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The Evangelical Review of Theology is published by the World Evangelical Fellowship and is edited by the Dr Thomas Schirrmacher. To subscribe: click here if you live in the USA or Canada and here if you live in the UK or anywhere else.
Vols. 1 - 9 (1977 - 1985) |
Vols. 10 - 19 (1986 - 1995) |
Vols. 20 - 29 (1996 - 2005) |
Vols. 30 - (2006 - ) |
Vol. 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 |
Volume 20 (1996)
20.1 | |
Bong Rin Ro, "In the Midst of Suffering is Prosperity Theology Scriptural?" Evangelical Review of Theology 20.1 (Jan. 1996): 3-4. | |
"Statement on Prosperity Theology and Theology of Suffering," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.1 (Jan. 1996): 5-13. | |
Sang-Bok David Kim, "A Bed of Roses or a Bed of Thorns," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.1 (Jan. 1996): 14-25. | |
Young Hoon Lee, "The Case for Prosperity Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.1 (Jan. 1996): 26-39. | |
W. Ward Gasque, "Prosperity Theology and the New Testament," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.1 (Jan. 1996): 40-46. | |
C. Kee Hwang, "A Response," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.1 (Jan. 1996): 47-48. | |
Se Yoon Kim, "Jesus’ Teaching on Salvation and Suffering," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.1 (Jan. 1996): 49-59. | |
Peter Kuzmič, "The Communist Impact on the Church in Eastern Europe," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.1 (Jan. 1996): 60-76. | |
Pedro Arana Quiroz, "Suffering in Latin America," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.1 (Jan. 1996): 77-87. | |
Sung Tae Kim, "Suffering in North Korea," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.1 (Jan. 1996): 88-94. | |
20.2 | |
Colin Chapman, "Christian perceptions of Islam: Threat, Challenge or Misunderstood Ally?" Evangelical Review of Theology 20.2 (April 1996): 100-105. Reprinted from CMS Newsletter No. 527 (Nov./Dec. 1995). | |
John D.C. Anderson, "Does the Church Make it Difficult for Muslim Enquirers?" Evangelical Review of Theology 20.2 (April 1996): 106-114. | |
L. Bevan-Jones, "How a Sufi Found his Lord," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.2 (April 1996): 115-125. | |
Isma’il Al-Faruqi, "On the Nature of Islamic Da'wah," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.2 (April 1996): 126-135. Reprinted from International Review of Mission 65, No. 260 (Oct. 1976). | |
Bishop Kenneth Cragg, "A Christian among Muslims," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.2 (April 1996): 136-140. Reprinted from Evangelical Presbyterian 41.4 (Sept. 1991). | |
The International Institute for the Study of Islam and Christianity, London, England, "The Church in the Sudan," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.2 (April 1996): 152-155. | |
Christy Wilson, "Costly Discipleship: Two Stories from Iran," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.2 (April 1996): 141-151. Reprinted from More to be Desired Than Gold by Christy Wilson. | |
Bill A. Musk, "Honour and Shame," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.2 (April 1996): 152-155. Reprinted from Bill A. Musk, Touching the Soul of Islam (MARC England, 1995). pp.67-88. | |
Bruce J. Nicholls, "The Servant Songs of Isaiah in Dialogue with Muslims," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.2 (April 1996): 168-177. | |
Chawkat Georges Moucarry, "Theological Principles for Evangelizing Muslims," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.2 (April 1996): 178-181. | |
K.M. Usman, "How a Maulvi Found Peace," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.2 (April 1996): 182-185. Reprinted from Power for Living (Wheaton, IL: Scrippture Press). | |
A CMS Missionary, "The Stories of Farhana and Mr and Mrs Yaqoob," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.2 (April 1996): 186-188. Reprinted from New Zealand CMS. |
20.3 | |
R. Paul Stevens, "Living Theologically: Toward a theology of Christian practice," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.3 (July 1996): 196-208. Reprinted from Themelios 20.3 (May 1995): 4-8. | |
Kenneth O. Gangel, "Biblical Integration: The process of thinking like a Christian," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.3 (July 1996): 209-219. Reprinted from the Christian Educator's Handbook (Scripture Press Ministries, 1987) as adapted in Christian Education Journal 3.1. | |
John Christopher Thomas, "Women in the Church An Experiment in Pentecostal Hermeneutics," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.3 (July 1996): 220-232. Reprinted from Journal of Pentecostal Theology 5 (1994): 41-56. | |
M. Van der Raaij, "An African Doctrine of God and Images of Christ," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.3 (July 1996): 233-239. | |
