1.1 |
J. Andrew Kirk, "The Use of the Bible in Interpreting Salvation Today: An Evangelical Perspective," Evangelical Review of Theology 1.1 (Oct. 1977): 1-20. |
Clark H. Pinnock, "Theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg: a Critical Evaluation," Evangelical Review of Theology 1.1 (Oct. 1977): 21-34. Reprinted from Christianity Today (Nov. 5 & 19, 1976). |
Byang H. Kato, "Black Theology and African Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 1.1 (Oct. 1977): 35-48. Reprinted from Theological News (January 1976) and Perception (oct. 1976). |
Saphir P. Athyal, "The Gospel in a Hostile Environment Evangelical Review of Theology 1.1 (Oct. 1977): 49-61. |
Colin Chapman, "Prophecy and the Gospel in the Middle East," Evangelical Review of Theology 1.1 (Oct. 1977): 63-70. Reprinted from Crusade (Dec. 1976). |
Vivienne Stacey, "Discerning God’s Hand in Islam Today," Evangelical Review of Theology 1.1 (Oct. 1977): 71-81. Reprinted from Missiology: An International Review (July 1976). |
O. R. Johnston, "God and the Nations," Evangelical Review of Theology 1.1 (Oct. 1977): 83-93. |
Chris Wigglesworth, "Which Way to Utopia: With Marx or Jesus?" Evangelical Review of Theology 1.1 (Oct. 1977): 95-107. Reprinted from TRACI-LETS Journal 4. |
Pablo Pérez, "Present-Day Pastoral Work in Latin America," Evangelical Review of Theology 1.1 (Oct. 1977): 109-123. Reprinted from Theological Fraternity Bulletin (Oct. 1973). |
"Gospel and Spirit: A Joint Statement," Evangelical Review of Theology 1.1 (Oct. 1977): 125-139. |
Patricia J. Harrison, "Some Thoughts on Curriculum Design for Theological Education," Evangelical Review of Theology 1.1 (Oct. 1977): 141-144. Reprinted from Theological Education Today (No. 1976 & Feb. 1977). |
Patricia J. Harrison, "Samples of Curriculum Design: I—A Functional Curriculum," Evangelical Review of Theology 1.1 (Oct. 1977): 145-148. |
Patricia J. Harrison, "Samples of Curriculum Design: II—A Spiral Curriculum," Evangelical Review of Theology 1.1 (Oct. 1977): 149-150. |
George Patterson, "The Obedience-Oriented Curriculum Evangelical Review of Theology 1.1 (Oct. 1977): 151-157. |
2.1 |
Tokunboh Adeyemo, "Contemporary Issues in Africa and the Future of Evangelicals," Evangelical Review of Theology 2.1 (April 1978): 2-13. |
Bong Rin Ro, "Contextualization: Asian Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 2.1 (April 1978): 14-23. |
Duncan L. Roper, "The Christian Task in the Arts: Some Preliminary Considerations," Evangelical Review of Theology 2.1 (April 1978): 24-40. |
W. Nelson & J. B. A. Kessler, "The Panama Congress of 1916 and its Impact on Protestantism in Latin America," Evangelical Review of Theology 2.1 (April 1978): 41-58. |
Christopher Wright, "Ethics and the Old Testament: a Functional Understanding of Law," Evangelical Review of Theology 2.1 (April 1978): 59-69. |
Ronald J. Sider, "Evangelism, Salvation and Social Justice," Evangelical Review of Theology 2.1 (April 1978): 70-88. |
Professor J. M. van der Linde, "Community and Mission: the Moravian Model," Evangelical Review of Theology 2.1 (April 1978): 89-102. |
Robert M. Yule, "Christian Spirituality: An Article Review," Evangelical Review of Theology 2.1 (April 1978): 103-112. |
Helgo Lindner, "Johann Georg Hamann on Bible and Revelation," Evangelical Review of Theology 2.1 (April 1978): 113-123. Translated from the German and reprinted from Theologische Beitrage (Johrgang 6/75). |
Anil D. Solanky, "A Critical Evaluation of Theological Education in Residential Training," Evangelical Review of Theology 2.1 (April 1978): 124-133. |
Lyle Darnauer, "The Volitional Domain," Evangelical Review of Theology 2.1 (April 1978): 134-137. |
2.2 |
Paul G. Schrotenboer, "The Bible in the World Council of Churches," Evangelical Review of Theology 2.2 (Oct. 1978): 162-180. |
Robert C. Sproul, "Controversy at Culture Gap," Evangelical Review of Theology 2.2 (Oct. 1978): 181-187. |
Brian Stanley, "The East African Revival—African Initiative Within a European Tradition," Evangelical Review of Theology 2.2 (Oct. 1978): 188-207. |
Penelope Johnstone, "Survey of Recent Literature on Islam," Evangelical Review of Theology 2.2 (Oct. 1978): 208-214. |
David C. Jones, "Who are the Poor?" Evangelical Review of Theology 2.2 (Oct. 1978): 215-226. |
