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The Evangelical Review of Theology is published by the World Evangelical Fellowship and is edited by the Dr Thomas Schirrmacher. To subscribe: click here if you live in the USA or Canada and here if you live in the UK or anywhere else.
Vols. 1 - 9 (1977 - 1985) |
Vols. 10 - 19 (1986 - 1995) |
Vols. 20 - 29 (1996 - 2005) |
Vols. 30 - (2006 - ) |
Vol. 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |
Volume 10 (1986)
10.1 | |
Valdir R. Steuernagel, "An Exiled Community as a Missionary Community A Study based on 1 Peter 2:9, 10," Evangelical Review of Theology 10.1 (Jan. 1986): 8-18. | |
Donna Strom, "Where are the Deborahs and Baraks?" Evangelical Review of Theology 10.1 (Jan. 1986): 19-26. | |
N.A.D. Scotland, "Conceived by the Holy Spirit, Born of the Virgin Mary," Evangelical Review of Theology 10.1 (Jan. 1986): 27-32. | |
Naim Ateek, "Hope in a Hopeless World," Evangelical Review of Theology 10.1 (Jan. 1986): 33-38. Reprinted from Theological Review 6.1 (April 1985). | |
Chun Chae-Ok, "The Cross as Evangel in Mission," Evangelical Review of Theology 10.1 (Jan. 1986): 39-49. | |
Klaus Bockmuehl, "Secularization and Secularism Some Christians Considerations," Evangelical Review of Theology 10.1 (Jan. 1986): 50-73. | |
Ian Mavor and Others, "The Use and Misuse of Religious Language: An Exercise for Teachers," Evangelical Review of Theology 10.1 (Jan. 1986): 74-82. Reprinted from Journal of Christian Education (July 1985). | |
10.2 | |
Michael Green, "Bible Study (for small groups) Christ Has Made Us Free: Characteristics and Limitations of Christian Freedom," Evangelical Review of Theology 10.2 (April 1986): | |
W. Dayton Roberts, "Liberation Theologies: Looking at Poverty from the Underside," Evangelical Review of Theology 10.2 (April 1986): | |
Vatican, Rome, "Instruction on Certain Aspects of the Theology of Liberation," Evangelical Review of Theology 10.2 (April 1986): | |
J. Andrew Kirk, "A Christian Understanding of Liberation," Evangelical Review of Theology 10.2 (April 1986): | |
Lindsay A. Arscott, "Black Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 10.2 (April 1986): | |
Samuel Ling, "The Gospel and Chinese Society," Evangelical Review of Theology 10.2 (April 1986): | |
Jonathan Chao & Ralph Covell, "Dialogue on China," Evangelical Review of Theology 10.2 (April 1986): | |
Ray Hundley, "How Long O Lord? A sermon on the Gospel and Liberation," Evangelical Review of Theology 10.2 (April 1986): | |
Brian V. Hill, "Theological Education: Is it Out of Practice?" Evangelical Review of Theology 10.2 (April 1986): | |
10.3 | |
John Chongnahm Cho, "Adam’s Fall and God’s Grace: John Wesley’s Theological Anthropology," Evangelical Review of Theology 10.3 (July 1986): 202-213. | |
Leroy S. Capper, "Imago Dei and Church Order," Evangelical Review of Theology 10.3 (July 1986): 214-227. Reprinted from Presbyterion (Spring 1985). | |
Vatican, Rome, "Instruction on Certain Aspects of the Theology of Liberation," Evangelical Review of Theology 10.3 (July 1986): 228-238. | |
John Webster, "The Humanity of God and of Man: An Introduction to Eberhard Jüngle," Evangelical Review of Theology 10.3 (July 1986): 239-246. Reprinted from Evangel 2:2 (1984): 4-6. pdf [Reproduced by kind permission of the copyright holder] | |