Joe Gaqurae, "Indigenization as Incarnation: The Concept of a Melanesian Christ," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.3 (July 1996): 240-247. Reprinted from Point Series No. 8, published by Melanesian Institute for Pastoral and Socio-Economic Service, 1985. | |
Paul Weston, "Evangelism: Some Biblical and Contemporary Perspectives," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.3 (July 1996): 248-258. Reprinted from Anvil 12.3 (1995). | |
Bong Rin Ro, "Urban Missions in Historical Perspective," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.3 (July 1996): 259-272. Reprinted from ATA Journal 3.2 (July 1995). | |
Tom A. Steffen, "Developing and Disseminating a Life-Changing Curriculum," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.3 (July 1996): 273-282. Reprinted from Passing the Baton: Church Planting that Empowers, 1993. | |
20.4 | |
Thomas Oden, "Faith and Hope for the Future," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.4 (Oct. 1996): 292-311. | |
Samuel Escobar, "Mañana: Discerning the Spirit in Latin America," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.4 (Oct. 1996): 312-326. | |
Dr. Dieumeme Noëlliste, "Faith Transforming Context: in Search of a Theology for a Viable Caribbean," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.4 (Oct. 1996): 327-342. | |
Rolf Hille, "The Christian Calling in the Modern World," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.4 (Oct. 1996): 343-353. | |
Isaac Zokoué, "The Crisis of Maturity in Africa," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.4 (Oct. 1996): 354-364. | |
Ken R. Gnanakan, "Theology for Asia," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.4 (Oct. 1996): 365-368. | |
Bong Rin Ro, "Opening Address," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.4 (Oct. 1996): 369-372. | |
Bruce J. Nicholls, "Our Theological Task: Preparing for Mission in the 21st Century," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.4 (Oct. 1996): 373-379. | |
WEF Theological Commission Working Group, "Recognizing God's for Gender Distinctives in Marriage, in Family Life, Church and Society," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.4 (Oct. 1996): 380-384. | |
WEF Theological Commission Working Group, "Proclaiming Jesus Christ as the One Universal Saviour and Lord in a World of Religious and Secular Pluralism," Evangelical Review of Theology 20.4 (Oct. 1996): 385-388. |
Volume 21 (1997)
21.1 | |
Judith M. Gundry-Volf, "Gender Distinctives, Discrimination, and the Gospel," Evangelical Review of Theology 21.1 (Jan. 1997): 41-50. | |
Alan M. Linfield, "Sheep and Goats: Current Evangelical Thought On The Nature of Hell and The Scope of Salvation," Evangelical Review of Theology 21.1 (Jan. 1997): 51-62. Reprinted from Vox Evangelica 24 (1994). | |
Terrance Tiessen, "Divine Justice and Universal Grace: A Calvinistic Proposal," Evangelical Review of Theology 21.1 (Jan. 1997): 63-83. | |
21.2 | |
Paul G. Schrotenboer, "Introduction," Evangelical Review of Theology 21.2 (April 1997): 101-103. | |
Avery Dulles, S.J, "Revelation as the Basis for Scripture and Tradition," Evangelical Review of Theology 21.2 (April 1997): 104-120. |
Henri Blocher, "Scripture and Tradition: An Evangelical Response," Evangelical Review of Theology 21.2 (April 1997): 121-127. | |
George Vandervelde, "Justification Between Scripture and Tradition," Evangelical Review of Theology 21.2 (April 1997): 128-148. | |
George H. Tavard, "A Response to George Vandevelde," Evangelical Review of Theology 21.2 (April 1997): 149-153. | |
Richard John Neuhaus, "The New Catechism and Christian Unity," Evangelical Review of Theology 21.2 (April 1997): 155-160. Reprinted from Theology Today (July 1996). | |
Richard B. Norton, "Changing Patterns in the Church’s Ministry in the Age of the Reformation," Evangelical Review of Theology 21.2 (April 1997): 161-175. Reprinted from Hayama Missionary Seminar (1974). | |
Mark Noll, Cornelius Plantinga, Jr.., & David Wells, "Evangelical Theology Today," Evangelical Review of Theology 21.2 (April 1997): 176-187. Reprinted from Theology Today (January 1995). | |
21.3 | |
John R. Davies, "Biblical Precedence for Contextualisation," Evangelical Review of Theology 21.3 (July 1997): 197-214. Reprinted from Poles Apart. | |
Steve Motyer, "Hermeneutics for Preachers," Evangelical Review of Theology 21.3 (July 1997): 215-224. Reprinted from Evangel 13.3 (1995). | |
Paul Windsor, "Four Horizons in Preaching," Evangelical Review of Theology 21.3 (July 1997): 225-228. Reprinted from Reality (August 1995). |
Walter C. Kaiser Jr., "The Devotional Use of the Bible," Evangelical Review of Theology 21.3 (July 1997): 229-235. Reprinted from Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. & Moises Silva, An Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics: The Search For Meaning. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994. Hbk. ISBN: 0310530903. pp.302. | |
