893], "A Group of Parables, I," The Expositor Fourth series 6.2 (August 1891): 114-126. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
John A. Cross, "The Fourth Gospel," The Expositor Fourth series 6.2 (August 1891): 127-131. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Joseph Agar Beet [1840-1924], "The Doctrine of the Atonement in the New Testament. VII. The Epistle to the Hebrews," The Expositor Fourth series 6.2 (August 1891): 132-148. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Agnes McDonell, "Dora Greenwell. A Memorial Sketch. Part I," The Expositor Fourth series 6.2 (August 1891): 144-155. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Thomas Kelly Cheyne [1841-1915], "On Some Points in Professor Robertson Smith's Lectures on the Old Testament," The Expositor Fourth series 6.2 (August 1891): 155-160. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
6.3 |
William M. Ramsay [1851-1939], "St. Paul's First Journey in Asia Minor, II," The Expositor Fourth series 6.3 (Sept. 1891): 161-175. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
George Adam Smith ]1856-1942], "The Historical Geography of the Holy Land. VI," The Expositor Fourth series 6.3 (Sept. 1891): 175-186. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William Milligan [1821-1893], "A Group of Parables, II," The Expositor Fourth series 6.3 (Sept. 1891): 186-199. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Samuel Rolles Driver [1846-1914], "Professor W.R. Smith on the Old Testament," The Expositor Fourth series 6.3 (Sept. 1891): 199-208. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
J. Llewelyn Davies [1826-1916], "The Many Mansions and the Restitution of All Things," The Expositor Fourth series 6.3 (Sept. 1891): 209-213. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Agnes McDonell, "Dora Greenwell. A Memorial Sketch. Part II," The Expositor Fourth series 6.3 (Sept. 1891): 214-229. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Marcus Dods [1834-1909], "Survey of Recent Literature on the New Testament," The Expositor Fourth series 6.3 (Sept. 1891): 229-240. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
6.4 |
W. Walsham Wakefield, "The Revised Version," The Expositor Fourth series 6.4 (Oct. 1891): 241-255. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
John Taylor [?], "Canon Cheyne on King David and the Psalter," The Expositor Fourth series 6.4 (Oct. 1891): 255-272. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
G.A. Chadwick, "Some Cases of Possession. 1. The Demoniac in the Synagogue (Mark i.23-27; Luke iv.33-36); 2. The Woman With a Spirit of Infirmity (Luke xiii.10-17); 3. The Man With a Deaf and Dumb Spirit (Matt. ix.32-34)," The Expositor Fourth series 6.4 (Oct. 1891): 272-281. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William M. Ramsay [1851-1939], "St. Paul's First Journey in Asia Minor, III," The Expositor Fourth series 6.4 (Oct. 1891): 281-297. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Joseph Agar Beet [1840-1924], "The Doctrine of the Atonement in the New Testament. VIII. Certain Modern Theories," The Expositor Fourth series 6.4 (Oct. 1891): 297-305. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
David Brown, "Herod the Tetrarch: A Study of Conscience," The Expositor Fourth series 6.4 (Oct. 1891): 305-312. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
George Adam Smith ]1856-1942], "Duhm's Isaiah and the New Commentary on the Old Testament," The Expositor Fourth series 6.4 (Oct. 1891): 312-318. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
"Brevia: The Gospel of St. John," The Expositor Fourth series 6.4 (Oct. 1891): 319-320. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Andrew Bruce Davidson [1831-1902], "Brevia: The Hebrew Accents by Arthur Davis," The Expositor Fourth series 6.4 (Oct. 1891): 320. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
6.5 |
George Adam Smith ]1856-1942], "The Historical Geography of the Holy Land. VII," The Expositor Fourth series 6.5 (Nov. 1891): 321-342. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Joseph Agar Beet [1840-1924], "The Doctrine of the Atonement in the New Testament. IX. - Rationale of the Atonement," The Expositor Fourth series 6.5 (Nov. 1891): 343-355. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
G.A. Chadwick, "Peter's Wife's Mother. Matthew viii.14; Mark i.29; Luke iv.38," The Expositor Fourth series 6.5 (Nov. 1891): 355-364. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
