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Vetus Testamentum is a quarterly journal covering all aspects of Old Testament studies. Very few if its articles are available via open access.

Vols. 1 - 10 (1951-1960)
Vols. 11 - 20 (1961-1970)
Vols. 21 - 30 (1971-1980)
Vols. 31 - 40 (1981-1990)
Vols. 41 - 50 (1991 - 2000)
Vols. 51 - 60 (2001 - 2010)
Vols. 61 - 70 (2011 - )
Volume 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60

Volume 51 (2001)

Article in Journal or Book Eberhard Bons, "La signification de arkos aporoumene en LXX Osée xiii 8," Vetus Testamentum 51.1 (2001): 1-8.
Article in Journal or Book W. Boyd Barrick, "Another shaking of Jehoshaphat's family tree: Jehoram and Ahaziah once again," Vetus Testamentum 51.1 (2001): 9-25.
Article in Journal or Book Michael V. Fox, "Wisdom in the Joseph story," Vetus Testamentum 51.1 (2001): 26-41.
Article in Journal or Book Bertram Herr, "Hat das Alte Testament als Quelle der Geschichte Israels ausgedient? die Probe auf das Exempel 2 Reg xii 5-17," Vetus Testamentum 51.1 (2001): 42-54.
Article in Journal or Book R.W.L. Moberly, "Whose justice? which righteousness? the interpretation of Isaiah v 16," Vetus Testamentum 51.1 (2001): 55-68.
Article in Journal or Book Helena Zlotnick Sivan, "The rape of Cozbi (Numbers xxv)," Vetus Testamentum 51.1 (2001): 69-80.
Article in Journal or Book Josef Tropper, "Der Gottesname *Yahwa," Vetus Testamentum 51.1 (2001): 81-106.
Article in Journal or Book

M. Roglandax, "'Striking a hand' (tq kp) in biblical Hebrew," Vetus Testamentum 51.1 (2001): 107-109.

Article in Journal or Book Michael G. Wechsler, "The appellation bougaios and ethnic contextualization in the Greek text of Esther," Vetus Testamentum 51.1 (2001): 109-114.
Article in Journal or Book Uwe Becker, "Der Prophet als Fürbitter: zum literarhistorischen Ort der Amos-Visionen," Vetus Testamentum 51.2 (2001): 141-165.
Article in Journal or Book Isabelle de Castelbajac, "Histoire de la rédaction de Juges ix: une solution," Vetus Testamentum 51.2 (2001): 166-185.
Article in Journal or Book John A. Emerton, "Looking on one's enemies," Vetus Testamentum 51.2 (2001): 186-196.
Article in Journal or Book Alfred Marx, "Sens et fonction de Gen. xxii 14," Vetus Testamentum 51.2 (2001): 197-205.
Article in Journal or Book Hans-Peter Müller, "Der Mond und die Plejaden: griechisch-orientalische Parallelen," Vetus Testamentum 51.2 (2001): 206-218.
Article in Journal or Book Scott K. Nikaido, "Hagar and Ishmael as literary figures: an intertextual study," Vetus Testamentum 51.2 (2001): 219-242.
Article in Journal or Book Eyal Regev, "Priestly dynamic holiness and Deuteronomic static holiness," Vetus Testamentum 51.2 (2001): 243-261.
Article in Journal or Book Thijs Booij, "Psalm cxxii 4: text and meaning," Vetus Testamentum 51.2 (2001): 262-266.
Article in Journal or Book Uwe F.W. Bauer, "Eine literarische Analyse von Psalm cxiv," Vetus Testamentum 51.3 (2001): 289-311.
Article in Journal or Book Elizabeth Boase, "Life in the shadows: the role and function of Isaac in Genesis--synchronic and diachronic readings," Vetus Testamentum 51.3 (2001): 312-335.
Article in Journal or Book Evangelia G. Dafni, "Sarx mou ex auton (Lxx-Hosea ix 12): zur Theologie der Sprache der Septuaginta," Vetus Testamentum 51.3 (2001): 336-353.
Article in Journal or Book Michael S. Heiser, "The mythological provenance of Isa. xiv 12-15: a reconsideration of the Ugaritic material," Vetus Testamentum 51.3 (2001): 354-369.
Article in Journal or Book Johan Yeong-Sik Pahk, "A syntactical and contextual consideration of sh in Qoh. ix 9," Vetus Testamentum 51.3 (2001): 370-380.
Article in Journal or Book Vincent DeCaen, "The morphosyntactic argument for the waw consecutive in Old Aramaic," Vetus Testamentum 51.3 (2001): 381-385.
Article in Journal or Book Herbert Migsch, "Zur Interpretation von weet kål-bêt harekabîm in Jeremia xxxv 3," Vetus Testamentum 51.3 (2001): 385-389.
Article in Journal or Book Muraoka Takamitsu, "The prefix conjugation in circumstantial clauses in the Tel Dan Inscription?" Vetus Testamentum 51.3 (2001): 389-392.
Article in Journal or Book Gary A. Rendsburg, "An additional note to two recent articles on the number of people in the Exodus from Egypt and the large numbers in Numbers i and xxvi," Vetus Testamentum 51.3 (2001): 392-396.
Article in Journal or Book Ka Leung Wong, "A note on Ezekiel viii 6," Vetus Testamentum 51.3 (2001): 396-400.
Article in Journal or Book John A. Emerton, "The Teaching of Amenemope and Proverbs xxii 17-xxiv 22: further reflections on a long-standing problem," Vetus Testamentum 51.4 (2001): 431-465.
Article in Journal or Book Jean Georges Heintz, "Osée xii 2b à la lumière d'un vase d'albâtre de l'époque de Salmanasar III (Djézirêh) et le rituel d'alliance Assyrien: une hypothèse de lecture," Vetus Testamentum 51.4 (2001): 466-480.
Article in Journal or Book Wolfram Herrmann, "Das unerledigte Problem des Buches Habakkuk," Vetus Testamentum 51.4 (2001): 481-496.
Article in Journal or Book Armin Lange, "Die Wurzel phz und ihre konnotationen," Vetus Testamentum 51.4 (2001): 497-510.
Article in Journal or Book Bernard M. Levinson, "The reconceptualization of kingship in Deuteronomy and the Deuteronomistic History's transformation of Torah," Vetus Testamentum 51.4 (2001): 511-534.
Article in Journal or Book Gordon C.I. Wong, "Faith in the present form of Isaiah vii 1-17," Vetus Testamentum 51.4 (2001): 535-547.
Article in Journal or Book Christopher L.K. Grundke, "A tempest in a teapot? Genesis iii 8 again," Vetus Testamentum 51.4 (2001): 548-551.
Article in Journal or Book Jan Joosten, "Targumic Aramaic m[e]rua--"oppression" (Isa. xlvii, Hos. xi 7, Mic. vi, 3)," Vetus Testamentum 51.4 (2001): 552-555.
Article in Journal or Book Ernst Axel Knauf, "Psalm xxiii 6," Vetus Testamentum 51.4 (2001): 556.Article in Journal or Book

Volume 52 (2002)