Harvie M. Conn, "Responses: Two responses to Professor Jones’ article," Evangelical Review of Theology 2.2 (Oct. 1978): 227-235. |
Bruce J. Nicholls, "Theology for the People: The Relationship of Evangelism to Social Justice and Community Development," Evangelical Review of Theology 2.2 (Oct. 1978): 236-253. |
Peter T. O’Brien, "The Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20—A Missionary Mandate or Not?" Evangelical Review of Theology 2.2 (Oct. 1978): 254-267. |
Jonathan Chao, "A Glimpse of Christian Community Life in China," Evangelical Review of Theology 2.2 (Oct. 1978): 268-273. |
F. Ross Kinsler, "The Case for Non-Formal Education (I): Theological Education by Extension Tee Service or Subversion?" Evangelical Review of Theology 2.2 (Oct. 1978): 274-289. |
James B. Sauer, "The Case for Non-Formal Education (II): Tee in Zaire—Mission or Movement?" Evangelical Review of Theology 2.2 (Oct. 1978): 290-295. |
John R. Peck, "The Case for Non-Formal Education (III): Para-Education: Isolation or Integration?" Evangelical Review of Theology 2.2 (Oct. 1978): 296-301. |
3.1 |
Richard Bauckham, "Believing in the Incarnation Today," Evangelical Review of Theology 3.1 (April 1979): 3-10. |
A.N.S. Lane, "The Fundamentalism Debate: A Survey of Reviews of James Barr’s Fundamentalism," Evangelical Review of Theology 3.1 (April 1979): 11-26. |
Dick France, "Questions Concerning the Future of African Christianity," Evangelical Review of Theology 3.1 (April 1979): 27-36. |
Emilio Antonio Núñez, C., "The Theology of Liberation in Latin America," Evangelical Review of Theology 3.1 (April 1979): 37-51. |
Orlando E. Costas, "Evangelism in a Latin American Context," Evangelical Review of Theology 3.1 (April 1979): 52-67. |
Warren W. Webster, "A Selective Bibliography for Christian Muslim Workers," Evangelical Review of Theology 3.1 (April 1979): 68-81. |
Leon O. Hynson, "The Church and Social Transformation: An Ethics of the Spirit," ," Evangelical Review of Theology 3.1 (April 1979): 82-95. |
Robert Smith, "Nervous Breakdown: A Patient’s View," Evangelical Review of Theology 3.1 (April 1979): 96-106. |
J. Andrew Kirk, "Marxism and the Church in Latin America,"Evangelical Review of Theology 3.1 (April 1979): 107-118. |
Samuel Amirtham, "New Styles in Theological Education," Evangelical Review of Theology 3.1 (April 1979): 119-127. |
Elizabeth R. Javalera, "Training Christian Workers," Evangelical Review of Theology 3.1 (April 1979): 128-138. |
3.2 |
Simon J. Kistemaker, "The Lord’s Prayer in the First Century," Evangelical Review of Theology 3.2 (Oct. 1979): 161-168. Reprinted from the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 21.4 (Dec. 1978): 323-328. |
Howard A. Snyder, "What is the Church?" Evangelical Review of Theology 3.2 (Oct. 1979): 169-177. Reprinted from Spectrum (fall 1978). |
Arbutus Sider, "Jubilee Fellowship of Germantown," Evangelical Review of Theology 3.2 (Oct. 1979): 178-182. Reprinted from The Other Side (April 1977). |
John S. Mbiti, "Christianity and African Culture," Evangelical Review of Theology 3.2 (Oct. 1979): 183-195. Reprinted from The Journal of Theology for Southern Africa (Sept. 1977). |
Tite Tienou, "Christianity and African Culture a Review," Evangelical Review of Theology 3.2 (Oct. 1979): 198-205. |
Klaus Bockmuehl, "Humanism and the Kingdom of God," Evangelical Review of Theology 3.2 (Oct. 1979): 206-224. Reprinted from CRUX (March 1979). |
C. Rene Padilla, "Partnership in Mission," Evangelical Review of Theology 3.2 (Oct. 1979): 225-245. Reprinted from Theological Fraternity Bulletin (July 1978). |
Dr. J.B.A. Kessler, "The Place of the Cross in the Evangelistic Message," Evangelical Review of Theology 3.2 (Oct. 1979): 246-253. |
Vishal Mangalwadi, "The Economic Gospel of Jesus," Evangelical Review of Theology 3.2 (Oct. 1979): 254-261. Reprinted from TRACI/ETS Journal (April 1979). |
Michael Bourdeaux, "The U.S.S.R.—The Church After Sixty Years of Persecution," Evangelical Review of Theology 3.2 (Oct. 1979): 262-279. Reprinted from Missionalia (Nov 1978). |
John Goldingay Theology and Healing," Evangelical Review of Theology 3.2 (Oct. 1979): 280-293. Reprinted from Churchman No.1 (1978). |
Marvin J. Taylor, "Accreditation as Improvement of Theological Education," Evangelical Review of Theology 3.2 (Oct. 1979): 294-298. |