James G. Carleton, "The Idiom of Exaggerated Contrast," The Expositor Fourth series 6.5 (Nov. 1891): 365-372. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William M. Ramsay [1851-1939], "St. Paul's First Journey in Asia Minor," The Expositor Fourth series 6.5 (Nov. 1891): 373-385. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
James Stalker [1848-1927], "Julius Köstin," The Expositor Fourth series 6.5 (Nov. 1891): 385-391. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Samuel Rolles Driver [1846-1914], "Professor A.B. Davidson on the Prophet Ezekiel," The Expositor Fourth series 6.5 (Nov. 1891): 392-397. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Marcus Dods [1834-1909], "The Memorabilia of Jesus," The Expositor Fourth series 6.5 (Nov. 1891): 398-400. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
6.6 |
C.J. Gloucester & Bristol, "The Principle of the Revised Version," The Expositor Fourth series 6.6 (Dec. 1891): 401-418. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Joseph Agar Beet [1840-1924], "The Doctrine of the Atonement in the New Testament. X. The Extent of the Atonement," The Expositor Fourth series 6.6 (Dec. 1891): 419-426. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
James Vernon Bartlet [1863-1940], "Christ's Use of the Term 'The Son of Man'," The Expositor Fourth series 6.6 (Dec. 1891): 427-443. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
G.A. Chadwick, "The First Leper Healed (MAtt. viii.2; Mark i.40; Luke v.12)," The Expositor Fourth series 6.6 (Dec. 1891): 443-454. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
James Oswald Dykes [1835-1912], "True or False Children of Abraham (John viii.37-42)," The Expositor Fourth series 6.6 (Dec. 1891): 455-463. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
George Adam Smith ]1856-1942], "The Question of Sychar (John iv)," The Expositor Fourth series 6.6 (Dec. 1891): 464-472. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
"Index," The Expositor Fourth series 6.6 (Dec. 1891): 473-476. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
7.1 |
A.B. Bruce, "Paul's Conception of Christianity. I. The Sources," The Expositor Fourth series 7.1 (Jan. 1893): 1-20. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
W.B. Ripon, "The Parable of the Unjust Steward," The Expositor Fourth series 7.1 (Jan. 1893): 21-29. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
James Stalker [1848-1927], "The Difficult Words of Christ. I. The Children at Play. Matt. xi.16-19," The Expositor Fourth series 7.1 (Jan. 1893): 29-37. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
F.W. Farrar [1831-1903], "Exegetic Studies on the Lord's Prayer," The Expositor Fourth series 7.1 (Jan. 1893): 38-49. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
John Owen Farquhar Murray [1858-1944], "Evangelium Secundum Petrum," The Expositor Fourth series 7.1 (Jan. 1893): 50-61. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
J. Armitage Robison & William M. Ramsay [1851-1939], "The Late Professor Hort, I," The Expositor Fourth series 7.1 (Jan. 1893): 62-74. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Alexander Mair, "Apologetic Argument From the Names in Romans XVI," The Expositor Fourth series 7.1 (Jan. 1893): 75-80. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
7.2 |
V.H. Stanton, "Some Points in the Synoptic Problem. I. The Part Played by Oral Tradition in Determining the Form and Contents of the Synoptic Gospels," The Expositor Fourth series 7.2 (Feb. 1893): 81-97. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
George G. Findlay [1849-1919], "The Preface to the First Epistle of John," The Expositor Fourth series 7.2 (Feb. 1893): 97-108. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
John Taylor [?], "Wellhausen's 'Minor Prophets'," The Expositor Fourth series 7.2 (Feb. 1893): 108-118. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
A.B. Bruce, "Paul's Conception of Christianity. II. Paul's Religious History," The Expositor Fourth series 7.2 (Feb. 1893): 118-136. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
G.A. Chadwick, "Christ at the Pool of Bethesda. John v.1," The Expositor Fourth series 7.2 (Feb. 1893): 136-146. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Marcus Dods [1834-1909], "Survey of Literature on the New Testament," The Expositor Fourth series 7.2 (Feb. 1893): 146-160. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
7.3 |
George Adam Smith ]1856-1942], "Galilee," The Expositor Fourth series 7.3 (March 1893): 161-178. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
V.H. Stanton, "Some Points in the Synoptic Problem, II. The Supposed Relation of St. Matthew and St. Luke to the 'Logia' as a Common Source," The Expositor Fourth series 7.3 (March 1893): 179-196. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