Article in Journal or Book Omri Boehm, "The binding of Isaac: an inner-biblical polemic on the question of "disobeying" a manifestly illegal order," Vetus Testamentum 52.1 (2002): 1-12.
Article in Journal or Book Lucien Jean Bord & David Hamidovic, "Ecoute Israël (Deut. VI 4)," Vetus Testamentum 52.1 (2002): 13-29.
Article in Journal or Book Gregory Yuri Glazov, "The significance of the 'hand on the mouth' gesture in Job xl 4," Vetus Testamentum 52.1 (2002): 30-41.
Article in Journal or Book Innocent Himbaza, "Le poème acrostiche sur Exode xx 1-5 dans le Targum fragmentaire (MS G)," Vetus Testamentum 52.1 (2002): 42-50.
Article in Journal or Book C. Houtmanornelis, "Die ursprünglichen Bewohner des Landes Kanaan im Deuteronomium: Sinn und Absicht der Beschreibung ihrer Identität und ihres Charakters," Vetus Testamentum 52.1 (2002): 51-65.
Article in Journal or Book Isaac Kalimi, "The capture of Jerusalem in the chronistic history," Vetus Testamentum 52.1 (2002): 66-79.
Article in Journal or Book Tobias Nicklas, "Der Historiker als Erzähler: zur Zeichnung des Seleukidenkönigs Antiochus in 2 Makk. ix," Vetus Testamentum 52.1 (2002): 80-92.
Article in Journal or Book Hermann Michael Niemann, "Taanach und Megiddo: Uberlegungen zur strukturell-historischen Situation zwischen Saul und Salomo," Vetus Testamentum 52.1 (2002): 93-102.
Article in Journal or Book Ludwig Schmidt, "Leviten- und Asylstädte in Num. xxxv und Jos. xx; xxi 1-42," Vetus Testamentum 52.1 (2002): 103-121.
Article in Journal or Book Michael Segal, "Numerical discrepances in the list of vessels in Ezra I 9-11," Vetus Testamentum 52.1 (2002): 122-129.
Article in Journal or Book Gerhard Larsson, "Is the book of Esther older than has been believed?" Vetus Testamentum 52.1 (2002): 130-131.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Ross Bedford, "Diaspora: homeland relations in Ezra-Nehemiah," Vetus Testamentum 52.2 (2002): 147-165.
Article in Journal or Book Zeev B. Begin, "Does Lachish letter 4 contradict Jeremiah xxxiv 7?" Vetus Testamentum 52.2 (2002): 166-174.
Article in Journal or Book Michael Douglas Goulder, ""Behold my servant Jehoiachin"," Vetus Testamentum 52.2 (2002): 175-190.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph M. Henderson, "Who weeps in Jeremiah viii 23 (ix 1)? identifying dramatic speakers in the poetry of Jeremiah," Vetus Testamentum 52.2 (2002): 191-206.
Article in Journal or Book K. Lawson Younger, Jr., "Yahweh at Ashkelon and Calah? Yahwistic names in Neo-Assyrian," Vetus Testamentum 52.2 (2002): 207-218.
Article in Journal or Book Paul R. Noble, "Esau, Tamar, and Joseph: criteria for identifying inner-biblical allusions," Vetus Testamentum 52.2 (2002): 219-252.
Article in Journal or Book Stefan Paas, "Seeing and singing: visions and hymns in the book of Amos," Vetus Testamentum 52.2 (2002): 253-274.
Article in Journal or Book Michael M. Homan, "Beer production by throwing bread into water: a new interpretation of Qoh. xi 1-2," Vetus Testamentum 52.2 (2002): 275-278.
Article in Journal or Book Timothy Johnson, "Implied antecedents in Job xl 2b and Proverbs iii 6a," Vetus Testamentum 52.2 (2002): 278-284.
Article in Journal or Book Christophe Lemardelé, "Le sacrifice de purification: un sacrifice ambigu?" Vetus Testamentum 52.2 (2002): 284-289.
Article in Journal or Book Joshua Berman, "The 'sword of mouths' (Jud. iii 16; Ps. cxlix 6; Prov. v 4): a metaphor and its ancient Near Eastern context," Vetus Testamentum 52.3 (2002): 291-303.
Article in Journal or Book Serge Frolov, "Two eunuchs, two conspiracies, and one loyal Jew: the narrative of botched regicide in Esther as text- and redaction-critical test case," Vetus Testamentum 52.3 (2002): 304-325.
Article in Journal or Book Victor Hurowitz, "Additional elements of alphabetical thinking in Psalm xxxiv," Vetus Testamentum 52.3 (2002): 326-333.
Article in Journal or Book S. Noah Lee, "The use of the definite article in the development of some biblical toponyms," Vetus Testamentum 52.3 (2002): 334-349.
Article in Journal or Book Yigal Levin, "Nimrod the mighty, King of Kish, King of Sumer and Akkad," Vetus Testamentum 52.3 (2002): 350-366.
Article in Journal or Book V. Philips Long, "How reliable are biblical reports? repeating Lester Grabbe's comparative experiment," Vetus Testamentum 52.3 (2002): 367-384.
Article in Journal or Book Eric D. Reymond, "The poetry of the Wisdom of Solomon reconsidered," Vetus Testamentum 52.3 (2002): 385-399.
Article in Journal or Book Seth L. Sanders, "Old light on Moses' shining face," Vetus Testamentum 52.3 (2002): 400-406.
Article in Journal or Book Azzan Yadin, "Samson's hîdâ," Vetus Testamentum 52.3 (2002): 407-426.
Article in Journal or Book Susan Ackerman, "The personal is political: covenantal and affectionate love (aheb, ahabâ) in the Hebrew Bible," Vetus Testamentum 52.4 (2002): 437-458.
Article in Journal or Book Anneli Aejmelaeus, "Jeremiah at the turning-point of history: the function of Jer. xxv 1-14 in the book of Jeremiah," Vetus Testamentum 52.4 (2002): 459-482.
Article in Journal or Book John A. Emerton, "The value of the Moabite stone as an historical source," Vetus Testamentum 52.4 (2002): 483-492.
Article in Journal or Book Anthony Gelston, "Some Hebrew misreadings in the Septuagint of Amos," Vetus Testamentum 52.4 (2002): 493-500.
Article in Journal or Book Rainer Kessler, "Die Sklaven als Ehefrau: zur Stellung der amah," Vetus Testamentum 52.4 (2002): 501-512.
Article in Journal or Book Antje Labahn, "Trauern als Bewältigung der Vergangenheit zur Gestaltung der Zukunft:.
Bemerkungen zur anthropologischen Theologie der Klagelieder," Vetus Testamentum 52.4 (2002): 513-527.
Article in Journal or Book E.J. van Wolde, "Does innâ denote rape? a semantic analysis of a controversial word," Vetus Testamentum 52.4 (2002): 528-544.
Article in Journal or Book John S. Kselman, "Ambiguity and wordplay in Proverbs xi," Vetus Testamentum 52.4 (2002): 545-548.
Article in Journal or Book Muraoka Takamitsu, "A deuteronomistic formula "SMR + SH"," Vetus Testamentum 52.4 (2002): 548-551.
Article in Journal or Book Hubert Tita, ""Ich hatte meine Tora in ihre Mitte gegeben": das Gewicht einer nicht.
berücksichtigten Perfektform in Jer. xxxi 33," Vetus Testamentum 52.4 (2002): 551-556.
Article in Journal or Book Lawrence Zalcman, "Laying dmsq rs to rest (Amos iii 12)," Vetus Testamentum 52.4 (2002): 557-559.

Volume 53 (2003)

