
Spiritual Gifts in the Early Church

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Article in Journal or Book J.L. Ash, "The Decline of Ecstatic Prophecy in the Early Church." Theological Studies 37 (1976): 227-52.
Article in Journal or Book P.C. Atkinson, "Joel 2:28 (LXX 3:1,2)," E.A. Livingstone, ed., Studia Evangelica vii. Texte und Untersuchungen 126. Berlin, 1982. pp.11-16.
Book or monograph Aune: Prophecy in Early ChristianityDavid E. Aune, Prophecy in Early Christianity and the Ancient Mediterranean World. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1991. Pbk. ISBN: 080280635X. pp.522.
Article in Journal or Book David E. Aune, "The Odes of Solomon and Early Christian Prophecy," New Testament Studies 28 (1982): 435-60.
Article in Journal or Book M.E. Boring, "The Influence of Christian Prophecy on the Johannine Portrayal of the Paraclete and Jesus," New Testament Studies 25 (1978): 113-22.
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "Diversity of Gifts," The Student World 55 (1962): 19-28.
Book or monograph T.M. Crone, Early Christian Prophecy: a Study of Its Origin and Function. Baltimore, 1973.
Article in Journal or Book S.D. Currie, "Speaking in Tongues: Early Evidence Outside the New Testament Bearing on Glõssais Lalein," Interpretation 19 (1965).
Book or monograph J.E. Davison, Spiritual Gifts in the Roman Church: 1 Clement, Hermas and Justin Martyr. Ann Arbor, MI: 1981.
Article in Journal or Book G.W. Dollar, "Church History and the Tongues Movement," Bibliotheca Sacra 120 (October 1963): 316-321.
Article in Journal or Book Christopher Forbes, Prophecy and Inspired Speech: In Early Christianity and its Hellenistic Environment. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1997. Pbk. ISBN: 0565632699. pp.377.
On-line Resource Harold Hunter, "Tongues-Speech: A Patristic Analysis," Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 23.2 (June 1980): 125-137.View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book Ronald Kydd, "Novatian's De Trinitate 29: Evidence of the Charismatic?" Scottish Journal of Theology 30 (1977): 313-318.
Article in Journal or Book Ronald Kydd, "Origen and the Gifts of the Spirit," Eglise et Theologie 13.1 (1982): 111-116.
Book or monograph Kydd: Charismatic Gifts in the Early ChurchRonald Kydd, Charismatic Gifts in the Early Church. An Exploration into the Gifts of the Spirit During the First Three Centuries of the Christian Church. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1985. Pbk. ISBN: 0913573094. pp.100.
Book or monograph J. Panagopoulos, Prophetic Vocation in the New Testament and Today. Leiden: Brill, 1977. Hbk. ISBN: 9004049231.
On-line Resource Wilbert G. Putman, "The Nature and Purpose of the Charismata," Tyndale Bulletin 4 (1958): 5-6.View in PDF format pdf
Book or monograph Cecil M. Robeck, Jr., Prophecy in Carthage: Perpetua, Tertullian and Cyprian. Cleveland, Ohio: Pilgrim, 1992. Hbk. ISBN: 0829809244.
Article in Journal or Book C. L. Rogers, "The Gift of Tongues in the Sub-Apostolic Church," Bibliotheca Sacra 122, part 486 (1965): 134-43.
On-line Resource Nigel Scotland, "Signs and Wonders In The Early Catholic Church 90-451 And Their Implications For The Twenty-First Century," European Journal of Theology 10.2 (2001): 155-168.View in PDF format pdf
Book or monograph E.C. Selwyn, The Christian Prophets and the Prophetic Apocalypse. London, 1900.
Article in Journal or Book K. Stendahl, "Glossalalia and the Charismatic Movement," Jacob Jervell & W. Meeks, God's Christ and His People. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1978. Pbk. ISBN: 8200049795. pp.295.
Article in Journal or Book J.P.M Sweet, "A Sign for Unbelievers: Paul's Attitude to Glossalalia," New Testament Studies 13 (1966-67): 240-57.
Article in Journal or Book Christine Trevett, "Prophecy and Anti-Episcopal Activity: A Third Error Combatted by Ignatius?" Journal of Ecclesiastical History 34 (1983): 1-18.
Article in Journal or Book A.J.M. Wedderburn, "Romans 8.26 - Towards a Theology of Glossolalia?" Scottish Journal of Theology 28 (1975): 369-

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