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Mainstream (renamed Fresh Streams in 2011) began in 1978 as a ‘ginger group’ within the Baptist Union "to encourage, co-ordinate, publicise and support every venture that will lead to further life and growth." Over the years it became a Word and Spirit network of church leaders, largely Baptist, "passionate about God, real in relationships, getting stuck into God’s mission". It is reproduced by permission of the current editor. Visit the Fresh Streams website here.
Terry Griffith, "Editorial: Intruments, Processes and the Gospel," Mainstream 31 (Jan. 1989): 1-3. |
Peter Shepherd, "The GIG Syndrome," Mainstream 31 (Jan. 1989): 4-5. |
Tim Marks, "The Eucharist," Mainstream 31 (Jan. 1989): 6-7. |
Mike Nicholls, "The Banes and Blessings of Itinerant Preaching," Mainstream 31 (Jan. 1989): 8-9. |
"Letters," Mainstream 31 (Jan. 1989): 10-12. |
"Scratchpad," Mainstream 31 (Jan. 1989): 12-13. |
"Reviews," Mainstream 31 (Jan. 1989): 14-15. |
"Books Received," Mainstream 31 (Jan. 1989): 16. |
The Executive, "Mainstream in the Future," Mainstream 32 (April 1989): 1-2. |
Mike Bochenski, "Churches Together in Pilgrimage," Mainstream 32 (April 1989): 2-4. |
Keith Roberts, "Pastoral Stress (1)," Mainstream 32 (April 1989): 4-7. |
Glen Marshall, "Testimony: Ward Green Baptist Church, Barnsley," Mainstream 32 (April 1989): 8-10. |
Stuart Cook, "A Visit to the USA," Mainstream 32 (April 1989): 10-11. |
Jonathan Trahair, "Letter," Mainstream 32 (April 1989): 12. |
"Reviews," Mainstream 32 (April 1989): 13-16. |
Terry Griffith, "Editorial: Instruments, Processes and the Gospel - again," Mainstream 33 (July 1989): 1-2. |
Barrie White, "Worship Among English Baptists Today," Mainstream 33 (July 1989): 3-5. |
Keith Roberts, "Pastoral Stress (2)," Mainstream 33 (July 1989): 5-9. |
Geoff Bland, "Testimony: A Missionary Call Today," Mainstream 33 (July 1989): 10-11. |
David Slater, "Pawson on Initiation," Mainstream 33 (July 1989): 12-13. |
"Forthcoming Conferences," Mainstream 33 (July 1989): 13-14. |
"Reviews," Mainstream 33 (July 1989): 15-21. |
"Books Received," Mainstream 33 (July 1989): 21-22. |
Terry Griffith, "Editorial: Not the Baptist Times," Mainstream 34 (October 1989): 1-2. |
Alex Gilmore, "Reply," Mainstream 34 (October 1989): 2-3. |
Colin Sedgwick, "What's Happening to Sunday Evenings," Mainstream 34 (October 1989): 3-6. |
Xavier Dos Santos, "Letter from Brazil," Mainstream 34 (October 1989): 6-8. |
Oliver Vellacott, "Mission Praise Classification," Mainstream 34 (October 1989): 8-12. |
"Odds and Ends: Words of Welcome," Mainstream 34 (October 1989): 12. |
Richard Steel, "Cockney Spirit," Mainstream 34 (October 1989): 13. |
"Books Received," Mainstream 34 (October 1989): 14-15. |
Terry Griffith, "Editorial: To Belong or Not to Belong," Mainstream 35 (January 1990): 1-2. |
Nigel Wright, "An Agenda for Baptist Christians," Mainstream 35 (January 1990): 2-4. |
David McChesney, "Letter from New Zealand," Mainstream 35 (January 1990): 4-5. |
Alistair Ross, "Confessions of a Failed Evangelist," Mainstream 35 (January 1990): 5-10. |
"Letters," Mainstream 35 (January 1990): 10-11. |
"People Group Evangelism," Mainstream 35 (January 1990): 12. |
"Reviews," Mainstream 35 (January 1990): 12-16. |
"Books Received," Mainstream 35 (January 1990): 16-17. |
Rob Warner, "Editorial: Broad Vision, Sharp Focus," Mainstream 36 (April 1990): 1-2. |
Eric Westwood, "Mission in Brazil and Britain," Mainstream 36 (April 1990): 2-3. |
Harry Weatherley, "Mission 2000 - the Trumpet Call," Mainstream 36 (April 1990): 3-4. |
Steve Chalke, "How to Have a Cracking Christmas," Mainstream 36 (April 1990): 5-6. |
Rob Warner, "Worship and Culture (Part 1)," Mainstream 36 (April 1990): 6-11. |
"Book Reviews," Mainstream 36 (April 1990): 11-13. |
"Editorial: A Decade of Opportunity," Mainstream 37 (July 1990): 1.
Patrick Johnstone, "The World by 2000," Mainstream 37 (July 1990): 2. |
Richard Foster, "A Deeper Spiritual Life," Mainstream 37 (July 1990): 3. |
Glen Marshall, "Worship - A Wholesome Meal or a Healthy Diet?" Mainstream 37 (July 1990): 3-4. |
Steve Chalke, "Unwrapping Christmas," Mainstream 37 (July 1990): 5. |
Rob Warner, "Living Worship - Part 2," Mainstream 37 (July 1990): 6-10. |
"Book Reviews," Mainstream 37 (July 1990): 11-12. |
"Editorial: Growing Together," Mainstream 38 (Oct. 1990): 1. |
"Men, Women and Biblical Equality," Mainstream 38 (Oct. 1990): 2-3. |
Ben Davies, "Five Keys to Growth," Mainstream 38 (Oct. 1990): 4-5. |
Rob Warner, "Praying the Jesus Prayer," Mainstream 38 (Oct. 1990): 6. |
John Lewis, "Child Abuse," Mainstream 38 (Oct. 1990): 6-8. |
Rob Warner, "Supper Party Evangelism," Mainstream 38 (Oct. 1990): 8-9. |
Paul Beasley-Murray,"Transitions," Mainstream 38 (Oct. 1990): 9-10. |
"Book Reviews," Mainstream 38 (Oct. 1990): 10-11. |
"Editorial: The Futures of Renewal," Mainstream 39 (Jan. 1991): 1-2. |
"The Seoul Covenant," Mainstream 39 (Jan. 1991): 2-3. |
Stuart Christine, "Baptist Church Planters," Mainstream 39 (Jan. 1991): 3-4. |
Justin Dennison, "Building a Church Counselling Team," Mainstream 39 (Jan. 1991): 5-7. |
"In Brief," Mainstream 39 (Jan. 1991): 8. |
Rob Warner, "Books for Leaders," Mainstream 39 (Jan. 1991): 9. |
" Reviews," Mainstream 39 (Jan. 1991): 10. |
"Editorial: Planning for Growth," Mainstream 40 (April 1991): 1. |
Derek Tidball, "A Challenge to Change Reviewed," Mainstream 40 (April 1991): 2-3. |
Nigel Coles, "To Staff or Not to Staff?" Mainstream 40 (April 1991): 4-6. |
Simon Jones, "Defending the Faith," Mainstream 40 (April 1991): 6-8. |
David Slater, "Working Together - Effective Association," Mainstream 40 (April 1991): 8-10. |
"Reviews," Mainstream 40 (April 1991): 11-13. |