Bill A. Musk, "Encounter with Jesus in Popular Islam," Evangelical Review of Theology 10.3 (July 1986): 247-257. | |
Paul Marshall, "Modern Technology: Idol or Divine Gift?" Evangelical Review of Theology 10.3 (July 1986):258-269. Reprinted from Crux (Sept. 1984). | |
Pablo Martínez, "The Right to be Human," Evangelical Review of Theology 10.3 (July 1986): 270-276. Reprinted from Christian Arena (formerly Christian Graduate) Dec. 1984. | |
Sunand Sumithra, "Pastoral Ministries Jesus Cleanses the Temple: An Exposition of Matthew 21:12-17," Evangelical Review of Theology 10.3 (July 1986): 277-283. |
10.4 | |
Gerhard Maier, "The Gospel as Judgment and Hope for the Nations," Evangelical Review of Theology 10.4 (Oct. 1986): | |
Ronald J. Sider, "The Churches as Peace Making Communities and Agents of Change," Evangelical Review of Theology 10.4 (Oct. 1986): | |
Michael Nazir-Ali, "Wholeness and Fragmentation: The Gospel and Repression," Evangelical Review of Theology 10.4 (Oct. 1986): | |
Peter S. C. Chang, "Ministerial Formation for the Working Class: The Jifu Programme," Evangelical Review of Theology 10.4 (Oct. 1986): |
Volume 11 (1987)
11.1 | |
Klaus Bockmuehl, "Three Horizons for Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 11.1 (Jan. 1987): | |
Robert L. Reymond, "The Justification of Theology with a Special Application to Contemporary Christology," Evangelical Review of Theology 11.1 (Jan. 1987): | |
Hans Walter Wolff, "Use of the Bible in Theology: A Case Study," Evangelical Review of Theology 11.1 (Jan. 1987): | |
Arthur F. Glasser, "The Evolution of Evangelical Mission Theology since World War II," Evangelical Review of Theology 11.1 (Jan. 1987): | |
Orlando E. Costas, "Evangelical Theology in the Two Thirds World," Evangelical Review of Theology 11.1 (Jan. 1987): | |
11.2 | |
Bruce J. Nicholls, "Doing Theology in Context," Evangelical Review of Theology 11.2 (April 1987): 101-106. | |
Emilio Antonio Núñez, C., "Evangelical Theology and Praxis for Latin America," Evangelical Review of Theology 11.2 (April 1987): 107-119. Reprinted from his book Liberation Theology (Moody Press, 1985). | |
Herman Moldez, "Christian Witness Amidst Asian Poverty," Evangelical Review of Theology 11.2 (April 1987): 120-133. Reprinted from IFES Review (May 1983). | |
Rev. Dr. David Parker, "The Evangelical Heritage of Australian Protestantism," Evangelical Review of Theology 11.2 (April 1987): 134-151. Reprinted from "The Evangelical Heritage of Australian Protestantism: Towards an Historical Perspective," The Evangelical Quarterly 57.1 (Jan.-Mar. 1985): 43-62. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] | |
Tite Tiénou, "Recapturing the Initiative in Theology in Africa," Evangelical Review of Theology 11.2 (April 1987): 152-156. | |
Harold M. Best, "Creativity—Human and Divine," Evangelical Review of Theology 11.2 (April 1987): 157-168. | |
Peter Beyerhaus, "Evangelicals, Evangelism and Theology: A Missiological Assessment of the Lausanne Movement," Evangelical Review of Theology 11.2 (April 1987): 169-185. | |
11.3 | |
David T. Williams, "Prosperity Teaching and Positive Thinking," Evangelical Review of Theology 11.3 (July 1987): 197-208. | |
Jon Bonk, "Affluence—The Achilles Heel," Evangelical Review of Theology 11.3 (July 1987): 209-217. | |
W.J.S. Gilbreath, "Martin Luther and John Calvin on Property," Evangelical Review of Theology 11.3 (July 1987): 218-228. | |
