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Vetus Testamentum is a quarterly journal covering all aspects of Old Testament studies. Very few if its articles are available via open access.

Vols. 1 - 10 (1951-1960)
Vols. 11 - 20 (1961-1970)
Vols. 21 - 30 (1971-1980)
Vols. 31 - 40 (1981-1990)
Vols. 41 - 50 (1991 - 2000)
Vols. 51 - 60 (2001 - 2010)
Vols. 61 - 70 (2011 - )
Volume 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40

Volume 31 (1981)

Article in Journal or Book Gillis Gerleman [1912-1993], "Psalm 110," Vetus Testamentum 31.1 (Jan. 1981): 1-19.
Article in Journal or Book Baruch Halpern, "The centralization formula in Deuteronomy," Vetus Testamentum 31.1 (Jan. 1981): 20-38.
Article in Journal or Book André Lemaire, "Galaad et Makîr: Remarques sur la tribu de Manassé à l'est du Jourdain," Vetus Testamentum 31.1 (Jan. 1981): 39-61.
Article in Journal or Book Jacob Milgrom, "The paradox of the red cow (Num 19)," Vetus Testamentum 31.1 (Jan. 1981): 62-72.
Article in Journal or Book Pierre Bordreuil, "Les "graces de David" et 1 Maccabees 2:57," Vetus Testamentum 31.1 (Jan. 1981): 73-76.
Article in Journal or Book John Day [1948- ], "Shear-Jashub (Isaiah 7:3) and "the remnant of wrath" (Psalm 76:11)," Vetus Testamentum 31.1 (Jan. 1981): 76-78.
Article in Journal or Book Scott L. Harris, "1 Samuel 8:7-8," Vetus Testamentum 31.1 (Jan. 1981): 79-80.
Article in Journal or Book Rosario P. Merendino, "Zu Dt 5-6: eine Klärung," Vetus Testamentum 31.1 (Jan. 1981): 80-83.
Article in Journal or Book John T. Rook, "A twenty-eight-day month tradition in the Book of Jubilees," Vetus Testamentum 31.1 (Jan. 1981): 83-87.
Article in Journal or Book John F.A. Sawyer, ""From heaven fought the star" (Judges 5:20)," Vetus Testamentum 31.1 (Jan. 1981): 87-89.
Article in Journal or Book J. Alberto Soggin, ""Heber der Qenit": Das Ende eines biblischen Personennamens," Vetus Testamentum 31.1 (Jan. 1981): 89-92.
Article in Journal or Book Wilfred G.E. Watson, "Hebrew "to be happy": an idiom identified," Vetus Testamentum 31.1 (Jan. 1981): 92-95.
Article in Journal or Book Alexander Zeron, "Das wort niqpa, zum Sturz der Zionstöchter (Isa 3:24)," Vetus Testamentum 31.1 (Jan. 1981): 95-97.
Article in Journal or Book Athalya Brenner, "God's answer to Job," Vetus Testamentum 31.2 (April 1981): 129-137.
Article in Journal or Book Eryl W. Davies, "Inheritance rights and the Hebrew levirate marriage," Vetus Testamentum 31.2 (April 1981): 138-144.
Article in Journal or Book Eryl W. Davies, "Inheritance rights and the Hebrew levirate marriage," Vetus Testamentum 31.3 (July 1981): 257-268.
Article in Journal or Book Graham R. Hamborg, "Reasons for judgement in the oracles against the nations of the prophet Isaiah," Vetus Testamentum 31.2 (April 1981): 145-159.
Article in Journal or Book Yair Hoffman, "The relation between the prologue and the speech-cycles in Job: a Reconsideration," Vetus Testamentum 31.2 (April 1981): 160-170.
Article in Journal or Book John C. Holbert, ""The skies will uncover his iniquity": satire in the second speech of Zophar (Job 20)," Vetus Testamentum 31.2 (April 1981): 171-179.
Article in Journal or Book Bruce D. Naidoff, "The two-fold structure of Isaiah 45:9-13," Vetus Testamentum 31.2 (April 1981): 180-185.
Article in Journal or Book E.J. Revell, "Pausal forms and the structure of biblical poetry," Vetus Testamentum 31.2 (April 1981): 186-199.
Article in Journal or Book François Rousseau, "Structure de Qohelet 1:4-11 et plan du livre," Vetus Testamentum 31.2 (April 1981): 200-217.
Article in Journal or Book Yitzhak Avishur, "Should a Ugaritic text be corrected on the basis of a biblical text," Vetus Testamentum 31.2 (April 1981): 218-220.
Article in Journal or Book Othmar Keel, "Zwei kleine Beiträge zum Verständnis der Gottesreden im Buch Ijob (38:36 f, 40:25)," Vetus Testamentum 31.2 (April 1981): 220-225.
Article in Journal or Book Vladimír Kubác, "Blut im Gürtel und in Sandalen," Vetus Testamentum 31.2 (April 1981): 226-228.
Article in Journal or Book Norbert Lohfink, "Hos 9:5 als Bezugstext von Dtn 17:16," Vetus Testamentum 31.2 (April 1981): 226-228.
Article in Journal or Book Hans P. Rüger, "Die gestaffelten zahlensprüche des Alten Testaments und aram Achikar 92," Vetus Testamentum 31.2 (April 1981): 229-234.
Article in Journal or Book Lyle M. Eslinger, "The case of an immodest lady wrestler in Deuteronomy 25:11-12," Vetus Testamentum 31.3 (July 1981): 269-281.
Article in Journal or Book John G. Gammie, "On the intention and sources of Daniel 1-6," Vetus Testamentum 31.3 (July 1981): 282-292.
Article in Journal or Book John B. Geyer, "Mice and rites in 1 Samuel 5-6," Vetus Testamentum 31.3 (July 1981): 293-304.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Höffken, "Beobachtungen zu Ezechiel 37:1-10," Vetus Testamentum 31.3 (July 1981): 305-317.
Article in Journal or Book Alfred Jepsen, "Mose und die Leviten: Ein Beitrag zur Frühgeschichte Israels und zur Sammlung des alttestamentlichen Schrifttums," Vetus Testamentum 31.3 (July 1981): 318-323.
Article in Journal or Book Joel P. Weinberg, "Die Natur im Weltbild des Chronisten," Vetus Testamentum 31.3 (July 1981): 324-345.
Article in Journal or Book Pieter Arie Hendrik de Boer [1910-1989], "Peshitta Institute communication 16: towards an edition of the Syriac version of the Old Testament," Vetus Testamentum 31.3 (July 1981): 346-357.
Article in Journal or Book Samuel Amsler, "La parole visionnaire des prophètes," Vetus Testamentum 31.3 (July 1981): 359-363.
Article in Journal or Book M. Baldacci, "The Ammonite text from Tell Siran and North-west Semitic philology," Vetus Testamentum 31.3 (July 1981): 363-368.
Article in Journal or Book Michael DeRoche, "Israel's "two evils" in Jeremiah 2:13," Vetus Testamentum 31.3 (July 1981): 369-371.
Article in Journal or Book Knud Jeppesen, "Zephaniah 1:5b," Vetus Testamentum 31.3 (July 1981): 372-373.
Article in Journal or Book Baruch Margalit, "John Day and the "Kinnereth hypothesis"," Vetus Testamentum 31.3 (July 1981): 373-375.
Article in Journal or Book Jeffrey Niehaus, "Raz-pesar in Isaiah 24," Vetus Testamentum 31.3 (July 1981): 376-378.
Article in Journal or Book Pierre Auffret, "Essai sur la structure littéraire du Psaume 15," Vetus Testamentum 31.4 (Oct. 1981): 385-399.
Article in Journal or Book Michael DeRoche, "The reversal of creation in Hosea," Vetus Testamentum 31.4 (Oct. 1981): 400-409.
Article in Journal or Book Robert Gordis, "Virtual quotations in Job, Sumer and Qumran," Vetus Testamentum 31.4 (Oct. 1981): 410-427.
Article in Journal or Book Christoph Levin, "Noch einmal: die Anfänge des Propheten Jeremia," Vetus Testamentum 31.4 (Oct. 1981): 428-440.
Article in Journal or Book Ze’ev Weisman, "The nature and background of bachur in the Old Testament," Vetus Testamentum 31.4 (Oct. 1981): 441-450.
Article in Journal or Book Michael Weitzman [1946-1998], "Verb frequency and source criticism," Vetus Testamentum 31.4 (Oct. 1981): 451-471.
Article in Journal or Book Matty Cohen, "Mekerotehem (Genèse 49:5)," Vetus Testamentum 31.4 (Oct. 1981): 472-482.
Article in Journal or Book Bernhard Lang, "Sklaven und Unfreie im Buch Amos (2:6, 8:6)," Vetus Testamentum 31.4 (Oct. 1981): 482-488.
Article in Journal or Book Nadav Naaman, ""Hebron was built seven years before Zoan in Egypt" (Numbers 13:22)," Vetus Testamentum 31.4 (Oct. 1981): 488-492.

