11.1 |
John Gray, "Kingship of God in the prophets and Psalms," Vetus Testamentum 11.1 (Jan. 1961): 1-29. |
Pierre Grelot, "Parwaïm des chroniques à l'Apocryphe de la Genèse," Vetus Testamentum 11.1 (Jan. 1961): 30-38. |
Ernst Kutsch, "Der Kalender des Jubiläenbuches und das Alte und das Neue Testament," Vetus Testamentum 11.1 (Jan. 1961): 39-47. |
Jacob Leveen, "Textual problems of Psalm 17," Vetus Testamentum 11.1 (Jan. 1961): 48-54. |
Jacob J. Rabinowitz, "Susa tablets, the Bible and the Aramaic papyri," Vetus Testamentum 11.1 (Jan. 1961): 55-76. |
W. Baars, "Two Palestinian Syriac texts identified as parts of the Epistle of Jeremy," Vetus Testamentum 11.1 (Jan. 1961): 77-81. |
Joshua Blau, "Reste des i-Imperfekts von zkr qal," Vetus Testamentum 11.1 (Jan. 1961): 81-86. |
André-Marie Dubarle, "Rectification: sur un texte hébreu de Judith," Vetus Testamentum 11.1 (Jan. 1961): 86-87. |
Zeev W. Falk [1923-1998], "Forms of testimony," Vetus Testamentum 11.1 (Jan. 1961): 88-91. |
Edmund Felix Sutcliffe [1886-1963], "Translation of CDC 5:5-6," Vetus Testamentum 11.1 (Jan. 1961): 91-94. |
Naphtali Herz Tur-Sinai [1886-1973], "JHWH Elohim in der Paradies-Erzählung: Genesis 2:4b-3:24," Vetus Testamentum 11.1 (Jan. 1961): 94-99. |
11.2 |
Gösta W. Ahlström [1918-1992], "Der Prophet Nathan und der Tempelbau," Vetus Testamentum 11.2 (April 1961): 113-127. |
Elias Auerbach, "Wann eroberte Nebukadnezar Jerusalem," Vetus Testamentum 11.2 (April 1961): 128-136. |
Stanley Gevirtz, "West-Semitic curses and the problem of the origins of Hebrew law," Vetus Testamentum 11.2 (April 1961): 137-158. |
Menahem Haran, "Gibeonites, the Nethinim and the sons of Solomon's servants," Vetus Testamentum 11.2 (April 1961): 159-169. |
William L. Holladay, ""On every high hill and under every green tree"," Vetus Testamentum 11.2 (April 1961): 170-176. |
T.C. Mitchell, "Old Testament usage of NeSAM," Vetus Testamentum 11.2 (April 1961): 177-187. |
Klaus D. Schunck, "Ophra, Ephron and Ephraim," Vetus Testamentum 11.2 (April 1961): 188-200. |
Isac Leo Seeligmann, "Indications of editorial alteration and adaptation in the Massoretic text and the Septuagint," Vetus Testamentum 11.2 (April 1961): 201-221. |
W. Baars, "Additional fragment of the Syriac version of the Psalms of Solomon," Vetus Testamentum 11.2 (April 1961): 222-223. |
Z. Kallai-Kleinmann, "Note on the town lists of Judah, Simeon, Benjamin and Dan," Vetus Testamentum 11.2 (April 1961): 223-227. |
Edward Ullendorff, "Greek letters of the Copper scroll," Vetus Testamentum 11.2 (April 1961): 227-228. |
Isaac Rabinowitz, "Crux at Amos 3:12," Vetus Testamentum 11.2 (April 1961): 228-231. |
11.3 |
Dafydd R. Ap-Thomas, "Saul's "Uncle"," Vetus Testamentum 11.3 (July 1961): 241-245. |
David Daube [1909-1999], "Direct and indirect causation in biblical law," Vetus Testamentum 11.3 (July 1961): 246-269. |
R. Feuillet, "Les villes de Juda au temps d'Ozias," Vetus Testamentum 11.3 (July 1961): 270-291. |
Julian Morgenstern [1881-1976], "Suffering servant--a new solution," Vetus Testamentum 11.3 (July 1961): 292-320. |
James M. Ward, "Literary form and liturgical background of Psalm 89," Vetus Testamentum 11.3 (July 1961): 321-339. |
W. Baars, "Targum on Exod 15:7-21 from the Cairo Geniza," Vetus Testamentum 11.3 (July 1961): 340-342. |
Loren R. Fisher, "SDYN in Job 19:29," Vetus Testamentum 11.3 (July 1961): 342-343. |
Jacob Hoftijzer, "Deux inscriptions votives puniques inédites," Vetus Testamentum 11.3 (July 1961): 343-344. |
Jacob Hoftijzer, "Notes sur une épitaphe en écriture néopunique," Vetus Testamentum 11.3 (July 1961): 344-348. |
A.M. Honeyman, "ID, DU and Psalm 62:12," Vetus Testamentum 11.3 (July 1961): 348-350. |
Edward Ullendorff, "Job 3:8," Vetus Testamentum 11.3 (July 1961): 350-351. |
11.4 |
Julian Morgenstern [1881-1976], "Suffering servant--a new solution," Vetus Testamentum 11.4 (Oct. 1961): 406-431. |
Harris Hans Hirschberg, "Some additional Arabic etymologies in Old Testament lexicography," Vetus Testamentum 11.4 (Oct. 1961): 373-385. |
Alfred Jepsen, "Bemerkungen zum Danielbuch," Vetus Testamentum 11.4 (Oct. 1961): 386-391. |
Arvid S. Kapelrud [1912-1994], "Eschatology in the book of Micah," Vetus Testamentum 11.4 (Oct. 1961): 392-405. |
J. Alberto Soggin, "Die Geburt Benjamins, Genesis 35:16-20(21)," Vetus Testamentum 11.4 (Oct. 1961): 432-440. |
W. Baars, "New fragment of the Greek version of the Psalms of Solomon," Vetus Testamentum 11.4 (Oct. 1961): 441-444. |
Ernst Ettisch [1901-1964], "Das Buch Henoch und die vier Kardinalpunkte des Sonnenlaufes," Vetus Testamentum 11.4 (Oct. 1961): 444-445. |
Francis S. Northparling, "Four-month seasons of the Hebrew Bible," Vetus Testamentum 11.4 (Oct. 1961): 446-448. |
Friedrich Nötscher [1890-1966], "Bar Kochba, Ben Kosba: der Sternsohn, der Prächtige," Vetus Testamentum 11.4 (Oct. 1961): 449-451. |
Cecil Roth [1899-1970], "Era of the Habakkuk commentary," Vetus Testamentum 11.4 (Oct. 1961): 451-455. |
Alexander Scheiber, "Zwei Bemerkungen zu Jesaja," Vetus Testamentum 11.4 (Oct. 1961): 455-456. |
Shemaryahu Talmon, "1 Sam 15:32b--a case of conflated readings," Vetus Testamentum 11.4 (Oct. 1961): 456-457. |
Charles F. Whitley, "Textual notes on Deutero-Isaiah," Vetus Testamentum 11.4 (Oct. 1961): 457-461. |
12.1 |
Maurice Copisarow, "Ancient Egyptian, Greek and Hebrew concept of the Red Sea," Vetus Testamentum 12.1 (Jan. 1962): 1-13. |
Hans Kosmala, ""Bloody husband"," Vetus Testamentum 12.1 (Jan. 1962): 14-28. |
Caetano Minette de Tillesse, "Sections "tu" et sections "vous" dans le Deutéronome," Vetus Testamentum 12.1 (Jan. 1962): 29-87. |
Claus Schedl, "Textkritische Bemerkungen zu den Synchronismen der Könige von Israel und Juda," Vetus Testamentum 12.1 (Jan. 1962): 88-119. |
Ishoyn Blythin, "Note on Genesis 1:2," Vetus Testamentum 12.1 (Jan. 1962): 120-121. |
André Feuillet, "Note sur la traduction de Jer 31:3c," Vetus Testamentum 12.1 (Jan. 1962): 122-124. |
Paul P. Saydon, "Conative imperfect in Hebrew," Vetus Testamentum 12.1 (Jan. 1962): 124-126. |
12.2 |
John A. Emerton, "Priests and Levites in Deuteronomy: an examination of Dr G.E. Wright's theory," Vetus Testamentum 12.2 (April 1962): 129-138. |
Robert Hanhart, "Fragen um die Enstehung der LXX," Vetus Testamentum 12.2 (April 1962): 139-163. |
Johannes Lindblom, "Lot-casting in the Old Testament," Vetus Testamentum 12.2 (April 1962): 164-178. |
G.C. O’Ceallaigh, ""And so David did to all the cities of Ammon"," Vetus Testamentum 12.2 (April 1962): 179-189. |
Frank Zimmermann, "'El and Adonai," Vetus Testamentum 12.2 (April 1962): 190-195. |
W. Baars, "Note on Ode of Solomon XI:14," Vetus Testamentum 12.2 (April 1962): 196. |