Barbara Nelson Gingerich, "Property and the Gospel," Evangelical Review of Theology 11.3 (July 1987): 229-245. Reprinted from The Mennonite Quarterly Review (July 1985). | |
Elsa Tamez, "Good News For The Poor," Evangelical Review of Theology 11.3 (July 1987): 246-253. Reproduced from the book Bible of the Oppressed by the same author (New York: Orbis Books, 1983). | |
Chandrakant Shourie, "Poverty is Powerlessness," Evangelical Review of Theology 11.3 (July 1987): 254-260. Reprinted from TRACI Journal (30th Dec. 1985). | |
Viv Grigg, "The Urban Poor: Prime Missionary Target," Evangelical Review of Theology 11.3 (July 1987): 261-272. Reprinted from Urban Mission (March 1987). | |
11.4 | |
Ajith Fernando, "Truth in Other Religions," Evangelical Review of Theology 11.4 (Oct. 1987): 292-301. Reprinted from the book The Christian's Attitude Toward World Religions by Ajith Fernando. Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, 1987. | |
Norman L. Geisler, "The New Age Movement," Evangelical Review of Theology 11.4 (Oct. 1987): 302-320. Reprinted from Bibliotheca Sacra 144 (Jan.-March 1987): 79-104. | |
Nigel M. de S. Cameron, "Universalism and the Logic of Revelation," Evangelical Review of Theology 11.4 (Oct. 1987): 321-335. | |
C. René Padilla, "The New Ecclesiology in Latin America," Evangelical Review of Theology 11.4 (Oct. 1987): 336-354. | |
Lesslie Newbigin, "Can the West be Converted?" Evangelical Review of Theology 11.4 (Oct. 1987): 355-368. Reproduced from the International Bulletin of Missionary Research 11.1 (Jan. 1987). |
Eugene Rubingh, "Mission in an Urban World," Evangelical Review of Theology 11.4 (Oct. 1987): 369-379. Reprinted from the Reformed Ecumenical Synod Bulletin 7.1 (Feb. 1987). |
Volume 12 (1988)
12.1 | |
Yoshiaki Hattori, "Evangelism—The Bible’s Primary Message," Evangelical Review of Theology 12.1 (Jan. 1988): 5-16.. | |
Robert E. Coleman, "The Fellowship of the Church in the Book of Acts," Evangelical Review of Theology 12.1 (Jan. 1988): 17-28. | |
Kern R. Trembath, "Evangelicals and Biblical Inspiration," Evangelical Review of Theology 12.1 (Jan. 1988): 29-40. Reprinted from The Evangelical Quarterly 58.3 (July-Sept. 1986): 245-256. | |
Watson Omulokoli, "The Quest for Authentic African Christianity," Evangelical Review of Theology 12.1 (Jan. 1988): 41-51. Reprinted from East Africa Journal of Evangelical Theology 5.2 (1986). | |
Gerald L. Bray, "Recent Trends in Christology," Evangelical Review of Theology 12.1 (Jan. 1988): 52-63. Reprinted in Themelios 12.2 (January 1987): 52-56. | |
Jonathan Chao, "Church and State in Socialist China, 1949-1987—I," Evangelical Review of Theology 12.1 (Jan. 1988): 64-77. | |
Harvie M. Conn, "The Secularization Myth," Evangelical Review of Theology 12.1 (Jan. 1988): 78-92. Reprinted from Urban Mission 2.5 (May 1986). | |
12.2 | |
Klaus Bockmuehl, "Protestant Ethics: The Spirit and the Word in Action," Evangelical Review of Theology 12.2 (April 1988): 101-115. | |
Robert Banks, "Paul—The Experience Within The Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 12.2 (April 1988): 116-128. Reprinted from Occasional Essay Supplement for Zadok Centre Series 2. | |
Howard A. Snyder & Daniel V. Runyon, "The Major Trends Facing the Church," Evangelical Review of Theology 12.2 (April 1988): 129-137. Reprinted from the International Bulletin of Missonary Research (april 1987). | |