Patricia J. Harrison, "Doing Church History at the Local Level," Evangelical Review of Theology 3.2 (Oct. 1979): 299-303. Reprinted from Theological Education Today (June 1978). |
4.1 |
"The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerancy," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.1 (April 1980): 8-19. Reprinted from Tenth (January 1979). |
W. Ward Gasque, "The Promise of Adolf Schlatter," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.1 (April 1980): 20-30. Rerprinted from Crux (June 1979). |
Byang H. Kato, "Christianity as an African Religion," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.1 (April 1980): 31-39. Reprinted from Perception (May 1979). |
Joseph H. Hall, "Transcendental Meditation: Profile of a Westernized Eastern Religion," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.1 (April 1980): 40-49. Reprinted from Presbuteros (Spring 1978, No. 1). |
S. von Sicard, "Maranatha: Advent in the Muslim World," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.1 (April 1980): 50-56. Reprinted from Missiology: An International Review (July 1978). |
Vinay Samuel & Charles Corwin, "Assistance Programs Require Partnership," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.1 (April 1980): 57-61. Reprinted from Evangelical Missions Quarterly (April 1979). |
Harvie M. Conn, "The Money Barrier Between Sending and Receiving Churches," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.1 (April 1980): 62-69. Reprinted from Evangelical Missions Quarterly (October 1978). |
Ronald J. Sider, "Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.1 (April 1980): 70-83. Reprinted from Tenth (January 1979). |
James S. Tinney, "The Prosperity Doctrine: An Accretion to Black Pentecostalism," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.1 (April 1980): 84-92. Reprinted from Tenth (January 1979). |
John R.W. Stott, "Reclaiming the Biblical Doctrine of Work," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.1 (April 1980): 83-101. Reprinted from Christianity Today (May 4, 1979). |
Dick France, "Barnabas—Son of Encouragement," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.1 (April 1980): 96-101. Reprinted from Themelios (Sept. 1978). |
John Stafford Wright [1905-1985], "The Biblical Assessment of Superstition and the Occult," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.1 (April 1980): 102-113. Reprinted from Faith and Thought (Autumn 1977). |
Ronald Frase, "Presbyterian Ministerial Preparation in Brazil," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.1 (April 1980): 114-124. Reprinted from Extension Seminary (No. 3, 1978). |
Chris Sugden, "Teaching Christ as Liberator in Extension Education," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.1 (April 1980): 125-138. |
Kennth O'Gangel, "Christian Higher Education in America in the 1980s," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.1 (April 1980): 139-150. Reprinted from Bibliotheca Sacra (jan.-March 1978). |
S.E.M. Pheko, "The "White" Jesus is not the Jesus of the Bible," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.1 (April 1980): 151. |
4.2 |
A. Skevington Wood [1916-1993], "John Wesley, Theologian of the Spirit," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.2 (Oct. 1980): 176-188. Reprinted from Theological Renewal 6. |
Robert G. Bratcher, "New International Version—The Bible of Evangelicals," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.2 (Oct. 1980): 189-196. Reprinted from the The Bible Translator (July 1979). |
A Special Committee commissioned by the Council of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (UK), "A Consideration of the New International Version of the New Testament," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.2 (Oct. 1980): 197-200. |
Kenneth E. Bailey, "The Manger and the Inn: The Cultural Background of Luke 2:7," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.2 (Oct. 1980): 201-217. Reprinted from Theological Review (Nov. 1979). |
Martin Goldsmith, "Parabolic Preaching in the Context of Islam," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.2 (Oct. 1980): 218-222. |
Chandran D. S. Devanesen, "Lines to a Rickshaw Puller," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.2 (Oct. 1980): 223-224. |