F. Charles Fensham, "Cappadocian parallel to Hebrew kutonet," Vetus Testamentum 12.2 (April 1962): 196-198. |
Pierre Grelot, "La racine HWN en Dt 1:41," Vetus Testamentum 12.2 (April 1962): 198-201. |
Helen G. Jefferson, "Date of Psalm 67," Vetus Testamentum 12.2 (April 1962): 201-205. |
Ernst Kutsch, "Die Solstitien im Kalender des Jubiläenbuches und in äth Henoch 72," Vetus Testamentum 12.2 (April 1962): 205-207. |
Immanuel Lewy, "Puzzle of Dt 27: blessings announced, but curses noted," Vetus Testamentum 12.2 (April 1962): 207-211. |
Jean De Savignac, "La sagesse en Proverbes 8:22-31," Vetus Testamentum 12.2 (April 1962): 211-215. |
Edward Ullendorff, "Meaning of qhlt," Vetus Testamentum 12.2 (April 1962): 215. |
12.3 |
Jones, Douglas R, "Fresh interpretation of Zechariah 9-11," Vetus Testamentum 12.3 (July 1962): 241-259. |
Norbert Lohfink, "Enthielten die im Alten Testament bezeugten Klageriten eine Phase des Schweigens," Vetus Testamentum 12.3 (July 1962): 260-277. |
Sigmund Olaf Plytt Mowinckel [1884-1965], "Drive and/or ride in OT," Vetus Testamentum 12.3 (July 1962): 278-299. |
Wolfgang M.W. Roth, "Numerical sequence x/x+1 in the Old Testament," Vetus Testamentum 12.3 (July 1962): 300-311. |
Prebend. Wernberg-Moeller, "Inquiry into the validity of the text-critical argument for an early dating of the recently discovered Palestinian Targum," Vetus Testamentum 12.3 (July 1962): 312-330. |
Luc Dequeker, "Isaie 7:14: wqr't shmw mnw 'l," Vetus Testamentum 12.3 (July 1962): 331-335. |
Alfred Guillaume, "Note on Numbers 23:10," Vetus Testamentum 12.3 (July 1962): 335-337. |
F. Charles Fensham, "D in Exodus 22:12," Vetus Testamentum 12.3 (July 1962): 337-339. |
Jan Heller, "Noch zu Ophra, Ephron und Ephraim," Vetus Testamentum 12.3 (July 1962): 339-341. |
Jacob Hoftijzer, "Ein Papyrusfragment aus El-Hibeh," Vetus Testamentum 12.3 (July 1962): 341-342. |
Claus Schedl, "Chnkt bnt auf neupunischen Grabinschriften," Vetus Testamentum 12.3 (July 1962): 343-345. |
12.4 |
M. Delcor, "Le trésor de la maison de Yahweh des origines à l'exil," Vetus Testamentum 12.4 (Oct. 1962): 353-377. |
Jacobus Franken Hendricus, "Excavations at Deir Alla in Jordan," Vetus Testamentum 12.4 (Oct. 1962): 378-382. |
Humbert, Paul, ""Etendre la main" (note de lexicographie hébraique)," Vetus Testamentum 12.4 (Oct. 1962): 383-385. |
Klaus Koch, "Der Spruch "Sein Blut bleibe auf seinem Haupt" und die israelitische Auffassung vom vergossenen Blut," Vetus Testamentum 12.4 (Oct. 1962): 396-416. |
Hartmut Gese, "Kleine Beiträge zum Verständnis des Amosbuches," Vetus Testamentum 12.4 (Oct. 1962): 417-438. |
E.C.B. MacLaurin, "YHWH: the origin of the tetragrammaton," Vetus Testamentum 12.4 (Oct. 1962): 439-463. |
Jean Yoyotte, "Un souvenir du "pharaon" Taousert en Jordanie," Vetus Testamentum 12.4 (Oct. 1962): 464-469. |
M.H. Segal, "Song of Songs," Vetus Testamentum 12.4 (Oct. 1962): 470-490. |
Roland Gradwohl, "Zum Verständnis von Ex 17:15f," Vetus Testamentum 12.4 (Oct. 1962): 491-494. |
William L. Holladay, "So-called "Deuteronomic gloss" in Jer 8:l9b," Vetus Testamentum 12.4 (Oct. 1962): 494-498. |
David Winton Thomas [1901-1970], "'w in Proverbs 31:4," Vetus Testamentum 12.4 (Oct. 1962): 499-500. |
Reuven Yaron, "Kaeth chayyah and koh lechay," Vetus Testamentum 12.4 (Oct. 1962): 500-501. |
13.1 |
Walter Beyerlin, "Geschichte und heilsgeschichtliche Traditionsbildung im Alten Testament: ein Beitrag zur Traditionsgeschichte von Richter 6-8," Vetus Testamentum 13.1 (Jan. 1963): 1-25. |
E. Cannawurf, "Authenticity of Micah 4:1-4," Vetus Testamentum 13.1 (Jan. 1963): 26-33. |
Robert Claude Dentan [1907- ], "Literary affinities of Exodus 34:6f," Vetus Testamentum 13.1 (Jan. 1963): 34-51. |
Stanley Gevirtz, "Jericho and Shechem: a religio-literary aspect of city destruction," Vetus Testamentum 13.1 (Jan. 1963): 52-62. |
William R. Lane, "Initiation of creation," Vetus Testamentum 13.1 (Jan. 1963): 63-73. |
Sigo Lehming, "Zur Erzählung von der Geburt der Jakobsöhne," Vetus Testamentum 13.1 (Jan. 1963): 74-81. |
W. Baars, "Eine neue griechische Handschrift des 3 Makkabäerbuches," Vetus Testamentum 13.1 (Jan. 1963): 82-87. |
Helen G. Jefferson, "Psalm 77," Vetus Testamentum 13.1 (Jan. 1963): 87-91. |
Cecil Roth [1899-1970], "Teacher of righteousness and the prophecy of Joel," Vetus Testamentum 13.1 (Jan. 1963): 91-95. |
Alexander Scheiber, "Ihr sollt kein Bein dran zerbrechen," Vetus Testamentum 13.1 (Jan. 1963): 95-97. |
13.2 |
Robert C. Culley, "Approach to the problem of oral tradition," Vetus Testamentum 13.2 (April 1963): 113-125. |
Jan Dus, "Noch zum Brauch der "Ladewanderung"," Vetus Testamentum 13.2 (April 1963): 126-132. |
F. Charles Fensham, "Clauses of protection in Hittite vassal-treaties and the Old Testament," Vetus Testamentum 13.2 (April 1963): 133-143. |
J.J. Glück, "Nagid-Shepherd," Vetus Testamentum 13.2 (April 1963): 144-150. |
Gwynne Henton Davies, "Judges 8:22-23," Vetus Testamentum 13.2 (April 1963): 151-157. |
Henri E del Medico, "Zahab Parwayim: l'or fructifère dans la tradition juive," Vetus Testamentum 13.2 (April 1963): 158-186. |
J. Alberto Soggin, "Der judäische am-ha'arets und das Königtum in Juda: ein Beitrag zum Studium der deuteronomistischen Geschichtsschreibung," Vetus Testamentum 13.2 (April 1963): 187-195. |
Marco Treves, "Conjectures concerning the date and authorship of Zechariah 9-14," Vetus Testamentum 13.2 (April 1963): 196-207. |
Georges Vajda, "Fragments d'un commentaire judéo-arabe sur le livre d'Isaïe," Vetus Testamentum 13.2 (April 1963): 208-224. |
Christianus Henricus Wilhelmus Brekelmans, "Sefire I A 29-30," Vetus Testamentum 13.2 (April 1963): 225-228. |
Fritz Dumermuth, "Zu Ez 13:18-21," Vetus Testamentum 13.2 (April 1963): 228-229. |
Arvid S. Kapelrud [1912-1994], "Nochmals Jahwä malak," Vetus Testamentum 13.2 (April 1963): 229-231. |
Hans Peter Rüger, "Zwei neue Fragmente zu Mischael ben Uzziels kt'b 'lklp aus der Kairo-Geniza," Vetus Testamentum 13.2 (April 1963): 231-235. |
Hans Peter Rüger, "Ein neues Genesis-Fragment mit komplizierter babylonischer Pünktation aus der Kairo-Geniza," Vetus Testamentum 13.2 (April 1963): 235-237. |
Reuven Yaron, "Meaning of Zanach," Vetus Testamentum 13.2 (April 1963): 237-239. |
13.3 |
Peter R. Ackroyd, "Hosea and Jacob," Vetus Testamentum 13.3 (July 1963): 245-259. |
W. Baars, "Description of three Syriac Old Testament manuscripts," Vetus Testamentum 13.3 (July 1963): 260-268. |
Hendrik Antonie Brongers [1904- ], "Der Eifer des Herrn Zebaoth," Vetus Testamentum 13.3 (July 1963): 269-284. |
Trevor Donald, "Semantic field of "folly" in Proverbs, Job, Psalms, and Ecclesiastes," Vetus Testamentum 13.3 (July 1963): 285-292. |