A.B. Bruce, "Paul's Conception of Christianity. II. The Epistle to the Galatians," The Expositor Fourth series 7.3 (March 1893): 197-215. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William M. Ramsay [1851-1939], "About the Sixth Hour," The Expositor Fourth series 7.3 (March 1893): 216-223. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
James Stalker [1848-1927], "The Difficult Words of Christ. 2. Holy Scripture, Matt. xi.12," The Expositor Fourth series 7.3 (March 1893): 224-231. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
James Denney [1856-1917], "Three Motives to Repentance. Luke xiii.1-9," The Expositor Fourth series 7.3 (March 1893): 232-237. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
John Owen Farquhar Murray [1858-1944], "Professor Hort - Bibliography," The Expositor Fourth series 7.3 (March 1893): 238-240. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
7.4 |
Andrew Bruce Davidson [1831-1902], "The Earlier Ideas of Isaiah," The Expositor Fourth series 7.4 (April 1893): 241-255. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
V.H. Stanton, "Some Points in the Synoptic Problem, III. Some Secondary Features," The Expositor Fourth series 7.4 (April 1893): 256-266. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
A.B. Bruce, "Paul's Conception of Christianity. IV. The Epistles to the Corinthians," The Expositor Fourth series 7.4 (April 1893): 267-282. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
F.W. Farrar [1831-1903], "Exegetic Studies on the Lord's Prayer, II," The Expositor Fourth series 7.4 (April 1893): 283-293. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Thomas Herbert Darlow [1858-1927], "Divorce and Childhood. A Reading of St. Matt. xix.3-15," The Expositor Fourth series 7.4 (April 1893): 294-299. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Walter Smith, "The Washing of the Disciples' Feet. John xiii.1-17," The Expositor Fourth series 7.4 (April 1893): 300-311. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
John A. Cross, "On St. John XXI.15-17," The Expositor Fourth series 7.4 (April 1893): 312-320. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
7.5 |
George Adam Smith ]1856-1942], "The Lake of Galilee," The Expositor Fourth series 7.5 (May 1893): 321-335. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
V.H. Stanton, "Some Points in the Synoptic Problem, IV. The Authorship and Composition of the Third Gospel," The Expositor Fourth series 7.5 (May 1893): 336-353. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
A.B. Bruce, "Paul's Conception of Christianity. V. The Epistle to the Romans - Its Aim," The Expositor Fourth series 7.5 (May 1893): 353-366. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William Milligan [1821-1893], "Hebrews VI.4-6," The Expositor Fourth series 7.5 (May 1893): 367-377. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
G.A. Chadwick, "The First Storm. Matt. viii.23. ark iv.34. Luke viii.22," The Expositor Fourth series 7.5 (May 1893): 377-385. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Willoughby Charles Allen [1867-1953], "'The Aramaic Gospel'," The Expositor Fourth series 7.5 (May 1893): 386-400. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
7.6 |
William Sanday [1843-1920], "Professor Ramsay's 'Church in the Roman Empire'," The Expositor Fourth series 7.6 (June 1893): 401-415. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
A.B. Bruce, "Paul's Conception of Christianity. VI. The Epistle to the Romans - The Train of Thought," The Expositor Fourth series 7.6 (June 1893): 416-430. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Arthur C. Bath & Well, "The Chonology of Ezra II and IV.6-23, I," The Expositor Fourth series 7.6 (June 1893): 431-443. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William Milligan [1821-1893], "Hebrews VI.4-6, II," The Expositor Fourth series 7.6 (June 1893): 443-453. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Willoughby Charles Allen [1867-1953], "'The Aramaic Gospel', II," The Expositor Fourth series 7.6 (June 1893): 454-470. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Clement Bird, "Brevia: Notes on Galatians v.8," The Expositor Fourth series 7.6 (June 1893): 471-472. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
"Index," The Expositor Fourth series 7.6 (June 1893): 473-476. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
8.1 |