John D. Currid, "The Use of Typology in Preaching," Evangelical Review of Theology 21.3 (July 1997): 236-249. Reprinted from The Reformed Theological Review 53.3 (1994). | |
John P. Richardson, "Preaching from the Song of Songs. Allegory Revisited," Evangelical Review of Theology 21.3 (July 1997): 250-257. Reprinted from The Churchman 108.2 (1994). | |
W. H. Velema, "Preaching on the Psalms," Evangelical Review of Theology 21.3 (July 1997): 258-267. Reprinted from The Reformed Theological Review 53.2 (1994). | |
21.4 | |
Klaas Runia, "What is Evangelical Theology?" Evangelical Review of Theology 21.4 (Oct. 1997): 292-304. pdf | |
Eshetu Abate, "Christian Faith in the New Millennium," Evangelical Review of Theology 21.4 (Oct. 1997): 305-310. | |
Bruce J. Nicholls, "Jesus Christ—Lord of the Market Place," Evangelical Review of Theology 21.4 (Oct. 1997): 311-319. | |
James Wong, "The Renewal of the Church," Evangelical Review of Theology 21.4 (Oct. 1997): 320-325. Reprinted from Asian Church Today 13.4 (Oct.-Dec. 1996). | |
Jey J Kanagaraj, "The Involvement of the Laity in the Ministry of the Church," Evangelical Review of Theology 21.4 (Oct. 1997): 326-331. | |
John W Drane, "Christian Responses to the New Age Spirituality," Evangelical Review of Theology 21.4 (Oct. 1997): 332-340. Reprinted from Mission Focus. Annual Review 4 (1996): 13-21. |
Bong Rin Ro, "Communicating the Concept of God in Korean Culture," Evangelical Review of Theology 21.4 (Oct. 1997): 341-345. Reprinted from Korean Torch 5.1 (Spring 1997): 6-8. | |
Guillermo Cook, "Christian Responses to the Challenge of Native Spiritualities in Central America," Evangelical Review of Theology 21.4 (Oct. 1997): 346-366. |
Volume 22 (1998)
22.1 | |
Kevin J. Vanhoozer, "Mapping Evangelical Theology in a Post-modern World," Evangelical Review of Theology 22.1 (Jan. 1998): | |
Loren Wilkinson, "Circles and the Cross: Reflections on Neo-paganism, Postmodernity, and Celtic Christianity," Evangelical Review of Theology 22.1 (Jan. 1998): | |
R. Daniel Shaw, "In Search of Post-modern Salvation," Evangelical Review of Theology 22.1 (Jan. 1998): | |
William van Geest, "The Relationship Between Development and Religion," Evangelical Review of Theology 22.1 (Jan. 1998): | |
C.W. Song, "Lessons in Apologetics from The Debate at the Oxford Meeting in 1860," Evangelical Review of Theology 22.1 (Jan. 1998): | |
22.2 | |
N.T. (Tom) Wright, "The New Testament and the ‘State’," Evangelical Review of Theology 22.2 (April 1998): | |
Valson Thampu, "The Church and the Nation," Evangelical Review of Theology 22.2 (April 1998): | |
Valdir R. Steuernagel, "The Lordship of Christ and Political Ideologies," Evangelical Review of Theology 22.2 (April 1998): | |
Pietro Bolognesi, "The State from an Evangelical Perspective," Evangelical Review of Theology 22.2 (April 1998): | |
Michael Duncan, "Spiritual Gifts for Community Building in the Urban Slums," Evangelical Review of Theology 22.2 (April 1998): | |
22.3 | |
Miroslav Volf, "When Gospel and Culture Intersect: Notes on the Nature of Christian Difference," Evangelical Review of Theology 22.3 (July 1998): 196-207. | |
Kenneth E. Bailey, "Women in the New Testament: A Middle Eastern Cultural View," Evangelical Review of Theology 22.3 (July 1998): 208-226. Reprinted from Anvil 2.1 (1994). | |
Bruce J. Nicholls, "Is Jesus the Only Way to God?" Evangelical Review of Theology 22.3 (July 1998): 227-243. | |
Klaas Runia, "Why Christianity of All Religions?" Evangelical Review of Theology 22.3 (July 1998): 244-263. Reprinted from European Journal of Theology 6.1 (1997): 57-72. | |
Lesslie Newbigin, "Confessing Christ in a Multicultural Society," Evangelical Review of Theology 22.3 (July 1998): 264-273. Reprinted from Scottish Journal of Evangelical Theology 12.2 (1994). |
22.4 | |
E. A. Judge, "The Biblical Shape of Modern Culture," Evangelical Review of Theology 22.4 (Oct. 1998): | |
Allan Harman, "Culture and Revelation," Evangelical Review of Theology 22.4 (Oct. 1998): | |
Paul G. Schrotenboer, "Christ and Culture," Evangelical Review of Theology 22.4 (Oct. 1998): | |
Darrell Cosden, "Christian Morality in a Pluralistic Society: Perspectives for Post-Soviet Cultures," Evangelical Review of Theology 22.4 (Oct. 1998): | |
Rev. Dr. David Parker, "Cyber-Theology: DoingTheology with a Personal Computer," Evangelical Review of Theology 22.4 (Oct. 1998): | |
Kathleen D. Nicholls, "Indian Spirituality: in Search of Truth and Reality," Evangelical Review of Theology 22.4 (Oct. 1998): |
Volume 23 (1999)
23.1 | |
Avery Dulles, "The Church as ‘One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic’," Evangelical Review of Theology 23.1 (Jan. 1999): | |