Article in Journal or Book Elie Assis, ""How long are you slack to go to possess the land" (Jos. xviii 3): ideal and reality in the distribution descriptions in Joshua xiii-xix," Vetus Testamentum 53.1 (2003): 1-25.
Article in Journal or Book Yonina Dor, "The composition of the episode of the foreign women in Ezra ix-x," Vetus Testamentum 53.1 (2003): 26-47.
Article in Journal or Book Alexander A. Fischer, "Beutezug und Segensgabe: zur Redaktionsgeschichte der Liste in 1 Sam. xxx 26-31," Vetus Testamentum 53.1 (2003): 48-64.
Article in Journal or Book Scott C. Jones, "Wisdom's pedagogy: a comparision of Proverbs vii and 4Q184," Vetus Testamentum 53.1 (2003): 65-80.
Article in Journal or Book Zecharia Kallai, "Simeon's town list: scribal rules and geographical patterns," Vetus Testamentum 53.1 (2003): 81-96.
Article in Journal or Book Michael S. Moore, "Jehu's coronation and purge of Israel," Vetus Testamentum 53.1 (2003): 97-114.
Article in Journal or Book Neil B. MacDonald, "1 Kings viii 23--a case of repunctuation?" Vetus Testamentum 53.1 (2003): 115-117.
Article in Journal or Book Robert S. Kawashima, "The jubilee, every 49 or 50 years?" Vetus Testamentum 53.1 (2003): 117-120.
Article in Journal or Book Gershon Hepner, "Abraham's incestuous marriage with Sarah: a violation of the Holiness Code," Vetus Testamentum 53.2 (2003): 143-155.
Article in Journal or Book R.W.L. Moberly, "Preaching for a response? Jonah's message to the Ninevites reconsidered," Vetus Testamentum 53.2 (2003): 156-168.
Article in Journal or Book Nadav Naaman, "The distribution of messages in the Kingdom of Judah in light of the Lachish ostraca," Vetus Testamentum 53.2 (2003): 169-180.
Article in Journal or Book Richard W. Neville, "A reassessment of the radical nature of Job's ethic in Job xxxi 13-15," Vetus Testamentum 53.2 (2003): 181-200.
Article in Journal or Book Dalit Rom-Shiloni, "The prophecy for "everlasting covenant" (Jeremiah xxxii 36-41): an exilic addition or a Deuteronomistic redaction?" Vetus Testamentum 53.2 (2003): 201-223.
Article in Journal or Book Markus Zehnder, "A fresh look at Malachi ii 13-16," Vetus Testamentum 53.2 (2003): 224-259.
Article in Journal or Book Lee W. Casperson, "Sabbatical, jubilee, and the Temple of Solomon," Vetus Testamentum 53.3 (2003): 283-296.
Article in Journal or Book David J.A. Clines, "DM, the Hebrew for "human, humanity": a response to James Barr," Vetus Testamentum 53.3 (2003): 297-310.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph Fleishman, "Legal innovation in Deuteronomy XXI 18-20," Vetus Testamentum 53.3 (2003): 311-327.
Article in Journal or Book J.P. Fokkelman & Gary A. Rendsburg, "NGDH NH LKL MW (Psalm CXVI 14B, 18B)," Vetus Testamentum 53.3 (2003): 328-336.
Article in Journal or Book Anselm C. Hagedorn, "Of foxes and vineyards: Greek perspectives on the Song of Songs," Vetus Testamentum 53.3 (2003): 337-352.
Article in Journal or Book John W. Hilber, "Psalm CX in the light of Assyrian prophecies," Vetus Testamentum 53.3 (2003): 353-366.
Article in Journal or Book Cornelis van Leeuwen, "Meaning and structure of Hosea X 1-8," Vetus Testamentum 53.3 (2003): 367-378.
Article in Journal or Book B.A. Mastin, "The miqneh of 1 Samuel XXIII 5," Vetus Testamentum 53.3 (2003): 379-396.
Article in Journal or Book Stefan Schorch, "Die Propheten und der Karneval: Marzeach--Maioumas--Maimuna," Vetus Testamentum 53.3 (2003): 397-415.
Article in Journal or Book Nili Shupak, "Learning methods in ancient Israel," Vetus Testamentum 53.3 (2003): 416-426.
Article in Journal or Book Albert D. Friedberg & Vincent DeCaen, "Dating the composition of the book of Esther: a response to Larsson," Vetus Testamentum 53.3 (2003): 427-429.
Article in Journal or Book Pierre Auffret, "Voyez les oeuvres de Dieu: étude structurelle du psaume LXVI," Vetus Testamentum 53.4 (2003): 431-444.
Article in Journal or Book Asnat Bartor, "The "juridical dialogue": a literary-judicial pattern," Vetus Testamentum 53.4 (2003): 445-464.
Article in Journal or Book John A. Emerton, "Treading the bow," Vetus Testamentum 53.4 (2003): 465-486.
Article in Journal or Book Matthew A. Kraus, "Hebraisms in the Old Latin Version of the Bible," Vetus Testamentum 53.4 (2003): 487-513.
Article in Journal or Book Simon J. Sherwin, "In search of trees: Isaiah XLIV 14 and its implications," Vetus Testamentum 53.4 (2003): 514-529.
Article in Journal or Book John G.F. Wilks, "The prophet as incompetent dramatist," Vetus Testamentum 53.4 (2003): 530-543.
Article in Journal or Book G.C.I. Wong, "Deliverance or destruction? Isaiah X 33-34 in the final form of Isaiah X-XI," Vetus Testamentum 53.4 (2003): 544-552.
Article in Journal or Book John W. Olley, "2 Chr. XXVI 22: Isaiah ben Amoz or Isshiah the prophet?" Vetus Testamentum 53.4 (2003): 553-558.
Article in Journal or Book Aron Pinker, "On the meaning of htkbd in Nahum III 15," Vetus Testamentum 53.4 (2003): 558-561.

Volume 54 (2004)

Article in Journal or Book Pamela Barmash, "The narrative quandary: cases of law in literature," Vetus Testamentum 54.1 (2004): 1-16.
Article in Journal or Book John H. Choi, "Resheph and yhwh sebaôt," Vetus Testamentum 54.1 (2004): 17-28.
Article in Journal or Book Steve Delamarter, "The death of Josiah in scripture and tradition: wrestling with the problem of evil?" Vetus Testamentum 54.1 (2004): 29-60.
Article in Journal or Book Brian Doyle [1956- ], "Howling like dogs: metaphorical language in Psalm lix," Vetus Testamentum 54.1 (2004): 61-82.
Article in Journal or Book Christoph Levin, "Die Entstehung der Büchereinteilung des Psalters," Vetus Testamentum 54.1 (2004): 83-90.
Article in Journal or Book Hans-Peter Müller, "Sprachliche und religionsgeschichtliche Beobachtungen zu Jesaja xvii 10f," Vetus Testamentum 54.1 (2004): 91-103.
Article in Journal or Book Hélène Nutkowicz, "Propos autour de la mort d'un enfant: 2 Samuel xi,2-xii,24," Vetus Testamentum 54.1 (2004): 104-118.
Article in Journal or Book Herbert Migsch, "Jeremia xxxv 8b-9--eine indirekte Rede?" Vetus Testamentum 54.1 (2004): 119-124.
Article in Journal or Book David Toshio Tsumura, "Janus parallelism in Hab. iii 4," Vetus Testamentum 54.1 (2004): 124-128.
Article in Journal or Book Omri Boehm, "Child sacrifice, ethical responsibility and the existence of the people of Israel," Vetus Testamentum 54.2 (2004): 145-156.
Article in Journal or Book J. Gerald Janzen, "Another look at Psalm xii 6," Vetus Testamentum 54.2 (2004): 157-164.
Article in Journal or Book Izabela Jaruzelska, "Les prophètes face aux usurpations dans le royaume du nord," Vetus Testamentum 54.2 (2004): 165-187.
Article in Journal or Book Bernhard Lang, "Women's work, household and property in two Mediterranean societies: a comparative essay on Proverbs xxxi 10-31," Vetus Testamentum 54.2 (2004): 188-207.
Article in Journal or Book Christophe Lemardelé, "Une solution pour le ASAM du Lépreux," Vetus Testamentum 54.2 (2004): 208-215.
Article in Journal or Book Emmanuel O. Nwaoru, "The role of images in the literary structure of Hosea vii 8-viii 14," Vetus Testamentum 54.2 (2004): 216-222.
Article in Journal or Book Christian Rose, "Nochmals: der Turmbau zu Babel," Vetus Testamentum 54.2 (2004): 223-238.
Article in Journal or Book Dominic Rudman, "The patriarchal narratives in the books of Samuel," Vetus Testamentum 54.2 (2004): 239-249.
Article in Journal or Book Jan A. Wagenaar, "Passover and the first day of the festival of Unleavened Bread in the priestly festival calendar," Vetus Testamentum 54.2 (2004): 250-268.
Article in Journal or Book Pierre van Hecke, "Job xii 18a: text and interpretation," Vetus Testamentum 54.2 (2004): 269-273.
Article in Journal or Book Robert B. Salters, "The text of Lam. ii 9a," Vetus Testamentum 54.2 (2004): 273-276.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Addinall, "Genesis xlvi 8-27," Vetus Testamentum 54.3 (2004): 289-300.
Article in Journal or Book Jutta Krispenz, "Wie viele Bäume braucht das Paradies? erwägungen zu Gen ii 4b-iii 24," Vetus Testamentum 54.3 (2004): 301-318.
Article in Journal or Book Aren M. Maeir, "The historical background and dating of Amos vi 2: an archaeological.
perspective from Tell es-Sâfi/Gath," Vetus Testamentum 54.3 (2004): 319-334.
Article in Journal or Book Ignacio Márquez Rowe, ""How can someone sell his own fellow to the Egyptians?"," Vetus Testamentum 54.3 (2004): 335-343.
Article in Journal or Book Jeremy Schipper, ""Why do you still speak of your affairs?": polyphony in Mephibosheth's exchanges with David in 2 Samuel," Vetus Testamentum 54.3 (2004): 344-351.
Article in Journal or Book Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer, "Compelled by honour--a new interpretation of Zechariah ii 12a (8a)," Vetus Testamentum 54.3 (2004): 352-372.
Article in Journal or Book Azzan Yadin, "Goliath's armor and Israelite collective memory," Vetus Testamentum 54.3 (2004): 373-395.
Article in Journal or Book Daniel M. Gurtner, ""Atonement slate" or "veil"? notes on a textual variant in Exodus xxvi 34," Vetus Testamentum 54.3 (2004): 396-398.
Article in Journal or Book Howard Jacobson, "Jeremiah xxx 17: sion hi," Vetus Testamentum 54.3 (2004): 398-399.
Article in Journal or Book John S. Kselman & Michael L. Barré, "A note on elem in Psalm lviii 2," Vetus Testamentum 54.3 (2004): 400-402.
Article in Journal or Book Donna Petter, "Foregrounding of the designation eset ûriyyâ hahittî in II Samuel xi-xii," Vetus Testamentum 54.3 (2004): 403-407.
Article in Journal or Book André Wénin, "La tunique ensanglantée de Joseph (Gn xxxvii 31-33): un espoir de.
réconciliation?" Vetus Testamentum 54.3 (2004): 407-410.
Article in Journal or Book Rachel M. Billings, "The problem of the divine presence: source-critical suggestions for the analysis of Exodus xxxiii 12-23," Vetus Testamentum 54.4 (2004): 427-444.
Article in Journal or Book Katharine J. Dell, ""I will solve my riddle to the music of the lyre" (Psalm xlix 4 [5]): a cultic setting for wisdom psalms?" Vetus Testamentum 54.4 (2004): 445-458.
Article in Journal or Book Dickson, John P; Rosner, Brian S, "Humility as a social virtue in the Hebrew Bible?" Vetus Testamentum 54.4 (2004): 459-479.
Article in Journal or Book Frederick E. Greenspahn, "Syncretism and idolatry in the Bible," Vetus Testamentum 54.4 (2004): 480-494.
Article in Journal or Book Gerald A. Klingbeil, "Altars, ritual and theology--preliminary thoughts on the importance of cult and ritual for a theology of the Hebrew scriptures," Vetus Testamentum 54.4 (2004): 495-515.
Article in Journal or Book Israel Knohl, "The guilt offering law of the holiness school (Num v 5-8)," Vetus Testamentum 54.4 (2004): 516-526.
Article in Journal or Book Shemuel Shaviv, "The polytheistic origins of the biblical flood narrative," Vetus Testamentum 54.4 (2004): 527-548.
Article in Journal or Book David Talshir & Zipora Talshir, "The double month naming in late biblical books: a new clue for dating Esther?" Vetus Testamentum 54.4 (2004): 549-555.
Article in Journal or Book John Zhu-En Wee, "The meaning of hoqr lbb in Ahiqar saying 15," Vetus Testamentum 54.4 (2004): 556-560.