Volume 32 (1982)

32.1 Old Testament studies dedicated to G W Anderson
Article in Journal or Book Pieter Arie Hendrik de Boer [1910-1989], "Numbers 6:27," Vetus Testamentum 32.1 (Jan. 1982): 3-13.
Article in Journal or Book  
Article in Journal or Book John A. Emerton, "The origin of the promises to the patriarchs in the older sources of the Book of Genesis," Vetus Testamentum 32.1 (Jan. 1982): 14-32.
Article in Journal or Book Gillis Gerleman [1912-1993], "Der "Einzelne" der Klage- und Dankpsalmen," Vetus Testamentum 32.1 (Jan. 1982): 33-49.
Article in Journal or Book Arvid S. Kapelrud [1912-1994], "The main concern of Second Isaiah," Vetus Testamentum 32.1 (Jan. 1982): 50-58.
Article in Journal or Book William McKane, "The construction of Jeremiah chapter 21," Vetus Testamentum 32.1 (Jan. 1982): 59-73.
Article in Journal or Book Ernest W. Nicholson, "The covenant ritual in Exodus 24:38," Vetus Testamentum 32.1 (Jan. 1982): 74-86.
Article in Journal or Book Eduard Nielsen, "Moses and the law," Vetus Testamentum 32.1 (Jan. 1982): 87-98.
Article in Journal or Book Helmer Ringgren, "The omitting of kol in Hebrew parallelism," Vetus Testamentum 32.1 (Jan. 1982): 99-103.
Article in Journal or Book Walther Zimmerli [1907-1983], "Jahwes Wort bei Deuterojesaja," Vetus Testamentum 32.1 (Jan. 1982): 104-124,
Article in Journal or Book "A select bibliography of the publications of G W Anderson," Vetus Testamentum 32.1 (Jan. 1982): 125-128.
Article in Journal or Book Volkmar Fritz, "Abimelech und Sichem in Jdc 9," Vetus Testamentum 32.2 (April 1982): 129-144.
Article in Journal or Book Knud Jeppesen, "Call and frustration: a new understanding of Isaiah 8:21-22," Vetus Testamentum 32.2 (April 1982): 145-157.
Article in Journal or Book Graham S. Ogden, "Qoheleth 9:1-16," Vetus Testamentum 32.2 (April 1982): 158-169.
Article in Journal or Book Hans-Christoph Schmitt, "Redaktion des Pentateuch im Geiste der Prophetie: zur Bedeutung der "Glaubens"-Thematik innerhalb der Theologie des Pentateuch," Vetus Testamentum 32.2 (April 1982): 170-189.
Article in Journal or Book Ilmari Soisalon-Soininen [1917-2002], "En für eis in der Septuaginta," Vetus Testamentum 32.2 (April 1982): 190-200.
Article in Journal or Book Mark A. Throntveit, "Linguistic analysis and the question of authorship in Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah," Vetus Testamentum 32.2 (April 1982): 201-216.
Article in Journal or Book Edward L. Greenstein, ""To grasp the hem" in Ugaritic literature," Vetus Testamentum 32.2 (April 1982): 217-218.
Article in Journal or Book Jan Heller, "Der Traditionsprozess in der Auffassung der Prager Alttestamentler," Vetus Testamentum 32.2 (April 1982): 219-224.
Article in Journal or Book John S. Kselman, "The ABCB pattern: further examples," Vetus Testamentum 32.2 (April 1982): 224-229.
Article in Journal or Book Bernd Lorenz, "Bemerkungen zum Totenkult im Alten Testament," Vetus Testamentum 32.2 (April 1982): 229-234.
Article in Journal or Book Monty Mers, "A note on Job 6:10," Vetus Testamentum 32.2 (April 1982): 234-236.
Article in Journal or Book André Pelletier, "L'autorité divine d'après le Pentateuque grec," Vetus Testamentum 32.2 (April 1982): 236-242.
Article in Journal or Book H.G.M. Williamson, "The death of Josiah and the continuing development of the Deuteronomic history," Vetus Testamentum 32.2 (April 1982): 242-248.
Article in Journal or Book Bernard Wodecki, "Der Heilsuniversalismus bei Trito-Jesaja," Vetus Testamentum 32.2 (April 1982): 248-252.
Article in Journal or Book Avi Hurvitz, "The history of a legal formula: kol 'aser-hapes asah (Psalm 115:3; 135:6)," Vetus Testamentum 32.3 (July 1982): 257-267.
Article in Journal or Book C.J. Labuschagne, "The pattern of the divine speech formulas in the Pentateuch: its literary structure," Vetus Testamentum 32.3 (July 1982): 268-296.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Welten, "Königsherrschaft Jahwes und Thronbesteigung: Bemerkungen zu unerledigten Fragen," Vetus Testamentum 32.3 (July 1982): 297-310.
Article in Journal or Book Donald J. Wiseman, ""Is it peace": covenant and diplomacy," Vetus Testamentum 32.3 (July 1982): 311-326.
Article in Journal or Book Gunnel André, ""Walk", "stand", and "sit" in Psalm 1:1-2," Vetus Testamentum 32.3 (July 1982): 326.
Article in Journal or Book John A. Emerton, "Leviathan and ltn: the vocalization of the Ugaritic word for the dragon," Vetus Testamentum 32.3 (July 1982): 326-331.
Article in Journal or Book Roland E. Murphy [1917-2002], "Qohelet interpreted: the bearing of the past on the present," Vetus Testamentum 32.3 (July 1982): 331-337.
Article in Journal or Book Stig I.L. Norin, "An important Kennicott reading in 2 Kings 18:13," Vetus Testamentum 32.3 (July 1982): 337-338.
Article in Journal or Book Francesco Saracino, "Ras Ibn Hani 78/20 and some Old Testament connections," Vetus Testamentum 32.3 (July 1982): 338-343.
Article in Journal or Book Charles F. Whitley, "A reply to Dr S C Reif," Vetus Testamentum 32.3 (July 1982): 344-346.
Article in Journal or Book Anneli Aejmelaeus, "Participium coniunctum as a criterion of translation technique," Vetus Testamentum 32.4 (Oct. 1982): 385-393.
Article in Journal or Book Calum M. Carmichael, "Forbidden mixtures," Vetus Testamentum 32.4 (Oct. 1982): 394-415.
Article in Journal or Book Jeffrey M. Cohen, "An unrecognized connotation of nsq peh with special reference to three biblical occurrences," Vetus Testamentum 32.4 (Oct. 1982): 416-424.
Article in Journal or Book Harold Fisch, "Ruth and the structure of covenant history," Vetus Testamentum 32.4 (Oct. 1982): 425-437.
Article in Journal or Book Félix García López, ""Un peuple consacré": Analyse critique de Deutéronome 7," Vetus Testamentum 32.4 (Oct. 1982): 438-463.
Article in Journal or Book Ernst Kutsch, "Text und Textgeschichte in Hiob 19: Zu Problemen in V 14-15, 20, 23-24," Vetus Testamentum 32.4 (Oct. 1982): 464-484.
Article in Journal or Book James R. Battenfield, "Isaiah 53:10: taking an "if" out of the sacrifice of the servant," Vetus Testamentum 32.4 (Oct. 1982): 485.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph M. Baumgarten, "Some problems of the Jubilees calendar in current research," Vetus Testamentum 32.4 (Oct. 1982): 485-489.
Article in Journal or Book Shalom M. Paul, "Psalm 27:10 and the Babylonian Theodicy," Vetus Testamentum 32.4 (Oct. 1982): 489-492.
Article in Journal or Book Shalom M. Paul, "Two cognate Semitic terms for mating and copulation," Vetus Testamentum 32.4 (Oct. 1982): 492-494.
Article in Journal or Book Antoon Schoors, "A tiqqun sopherim in Genesis 16:13b," Vetus Testamentum 32.4 (Oct. 1982): 494-495.
Article in Journal or Book Horst Seebass, "Machir im Ostjordanland," Vetus Testamentum 32.4 (Oct. 1982): 496-503.
Article in Journal or Book James C. VanderKam, "A twenty-eight-day month tradition in the Book of Jubilees," Vetus Testamentum 32.4 (Oct. 1982): 504-506.

Volume 33 (1983)