Andrew F. Walls, "The Challenge of African Independent Churches," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.2 (Oct. 1980): 225-234. Reprinted from Occasional Bulletin (April 1979). |
Emilio Antonio Núñez, C., "Heirs of the Reformation," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.2 (Oct. 1980): 238-247. |
Tom Sine, "Development: Its Secular Past and Its Uncertain Future," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.2 (Oct. 1980): 248-262. |
John Alexander, "Beyond Relief, Development and Justice," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.2 (Oct. 1980): 263-269. Reprinted from The Other Side. |
Bruce J. Nicholls, "Our Evangelical Social Responsibility: A Personal Response," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.2 (Oct. 1980): 270-273. |
Evangelical Alliance, Victoria, Australia, "Christian Response to Gay Liberation
Students at Talbot Seminary Counselling the Homosexual," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.2 (Oct. 1980): 274-279. |
Students at Talbot Seminary, "Counselling the Homosexual," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.2 (Oct. 1980): 280-288. Reprinted from The Christian Counsellor's Journal (Winter 1979/80). |
Peggy Bee-Tin Yeo, "Asian Christian Communicators Lead the Way," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.2 (Oct. 1980): 289-300. Reprinted from Asian Perspective 23. |
Ian D. Bunting, "Practical Theology and Pastoral Training," Evangelical Review of Theology 4.2 (Oct. 1980): 301-308. Reprinted from Churchman 2 (1979). |
5.1 |
D.A. Carson, "Hermeneutics: A Brief Assessment of Some Recent Trends," Evangelical Review of Theology 5.1 (April 1981): 8-25. Reprinted from Themelios 5.2
(January 1980): 12-20. pdf |
Samuel P. Schlorff, "The Hermeneutical Crisis in Muslim Evangelization," Evangelical Review of Theology 5.1 (April 1981): 26-34. Reprinted from Evangelical Missions Quarterly (July 1980). |
Paul Bowers, "Evangelical Theology in Africa: Byang Kato’s Legacy," Evangelical Review of Theology 5.1 (April 1981): 35-39. Reprinted from Trinity Journal ns 1.1 (Spring 1980): 84-87. |
Tite Tienou, "Threats and Dangers in the Theological Task in Africa," Evangelical Review of Theology 5.1 (April 1981): 40-47. |
W.A. Dyrness, "Is Rome Changing?: An Evangelical Assessment of Recent Catholic Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 5.1 (April 1981): 48-62. |
A. William Cook, Jr., "Base Ecclesial Communities in the Brazilian Catholic Church: A Study of Re-Evangelization and Growth," Evangelical Review of Theology 5.1 (April 1981): 63-73. Reprinted from Occasional Bulletin of Missionary Research (July 1980). |
J. Andrew Kirk, "The Kingdom, The Church and a Distressed World," Evangelical Review of Theology 5.1 (April 1981): 74-93. Reprinted from Churchman 94 (1980). |
William E. Pannell, "Evangelism and Power," Evangelical Review of Theology 5.1 (April 1981): 94-101. Reprinted from the International Review of Mission (Jan. 1980). |
Philemon Yuen-Wan Choi, "The Breakthrough Counselling Centre," Evangelical Review of Theology 5.1 (April 1981): 102-110. Reprinted from Asia Theological Association's Asian Perspective Series, No. 24. |
Derek Tidball, "The New Gospel of Community," Evangelical Review of Theology 5.1 (April 1981): 111-120. Reprinted from Third Way (April 1980). |
Andrew Hsiao, "Theological Education and Christian Education: A Theological Educator’s Point of View," Evangelical Review of Theology 5.1 (April 1981): 121-134. Reprinted from South East Asia Journal of Theology 20.1 (1979).. |
Vinay Samuel & Chris Sugden, "Theological Education for the Mission of the Church in India," Evangelical Review of Theology 5.1 (April 1981): 135-139. Reprinted from Ministerial Formation 10 (April 1980). |
5.2 |
Ronald Y. K. Fung, "Justification by Faith in 1 & 2 Corinthians," Evangelical Review of Theology 5.2 (Oct. 1981): 168-184. Reprinted from D.A. Hagner & M.J. Harris, eds., Pauline Studies: Essays Presented to F.F. Bruce. Exeter: Paternoster Press. |
Norman L. Geisler, "The Concept of Truth in the Inerrancy Debate," Evangelical Review of Theology 5.2 (Oct. 1981): 185-197. Reprinted from Bibliotheca Sacra (Oct.-Dec. 1980). |