Volume 55 (2005)

Article in Journal or Book Thijs Booij, "Psalm CXXXIX: text, syntax, meaning," Vetus Testamentum 55.1 (2005): 1-19.
Article in Journal or Book Mark Leuchter, "The literary strata and narrative sources of Psalm XCIX," Vetus Testamentum 55.1 (2005): 20-38.
Article in Journal or Book John Makujina, "Additional considerations for determining the meaning of anôt and annôt in Exod. XXXII 18," Vetus Testamentum 55.1 (2005): 39-46.
Article in Journal or Book Nadav Naaman, "The Danite campaign northward (Judges XVII-XVIII) and the migration of the Phocaeans to Massalia (Strabo IV 1,4)," Vetus Testamentum 55.1 (2005): 47-60.
Article in Journal or Book Stig I.L. Norin, "Die sogenannte Joaschinschrift--echt oder falsch?" Vetus Testamentum 55.1 (2005): 61-74.
Article in Journal or Book Phinney, D Nathan, "The prophetic objection in Ezekiel IV 14 and its relation to Ezekiel's call," Vetus Testamentum 55.1 (2005): 75-88.
Article in Journal or Book Aron Pinker, "Descent of the goddess Ishtar to the netherworld and Nahum II 8," Vetus Testamentum 55.1 (2005): 89-100.
Article in Journal or Book Karin Schöpflin, "The composition of metaphorical oracles within the book of Ezekiel," Vetus Testamentum 55.1 (2005): 101-120.
Article in Journal or Book John S. Bergsma, "Once again, the Jubilee, every 49 or 50 years?" Vetus Testamentum 55.1 (2005): 121-125.
Article in Journal or Book S.D. Snyman, "Shamgar ben Anath: a farming warrior or a farmer at war?" Vetus Testamentum 55.1 (2005): 125-129.
Article in Journal or Book J. Severino Croatto, "The "nations" in the salvific oracles of Isaiah," Vetus Testamentum 55.2 (2005): 143-161.
Article in Journal or Book

Meik Gerhards, "Uber die Herkunft der Frau des Mose," Vetus Testamentum 55.2 (2005): 162-175.

Article in Journal or Book Johannes Klein, "Davids Flucht zu den Philistern (1 Sam XXI 11ff; XXVII-XXIX)," Vetus Testamentum 55.2 (2005): 176-184.
Article in Journal or Book James E. Patrick, "The fourfold structure of Job: variations on a theme," Vetus Testamentum 55.2 (2005): 185-206.
Article in Journal or Book Pamela Tamarkin Reis, "Numbers XI: seeing Moses plain," Vetus Testamentum 55.2 (2005): 207-231.
Article in Journal or Book David Shepherd, "Prophetaphobia: fear and false prophecy in Nehemiah VI," Vetus Testamentum 55.2 (2005): 232-250.
Article in Journal or Book Ada Taggar-Cohen, "Political loyalty in the biblical account of 1 Samuel XX-XXII in the light of Hittite texts," Vetus Testamentum 55.2 (2005): 251-268.
Article in Journal or Book Andreas Scherer, "Gideon--ein Anti-Held? ein Beitrag zur Auseinandersetzung mit dem sog. 'flawed-hero approach' am Beispiel von Jdc. VI 36-40," Vetus Testamentum 55.2 (2005): 269-273.
Article in Journal or Book Aaron Chalmers, ""There is.deliverer (from my hand)"--a formula analysis," Vetus Testamentum 55.3 (2005): 287-292.
Article in Journal or Book John A. Emerton, "Lines 25-6 of the Moabite stone and a recently-discovered inscription," Vetus Testamentum 55.3 (2005): 293-303.
Article in Journal or Book R. Timothy McLay, "The Old Greek translation of Daniel iv-vi and the formation of the book of Daniel," Vetus Testamentum 55.3 (2005): 304-323.
Article in Journal or Book Joachim Schaper, "Exilic and post-exilic prophecy and the orality/literacy problem," Vetus Testamentum 55.3 (2005): 324-342.
Article in Journal or Book Yael Shemesh, "Punishment of the offending organ in biblical literature," Vetus Testamentum 55.3 (2005): 343-365.
Article in Journal or Book Brent A. Strawn, "Jeremiah's in/effective plea: another look at NR in Jeremiah i 6," Vetus Testamentum 55.3 (2005): 366-377.
Article in Journal or Book Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer, "The watchman metaphor in Isaiah lvi-lxvi," Vetus Testamentum 55.3 (2005): 378-400.
Article in Journal or Book W. Dennis Tucker, Jr., "Revisiting the plagues in Psalm cv," Vetus Testamentum 55.3 (2005): 401-411.
Article in Journal or Book Job Y. Jindo, "On myth and history in prophetic and apocalyptic eschatology," Vetus Testamentum 55.3 (2005): 412-415.
Article in Journal or Book Michael Avioz, "The call for revenge in Jeremiah's complaints (Jer xi-xx)," Vetus Testamentum 55.4 (2005): 429-438.
Article in Journal or Book Marianne Grohmann, "Ambivalent images of birth in Psalm vii 15," Vetus Testamentum 55.4 (2005): 439-449.
Article in Journal or Book Robert Hanhart, "Rechenschaftsbericht zur editio altera der Handausgabe der Septuaginta von Alfred Rahlfs," Vetus Testamentum 55.4 (2005): 450-460.
Article in Journal or Book Hibbard, J Todd, "Isaiah xxvii 7 and intertextual discourse about 'striking' in the book of Isaiah," Vetus Testamentum 55.4 (2005): 461-476.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Höffken, "Xerxes und (k)eine Marduk-Statue: Uberlegungen zu einem Randthema.
alttestamentlicher Prophetenexegese," Vetus Testamentum 55.4 (2005): 477-485.
Article in Journal or Book Thomas A. Keiser, "The Song of Moses a basis for Isaiah's prophecy," Vetus Testamentum 55.4 (2005): 486-500.
Article in Journal or Book Marie Maussion, "Qohélet vi 1-2: "Dieu ne permet pas..."," Vetus Testamentum 55.4 (2005): 501-510.
Article in Journal or Book Matthew W. Mitchell, "Genre disputes and communal accusatory laments: reflections on the genre of Psalm lxxxix," Vetus Testamentum 55.4 (2005): 511-527.
Article in Journal or Book T. Anthony Perry, "The coordination of ky/l kn in Cant i 1-3 and related texts," Vetus Testamentum 55.4 (2005): 528-541.
Article in Journal or Book Madalina Vârtejanu-Joubert, "Les "anciens du peuple" et Saül: temps, espace et rite de passage dans Nombres xi et 1 Samuel x," Vetus Testamentum 55.4 (2005): 542-563.
Article in Journal or Book Howard Jacobson, "Genesis iv 8," Vetus Testamentum 55.4 (2005): 564-565.
Article in Journal or Book Ian Young, "Israelite literacy and inscriptions: a response to Richard Hess," Vetus Testamentum 55.4 (2005): 565-568,

Volume 56 (2006)

Article in Journal or Book Elie Assis, "Why Edom? on the hostility towards Jacob's brother in prophetic sources," Vetus Testamentum 56.1 (2006): 1-20.
Article in Journal or Book Karin Finsterbusch, "Vom Opfer zur Auslösung: Analyse ausgewählter Texte zum Thema Erstgeburt im Alten Testament," Vetus Testamentum 56.1 (2006): 21-45.
Article in Journal or Book Robert S. Kawashima, "A revisionist reading revisited: on the creation of Adam and then Eve," Vetus Testamentum 56.1 (2006): 46-57.
Article in Journal or Book Thomas J. Kraus, ""Der Herr wird deinen Eingang und deinen Ausgang bewahren": über Herkunft und Fortleben von LXX Psalm CXX 8a," Vetus Testamentum 56.1 (2006): 58-75.
Article in Journal or Book Simon B. Parker, "Divine intercession in Judah?" Vetus Testamentum 56.1 (2006): 76-91.
Article in Journal or Book Horst Seebass, ""Holy" land in the Old Testament: Numbers and Joshua," Vetus Testamentum 56.1 (2006): 92-104.
Article in Journal or Book Silviu Tatu, "Jotham's fable and the crux interpretum in Judges IX," Vetus Testamentum 56.1 (2006): 105-124.
Article in Journal or Book

James W. Watts, "olah: the rhetoric of burnt offerings," Vetus Testamentum 56.1 (2006): 125-137.