David S. Lim, "The City in the Bible," Evangelical Review of Theology 12.2 (April 1988): 138-156. | |
Bong Rin Ro, "Urban Missions: A Historical Perspective," Evangelical Review of Theology 12.2 (April 1988): 157-173. | |
Jonathan Chao, "Church and State in Socialist China, 1949-1987 - II," Evangelical Review of Theology 12.2 (April 1988): 174-183. | |
12.3 | |
Siga Arles, "Hindu response to Pluralism," Evangelical Review of Theology 12.3 (July 1988): 196-207. | |
Paul G. Schrotenboer, "Inter-Religious Dialogue," Evangelical Review of Theology 12.3 (July 1988): 208-225. Reprinted from Reformed Church Synod Missions Bulletin (March 1986). | |
Chrys Caragounis, "Divine Revelation," Evangelical Review of Theology 12.3 (July 1988): 226-239. | |
Harold Netland, "Exclusivism, Tolerance, and Truth," Evangelical Review of Theology 12.3 (July 1988): 240-260. Reprinted from Missiology (April 1987). | |
Andrew Olu Igenoza, "Universalism and New Testament Christianity," Evangelical Review of Theology 12.3 (July 1988): 261-275. | |
Ken R. Gnanakan & Sunand Sumithra, "Theology, Theologizing and the Theologian," Evangelical Review of Theology 12.3 (July 1988): 276-283. | |
12.4 | |
David S. Lim, "Asian Churches as Servants of God," Evangelical Review of Theology 12.4 (Oct. 1988): 292-306. | |
Norman L. Geisler, "Current Chalcedonian Christological Challenges," Evangelical Review of Theology 12.4 (Oct. 1988): 307-324. | |
Graham Houghton, "Caste in the Protestant Churches: An Historical Perspective," Evangelical Review of Theology 12.4 (Oct. 1988): 325-343. | |
Brian Fargher, "The Charismatic Movement in Ethiopia 1960-1980," Evangelical Review of Theology 12.4 (Oct. 1988): 344-358. | |
Sam Vassell, "Personal Purity," Evangelical Review of Theology 12.4 (Oct. 1988): 359-368. | |
Samuel Escobar, "Mission and Renewal in Latin-American Catholicism," Evangelical Review of Theology 12.4 (Oct. 1988): 369-378. Reprinted from Missiology - an International Review 15.2 (April 1987). |
Volume 13 (1989)
13.1 | |
R.A. Campbell, "Essential Aspects of the Church in the Bible," Evangelical Review of Theology 13.1 (Jan. 1989): | |
Alfred Kuen, "The Free or Gathered Church," Evangelical Review of Theology 13.1 (Jan. 1989): | |
Neil Britton, "Bucer: National and Confessing Church," Evangelical Review of Theology 13.1 (Jan. 1989): | |
Peter Cotterell, "The Church in Europe," Evangelical Review of Theology 13.1 (Jan. 1988): | |
Rev. Dr. David Parker, "The Future of Australia’s Evangelical Heritage," Evangelical Review of Theology 13.1 (Jan. 1989): | |
Charles R.A. Hoole, "The Church amidst suffering in Sri Lanka," Evangelical Review of Theology 13.1 (Jan. 1988): | |
Klaas Runia, "The Renewal of the Church," Evangelical Review of Theology 13.1 (Jan. 1989): | |
David S. Lim, "The Servant Church," Evangelical Review of Theology 13.1 (Jan. 1988): | |
13.2 | |
James R. Brady, "Do Miracles Authenticate the Messiah?" Evangelical Review of Theology 13.2 (April 1989): | |
Paul G. Schrotenboer, "Varieties of Pluralism," Evangelical Review of Theology 13.2 (April 1989): | |
Bryan D. Gilling, "Charismatics, Grace and Works," Evangelical Review of Theology 13.2 (April 1989): | |
William J. Dumbrell, "Creation, Covenant and Work," Evangelical Review of Theology 13.2 (April 1989): | |
Jerry L. Sandidge, "Contextualizing Roman Catholicism," Evangelical Review of Theology 13.2 (April 1989): | |