A. Gonzalez, "Le Psaume 82," Vetus Testamentum 13.3 (July 1963): 293-309. |
Benjamin Mazar, "Military elite of King David," Vetus Testamentum 13.3 (July 1963): 310-320. |
Julian Morgenstern [1881-1976], "Two additional notes to "The Suffering Servant, a new solution"," Vetus Testamentum 13.3 (July 1963): 321-332. |
Jan Dus, "Die Erzählung über den Verlust der Lade 1 Sam 4," Vetus Testamentum 13.3 (July 1963): 333-337. |
Jacob Hoftijzer, "Deux vases à inscription identique," Vetus Testamentum 13.3 (July 1963): 337-339. |
Jacobus Schoneveld, "Jeremia 31:29-30," Vetus Testamentum 13.3 (July 1963): 339-341. |
Jacobus Schoneveld, "Jesaia 1:18-20," Vetus Testamentum 13.3 (July 1963): 342-344. |
Salomon Speier, ""Das Kosten des Todeskelches" im Targum," Vetus Testamentum 13.3 (July 1963): 344-345. |
Peter B. Dirksen, "Peshitta Institute Communications IV: a sixth-century palimpsest of Judges reconstructed, "Vetus Testamentum 13.3 (July 1963): 349-355. |
13.4 |
David Willoughby Gooding, "Aristeas and Septuagint origins: a review of recent studies," Vetus Testamentum 13.4 (Oct. 1963): 357-379. |
Ernest W. Nicholson, "Centralization of the cult in Deuteronomy," Vetus Testamentum 13.4 (Oct. 1963): 380-389. |
Martin Noth [1902-1968], "Samuel und Silo," Vetus Testamentum 13.4 (Oct. 1963): 390-400. |
Donald B. Redford, "Exodus 1:11," Vetus Testamentum 13.4 (Oct. 1963): 401-418. |
Shemaryahu Talmon, ""Wisdom" in the book of Esther," Vetus Testamentum 13.4 (Oct. 1963): 419-455. |
Meir Weiss, "Einiges über die Bauformen des Erzählens in der Bibel," Vetus Testamentum 13.4 (Oct. 1963): 456-475. |
W. Baars, "Neue Textzeugen der syrischen Baruchapokalypse," Vetus Testamentum 13.4 (Oct. 1963): 476-478. |
Robert G. Boling, ""And who is S-K-M?" (Judges 9:28)," Vetus Testamentum 13.4 (Oct. 1963): 479-482. |
Alger F. Johns, "Military strategy of Sabbath attacks on the Jews," Vetus Testamentum 13.4 (Oct. 1963): 482-486. |
Menahem Zevi Kaddari [1925- ], "CHLL "bore", "pierce": note on Ps 109:22," Vetus Testamentum 13.4 (Oct. 1963): 486-489. |
Lester Jacob Kuyper, "Meaning of chsdw Isa 40:6," Vetus Testamentum 13.4 (Oct. 1963): 489-492. |
14.1 |
Aelred Cody, "When is the chosen people called a gôy," Vetus Testamentum 14.1 (Jan. 1964): 1-6. |
Lienhard Delekat, "Zum hebraïschen Wörterbuch," Vetus Testamentum 14.1 (Jan. 1964): 7-66. |
Robertson, Edward, "'urim and tummim: what were they?," Vetus Testamentum 14.1 (Jan. 1964): 67-74. |
Isac Leo Seeligmann, "Psalm from pre-regal times," Vetus Testamentum 14.1 (Jan. 1964): 75-92. |
Joyce G. Baldwin, "Tsemach as a technical term in the prophets," Vetus Testamentum 14.1 (Jan. 1964): 93-97. |
C.J. Labuschagne, "Ugaritic blt and biltî in Is 10:4," Vetus Testamentum 14.1 (Jan. 1964): 97-99. |
Donald A. McKenzie, "Judicial procedure at the town gate," Vetus Testamentum 14.1 (Jan. 1964): 100-104. |
Leo Prijs, "Jeremia 20:14ff: Versuch einer neuen Deutung," Vetus Testamentum 14.1 (Jan. 1964): 104-108. |
Robert Balgarnie Young Scott [1899-1987], "Seal of Smryw," Vetus Testamentum 14.1 (Jan. 1964): 108-110. |
Horst Seebass, "Zu Num 10:33f," Vetus Testamentum 14.1 (Jan. 1964): 111-113. |
David Winton Thomas [1901-1970], "Job 40:29b: text and translation," Vetus Testamentum 14.1 (Jan. 1964): 114-116. |
14.2 |
Herbert J. Cook, "Pekah," Vetus Testamentum 14.2 (April 1964): 121-135. |
M. Delcor, "Jahweh et Dagon: ou le Jahwisme face à la religion des Philistins, d'après 1 Sam:5," Vetus Testamentum 14.2 (April 1964): 136-154. |
Pierre Grelot, "Retour au Parwaim," Vetus Testamentum 14.2 (April 1964): 155-163. |
Jacob Milgrom, "Did Isaiah prophesy during the reign of Uzziah," Vetus Testamentum 14.2 (April 1964): 164-182. |
Hans-Peter Müller, "Die kultische Darstellung der Theophanie," Vetus Testamentum 14.2 (April 1964): 183-191. |
Paul P. Saydon, "Meanings and uses of the particle 't," Vetus Testamentum 14.2 (April 1964): 192-210. |
Ernst Ettisch [1901-1964], "Die monotheistische Symbolik der Bundestafeln," Vetus Testamentum 14.2 (April 1964): 211-215. |
Dennis J. McCarthy, "Hosea 12:2: covenant by oil," Vetus Testamentum 14.2 (April 1964): 215-221. |
Norman Henry Snaith [1898-1982], "Meaning of the Hebrew 'k," Vetus Testamentum 14.2 (April 1964): 221-225. |
Jacob Weingreen, "Rabbinic-type gloss in the LXX version of 1 Samuel 1:18," Vetus Testamentum 14.2 (April 1964): 225-228. |
14.3 |
Raphael Giveon [1916-1985], "Toponymes ouest-asiatiques à Soleb," Vetus Testamentum 14.3 (July 1964): 239-255. |
Pierre Grelot, "Hofsi (Ps 88:6)," Vetus Testamentum 14.3 (July 1964): 256-263. |
John MacDonald, "Particle 't in classical Hebrew: some new data on its use with the nominative," Vetus Testamentum 14.3 (July 1964): 264-275. |
Hans-Peter Müller, "Zur Frage nach dem Ursprung der biblischen Eschatologie," Vetus Testamentum 14.3 (July 1964): 276-293. |
Adrianus van Selms [1906-1984], "Judge Shamgar," Vetus Testamentum 14.3 (July 1964): 294-309. |
Claus Schedl, "Neue Vorschläge zu Text und Deutung des Psalmes 45," Vetus Testamentum 14.3 (July 1964): 310-318. |
Klaus D. Schunck, "Strukturlinien in der Entwicklung der Vorstellung vom Tag Jahwes," Vetus Testamentum 14.3 (July 1964): 319-330. |
Shmuel Yeivin [1896-1982], "Was there a high portal in the first Temple," Vetus Testamentum 14.3 (July 1964): 331-343. |
Gérard E. Weil & François Chenique, "Prolégomènes à l'utilisation des méthodes de statistique linguistique," Vetus Testamentum 14.3 (July 1964): 344-366. |
J.J. Glück, "Proverbs 30:15a," Vetus Testamentum 14.3 (July 1964): 367-370. |
Johannes Cornelis de Moor [1935- ], "Ugaritic tkh and South Arabian mtkh," Vetus Testamentum 14.3 (July 1964): 371-372. |
Norman Henry Snaith [1898-1982], "Genesis 31:50," Vetus Testamentum 14.3 (July 1964): 373. |
J. Alberto Soggin, ""Wacholderholz" 2 Sam 6:5a gleich "Schlaghölzer", "Klappern"," Vetus Testamentum 14.3 (July 1964): 374-377. |
Jacobus Franken Hendricus, "Clay tablets from Deir Alla, Jordan," Vetus Testamentum 14.3 (July 1964): 377-379. |
14.4 |
Leslie W. Barnard, "Old Testament and Judaism in the writings of Justin Martyr," Vetus Testamentum 14.4 (Oct. 1964): 395-406. |
Robert Davidson [1927- ], "Orthodoxy and the prophetic word: a study in the relationship between Jeremiah and Deuteronomy," Vetus Testamentum 14.4 (Oct. 1964): 407-416. |
Jacobus Franken Hendricus, "Excavations at Deir Alla, season 1964: preliminary report," Vetus Testamentum 14.4 (Oct. 1964): 417-422. |
Hans Kosmala, "Form and structure in ancient Hebrew poetry," Vetus Testamentum 14.4 (Oct. 1964): 423-445. |
John McHugh, "Date of Hezekiah's birth," Vetus Testamentum 14.4 (Oct. 1964): 446-453. |