Theodore Mommsen, "Christianity in the Roman Empire. A Letter to the Editor," The Expositor Fourth series 8.1 (July 1893): 1-7. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William M. Ramsay [1851-1939], "The Church and the Empire in the First Century," The Expositor Fourth series 8.1 (July 1893): 8-21. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
A.B. Bruce, "St. Paul's Conception of Christianity. VII. The Doctrine of Sin," The Expositor Fourth series 8.1 (July 1893): 21-37. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Hastings Rashdall, "Abelard's Doctrine of the Atonement: A University Sermon," The Expositor Fourth series 8.1 (July 1893): 37-50. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Arthur C. Bath & Wells, "The Chronology of Ezra IV.6-23, II," The Expositor Fourth series 8.1 (July 1893): 50-63. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
James Stalker [1848-1927], "The Difficult Words of Christ. III. Things New and Old," The Expositor Fourth series 8.1 (July 1893): 63-71. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
C. Taylor, "Some Early Evidence For the Twelve Verses St. Mark XVI.9-20," The Expositor Fourth series 8.1 (July 1893): 71-80. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
8.2 |
A.B. Bruce, "St. Paul's Conception of Christianity. VIII. The Righteousness of God," The Expositor Fourth series 8.2 (August 1893): 81-95. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
John Taylor [?], "A Prophet's View of International Ethics," The Expositor Fourth series 8.2 (August 1893): 96-109. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William M. Ramsay [1851-1939], "The Church and the Empire in the First Century, II. The Pastoral Epistles and Tacitus," The Expositor Fourth series 8.2 (August 1893): 110-119. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Joseph Agar Beet [1840-1924], "Hebrews VI.4-6," The Expositor Fourth series 8.2 (August 1893): 119-125. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
G.A. Chadwick, "The Demoniacs of Gerasa," The Expositor Fourth series 8.2 (August 1893): 126-137. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
W.F. Adeney, "Weizäcker on the Resurrection," The Expositor Fourth series 8.2 (August 1893): 137-146. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Marcus Dods [1834-1909], "Survey of Recent Biblical Literature," The Expositor Fourth series 8.2 (August 1893): 147-160. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
8.3 |
F.W. Farrar [1831-1903], R.W. Dale [1829-1895], "Sin," The Expositor Fourth series 8.3 (Sept. 1893): 161-175. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
John Turner Marshall [1850-1923], "The Aramaic Gospel. Reply to Dr Driver and Mr Allen," The Expositor Fourth series 8.3 (Sept. 1893): 176-192. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
A.B. Bruce, "St. Paul's Conception of Christianity. IX. The Death of Christ," The Expositor Fourth series 8.3 (Sept. 1893): 192-207. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
George Buchanan Gray [1865-1922], "The Parallel Passages in 'Joel' in Their Bearing on the Question of Date," The Expositor Fourth series 8.3 (Sept. 1893): 208-225. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
G.A. Chadwick, "The Paralytic. Matt. ix.1; Mark ii.1; Luke v.17," The Expositor Fourth series 8.3 (Sept. 1893): 226-238. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Thomas Herbert Darlow [1858-1927], "Note on Galilean Fish-Curing," The Expositor Fourth series 8.3 (Sept. 1893): 239-240. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
8.4 |
Frederick Cornwallis Conybeare [1856-1924], "Ariston, the Author of the Last Twelve Verses of Mark," The Expositor Fourth series 8.4 (Oct. 1893): 241-254. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
F.W. Farrar [1831-1903], "Was There a Golden Calf at Dan?" The Expositor Fourth series 8.4 (Oct. 1893): 254-265. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
A.B. Bruce, "St. Paul's Conception of Christianity. X. Adoption," The Expositor Fourth series 8.4 (Oct. 1893): 266-282. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William M. Ramsay [1851-1939], "The Church and the Empire in the First Century. III. The First Epistle Attributed to St. Peter," The Expositor Fourth series 8.4 (Oct. 1893): 282-296. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Alexander Roberts [1826-1901], "On the Proper Rendering of Ekathisen in St. John XIX.13," The Expositor Fourth series 8.4 (Oct. 1893): 296-308. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
G.A. Chadwick, "The Daughter of Jairus and the Woman With an Issue of Blood. Matt. ix.18; Mark v.22; Luke viii.41," The Expositor Fourth series 8.4 (Oct. 1893): 309-320. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
8.5 |