Sunand Sumithra, "The Church’s Mission and Ministry in India," Evangelical Review of Theology 13.2 (April 1989): | |
John Fischer Covenant, "Fulfilment and Judaism in Hebrews," Evangelical Review of Theology 13.2 (April 1989): | |
13.3 | |
I. Howard Marshall, "Inter-faith Dialogue in the New Testament," Evangelical Review of Theology 13.3 (July 1989): | |
David Tuesday, "Adam's Sin in John’s Gospel," Evangelical Review of Theology 13.3 (July 1989): | |
Rev. Dr. David Parker, "Original Sin: A Fresh Approach," Evangelical Review of Theology 13.3 (July 1989): | |
Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen, "Evangelicals and the Social Sciences," Evangelical Review of Theology 13.3 (July 1989): | |
Charles Corwin, "Evangelicals and Human Action Systems," Evangelical Review of Theology 13.3 (July 1989): | |
13.4 | |
Paul G. Schrotenboer, "An Evangelical Response to Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry," Evangelical Review of Theology 13.4 (Oct. 1989): 291-313. | |
Nigel Biggar, "Attesting the Evangel Evangelically: Toward a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism," Evangelical Review of Theology 13.4 (Oct. 1989): 314-324. | |
David F. Wright [1897-2008], "One Baptism or Two? Reflections on the History of Christian Baptism," Evangelical Review of Theology 13.4 (Oct. 1989): 325-343. Reprinted from Vox Evangelica 18 (1988): 7-23. pdf | |
Andrew C. Clark, "Apostleship: Evidence from the New Testament and Early Christian Literature," Evangelical Review of Theology 13.4 (Oct. 1989): 344-382. Reprinted from Vox Evangelica 19 (1989): 49-82. pdf |
Volume 14 (1990)
14.1 | |
Rolf Hille, "The Future of Evangelical Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 14.1 (Jan. 1990): 3-13. | |
James E. Plueddemann, "The Future of Evangelical Theological Education," Evangelical Review of Theology 14.1 (Jan. 1990): 14-24. | |
Richard Kenneth, "Hart Reflections on the Future of Theological Education by Extension," Evangelical Review of Theology 14.1 (Jan. 1990): 25-31. | |
Helmuth Egelkraut, "Theological Education in Europe," Evangelical Review of Theology 14.1 (Jan. 1990): 32-36. | |
William D. Taylor, "Theological Education in Latin America: A Personal Perspective," Evangelical Review of Theology 14.1 (Jan. 1990): 37-41. | |
Bruce C. Stewart, "Tensions in North American Theological Education," Evangelical Review of Theology 14.1 (Jan. 1990): 42-49. | |
Bong Rin Ro, "Training Asians in Asia: From Dream to Reality," Evangelical Review of Theology 14.1 (Jan. 1990): 50-56. | |
Paul Bowers, "New Light on Theological Education in Africa," Evangelical Review of Theology 14.1 (Jan. 1990): 57-63. | |
Robert W. Ferris, "Renewal of Theological Education: Commitments, Models, and the icaa Manifesto," Evangelical Review of Theology 14.1 (Jan. 1990): 64-77. | |
Christopher Lamb, "An Evangelical Theology of Pluralism: A Personal View," Evangelical Review of Theology 14.1 (Jan. 1990): 78-85. | |
Tite Tiénou, "The Future of ICAA," Evangelical Review of Theology 14.1 (Jan. 1990): 86-91. | |
14.2 | |
Victor K. Downing, "The Doctrine of Regeneration in the Second Century," Evangelical Review of Theology 14.2 (April 1990): | |
Robert W. Yarbrough, "New Testament Christology and the Jesus of Islam," Evangelical Review of Theology 14.2 (April 1990): | |