Bruce J. Nicholls, "Paul Schrotenboer 1922-1998 A Man of Vision and Courage," Evangelical Review of Theology 23.1 (Jan. 1999): | |
George Vandervelde, "Ecclesiology in the Breach: Evangelical Soundings," Evangelical Review of Theology 23.1 (Jan. 1999): | |
George Vandervelde, "Introduction," Evangelical Review of Theology 23.1 (Jan. 1999): | |
Thomas F. Stransky, "The Mission of the Church: Post-Vatican II Developments in ‘Official’ RC Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 23.1 (Jan. 1999): | |
Samuel Escobar, "Missionary Dynamism in Search of Missiological Discernment: An Evangelical perspective on Mission," Evangelical Review of Theology 23.1 (Jan. 1999): | |
23.2 | |
Donald G. Bloesch, "The Renewal of Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 23.2 (April 1999): 101-119. Reprinted from Christian Foundations, Vol. 1. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press / Carlisle: Paternoster Press, 1992. | |
Stanley J. Grenz, "Revisioning the Theological Task," Evangelical Review of Theology 23.2 (April 1999): 120-140. Reprinted from Revisioning Evangelical Theology: A Fresh Agenda for the 21st Century. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1993. | |
Victor Babajide Cole, "Toward Integration in the Theological School Curriculum," Evangelical Review of Theology 23.2 (April 1999): 141-162. | |
Andrea M. Ng’weshemi, "Doing Justice to Context in Theology: The Quest for a Christian Answer to the African Condition," Evangelical Review of Theology 23.2 (April 1999): 163-173. | |
Roy Clements, "Expository Preaching in a Postmodern World," Evangelical Review of Theology 23.2 (April 1999): 174-182. Reprinted from Cambridge Papers 7.3 (Sept. 1998). | |
23.3 | |
Molly Truman Marshall, "The Doctrine of Salvation: Biblical-Theological Dimensions," Evangelical Review of Theology 23.3 (July 1999): 196-204. Reprinted from Southwestern Journal of Theology 35.2 (Spring 1993): 12-17. | |
Marvin E. Tate, "The Comprehensive Nature of Salvation in Biblical Perspective," Evangelical Review of Theology 23.3 (July 1999): 205-221. Reprinted from Review and Expositor 91.4 (Fall 1994): 469-485. | |
Dr. Rolf Hille, "The Radical Modernizing of the Christian Doctrine of Reconciliation," Evangelical Review of Theology 23.3 (July 1999): 222-237. | |
Henry J. Mugabe, "Salvation from an African Perspective," Evangelical Review of Theology 23.3 (July 1999): 238-247. | |
J. Keir Howard, "Thinking Theologically About Evangelism," Evangelical Review of Theology 23.3 (July 1999): 248-258. Reprinted with additions from Stimulus 3.4 (November 1995). | |
Stuart Piggin, "The Lord’s Firestorms: God the Holy Trinity and the Experience of Religious Revival in Australia," Evangelical Review of Theology 23.3 (July 1999): 259-268. | |
Trevor A. Hart, "The Mystery of Salvation: The Story of God’s Gift," Evangelical Review of Theology 23.3 (July 1999): 269-275. Reprinted from Anvil 14.3 (1996): 260-66. | |
23.4 | |
Richard V. Pierard, "The Coming of the New Millennium: A Study in Evangelical Misunderstanding," Evangelical Review of Theology 23.4 (Oct. 1999): | |
John Macquarrie, "Ebb and Flow of Hope: Christian Theology at the End of the Second Millennium," Evangelical Review of Theology 23.4 (Oct. 1999): | |
James Veitch, "Christianity Facing a Third Era and a Third Millennium," Evangelical Review of Theology 23.4 (Oct. 1999): |
Stephen T. Hoke, "Paradigm Shifts and Trends in Missions Training—A Call to Servant-Teaching, a Ministry of Humility," Evangelical Review of Theology 23.4 (Oct. 1999): | |
Leonardo De Chirico, "The Biblical Jubilee," Evangelical Review of Theology 23.4 (Oct. 1999): | |
Brian Edgar, "A New Immortality?" Evangelical Review of Theology 23.4 (Oct. 1999): |
Volume 24 (2000)
24.1 | |
Johan Candelin, "The Message of the Cross And the Cross of the Message," Evangelical Review of Theology 24.1 (Jan. 2000): | |
Dr. Abdul Menes Noor, "By the Power of Your Name The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church," Evangelical Review of Theology 24.1 (Jan. 2000): | |
Paul Marshall, "Present Day Persecution of Christians," Evangelical Review of Theology 24.1 (Jan. 2000): | |
John Roxborogh, "Persecution: Interpreting the Information on the Internet," Evangelical Review of Theology 24.1 (Jan. 2000): | |
France Quéré, "The Unity of Martyrdom and Communion with Christ," Evangelical Review of Theology 24.1 (Jan. 2000): | |
Joseph Tson, "Towards a Modern Protestant Theology of Martyrdom," Evangelical Review of Theology 24.1 (Jan. 2000): | |
Thorwald Lorenzen, "Christian Faith and Human Rights," Evangelical Review of Theology 24.1 (Jan. 2000): | |
Allison Howell, "Reconciliation: A Reality or Simply Political Correctness," Evangelical Review of Theology 24.1 (Jan. 2000): | |
24.2 | |
Ted Peters, "Theology and Science: Where are We?" Evangelical Review of Theology 24.2 (April 2000): | |
