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Mainstream (renamed Fresh Streams in 2011) began in 1978 as a ‘ginger group’ within the Baptist Union "to encourage, co-ordinate, publicise and support every venture that will lead to further life and growth." Over the years it became a Word and Spirit network of church leaders, largely Baptist, "passionate about God, real in relationships, getting stuck into God’s mission". It is reproduced by permission of the current editor. Visit the Fresh Streams website here.
Terry Griffith, "Editorial: 21 - and Still GOING STRONG," Mainstream 21 (January 1986): 1-2. |
The Executive & Council, "The Aims of Mainstream," Mainstream 21 (January 1986): 2. |
Derek J. Tidball, "Reflection on Reverting to Type," Mainstream 21 (January 1986): 3-5. |
Alastair Campbell, "The Gift of Prophecy in 1 Corinthians," Mainstream 21 (January 1986): 6-8 |
Keith Hodson, "The Muscician in the Believers' Church," Mainstream 21 (January 1986): 9-11. |
Douglas G.T. McBain, "The Mustard Seed Project," Mainstream 21 (January 1986): 11-12. |
David Slater, "Secretary's Scratchpad," Mainstream 21 (January 1986): 12-13. |
"Book Reviews," Mainstream 21 (January 1986): 13-17. |
Terry Griffith, "Editorial: Corners, Slides & Troughs," Mainstream 22 (April 1986): 1-2. |
Tom Rogers, "What I Wish Deacons Knew About Evangelism," Mainstream 22 (April 1986): 2-5. |
Graham Warner, "Icthus Christian Fellowship," Mainstream 22 (April 1986): 5-7. |
David Slater, "Interview: David Coffey," Mainstream 22 (April 1986): 8-10. |
David Peacock, "A Plea for Variety in Our Worship Music," Mainstream 22 (April 1986): 10-12. |
Trisha Dale, "Baptist Marriage Encounter," Mainstream 22 (April 1986): 13-14. |
David Slater, "Secretary's Scratchpad," Mainstream 22 (April 1986): 14-15. |
"Book Reviews," Mainstream 22 (April 1986): 15-18. |
Terry Griffith, "Editorial: Build that Leadership," Mainstream 23 (Sept. 1986): 1. |
Doug Hollidge, "Training is In," Mainstream 23 (Sept. 1986): 2-4. |
Trisha Dale, "'Do You See This Woman?'," Mainstream 23 (Sept. 1986): 5-7. |
Adrian Prior-Sankey, "Growth in Somerset," Mainstream 23 (Sept. 1986): 8-10. |
Wally Fahrer, "Community Lifestyle," Mainstream 23 (Sept. 1986): 10-12. |
David Slater, "Scratchpad," Mainstream 23 (Sept. 1986): 13. |
"Reviews," Mainstream 23 (Sept. 1986): 13-16. |
Terry Griffith, "Editorial: All Things Are Yours," Mainstream 24 (Jan. 1987): 1-2. |
David Goodyear, "Leadership Training in the Local Church," Mainstream 24 (Jan. 1987): 2-7. |
Jane Russell, "'My Best Men are Women'," Mainstream 24 (Jan. 1987): 7-10. |
Mike Bochenski, "An Evangelism Action Group," Mainstream 24 (Jan. 1987): 10-11. |
Bart Beeson, "Door-to-Door Evangelism," Mainstream 24 (Jan. 1987): 12-13. |
Steve Latham, "Holy Smoke!" Mainstream 24 (Jan. 1987): 13-16. |
David Slater, "Scratchpad," Mainstream 24 (Jan. 1987): 16-17. |
"Reviews," Mainstream 24 (Jan. 1987): 17-21. |
Terry Griffith, "Editorial: With Weapons of Righteousness," Mainstream 25 (April 1987): 1. |