F. Rendall, "The Pauline Collection For the Saints," The Expositor Fourth series 8.5 (Nov. 1893): 321-336. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Cope Whitehouse, "Where Was the Land of Goshen," The Expositor Fourth series 8.5 (Nov. 1893): 337-348. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
A.B. Bruce, "St. Paul's Conception of Christianity. XI. Without and Within," The Expositor Fourth series 8.5 (Nov. 1893): 348-361. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Hugh MacMillan [1833-1903], "The Budding Rod," The Expositor Fourth series 8.5 (Nov. 1893): 362-373. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
George G. Findlay [1849-1919], "Fellowship in the Light of God. I John i.5-10," The Expositor Fourth series 8.5 (Nov. 1893): 374-388. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Samuel Rolles Driver [1846-1914], "Professor Marshall's Aramaic Gospel," The Expositor Fourth series 8.5 (Nov. 1893): 388-400. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
8.6 |
Frederic Henry Chase [1853-1925], "The Galatia of the Acts: A Criticism of Professor Ramsay's Theory," The Expositor Fourth series 8.6 (Dec. 1893): 401-419. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Samuel Rolles Driver [1846-1914], "Professor Marshall's Aramaic Gospel, II," The Expositor Fourth series 8.6 (Dec. 1893): 419-431. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
A.B. Bruce, "St. Paul's Conception of Christianity. XII. The Moral Energy of Faith," The Expositor Fourth series 8.6 (Dec. 1893): 432-446. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Arthur C. Bath & Wells, "The Sojourn of the Israelites in Egypt," The Expositor Fourth series 8.6 (Dec. 1893): 446-455. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
G.A. Chadwick, "Some Minor Miracles," The Expositor Fourth series 8.6 (Dec. 1893): 456-464. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
James. S. Candlish [1835-1897], "The Relation of Christ's Resurrection to Our Justification," The Expositor Fourth series 8.6 (Dec. 1893): 465-470. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Robert A. Watson, "'They Cried the More.' St. Mark xx.31," The Expositor Fourth series 8.6 (Dec. 1893): 471-472. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
"Index," The Expositor Fourth series 8.6 (Dec. 1893): 473-476. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
9.1 |
Walter Lock [1846-1933], "Agrapha.Sayings of Our Lord ot Recorded in the Gospels," The Expositor Fourth series 9.1 (Jan. 1894): 1-16. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
J. William Dawson, "Physical and Historical Probabilities Respecting the Authorship and Authority of the Mosiac Books," The Expositor Fourth series 9.1 (Jan. 1894): 16-33. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
John Watson, "The Premier Ideas of Jesus. I. The Sovereignty of Character," The Expositor Fourth series 9.1 (Jan. 1894): 34-42. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William M. Ramsay [1851-1939], "A Reply to Mr Chase," The Expositor Fourth series 9.1 (Jan. 1894): 43-61. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Jane Thompdon Stoddart [1863-1944], "Maurice Maeterlinck on Ruysbroeck," The Expositor Fourth series 9.1 (Jan. 1894): 61-70. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Marcus Dods [1834-1909], "The Righteousness of Christ's Kingdom," The Expositor Fourth series 9.1 (Jan. 1894): 70-79. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
George W. Johnson, "The Faith of God," The Expositor Fourth series 9.1 (Jan. 1894): 79-80. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
9.2 |
A.B. Bruce, "St. Paul's Conception of Christianity. XIII. The Holy Spirit," The Expositor Fourth series 9.2 (Feb. 1894): 81-97. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Walter Lock [1846-1933], "Agrapha.Sayings of Our Lord ot Recorded in the Gospels, II," The Expositor Fourth series 9.2 (Feb. 1894): 97-109. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
J. William Dawson, "Physical and Historical Probabilities Respecting the Authorship and Authority of the Mosaic Books. II. The Book of Genesis," The Expositor Fourth series 9.2 (Feb. 1894): 109-123. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Eberhard Nestle [1851-1913], "'He Called' or 'She Called'? Matt. i.25," The Expositor Fourth series 9.2 (Feb. 1894): 123-126. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