Siegfried J. Schwantes, "Critical notes on Micah 1:10-16," Vetus Testamentum 14.4 (Oct. 1964): 454-461. |
Raymond Thornhill, "Note on 'l-nkwn, 1 Sam 26:4," Vetus Testamentum 14.4 (Oct. 1964): 462-466. |
Charles F. Whitley, "Date of Jeremiah's call," Vetus Testamentum 14.4 (Oct. 1964): 467-483. |
James G. Williams, "Concerning one of the apodictic formulas," Vetus Testamentum 14.4 (Oct. 1964): 484-489. |
D.W. Goodwin, "Rare spelling, or a rare root, in Ps 68:10," Vetus Testamentum 14.4 (Oct. 1964): 490-491. |
Robert Gordis, "Job 40:29: an additional note," Vetus Testamentum 14.4 (Oct. 1964): 491-494. |
Martin Kessler, ""Shield" of Abraham," Vetus Testamentum 14.4 (Oct. 1964): 494-497. |
Horst Seebass, "Ephraim in 2 Sam 13:23," Vetus Testamentum 14.4 (Oct. 1964): 497-500. |
15.1 |
Walter Brueggemann, "Amos 4:4-13 and Israel's covenant worship," Vetus Testamentum 15.1 (Jan. 1965): 1-15. |
Malcolm C. Doubles, "Toward the publication of the extant texts of the Palestinian Targum(s)," Vetus Testamentum 15.1 (Jan. 1965): 16-26. |
Antonius H.J. Gunneweg, "Heils- und Unheilsverkundigung in Jes 7," Vetus Testamentum 15.1 (Jan. 1965): 27-34. |
Wolfgang Helck, "Tkw und die Ramses-stadt," Vetus Testamentum 15.1 (Jan. 1965): 35-48. |
Jean Malfroy, "Sagesse et loi dans le Deutéronome études," Vetus Testamentum 15.1 (Jan. 1965): 49-65. |
B. Margulis, "Exegesis of Judges 5:8a," Vetus Testamentum 15.1 (Jan. 1965): 66-72. |
Norman Henry Snaith [1898-1982], "Sin-offering and the guilt-offering," Vetus Testamentum 15.1 (Jan. 1965): 73-80. |
Marco Treves, "Two acrostic Psalms," Vetus Testamentum 15.1 (Jan. 1965): 81-90. |
Joanne N.M. Wijngaards, "hwtsy' and h'lh a twofold approach to the Exodus," Vetus Testamentum 15.1 (Jan. 1965): 91-102. |
Jacques Winandy, "La litière de Salomon (Ct 3:9-10)," Vetus Testamentum 15.1 (Jan. 1965): 103-110. |
William L. Holladay, "Priests scrape out on their hands, Jeremiah 5:31," Vetus Testamentum 15.1 (Jan. 1965): 111-113. |
James G. Williams, "Addenda to "concerning one of the apodictic formulas"," Vetus Testamentum 15.1 (Jan. 1965): 113-115. |
15.2 |
Albertus van den Branden, "Essai de déchiffrement des inscriptions de Deir Alla," Vetus Testamentum 15.2 (April 1965): 129-150. |
Jacobus Franken Hendricus, "Note on how the Deir Alla tablets were written," Vetus Testamentum 15.2 (April 1965): 150-152. |
David Willoughby Gooding, "Pedantic timetabling in 3rd Book of Reigns," Vetus Testamentum 15.2 (April 1965): 153-166. |
Jürgen-Christian Lebram, "Nachbiblische Weisheitstraditionen," Vetus Testamentum 15.2 (April 1965): 167-237. |
Henri E. Del Medico, "Le cadre historique des fêtes de Hanukkah et de Purîm," Vetus Testamentum 15.2 (April 1965): 238-270. |
David Winton Thomas [1901-1970], "Notes on some passages in the Book of Proverbs," Vetus Testamentum 15.2 (April 1965): 271-279. |
W. Baars, "On a Latin fragment of Sirach," Vetus Testamentum 15.2 (April 1965): 280-281. |
Francis S. Northparling, "Four insatiables," Vetus Testamentum 15.2 (April 1965): 281-282. |
15.3 |
Hendrik Antonie Brongers [1904- ], "Bemerkungen zum Gebrauch des adverbialen wecattah im Alten Testament," Vetus Testamentum 15.3 (July 1965): 289-299. |
Ronald E. Clements, "Deuteronomy and the Jerusalem cult tradition," Vetus Testamentum 15.3 (July 1965): 300-312. |
Loren R. Fisher, "Creation at Ugarit and in the Old Testament," Vetus Testamentum 15.3 (July 1965): 313-324. |
David Willoughby Gooding, "Septuagint's version of Solomon's misconduct," Vetus Testamentum 15.3 (July 1965): 325-335. |
G.H. Jones, "Decree of Yahweh (Ps 11:7)," Vetus Testamentum 15.3 (July 1965): 336-344. |
André Lacocque, "L'idée directrice de Exode 1 à 4," Vetus Testamentum 15.3 (July 1965): 345-353. |
A.L. Merrill, "Psalm 23 and the Jerusalem tradition," Vetus Testamentum 15.3 (July 1965): 354-360. |
Joshua Roy Porter, "Legal aspects of the concept of corporate personality in the Old Testament," Vetus Testamentum 15.3 (July 1965): 361-380. |
W. Baars, "New witness to the text of the Barberini Greek version of Habakkuk 3," Vetus Testamentum 15.3 (July 1965): 381-382. |
David H. Gill, "Greek sources of Wisdom 12:3-7," Vetus Testamentum 15.3 (July 1965): 383-386. |
H. Mittwoch, "Story of the blasphemer seen in a wider context," Vetus Testamentum 15.3 (July 1965): 386-389. |
Horst Seebass, "Der Ort Elam in der südlichen Wüste und die Uberlieferung von Gen 14," Vetus Testamentum 15.3 (July 1965): 389-394. |
Norman Henry Snaith [1898-1982], "ym swp the Sea of Reeds: the Red Sea," Vetus Testamentum 15.3 (July 1965): 395-398. |
15.4 |
David Willoughby Gooding, "Impossible shrine," Vetus Testamentum 15.4 (Oct. 1965): 405-420. |
Jakob H. Gronbaek, "Benjamin und Juda: Erwägungen zu 1 Kön 12:21-24," Vetus Testamentum 15.4 (Oct. 1965): 421-436. |
Dominique Hermant, "Analyse littéraire du premier récit de la création," Vetus Testamentum 15.4 (Oct. 1965): 437-451. |
Barnabas Lindars, "Ezekiel and individual responsibility," Vetus Testamentum 15.4 (Oct. 1965): 452-467. |
E.C.B. MacLaurin, "Anak/anax," Vetus Testamentum 15.4 (Oct. 1965): 468-474. |
Alek William Sawyer, "What was a mosia," Vetus Testamentum 15.4 (Oct. 1965): 475-486. |
Gene M. Tucker, "Covenant forms and contract forms," Vetus Testamentum 15.4 (Oct. 1965): 487-503. |
Roger N. Whybray, "Proverbs 8:22-31 and its supposed prototypes," Vetus Testamentum 15.4 (Oct. 1965): 504-514. |
Walther Zimmerli [1907-1983], "Special form- and traditio-historical character of Ezekiel's prophecy," Vetus Testamentum 15.4 (Oct. 1965): 515-527. |
W. Baars, "Papyrus Barcinonensis, inv No 3 and Egerton papyrus 4," Vetus Testamentum 15.4 (Oct. 1965): 528-529. |
Donald B. Redford, "Land of the Hebrews in Gen 40:15," Vetus Testamentum 15.4 (Oct. 1965): 529-532. |
Albertus van den Branden, "Comment lire les textes de Deir Alla," Vetus Testamentum 15.4 (Oct. 1965): 532-535. |
Jacobus Franken Hendricus, "[Reply to A Van den Branden, pp 532-555]," Vetus Testamentum 15.4 (Oct. 1965): 535-536. |
16.1 |
Robert Davidson [1927- ], "Interpretation of Isaiah 2:6ff," Vetus Testamentum 16.1 (Jan. 1966): 1-7. |
M. Delcor, "Les attaches litteraires, l'origine et la signification de l'expression biblique"Prendre a temoin le ciel et la terre"," Vetus Testamentum 16.1 (Jan. 1966): 8-25. |
John Gray [1913- ], "Hazor," Vetus Testamentum 16.1 (Jan. 1966): 26-52. |
William L. Holladay, "Chiasmus, the key to Hosea 12:3-6," Vetus Testamentum 16.1 (Jan. 1966): 53-64. |
Hans Peter Rüger, "Ein Fragment der bisher ältesten datierten hebräischen Bibelhandschrift mit babylonischer Punktation," Vetus Testamentum 16.1 (Jan. 1966): 65-73. |
Horst Seebass, "Zum Text von 1 Sam 14:23b-25a und 2:29, 31-33," Vetus Testamentum 16.1 (Jan. 1966): 74-82. |
Edwin R. Thiele, "Pekah to Hezekiah and the Azariah and Hezekiah synchronisms," Vetus Testamentum 16.1 (Jan. 1966): 83-107. |
Francis I. Andersen, "Lexicographical note on Exodus 32:18," Vetus Testamentum 16.1 (Jan. 1966): 108-112. |
J. Severino Croatto, "'Abrek "Intendant" dans Gén 41:41,43," Vetus Testamentum 16.1 (Jan. 1966): 113-115. |
C.J. Labuschagne, "Teraphim: a new proposal for its etymology," Vetus Testamentum 16.1 (Jan. 1966): 115-117. |
Ilse von Loewenclau, "Zu Jeremia 2:30," Vetus Testamentum 16.1 (Jan. 1966): 117-123. |
Norman Henry Snaith [1898-1982], "Cult of Molech," Vetus Testamentum 16.1 (Jan. 1966): 123-124. |
Norman Henry Snaith [1898-1982], "Daughters of Zelophehad," Vetus Testamentum 16.1 (Jan. 1966): 124-127. |
16.2 |
Edwin M. Goodarshall, "Hosea and the Jacob tradition," Vetus Testamentum 16.2 (April 1966): 137-151. |
Hans Kosmala, "Form and structure in ancient Hebrew poetry," Vetus Testamentum 16.2 (April 1966): 152-180. |
Daniel Lys, "Israelite soul according to the LXX," Vetus Testamentum 16.2 (April 1966): 181-228. |
Islwyn Blythin, "Note on Isaiah 49:16-17," Vetus Testamentum 16.2 (April 1966): 229-230. |
George Wesley Buchanan, "Courts of the Lord," Vetus Testamentum 16.2 (April 1966): 231-232. |
Anthony Gelston, "Foundations of the second temple," Vetus Testamentum 16.2 (April 1966): 232-235. |
William L. Holladay, "Jer 31:22b reconsidered: the woman encompasses the man," Vetus Testamentum 16.2 (April 1966): 236-239. |
Oswald Loretz, "bryt- Band-bund," Vetus Testamentum 16.2 (April 1966): 239-241. |
Anthony Phillips, "Interpretation of 2 Samuel 12:5-6," Vetus Testamentum 16.2 (April 1966): 242-244. |
16.3 |
Elias Auerbach, "Das Zehngebot: Allgemeine Gesetzes-Form in der Bibel," Vetus Testamentum 16.3 (July 1966): 255-276. |
Joseph M. Baumgarten, "Counting of the Sabbath in ancient sources," Vetus Testamentum 16.3 (July 1966): 277-286. |
Pieter Arie Hendrik de Boer [1910-1989], "Psalm 131:2," Vetus Testamentum 16.3 (July 1966): 287-292. |
Robert G. Boling, "Some conflated readings in Joshua-Judges," Vetus Testamentum 16.3 (July 1966): 293-298. |
Mitchell Joseph Dahood [1922-1982], "Vocative lamedh in the Psalter," Vetus Testamentum 16.3 (July 1966): 299-311. |
George Farr, "Language of Amos, popular or cultic," Vetus Testamentum 16.3 (July 1966): 312-324. |
Artur Weiser, "Die Legitimation des Königs David: zur Eigenart und Entstehung der Sogenannten Geschichte von Davids Aufstieg," Vetus Testamentum 16.3 (July 1966): 325-354. |
R. Edelmann, "To nwt Exodus 32:18," Vetus Testamentum 16.3 (July 1966): 355. |
Ernest W. Nicholson, "Problems in Hosea 8:13," Vetus Testamentum 16.3 (July 1966): 355-358. |
Victor, Peddi, "Note on choq in the Old Testament," Vetus Testamentum 16.3 (July 1966): 358-361. |
Jacob Weingreen, "Case of the woodgatherer: Numbers 15:32-36," Vetus Testamentum 16.3 (July 1966): 361-364. |
16.4 |
Gilbert Brunet, "La vision de l'etain: réinterprétation d'Amos 7:7-9," Vetus Testamentum 16.4 (Oct. 1966): 387-395. |
Pierre Buis, "Les formulaires d'alliance," Vetus Testamentum 16.4 (Oct. 1966): 396-411. |
Robert C. Hill, "Aetheria XII:9 and the site of biblical Edrei," Vetus Testamentum 16.4 (Oct. 1966): 412-419. |
Rudolf Kilian, "Gen 1:2 und die Urgötter von Hermopolis," Vetus Testamentum 16.4 (Oct. 1966): 420-438. |
Jacob Leveen, "Textual problems of Psalm 7," Vetus Testamentum 16.4 (Oct. 1966): 439-445. |
Hans-Peter Müller, "Der Aufbau des Deboraliedes," Vetus Testamentum 16.4 (Oct. 1966): 446-459. |
H.R. Stroes, "Does the day begin in the evening or morning," Vetus Testamentum 16.4 (Oct. 1966): 460-475. |
Simon J. De Vries, "Acrostic of Nahum in the Jerusalem liturgy," Vetus Testamentum 16.4 (Oct. 1966): 476-481. |
Roger N. Whybray, "Some literary problems in Proverbs 1-9," Vetus Testamentum 16.4 (Oct. 1966): 482-496. |
David R. Blumenthal, "Play on words in the nineteenth chapter of Job," Vetus Testamentum 16.4 (Oct. 1966): 497-501. |
Martin J. Buss, "Covenant theme in historical perspective," Vetus Testamentum 16.4 (Oct. 1966): 502-504. |
F. Charles Fensham, "The dog in Ex 11:7," Vetus Testamentum 16.4 (Oct. 1966): 504-507. |
Anthony Gelston, "Note on yhwh mlk," Vetus Testamentum 16.4 (Oct. 1966): 507-512. |
Kari Maalstad, "Einige Erwägungen zu Jes 43:4," Vetus Testamentum 16.4 (Oct. 1966): 512-514. |
Daniel Sperber, "Note on Leviticus 27:28," Vetus Testamentum 16.4 (Oct. 1966): 515-518. |
Jacob Weingreen, "Case of the daughters of Zelophehad," Vetus Testamentum 16.4 (Oct. 1966): 518-522. |
17.1 |
Gösta W. Ahlström [1918-1992], "'eder," Vetus Testamentum 17.1 (Jan. 1967): 1-7. |
Dominique Auscher, "Les relations entre la Grèce et la Palestine avant la conquète d'Alexandre," Vetus Testamentum 17.1 (Jan. 1967): 8-30. |
John Westerdale Bowker, "Psalm 110," Vetus Testamentum 17.1 (Jan. 1967): 31-41. |
Sebastian Bullough [1910-1967], "Question of metre in Psalm 1," Vetus Testamentum 17.1 (Jan. 1967): 42-49. |
F.N. Jasper, "Early Israelite traditions and the Psalter," Vetus Testamentum 17.1 (Jan. 1967): 50-59. |
Barnabas Lindars, "Is Psalm 2 an acrostic poem," Vetus Testamentum 17.1 (Jan. 1967): 60-67. |
Edward Lipinski, "Peninna, Iti'el et l'Athléte," Vetus Testamentum 17.1 (Jan. 1967): 68-75. |
John Paton Ross, "Jahweh Seba'ôt in Samuel and Psalms," Vetus Testamentum 17.1 (Jan. 1967): 76-92. |
Moshe Weinfeld, "Period of the conquest and of the Judges as seen by the earlier and the later sources," Vetus Testamentum 17.1 (Jan. 1967): 93-113. |
M. Gilula, "Egyptian parallel to Jeremia 1:4-5," Vetus Testamentum 17.1 (Jan. 1967): 114. |
Pierre Grelot, "Le papyrus pascal d'Eléphantine," Vetus Testamentum 17.1 (Jan. 1967): 114-117. |
Donald A. McKenzie, "Judge of Israel," Vetus Testamentum 17.1 (Jan. 1967): 118-121. |
Roger N. Whybray, "'annot in Exodus 32:18," Vetus Testamentum 17.1 (Jan. 1967): 122. |
George Wishart Anderson, "Society for Old Testament Study, 1917-1967," Vetus Testamentum 17.1 (Jan. 1967): 123-126. |
W. Baars, "On the order of books in a Beth Mawtabhe," Vetus Testamentum 17.1 (Jan. 1967): 132-133. |
17.2 |
John A. Emerton, "Textual problems of Isaiah 5:14," Vetus Testamentum 17.2 (April 1967): 135-142. |
David Willoughby Gooding, "Temple specifications: a dispute in logical arrangement between the MT and the LXX," Vetus Testamentum 17.2 (April 1967): 143-172. |
David Willoughby Gooding, "Septuagint's rival versions of Jeroboam's rise to power," Vetus Testamentum 17.2 (April 1967): 173-189. |
Pierre Grelot, "Le papyrus pascal d'Eléphantine," Vetus Testamentum 17.2 (April 1967): 201-207. |
William McKane, "Interpretation of Isaiah 7:14-25," Vetus Testamentum 17.2 (April 1967): 208-219. |
L. Paul Trudinger, "To whom then will you liken God: A note on the interpretation of Isaiah 40:18-20," Vetus Testamentum 17.2 (April 1967): 220-225. |
Joanne N.M. Wijngaards, "Death and resurrection in covenantal context Hos 6:2," Vetus Testamentum 17.2 (April 1967): 226-239. |
Alan D. Crown, "Judges 5:15b-16," Vetus Testamentum 17.2 (April 1967): 240-242. |
Christopher R. North, "'elozah sikem Psa 60:8, Psa 108:8," Vetus Testamentum 17.2 (April 1967): 242-243. |
Norman Henry Snaith [1898-1982], "Nehemiah 12:36," Vetus Testamentum 17.2 (April 1967): 243. |
17.3 |
George W. Coats [1936-2006], "Traditio-historical character of the Reed Sea motif," Vetus Testamentum 17.3 (July 1967): 253-265. |
Menahem Haran, "Rise and decline of the empire of Jeroboam ben Joash," Vetus Testamentum 17.3 (July 1967): 266-297. |
Philip B. Harner, "Creation faith in Deutero-Isaiah," Vetus Testamentum 17.3 (July 1967): 298-306. |
J. Maxwell Miller, "Fall of the house of Ahab," Vetus Testamentum 17.3 (July 1967): 307-324. |
Horst Seebass, "Zur Kdonigserhebung Jeroboams I," Vetus Testamentum 17.3 (July 1967): 325-333. |
Th C. Vriezen. (Theodoor Christiaan), 1899-1981, "Exodusstudien Exodus 1," Vetus Testamentum 17.3 (July 1967): 334-353. |
James K. Zink, "Uncleanness and sin: a study of Job 14:4 and Psalm 51:7," Vetus Testamentum 17.3 (July 1967): 354-361. |
Roger Le Déaut, "A propos d'une lecon du codex Neofiti 1, Lev 5:21," Vetus Testamentum 17.3 (July 1967): 362-363. |
André Pelletier, "Une particularité de rituel des "pains d'oblation" conservée par la Septante, Lev. 24:8, Ex 25:30," Vetus Testamentum 17.3 (July 1967): 364-367. |
Richard Schiemann, "Covenanting with the princes: Neh 6:2," Vetus Testamentum 17.3 (July 1967): 367-369. |
17.4 |
Eleazar Birnbaum, "Michigan Codex: an important Hebrew Bible manuscript discovered in the University of Michigan Library," Vetus Testamentum 17.4 (Oct. 1967): 373-415. |
John A. Emerton, "Printed editions of the Song of Songs in the Peshitta version," Vetus Testamentum 17.4 (Oct. 1967): 417-429. |
Hans Gottlieb, "Amos und Jerusalem," Vetus Testamentum 17.4 (Oct. 1967): 430-463. |
Marco Treves, "Little prince Pele-Joez," Vetus Testamentum 17.4 (Oct. 1967): 464-477. |
Pierre Buis, "Deuteronome 27:15-26: maledictions ou exigences de l'alliance?," Vetus Testamentum 17.4 (Oct. 1967): 478-479. |
Jacobus Franken Hendricus, "Texts from the Persian period from Tell Deir 'Alla," Vetus Testamentum 17.4 (Oct. 1967): 480-481. |
Pierre Grelot, "Le papyrus pascal d'Eléphantine et les lettres d'Hermopolis," Vetus Testamentum 17.4 (Oct. 1967): 481-483. |
Graham S. Ogden, "Notes on the use of hwyh in Exodus 9:3," Vetus Testamentum 17.4 (Oct. 1967): 483-484. |
Harold Henry Rowley [1890-1969], "Melchizedek and David," Vetus Testamentum 17.4 (Oct. 1967): 485. |
18.1 |
Pierre Buis, "La nouvelle alliance," Vetus Testamentum 18.1 (Jan. 1968): 1-15. |
H.J. van Dijk, "Neglected connotation of three Hebrew verbs," Vetus Testamentum 18.1 (Jan. 1968): 16-30. |
Alfred Jepsen, "Noch einmal zur israelitisch-jüdischen Chronologie," Vetus Testamentum 18.1 (Jan. 1968): 31-46. |
Rolf Knierim, "Vocation of Isaiah," Vetus Testamentum 18.1 (Jan. 1968): 47-68. |
Wolfgang M.W. Roth, "Study of the classical Hebrew verb tskl," Vetus Testamentum 18.1 (Jan. 1968): 69-78. |
Thomas Thompson & Dorothy Thompson, "Some legal problems in the Book of Ruth," Vetus Testamentum 18.1 (Jan. 1968): 79-99. |
Patrick D. Miller, "Divine council and the prophetic call to war," Vetus Testamentum 18.1 (Jan. 1968): 100-107. |
M.J. Mulder, "Un euphémisme dans 2 Sam 12:14," Vetus Testamentum 18.1 (Jan. 1968): 108-114. |
Shalom M. Paul, "Image of the oven and the cake in Hosea 7:4-10," Vetus Testamentum 18.1 (Jan. 1968): 114-120. |
David Winton Thomas [1901-1970], "Some further remarks on unusual ways of expressing the superlative in Hebrew," Vetus Testamentum 18.1 (Jan. 1968): 120-124. |
"Fourth supplement to the list of Old Testament Peshitta manuscripts," Vetus Testamentum 18.1 (Jan. 1968): 128-143. |
18.2 |
Henri Cazelles, "Israel du nord et arche d'alliance, Jer 3:16," Vetus Testamentum 18.2 (April 1968): 147-158. |
Jean Koenig, "L'allusion inexpliquée au roseau et à la mèche, Isaïe 42:3," Vetus Testamentum 18.2 (April 1968): 159-172. |
Jürgen-Christian Lebram, "Aspekte der alttestamentlichen Kanonbildung," Vetus Testamentum 18.2 (April 1968): 173-189. |
Herbert Gordon May [1904-1977], ""This people" and "this nation" in Haggai," Vetus Testamentum 18.2 (April 1968): 190-197. |
Thomas F. McDaniel, "Alleged Sumerian influence upon Lamentations," Vetus Testamentum 18.2 (April 1968): 198-209. |
J. Alberto Soggin, "Akkadisch TAR berîti und Hebraïsch karat berit," Vetus Testamentum 18.2 (April 1968): 210-215. |
W.A. Sumner, "Israel's encounters with Edom, Moab, Ammon, Sihon, and Og according to the Deuteronomist," Vetus Testamentum 18.2 (April 1968): 216-228. |
Walther Zimmerli [1907-1983], "Planungen für den Wiederaufbau nach der Katastrophe von 587," Vetus Testamentum 18.2 (April 1968): 229-255. |
Kenneth E. Bailey & William L. Holladay, "Young camel and wild ass in Jer 2:23-25," Vetus Testamentum 18.2 (April 1968): 256-260. |
Pieter Arie Hendrik de Boer [1910-1989], "Meaning of Psalm 73:9," Vetus Testamentum 18.2 (April 1968): 260-264. |
Erling Hammershaimb [1904-1994], "Some remarks on the Aramaic letters from Hermopolis," Vetus Testamentum 18.2 (April 1968): 265-267. |
David Winton Thomas [1901-1970], "Note on zrmtm snh yhyw in Psalm 90:5," Vetus Testamentum 18.2 (April 1968): 267-268. |
Norman Walker, "Peshitta puzzle and its implications," Vetus Testamentum 18.2 (April 1968): 268-270. |
18.3 |
W. Baars, "Peshitta text of Song of Songs in Barhebraeus' Ausar Raze," Vetus Testamentum 18.3 (July 1968): 281-289. |
M. Delcor, "Les sources du chapitre 7 de Daniel," Vetus Testamentum 18.3 (July 1968): 290-312. |
Terence E. Fretheim, "Priestly document: anti-temple?," Vetus Testamentum 18.3 (July 1968): 313-329. |
Sara Japhet, "Supposed common authorship of Chronicles and Ezra-Nehemia investigated anew," Vetus Testamentum 18.3 (July 1968): 330-371. |
John T. Willis, "Some suggestions on the interpretation of Micah 1:2," Vetus Testamentum 18.3 (July 1968): 372-379. |
Jack M. Sasson, "Bovine symbolism in the Exodus narrative," Vetus Testamentum 18.3 (July 1968): 380-387. |
Adam S van der Woude, "Micah 2:7a und der Bund Jahwes mit Israel," Vetus Testamentum 18.3 (July 1968): 388-391. |
J. Maxwell Miller, "So Tibni died, 1 Kings 16:22," Vetus Testamentum 18.3 (July 1968): 392-394. |
Sebastian P. Brock, "nepeelegereta = rkb 'rpt," Vetus Testamentum 18.3 (July 1968): 395-397. |