Ole Chr. M. Kvarme, "The Phenomenon of Hebrew Christianity in the Early Church and Today," Evangelical Review of Theology 5.2 (Oct. 1981): 198-211. |
Tokunboh Adeyemo, "The African Church and Selfhood," Evangelical Review of Theology 5.2 (Oct. 1981): 212-223. Reprinted from Perception (May 1980). |
Timothy Monsma, "Urban Explosion and Missions Strategy," Evangelical Review of Theology 5.2 (Oct. 1981): 224-231. Reprinted from Evangelical Missions Quarterly (Jan. 1981). |
J.N.J. Kritzinger, "Islam as Rival of the Gospel in Africa," Evangelical Review of Theology 5.2 (Oct. 1981): 232-252. Reprinted from Missionalia (Nov. 1981). |
C. Everett Koop, "The Sanctity of Human Life: An Appraisal of Trends in Medical Ethics," Evangelical Review of Theology 5.2 (Oct. 1981): 253-262. |
Gwen Graham, "A Candle in Barbed Wire: Hope for Prisoners of Conscience," Evangelical Review of Theology 5.2 (Oct. 1981): 272-278. Reprinted from Zadok Centre News (Dec. 1980). |
Peter Chang, "Steak, Potato, Peas and Chopsuey Linear and Non-linear Thinking in Theological Education," Evangelical Review of Theology 5.2 (Oct. 1981): 279-286. |
John Peace, "St. Augustine on the Education of a Preacher," Evangelical Review of Theology 5.2 (Oct. 1981): 287-293. |
6.1 |
Ian S. Kemp, "The Blessing, Power and Authority of the Church: A study in Matthew 16:17-19," Evangelical Review of Theology 6.1 (April 1982): 9-22. |
Gerhard Maier, "Concrete Alternatives to the Historical-Critical Method," Evangelical Review of Theology 6.1 (April 1982): 23-36. |
Sze-Kar Wan, "The Asian Way of Thinking in Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 6.1 (April 1982): 37-49. |
Peter T. O’Brien, "Principalities and Powers and their Relationship to Structures," Evangelical Review of Theology 6.1 (April 1982): 50-61. Reprinted from Reformed Theological Review (Jan.-April 1981). |
Milton Wan, "People’s Thought in China An Initial Study," Evangelical Review of Theology 6.1 (April 1982): 65-69. Reprinted from Zhongguo yu Jiaohui (Nov.-Dec. 1980). Translated by Tan Teng Tiong and printed in China and the Church Today 3.5 (1981). |
Arthur F. Glasser, "China Today—An Evangelical Perspective," Evangelical Review of Theology 6.1 (April 1982): 70-84. Reprinted from Missiology (July 1981). |
Klaus Bockmuehl, "Keeping His Commandments," Evangelical Review of Theology 6.1 (April 1982): 85-99. Reprinted (abridged) from Crux (Sept. 1981). |
Gerry Jayasuriya, "Mass Media, Ethics and the New International Order—An Overview from a Third World Perspective," Evangelical Review of Theology 6.1 (April 1982): 100-114. Reprinted from Media Ethics and the Church. |
Bruce & Kathleen Nicholls, "How Biblical is Your View on Divorce and Remarriage?" Evangelical Review of Theology 6.1 (April 1982): 115-117. |
Gordon Wenham, "May Divorced Christians Remarry?" Evangelical Review of Theology 6.1 (April 1982): 118-130. Reprinted from Churchman 2 (1981). |
David Atkinson, "A Response: Comments on the Article by Gordon Wenham," Evangelical Review of Theology 6.1 (April 1982): 131-133. |
Margaret Malcolm, "Sex Role Stereotyping and the Education of Girls," Evangelical Review of Theology 6.1 (April 1982): 134-140. Reprinted from Journal of Christian Education (July 1981). |
Graham Houghton & Ezra Sargunam, "The Role of Theological Education in Church Planting among the Urban Poor A Case Study from Madras," Evangelical Review of Theology 6.1 (April 1982): 141-144. Reprinted from TRACI Journal (April 1981). |
6.2 |
Howard A. Snyder, "The Church as Holy and Charismatic," Evangelical Review of Theology 6.2 (Oct. 1982): |
Robert M. Yule, "Icons as Christian Art," Evangelical Review of Theology 6.2 (Oct. 1982): |
David Gitari, "The Claims of Jesus in the African Context," Evangelical Review of Theology 6.2 (Oct. 1982): |
Wing-hung Lam, "Patterns of Chinese Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 6.2 (Oct. 1982): |
Ralph D. Winter, "The Kingdom Strikes Back: The Ten Epochs of Redemptive History," Evangelical Review of Theology 6.2 (Oct. 1982): |
Sidney Rooy, "Righteousness and Justice," Evangelical Review of Theology 6.2 (Oct. 1982): |
Cor Bronson, "A Pastor’s Workshop: The Gospel of Mark and Conflicts with Evil Today," Evangelical Review of Theology 6.2 (Oct. 1982): |
Agustin B. Vencer Jr., "The Ministry of Management for Christian Workers: A Biblical Basis," Evangelical Review of Theology 6.2 (Oct. 1982): |