Rolf Hille, "From Modernity to Post-Modernity: Taking Stock at the Turn of the Century," Evangelical Review of Theology 24.2 (April 2000): | |
Gordon R. Lewis, "General Revelation Makes Cross-Cultural Communication Possible," Evangelical Review of Theology 24.2 (April 2000): | |
Eshetu Abate, "The Church, Culture and Ethnicity: A Theological View," Evangelical Review of Theology 24.2 (April 2000): | |
Andrew M. Lord, "Mission, the Bible and Israel-Palestine," Evangelical Review of Theology 24.2 (April 2000): | |
John Roxborogh, "Minority Christians in the Church History Curriculum," Evangelical Review of Theology 24.2 (April 2000): | |
John Jefferson Davis, "Ephesians 4:12 Once More: ‘Equipping the Saints for the Work of Ministry?’," Evangelical Review of Theology 24.2 (April 1999): | |
James Chacko, "Collection in the Early Church," Evangelical Review of Theology 24.2 (April 2000): |
24.3 | |
James Stamoolis, "The Importance of the Iguassu Missiological Consultation," Evangelical Review of Theology 24.3 (July 2000): 195-199. This paper was presented at the WEF Missions Commission Missiological Consultation at Iguassu, Brazil, 1999. | |
"Iguassu Affirmation, WEA Missions Commission Consultation, October, 1999," Evangelical Review of Theology 24.3 (July 2000): 200-206. | |
Chris Wright, "Christ and the Mosaic of Pluralisms; Challenges to Evangelical Missiology in the 21st Century," Evangelical Review of Theology 24.3 (July 2000): 207-239. This paper was presented at the WEF Missions Commission Missiological Consultation at Iguassu, Brazil, 1999. | |
Paul G. Hiebert, "Spiritual Warfare and Worldview," Evangelical Review of Theology 24.3 (July 2000): 240-256. This paper was presented at the WEF Missions Commission Missiological Consultation at Iguassu, Brazil, 1999. | |
Laurel Gasque,"The Christian Stake in the Arts: Toward a Missiology of Western Culture," Evangelical Review of Theology 24.3 (July 2000): 257-277. Reprinted from Crux 35.4 (Dec. 1999). | |
24.4 |
Peter Kuzmic, "An Evangelical Looks at Nationalism and Nation Building," Evangelical Review of Theology 24.4 (Oct. 2000): | |
"Statement of the German Evangelical Alliance concerning the issue of political responsibility of Evangelicals (Stuttgart, June 6, 1994)," Evangelical Review of Theology 24.4 (Oct. 2000): | |
Jun Vencer, "Churches Transforming the Nations: The DNA Vision," Evangelical Review of Theology 24.4 (Oct. 2000): | |
Gordon Preece, "The Public People of God: A Paradigm For Social Ethics," Evangelical Review of Theology 24.4 (Oct. 2000): | |
Jonathan Chaplin, "Prospects for an 'Evangelical Political Philosophy," Evangelical Review of Theology 24.4 (Oct. 2000): |
Volume 25 (2001)
25.1 | |
"The Amsterdam Declaration - A Charter for Evangelism in the 21st Century," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.1 (Jan. 2001): | |
"A Covenant for Evangelists," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.1 (Jan. 2001): | |
James I. Packer, "The Content of the Gospel," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.1 (Jan. 2001): | |
John Stott, "The Evangelist's Message is Bible-based," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.1 (Jan. 2001): | |
Paul Negrut, "The Evangelist Works with the Local Church," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.1 (Jan. 2001): | |
Richard Howell, "Transcultural Theology and Contextualisation," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.1 (Jan. 2001): | |
Elaine Storkey, "Religious Pluralism and Dialogue in Evangelism: Evangelism and Human Rights," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.1 (Jan. 2001): | |
"Fourth Japan Congress on Evangelism Declaration: The Church Responsible for Evangelizing 21st Century Japan, Living Together in the Gospel of Reconciliation," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.1 (Jan. 2001): | |
Klaas Runia, "The Preaching of the Cross Today," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.1 (Jan. 2001): | |
John Jefferson Davis, "'Teaching Them to Observe All that I Have Commanded You' The History of the Interpretation of the 'Great Commission' and Implications for Marketplace Ministries," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.1 (Jan. 2001): | |
Kevin Giles, "Models of the Church," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.1 (Jan. 2001): | |
25.2 | |
Dieumeme Nöelliste, "ICETE: Vision to be Embraced," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.2 (April 2001): | |
Adriaan Stringer, "Spiritual Formation," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.2 (April 2001): | |
Rolf Hille, "Transition From Modernity to Post-Modernity: A Theological Evaluation," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.2 (April 2001): | |