Article in Journal or Book Graham I. Davies, "The wilderness itineraries and the composition of the Pentateuch," Vetus Testamentum 33.1 (Jan. 1983): 1-13.
Article in Journal or Book Devorah Dimant, "The biography of Enoch and the Books of Enoch," Vetus Testamentum 33.1 (Jan. 1983): 14-29.
Article in Journal or Book J. Cheryl Exum, "The theological dimension of the Samson saga," Vetus Testamentum 33.1 (Jan. 1983): 30-45.
Article in Journal or Book R. Lansing Hicks, "Delet and megillah: a fresh approach to Jeremiah 36," Vetus Testamentum 33.1 (Jan. 1983): 46-66.
Article in Journal or Book Arie van der Kooij, "On the place of origin of the Old Greek of Psalms," Vetus Testamentum 33.1 (Jan. 1983): 67-74.
Article in Journal or Book Olivier Munnich, "La Septante des Psaumes et le groupe kaigé," Vetus Testamentum 33.1 (Jan. 1983): 75-89.
Article in Journal or Book Victor Sasson, "An unrecognized "smoke-signal" in Isaiah 30:27," Vetus Testamentum 33.1 (Jan. 1983): 90-95.
Article in Journal or Book Christopher T. Begg, "The tables (Deut 10) and the lawbook (Deut 31)," Vetus Testamentum 33.1 (Jan. 1983): 96-97.
Article in Journal or Book Andrew E. Hill, "Patchwork poetry or reasoned verse: connective structure in 1 Chronicles 16," Vetus Testamentum 33.1 (Jan. 1983): 97-101.
Article in Journal or Book Franz D. Hubmann, "Textgraphik und Psalm 16:2-3," Vetus Testamentum 33.1 (Jan. 1983): 101-106.
Article in Journal or Book Ihromi, "Die Häufung der Verben des Jubelns in Zephanja 3:14f,16-18: rnn, rw, smch, lz sws und gîl," Vetus Testamentum 33.1 (Jan. 1983): 106-110.
Article in Journal or Book Klaus D. Schunck, "Davids "Schlupfwinkel" in Juda," Vetus Testamentum 33.1 (Jan. 1983): 110-113.
Article in Journal or Book Harald Schweizer, "Determination, Textdeixis - Erläutert an Genesis 18:23-33," Vetus Testamentum 33.1 (Jan. 1983): 113-118.
Article in Journal or Book Pierre Auffret, "Essai sur la structure littéraire du Psaume 74," Vetus Testamentum 33.2 (April 1983): 129-148.
Article in Journal or Book Gilbert Brunet, "La cinquième Lamentation," Vetus Testamentum 33.2 (April 1983): 149-170.
Article in Journal or Book Robert L. Cohn, "Form and perspective in 2 Kings 5," Vetus Testamentum 33.2 (April 1983): 171-184.
Article in Journal or Book Michael DeRoche, "Structure, rhetoric, and meaning in Hosea 4:4-10," Vetus Testamentum 33.2 (April 1983): 185-198.
Article in Journal or Book Michael V. Fox, "Scholia to Canticles (1:4b, 2:4, 1:4ba, 4:3, 5:8, 6:12)," Vetus Testamentum 33.2 (April 1983): 199-206.
Article in Journal or Book Yehoshua Gitay, "Reflections on the study of the prophetic discourse: the question of Isaiah 1:2-20," Vetus Testamentum 33.2 (April 1983): 207-221.
Article in Journal or Book Graham S. Ogden, "Qoheleth 11:1-6," Vetus Testamentum 33.2 (April 1983): 222-230.
Article in Journal or Book Eryl W. Davies, "Ruth 4:5 and the duties of the go'el," Vetus Testamentum 33.2 (April 1983): 231-234.
Article in Journal or Book William L. Holladay, "A new suggestion for the crux in Isaiah 1:4b," Vetus Testamentum 33.2 (April 1983): 235-237.
Article in Journal or Book Bernd Janowski, "Psalm 106:28-31 und die Interzession des Pinchas," Vetus Testamentum 33.2 (April 1983): 237-248.
Article in Journal or Book Katzenstein, H Jacob, ""Before Pharaoh conquered Gaza" (Jeremiah 47:1)," Vetus Testamentum 33.2 (April 1983): 249-251.
Article in Journal or Book Friedemann W. Golka, "Die israelitische Weisheitsschule oder "des Kaisers neue Kleider"," Vetus Testamentum 33.3 (July 1983): 257-270.
Article in Journal or Book Robert D. Haak, "The "shoulder" of the temple," Vetus Testamentum 33.3 (July 1983): 271-278.
Article in Journal or Book Heinz Kruse, "Psalm 132 and the royal Zion festival," Vetus Testamentum 33.3 (July 1983): 279-297.
Article in Journal or Book Joel P. Weinberg, "Der Mensch im Weltbild des Chronisten: seine Psyche," Vetus Testamentum 33.3 (July 1983): 298-316.
Article in Journal or Book Ramzi Baalbaki, "A reference to 2 Kings 4:38ff in an Arabic source," Vetus Testamentum 33.3 (July 1983): 317-318.
Article in Journal or Book M. Dijkstraeindert, "Prophecy by letter (Jeremiah 29:24-32)," Vetus Testamentum 33.3 (July 1983): 319-322.
Article in Journal or Book Moshe Elat, "The iron export from Uzal (Ezekiel 27:19)," Vetus Testamentum 33.3 (July 1983): 323-330.
Article in Journal or Book Stanley Gevirtz, ""Should a Ugaritic text be corrected on the basis of a biblical text" - a response," Vetus Testamentum 33.3 (July 1983): 330-334.
Article in Journal or Book Manfred Görg, "Ein architektonischer Fachausdruck in der Priesterschrift: zur Bedeutung von 'eden," Vetus Testamentum 33.3 (July 1983): 334-338.
Article in Journal or Book Robert P. Gordon, "Loricate locusts in the Targum to Nahum 3:17 and Revelation 9:9," Vetus Testamentum 33.3 (July 1983): 338-339.
Article in Journal or Book Othniel Margalith, "The meaning of plym in 1 Samuel 5-6," Vetus Testamentum 33.3 (July 1983): 339-341.
Article in Journal or Book Gerhard Pfeifer, "Unausweichliche Konsequenzen: Denkformenanalyse von Amos 3:3-8," Vetus Testamentum 33.3 (July 1983): 341-347.
Article in Journal or Book Harry D. Potter, "The new covenant in Jeremiah 31:31-34," Vetus Testamentum 33.3 (July 1983): 347-357.
Article in Journal or Book Gary A. Rendsburg, "Hebrew rhm = "rain"," Vetus Testamentum 33.3 (July 1983): 357-362.
Article in Journal or Book Daniel C. Snell, ""Taking souls" in Proverbs 11:30," Vetus Testamentum 33.3 (July 1983): 362-365.
Article in Journal or Book Athalya Brenner, "Naomi and Ruth," Vetus Testamentum 33.4 (Oct. 1983): 385-397.
Article in Journal or Book David J.A. Clines, "In search of the Indian Job," Vetus Testamentum 33.4 (Oct. 1983): 398-418.
Article in Journal or Book Scott L. Harris, "Wisdom or creation: a new interpretation of Job 28:27," Vetus Testamentum 33.4 (Oct. 1983): 419-427.
Article in Journal or Book J. Gerald Janzen, "Another look at yachalîpû koach in Isaiah 41:1," Vetus Testamentum 33.4 (Oct. 1983): 428-434.
Article in Journal or Book Arndt Meinhold, "Zu Aufbau und Mitte des Estherbuches," Vetus Testamentum 33.4 (Oct. 1983): 435-445.
Article in Journal or Book John W. Olley, "Notes on Isaiah 32:1, 45:19,23 and 63:1," Vetus Testamentum 33.4 (Oct. 1983): 446-453.
Article in Journal or Book Jean Louis Ska, "Exode 14 contient-il un récit de "guerre sainte" de style deutéronomistique," Vetus Testamentum 33.4 (Oct. 1983): 454-467.
Article in Journal or Book David Toshio Tsumura, "Literary insertion (AXB pattern) in Biblical Hebrew," Vetus Testamentum 33.4 (Oct. 1983): 468-482.
Article in Journal or Book Ronald E. Bee, "Statistics and source criticism," Vetus Testamentum 33.4 (Oct. 1983): 483-488.
Article in Journal or Book Bernhard Lang, "Die sieben Säulen der Weisheit (Sprüche 9:1) im Licht israelitischer Architektur," Vetus Testamentum 33.4 (Oct. 1983): 488-491.
Article in Journal or Book Othniel Margalith, "Keleb: homonym or metaphor?," Vetus Testamentum 33.4 (Oct. 1983): 491-495.
Article in Journal or Book Bernard Renaud, "Osée 2:2: lh mn h'rs: essai d'interprétation," Vetus Testamentum 33.4 (Oct. 1983): 495-500.
Article in Journal or Book Rösel N. Hartmut, "Uberlegungen zu "Abimelech und Sichem in Jdc 9"," Vetus Testamentum 33.4 (Oct. 1983): 500-503.
Article in Journal or Book Hans Seidel, "Untersuchungen zur Aufführungspraxis der Psalmen im altisraelitischen Gottesdienst," Vetus Testamentum 33.4 (Oct. 1983): 503-509.
Article in Journal or Book Stanley V. Udd, "More on the vocalization of ltn," Vetus Testamentum 33.4 (Oct. 1983): 509-510.
Article in Journal or Book Wilfred G.E. Watson, "A note on staircase parallelism," Vetus Testamentum 33.4 (Oct. 1983): 510-512.
Article in Journal or Book Elizabeth Wilkinson, "The hapax legomenon of Judges 4:18," Vetus Testamentum 33.4 (Oct. 1983): 512-513.

Volume 34 (1984)