Robert W. Ferris, "Philosophy and Structure of Accreditation: Theological Education Standards Today and Tomorrow," Evangelical Review of Theology 6.2 (Oct. 1982): |
7.1 |
Ismael E. Amaya, "A Latin American Critique of Western Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 7.1 (April 1983): |
Billy K. Simbo, "An African Critique of Western Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 7.1 (April 1983): |
Han Chul-Ha, "An Asian Critique of Western Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 7.1 (April 1983): |
Samuel Escobar, Pedro Arana, Valdir R. Steuernagel & Rodrigo Zapata, "A Latin American Critique of Latin American Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 7.1 (April 1983): |
Ma Djongwé Daïdanso, "An African Critique of African Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 7.1 (April 1983): |
Gyoji Nabetani, "An Asian Critique of Church Movements in Japan," Evangelical Review of Theology 7.1 (April 1983): |
C. René Padilla, "Biblical Foundations: A Latin American Study," Evangelical Review of Theology 7.1 (April 1983): |
Tite Tienou, "Biblical Foundations: An African Study," Evangelical Review of Theology 7.1 (April 1983): |
Wilson W. Chow, "Biblical Foundations: An East Asian Study," Evangelical Review of Theology 7.1 (April 1983): |
Ken R. Gnanakan," Biblical Foundations: A South Asian Study," Evangelical Review of Theology 7.1 (April 1983): |
Emilio Antonio Núñez, C., "Towards an Evangelical Latin American Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 7.1 (April 1983): |
David Ho Sang & Roger Ringenberg, "Towards an Evangelical Caribbean Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 7.1 (April 1983): |
Tokunboh Adeyemo, "Towards an Evangelical African Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 7.1 (April 1983): |
Rodrigo D. Tano, "Toward an Evangelical Asian Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 7.1 (April 1983): |
Sunand Sumithra & Bruce J. Nicholls, "Towards an Evangelical Theology in India," Evangelical Review of Theology 7.1 (April 1983): |
7.2 |
A. W. Swamidoss, "The Biblical Basis of the Para-Church Movements," Evangelical Review of Theology 7.2 (Oct. 1983): 192-206. Reprinted from Faculty Seminar Papers 1981-82, Vol. 1, Union Biblical Seminary, Pune. |
Rev. Volkhard Scheunemann, "Some Theses for the Spiritual Renewal and Revival of Theology, The Church and World-Responsibility," Evangelical Review of Theology 7.2 (Oct. 1983): 207-218. Reprinted from Fundamentum, the first issue. |
Andrew F. Walls, "The Gospel as the Prisoner and Liberator of Culture," Evangelical Review of Theology 7.2 (Oct. 1983): 219-233. Reprinted from Faith and Thought 108.1, 2 (1981): 39-52. |
Ngoni Sengwe, "Identity Crisis in the African Church," Evangelical Review of Theology 7.2 (Oct. 1983): 234-242. Reprinted from Evangelical Missions Quarterly (April 1981). |
Tite Tienou, "The Church and its Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 7.2 (Oct. 1983): 243-246. Reprinted from Perception (April 1982). |
"The Homogenous Unit Principle - A Revaluation," Evangelical Review of Theology 7.2 (Oct. 1983): 247. |
C. René Padilla, "The Nature and Mission of the Church: The Case for Unity," Evangelical Review of Theology 7.2 (Oct. 1983): 248-267. Reprinted and abridged from the International Journal of Missionary Research January 1982. |
Donald McGavran, "The Priority of Ethnicity," Evangelical Review of Theology 7.2 (Oct. 1983): 268-273. Reprinted from Evangelical Missions Quarterly (Jan 1983). |
Jim Reapsome, "Two Case Histories of Church Growth 1. A Culturally Sensitive Area An interview with Phil Parshall," Evangelical Review of Theology 7.2 (Oct. 1983): 274-276. Reprinted from Muslim World Pulse. |
"II A Multi-ethnic Community," Evangelical Review of Theology 7.2 (Oct. 1983): 277-278. |
Choong Chee Pang, "The Significance of Luther’s Thought on Nature in the Christian Witness in Asia Today," Evangelical Review of Theology 7.2 (Oct. 1983): 280-293. Reprinted from East Asia Journal of Theology 1.1 (1983). |
John R. Stephenson, "The Two Governments and the Two Kingdoms," Evangelical Review of Theology 7.2 (Oct. 1983): 294-309. Reprinted from Scottish Journal of Theology 34.4 (1981). |