Rolf Hille, "Reflections on Modernity and Post-Modernity for Theological Education," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.2 (April 2001): | |
Dennis Ngien, "'The Most Moved Mover': Abraham Heschel's Theology of Divine Pathos," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.2 (April 2001): | |
Charles A. Metteer, "A Survey of the Theology of Work," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.2 (April 2001): | |
Robert K. Lang'at, "Christian Missions and the Development of Higher Education in East Africa 1920-1960," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.2 (April 2001): | |
Olu E Alana, "Jesus and the Victory of Culture," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.2 (April 2001): James P Danaher, "Human Freedom and Christian Morality," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.4 (Oct. 2001): | |
25.3 | |
Yung Han Kim, "The Idea of Transformed Hermeneutics," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.3 (July 2001): | |
Sam Hey, "Changing Roles of Pentecostal Hermeneutics," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.3 (July 2001): | |
William Dumbrell, "Genesis 2:1-3: Biblical Theology of Creation Covenant," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.3 (July 2001): | |
Bruce Nicholls, "The Role of Shame and Guilt in a Theology of Cross-Cultural Mission," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.3 (July 2001): | |
J. Julius Scott, Jr., "Biblical Theology and Non-Western Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.3 (July 2001): | |
Graham Keith, "Christian-Jewish Relations after a Century of Great Change," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.3 (July 2001): |
25.4 | |
Iain Provan, "Creation and Holistic Ministry: A Study of Genesis 1:1 to 2:3," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.4 (Oct. 2001): | |
David M. Scholer, "Breaking the Code: Interpretive Reflections on Revelation," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.4 (Oct. 2001): | |
Veli-Matti Karkkainen, "Pentecostalism and the Claim for Apostolicity," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.4 (Oct. 2001): | |
Jesudason B. Jeyaraj, "Jubilee and Society," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.4 (Oct. 2001): | |
Robert K. Lang'at, "The Doctrine of Holiness and Missions: A Pietistic Foundation of African Evangelical Christianity," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.4 (Oct. 2001): | |
Bob Robinson, "What Exactly is Meant by the 'Uniqueness Of Christ'? (Part 1) ," Evangelical Review of Theology 25.4 (Oct. 2001): |
Volume 26 (2002)
26.1 | |
Bruce Nicholls, "The History of the WEF Theological Commission 1969-1986," Evangelical Review of Theology 26.1 (Jan. 2002): | |
David Hilborn, "Truth, Collegiality, and Concensus: The Dynamics of an Evangelical Theological Commission," Evangelical Review of Theology 26.1 (Jan. 2002): | |
Amos Young, "The Marks of the Church: A Pentecostal Re-Reading," Evangelical Review of Theology 26.1 (Jan. 2002): | |
Bob Robinson, "What Exactly is Meant by the 'Uniqueness of Christ'? (Part 2) ," Evangelical Review of Theology 26.1 (Jan. 2002): | |
26.2 | |
David Parker, "Dynamics and Directions of World Evangelical Theology for the 21st Century," Evangelical Review of Theology 26.2 (April 2002): | |
Thomas C. Oden, "On Women and Men Working Together in the Church," Evangelical Review of Theology 26.2 (April 2002): | |
Robert Lang'at, "The Church's Responsibility Within the East African Context," Evangelical Review of Theology 26.2 (April 2002): | |
George W. Harper, "Philippine Tongues of Fire? Latin American Pentecostalism and the Future of Filipino Christianity," Evangelical Review of Theology 26.2 (April 2002): | |
26.3 | |
Andrew M. Lord, "Virtual Communities and Mission," Evangelical Review of Theology 26.3 (July 2002): | |
Paul R. Dekar, "Asking Questions about Technology, with Specific Reference to Computers," Evangelical Review of Theology 26.3 (July 2002): | |
Mark H. Senter III, "Napster, Moody Bible Institute and Christianity Online," Evangelical Review of Theology 26.3 (July 2002): | |
Lee Wanak, "Theological Curriculum Change for the Local 21st Century Context," Evangelical Review of Theology 26.3 (July 2002): | |
Amos Young, "Divine Omniscience and Future Contingents: Weighing the Presuppositional Issues in the Contemporary Debate," Evangelical Review of Theology 26.3 (July 2002): | |
John Jefferson Davis, "Economic Growth vs. the Environment? The Need for New Paradigms in Economics, Business Ethics, and Evangelical Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 26.3 (July 2002): | |
26.4 | |
Lok M. Bhandari, "Defining Evangelicalism's Boundaries," Evangelical Review of Theology 26.4 (Oct. 2002): | |
James P. Danaher, "Relativism and Christian Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 26.4 (Oct. 2002): | |
