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Vols. 1 - 19 | (1951 - 1957) |
Vols. 20 - 39 | (1958 - 1964) |
Vols. 40 - 59 | (1964 - 1971) |
Vols. 60 - 72 | (1971 - 1975) |
Continues as Themelios |
Volume 40 (Autumn 1964)
Volume 41 (Spring 1965)
T. Hughie Jones, "Apt to Teach," TSF Bulletin 41 (Sping 1965): 1-2. pdf [All reasonable efforts have been made to contact the current copyright holder without success. If you hold the rights, please contact me] | |
Colin Brown, "Tillich and his Critics," TSF Bulletin 41 (Sping 1965): 3-7. | |
I. Howard Marshall, "Kittel," TSF Bulletin 41 (Sping 1965): 8-9. | |
Kenneth A. Kitchen, "I and II Kings," TSF Bulletin 41 (Sping 1965): 10-22. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
Volume 42 (Summer 1965)
John Tiller, "Pastor and Evangelist," TSF Bulletin 42 (Summer 1965): 1-4. pdf [All reasonable efforts have been made to contact the current copyright holder without success. If you hold the rights, please contact me] | |
Donald Guthrie, "Dilemma in New Testament Criticism," TSF Bulletin 42 (Summer 1965): 4-9. pdf [Reproduced by kind permission of the copyright holder] | |
Donald Guthrie, "Christianity and the Computer," TSF Bulletin 42 (Summer 1965): 9-11. pdf [Reproduced by kind permission of the copyright holder] | |
R.A. Ward, "The Ethics of Sex in the New Testament," TSF Bulletin 42 (Summer 1965): 12-15. pdf [All reasonable efforts have been made to contact the current copyright holder without success. If you hold the rights, please contact me] |
Volume 43 (Autumn 1965)
R. Howard Peskett, "Apollos, Theological Student," TSF Bulletin 43 (Autumn 1965): 1-2. [Copyright permission granted - awaiting scanning] | |
I. Howard Marshall, "Jesus and the Kingdom of God," TSF Bulletin 43 (Autumn 1965): 2-8. | |
Francis A. Schaeffer, "Propositional Revelation," TSF Bulletin 43 (Autumn 1965): 9-12. | |
Paul Helm, "Some Recent Philosophical Theology," TSF Bulletin 43 (Autumn 1965): 12-15. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
Volume 44 (Spring 1966)
Kenneth A. Kitchen, "Myth in the Old Testament," TSF Bulletin 44 (Spring 1966): 1-10. | |
F.F. Bruce, "Myth and the New Testament," TSF Bulletin 44 (Spring 1966): 10-15. pdf | |
Phillip E. Hughes, "Myth and Contemporary Theology," TSF Bulletin 44 (Spring 1966): 16-19. pdf [Reproduced by kind permission of the copyright holder] |
Volume 45 (Summer 1966)
Bruce A. Milne, "A Theolog's Motto Text?" TSF Bulletin 45 (Summer 1966): 1-3. | |
Alan Dunstone, "How Authentic are the Words of Jesus? 1. Memory and Manuscript: An Extended Review," TSF Bulletin 45 (Summer 1966): 3-7. pdf [All reasonable efforts have been made to contact the copyright holder of this article without success. If you hold the rights, please contact me] | |
Robin Ernest Nixon [1932-1978], "How Authentic are the Words of Jesus? 2. Memory and Manuscript: The Debate," TSF Bulletin 45 (Summer 1966): 7-9. pdf [All reasonable efforts have been made to contact the copyright holder of this article without success. If you hold the rights, please contact me] | |
I. Howard Marshall, "How Authentic are the Words of Jesus? 3. Memory and Manuscript: The Implications," TSF Bulletin 45 (Summer 1966): 10-12. |
Volume 46 (Autumn 1966)
Colin Brown, "The Quest of the Historical Jesus," TSF Bulletin 46 (Autumn 1966): 1-10. | |
Robin Ernest Nixon [1932-1978], "The Jesus of History and the Christ of Faith," TSF Bulletin 46 (Autumn 1966): 10-16. pdf [All reasonable efforts have been made to contact the copyright holder of this article without success. If you hold the rights, please contact me] | |
Leon L. Morris, "History and the Fourth Gospel," TSF Bulletin 46 (Autumn 1966): 16-21. pdf [Reproduced by Permission of the Leon & Mildred Morris Foundation] | |