Robert Banks, "The Early Church as a Caring Community," Evangelical Review of Theology 7.2 (Oct. 1983): 310-327. Reprinted from Interchange 30 (1982). |
John Ting, "Biblical Ethics in a Fallen World," Evangelical Review of Theology 7.2 (Oct. 1983): 328-334. Reprinted from Asian Challenge. |
8.1 |
Ronald Y.K. Fung, "Function or Office? A Survey of the New Testament Evidence," Evangelical Review of Theology 8.1 (April. 1984): 16-39. |
Klaas Runia, "Evangelicals and the Doctrine of the Church in European Church History," Evangelical Review of Theology 8.1 (April. 1984): 40-57. |
Joshua Daimoi, "The Church in Papua New Guinea Change and Continuity," Evangelical Review of Theology 8.1 (April. 1984): 58-72. |
Jonathan Chao, "Witness of a Suffering Church: The Chinese Experience," Evangelical Review of Theology 8.1 (April. 1984): 73-89. |
Bonganjalo Goba, "Role of the Urban Church: A Black South African Perspective," Evangelical Review of Theology 8.1 (April. 1984): 90-99. |
Joachim Rogge, "Luther and the One Church," Evangelical Review of Theology 8.1 (April. 1984): 100-109. |
D. Edmond Hiebert, "Counsel for Christ’s Under-Shepherds: An Exposition of 1 Peter 5:1-4," Evangelical Review of Theology 8.1 (April. 1984): 111-121. Reprinted from Bibliotheca Sacra (Oct-Dec. 1982). |
Philip Thomas, "Hugh Latimer: Apostle of England," Evangelical Review of Theology 8.1 (April. 1984): 122-125. Reprinted from the Latimer Fellowship of New Zealand. |
Bruce J. Nicholls, "Role of Spiritual Development in Theological Education," Evangelical Review of Theology 8.1 (April. 1984): 126-133. Reprinted from Theological Education Today: Agenda for Renewal. |
International Council of Acrediting Agencies for Theolgical Education (I.C.A.A.), "Manifesto on the Renewal of Evangelical Theological Education," Evangelical Review of Theology 8.1 (April. 1984): 136-143. |
8.2 |
David C.C. Watson, "Dare We Reinterpret Genesis," Evangelical Review of Theology 8.2 (Oct. 1984): 166-175. |
Nigel M. de S. Cameron, "Genesis and Evolution," Evangelical Review of Theology 8.2 (Oct. 1984): 176-182. Reprinted in Themelios 7.3 (1982):
28-31. |
Ole Chr. M. Kvarme, "Torah and Christ On the Use of the Old Testament in the Early Synagogue and in the Early Church," Evangelical Review of Theology 8.2 (Oct. 1984): 183-201. |
Thomas Müntzer, "Imaginary Faith," Evangelical Review of Theology 8.2 (Oct. 1984): 202-216. Reprinted from Mennonite Quarterly Review 55 (1981): 99-130. |
Andrew Chiu, "Is There Ancestor Worship in the Old Testament?" Evangelical Review of Theology 8.2 (Oct. 1984): 217-224. |
Lim Guek Eng, "Christianity Encounters Ancestor Worship in Taiwan," Evangelical Review of Theology 8.2 (Oct. 1984): 225-235. Reprinted from Taiwan Church Growth Bulletin. |
Myung Hyuk Kim, "Ancestor Worship in the Korean Church," Evangelical Review of Theology 8.2 (Oct. 1984): 236-245. |
David J. Bosch, "Church Unity Amidst Cultural Diversity A Protestant Problem," Evangelical Review of Theology 8.2 (Oct. 1984): 246-260. Reprinted from Missionalia (April 1982). |
Charles R.A. Hoole, "A Letter to the Editor The Homogeneous Unit Principle," Evangelical Review of Theology 8.2 (Oct. 1984): 261-262. |
Wright Doyle, "Paul’s Context and Ours," Evangelical Review of Theology 8.2 (Oct. 1984): 263-274. |
C. René Padilla, "The Human Couple A Biblical Perspective," Evangelical Review of Theology 8.2 (Oct. 1984): 275-288. Reprinted from Theological Fraterity Bulletin No. 2-3 (1983). |
Norman H. Cliff, "Watchman Nee—Church Planter and Preacher of Holiness," Evangelical Review of Theology 8.2 (Oct. 1984): 289-297. |
James Philip, "Preaching in History," Evangelical Review of Theology 8.2 (Oct. 1984): 298-307. Reprinted from Evangel 1:1 (1983): 15-17. |
Irene W. Foulkes, "From the Third World: A New Approach to Theological Education," Evangelical Review of Theology 8.2 (Oct. 1984): 308-313. Reprinted from Bulletin: International Council for the Promotion of Christian Higher Education 1983, No. 1. |
9.1 |
Cullen I.K. Story, "Peace A Bible Study on Ephesians 2:11-3:21," Evangelical Review of Theology 9.1 (Jan. 1985): 8-17. Reprinted from Princeton Seminary Bulletin. |
Margaret Malcolm, "The Ministry of Women in the Church," Evangelical Review of Theology 9.1 (Jan. 1985): 18-26. Reprinted from Christian Brethren Reesearch Fellowship 98 (Nov. 1983). |