Myung Hyuk Kim, "The Concept of God in Minjung Theology and Its Socio-economic and Historical Characteristics," Evangelical Review of Theology 14.2 (April 1990): | |
Charles W. Weber, "Protestant Mission Education In Nineteenth Century China," Evangelical Review of Theology 14.2 (April 1990): | |
Titus Loong, "Training Missionaries in Asia," Evangelical Review of Theology 14.2 (April 1990): | |
Dewi Hughes, "An Evangelical Theology of Pluralism," Evangelical Review of Theology 14.2 (April 1990): |
14.3 | |
Stephen G. Brown, "The Structure of Ecclesiastes," Evangelical Review of Theology 14.3 (July 1990): | |
F. Burton Nelson, "New Frontiers in African Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 14.3 (July 1990): | |
Hugh Wetmore, "The Gospel," Evangelical Review of Theology 14.3 (July 1990): | |
Revd. Dr. David Parker, MA, BD, PhD, "A Commentary on the ‘Manila Manifesto’," Evangelical Review of Theology 14.3 (July 1990): | |
Monroe Brewer, "Continuing Education for Missionaries," Evangelical Review of Theology 14.3 (July 1990): | |
14.4 | |
John S. Feinberg, "Process Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 14.4 (Oct. 1990): | |
Rodrigo D. Tano, "Process Theology: A Response," Evangelical Review of Theology 14.4 (Oct. 1990): | |
Klaas Runia, "The Gospel and Religious Pluralism," Evangelical Review of Theology 14.4 (Oct. 1990): |
Volume 15 (1991)
15.1 | |
Bruce J. Nicholls, "The Salvation and Lostness of Mankind," Evangelical Review of Theology 15.1 (Jan. 1991): | |
Richard J. Bauckham, "Universalism: A Historical Survey," Evangelical Review of Theology 15.1 (Jan. 1991): | |
Evangelical Alliance (UK), "The Salvation of the Gentiles Implications for Other Faiths," Evangelical Review of Theology 15.1 (Jan. 1991): | |
Evert D. Osburn, "Those Who Have Never Heard: Have They No Hope?" Evangelical Review of Theology 15.1 (Jan. 1991): | |
Viv Grigg, "The Lostness of Urban Squatters: Is There Any Hope?" Evangelical Review of Theology 15.1 (Jan. 1991): | |
Tissa Weerasingha, "Concepts of Salvation in Buddhism," Evangelical Review of Theology 15.1 (Jan. 1991): | |
Hisakazu Inagaki, "Responses to Lostness in Modern Japan," Evangelical Review of Theology 15.1 (Jan. 1991): | |
Patricia J. Harrison, "Issues in Evaluating Theological Education by Extension," Evangelical Review of Theology 15.1 (Jan. 1991): | |
15.2 | |
Ken R. Gnanakan, "The Holy Spirit, Creation and New Creation," Evangelical Review of Theology 15.2 (April 1991): 101-110. | |
Diana Butler, "God’s Visible Glory: The Beauty of Nature in the Thought of John Calvin and Jonathan Edwards," Evangelical Review of Theology 15.2 (April 1991): 111-126. Reprinted from Westminster Theological Journal 52.1 (Spring 1990): 13-26. | |
Evangelical Alliance U.K, "New Age Promise: Age Old Problem?" Evangelical Review of Theology 15.2 (April 1991): 127-134. | |
Vishal Mangalwadi, "The Reincarnation of the Soul," Evangelical Review of Theology 15.2 (April 1991): 135-147. Reprinted from The Seer (April & Oct. 1990). | |
Darryl Macer, "Genetic Engineering: Catastrophe or Utopia?" Evangelical Review of Theology 15.2 (April 1991): 148-165. Reprinted from Science & Christian Belief 2.1 (1990). | |
Gail Law, "The Role of Political Change in the Advancement of the Kingdom," Evangelical Review of Theology 15.2 (April 1991): 166-178. Reprinted from C.G.S.T. Journal 9 (1990). |
15.3 | |