John Watson, "The Premier Ideas of Jesus. II. Ageless Life," The Expositor Fourth series 9.2 (Feb. 1894): 127-137. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William M. Ramsay [1851-1939], "A Reply to Mr. Chase. II," The Expositor Fourth series 9.2 (Feb. 1894): 137-149. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Marcus Dods [1834-1909], "Survey of Recent Biblical Literature," The Expositor Fourth series 9.2 (Feb. 1894): 149-160. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Marcus Dods [1834-1909], "The Righteousness of Christ's Kingdom. II," The Expositor Fourth series 9.2 (Feb. 1894): 161-173. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Arthur Wright [1843-1924], "On the Proper Name in S. Mark's Gospel. A Study in the Synoptic Problem," The Expositor Fourth series 9.2 (Feb. 1894): 173-188. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
9.3 |
A.B. Bruce, "St. Paul's Conception of Christianity. XIV. The Flesh as a Hundrance to Holiness," The Expositor Fourth series 9.3 (March 1894): 189-203. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
B. Whiteford, "The New Testament Mysteries," The Expositor Fourth series 9.3 (March 1894): 204-210. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
John Watson, "The Premier Ideas of Jesus. III. Sin an Act of Self-Will," The Expositor Fourth series 9.3 (March 1894): 211-221. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Thomas Herbert Darlow [1858-1927], "M. Sabatier's Life of S. Francis," The Expositor Fourth series 9.3 (March 1894): 222-231. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
George Adam Smith ]1856-1942], "Trachonitus and the Ituraeans," The Expositor Fourth series 9.3 (March 1894): 231-238. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Robert A. Watson, "The Shepherd, God and Man. Heb. xiii.20, 21," The Expositor Fourth series 9.3 (March 1894): 239-240. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
9.4 |
Andrew Harper, "The Prophets and Sacrifice," The Expositor Fourth series 9.4 (April 1894): 241-253. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
F. Rendall, "The Galatians of St. Paul and the Date of the Epistle," The Expositor Fourth series 9.4 (April 1894): 254-264. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
A.B. Bruce, "St. Paul's Conception of Christianity. XV. - The Likeness of Sinful Flesh," The Expositor Fourth series 9.4 (April 1894): 265-275. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
J. William Dawson, "Physical and Historical Probabilities Respecting the Authorship and Authority of the Mosaic Books. III. Early Man and Eden," The Expositor Fourth series 9.4 (April 1894): 276-288. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
William M. Ramsay [1851-1939], "Epilogue," The Expositor Fourth series 9.4 (April 1894): 288-302. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
John Watson, "The Premier Ideas of Jesus. IV. The Culture of the Cross," The Expositor Fourth series 9.4 (April 1894): 302-314. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Frederic Henry Chase [1853-1925], "Brevia: The Reading of Codex Bezae in Acts. I.2, The Expositor Fourth series 9.4 (April 1894): 314-317. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Hugh Black [1868-1953], "The Penalty of Privilige," The Expositor Fourth series 9.4 (April 1894): 317-319. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Thomas Herbert Darlow [1858-1927], "The Implicit Promise of Protection," The Expositor Fourth series 9.4 (April 1894): 319-320. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
9.5 |
Marcus Dods [1834-1909], "The Righteousness of Christ's Kingdom, III," The Expositor Fourth series 9.5 (May 1894): 321-330. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Frederic Henry Chase [1853-1925], "The Galatia of the Acts. A Criticism of Professor Ramsay's Reply," The Expositor Fourth series 9.5 (May 1894): 331-342. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
A.B. Bruce, "St. Paul's Conception of Christianity. XVI - The Law," The Expositor Fourth series 9.5 (May 1894): 342-355. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Benjamin Whitefoord [1848-1911], "Rest in the Wilderness," The Expositor Fourth series 9.5 (May 1894): 355-362. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
J. William Dawson, "Physical and Historical Probabilities Respecting the Authorship and Authority of the Mosaic Books. IV. Antediluvians and the Deluge," The Expositor Fourth series 9.5 (May 1894): 362-375. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Alexander Macalister, "Materials for the Study of Variation," The Expositor Fourth series 9.5 (May 1894): 375-380. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