Article in Journal or Book Alain Fournier-Bidoz, "L'arbre et la demeure: Siracide 24:10-17," Vetus Testamentum 34.1 (Jan. 1984): 1-10.
Article in Journal or Book Tikva Simone Frymer-Kensky [1943-2006], "The strange case of the suspected sotah (Numbers 5:11-31)," Vetus Testamentum 34.1 (Jan. 1984): 11-26.
Article in Journal or Book Graham S. Ogden, "Qoheleth 11:7-12:8: Qoheleth's summons to enjoyment and reflection," Vetus Testamentum 34.1 (Jan. 1984): 27-38.
Article in Journal or Book Anthony Phillips, "A fresh look at the Sinai pericope, pt 1," Vetus Testamentum 34.1 (Jan. 1984): 39-52.
Article in Journal or Book Isaac Rabinowitz, "'Az followed by imperfect verb-form in preterite contexts: a redactional device in Biblical Hebrew," Vetus Testamentum 34.1 (Jan. 1984): 53-62.
Article in Journal or Book John T. Willis, "The first pericope in the Book of Isaiah," Vetus Testamentum 34.1 (Jan. 1984): 63-77.
Article in Journal or Book Harold H.P. Dressler, "Reading and interpreting the Aqht text: a rejoinder to Drs J Day and B Margalit," Vetus Testamentum 34.1 (Jan. 1984): 78-82.
Article in Journal or Book Anthony Gelston, "A note on Psalm 74:8," Vetus Testamentum 34.1 (Jan. 1984): 82-87.
Article in Journal or Book Thomas Krapf, "Traditionsgeschichtliches zum deuteronomischen Fremdling-Waise-Witwe-Gebot," Vetus Testamentum 34.1 (Jan. 1984): 87-91.
Article in Journal or Book C.J. Labuschagne, "Additional remarks on the pattern of the divine speech formulas in the Pentateuch," Vetus Testamentum 34.1 (Jan. 1984): 91-95.
Article in Journal or Book André Lemaire, "La Haute Mésopotamie et l'origine des Benê Jacob," Vetus Testamentum 34.1 (Jan. 1984): 95-101.
Article in Journal or Book Othniel Margalith, "Mekerotehem (Genesis 49:5)," Vetus Testamentum 34.1 (Jan. 1984): 101-102.
Article in Journal or Book Alan R. Millard, "The etymology of Eden," Vetus Testamentum 34.1 (Jan. 1984): 103-106.
Article in Journal or Book Martin J. Mulder, "Ein Vorschlag zur Ubersetzung von Amos 3:6b," Vetus Testamentum 34.1 (Jan. 1984): 106-108.
Article in Journal or Book Shemuel Shaviv, "Nabî' and nagîd in 1 Samuel 9:1-10:16," Vetus Testamentum 34.1 (Jan. 1984): 108-113.
Article in Journal or Book Edgar W. Conrad, "The "fear not" oracles in Second Isaiah," Vetus Testamentum 34.2 (April 1984): 129-152.
Article in Journal or Book John Goldingay, "Diversity and unity in Old Testament theology," Vetus Testamentum 34.2 (April 1984): 153-168.
Article in Journal or Book Benedikt Isserlin, "Israelite architectural planning and the question of the level of secular learning in ancient Israel," Vetus Testamentum 34.2 (April 1984): 169-178.
Article in Journal or Book Samuel E. Loewenstamm, "Die Wasser der biblischen Sintflut: ihr Hereinbrechen und ihr Verschwinden," Vetus Testamentum 34.2 (April 1984): 179-194.
Article in Journal or Book David L. Petersen, "Zechariah's visions: a theological perspective," Vetus Testamentum 34.2 (April 1984): 195-206.
Article in Journal or Book Lloyd M. Barré, "Recovering the literary structure of Psalm 15," Vetus Testamentum 34.2 (April 1984): 207-211.
Article in Journal or Book James Arthur Diamond, "The deception of Jacob: a new perspective on an ancient solution to the problem," Vetus Testamentum 34.2 (April 1984): 211-213.
Article in Journal or Book Paul-Eugène Dion, "Un nouvel eclairage sur le contexte culturel des malheurs de Job," Vetus Testamentum 34.2 (April 1984): 213-215.
Article in Journal or Book Harold H.P. Dressler, "The evidence of the Ugaritic tablet CTA 19 (KTU 1 19): a reconsideration of the Kinnereth hypothesis," Vetus Testamentum 34.2 (April 1984): 216-221.
Article in Journal or Book Lyle M. Eslinger, "More drafting techniques in Deuteronomic laws," Vetus Testamentum 34.2 (April 1984): 221-226.
Article in Journal or Book C. Houtman, "Another look at forbidden mixtures," Vetus Testamentum 34.2 (April 1984): 226-228.
Article in Journal or Book Othniel Margalith, "The kelabim of Ahab," Vetus Testamentum 34.2 (April 1984): 228-232.
Article in Journal or Book Stefan C. Reif, "Ibn Ezra on Psalm 1:1-2," Vetus Testamentum 34.2 (April 1984): 232-236.
Article in Journal or Book Hedwige Rouillard, "Les feintes questions divines dans la Bible," Vetus Testamentum 34.2 (April 1984): 237-241.
Article in Journal or Book Wilfred G.E. Watson, "Reflexes of Akkadian incantations in Hosea," Vetus Testamentum 34.2 (April 1984): 242-247.
Article in Journal or Book Emile Puech, ""La crainte d'Isaac" en Genèse 31:42 et 53," Vetus Testamentum 34.3 (July 1984): 356-361.
Article in Journal or Book Gary A. Rendsburg, "Notes on Genesis 35," Vetus Testamentum 34.3 (July 1984): 361-366.
Article in Journal or Book David M. Stec, "The Targum rendering of wyg'h in Job 10:16," Vetus Testamentum 34.3 (July 1984): 367-369.
Article in Journal or Book Pierre Auffret, "Essai sur la structure littéraire du Psaume 8," Vetus Testamentum 34.3 (July 1984): 257-269.
Article in Journal or Book André Lemaire, "Sagesse et écoles," Vetus Testamentum 34.3 (July 1984): 270-281.
Article in Journal or Book Anthony Phillips, "A fresh look at the Sinai pericope, pt 2," Vetus Testamentum 34.3 (July 1984): 282-294.
Article in Journal or Book Rolf Rendtorff, "Zur Komposition des Buches Jesaja," Vetus Testamentum 34.3 (July 1984): 295-320.
Article in Journal or Book John J. Scullion, "Märchen, Sage, Legende: towards a clarification of some literary terms used by Old Testament scholars," Vetus Testamentum 34.3 (July 1984): 321-336.
Article in Journal or Book Gerald H. Wilson, "Evidence of editorial division in the Hebrew Psalter," Vetus Testamentum 34.3 (July 1984): 336-352.
Article in Journal or Book B.A. Mastin, "Waw explicativum in 2 Kings 8:9," Vetus Testamentum 34.3 (July 1984): 353-355.
Article in Journal or Book Giuseppe Bettenzoli, "Deuteronomium und Heiligkeitsgesetz," Vetus Testamentum 34.4 (Oct. 1984): 385-398.
Article in Journal or Book Philip R. Davies & David M. Gunn, "Pentateuchal patterns: an examination of C J Labuschagne's theory," Vetus Testamentum 34.4 (Oct. 1984): 399-406.
Article in Journal or Book C.J. Labuschagne, "Pentateuchal patterns: a reply to P R Davies and D M Gunn," Vetus Testamentum 34.4 (Oct. 1984): 407-413.
Article in Journal or Book Gregorio del Olmo Lete, "David's farewell oracle (2 Samuel 23:1-7): a literary analysis," Vetus Testamentum 34.4 (Oct. 1984): 414-438.
Article in Journal or Book Terry L. Fenton, ""One place", Maqôm 'echad, in Genesis 1:9: read miqwîm, "gatherings"," Vetus Testamentum 34.4 (Oct. 1984): 438-445.
Article in Journal or Book Graham S. Ogden, "The mathematics of wisdom: Qoheleth 4:1-12," Vetus Testamentum 34.4 (Oct. 1984): 446-453.
Article in Journal or Book Stanislav Segert, "Paronomasia in the Samson narrative in Judges 13-16," Vetus Testamentum 34.4 (Oct. 1984): 454-461.
Article in Journal or Book Knud Jeppesen, "Micah 5:13 in the light of a recent archaeological discovery," Vetus Testamentum 34.4 (Oct. 1984): 462-466.
Article in Journal or Book Ernst Axel Knauf, "Yahweh," Vetus Testamentum 34.4 (Oct. 1984): 467-472.
Article in Journal or Book Patrick D. Miller, "Syntax and theology in Genesis 12:3a," Vetus Testamentum 34.4 (Oct. 1984): 472-476.
Article in Journal or Book Gerhard Pfeifer, "Die Denkform des Propheten Amos (3:9-11)," Vetus Testamentum 34.4 (Oct. 1984): 476-481.
Article in Journal or Book Segert, Stanislav, "A controlling device for copying stereotype passages (Amos 1:3-2:8, 6:1-6)," Vetus Testamentum 34.4 (Oct. 1984): 481-482.
Article in Journal or Book P. Bernard Wodecki, "Slch dans le livre d'Isaïe," Vetus Testamentum 34.4 (Oct. 1984): 482-488.

Volume 35 (1985)

Article in Journal or Book Félix García López, "Election - vocation d'Israël et de Jérémie: Deutéronome 7 et Jérémie 1," Vetus Testamentum 35.1 (Jan. 1985): 1-12.
Article in Journal or Book William Horbury, "Extirpation and excommunication," Vetus Testamentum 35.1 (Jan. 1985): 13-38.
Article in Journal or Book Siegfried Kreuzer, "Zur Bedeutung und Etymologie von histachawah/ystchwy," Vetus Testamentum 35.1 (Jan. 1985): 39-60.
Article in Journal or Book Jon D. Levenson, "A technical meaning for nm in the Hebrew Bible," Vetus Testamentum 35.1 (Jan. 1985): 61-67.
Article in Journal or Book Andrew Alexander Macintosh, "The meaning of mklym in Judges 18:7," Vetus Testamentum 35.1 (Jan. 1985): 68-77.
Article in Journal or Book Christopher R. Seitz, "The crisis of interpretation over the meaning and purpose of the exile: a redactional study of Jeremiah 21-43," Vetus Testamentum 35.1 (Jan. 1985): 78-97.
Article in Journal or Book Norman M. Bronznick, "More on hlk'l," Vetus Testamentum 35.1 (Jan. 1985): 98-99.
Article in Journal or Book Anthony R. Ceresko, "The ABCs of wisdom in Psalm 34," Vetus Testamentum 35.1 (Jan. 1985): 99-104.
Article in Journal or Book M. Dijkstraeindert, "KTU 1:6 (=CTA 6) III 1 ff and the so-called Zeichenbeweis (proof by a token)," Vetus Testamentum 35.1 (Jan. 1985): 105-109.
Article in Journal or Book A. Kuyt & J.W. Wesselius, "A Ugaritic parallel for the feast for Baal in 2 Kings 10:8-25," Vetus Testamentum 35.1 (Jan. 1985): 109-111.
Article in Journal or Book Dennis Pardee, "Marîm in Numbers 5," Vetus Testamentum 35.1 (Jan. 1985): 112-115.
Article in Journal or Book Matitiahu Tsevat, "Psalm 90:5-6," Vetus Testamentum 35.1 (Jan. 1985): 115-117.
Article in Journal or Book Jacob Bazak, "The geometric-figurative structure of Psalm 136," Vetus Testamentum 35.2 (April 1985): 129-138.
Article in Journal or Book Heinz Kruse, "David's covenant," Vetus Testamentum 35.2 (April 1985): 139-164.
Article in Journal or Book Christoph Levin, "Der Dekalog am Sinai," Vetus Testamentum 35.2 (April 1985): 165-191.
Article in Journal or Book Meir Malul, "More on pachad yitschaq (Genesis 31:42,53) and the oath by the thigh," Vetus Testamentum 35.2 (April 1985): 192-200.
Article in Journal or Book Kirsten Nielsen [1943- ], "Le choix contre le droit dans le livre de Ruth: de l'aire de battage au tribunal," Vetus Testamentum 35.2 (April 1985): 201-212.
Article in Journal or Book David P. Wright, "Purification from corpse-contamination in Numbers 31:19-24," Vetus Testamentum 35.2 (April 1985): 213-223.
Article in Journal or Book Othniel Margalith, "Samson's foxes," Vetus Testamentum 35.2 (April 1985): 224-229.
Article in Journal or Book Judah J. Slotki, "Job 11:6," Vetus Testamentum 35.2 (April 1985): 229-230.
Article in Journal or Book Marshall D. Johnson, "The paralysis of Torah in Habakkuk 1:4," Vetus Testamentum 35.3 (July 1985): 257-266.
Article in Journal or Book H. Kleinans, "Der Beweis der Einzigkeit Jahwes bei Deuterojesaja," Vetus Testamentum 35.3 (July 1985): 267-273.
Article in Journal or Book Eckart Otto, "Die Theologie des Buches Habakuk," Vetus Testamentum 35.3 (July 1985): 274-295.
Article in Journal or Book Albert Pietersma, "Septuagint research: a plea for a return to basic issues," Vetus Testamentum 35.3 (July 1985): 296-311.
Article in Journal or Book Ulrich Schröter, "Jeremias Botschaft für das Nordreich, zu N Lohfinks Uberlegungen zum Grundbestand von Jeremia 30-31," Vetus Testamentum 35.3 (July 1985): 312-329.
Article in Journal or Book James M. Scott, "A new approach to Habakkuk 2:4-5a," Vetus Testamentum 35.3 (July 1985): 330-340.
Article in Journal or Book Michael Weitzman [1946-1998], "The Peshitta Psalter and its Hebrew Vorlage," Vetus Testamentum 35.3 (July 1985): 341-354.
Article in Journal or Book W. Boyd Barrick, "Elisha and the magic bow: a note on 2 Kings 13:15-17," Vetus Testamentum 35.3 (July 1985): 355-363.
Article in Journal or Book Manfred Görg, "Ein "Machtzeichen" Davids 1 könige 11:36," Vetus Testamentum 35.3 (July 1985): 363-368.
Article in Journal or Book Jacob Milgrom, "On the suspected adulteress (Numbers 5:11-31)," Vetus Testamentum 35.3 (July 1985): 368-369.
Article in Journal or Book Donald G. Schley, ""Yahweh will cause you to return to Egypt in ships" (Deuteronomy 28:68)," Vetus Testamentum 35.3 (July 1985): 369-372.
Article in Journal or Book Frederick H. Cryer, "David's rise to power and the death of Abner: an analysis of 1 Samuel 26:14-16 and its redaction-critical implications," Vetus Testamentum 35.4 (Oct. 1985): 385-394.
Article in Journal or Book Diana Edelman, "The meaning of qitter," Vetus Testamentum 35.4 (Oct. 1985): 395-404.
Article in Journal or Book Burke O. Long, "Historical narrative and the fictionalizing imagination," Vetus Testamentum 35.4 (Oct. 1985): 405-416.
Article in Journal or Book E.J. Revell, "The battle with Benjamin (Judges 20:29-48) and Hebrew narrative techniques," Vetus Testamentum 35.4 (Oct. 1985): 417-433.
Article in Journal or Book Alexander Rofé, "The monotheistic argumentation in Deuteronomy 4:32-40: contents, composition and text." Vetus Testamentum 35.4 (Oct. 1985): 434-445.
Article in Journal or Book D.W. Van Winkle, "The relationship of the nations to Yahweh and to Israel in Isaiah 40-55," Vetus Testamentum 35.4 (Oct. 1985): 446-458.
Article in Journal or Book Gary R. Williams, "Frustrated expectations in Isaiah 5:1-7: a literary interpretation," Vetus Testamentum 35.4 (Oct. 1985): 459-465.
Article in Journal or Book Sebastian P. Brock, "Peshitta Institute communication 18: 7th suppl to List of OT Peshitta Manuscripts, 1961; private collection: A C Dartley," Vetus Testamentum 35.4 (Oct. 1985): 466-467.
Article in Journal or Book Peter B. Dirksen, "Peshitta Institute communication 19: east and west, old and young, in the text tradition of the Old Testament Peshitta," Vetus Testamentum 35.4 (Oct. 1985): 468-484.
Article in Journal or Book Gilbert Brunet, "L'hébreu kèlèb," Vetus Testamentum 35.4 (Oct. 1985): 485-488.
Article in Journal or Book Gershon Galil, "The sons of Judah and the sons of Aaron in biblical historiography," Vetus Testamentum 35.4 (Oct. 1985): 488-495.
Article in Journal or Book Robert P. Gordon, "The gladius hispaniensis and Aramaic 'ispanîqê," Vetus Testamentum 35.4 (Oct. 1985): 496-500.
Article in Journal or Book André Lemaire, "A propos de pahad dans l'onomastique ouest-sémitique," Vetus Testamentum 35.4 (Oct. 1985): 500-501.