Article in Journal or Book Kyle R. Greenwood, "A case of metathesis in Isaiah LII 5B?" Vetus Testamentum 56.1 (2006): 138-141.
Article in Journal or Book David A. DeSilva & Marcus P. Adams, "Seven papyrus fragments of a Greek manuscript of Exodus," Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006):: 143-170.
Article in Journal or Book Lyle M. Eslinger, "The enigmatic plurals like "one of us" (Genesis i 26, iii 22, and xi 7) in.
hyperchronic perspective," Vetus Testamentum 56.2 (2006): 171-184.
Article in Journal or Book Diana Lipton, "Early mourning? Petitionary versus posthumous ritual in Ezekiel xxiv," Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006):: 185-202.
Article in Journal or Book Nathan MacDonald [1975- ], "The literary criticism and rhetorical logic of Deuteronomy i-iv," Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006):: 203-224.
Article in Journal or Book Hermann Michael Niemann, "Choosing brides for the crown-prince: matrimonial politics in the Davidic dynasty," Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006):: 225-238.
Article in Journal or Book Hector Michael Patmore, ""The plain and literal sense": on contemporary assumptions about the Song of Songs," Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006):: 239-250.
Article in Journal or Book S. Min Chun, "Whose cloak did Ahijah seize and tear? A note on 1 Kings xi 29-30," Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006):: 268-274.
Article in Journal or Book Elie Assis, "From Adam to Esau and Israel: an anti-edomite ideology in 1 Chronicles 1," Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006): 287-302.
Article in Journal or Book Pierre Auffret, "Dans les assemblées je bénirai YHWH: nouvelle étude structurelle du Psaume xxvi," Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006): 303-312.
Article in Journal or Book Joshua Berman, "The narratorial voice of the scribes of samaria: Ezra iv 8-vi 18 reconsidered," Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006): 313-326.
Article in Journal or Book Tova Forti, "Bee's honey - from realia to metaphor in biblical wisdom literature," Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006): 327-341.
Article in Journal or Book Richard S. Hess, "Writing about writing: abecedaries and evidence for literacy in Ancient Israel," Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006): 342-346.
Article in Journal or Book Siegfried Kreuzer, "Zebaoth - der Thronende," Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006): 347-362.
Article in Journal or Book Stig Norin, "Was ist ein gillajon?" Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006): 363-369.
Article in Journal or Book Horst Seebass, "Versuch zu Josua xviii 1-10," Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006): 370-385.
Article in Journal or Book Steven Shnider, "Psalm xviii: theophany, epiphany empowerment," Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006): 386-398.
Article in Journal or Book Gregory T.K. Wong, "Ehud and Joab: separated at birth?" Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006): 399-412.
Article in Journal or Book Lorenzo DiTommaso, "History and apocalyptic eschatology: a reply to J.Y. Jindo," Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006): 413-418.
Article in Journal or Book David A. Desilva & Marcus P. Adams, "Seven papyrus fragments of a Greek manuscript of Exodus," Vetus Testamentum 56.4 (2006): 143-170.
Article in Journal or Book Lyle Eslinger, "The enigmatic plurals like "one of us" (Genesis i 26, iii 22, and xi 7) in hyperchronic perspective," Vetus Testamentum 56.4 (2006): 171-184.
Article in Journal or Book Diana Lipton, "Early mourning? Petitionary versus posthumous ritual in Ezekiel xxiv," Vetus Testamentum 56.4 (2006): 185-202.
Article in Journal or Book N. MacDonald, "The literary criticism and rhetorical logic of Deuteronomy i-iv,"  Vetus Testamentum 56.4 (2006): 203-224.
Article in Journal or Book Hermann Michael Niemann, "Choosing brides for the crown-prince. Matrimonial politics in the Davidic dynasty," Vetus Testamentum 56.4 (2006): 225-238.
Article in Journal or Book Hector Patmore, ""The plain and literal sense": on contemporary assumptions about the Song of Songs," Vetus Testamentum 56.4 (2006): 239-250.
Article in Journal or Book Ludwig Schmidt, "Genesis xv," Vetus Testamentum 56.4 (2006): 251-267.
Article in Journal or Book S. Min Chun, "Whose cloak did Ahijah seize and tear? A note on 1 Kings xi 29-30," Vetus Testamentum 56.4 (2006): 268-274.

Volume 57 (2007)

Article in Journal or Book John B. Geyer, "Blood and the Nations in Ritual and Myth," Vetus Testamentum 57.1 (2007): 1-20.
Article in Journal or Book Louis Jonker, "Reforming History: The Hermeneutical Significance of the Books of Chronicles," Vetus Testamentum 57.1 (2007): 21-44.
Article in Journal or Book Wido van Peursen and Eep Talstra, "Computer-Assisted Analysis of Parallel Texts in the Bible. The Case of 2 Kings xviii-xix and Its Parallels in Isaiah and Chronicles," Vetus Testamentum 57.1 (2007): 45-72.
Article in Journal or Book Yael Shemesh, "David in the Service of King Achish of Gath: Renegade to His People or a Fifth Column in the Philistine Army?" Vetus Testamentum 57.1 (2007): 73-90.
Article in Journal or Book Andreas Wagner, "Permutatio religionis - Ps. cxxxix und der Wandel der Israelitischen Religion zur Bekenntnisreligion," Vetus Testamentum 57.1 (2007): 91-113.
Article in Journal or Book C.J. Labuschagne, "The Metaphor of the So-Called 'Weaned Child' in Psalm cxxxi," Vetus Testamentum 57.1 (2007): 114-118.
Article in Journal or Book Matthew W. Mitchell, "Finding the Naked Woman in Hosea ii 11," Vetus Testamentum 57.1 (2007): 119-123.
Article in Journal or Book Isabelle de Castelbajac, "Le cycle de Gédéon ou la condamnation du refus de la royauté," Vetus Testamentum 57.2 (2007): 145-161.
Article in Journal or Book Ruth Fidler, "Genesis xv: Sequence and Unity," Vetus Testamentum 57.2 (2007): 162-180.
Article in Journal or Book Jaeyoung Jeon, "Two Laws in the Sotah Passage (Num. v 11-31)," Vetus Testamentum 57.2 (2007): 181-207.
Article in Journal or Book Kristin Joachimsen, "Steck's Five Stories of the Servant in Isaiah lii 13-liii 12, and Beyond," Vetus Testamentum 57.2 (2007): 208-228.
Article in Journal or Book Hilary Marlow, "The Lament over the River Nile—Isaiah xix 5-10 in Its Wider Context," Vetus Testamentum 57.2 (2007): 229-242.
Article in Journal or Book Jeremy Northcote, "The Lifespans of the Patriarchs: Schematic Orderings in the Chrono-genealogy," Vetus Testamentum 57.2 (2007): 243-257.
Article in Journal or Book Innocent Himbaza, "Le mur de Manassé (2 Ch xxxiii 14) entre archéologues et théologiens," Vetus Testamentum 57.3 (2007): 283-294.
Article in Journal or Book Mark Leuchter, "Why Is The Song of Moses in the Book of Deuteronomy?" Vetus Testamentum 57.3 (2007): 295-317.
Article in Journal or Book Lauren A.S. Monroe, "Israelite, Moabite and Sabaean War-ḥērem Traditions and the Forging of National Identity: Reconsidering the Sabaean Text RES 3945 in Light of Biblical and Moabite Evidence," Vetus Testamentum 57.3 (2007): 318-341.
Article in Journal or Book Sandra L. Richter, "The Place of the Name in Deuteronomy," Vetus Testamentum 57.3 (2007): 342-366.
Article in Journal or Book Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer, "Geography and Textual Allusions: Interpreting Isaiah xl-lv and Lamentations as Judahite Texts," Vetus Testamentum 57.3 (2007): 367-385.
Article in Journal or Book "‘Kill All Who Are in Front’: Another Suggestion about Amos ix 1," Vetus Testamentum 57.3 (2007): 386-389.
Article in Journal or Book "The Semantic Field of עשת in the Hebrew Bible," Vetus Testamentum 57.3 (2007): 390-399.
Article in Journal or Book Anselm C. Hagedorn, "Looking at Foreigners in Biblical and Greek Prophecy," Vetus Testamentum 57.4 (2007): 432-448.
Article in Journal or Book Herbert B. Huffmon, "The Oracular Process: Delphi and the Near East," Vetus Testamentum 57.4 (2007): 449-460.
Article in Journal or Book Armin Lange, "Greek Seers and Israelite-Jewish Prophets," Vetus Testamentum 57.4 (2007): 461-482.
Article in Journal or Book N. Wyatt, "Word of Tree and Whisper of Stone: El's Oracle to King Keret (Kirta), and the Problem of the Mechanics of Its Utterance," Vetus Testamentum 57.4 (2007): 483-510.
Article in Journal or Book Reinhart Ceulemans & Dries De Crom, "Greek Renderings of the Hebrew Lexeme hmx in LXX Canticles and Isaiah," Vetus Testamentum 57.4 (2007): 511-523.
Article in Journal or Book Edward W. Glenny, "Hebrew Misreadings or Free Translation in the Septuagint of Amos?" Vetus Testamentum 57.4 (2007): 524-547.
Article in Journal or Book Jan Joosten, "A Note on the Text of Deuteronomy xxxii 8," Vetus Testamentum 57.4 (2007): 548-555.
Article in Journal or Book Scott B. Noegel, "Job iii 5 in the Light of Mesopotamian Demons of Time," Vetus Testamentum 57.4 (2007): 556-562.