John Watson, "Faith and Sixth Sense," The Expositor Fourth series 9.5 (May 1894): 381-394. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Marcus Dods [1834-1909], "Survey of Recent Biblical Literature," The Expositor Fourth series 9.5 (May 1894): 395-400. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
9.6 |
Alexander Macalister, "The Higher Criticism and the Verdict of the Monuments," The Expositor Fourth series 9.6 (June 1894): 401-416. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
A.B. Bruce, "St. Paul's Conception of Christianity. XVII. The Election of Israel," The Expositor Fourth series 9.6 (June 1894): 416-429. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Joseph Agar Beet [1840-1924], "The New Testament Teaching on the Second Coming of Christ. I. Preparatory: The Old Testament, and the Book of Enoch," The Expositor Fourth series 9.6 (June 1894): 430-439. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
J. William Dawson, "Physical and Historical Probabilities Respecting the Authorship and Authority of the Mosaic Books. V. - The Dispersion and Abraham," The Expositor Fourth series 9.6 (June 1894): 440-451. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Frederick Cornwallis Conybeare [1856-1924], "New Testament Notes. (1) The Holy Spirit as a Dove; (2) The Seamless Coat; (3) The Kiss of Peace," The Expositor Fourth series 9.6 (June 1894): 451-462. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Norman McLean, "Dr. Robertson Smith at Cambridge," The Expositor Fourth series 9.6 (June 1894): 462-472. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
"Index," The Expositor Fourth series 9.6 (June 1894): 473-476. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
10.1 |
E.H. Gifford, "The Churches of Galatia. Notes on a Recent Controversy," The Expositor Fourth series 10.1 (July 1894): 1-20. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Marcus Dods [1834-1909], "The Righteousness of Christ's Kingdom. IV. Ceremonial," The Expositor Fourth series 10.1 (July 1894): 20-32. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
A.B. Bruce, "St. Paul's Conception of Christianity. XVIII. Christ," The Expositor Fourth series 10.1 (July 1894): 32-46. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
John Watson, "Love the Law of Spiritual Gravitation," The Expositor Fourth series 10.1 (July 1894): 46-56. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Benjamin Kidd, "Professor Drummond's 'Ascent of Man'," The Expositor Fourth series 10.1 (July 1894): 57-70. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Thomas Herbert Darlow [1858-1927], "Angels Unawares," The Expositor Fourth series 10.1 (July 1894): 71-75. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Thomas Herbert Darlow [1858-1927], "'The Joy Set Before Him'," The Expositor Fourth series 10.1 (July 1894): 75-77. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Marcus Dods [1834-1909], "Survey of Recent Biblical Literature," The Expositor Fourth series 10.1 (July 1894): 78-80. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
10.2 |
F.W. Farrar [1831-1903], "Notes on the Reign of Joash," The Expositor Fourth series 10.2 (August 1894): 81-98. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Joseph Agar Beet [1840-1924], "New Testament Teaching on the Second Coming of Christ. II. The Teaching of St. Paul," The Expositor Fourth series 10.2 (August 1894): 98-111. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
A.B. Bruce, "St. Paul's Conception of Christianity. XIX. The Christian Life," The Expositor Fourth series 10.2 (August 1894): 112-126. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
John Watson, "Devotion to a Person the Dynamic of Religion," The Expositor Fourth series 10.2 (August 1894): 126-139. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Alexander Roberts [1826-1901], "'Power on the Head'. I Cor. xi.10," The Expositor Fourth series 10.2 (August 1894): 139-149. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
George Adam Smith ]1856-1942], "Recent German Literature on the Old Testament," The Expositor Fourth series 10.2 (August 1894): 150-160. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
10.3 |
J. William Dawson, "Physical and Historical Probabilities Respecting the Authorship and Authority of the Mosaic Books. VI. The Exodus," The Expositor Fourth series 10.3 (Sept. 1894): 161-179. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Peter Bayne, "The Secret of Jesus," The Expositor Fourth series 10.3 (Sept. 1894): 179-190. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Joseph Agar Beet [1840-1924], "New Testament Teaching on the Second Coming of Christ. III. The Synoptist Gospels," The Expositor Fourth series 10.3 (Sept. 1894): 190-199. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