F.F. Bruce, "Jesus and Paul," Theological Students Fellowship Bulletin 46 (Autumn 1966): 21-26. |
Volume 47 (Spring 1967)
Peter C. Craigie [1938-1985], "New Trends in Old Testament Criticism," TSF Bulletin 47 (Spring 1967): 1-6. pdf [All reasonable efforts have been made to contact the copyright holder of this article without success. If you hold the rights, please contact me] | |
J. Alec Motyer [1924-2016], "Dead Prey or Living Oracles?" TSF Bulletin 47 (Spring 1967): 6-9. | |
Robert J.M. Gurney, "A Note on Daniel 11: 40-45," TSF Bulletin 47 (1967): 10-12. pdf |
Volume 48 (Summer 1967)
Alan M. Stibbs, "The Christian's Metropolis," TSF Bulletin 48 (Summer 1967): 1-4. | |
Herbert M. Carson, "Christian Ethics," TSF Bulletin 48 (Summer 1967): 4-9. | |
Donald MacLeod, "The Reformed Dotrine of the Atonement: Some Misrepresentation," TSF Bulletin 48 (Summer 1967): 9-13. | |
Clive Porthouse, "The Paperchase," TSF Bulletin 48 (Summer 1967): 13-17. |
Volume 49 (Autumn 1967)
Geoffrey W. Grogan [1925-2011], "Modern Theology and the Evangelical Faith," TSF Bulletin 49 (Autumn 1967): 1-9. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] | |
Klaas Runia, "The Interpretation of the Old Testament by the New Testament," TSF Bulletin 49 (Autumn 1967): 9-18. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] | |
Francis A. Schaeffer, "The Practice of Truth," TSF Bulletin 49 (Autumn 1967): 18-20. | |
Anthony C. Thiselton, "Introduction to the New Testament [An Extended Review of W.G. Kümmel's book of that title [SCM, 1966, 444pp)]," TSF Bulletin 49 (Autumn 1967): 20-26. |
Volume 50 (Spring 1968)
James I. Packer, "Must We Demythologise?" TSF Bulletin 50 (Spring 1968): 1-5. | |
R.C. Macauley, "'The Folly of What We Preach'," TSF Bulletin 50 (Spring 1968): 5-12. | |
John A. Thompson, "Genesis 1, Science? History? Theology?" TSF Bulletin 50 (Spring 1968): 12-23. | |
H.R. Jones, "The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament," TSF Bulletin 50 (Spring 1968): 24-27. |
Volume 51 (Summer 1968)
Colin Brown, "A Footnote on 'The Death of God'," TSF Bulletin 51 (Summer 1968): 1-6. | |
G.J. Cowling, "New Light on the New Testament?" TSF Bulletin 51 (Summer 1968): 6-15. pdf [All reasonable efforts have been made to contact the copyright holder of this article without success. If you hold the rights, please contact me] | |
Anthony C. Thiselton, "Introduction to the New Testament, Part II [An Extended Review of W.G. Kümmel's book of that title [SCM, 1966, 444pp)]," TSF Bulletin 51 (Summer 1968): 15-24. | |
D.A. Hubbard, M. Richardson & A.F. Walls, "Biblical Scholarship," TSF Bulletin 51 (Summer 1968): 24-28. |
Volume 52 (Autumn 1968)
I. Howard Marshall, "Editorial: Towards Maturity," TSF Bulletin 52 (Autumn 1968): 1-4. | |
Anthony C. Thiselton, "Introduction to the New Testament, Part III [An Extended Review of W.G. Kümmel's book of that title [SCM, 1966, 444pp)]," TSF Bulletin 52 (Autumn 1968): 4-11. | |
A.L. Moore, "The Delay of the Parousia in the New Testament," TSF Bulletin 52 (Autumn 1968): 12-16. | |
I. Howard Marshall, "Questions about the Gospels - I. History or Theology?" TSF Bulletin 52 (Autumn 1968): 16-22. | |
Andrew F. Walls, "Missionary Studies - Why and What?" TSF Bulletin 52 (Autumn 1968): 22-28. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] | |
Geriant D. Fielder, "Points of Contact," TSF Bulletin 52 (Autumn 1968): 28-32. |
Volume 53 (Spring 1969)
'Layman', "View From the Pew," TSF Bulletin 53 (Spting 1969): 1-3. | |
I. Howard Marshall, "Questions about the Gospels - II. History or Fiction?" TSF Bulletin 53 (Sping 1969): 3-9.. | |