Volume 58 (2008)

Article in Journal or Book Hans Ausloos, "The "Angel of YHWH" in Exod. xxiii 20-33 and Judg. ii 1-5. A Clue to the "Deuteronom(ist)ic" Puzzle?" Vetus Testamentum 58.1 (2008): 1-12.
Article in Journal or Book Knut M. Heim. "A Closer Look at the Pig in Proverbs xi 22," Vetus Testamentum 58.1 (2008): 13-27.
Article in Journal or Book Matthias Henze, "Qoheleth and the Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch," Vetus Testamentum 58.1 (2008): 28-43.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Höffken, "Die Rede des Rabsake vor Jerusalem (2 Kön. xviii / Jes. xxxvi) im Kontext anderer Kapitulationsforderungen." Vetus Testamentum 58.1 (2008): 44-55.
Article in Journal or Book Robert D. Holmstedt, "The Restrictive Syntax of Genesis i 1," Vetus Testamentum 58.1 (2008): 56-67.
Article in Journal or Book Jake Stromberg, "Observations on Inner-Scriptural Scribal Expansion in MT Ezekiel," Vetus Testamentum 58.1 (2008): 68-86.
Article in Journal or Book Stefan Timm, "Der Tod des Staatsfeindes: Neues zu B3j," Vetus Testamentum 58.1 (2008): 87-100.
Article in Journal or Book Catherine Vialle, "Aux commencements des livres grecs d'Esther: Le songe de Mardochée," Vetus Testamentum 58.1 (2008): 101-116.
Article in Journal or Book Yael Ziegler, ""As the Lord Lives and as Your Soul Lives": An Oath of Conscious Deference," Vetus Testamentum 58.1 (2008): 117-130.
Article in Journal or Book Joel S. Baden, "The w∂yiqtol and the Volitive Sequence," Vetus Testamentum 58.2 (2008): 147-158.
Article in Journal or Book Martin Beck, "Das Tag YHWHs-Verständnis von Zephanja iii," Vetus Testamentum 58.2 (2008): 159-177.
Article in Journal or Book David L. Everson, "An Examination of Synoptic Portions within the Vulgate," Vetus Testamentum 58.2 (2008): 178-190.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph Fleishman, "The Delinquent Daughter and Legal Innovation in Deuteronomy xxii 20-21," 191-210.
Article in Journal or Book Menahem Haran, "Ezekiel, P, and the Priestly School," Vetus Testamentum 58.2 (2008): 211-218.
Article in Journal or Book Paul A. Holloway, ""Beguile your soul" (Sir xiv 16; xxx 23): An Epicurean eme in Ben Sira," Vetus Testamentum 58.2 (2008): 219-234.
Article in Journal or Book Tzvi Novick, "Pain and Production in Eden: Some Philological Reflections on Genesis iii 16," Vetus Testamentum 58.2 (2008): 235-244.
Article in Journal or Book Hector M. Patmore, "Did the Masoretes Get it Wrong? The Vocalization and Accentuation of Ezekiel xxviii 12-19," Vetus Testamentum 58.2 (2008): 245-257.
Article in Journal or Book Samantha Joo, ""(2 Sam. xiii 32): Lot (šiāmu/šâmu/šīmtu)?" Vetus Testamentum 58.2 (2008): 258-264.
Article in Journal or Book Kent Aaron Reynolds, "The Answer of Psalm cxix 9," Vetus Testamentum 58.2 (2008): 265-269.
Article in Journal or Book Alec Basson, "Just Skin and Bones: The Longing for Wholeness of the Body in the Book of Job," Vetus Testamentum 58.3 (2008): 287-299.
Article in Journal or Book J. Blake Couey, "Amos vii 10-17 and Royal Attitudes Toward Prophecy in the Ancient Near East," Vetus Testamentum 58.3 (2008): 300-314.
Article in Journal or Book Serge Frolov, "Joshua's Double Demise (Josh. xxiv 28-31; Judg. ii 6-9): Making Sense of a Repetition," Vetus Testamentum 58.3 (2008): 315-323.
Article in Journal or Book Ronald Hendel, "The Oxford Hebrew Bible: Prologue to a New Critical Edition," Vetus Testamentum 58.3 (2008): 324-351.
Article in Journal or Book Sidnie White Crawford & Jan Joosten and Eugene Ulrich, "Sample Editions of the Oxford Hebrew Bible: Deuteronomy 32:1-9, 1 Kings 11:1-8, and Jeremiah 27:1-10 (34 G)," Vetus Testamentum 58.3 (2008): 352-366.
Article in Journal or Book Shalom E. Holtz, "The Thematic Unity of Psalm cxliv in Light of Mesopotamian Royal Ideology," 367-380.
Article in Journal or Book Ron E. Tappy, "Historical and Geographical Notes on the "Lowland Districts" of Judah in Joshua xv 33-47," Vetus Testamentum 58.3 (2008): 381-403.
Article in Journal or Book Richard Whitekettle, "Forensic Zoology: Animal Taxonomy and Rhetorical Persuasion in Psalm l," Vetus Testamentum 58.3 (2008): 404-419.
Article in Journal or Book Alfred Marx, "Salomon, ou le modèle de l'homme heureux (Prov. iii 13-18)," Vetus Testamentum 58.3 (2008): 420-423.
Article in Journal or Book Spencer L. Allen, "Understanding Amos vi 12 in Light of his other Rhetorical Questions," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 437-448.
Article in Journal or Book Elizabeth Boase, "Constructing Meaning in the Face of Suffering: Theodicy in Lamentations," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 449-468.
Article in Journal or Book Holger Gzella, "Zum periphrastischen Infinitiv in Genesis viii 5," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 469-479.
Article in Journal or Book Stephen L. Herring, "A "Transubstantiated" Humanity: The Relationship between the Divine Image and the Presence of God in Genesis i 26f," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 480-494.
Article in Journal or Book Jonathan Jacobs, "The Role of the Secondary Characters in the Story of the Anointing of Saul (I Samuel ix-x)," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 495-509.
Article in Journal or Book Jenö Kiss, "Der Mensch lebt nicht vom Brot allein, sondern …," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 510-525.
Article in Journal or Book Mark Leuchter, "The Cult at Kiriath Yearim: Implications from the Biblical Record," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 526-543.
Article in Journal or Book David Lincicum, "Greek Deuteronomy's "Fever and Chills" and Their Magical Afterlife," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 544-549.
Article in Journal or Book William D. Pickut, "Additional Observations Relating to the Legal Significance of Psalm ciii 12," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 550-556.
Article in Journal or Book Hanspeter Schaudig, ""Bēl Bows, Nabû Stoops!" The Prophecy of Isaiah xlvi 1-2 as a Reflection of Babylonian "Processional Omens"," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 557-572.
Article in Journal or Book Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer, "Through a Glass Darkly: Zechariah's Unprocessed Visionary Experience," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 573-594.
Article in Journal or Book Beat Weber, " "JHWH, Gott meiner Rettung" Beobachtungen und Erwägungen zur Struktur von Psalm lxxxviii," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 595-607.
Article in Journal or Book Jakob Wöhrle, ""No Future for the Proud Exultant Ones" The Exilic Book of the Four Prophets (Hos., Am., Mic., Zeph.) as a Concept Opposed to the Deuteronomistic History," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 608-627.
Article in Journal or Book Amitai Baruchi-Unna, "Do not Weep in Bethel: An Emendation Suggested for Micah i 10," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 628-632.
Article in Journal or Book Th. Booij, "Psalm cxlv: David's Song of Praise," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 633-637.
Article in Journal or Book Matthew Goff, "Awe, Wordlessness and Calamity—A Short Note on Amos v 13," 638-643.
Article in Journal or Book Casper J. Labuschagne, "The Divine Title ‘The High One’, in the Song of Hannah," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 644-649.
Article in Journal or Book Na'ama Pat-El, "Traces of Aramaic Dialectal Variation in Late Biblical Hebrew," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 650-655.