Volume 36 (1986)

Article in Journal or Book John Day [1948- ], "Pre-Deuteronomic allusions to the covenant in Hosea and Psalm 78," Vetus Testamentum 36.1 (Jan. 1986): 1-12.
Article in Journal or Book Friedemann W. Golka, "Die Königs- und Hofsprüche und der Ursprung der israelitischen Weisheit," Vetus Testamentum 36.1 (Jan. 1986): 13-36.
Article in Journal or Book William Horbury, "Ezekiel Tragicus 106: doremata," Vetus Testamentum 36.1 (Jan. 1986): 37-51.
Article in Journal or Book Jack R. Lundbom, "Contentious priests and contentious people in Hosea 4:1-10," Vetus Testamentum 36.1 (Jan. 1986): 52-70.
Article in Journal or Book Nadav Naaman, "Historical and chronological notes on the kingdoms of Israel and Judah in the 8th century BC," Vetus Testamentum 36.1 (Jan. 1986): 71-92.
Article in Journal or Book Klaus Seybold, "Der "Löwe" von Jeremia 12:8: Bemerkungen zu einem prophetischen Gedicht," Vetus Testamentum 36.1 (Jan. 1986): 93-104.
Article in Journal or Book Raymond C. Van Leeuwen, "Proverbs 25:27 once again," Vetus Testamentum 36.1 (Jan. 1986): 105-114.
Article in Journal or Book Alfred Felix Landon Beeston [1911-1995], "One flesh," Vetus Testamentum 36.1 (Jan. 1986): 115-117.
Article in Journal or Book Thijs Booij, "Royal words in Psalm 84:11," Vetus Testamentum 36.1 (Jan. 1986): 117-121.
Article in Journal or Book John B. Geyer, "Mythology and culture in the oracles against the nations," Vetus Testamentum 36.2 (April 1986): 129-145.
Article in Journal or Book C.J. Labuschagne, "Neue Wege und Perspektiven in der Pentateuchforschung," Vetus Testamentum 36.2 (April 1986): 146-162.
Article in Journal or Book Daniel Lys, "L'arrière-plan et les connotations vétérotestamentaires de sarx et de soma:.
étude préliminaire," Vetus Testamentum 36.2 (April 1986): 163-204.
Article in Journal or Book J. Gordon McConville, "Ezra-Nehemiah and the fulfillment of prophecy," Vetus Testamentum 36.2 (April 1986): 205-224.
Article in Journal or Book Othniel Margalith, "Samson's riddle and Samson's magic locks," Vetus Testamentum 36.2 (April 1986): 225-234.
Article in Journal or Book P.S. van Koningsveld, "The Monastery of Bâqûqâ in Iraq and an old owner's entry in MS Syr 341 of the Bibliothèque Natîonale in Paris," Vetus Testamentum 36.2 (April 1986): 235-240.
Article in Journal or Book Gary T. Burke, "Celsus and the Old Testament," Vetus Testamentum 36.2 (April 1986): 241-245.
Article in Journal or Book Klaas A.D. Smelik, "The meaning of Amos 5:18-20," Vetus Testamentum 36.2 (April 1986): 246-248.
Article in Journal or Book Karel van der Toorn, "Judges 16:21 in the light of the Akkadian sources," Vetus Testamentum 36.2 (April 1986): 248-253.
Article in Journal or Book Athalya Brenner, "Female social behaviour: two descriptive patterns within the "birth of the hero" paradigm," Vetus Testamentum 36.3 (July 1986): 257-273.
Article in Journal or Book James L. Crenshaw, "The expression mî yôdea in the Hebrew bible," Vetus Testamentum 36.3 (July 1986): 274-288.
Article in Journal or Book Donald V. Etz, "Is Isaiah 14:12-15 a reference to Comet Halley," Vetus Testamentum 36.3 (July 1986): 289-301.
Article in Journal or Book Michael V. Fox, "Egyptian onomastica and biblical wisdom," Vetus Testamentum 36.3 (July 1986): 302-310.
Article in Journal or Book Steven L. McKenzie, "The Jacob tradition in Hosea 12:4-5," Vetus Testamentum 36.3 (July 1986): 311-322.
Article in Journal or Book Odil Hannes Steck, "Der Rachetag in Jesaja 61:2: ein Kapitel redaktionsgeschichtlicher Kleinarbeit," Vetus Testamentum 36.3 (July 1986): 323-338.
Article in Journal or Book Christopher T. Begg, "The reading at 2 Kings 20:13," Vetus Testamentum 36.3 (July 1986): 339-341.
Article in Journal or Book Eryl W. Davies, "The meaning of pî senayim in Deuteronomy 21:17," Vetus Testamentum 36.3 (July 1986): 341-347.
Article in Journal or Book C. Houtmanornelis, "On the meaning of ûbaesîm ûba'abanîm in Exodus 7:19," Vetus Testamentum 36.3 (July 1986): 347-352.
Article in Journal or Book Dennis H. Livingston, "The crime of Leviticus 24:11," Vetus Testamentum 36.3 (July 1986): 352-354.
Article in Journal or Book John D. Ray, "Two etymologies: Ziklag and Phicol," Vetus Testamentum 36.3 (July 1986): 355-361.
Article in Journal or Book Nicolas Wyatt, "The significance of the burning bush," Vetus Testamentum 36.3 (July 1986): 361-365.
Article in Journal or Book Lawrence Zaleman, "Ambiguity and assonance at Zephaniah 2:4," Vetus Testamentum 36.3 (July 1986): 365-371.
Article in Journal or Book Frederick E. Greenspahn, "The theology of the framework of Judges," Vetus Testamentum 36.4 (Oct. 1986): 385-396.
Article in Journal or Book Othniel Margalith, "More Samson legends," Vetus Testamentum 36.4 (Oct. 1986): 397-405.
Article in Journal or Book William S. Morrow & Ernest G. Clarke, "The ketib/qere in the Aramaic portions of Ezra and Daniel," Vetus Testamentum 36.4 (Oct. 1986): 406-422.
Article in Journal or Book Hans-Peter Müller, "Aramaisierende Bildungen bei Verba mediae geminatae - ein Irrtum der Hebraistik," Vetus Testamentum 36.4 (Oct. 1986): 423-437.
Article in Journal or Book Gary A. Rendsburg, "David and his circle in Genesis 38," Vetus Testamentum 36.4 (Oct. 1986): 438-446.
Article in Journal or Book Bernard P. Robinson, "Zipporah to the rescue: a contextual study of Exodus 4:24-6," Vetus Testamentum 36.4 (Oct. 1986): 447-461.
Article in Journal or Book Jean Pierre Sternberger, "Un oracle royale à la source d'un ajout rédactionnel aux "confessions" de Jérémie," Vetus Testamentum 36.4 (Oct. 1986): 462-473.
Article in Journal or Book Jean-Marc Babut, "Que son sang soit sur sa tête," Vetus Testamentum 36.4 (Oct. 1986): 474-480.
Article in Journal or Book Daniel Grossberg, "Pivotal polysemy in Jeremiah 25:10-11," Vetus Testamentum 36.4 (Oct. 1986): 481-485.
Article in Journal or Book Baruch Margalit, "Hrsm in KTU 1,19,IV,60 (=CTA 19,222): a suggested reading emendation," Vetus Testamentum 36.4 (Oct. 1986): 485-489.
Article in Journal or Book Claus Schedl, "Die alphabetisch-arithmetische Struktur von Psalm 136," Vetus Testamentum 36.4 (Oct. 1986): 489-494.