A.B. Bruce, "St. Paul's Conception of Christianity. XX. The Church," The Expositor Fourth series 10.3 (Sept. 1894): 199-213. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
James Stalker [1848-1927], "Names for Sin," The Expositor Fourth series 10.3 (Sept. 1894): 214-219. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Theodor Zahn [1838-1933] & A. Resch, "The Authorship of the Last Verses of Mark," The Expositor Fourth series 10.3 (Sept. 1894): 219-232. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Marcus Dods [1834-1909], "Survey of Recent Biblical Literature," The Expositor Fourth series 10.3 (Sept. 1894): 232-240. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
10.4 |
Thomas M. Lindsay, "Professor W. Robertson Smith's Doctrine of Scripture," The Expositor Fourth series 10.4 (Oct. 1894): 241-264. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Willoughby C. Allen [1867-1953], "On the Meaning of proselutos in the Septuagint," The Expositor Fourth series 10.4 (Oct. 1894): 264-275. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
John Watson, "Judgment According to Type," The Expositor Fourth series 10.4 (Oct. 1894): 275-287. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Joseph Agar Beet [1840-1924], "New Testament Teaching on the Second Coming of Christ. IV. The Johannine Writings," The Expositor Fourth series 10.4 (Oct. 1894): 287-299. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
A.B. Bruce, "St. Paul's Conception of Christianity. XXI. The Last Things," The Expositor Fourth series 10.4 (Oct. 1894): 300-313. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
James Stalker [1848-1927], "A Century of German Theology," The Expositor Fourth series 10.4 (Oct. 1894): 313-320. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
J.A. Cross, "The Akhmîm Fragment and the Fourth Gospel," The Expositor Fourth series 10.4 (Oct. 1894): 320. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
10.5 |
J. Rawson Lumby [1831-1895], "'Both Lord and Christ'," The Expositor Fourth series 10.5 (Nov. 1894): 321-329. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
George Buchanan Gray [1865-1922], "Isaiah's Anticipations of the Future. Some Recent Theories," The Expositor Fourth series 10.5 (Nov. 1894): 330-342. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Joseph Agar Beet [1840-1924], "New Testament Teaching on the Second Coming of Christ. V. Millenarianism," The Expositor Fourth series 10.5 (Nov. 1894): 343-356. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
John Watson, "Optimism the Attitude of Faith," The Expositor Fourth series 10.5 (Nov. 1894): 357-369. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Thomas Kelly Cheyne [1841-1915], "Professor Lindsay's Article of Professor W. Robertson Smith's Doctrine of Scripture," The Expositor Fourth series 10.5 (Nov. 1894): 370-372. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Andrew Harper, "Archaeology and Criticism," The Expositor Fourth series 10.5 (Nov. 1894): 372-385. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
A.S. Wilkins, "The Western Text of the Greek Testament," The Expositor Fourth series 10.5 (Nov. 1894): 386-400. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
10.6 |
James Denney [1856-1917], "The Sadducees and Immortality. Mark xii. 18-27," The Expositor Fourth series 10.6 (Dec. 1894): 401-409. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
A.S. Wilkins, "The Western Text of the Greek Testament. II," The Expositor Fourth series 10.6 (Dec. 1894): 409-428. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
P. Carnegie Simpson, "The Realist Among the Disciples," The Expositor Fourth series 10.6 (Dec. 1894): 429-438. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Joseph Agar Beet [1840-1924], "New Testament Teaching on the Second Coming of Christ. VI. Its Spiritual Significance," The Expositor Fourth series 10.6 (Dec. 1894): 439-449. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Benjamin Whitefoord [1848-1911], "The Leading Scriptural Metaphor. The Way," The Expositor Fourth series 10.6 (Dec. 1894): 450-457. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Eberhard Nestle [1851-1913], "How Does the Gospel of Mark Begin?" The Expositor Fourth series 10.6 (Dec. 1894): 458-460. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Marcus Dods [1834-1909], "Survey of Recent Biblical Literature," The Expositor Fourth series 10.6 (Dec. 1894): 461-472. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
"Index," The Expositor Fourth series 10.6 (Dec. 1894): 473-476. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |