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Vols. 1 - 19 | (1951 - 1957) |
Vols. 20 - 39 | (1958 - 1964) |
Vols. 40 - 59 | (1964 - 1971) |
Vols. 60 - 72 | (1971 - 1975) |
Continues as Themelios |
Volume 60 (Summer 1971)
I. Howard Marshall, "Personal View: Leaving the Gag on," TSF Bulletin 60 (Summer 1971): 1-2. | |
Kenneth A. Kitchen, "The Old Testament in Its Context: Part 2 From Egypt to Jordan," Theological Students' Fellowship Bulletin 60 (Spring 1971): 3-11.. pdf | |
A. Skevington Wood [1916-1993], "Evangelicalism: a Historical Perspective," TSF Bulletin 60 (Summer 1971): 11-20. pdf [All reasonable efforts have been made to contact the current copyright holder without success. If you hold the rights, please contact me] | |
David F. Wright [1897-2008], "A Bibliographical Guide to the Study of Church Hiatory 2: The Early Church to the Middle of the Fifth Century (continued)," TSF Bulletin 60 (Summer 1971): 20-23. pdf [Reproduced by kind permission of the copyright holder] | |
J.G.S.S. Thomson, "The New Bible Commentary Revised," TSF Bulletin 60 (Summer 1971): 23-24. |
Volume 61 (Autumn 1971)
"Points of View: 1. Preaching and Communication; 2. Evangelicalism: A Historical Re-spective," TSF Bulletin 61 (Autumn 1971): 1-5. | |
Kenneth A. Kitchen, "The Old Testament in Its Context: Part 3 From Joshua to Solomon," Theological Students' Fellowship Bulletin 61 (Summer 1971): 5-14.. pdf | |
R. Maddox, "The Quest for Valid Methods in 'Son of Man' Research," TSF Bulletin 61 (Autumn 1971): 14-21. | |
Ralph P. Martin, "The Theological Journals in 1970," TSF Bulletin 61 (Autumn 1971): 22-27. |
Volume 62 (Spring 1972)
Graham J. Burton, "A Theology of Humanity," TSF Bulletin 62 (Spring 1972): 1-2. | |
Kenneth A. Kitchen, "The Old Testament in Its Context: Part 4 The Twin Kingdoms, Judah and Assyria (c.930-640 BC)," Theological Students' Fellowship Bulletin 62 (Autumn 1971): 2-10.. pdf | |
Eric J. Sharpe, "The Christian and the Study of World Religions," TSF Bulletin 62 (Spring 1972): 10-14. | |
Bruce J. Milne, "Some Aspects of Modern Theology," TSF Bulletin 62 (Spring 1972): 14-19. |
Volume 63 (Summer 1972)
Kenneth A. Kitchen, "The Old Testament in Its Context: Part 5 Judah, Exile and Return," Theological Students' Fellowship Bulletin 63 (Summer 1972): 1-5.. pdf | |
Greg S. Forster, "The Third Arm: Pentecostal Christianity 1," TSF Bulletin 63 (Summer 1973): 5-9. | |
Bruce N. Kaye, "Political Obedience in Romans 13:1-7," TSF Bulletin 63 (Summer 1973): 10-12. | |
Harold H. Rowdon, "A Bibliographical Guide to the Study of Church History: 3 The Evangelical Revival and the Modern Church," TSF Bulletin 63 (Summer 1973): 13-18. |
Volume 64 (Autumn 1972)
John Newton, "A Letter to a Student of Divinity," TSF Bulletin 64 (Autumn 1973): 1-2. | |
Kenneth A. Kitchen, "The Old Testament in Its Context: Part 6," Theological Students' Fellowship Bulletin 64 (Autumn 1972): 2-10. pdf | |
Colin J. Hemer, "Fragments of Mark at Qumran?" TSF Bulletin 64 (Autumn 1973): 11. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] | |
Oliver M.T. O'Donovan, "Style and Genre in Ephesians," TSF Bulletin 64 (Autumn 1973): 12-16. | |
Greg S. Forster, "The Third Arm: Pentecostal Christianity 2," TSF Bulletin 64 (Autumn 1973): 16-21. | |
F.J. Roberts, "Clinical Theology: an Assessment," TSF Bulletin 64 (Autumn 1973): 21-25. | |
Ralph P. Martin, "The Theological Journals in 1971," TSF Bulletin 64 (Autumn 1973): 25-28. |
Volume 65 (Spring 1973)
Seth Erlandsson, "Is there ever Biblical Research without Presuppositions?" TSF Bulletin 65 (Spring 1973): 1-5. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] | |
J. Graham Millar, "Thinking of Resigning?" TSF Bulletin 65 (Spring 1973): 5-9. | |
E. Earle Ellis, "Jesus' Use of the Old Testament," TSF Bulletin 65 (Spring 1973): 10-11. | |
Donald Guthrie, "A Radical View of the Acts of the Apostles," TSF Bulletin 65 (Spring 1973): 11-13. |
Volume 66 (Summer 1973)
David J.A. Clines, "Predestination in Biblical Thought," TSF Bulletin 66 (Summer 1973): 1-5. | |
Paul Helm, "Philosophy and Biblical Theology," TSF Bulletin 66 (Summer 1973): 6-9. | |
Arthur F. Glasser, "Encounter with World Religions," TSF Bulletin 66 (Summer 1973): 10-18. | |
Ernest C. Lucas, "Comment: God the Creator," TSF Bulletin 66 (Summer 1973): 19. |
Volume 67 (Autumn 1973)
Christopher M.N. Sugden, "The Supernatural and History," TSF Bulletin 67 (Autumn 1973): 1-5. | |
Ralph P. Martin, "The Theological Journals in 1972," TSF Bulletin 67 (Autumn 1973): 5-9. | |
A, Skevington Wood [1916-1993], "Unity and Schism: Determinative Biblical Principles 1," TSF Bulletin 67 (Autumn 1973): 9-15. pdf [All reasonable efforts have been made to contact the copyright holder of this article without success. If you hold the rights, please contact me] | |
Oliver M.T. O'Donovan, "The Possibility of a Biblical Ethic," TSF Bulletin 67 (Autumn 1973): 15-23. |
Volume 68 (Spring 1974)
A. Skevington Wood [1916-1993], "Unity and Schism: Determinative Biblical Principles 2," TSF Bulletin 68 (Spring 1974): 1-6. pdf [All reasonable efforts have been made to contact the copyright holder of this article without success. If you hold the rights, please contact me] | |
John W. Drane, "Gnosticism and the New Testament 1," TSF Bulletin 68 (Spring 1974): 6-13. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] | |
Colin A. Grant, "Time for Tee!" TSF Bulletin 68 (Spring 1974): 13-18. | |
V. Paul Marston, "Comment: Predestination in Biblical Thought," TSF Bulletin 68 (Spring 1974): 18-20. |
Volume 69 (Summer 1974)
John W. Drane, "Gnosticism and the New Testament 2," TSF Bulletin 69 (Summer 1974): 1-7. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] | |
James D.G. Dunn, "The Messianic Secret in Mark," TSF Bulletin 69 (Summer 1974): 7-14. | |
Donald S. Allister, "Comment: 'To the Praise of his Glorious Grace'," TSF Bulletin 69 (Summer 1974): 14-16. |
Volume 70 (Autumn 1974)
Gordon J. Wenham, "Trends in Pentateuchal Criticism Since 1950," TSF Bulletin 70 (Autumn 1974): 1-6. | |
I. Howard Marshall, "Preparation for Exposition: Galatians 5:16-26," TSF Bulletin 70 (Autumn 1974): 7-10. | |
Stephen Motyer, "Comment: Predestination in Biblical Thought," TSF Bulletin 70 (Autumn 1974): 10-15. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
Volume 71 (Spring 1975)
David J.A. Clines, "The Psalms and the King," TSF Bulletin 71 (Spring 1975): 1-6. | |
David Wenham, "Recent Study of Mark 13: Part 1," TSF Bulletin 71 (Spring 1975): 6-15. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] | |
Christopher M.N. Sugden, "A Different Dream: Jesus and Revolution," TSF Bulletin 71 (Spring 1975): 15-22. | |
Cyril J. Barber, "Preparation for Exposition: Restoring God's Image in Man," TSF Bulletin 71 (Spring 1975): 22-24. |
Volume 72 (Summer 1975)
David Wenham, "Recent Study of Mark 13: Part 2," TSF Bulletin 72 (Summer 1975): 1-9. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] | |
Ralph P. Martin, "The Theological Journals in 1973-74," TSF Bulletin 72 (Summer 1975): 9-13. | |
Michael Nazir-Ali, "Comment: 'The Remaking of Christian Doctrine'," TSF Bulletin 72 (Summer 1975): 13-15. | |
Michael Nazir-Ali, "'Truth and Dialogue': an Extended Review," TSF Bulletin 72 (Summer 1975): 15-17. |