Melba Maggay, "Christian Literature and Society in the ’90s," Evangelical Review of Theology 15.3 (July 1991): | |
Harvie M. Conn, "Contextual Theologies: The Problem of Agendas," Evangelical Review of Theology 15.3 (July 1991): | |
David J. Hesselgrave, "Christian Communication and Religious Pluralism: Capitalizing on Differences," Evangelical Review of Theology 15.3 (July 1991): | |
Dhyanchand Carr, "Social Action and Communicating Christ," Evangelical Review of Theology 15.3 (July 1991): | |
George David, "A Christian View of Communication," Evangelical Review of Theology 15.3 (July 1991): | |
Martin Goldsmith, "Parabolic Preaching in the Context of Islam," Evangelical Review of Theology 15.3 (July 1991): | |
Chandran D. S. Devanesen, "Lines to a Rickshaw Puller," Evangelical Review of Theology 15.3 (July 1991): | |
15.4 | |
Peter Toon, "Inclusive Language: Right or Wrong?" Evangelical Review of Theology 15.4 (Oct. 1991): | |
Walter Harrelson, "Inclusive Language in the New Revised Standard Version," Evangelical Review of Theology 15.4 (Oct. 1991): | |
David M. Scholer, "Feminist Hermeneutics and Evangelical Biblical Interpretation," Evangelical Review of Theology 15.4 (Oct. 1991): | |
Paul W. Barnett, "Wives and Women’s Ministry (1 Timothy 2:11-15)," Evangelical Review of Theology 15.4 (Oct. 1991): | |
Victoria Corpuz, "The Oppression of Asian Indigenous Women," Evangelical Review of Theology 15.4 (Oct. 1991): | |
Beatriz Zapata, "Women in Conflict: Latin American Version," Evangelical Review of Theology 15.4 (Oct. 1991): | |
Evelyn Miranda-Feliciano, "Women in Revolution: The Philippine Version," Evangelical Review of Theology 15.4 (Oct. 1991): | |
Rosamund Dalziell, "Indispensable But Marginalised: Women in the Australian Church," Evangelical Review of Theology 15.4 (Oct. 1991): | |
Sue Saunders, "Married Couples in Clergy Partnerships: Opportunities and Problems," Evangelical Review of Theology 15.4 (Oct. 1991): | |
Leonie B. Liveris, "A Woman Iconographer of Maadi, Cairo," Evangelical Review of Theology 15.4 (Oct. 1991): | |
Florence Ng, "The Christian Single Woman in Singapore," Evangelical Review of Theology 15.4 (Oct. 1991): | |
Kathleen D. Nicholls, "Pioneers in Mission: Women in India in the 19th Century," Evangelical Review of Theology 15.4 (Oct. 1991): |
Volume 16 (1992)
16.1 | |
George Carey, "Enthronement Sermon Canterbury, England Friday, April 19th 1991," Evangelical Review of Theology 16.1 (Jan. 1992): | |
Floyd T. Cunningham, "Christ, the Word, the Light and the Message," Evangelical Review of Theology 16.1 (Jan. 1992): | |
I. Howard Marshall, "Dialogue with Non-Christians in the New Testament," Evangelical Review of Theology 16.1 (Jan. 1992): | |
Bruce J. Nicholls, "The Witnessing Church in Dialogue," Evangelical Review of Theology 16.1 (Jan. 1992): | |
A.N.S. Lane, "Kenya’s Turbulent Bishop," Evangelical Review of Theology 16.1 (Jan. 1992): | |
Brian V. Hill, "Educational Responses to Modern Pluralism," Evangelical Review of Theology 16.1 (Jan. 1992): | |
Elena Chen, "The Use of Comics for Evangelism Among Female Factory Workers," Evangelical Review of Theology 16.1 (Jan. 1992): | |
16.2 | |
James M. Houston, "The Nature and Purpose of Spiritual Theology," Evangelical Review of Theology 16.2 (April 1992): | |
Gerhard Maier, "What is Spiritual Exegesis?" Evangelical Review of Theology 16.2 (April 1992): | |