William Cook, "I Will Build My Church Reflections on the Wheaton ’83 Conference on the Nature and Mission of the Church," Evangelical Review of Theology 9.1 (Jan. 1985): 27-31. Reprinted from Occasional Papers, Dec. 1983. |
Moti Lal Pandit, "Yoga as a Method of Liberation," Evangelical Review of Theology 9.1 (Jan. 1985): 32-37. |
Simon Chan, "Second Thoughts on Contextualization," Evangelical Review of Theology 9.1 (Jan. 1985): 38-49. |
Osadolor Imasogie, "Contextualization and Theological Education," Evangelical Review of Theology 9.1 (Jan. 1985): 50-59. |
Murray Darroch, "The Conception and Unborn Life of Christ as a theme for Christian Worship," Evangelical Review of Theology 9.1 (Jan. 1985): 60-69. |
Carl-Erik Sahlberg, "From Ecstacy to Enthusiasm Some Trends in the Scientific Attitude to the Pentecostal Movement," Evangelical Review of Theology 9.1 (Jan. 1985): 70-77. |
9.2 |
Raymond Abba, "Christ’s Victory and Ours Easter Day ‘He Has Risen’—Mark 16:6," Evangelical Review of Theology 9.2 (April 1985): 104-106. Reprinted from Expository Times (April 1984). |
Hywel Jones, "Are There Apostles Today?" Evangelical Review of Theology 9.2 (April 1985): 107-116. Reprinted from Foundations 13 (Autumn 1984). |
Edwin M. Yamauchi, "The Proofs, Problems, and Promises of Biblical Archaeology," Evangelical Review of Theology 9.2 (April 1985): Reprinted from the Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation 36.3 (Seot, 1984). |
James Stamoolis, "Eastern Orthodox Mission Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 9.2 (April 1985): 139-150. Reprinted from the International Bulletin of Missionary Research 8.2 (April 1984). |
Gordan J. Wenham, "Gospel Definitions of Adultery and Women’s Rights," Evangelical Review of Theology 9.2 (April 1985): 151-155. Reprinted from Expository Times 95.11 (August 1984). |
A. William Cook, "The Power and the Powerless The Pastoral Vocation of the Hispanic Church in the USA," Evangelical Review of Theology 9.2 (April 1985): 156-165. |
E.A. Judge, "The Reaction Against Classical Education in the New Testament," Evangelical Review of Theology 9.2 (April 1985): 166-174. Reprinted from the Journal of Christian Education Papers 77 (July 1983). |
9.3 |
D.A. Carson, "The Limits of Dynamic Equivalence in Bible Translation," Evangelical Review of Theology 9.3 (July 1985): 200-213. |
Andrew F. Walls, "Culture and Coherence in Christian ," Evangelical Review of Theology 9.3 (July 1985): 214-225. |
James C. Dekker, "North American Protestant Theology: Impact on Central America," Evangelical Review of Theology 9.3 (July 1985): 226-243. Reprinted from Occasional Essays (Latin American Evangelical Center for Pastoral Studies) Dec. 1994. |
John Gration, "Key Issues in Missiology Today," Evangelical Review of Theology 9.3 (July 1985): 244-250. Reprinted from Evangelical Missions Quarterly (Jan. 1984). |
Klaus Bockmuehl, "Karl Marx’s Negation of Christianity: A Theological Response," Evangelical Review of Theology 9.3 (July 1985): 251-263. |
John Stott, "Salt and Light The Christian Contribution to Nation-building," Evangelical Review of Theology 9.3 (July 1985): 267-276.- |
9.4 |
J. Edwin Orr [1912-1987], "A Decade of Revival—1900-1910," Evangelical Review of Theology 9.4 (Oct. 1985): 296-303. |
Klaas Runia, "The Holy Spirit and the Church," Evangelical Review of Theology 9.4 (Oct. 1985): 304-322. Reprinted from The Holy Spirit to Earth, 1977. |
G.A. Cole, "Renewal Catholic, Charismatic and Calvinist," Evangelical Review of Theology 9.4 (Oct. 1985): 323-333. Reprinted from The Reformed Theological Review (Jan.-April 1985). |
Gerald L. Bray, "The Fall Is A Human Reality," Evangelical Review of Theology 9.4 (Oct. 1985): 334-338. Reprinted from Evangel 3:1 (1985): 13-14. |
Bruce J. Nicholls, "The Work of the Holy Spirit and Evangelization Reflections on Oslo ’85," Evangelical Review of Theology 9.4 (Oct. 1985): 339-347. |
Han Chul-Ha, "Belief and Unbelief in Prayer A Comparison Between Calvin and Karl Barth," Evangelical Review of Theology 9.4 (Oct. 1985): 348-358. |
Osadolor Imasogie, "The Church and Theological Ferment in Africa," Evangelical Review of Theology 9.4 (Oct. 1985): 359-371. Reprinted from Review and Expositor (Spring 1985). |