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Mainstream (renamed Fresh Streams in 2011) began in 1978 as a ‘ginger group’ within the Baptist Union "to encourage, co-ordinate, publicise and support every venture that will lead to further life and growth." Over the years it became a Word and Spirit network of church leaders, largely Baptist, "passionate about God, real in relationships, getting stuck into God’s mission". It is reproduced by permission of the current editor. Visit the Fresh Streams website here.
"Editorial," Mainstream 11 (Sept. 1982): 1. |
"Peter Hetherington, "Prophecy Today?" Mainstream 11 (Sept. 1982): 2-3. |
Clifford Fryer, "Let the Prophets Speak," Mainstream 11 (Sept. 1982): 3-6. |
Alastair Campbell, "Elders in Scripture," Mainstream 11 (Sept. 1982): 6-7. |
John Tucker, "Using an American Experience," Mainstream 11 (Sept. 1982): 8-9. |
Bryan Gilbert, "Disturbing Report from the Midlands," Mainstream 11 (Sept. 1982): 10-13. |
Steve Flashman, Eric Parker & others, "News and Reviews," Mainstream 11 (Sept. 1982): 13-18. |
Alastair Campbell, "Editorial: Who is Troubling Israel?" Mainstream 12 (Jan. 1983): 1. |
Herbert Ward, "Despise Not Prophesyings," Mainstream 12 (Jan. 1983): 2-3. |
Alastair Campbell, "Eldershiop and the Shape of the Church," Mainstream 12 (Jan. 1983): 3-6. |
Haddon Willmer, "Elders Today - a reply," Mainstream 12 (Jan. 1983): 6-9. |
David Spriggs, "Mission England," Mainstream 12 (Jan. 1983): 9-11. |
Pam Kerr & Jim Graham, "Minister! What your Secretary can do for you," Mainstream 12 (Jan. 1983): 11-13. |
Cecil J. Hopkins, "Using your home for Evangelism," Mainstream 12 (Jan. 1983): 13-15. |
Pat Goodland, "Hymns for Today," Mainstream 12 (Jan. 1983): 15-16. |
"Book Reviews," Mainstream 12 (Jan. 1983): 16-20. |
Alastair Campbell, "Editorial: Sratching the Surface," Mainstream 13 (April 1983): 1. |
Mike Beaumont, "Gowing Together in Committed Covenant Relationships," Mainstream 13 (April 1983): 2-4. |
Alan Pain, "Dales Bible Week, Friend or Foe?" Mainstream 13 (April 1983): 4-8. |
Paul Beasley-Murray, "My Secretary is essential to my Ministry," Mainstream 13 (April 1983): 8-10. |
David Slater, "Kingsbridge Baptist Church," Mainstream 13 (April 1983): 10-12. |
B.P. Harley & M.J. Collis, "A New Way for Hereford," Mainstream 13 (April 1983): 12-14. |
"Book Reviews," Mainstream 13 (April 1983): 14-17. |
Patrick Sookhdeo, "Strategy for Urban Mission," Mainstream 14 (Sept. 1983): 1-4. |
Jamie Wallace, "Half the Denomination," Mainstream 14 (Sept. 1983): 4-6. |
Alastair Campbell, "More Sharp Questions," Mainstream 14 (Sept. 1983): 6-7. |
Philip Gathercole, "Scratching the Surface - a Reply," Mainstream 14 (Sept. 1983): 7-8. |
Mike Bochenski, "Ministry in Cowley, Oxford," Mainstream 14 (Sept. 1983): 8-10. |
Peter Hobson, "A Festival for Brunswick," Mainstream 14 (Sept. 1983): 11-14. |
"Book Reviews," Mainstream 14 (Sept. 1983): 15-16. |
Alastair Campbell, "Editorial: Essential Discipline," Mainstream 15 (Jan. 1984): 1-2. |
Nigel G. Wright, "Doctrines, Principles and Values," Mainstream 15 (Jan. 1984): 2-4 |
David Coffey, "Church Discipline," Mainstream 15 (Jan. 1984): 4-9. |
Sergei Tarassenko, "God's Holy People?" Mainstream 15 (Jan. 1984): 9-10. |
Douglas McBain, "Life and Leadership Seminars," Mainstream 15 (Jan. 1984): 10-11. |
"Correspondence," Mainstream 15 (Jan. 1984): 11-12. |
"Reviews," Mainstream 15 (Jan. 1984): 12-14. |
Alastair Campbell, "Editorial: Time for God," Mainstream 16 (April 1984): 1-2. |
Goeff Bland, "Exploring the Church Meeting," Mainstream 16 (April 1984): 2-6. |
Douglas Sparkes, "Church Meeting and Renewal," Mainstream 16 (April 1984): 6-10. |
Robert Scott Cook, "Church Planting," Mainstream 16 (April 1984): 10-11. |
Alan Pain, "Prayer and Fasting... Fad or Frontier?" Mainstream 16 (April 1984): 12-13. |
"Your Letters," Mainstream 16 (April 1984): 14-15. |
"Book Reviews," Mainstream 16 (April 1984): 16-18. |
Alastair Campbell, "Editorial: Praching or Teaching?" Mainstream 17 (Sept. 1984): 1-2.