"Mainstram Spans the Globe," Mainstream 25 (April 1987): 2. |
Roy Searle, "Worried and Helpless: Britain's UB40's," Mainstream 25 (April 1987): 2-7. |
Ida Glaser, "An Asian Project," Mainstream 25 (April 1987): 7-10. |
Harry Weatherley, "Back to the Future," Mainstream 25 (April 1987): 11-13. |
Alastair Campbell, "Squaure Roots and Other Radicals," Mainstream 25 (April 1987): 14-15. |
"Book Reviews," Mainstream 25 (April 1987): 16-20. |
Terry Griffiths, "Editorial: You are all Brothers," Mainstream 26 (Sept. 1987): 1-2. |
David Slater, "Belonging to All the Others," Mainstream 26 (Sept. 1987): 2-5. |
Steve Gaukroger, "Renewing The Church Meeting," Mainstream 26 (Sept. 1987): 5-7. |
Mike Wood, "The Wimber Factor - What Have We Learned?" Mainstream 26 (Sept. 1987): 8-11. |
Mike Smith, "Schools - An Understated Opportunity," Mainstream 26 (Sept. 1987): 11-12. |
"Adminisheets: All agreed, then?" Mainstream 26 (Sept. 1987): 13-14. |
"Reviews," Mainstream 26 (Sept. 1987): 15-21. |
Terry Griffith, "Editorial: Look, Here is Water," Mainstream 27 (Jan. 1988): 1-3. |
Derek Tidball, "Why Do We Seem To Have Good News Which Nobody Wants?" Mainstream 27 (Jan. 1988): 4-8. |
Andrew Brandon, "The New Gospel of Health and Wealth," Mainstream 27 (Jan. 1988): 8-11. |
David Slater, "Belonging To All The Others (2)," Mainstream 27 (Jan. 1988): 11-14. |
"Reviews," Mainstream 27 (Jan. 1988): 15-19. |
"Books Received," Mainstream 27 (Jan. 1988): 20. |
Terry Griffith, "Editorial: Can These Bones Live?" Mainstream 28 (April 1988): 1-3. |
Andrew Rollinson, "Stewardship - a Neglected Dimension to Renewal," Mainstream 28 (April 1988): 4-7. |
Anthony Thacker, "'Re-baptism' and Ecumenicity," Mainstream 28 (April 1988): 7-9. |
Tony Mallion, "Radio-Active," Mainstream 28 (April 1988): 9-11. |
David Slater, "Renewal Down to Earth," Mainstream 28 (April 1988): 12-13. |
Paul Beasley-Murray,"Any Other Prophecy?" Mainstream 28 (April 1988): 14. |
"Reviews," Mainstream 28 (April 1988): 15-19. |
Terry Griffith, "Editorial: The Lord is the Spirit," Mainstream 29 (July 1988): 1-3. |
Tim Marks, "The Leader at Prayer," Mainstream 29 (July 1988): 4-6. |
Tony Mallion, "On Our Image," Mainstream 29 (July 1988): 7-9. |
David Newton, "Why There are no Working-Class Super-Churches," Mainstream 29 (July 1988): 10-14. |
Mike Nicholls, "Impressions of Israel," Mainstream 29 (July 1988): 14-15. |
"Letters," Mainstream 29 (July 1988): 15-16. |
"Reviews," Mainstream 29 (July 1988): 17-19. |
Terry Griffith, "Editorial: Do the Work of an Evangelist," Mainstream 30 (Oct. 1988): 1-2. |
Stephen Ibbotson, "Church Planting," Mainstream 30 (Oct. 1988): 3-5. |
Mike Nicholls, "Spurgeon and Church Planting," Mainstream 30 (Oct. 1988): 6-8. |
Tim Marks, "Interceding with the Church," Mainstream 30 (Oct. 1988): 9-10. |
Judy MacKenzie Down, "Letter," Mainstream 30 (Oct. 1988): 11. |
"We'll Pay Your Expenses of Course," Mainstream 30 (Oct. 1988): 11-12. |
"Reviews," Mainstream 30 (Oct. 1988): 12-17. |