
Prayer in the Early Church

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Book or monograph Monica Dorneich, The Lord's Prayer: A Bibliography. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, 1982. pp.240.

Primary Sources

Book or monograph Aphraates, Demonstration 4
Book or monograph Augustine, Letter 130 to Proba
Book or monograph John Cassian, Conferences 9-10.
Book or monograph Clement of Alexandria, Miscellanies 7.6-7.
Book or monograph Cyprian, On the Lord's Prayer.
Book or monograph Cyril of Jerusalem, Catechetical Lectures 5.
Book or monograph Evagrius Ponticus, De oratione.
Book or monograph St. Gregory of Nyssa, The Lord's Prayer, The Beatitudes, H.C. Graef, translator. Ancient Christian Writers, Vol. 18. New York: Newman, 1954.
Book or monograph Music in Early Christian LiteratureJames W. McKinnon, ed. Music in Early Christian Literature. Cambridge Readings in the Literature of Music. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987. Pbk. ISBN: 0521376246. pp. xi + 180.
Book or monograph Origen, On Prayer, E.G. Jay, Origen's Treatise on Prayer. London: SPCK, 1954.
Book or monograph Serapion, Prayerbook, J. Wordsworth, Bishop Serapion's Prayerbook. London: SPCK, 1923.
Book or monograph Tertullian, On Prayer.
Book or monograph Theodore of Mopseustia, Catechetical Homily 11

Secondary Sources

Book or monograph Paul F. Bradshaw, Daily Prayer in the Early Church. London: SPCK, 1981. Pbk. ISBN: 0281038279. pp. x + 191.
Book or monograph Sebastian Brock, translator The Syriac Fathers on Prayer and the Spiritual Life. Cistercian Studies Series, 101. London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1988. Pbk. ISBN: 0879079010. pp.381.
Book or monograph F. Cabrol, Liturgical Prayer. London: Burns, Oates and Washbourne, 1922.
Book or monograph F.H. Chase, The Lords Prayer In The Early Church. Gorgias Press, 2004. Hbk. ISBN: 1593332750. pp.194.
Book or monograph Agnes Cunningham, Prayer: Personal and Liturgical. Message of the Fathers of the Church Series, 16. Westminster: Glazier, 1985. Pbk. ISBN: 0814653278. pp.147.
Book or monograph Forrester F. Chruch, & Terrence J. Mulry, The Macmillan Book of Earliest Prayers. New York: Macmillan, 1990. Pbk. ISBN: 0020310803. pp.256.
Book or monograph Early Christians SpeakEverett Ferguson, Early Christians Speak, 3rd edn. Abilene: ACU, 1987. Pbk. ISBN: 0891120459.
Book or monograph A. Hamman, Early Christian Prayers. Chicago: Regnary, 1961.
On-line Resource Simon Kistemaker, "Lord's prayer in the first century," Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 21.4 (Dec. 1978): 323-328. Reprinted in Evangelical Review of Theology 3.2 (Oct. 1979): 323-328. View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book James Moffatt, "Tertullian on the Lord's Prayer," Expository Times 19 (1919): 24-41.
Article in Journal or Book L. Edward Phillips, "Daily Prayer in the Apostolic Tradition of Hippolytus," Journal of Theological Studies 40.2 (1989): 389-400.
Article in Journal or Book Willy Rordorf, "The Lord's Prayer in the Light of its Liturgical Use in the Early Church," Studia Liturgica 14 (1980-1981): 1-19.
Book or monograph R.L. Simpson, The Interpretation of Prayer in the Early Church. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1965.
Article in Journal or Book F.E. Vokes, "The Lord's Prayer in the First Three Centuries," F.L. Cross, ed. Studia Patristica X. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1970. pp.253-260.

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