Volume 59 (2009)

Article in Journal or Book Klaus-Peter Adam, "Nocturnal Intrusions and Divine Interventions on Behalf of Judah. David's Wisdom and Saul's Tragedy in 1 Samuel 26," Vetus Testamentum 59.1 (2009): 1-33.
Article in Journal or Book Yigal Bloch, "The Prefixed Perfective and the Dating of Early Hebrew Poetry—A Re-Evaluation," Vetus Testamentum 59.1 (2009): 34-70.
Article in Journal or Book Gershon Galil, "Israelite Exiles in Media: A New Look at ND 2443+," Vetus Testamentum 59.1 (2009): 71-79.
Article in Journal or Book John B. Geyer, "Another Look at the Oracles about the Nations in the Hebrew Bible. A Response to A.C. Hagedorn," Vetus Testamentum 59.1 (2009): 80-87.
Article in Journal or Book Marjo C. A. Korpel, "Who Is Speaking in Jeremiah 4:19-22? The Contribution of Unit Delimitation to an Old Problem," Vetus Testamentum 59.1 (2009): 88-98.
Article in Journal or Book B.A. Mastin, "The Inscriptions Written on Plaster at Kuntillet 'Ajrud," Vetus Testamentum 59.1 (2009): 99-115.
Article in Journal or Book John W. Olley, "Ezekiel LXX and Exodus Comparisons," Vetus Testamentum 59.1 (2009): 116-122.
Article in Journal or Book Michael Segal, "From Joseph to Daniel: The Literary Development of the Narrative in Daniel 2," Vetus Testamentum 59.1 (2009): 123-149.
Article in Journal or Book Brent A. Strawn, "kěpîr ' ărāyôt in Judges 14:5," Vetus Testamentum 59.1 (2009): 150-158.
Article in Journal or Book Th. Booij, "Psalm 144: Hope of Davidic Welfare," Vetus Testamentum 59.2 (2009): 173-180.
Article in Journal or Book Katharine J. Dell, "The Cycle of Life in Ecclesiastes," Vetus Testamentum 59.2 (2009): 181-189.
Article in Journal or Book Amos Frisch, "Ephraim and Treachery, Loyalty and (the House of) David: The Meaning of a Structural Parallel in Psalm 78," Vetus Testamentum 59.2 (2009): 190-198.
Article in Journal or Book Pnina Galpaz-Feller, "David and the Messenger—Different Ends, Similar Means in 2 Samuel 1," Vetus Testamentum 59.2 (2009): 199-210.
Article in Journal or Book Shalom E. Holtz, "The Case for Adversarial yahad," Vetus Testamentum 59.2 (2009): 211-221.
Article in Journal or Book Job Y. Jindo, "Toward a Poetics of the Biblical Mind: Language, Culture, and Cognition," Vetus Testamentum 59.2 (2009): 222-243.
Article in Journal or Book Martin Leuenberger, "Kyros-Orakel und Kyros-Zylinder: Ein religionsgeschichtlicher Vergleich ihrer Gottes-Konzeptionen," Vetus Testamentum 59.2 (2009): 244-256.
Article in Journal or Book Elvira Martín-Contreras, "Masoretic and Rabbinic Lights on the Word Ruth 3:15," Vetus Testamentum 59.2 (2009): 257-265.
Article in Journal or Book C.H.J. van der Merwe, "The Biblical Hebrew Particle," Vetus Testamentum 59.2 (2009): 266-283.
Article in Journal or Book Heinz-Dieter Neef, "Eglon als "Kälbermann"? Exegetische Beobachtungen zu Jdc 3:12-30," Vetus Testamentum 59.2 (2009): 284-294.
Article in Journal or Book Leigh M. Trevaskis, "The Purpose of Leviticus 24 within its Literary Context," Vetus Testamentum 59.2 (2009): 295-312.
Article in Journal or Book Leigh M. Trevaskis, "On a Recent "Existential" Translation of hātā'," Vetus Testamentum 59.2 (2009): 313-319.
Article in Journal or Book Christopher R. Bruno, "A Note Pertaining to the Translation of Deut 6:4," Vetus Testamentum 59.2 (2009): 320-322.
Article in Journal or Book D. Luciani, "Samson: l'amour rend aveugle," Vetus Testamentum 59.2 (2009): 323-326.
Article in Journal or Book Michael Avioz, "The Motif of Beauty in the Books of Samuel and Kings," Vetus Testamentum 59.3 (2009): 341-359.
Article in Journal or Book Edward J. Bridge, "Loyalty, Dependency and Status with YHWH: The Use of 'bd in the Psalms," Vetus Testamentum 59.3 (2009): 360-378.
Article in Journal or Book Bent Christiansen, "A Linguistic Analysis of the Biblical Hebrew Particle nā': A Test Case," Vetus Testamentum 59.3 (2009): 379-393.
Article in Journal or Book Jonathan Grossman, "'Dynamic Analogies' in the Book of Esther," Vetus Testamentum 59.3 (2009): 394-414.
Article in Journal or Book Tuukka Kauhanen, "Irenaeus and the Text of 1 Samuel," Vetus Testamentum 59.3 (2009): 415-428.
Article in Journal or Book Itamar Kislev, "The Investiture of Joshua (Numbers 27:12-23) and the Dispute on the Form of the Leadership in Yehud," Vetus Testamentum 59.3 (2009): 429-445.
Article in Journal or Book Meir Malul, "What is the Nature of the Crime of the Delinquent Daughter in Deuteronomy 22:13-21? A Rejoinder to J. Fleishman's Suggestion," Vetus Testamentum 59.3 (2009): 446-459.
Article in Journal or Book Emmanuel O. Nwaoru, "A Fresh Look at Amos 4:1-3 and Its Imagery," Vetus Testamentum 59.3 (2009): 460-474.
Article in Journal or Book Ludwig Schmidt, "P in Deuteronomium 34," Vetus Testamentum 59.3 (2009): 475-494.
Article in Journal or Book Jan Joosten, "A Note on w∂yiqtol and Volitive Sequences," Vetus Testamentum 59.3 (2009): 495-498.
Article in Journal or Book Aaron D. Rubin, "Genesis 49:4 in Light of Arabic and Modern South Arabian," Vetus Testamentum 59.3 (2009): 499-502.
Article in Journal or Book Mark W. Hamilton, "At Whose Table? Stories of Elites and Social Climbers in 1-2 Samuel," Vetus Testamentum 59.4 (2009): 513-532.
Article in Journal or Book Michael Hundley,"To Be or Not to Be: A Reexamination of Name Language in Deuteronomy and the Deuteronomistic History," Vetus Testamentum 59.4 (2009): 533-555.
Article in Journal or Book Rimon Kasher, "Haggai and Ezekiel: The Complicated Relations between the Two Prophets," Vetus Testamentum 59.4 (2009): 556-582.
Article in Journal or Book Casper Labuschagne, "Significant Compositional Techniques in the Psalms: Evidence for the Use of Number as an Organizing Principle," Vetus Testamentum 59.4 (2009): 583-605.
Article in Journal or Book Ian Young, "Is the Prose Tale of Job in Late Biblical Hebrew?" Vetus Testamentum 59.4 (2009): 606-629.
Article in Journal or Book  Bálint Károly Zabán, "The Preposition, the Verb and the "Scoffers" in Proverbs 1:22," Vetus Testamentum 59.4 (2009): 630-652.
Article in Journal or Book "Strike the Tongue: Silencing the Prophet in Jeremiah 18:18b," Vetus Testamentum 59.4 (2009): 653-657.