Volume 37 (1987)

Article in Journal or Book Christopher T. Begg, "The death of Josiah in Chronicles: another view," Vetus Testamentum 37.1 (Jan. 1987): 1-8.
Article in Journal or Book H.G.M. Williamson, "Reliving the death of Josiah: a reply to C T Begg," Vetus Testamentum 37.1 (Jan. 1987): 9-15.
Article in Journal or Book Thijs Booij, "Some observations on Psalm 87," Vetus Testamentum 37.1 (Jan. 1987): 16-25.
Article in Journal or Book Volkmar Fritz, "Die Fremdvölkersprüche des Amos," Vetus Testamentum 37.1 (Jan. 1987): 26-38.
Article in Journal or Book Robert P. Gordon, "Saul's meningitis according to Targum 1 Samuel 19:24," Vetus Testamentum 37.1 (Jan. 1987): 39-49.
Article in Journal or Book Judith M. Hadley, "The Khirbet el-Qom inscription," Vetus Testamentum 37.1 (Jan. 1987): 50-62.
Article in Journal or Book Othniel Margalith, "The legends of Samson/Heracles," Vetus Testamentum 37.1 (Jan. 1987): 63-70.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph M. Baumgarten, "The calendars of the Book of Jubilees and the Temple Scroll," Vetus Testamentum 37.1 (Jan. 1987): 71-78.
Article in Journal or Book Christopher T. Begg, "The covenantal dove in Psalm 74:19-20," Vetus Testamentum 37.1 (Jan. 1987): 78-81.
Article in Journal or Book Christoph Dohmen, "Dekalogexegese und kanonische Literatur: zu einem fragwürdigen Beitrag C. Levins," Vetus Testamentum 37.1 (Jan. 1987): 81-85.
Article in Journal or Book Lyle M. Eslinger, "Watering Egypt (Deuteronomy 11:10-11)," Vetus Testamentum 37.1 (Jan. 1987): 85-90.
Article in Journal or Book Diether Kellerman, "Frevelstricke und Wagenseil: Bemerkungen zu Jesaja 5:18," Vetus Testamentum 37.1 (Jan. 1987): 90-97.
Article in Journal or Book Mark S. Smith, "Jeremiah 9:9 - a divine lament," Vetus Testamentum 37.1 (Jan. 1987): 97-99.
Article in Journal or Book Alfred Marx, "A propos de Nombres 24:19b," Vetus Testamentum 37.1 (Jan. 1987): 100-104.
Article in Journal or Book Timothy M. Willis, "A fresh look at Psalm 23:3a," Vetus Testamentum 37.1 (Jan. 1987): 104-106.
Article in Journal or Book W. Randall Garr, "Pretonic vowels in Hebrew," Vetus Testamentum 37.2 (April 1987): 129-153.
Article in Journal or Book Stanley Gevirtz, "Asher in the blessing of Jacob (Genesis 49:20)," Vetus Testamentum 37.2 (April 1987): 154-163.
Article in Journal or Book J.B. Geyer, "Twisting Tiamat's tail: a mythological interpretation of Isaiah 13:5 and 8," Vetus Testamentum 37.2 (April 1987): 164-179.
Article in Journal or Book Judith M. Hadley, "Some drawings and inscriptions on two pithoi from Kuntillet 'Ajrud," Vetus Testamentum 37.2 (April 1987): 180-213.
Article in Journal or Book John A. Emerton, "Sheol and the sons of Belial," Vetus Testamentum 37.2 (April 1987): 214-218.
Article in Journal or Book Jesper Hogenhaven, "On the structure and meaning of Isaiah 8:23b," Vetus Testamentum 37.2 (April 1987): 218-221.
Article in Journal or Book Samuel E. Loewenstamm, "Remarks on Proverbs 17:12 and 20:27," Vetus Testamentum 37.2 (April 1987): 221-224.
Article in Journal or Book Michael Patrick O'Connor, "The poetic inscription from Khirbet el-Qôm," Vetus Testamentum 37.2 (April 1987): 224-230.
Article in Journal or Book William Henry Propp, "On Hebrew sade(h), "highland"," Vetus Testamentum 37.2 (April 1987): 230-236.
Article in Journal or Book Daniel I. Block, "Gog and the pouring out of the Spirit: reflections on Ezekiel 39:21-29," Vetus Testamentum 37.3 (July 1987): 257-270.
Article in Journal or Book Katheryn Pfisterer Darr, "The wall around paradise: Ezekielian ideas about the future," Vetus Testamentum 37.3 (July 1987): 271-279.
Article in Journal or Book J. Gerald Janzen, "On the most important word in the Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4-5)," Vetus Testamentum 37.3 (July 1987): 280-300.
Article in Journal or Book M. Masson, "Sepirâ (Ezéchiel 7:10)," Vetus Testamentum 37.3 (July 1987): 301-311.
Article in Journal or Book Frank Matheus, "Jesaja 44:9-20: das Spottgedicht gegen die Götzen und seine Stellung im Kontext," Vetus Testamentum 37.3 (July 1987): 312-326.
Article in Journal or Book Gerhard Pfeifer, ""Ich bin in tiefe Wasser geraten, und die Flut will mich ersäufen" (Psalm 69:3) - Anregungen zur Aufarbeitung Sekundärliteratur," Vetus Testamentum 37.3 (July 1987): 327-339.
Article in Journal or Book Hedwige Rouillard & Josef Tropper, "trpym, rituels de guérison et culte des ancêtres d'après 1 Samuel 19:11-17 et les textes parallèles d'Assur et de Nuzi," Vetus Testamentum 37.3 (July 1987): 340-361.
Article in Journal or Book John Barclay Burns, "The identity of death's first-born (Job 18:13)," Vetus Testamentum 37.3 (July 1987): 362-364.
Article in Journal or Book Mayer I. Gruber, "Hebrew da'abôn nepes "dryness of throat": from symptom to literary convention," Vetus Testamentum 37.3 (July 1987): 365-369.
Article in Journal or Book Steven W. Holloway, "Distaff, crutch or chain gang: the curse of the house of Joab in 2 Samuel 3:29," Vetus Testamentum 37.3 (July 1987): 370-375.
Article in Journal or Book C.H. Knights, "The text of 1 Chronicles 4:12: a reappraisal," Vetus Testamentum 37.3 (July 1987): 375-377.
Article in Journal or Book Yairah Amit, "The dual causality principle and its effects on biblical literature," Vetus Testamentum 37.4 (Oct. 1987): 385-400.
Article in Journal or Book John A. Emerton, "An examination of some attempts to defend the unity of the flood narrative in Genesis, pt 1," Vetus Testamentum 37.4 (Oct. 1987): 401-420.
Article in Journal or Book Stephen Garfinkel, "Of thistles and thorns: a new approach to Ezekiel 2:6," Vetus Testamentum 37.4 (Oct. 1987): 421-437.
Article in Journal or Book Zecharia Kallai, "The southern border of the land of Israel - pattern and application," Vetus Testamentum 37.4 (Oct. 1987): 438-445.
Article in Journal or Book Klaus Koch, "P - kein Redaktor: Erinnerung an zwei Eckdaten der Quellenscheidung," Vetus Testamentum 37.4 (Oct. 1987): 446-467.
Article in Journal or Book Arndt Meinhold, "Gott und Mensch in Proverbien 3," Vetus Testamentum 37.4 (Oct. 1987): 468-477.
Article in Journal or Book David M. Stec, "The use of hen in conditional sentences," Vetus Testamentum 37.4 (Oct. 1987): 478-486.
Article in Journal or Book Robert Gordis, "A rising tide of misery: a note on a note on Zephaniah 2:4," Vetus Testamentum 37.4 (Oct. 1987): 487-490.
Article in Journal or Book Howard Jacobson, "Polyphemus in an Armenian apocryphal work," Vetus Testamentum 37.4 (Oct. 1987): 490-491.
Article in Journal or Book Meir Malul, "Touching the sexual organs as an oath ceremony in an Akkadian letter," Vetus Testamentum 37.4 (Oct. 1987): 491-492.

Volume 38 (1988)