Peter C. Craigie [1938-1985], "Note on Judges 5:2," Vetus Testamentum 18.3 (July 1968): 397-399. |
18.4 |
Walther Zimmerli [1907-1983], "In memoriam: Martin Noth 1902-1968," Vetus Testamentum 18.4 (Oct. 1968): 409-413. |
Shoshana R. Bin-Nun, "Formulas from royal records of Israel and of Judah," Vetus Testamentum 18.4 (Oct. 1968): 414-432. |
W. Malcolm Clark, "Animal series in the primeval history," Vetus Testamentum 18.4 (Oct. 1968): 433-449. |
George W. Coats [1936-2006], "Despoiling the Egyptians," Vetus Testamentum 18.4 (Oct. 1968): 450-457. |
Roger Le Déaut, "Lévitique 22:26-23:44 dans le Targum palestinien: de l'importance des gloses du codex Neofiti 1," Vetus Testamentum 18.4 (Oct. 1968): 458-471. |
Wolfgang Helck, "Die Bedrohung Palästinas durch einwandernde Gruppen am Ende der 18 und am Anfang der 19 Dynastie," Vetus Testamentum 18.4 (Oct. 1968): 472-480. |
William L. Holladay, "Isaiah 3:10-11: an archaic wisdom passage," Vetus Testamentum 18.4 (Oct. 1968): 481-487. |
Bruce William Jones, "Prayer in Daniel 9," Vetus Testamentum 18.4 (Oct. 1968): 488-493. |
Arvid S. Kapelrud [1912-1994], "Number seven in Ugaritic texts," Vetus Testamentum 18.4 (Oct. 1968): 494-499. |
Samuel E. Loewenstamm, "Zur Traditionsgeschichte des Bundes zwischen den Stücken," Vetus Testamentum 18.4 (Oct. 1968): 500-506. |
Hans-Peter Müller, "Wie sprach Qohälät von Gott," Vetus Testamentum 18.4 (Oct. 1968): 507-521. |
Roger N. Whybray, "Joseph story and Pentateuchal criticism," Vetus Testamentum 18.4 (Oct. 1968): 522-528. |
John T. Willis, "Micah 4:14-5:5: a unit," Vetus Testamentum 18.4 (Oct. 1968): 529-547. |
W. Baars, "Ein neugefundenes Bruchstück aus der syrischen Bibelrevision des Jakob von Edessa," Vetus Testamentum 18.4 (Oct. 1968): 548-554. |
J.H. Eaton, "Proposals in Psalms 99 and 119," Vetus Testamentum 18.4 (Oct. 1968): 555-558. |
Francis J. Morrow, Jr., "Psalm 21:10: an example of haplography," Vetus Testamentum 18.4 (Oct. 1968): 558-559. |
T.N. Townsend, "Additional comments on Haggai 2:10-19," Vetus Testamentum 18.4 (Oct. 1968): 559-560. |
Jan van Zijl, "Is 48:7 according to the Targum Br Mus or Ms 2211," Vetus Testamentum 18.4 (Oct. 1968): 560-561. |
19.1 |
John R. Bartlett, "Use of the word ro's as a title in the Old Testament," Vetus Testamentum 19.1 (Jan. 1969): 1-10. |
Menahem Haran, "Zebah Hayyamîm," Vetus Testamentum 19.1 (Jan. 1969): 11-22. |
Hollenberg, D E, "Nationalism and the nations in Isaiah 40-55," Vetus Testamentum 19.1 (Jan. 1969): 23-36. |
Klaus Koch, "Die Hebräer vom Auszug aus Agypten bis zum Grossreich Davids," Vetus Testamentum 19.1 (Jan. 1969): 37-81. |
James D. Martin, "Forensic background to Jeremiah 3:1," Vetus Testamentum 19.1 (Jan. 1969): 82-92. |
T.C. Mitchell, "Meaning of the noun chtn in the Old Testament," Vetus Testamentum 19.1 (Jan. 1969): 93-112. |
Leonhard Rost, "Zur Vorgeschichte der Kultusreform des Josia," Vetus Testamentum 19.1 (Jan. 1969): 113-120. |
Kevin J. Cathcart, "TRKB qmch in the Arad ostracon and biblical Hebrew rekeb upper millstone," Vetus Testamentum 19.1 (Jan. 1969): 121-123. |
William L. Holladay, "'erets--underworld: two more suggestions," Vetus Testamentum 19.1 (Jan. 1969): 123-124. |
Anthony Phillips, "Case of the woodgatherer reconsidered," Vetus Testamentum 19.1 (Jan. 1969): 125-128. |
W.G. Simpson, "Some Egyptian light on a translation problem in Psalm 10," Vetus Testamentum 19.1 (Jan. 1969): 128-131. |
19.2 |
Aharoni Yohanan [1919-1976], "Rubute and Ginti-Kirmil," Vetus Testamentum 19.2 (April 1969): 137-145. |
John Pairman Brown, "Mediterranean vocabulary of the vine," Vetus Testamentum 19.2 (April 1969): 146-170. |
Joseph Coppens, "La vision daniélique du fils d'homme," Vetus Testamentum 19.2 (April 1969): 171-182. |
Albrecht Frenz, "Der Turmbau," Vetus Testamentum 19.2 (April 1969): 183-195. |
Fredrick Carlson Holmgren, "Chiastic structure in Isaiah 51:1-11," Vetus Testamentum 19.2 (April 1969): 196-201. |
B. Margulis, "Gen 49:10/Deut 33:2-3," Vetus Testamentum 19.2 (April 1969): 202-210. |
David Robertson, "Morphemes -y(-i) and -w(-o) in biblical Hebrew," Vetus Testamentum 19.2 (April 1969): 211-223. |
F.R. Stephenson, "Date of the Book of Joel," Vetus Testamentum 19.2 (April 1969): 224-229. |
Marco Treves, "Reign of God in the OT," Vetus Testamentum 19.2 (April 1969): 230-243. |
Adam S van der Woude, "Micah in dispute with the pseudo-prophets," Vetus Testamentum 19.2 (April 1969): 244-260. |
Matitiahu Tsevat, "Isaiah 1:31," Vetus Testamentum 19.2 (April 1969): 261-263. |
Jacob Weingreen, "Rebellion of Absalom," Vetus Testamentum 19.2 (April 1969): 263-266. |
19.3 |
Calum M. Carmichael, "New view of the origin of the Deuteronomic credo," Vetus Testamentum 19.3 (July 1969): 273-289. |
Jan Dus, "Herabfahrung Jahwes auf die Lade und Entziehung der Feuerwolke: zu zwei Dogmen der mittleren Richterzeit," Vetus Testamentum 19.3 (July 1969): 290-311. |
F. Charles Fensham, "Son of a handmaid in northwest Semitic," Vetus Testamentum 19.3 (July 1969): 312-321. |
Georg Christian Macholz, "Noch einmal: Planungen für d Wiederaufbau nach d Katastrophe von 587: Erwägungen z Schlussteil d sog Verfassungsentwurfs d Hesekiel," Vetus Testamentum 19.3 (July 1969): 322-352. |
A.D.H. Mayes, "Historical context of the battle against Sisera," Vetus Testamentum 19.3 (July 1969): 353-360. |
Hans-Peter Müller, "Die hebräische Wurzel sîch," Vetus Testamentum 19.3 (July 1969): 361-371. |
Menahem Haran, "Zbch ymm in the Karatepe inscription," Vetus Testamentum 19.3 (July 1969): 372-373. |
Norman Henry Snaith [1898-1982], "Numbers 28 9,11,13 in the ancient versions," Vetus Testamentum 19.3 (July 1969): 374. |
Leona Glidden Running, "Problem of the mixed Syriac mss of Susanna in the seventeenth century," Vetus Testamentum 19.3 (July 1969): 377-383. |
19.4 |
Walter Brueggemann, "Amos' intercessory formula," Vetus Testamentum 19.4 (Oct. 1969): 385-399. |
Robert P. Carroll, "Elijah-Elisha sagas: some remarks on prophetic succession in ancient Israel," Vetus Testamentum 19.4 (Oct. 1969): 400-415. |
R.A. Carlson, "Elie à l'Horeb," Vetus Testamentum 19.4 (Oct. 1969): 416-439. |
H.J. van Dijk, "Does third masculine singular *taqtul exist in Hebrew," Vetus Testamentum 19.4 (Oct. 1969): 440-447. |
David Willoughby Gooding, "Test-sequence and translation-revision in 3 Reigns 9:10-10:33," Vetus Testamentum 19.4 (Oct. 1969): 448-463. |
Samuel E. Loewenstamm, "The Lord is my strength and my glory," Vetus Testamentum 19.4 (Oct. 1969): 464-470. |
Andrew Alexander Macintosh, "Consideration of Hebrew gr," Vetus Testamentum 19.4 (Oct. 1969): 471-479. |
Martin Bosshard, "Bemerkungen zum Text von Habakuk 1:8," Vetus Testamentum 19.4 (Oct. 1969): 480-482. |