Peter C. Craigie [1938-1985], "Christian Religion and Humanist 'Faith'," TSF Bulletin 53 (Spting 1969): 9-12. pdf [All reasonable efforts have been made to contact the copyright holder of this article without success. If you hold the rights, please contact me] | |
Mr & Mrs Ellis, "Letter from Indonesia," TSF Bulletin 53 (Spring 1969): 12-14. | |
C.P. Cook, W.G. Putman & R.M. Horn, "Anglican-Methodist Unity: Some Comments," TSF Bulletin 53 (Spting 1969): 15-21. |
Volume 54 (Summer 1969)
David H. Field, "On Being Integrated," TSF Bulletin 54 (Summer 1969): 1-4. | |
John R. Peck [1923-2016], "The Missionary View of the Old Testament," TSF Bulletin 54 (Summer 1969): 4-8. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] | |
A.J.F. Dulley, "'The Fool Hath Said...'," TSF Bulletin 54 (Summer 1969): 8-12. | |
Derek C. Burke, "The Creation of Life," TSF Bulletin 54 (Summer 1969): 12-15. | |
Ralph P. Martin, "Theological Journals in 1968," TSF Bulletin 54 (Summer 1969): 16-20. |
Volume 55 (Autumn 1969)
I. Howard Marshall, "Questions About the Gospels - III. The Gospels as Kerygma," TSF Bulletin 55 (Autumn 1969): 2-6. | |
Kenneth G. Howkins, "Learning for Life," TSF Bulletin 55 (Autumn 1969): 6-9. | |
P.J.M. Southwell, "Reader's Forum," TSF Bulletin 55 (Autumn 1969): 9-10. | |
E. Earle Ellis, "Task and Method in Composition Criticism," TSF Bulletin 55 (Autumn 1969): 10-11. |
Volume 56 (Spring 1970
Robert Hope, "Preach the Old Testament!" TSF Bulletin 56 (Spring 1970): 1-2. | |
David F. Payne, "Old Testament Commentaries in English since 1950," TSF Bulletin 56 (Spring 1970): 2-8. | |
David W. Gooding, "Observations on Certain Problems Connected with the So-called Septuagint," TSF Bulletin 56 (Spring 1970): 8-13. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] | |
R.T. France, "'In all the Scriptures' - A Study in Jesus' Typology," TSF Bulletin 56 (Spring 1970): 13-16. |
Volume 57 (Summer 1970)
John B. Taylor, "The Mind in NT Christianity," TSF Bulletin 57 (Summer 1970): 1-3. pdf [Reproduced by kind permission of the copyright holder] | |
Derek Kidner, "The Origins of Israel," TSF Bulletin 57 (Summer 1970): 3-12. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder][All reasonable efforts have been made to contact the copyright holder of this article without success. If you hold the rights, please contact me] | |
H. Dermot McDonald, "Paradox of Faith," TSF Bulletin 57 (Summer 1970): 12-15. | |
Ralph P. Martin, "The Theological Journals in 1969," TSF Bulletin 57 (Summer 1970): 15-19. | |
Donald J. Wiseman, "A New Introduction to the Old Testament," TSF Bulletin 57 (Summer 1970): 19-21. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] [A review of R.K. Harrison's, Introduction to the Old Testament.] |
Volume 58 (Autumn 1970)
Paul S. Fiddes, "Pieces and Patterns," TSF Bulletin 58 (Autumn 1970): 1-2. | |
Kenneth F.W. Prior, "The Minister as a Teacher," TSF Bulletin 58 (Autumn 1970): 2-6. | |
David J.A. Clines, "The New English Bible: Old Testament," TSF Bulletin 58 (Autumn 1970): 6-9. | |
Anthony C. Thiselton, "New Testament Commentary Survey," TSF Bulletin 58 (Autumn 1970): 9-18. |
Volume 59 (Spring 1971)
I. Howard Marshall, "Evangelical Foundations," TSF Bulletin 59 (Spring 1971): 1-2. | |
Kenneth A. Kitchen, "The Old Testament in Its Context: Part 1," Theological Students' Fellowship Bulletin 59 (Spring 1971): 2-10.. pdf | |
E.J. Alexander, "Is God Really Gagged?" TSF Bulletin 59 (Spring 1971): 10-13. | |
David F. Wright [1897-2008], "A Bibliographical Guide to the Study of Church History. 1. The Early Church to the Middle of the Fifth Century," TSF Bulletin 59 (Spring 1971): 14-18. pdf [Reproduced by kind permission of the copyright holder] | |
D.L.E. Bronnert, "Paperchase 1970," TSF Bulletin 59 (Spring 1971): 18-21. |