Robert Scott Cook, "Building Bridges for the Gospel," Mainstream 17 (Sept. 1984): 2-5. |
Frank Rinaldi, "A 'Prudential Means'," Mainstream 17 (Sept. 1984): 5-7. |
Keith Applegate, "Getting to Grips with a New Pastorate," Mainstream 17 (Sept. 1984): 8-9. |
Lewis Misselbrook, "Mission to London, Phase 1: Report," Mainstream 17 (Sept. 1984): Mainstream 17 (Sept. 1984): 10-11. |
"Book Reviews," Mainstream 17 (Sept. 1984): 11-13. |
Alastair Campbell, "Editorial: In Step With the Spirit," Mainstream 18 (Jan. 1985): 1-3. |
Fred Stainthorpe, "Sounding Board: 'Not with the B.M.S.'," Mainstream 18 (Jan. 1985): 4-5. |
John Tucker, "Sounding Board: The Church Meeting," Mainstream 18 (Jan. 1985): 6-9. |
Beryl Goodland, "Workshop: An Invitation to Dinner," Mainstream 18 (Jan. 1985): 9-10. |
Marion Harper, "Workshop: Forming a Broef Recovery Group," Mainstream 18 (Jan. 1985): 10-11. |
Pat Goodland, "Workshop: Reviving an Association Assembly," Mainstream 18 (Jan. 1985): 12. |
"Book Reviews," Mainstream 18 (Jan. 1985): 13-14. |
Alastair Campbell, "Editorial: Doing the Stuff," Mainstream 19 (April 1985): 1-2. |
Tom Smail, "Sign, Wonders, Cross," Mainstream 19 (April 1985): 2-3. |
Geoff Bland, "Riding Along on the Crest of the Third Wave?!" Mainstream 19 (April 1985): 3-6. |
Brian Butcher, "Wimber at Westminster," Mainstream 19 (April 1985): 6-7. |
Maurice Markham, "House Fellowships," Mainstream 19 (April 1985): 8-10. |
Frank Cooke, "If I Were Starting Again," Mainstream 19 (April 1985): 10-12. |
"Book Reviews," Mainstream 19 (April 1985): 13-15. |
Alastair Campbell, "Editorial: Why Not?" Mainstream 20 (Sept. 1985): 1. |
Derek J. Tidball, "Questions for the Present Time," Mainstream 20 (Sept. 1985): 2-4. |
Nigel Wright, "Church Membership Re-evaluated," Mainstream 20 (Sept. 1985): 5-7. |
Paul Beasley-Murray, "When is a Baptist Church Not a Baptist Church? ...and who says so?" Mainstream 20 (Sept. 1985): 7-10. |
Steve Chalke, "Effective Youth Work," Mainstream 20 (Sept. 1985): 10-13. |
"Book Reviews," Mainstream 20 (Sept. 1985): 13-16. |