Darrell Cosden, "Coming of Age: The Future of a Post-Soviet Evangelical Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 26.4 (Oct. 2002): | |
Cecil Stalnaker, "Proselytism or Evangelism?" Evangelical Review of Theology 26.4 (Oct. 2002): | |
In-Gyu Hong, "Being 'Under the Law' in Galatians," Evangelical Review of Theology 26.4 (Oct. 2002): |
Volume 27 (2003)
27.1 | |
George Vandervelde, "The Challenge of Evangelical Ecclesiology," Evangelical Review of Theology 27.1 (Jan. 2003): | |
Jey J. Kanagaraj, "The Profiles of Women in John: House-Bound or Christ-Bound?" Evangelical Review of Theology 27.1 (Jan. 2003): | |
Gary L. Nebeker, "The Holy Spirit, Hermeneutics, and Transformation: From Present to Future Glory," Evangelical Review of Theology 27.1 (Jan. 2003): | |
Randall Gleason, "The Lordship Salvation Debate," Evangelical Review of Theology 27.1 (Jan. 2003): | |
Young-Gwan Kim, "Karl Barth's Reception in Korea: An Historical Overview," Evangelical Review of Theology 27.1 (Jan. 2003): | |
27.2 | |
Valdir R. Steuernagel, "Doing Theology with an Eye on Mary," Evangelical Review of Theology 27.2 (April 2003): | |
Tim Meadowcroft, "Sovereign God or Paranoid Universe? The Lord of Hosts is his Name," Evangelical Review of Theology 27.2 (April 2003): | |
Brian Edgar, "Time for God: Christian Stewardship and the Gift of Time," Evangelical Review of Theology 27.2 (April 2003): | |
Larry J. McKinney, "Postmodernism: ministry implications for Church and educational leaders," Evangelical Review of Theology 27.2 (April 2003): | |
Bruce J. Clemenger, "Faith, The Church and Public Policy: Towards a Model of Evangelical Engagement," Evangelical Review of Theology 27.2 (April 2003): | |
John Langlois, "The Christian Legislator: Seeking to Pursue Social Justice in a Globalized World," Evangelical Review of Theology 27.2 (April 2003): | |
27.3 | |
Rolf Hille, "European Theology in World Perspective," Evangelical Review of Theology 27.3 (July 2003): | |
Valdir Steuernagel, "The Relevance and Effects of European Academic Theology on Theological Education in the Third World," Evangelical Review of Theology 27.3 (July 2003): | |
Vinoth Ramachandra, "Learning from Modern European Secularism: A View from the Third World Church," Evangelical Review of Theology 27.3 (July 2003): | |
Dieumeme Noelliste, "European Denominational Plurality and Christianity," Evangelical Review of Theology 27.3 (July 2003): | |
Terrance Tiessen, "God's Work of Grace in the Context of the Religions," Evangelical Review of Theology 27.3 (July 2003): | |
27.4 | |
Bertil Ekström, "The Kingdom of God and the Church Today," Evangelical Review of Theology 27.4 (Oct. 2003): | |
Johan Ferreira, "Cosmological and Biblical Eschatologies: Consonance or Dissonance?" Evangelical Review of Theology 27.4 (Oct. 2003): | |
Thomas C. Oden, "A Patristic Perspective on European Christianity in World Perspective," Evangelical Review of Theology 27.4 (Oct. 2003): | |
Leonardo De Chirico, "Christian Unity vis-a-vis Roman Catholicism: A Critique of the 'Evangelicals and Catholics Together' dialogue," Evangelical Review of Theology 27.4 (Oct. 2003): | |
Tom W. Sine, Jr., "Globalization, Creation of Global Culture of Consumption and the Impact on the Church and its Mission," Evangelical Review of Theology 27.4 (Oct. 2003): |
Volume 28 (2004)
28.1 | |
Arthur M. Climenhaga, "Mission and Neo-Universalism," Evangelical Review of Theology 28.1 (Jan. 2004): | |
Rolf Hille, "A Biblical-Theological Response to the Problem of Theodicy in the Context of the Modern Criticism of Religion," Evangelical Review of Theology 28.1 (Jan. 2004): | |
Allison M. Howell, "Using our Minds in Mission, Ministry and Service," Evangelical Review of Theology 28.1 (Jan. 2004): | |
Lee Wanak, "Learning as the Experience of God," Evangelical Review of Theology 28.1 (Jan. 2004): | |
John J. Davis, "Christian Reflections on the Genetic Revolution," Evangelical Review of Theology 28.1 (Jan. 2004): | |
Paul F. Scotchmer, "Lessons from Paradise on Work, Marriage, and Freedom: A Study of Genesis 2:4-3:24," Evangelical Review of Theology 28.1 (Jan. 2004): | |
28.2 | |
David Parker, "'Discerning the Obedience of Faith' A Short History of the WEA Theological Commission Part 1: 1968-1986," Evangelical Review of Theology 28.2 (April 2004): | |
Bruce Nicholls, "Our Christian Response to the Global Environmental Crisis," Evangelical Review of Theology 28.2 (April 2004): | |
Byang Kato, "History Comes Full Circle," Evangelical Review of Theology 28.2 (April 2004): | |
Ronald J. Sider, "Toward an Evangelical Political Philosophy," Evangelical Review of Theology 28.2 (April 2004): | |
Rikk Watts, "What Does it Mean to be Saved?" Evangelical Review of Theology 28.2 (April 2004): | |
Jesudason Baskar Jeyaraj, "Charity and Stewardship: Biblical Foundations," Evangelical Review of Theology 28.2 (April 2004): | |