Volume 60 (2010)

Article in Journal or Book Nissim Amzallag & Mikhal Avriel, "Complex Antiphony in David’s Lament and Its Literary Significance," Vetus Testamentum 60.1 (2010): 1-14.
Article in Journal or Book  Elie Assis, "Zechariah’s Vision of the Ephah (Zech. 5:5-11)," Vetus Testamentum 60.1 (2010): 15-32.
Article in Journal or Book Joel S. Baden, "Hithpael and Niphal in Biblical Hebrew: Semantic and Morphological Overlap," Vetus Testamentum 60.1 (2010): 33-44.
Article in Journal or Book Jonathan Burnside, " ‘What Shall We Do with the Sabbath-Gatherer?’ A Narrative Approach to a ‘Hard Case’ in Biblical Law (Numbers 15:32-36)," Vetus Testamentum 60.1 (2010): 45-62.
Article in Journal or Book Mary Katherine Y.H. Hom, ""... A Mighty Hunter before YHWH": Genesis 10:9 and the Moral-Theological Evaluation of Nimrod," Vetus Testamentum 60.1 (2010): 63-68.
Article in Journal or Book André Kabasele Mukenge, "« Toutefois, il n’y aura pas de nécessiteux chez toi » La stratégie argumentative de Deut. 15:1-11," Vetus Testamentum 60.1 (2010): 69-86.
Article in Journal or Book Nadav Naaman, "David’s Sojourn in Keilah in Light of the Amarna Letters," Vetus Testamentum 60.1 (2010): 87-97.
Article in Journal or Book Anathea E. Portier-Young, "Languages of Identity and Obligation: Daniel as Bilingual Book," Vetus Testamentum 60.1 (2010): 98-115.
Article in Journal or Book Stefan Schorch, " "A Young Goat in Its Mother’s Milk"? Understanding an Ancient Prohibition," Vetus Testamentum 60.1 (2010): 116-130.
Article in Journal or Book Bruce Wells, "The Hated Wife in Deuteronomic Law," Vetus Testamentum 60.1 (2010): 131-146.
Article in Journal or Book Young Hye Kim, "Short Note The Jubilee: Its Reckoning and Inception Day," Vetus Testamentum 60.1 (2010): 147-151.
Article in Journal or Book Jerome T. Walsh, "Short Note On in 2 Kings 9:37," Vetus Testamentum 60.1 (2010): 152-153.
Article in Journal or Book Aaron Michael Butts, "A Note on nedārî in Ex 15:6," Vetus Testamentum 60.2 (2010): 167-171.
Article in Journal or Book Idan Dershowitz, "A Land Flowing with Fat and Honey," Vetus Testamentum 60.2 (2010): 172-176.
Article in Journal or Book B. Embry, "The Endangerment of Moses: Towards a New Reading of Exodus 4:24-26," Vetus Testamentum 60.2 (2010): 177-196.
Article in Journal or Book Tova Ganzel, "The Descriptions of the Restoration of Israel in Ezekiel," Vetus Testamentum 60.2 (2010): 197-211.
Article in Journal or Book Christopher B. Hays, "The Covenant with Mut: A New Interpretation of Isaiah 28:1-22," Vetus Testamentum 60.2 (2010): 212-240.
Article in Journal or Book Seung Il Kang, "A Philological Approach to the Problem of King So (2 Kgs 17:4)," Vetus Testamentum 60.2 (2010): 241-248.
Article in Journal or Book Linafelt Tod & F. W. Dobbs-Allsopp, "Poetic Line Structure in Qoheleth 3:1," Vetus Testamentum 60.2 (2010): 249-259.
Article in Journal or Book Ola Wikander, "The Hebrew Consecutive Wāw as a North West Semitic "Augment": A Typological Comparison with Indo-European," Vetus Testamentum 60.2 (2010): 260-270.
Article in Journal or Book Benjamin Ziemer, "Erklärung der wichtigsten "demographischen" Zahlen des Numeribuches aus ihrem kompositionellen Zusammenhang," Vetus Testamentum 60.2 (2010): 271-287.
Article in Journal or Book Jonathan Burnside, "Short Note," Vetus Testamentum 60.2 (2010): 288-291.
Article in Journal or Book Giovanni B. Bazzana, "Cucurbita super caput ionae Translation and Theology in the Old Latin Tradition," Vetus Testamentum 60.3 (2010): 309-322.
Article in Journal or Book Gard Granerød, "A Forgotten Reference to Divine Procreation? Psalm 2:6 in Light of Egyptian Royal Ideology," Vetus Testamentum 60.3 (2010): 323-336.
Article in Journal or Book David T. Lamb, "The Non-Eternal Dynastic Promises of Jehu of Israel and Esarhaddon of Assyria," Vetus Testamentum 60.3 (2010): 337-344.
Article in Journal or Book Mark Leuchter, "The Politics of Ritual Rhetoric: A Proposed Sociopolitical Context for the Redaction of Leviticus 1-16," Vetus Testamentum 60.3 (2010): 345-365.
Article in Journal or Book Aaron D. Rubin, "The Form and Meaning of Hebrew ’ašrê," Vetus Testamentum 60.3 (2010): 366-372.
Article in Journal or Book Susanne Rudnig-Zelt, "Vom Propheten und seiner Frau, einem Ephod und einem Teraphim—Anmerkungen zu Hos 3:1-4, 5," Vetus Testamentum 60.3 (2010): 373-399.
Article in Journal or Book Ludwig Schmidt, "Im Dickicht der Pentateuchforschung: Ein Plädoyer für die umstrittene Neuere Urkundenhypothese," Vetus Testamentum 60.3 (2010): 400-420.
Article in Journal or Book Jeremy D. Smoak, "Amuletic Inscriptions and the Background of YHWH as Guardian and Protector in Psalm 12," Vetus Testamentum 60.3 (2010): 421-432.
Article in Journal or Book Matthew J. Suriano, "A Place in the Dust: Text, Topography and a Toponymic Note on Micah 1:10-12a," Vetus Testamentum 60.3 (2010): 433-446.
Article in Journal or Book Volker Wagner, "Profanität und Sakralisierung der Beschneidung im Alten Testament," Vetus Testamentum 60.3 (2010): 447-464.
Article in Journal or Book André Wénin, "Pourquoi le lecteur rit-il d’Haman en Esther 6?" Vetus Testamentum 60.3 (2010): 465-473.
Article in Journal or Book Pierre Auffret, "O bonheurs du peuple dont Yhwh est le Dieu Nouvelle étude structurelle du psaume 144," Vetus Testamentum 60.4 (2010): 505-517.
Article in Journal or Book Edward J. Bridge, "Polite Language in the Lachish Letters," Vetus Testamentum 60.4 (2010): 518-534.
Article in Journal or Book Yitzhaq Feder, "On kuppuru, kippēr and Etymological Sins that Cannot be Wiped Away," Vetus Testamentum 60.4 (2010): 535-545.
Article in Journal or Book Jonathan Jacobs, "Willing Obedience with Doubts: Abraham at the Binding of Isaac," Vetus Testamentum 60.4 (2010): 546-559.
Article in Journal or Book Mary Katherine Y.H. Hom, "‘To’ or ‘Against’?: The Interpretation of in 2 Chr 28:20," Vetus Testamentum 60.4 (2010): 560-564.
Article in Journal or Book Isaac Kalimi, "Human and Musical Sounds and Their Hearing Elsewhere as a Literary Device in the Biblical Narratives," Vetus Testamentum 60.4 (2010): 565-570.
Article in Journal or Book Anja Klein, "Prophecy Continued: Reflections on Innerbiblical Exegesis in the Book of Ezekiel," Vetus Testamentum 60.4 (2010): 571-582.
Article in Journal or Book Mark Leuchter, "The Levites in Exile: A Response to L. S. Tiemeyer," Vetus Testamentum 60.4 (2010): 583-590.
Article in Journal or Book Didier Luciani, "Une autre intention pour Lv 24 Réponse à Leigh M. Trevaskis," Vetus Testamentum 60.4 (2010): 591-600.
Article in Journal or Book Clinton J. Moyer, "The Beautiful Outsider Replaces the Queen: A "Compound Topos" in Esther 1-2 and Books 5 and 6 of Chariton’s Chaereas and Callirhoe," Vetus Testamentum 60.4 (2010): 601-620.
Article in Journal or Book Sophie Ramond, "Y a-t-il de l’ironie dans le livre de Qohélet?" Vetus Testamentum 60.4 (2010): 621-640.
Article in Journal or Book David Toshio Tsumura, "Tense and Aspect of Hebrew Verbs in 2 Samuel 7: 8-16 - from the Point of View of Discourse Grammar-," Vetus Testamentum 60.4 (2010): 641-654.

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