Article in Journal or Book John A. Emerton, "An examination of some attempts to defend the unity of the flood narrative in Genesis, pt 2," Vetus Testamentum 38.1 (Jan. 1988): 1-21.
Article in Journal or Book Bernard Gosse, "Le recueil d'oracles contre les nations du livre d'Amos et l'Histoire.
Deuteronomique," Vetus Testamentum 38.1 (Jan. 1988): 22-40.
Article in Journal or Book Avi Hurvitz, "Wisdom vocabulary in the Hebrew Psalter: a contribution to the study of "Wisdom Psalms"," Vetus Testamentum 38.1 (Jan. 1988): 41-51.
Article in Journal or Book Nancy Jay, "Sacrifice, descent and the patriarchs," Vetus Testamentum 38.1 (Jan. 1988): 52-70.
Article in Journal or Book Nadav Naaman, "The list of David's officers (salisim)," Vetus Testamentum 38.1 (Jan. 1988): 71-79.
Article in Journal or Book Robert Ratner, "Does a t- preformative third person masculine plural verbal form exist in biblical Hebrew," Vetus Testamentum 38.1 (Jan. 1988): 80-88.
Article in Journal or Book Alexander Rofé, "The vineyard of Naboth: the origin and message of the story," Vetus Testamentum 38.1 (Jan. 1988): 89-104.
Article in Journal or Book Jonathan D. Safren, "Balaam and Abraham," Vetus Testamentum 38.1 (Jan. 1988): 105-113.
Article in Journal or Book Baruch Rosen, "Early Israelite cultic centres in the hill country," Vetus Testamentum 38.1 (Jan. 1988): 114-117.
Article in Journal or Book Nicolas Wyatt, "When Adam delved: the meaning of Genesis 3:23," Vetus Testamentum 38.1 (Jan. 1988): 117-122.
Article in Journal or Book Craig A. Evans, "On the unity and parallel structure of Isaiah," Vetus Testamentum 38.2 (April 1988): 129-147.
Article in Journal or Book Shelomo Morag, "Qumran Hebrew: some typological observations," Vetus Testamentum 38.2 (April 1988): 148-164.
Article in Journal or Book David Talshir, "A reinvestigation of the linguistic relationship between Chronicles and Ezra-Nehemiah," Vetus Testamentum 38.2 (April 1988): 165-193.
Article in Journal or Book J.W. Wesselius, "Language and style in biblical Aramaic: observations on the unity of Daniel 2-6," Vetus Testamentum 38.2 (April 1988): 194-209.
Article in Journal or Book Thijs Booij, "The Hebrew text of Psalm 92:11," Vetus Testamentum 38.2 (April 1988): 210-214.
Article in Journal or Book André Caquot [1923-2004], "Psaume 72:16," Vetus Testamentum 38.2 (April 1988): 214-220.
Article in Journal or Book André Lemaire, "Recherches actuelles sur les sceaux nordouest sémitiques," Vetus Testamentum 38.2 (April 1988): 220-230.
Article in Journal or Book Gerhard Pfeifer, "Die Fremdvölkersprüche des Amos - spätere vaticinia ex eventu," Vetus Testamentum 38.2 (April 1988): 230-233.
Article in Journal or Book David Toshio Tsumura, ""Inserted bicolon", the AXYB pattern, in Amos 1:5 and Psalm 9:7," Vetus Testamentum 38.2 (April 1988): 234-236.
Article in Journal or Book Pierre Auffret, "Essai sur la structure littéraire du Psaume 32," Vetus Testamentum 38.3 (July 1988): 257-285.
Article in Journal or Book Mordechai Cogan, "For we, like you, worship your God: three biblical portrayals of Samaritan origins," Vetus Testamentum 38.3 (July 1988): 286-292.
Article in Journal or Book Robert L. Hubbard, "Ruth 4:17: a new solution," Vetus Testamentum 38.3 (July 1988): 293-301.
Article in Journal or Book R.W.L. Moberly, "The earliest commentary on the akedah," Vetus Testamentum 38.3 (July 1988): 302-323.
Article in Journal or Book Moshe Weinfeld, "Historic facts behind the Israelite settlement pattern," Vetus Testamentum 38.3 (July 1988): 324-332.
Article in Journal or Book Jacob Bazak, "Numerical devices in biblical poetry," Vetus Testamentum 38.3 (July 1988): 333-337.
Article in Journal or Book T.J. Finley, ""The apple of his eye" (babat ênô) in Zechariah 2:12," Vetus Testamentum 38.3 (July 1988): 337-338.
Article in Journal or Book Timothy H. Lim, ""Nevertheless these were men of piety" (Ben Sira 44:10)," Vetus Testamentum 38.3 (July 1988): 338-341.
Article in Journal or Book B.A. Mastin, "The reading of 1QDanua at Daniel 2:4," Vetus Testamentum 38.3 (July 1988): 341-346.
Article in Journal or Book George G. Nicol, "Watering Egypt (Deuteronomy 11:10-11) again," Vetus Testamentum 38.3 (July 1988): 347-348.
Article in Journal or Book David J. Reimer, "A problem in the Hebrew text of Jeremiah 10:13,51:16," Vetus Testamentum 38.3 (July 1988): 348-354.
Article in Journal or Book Gary A. Rendsburg, "Bilingual wordplay in the Bible," Vetus Testamentum 38.3 (July 1988): 354-357.
Article in Journal or Book Mark S. Smith, "The structure of Psalm 87," Vetus Testamentum 38.3 (July 1988): 357-358.
Article in Journal or Book David Tashir, "The references to Ezra and the books of Chronicles in B Baba Bathra 15a," Vetus Testamentum 38.3 (July 1988): 358-360.
Article in Journal or Book David Toshio Tsumura, "Tohû in Isaiah 45:19," Vetus Testamentum 38.3 (July 1988): 361-364.
Article in Journal or Book Adri J.O. van der Wal, "The structure of Psalm 129," Vetus Testamentum 38.3 (July 1988): 364-367.
Article in Journal or Book Moshé Anbar, "La "reprise"," Vetus Testamentum 38.4 (Oct. 1988): 385-398.
Article in Journal or Book E.M. Laperrousaz, "La discontinuité (seam, straight joint) visible près de l'extrémité sud du mur oriental du Haram esh-Shérif," Vetus Testamentum 38.4 (Oct. 1988): 399-406.
Article in Journal or Book Robert H. O'Connell, "Isaiah 14:4b-23: ironic reversal through concentric structure and mythic allusion," Vetus Testamentum 38.4 (Oct. 1988): 406-418.
Article in Journal or Book E.J. Revell, "First person imperfect forms with waw consecutive," Vetus Testamentum 38.4 (Oct. 1988): 419-426.
Article in Journal or Book Karel van der Toorn, "Ordeal procedures in the Psalms and the Passover meal," Vetus Testamentum 38.4 (Oct. 1988): 427-445.
Article in Journal or Book Albert M. Wolters, "Proverbs 31:10-31 as heroic hymn: a form-critical analysis," Vetus Testamentum 38.4 (Oct. 1988): 446-457.
Article in Journal or Book Thijs Booij, "Psalm 101:2 - "when wilt thou come to me?"," Vetus Testamentum 38.4 (Oct. 1988): 458-462.
Article in Journal or Book Gershon Brin, "The significance of the form mah-ttôb," Vetus Testamentum 38.4 (Oct. 1988): 462-465.
Article in Journal or Book Amos Frisch, "Shemaiah the Prophet versus King Rehoboam: two opposed interpretations of the schism (1 Kings 12:21-4)," Vetus Testamentum 38.4 (Oct. 1988): 466-468.
Article in Journal or Book Klaus Koenen, "Wer sieht wen: Zur Textgeschichte von Genesis 16:13," Vetus Testamentum 38.4 (Oct. 1988): 468-474.
Article in Journal or Book Joost Smit Sibinga, "Some observations on the composition of Psalm 47," Vetus Testamentum 38.4 (Oct. 1988): 474-480.
Article in Journal or Book Adri J.O. van der Wal, "lo'namut in Habakkuk 1:12: a suggestion," Vetus Testamentum 38.4 (Oct. 1988): 480-483.
Article in Journal or Book Ran Zadok, "A note on sn'h," Vetus Testamentum 38.4 (Oct. 1988): 483-486.

Volume 39 (1989)

Article in Journal or Book Steven E. Fassberg, "The origin of the ketib/qere in the Aramaic portions of Ezra and Daniel," Vetus Testamentum 39.1 (Jan. 1989): 1-12.
Article in Journal or Book Rainer Kessler, "Die angeblichen Kornhändler von Amos 8:4-7," Vetus Testamentum 39.1 (Jan. 1989): 13-22.
Article in Journal or Book Barnabas Lindars, "The structure of Psalm 145," Vetus Testamentum 39.1 (Jan. 1989): 23-30.
Article in Journal or Book D.W. Van Winkle, "1 Kings 13: true and false prophecy," Vetus Testamentum 39.1 (Jan. 1989): 31-43.
Article in Journal or Book Wilfred G.E. Watson, "Internal or half-line parallelism in classical Hebrew again," Vetus Testamentum 39.1 (Jan. 1989): 44-66.
Article in Journal or Book Leslie C. Allen, "The rejected sceptre in Ezekiel 21:15b,18a," Vetus Testamentum 39.1 (Jan. 1989): 67-71.
Article in Journal or Book David A. Diewert, "Job 36:5 and the root Mu'S II," Vetus Testamentum 39.1 (Jan. 1989): 71-77.
Article in Journal or Book Robert P. Gordon, "Targumic DY (Zechariah 14:6) and the not so common "cold"," Vetus Testamentum 39.1 (Jan. 1989): 77-81.
Article in Journal or Book Scott C. Layton, "A chain gang in 2 Samuel 3:29: A rejoinder," Vetus Testamentum 39.1 (Jan. 1989): 81-86.
Article in Journal or Book Adrian Schenker, "Gelübde im Alten Testament: unbeachtete Aspekte," Vetus Testamentum 39.1 (Jan. 1989): 87-91.
Article in Journal or Book Peretz Segal, "The divine verdict of Leviticus 10:3," Vetus Testamentum 39.1 (Jan. 1989): 91-95.
Article in Journal or Book J. Alberto Soggin, "u'Ehud und Eglon: Bemerkungen zu Richter 3:11b-31," Vetus Testamentum 39.1 (Jan. 1989): 95-100.
Article in Journal or Book J. Tromp, "The text of Psalm 130:5-6," Vetus Testamentum 39.1 (Jan. 1989): 100-103.
Article in Journal or Book Jon L. Berquist, "Prophetic legitimation in Jeremiah," Vetus Testamentum 39.2 (April 1989): 129-139.
Article in Journal or Book Duane L. Christensen, "The identity of "King So" in Egypt (2 Kings 17:4)," Vetus Testamentum 39.2 (April 1989): 140-153.
Article in Journal or Book David R. Hildebrand, "Temple ritual: a paradigm for moral holiness in Haggai 2:10-19," Vetus Testamentum 39.2 (April 1989): 154-168.
Article in Journal or Book Yair Hoffman, "A north Israelite typological myth and a Judaean historical tradition: the Exodus in Hosea and Amos," Vetus Testamentum 39.2 (April 1989): 169-182.
Article in Journal or Book Sam Meier, "Job 1-2: a reflection of Genesis 1-3," Vetus Testamentum 39.2 (April 1989): 183-193.
Article in Journal or Book Hermann Spieckermann, "Dies irae: der alttestamentliche Befund und seine Vorgeschichte," Vetus Testamentum 39.2 (April 1989): 194-208.
Article in Journal or Book Thijs Booij, "The role of darkness in Psalm 105:28," Vetus Testamentum 39.2 (April 1989): 209-214.
Article in Journal or Book David G. Deboys, "1 Samuel 29:6," Vetus Testamentum 39.2 (April 1989): 214-219.
Article in Journal or Book Peter B. Dirksen, "Song of Songs 3:6-7," Vetus Testamentum 39.2 (April 1989): 219-225.
Article in Journal or Book Ulrich Hübner, "Schweine, Schweineknochen und ein Speiseverbot im alten Israel," Vetus Testamentum 39.2 (April 1989): 225-236.
Article in Journal or Book Klaus Koenen, "Zum Text von Jesaja 57:12-13a," Vetus Testamentum 39.2 (April 1989): 236-239.
Article in Journal or Book Oswald Loretz, "Amos 6:12," Vetus Testamentum 39.2 (April 1989): 240-242.
Article in Journal or Book A. Graeme Auld, "Gideon: hacking at the heart of the Old Testament," Vetus Testamentum 39.3 (July 1989): 257-267.
Article in Journal or Book Marc Zvi Brettler, "Ideology, history and theology in 2 Kings 17:7-23," Vetus Testamentum 39.3 (July 1989): 268-282.
Article in Journal or Book Simon J. De Vries, "The three comparisons in 1 Kings 12:4b and its parallel and 2 Kings 3:7b," Vetus Testamentum 39.3 (July 1989): 283-306.
Article in Journal or Book Michael P. Knowles, ""The rock, his work is perfect": unusual imagery for God in Deuteronomy 32," Vetus Testamentum 39.3 (July 1989): 307-322.
Article in Journal or Book Dirk U. Rottzoll, "Die kh 'mr: Legitimationsformel," Vetus Testamentum 39.3 (July 1989): 323-340.
Article in Journal or Book Hans Joachim Stoebe, "Noch einmal zu Amos 7:10-17," Vetus Testamentum 39.3 (July 1989): 341-354.
Article in Journal or Book Jerome T. Walsh, "The contexts of 1 Kings 13," Vetus Testamentum 39.3 (July 1989): 355-370.
Article in Journal or Book Baruch Margalit, "Some observations on the inscription and drawing from Khirbet El-Qôm," Vetus Testamentum 39.3 (July 1989): 371-378.
Article in Journal or Book Bernard Gosse, "L'ouverture de la nouvelle alliance aux nations en Jeremie 3:14-18," Vetus Testamentum 39.4 (Oct. 1989): 385-392.
Article in Journal or Book J. Gerald Janzen, "The root pr in Judges 5:2 and Deuteronomy 32:42," Vetus Testamentum 39.4 (Oct. 1989): 393-406.
Article in Journal or Book Victor Sasson, "King Solomon and the dark lady in the Song of Songs," Vetus Testamentum 39.4 (Oct. 1989): 407-414.
Article in Journal or Book Joel P. Weinberg, "Der König im Weltbild des Chronisten," Vetus Testamentum 39.4 (Oct. 1989): 415-437.
Article in Journal or Book Logan S. Wright, "MKR in 2 Kings 12:5-17 and Deuteronomy 18:8," Vetus Testamentum 39.4 (Oct. 1989): 438-448.
Article in Journal or Book Saul Zalewski, "The purpose of the story of the death of Saul in 1 Chronicles 10," Vetus Testamentum 39.4 (Oct. 1989): 449-467.
Article in Journal or Book David J. Lane [1935-2005], ""The best words in the best order": some comments on the "Syriacing" of Leviticus," Vetus Testamentum 39.4 (Oct. 1989): 468-479.
Article in Journal or Book John Barclay Burns, "Support for the emendation ruehob mueqomô in Job 24:19-20," Vetus Testamentum 39.4 (Oct. 1989): 480-485.
Article in Journal or Book Gordon J. Hamilton, "A new interpretation of the end of 11QT III 3," Vetus Testamentum 39.4 (Oct. 1989): 485-488.
Article in Journal or Book Norbert Lohfink, "Kohelet und die Banken: zur Ubersetzung von Kohelet 5:12-16," Vetus Testamentum 39.4 (Oct. 1989): 488-495.
Article in Journal or Book Shalom M. Paul, "A technical expression from archery in Zechariah 9:13a," Vetus Testamentum 39.4 (Oct. 1989): 495-497.
Article in Journal or Book Gerhard Pfeifer, "Das (Jan. des Amos," Vetus Testamentum 39.4 (Oct. 1989): 497-503.
Article in Journal or Book Daniel C. Snell, "The wheel in Proverbs 20:26," Vetus Testamentum 39.4 (Oct. 1989): 503-507.
Article in Journal or Book John H. Walton, "Vision narrative wordplay and Jeremiah 24," Vetus Testamentum 39.4 (Oct. 1989): 508-509.