Stephanie Page, "Joash and Samaria in a new stela excavated at Tell al Rimah, Iraq," Vetus Testamentum 19.4 (Oct. 1969): 483-484. |
Anthony Phillips, "David's linen ephod," Vetus Testamentum 19.4 (Oct. 1969): 485-487. |
M. Mannati, "TUB-Y en Ps 27:13: la bonté de Y, ou les biens de Y?," Vetus Testamentum 19.4 (Oct. 1969): 488-493. |
A. Toeg, "Textual note on 1 Samuel 14:41," Vetus Testamentum 19.4 (Oct. 1969): 493-498. |
20.1 |
Robert G. Hammerton-Kelly, "Temple and the origins of Jewish apocalyptic," Vetus Testamentum 20.1 (Jan. 1970): 1-15. |
Taeke Jansma, "And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters," Vetus Testamentum 20.1 (Jan. 1970): 16-24. |
Edward Lipinski, "Recherches sur le livre de Zacharie," Vetus Testamentum 20.1 (Jan. 1970): 25-55. |
Shirley Lund, "Argument for further study of the paleography of Codex Neofiti 1," Vetus Testamentum 20.1 (Jan. 1970): 56-64. |
John E. Worrell, "'tsh: "counsel" or "council" at Qumran?," Vetus Testamentum 20.1 (Jan. 1970): 65-74. |
G.R.H. Wright, "Mythology of pre-Israelite Shechem," Vetus Testamentum 20.1 (Jan. 1970): 75-82. |
Peter C. Craigie [1938-1985], "Egyptian expression in the Song of the Sea (Exodus 15:4)," Vetus Testamentum 20.1 (Jan. 1970): 83-86. |
Albert Ehrman, "Note on Micah 2:7," Vetus Testamentum 20.1 (Jan. 1970): 86-87. |
John B. Geyer, "Qetsot ha'arets -Hellenistic," Vetus Testamentum 20.1 (Jan. 1970): 87-90. |
Friedemann W. Golka, "Zur Erforschung der 'Atiologien im Alten Testament," Vetus Testamentum 20.1 (Jan. 1970): 90-98. |
J.P. Hayes & Jacob Hoftijzer, "Notae Hermopolitanae," Vetus Testamentum 20.1 (Jan. 1970): 98-106. |
Jan Heller, "Die Symbolik des Fettes im At," Vetus Testamentum 20.1 (Jan. 1970): 106-108. |
George E. Howard, "Some notes on the Septuagint of Amos," Vetus Testamentum 20.1 (Jan. 1970): 108-112. |
Andrew Alexander Macintosh, "Note on Proverbs 25:27," Vetus Testamentum 20.1 (Jan. 1970): 112-114. |
Stefan C. Reif, "Note on a neglected connotation of ntn," Vetus Testamentum 20.1 (Jan. 1970): 114-116. |
Ramadan Sayed, "Tefnakht ou Horus Si3-(ib)," Vetus Testamentum 20.1 (Jan. 1970): 116-118. |
Gunther Schwarz, "Einen Tisch angesichts meiner Feinde," Vetus Testamentum 20.1 (Jan. 1970): 118-120. |
20.2 |
Kenneth S. Freedy, "Glosses in Ezekiel 1-24," Vetus Testamentum 20.2 (April 1970): 129-152. |
William L. Holladay, "Form and word-play in David's lament over Saul and Jonathan," Vetus Testamentum 20.2 (April 1970): 153-189. |
Eduard Nielsen, "Deuterojesaja: Erwagungen zur Formkritik, Traditions-und Redaktionsgeschichte," Vetus Testamentum 20.2 (April 1970): 190-205. |
John Sturdy, "Original meaning of "Is Saul also among the prophets?"," Vetus Testamentum 20.2 (April 1970): 206-213. |
Winfried Thiel, "Hefer berît: zum Bundrechen im Alten Testament," Vetus Testamentum 20.2 (April 1970): 214-229. |
W. Baars, "Little-known Latin fragment of the Wisdom of Solomon," Vetus Testamentum 20.2 (April 1970): 230-233. |
Roger Lapointe, "Etymologie semitique de Syrie," Vetus Testamentum 20.2 (April 1970): 233-236. |
Johann Marbock, "qw -eine Bezeichnung fur das hebräische Metrum," Vetus Testamentum 20.2 (April 1970): 236-239. |
Benedikt Otzen, "Noch einmal das Wort trkb auf einem Arad-Ostracon," Vetus Testamentum 20.2 (April 1970): 239-242. |
20.3 |
John R. Bartlett, "Sihon and Og, kings of the Amorites," Vetus Testamentum 20.3 (July 1970): 257-277. |
Carl-A Keller, "Probleme des hebraïschen Sprachunterrichts," Vetus Testamentum 20.3 (July 1970): 278-286. |
John Mauchline, "Implicit signs of a persistent belief in the Davidic empire," Vetus Testamentum 20.3 (July 1970): 287-303. |
J.P. Schafer, "Die Termini "Heiliger Geist" und "Geist der Prophetie" in den Targumim und das Verhältnis der Targumim zueinander," Vetus Testamentum 20.3 (July 1970): 304-314. |
Samuel L. Terrien, "Omphalos myth and Hebrew religion," Vetus Testamentum 20.3 (July 1970): 315-338. |
W.A. van der Weiden, "Prov 14:32b, Mais le juste a confiance quand il meurt," Vetus Testamentum 20.3 (July 1970): 339-350. |
Ph. Derchain, "Les plus anciens témoignages de sacrifices d'enfants chez les Sémites Occidentaux," Vetus Testamentum 20.3 (July 1970): 351-355. |
Frank Charles Fensham, "Battle between the men of Joab and Abner as a possible ordeal by battle," Vetus Testamentum 20.3 (July 1970): 356-357. |
Edwin M. Goodarshall, "Exodus 15:2," Vetus Testamentum 20.3 (July 1970): 358-359. |
Alfred Jepsen, "Ein neuer Fixpunkt für die Chronologie der israelitischen Könige," Vetus Testamentum 20.3 (July 1970): 359-361. |
M. Mannati, "Sur le sens de min en Ps 4:8," Vetus Testamentum 20.3 (July 1970): 361-366. |
J. Alberto Soggin, "Ein ausserbiblisches Zeugnig für die Chronologie des Jehôas/Jô'as, König von Israel," Vetus Testamentum 20.3 (July 1970): 366-368. |
Wilfred G.E. Watson, "Antecedents of a New Testament proverb," Vetus Testamentum 20.3 (July 1970): 368-370. |
R.A. Carlson, "Elisée: le successeur d'Elie," Vetus Testamentum 20.4 (Oct. 1970): 385-405. |
20.4 |
Brevard S. Childs, "Traditio-historical study of the Reed Sea tradition," Vetus Testamentum 20.4 (Oct. 1970): 406-418. |
Jacob Hoftijzer, "David and the Tekoite woman," Vetus Testamentum 20.4 (Oct. 1970): 419-444. |
Edward Lipinski, "b'chryt hymym dans les textes préexiliques," Vetus Testamentum 20.4 (Oct. 1970): 445-450. |
J.W. McKay, "Helel and the dawn-goddess: a re-examination of the myth in Isaiah 14:12-15," Vetus Testamentum 20.4 (Oct. 1970): 451-464. |
Hans-Peter Müller, "Der Begriff Rätsel im Alten Testament," Vetus Testamentum 20.4 (Oct. 1970): 465-489. |
Vincent O. Eareckson, "Originality of Isaiah 14:27," Vetus Testamentum 20.4 (Oct. 1970): 490-491. |
Robert P. Gordon, "Isaiah 53:2," Vetus Testamentum 20.4 (Oct. 1970): 491-492. |
William L. Holladay, "Once more, 'anak = 'tin', Amos 7:7-8," Vetus Testamentum 20.4 (Oct. 1970): 492-494. |
Edward Lipinski, "Se battre la cuisse," Vetus Testamentum 20.4 (Oct. 1970): 495. |
Edward Lipinski, "'Urim and tummim," Vetus Testamentum 20.4 (Oct. 1970): 495-496. |
Takamitsu Muraoka, "Is the Septuagint Amos 8:12-9:10 a separate unit," Vetus Testamentum 20.4 (Oct. 1970): 496-500. |
Harry Meyer Orlinsky [1908-1992], "Numbers 28:9, 12, 13," Vetus Testamentum 20.4 (Oct. 1970): 500. |
Wilfred G.E. Watson, "David ousts the city ruler of Jebus," Vetus Testamentum 20.4 (Oct. 1970): 501-502. |
Jürgen-Christian Lebram, "Apokalyptik und Hellenismus im Buche Daniel: Bemerkungen und Gedanken zu Martin Hengels Buch über Judentum und Hellenismus," Vetus Testamentum 20.4 (Oct. 1970): 503-524. |
W. Baars, "Peshitta Institute Communications IX: a palimpsest of Ezekiel reconstructed," Vetus Testamentum 20.4 (Oct. 1970): 527-536. |