James Danaher, "The Nature of the Good," Evangelical Review of Theology 28.2 (April 2004): | |
28.3 | |
David Parker, "'Discerning the Obedience of Faith' A Short History of the WEA Theological Commission Part 2: 1986-1994," Evangelical Review of Theology 28.3 (July 2004): | |
David Gitari, "Church and Politics," Evangelical Review of Theology 28.3 (July 2004): | |
Chris Sugden, "Mission Leadership and Christian Theological Research," Evangelical Review of Theology 28.3 (July 2004): | |
John P. Davis, "Theology, Culture, Ministry and the Mission of the Church," Evangelical Review of Theology 28.3 (July 2004): |
Thomas J. Kopp, "Church and Mission: Decolonizing the Mind," Evangelical Review of Theology 28.3 (July 2004): | |
Kevin Giles, "The Doctrine of the Trinity and Subordinationism," Evangelical Review of Theology 28.3 (July 2004): | |
28.4 | |
David Parker, "'Discerning the Obedience of Faith' A Short History of the WEA Theological Commission Part 3: 1994-2004," Evangelical Review of Theology 28.4 (Oct. 2004): | |
Patricia J Harrison, "Forty Years On: The Evolution of Theological Education by Extension," Evangelical Review of Theology 28.4 (Oct. 2004): | |
Roger Kemp, "Towards Excellence in Theological Education?" Evangelical Review of Theology 28.4 (Oct. 2004): | |
James Stamoolis, "Scripture and Hermeneutics: Reflections over 30 years," Evangelical Review of Theology 28.4 (Oct. 2004): | |
Donald A. Carson, "Why Trust a Cross? Reflections on Romans 3:21-26," Evangelical Review of Theology 28.4 (Oct. 2004): | |
John Lewis, "Ephesians 1:3-14. Doing Theology through the Gates of Heaven," Evangelical Review of Theology 28.4 (Oct. 2004): |
Volume 29 (2005)
29.1 | |
Don McLellan, "Justice, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation: Essential Elements in Atonement Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 29.1 (Jan. 2005): | |
Michael Burgess, "Dimensions of the Faith: A Shaping of Evangelicalism," Evangelical Review of Theology 29.1 (Jan. 2005): | |
Steve Taylor, "A Prolegomena for the Thai Context: A Starting Point for Thai Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 29.1 (Jan. 2005): | |
John J. Davis, "The Holocaust and the Problem of Theodicy: An Evangelical Perspective," Evangelical Review of Theology 29.1 (Jan. 2005): | |
Robert E. Coleman, "The Jesus Way to Win the World," Evangelical Review of Theology 29.1 (Jan. 2005): | |
29.2 | |
G. Vandervelde, "Church, Evangelization, and the Bonds of Koinonia: A Report of the International Consultation between the Catholic Church and the World Evangelical Alliance (1993 - 2002 introduced," Evangelical Review of Theology 29.2 (April 2005): | |
Phillip Marshall, "Toward a Theology of HIV/AIDS," Evangelical Review of Theology 29.2 (April 2005): | |
John P. Davis, "Who are the Heirs of the Abrahamic Covenant?" Evangelical Review of Theology 29.2 (April 2005): | |
Jeffrey L. Morrow, "J.R.R. Tolkien as a Christian for Our Times," Evangelical Review of Theology 29.2 (April 2005): | |
Victor B. Cole, "The message and messenger of the Gospel," Evangelical Review of Theology 29.2 (April 2005): | |
29.3 | |
Brian Edgar, "Introduction," Evangelical Review of Theology 29.3 (July 2005): | |
Miroslav Volf, "Dancing for God: Challenges Facing Theological Education Today," Evangelical Review of Theology 29.3 (July 2005): |
Brian Edgar, "The Theology of Theological Education," Evangelical Review of Theology 29.3 (July 2005): | |
Larry J. McKinney, "A Theology of Theological Education: Pedagogical Implications," Evangelical Review of Theology 29.3 (July 2005): |
M. Daniel Carroll R., "Perspectives on Theological Education from the Old Testament," Evangelical Review of Theology 29.3 (July 2005): | |
Sylvia Wilkey Collinson, "Making Disciples and the Christian Faith," Evangelical Review of Theology 29.3 (July 2005): | |
Marlene Enns, "‘Now I Know in Part:’ Holistic and Analytic Reasoning and their Contribution to Fuller Knowing in Theological Education," Evangelical Review of Theology 29.3 (July 2005): | |
Dieumeme Noelliste, "Theological Education in the Context of Socio-Economic Deprivation," Evangelical Review of Theology 29.3 (July 2005): | |
29.4 | |
James P. Danaher, "The Postmodern Gospel," Evangelical Review of Theology 29.4 (Oct. 2005): |
Frank Adams, "Challenges Facing African Christianity in the Post-Modern World," Evangelical Review of Theology 29.4 (Oct. 2005): | |
Thorsten Prill, "Evangelism, Theology and the Church," Evangelical Review of Theology 29.4 (Oct. 2005): | |
Walter McConnell, "Facing New Paradigms In Worship: Learning New Lessons From Old Masters," Evangelical Review of Theology 29.4 (Oct. 2005): | |
David A. Ackerman, "Fighting Fire with Fire: Community Formation in 1 Corinthians 12-14," Evangelical Review of Theology 29.4 (Oct. 2005): |