Volume 40 (1990)

Article in Journal or Book G.W. Anderson, "Boer, Pieter A H de, 1910-1989," Vetus Testamentum 40.1 (Jan. 1990): 1-3.
Article in Journal or Book Yairah Amit, "Hidden polemic in the conquest of Dan: Judges 17-18," Vetus Testamentum 40.1 (Jan. 1990): 4-20.
Article in Journal or Book Stephanie Dalley, "Yahweh in Hamath in the 8th century BC: cuneiform material and historical deductions," Vetus Testamentum 40.1 (Jan. 1990): 21-32.
Article in Journal or Book A.R. Pete Diamond, "Jeremiah's confessions in the LXX and MT: a witness to developing canonical function?" Vetus Testamentum 40.1 (Jan. 1990): 33-50.
Article in Journal or Book Christoph Levin, "Die Instandsetzung des Tempels unter Joasch ben Ahasja," Vetus Testamentum 40.1 (Jan. 1990): 51-88.
Article in Journal or Book S. Romerowski, "Que signifie le mot hesed," Vetus Testamentum 40.1 (Jan. 1990): 89-103.
Article in Journal or Book Hanan Eshel, "Isaiah 8:23, an historical-geographical analogy," Vetus Testamentum 40.1 (Jan. 1990): 105-109.
Article in Journal or Book William H. Shea, "The Khirbet el-Qom tomb inscription again," Vetus Testamentum 40.1 (Jan. 1990): 110-116.
Article in Journal or Book Michael O. Wise, "A note on the "three days" of 1 Maccabees 10:34," Vetus Testamentum 40.1 (Jan. 1990): 116-122.
Article in Journal or Book Athalya Brenner, "A triangle and a rhombus in narrative structure: a proposed integrative reading of Judges 4 and 5," Vetus Testamentum 40.2 (April 1990): 129-138.
Article in Journal or Book Robert P. Gordon, "Word-play and verse-order in 1 Samuel 24:5-8," Vetus Testamentum 40.2 (April 1990): 139-144.
Article in Journal or Book Bernard Gosse, "Jeremie 45 et la place du recueil d'oracles contre les nations dans le livre de Jeremie," Vetus Testamentum 40.2 (April 1990): 145-151.
Article in Journal or Book Isaac B. Gottlieb, "Pirqe Abot and biblical wisdom," Vetus Testamentum 40.2 (April 1990): 152-164.
Article in Journal or Book Christof Hardmeier, "Umrisse eines vordeuteronomistischen Annalenwerks der Zidkijazeit: zu den Möglichkeiten computergestützter Textanalyse," Vetus Testamentum 40.2 (April 1990): 165-184.
Article in Journal or Book Gary A. Rendsburg, "The internal consistency and historical reliability of the biblical genealogies," Vetus Testamentum 40.2 (April 1990): 185-206.
Article in Journal or Book Nicolas Wyatt, "The expression bekôr mawet in Job 18:13 and its mythological background," Vetus Testamentum 40.2 (April 1990): 207-216.
Article in Journal or Book Ellen F. Davis, "A strategy of delayed comprehension: Isaiah 54:15," Vetus Testamentum 40.2 (April 1990): 217-221.
Article in Journal or Book John F. Elwolde, "Non-biblical supplements to classical Hebrew 'im," Vetus Testamentum 40.2 (April 1990): 221-223.
Article in Journal or Book C. Houtmanornelis, "On the pomegranates and the golden bells of the high priest's mantle," Vetus Testamentum 40.2 (April 1990): 223-229.
Article in Journal or Book C. Houtmanornelis, "The urim and thummim: a new suggestion," Vetus Testamentum 40.2 (April 1990): 229-232.
Article in Journal or Book Alfred Marx, "Esaïe 2:20, une signature karaïte," Vetus Testamentum 40.2 (April 1990): 232-237.
Article in Journal or Book A.J. Poulter & Graham I. Davies, "The Samaria ostraca: two onomastic notes," Vetus Testamentum 40.2 (April 1990): 237-240.
Article in Journal or Book Archie C.C. Lee, "Genesis 1 and the plagues tradition in Psalm 105," Vetus Testamentum 40.3 (July 1990): 257-263.
Article in Journal or Book Baruch Margalit, "The meaning and significance of Asherah," Vetus Testamentum 40.3 (July 1990): 264-297.
Article in Journal or Book D.F. Murray, "Mqwm and the future of Israel in 2 Samuel 7:10," Vetus Testamentum 40.3 (July 1990): 298-320.
Article in Journal or Book Donald G. Schley, "The salisîm: officers or special three-man squads?," Vetus Testamentum 40.3 (July 1990): 321-326.
Article in Journal or Book Rikki E. Watts, "The meaning of alaw yiqpesû melakîm pîhem in Isaiah 52:15," Vetus Testamentum 40.3 (July 1990): 327-335.
Article in Journal or Book J.W. Wesselius, "Joab's death and the central theme of the succession narrative (2 Samuel 9-1 Kings 2)," Vetus Testamentum 40.3 (July 1990): 336-351.
Article in Journal or Book Nicolas Wyatt, "David's census and the tripartite theory," Vetus Testamentum 40.3 (July 1990): 352-360.
Article in Journal or Book Eckart Otto, "Reuven Yaron, The laws of Eshnunna," Vetus Testamentum 40.3 (July 1990): 361-369.
Article in Journal or Book Pierre Auffret, ""Dans ta force se réjouit le roi": étude structurelle du Psaume XXI," Vetus Testamentum 40.4 (Oct. 1990): 385-410.
Article in Journal or Book Mayer I. Gruber, "Fear, anxiety and reverence in Akkadian, biblical Hebrew and other north-west Semitic languages," Vetus Testamentum 40.4 (Oct. 1990): 411-422.
Article in Journal or Book Nadav Naaman, "Literary and topographical notes on the battle of Kishon (Judges IV-V)," Vetus Testamentum 40.4 (Oct. 1990): 423-436.
Article in Journal or Book Robert H. O'Connell, "Deuteronomy VIII 1-20: asymmetrical concentricity and the rhetoric of providence," Vetus Testamentum 40.4 (Oct. 1990): 437-452.
Article in Journal or Book Gary V. Smith, "Job IV 12-21: is it Eliphaz's vision?," Vetus Testamentum 40.4 (Oct. 1990): 453-463.
Article in Journal or Book S.H. Smith, ""Heel" and "thigh": the concept of sexuality in the Jacob-Esau narratives," Vetus Testamentum 40.4 (Oct. 1990): 464-473.
Article in Journal or Book David Wolfers, "The Lord's second speech in the book of Job," Vetus Testamentum 40.4 (Oct. 1990): 474-499, "Indexes," Vetus Testamentum 40.4 (Oct. 1990): 513-536.

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