Rev. Dr. David Parker, "Evangelical Spirituality Reviewed," Evangelical Review of Theology 16.2 (April 1992): | |
Andrea Sterk, "Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church: Prayer in the writings of St. Symeon the New Theologian," Evangelical Review of Theology 16.2 (April 1992): | |
Arthur Bennett, "Charles Simeon: Prince of Evangelicals," Evangelical Review of Theology 16.2 (April 1992): | |
Sadhu Sundar Singh, "My Experience With and Without Christ," Evangelical Review of Theology 16.2 (April 1992): | |
Philip C. Almond, "Understanding the New Age," Evangelical Review of Theology 16.2 (April 1992): |
Penny Thompson," Spirituality and an Experiential Approach to Religious Education," Evangelical Review of Theology 16.2 (April 1992): | |
16.3 | |
Daisy N. Nwachuku, "Women in Africa in the Process of Adjustment and Change," Evangelical Review of Theology 16.3 (July 1992): | |
Guillermo Cook, "Seeing, Judging and Acting: Evangelism in Jesus’ Way according to John 9," Evangelical Review of Theology 16.3 (July 1992): | |
Robert S. Coleman, "The Promise of the Spirit for the Great Commission," Evangelical Review of Theology 16.3 (July 1992): | |
John W. Olley, "God’s Agenda for the City: Some Biblical Perspectives," Evangelical Review of Theology 16.3 (July 1992): | |
Nigel Biggar, "The Church’s Witness in Evangelism and Social Praxis," Evangelical Review of Theology 16.3 (July 1992): | |
16.4 | |
Vivienne Stacey, "Christ Cleanses Buildings and Delivers People: Four Case Studies," Evangelical Review of Theology 16.4 (Oct. 1992): | |
Peter T. O’Brien, "Principalities and Powers: Opponents of the Church," Evangelical Review of Theology 16.4 (Oct. 1992): | |
Sunand Sumithra, "Conversion: To Cosmic Christ?" Evangelical Review of Theology 16.4 (Oct. 1992): | |
Anthony P. Stone, "Astrology and Other Methods of Divination," Evangelical Review of Theology 16.4 (Oct. 1992): | |
Oswald Chakravarty, "Astrology was my Hobby A Personal Account," Evangelical Review of Theology 16.4 (Oct. 1992): | |
Anthony P. Stone, "Postscript: Ways of Guidance for Christians," Evangelical Review of Theology 16.4 (Oct. 1992): | |
George C. Oosthuizen, "Southern African Independent Churches Respond to Demonic Powers," Evangelical Review of Theology 16.4 (Oct. 1992): | |
Henri Blocher, "The Kingdom of God and Evil," Evangelical Review of Theology 16.4 (Oct. 1992): |
Volume 17 (1993)
17.1 | |
R.T. France, "The Uniqueness of Christ," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.1 (Jan. 1993): 9-28. Reprinted from Churchman 95.3. | |
Stephen T. Franklin, "Theological Foundations for the Uniqueness of Christ as Hope and Judge," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.1 (Jan. 1993): 29-53. Reprinted from W.E.F. Theological Commission. | |
Kwame Bediako, "Jesus in African Culture," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.1 (Jan. 1993): 54-64. Reprinted from Jesus in African Culture by Kwame Bediako. | |
Roy B. Musasiwa, "The Finality of Jesus in Africa," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.1 (Jan. 1993): 65-69. Reprinted from Mission Bulletin: The Reformed Ecumenical Synod 7.2. | |
Bong Rin Ro, "Evangelical Responses to Religious Pluralism in Asia," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.1 (Jan. 1993): 70-81. | |
John Stott, "The Authentic Jesus," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.1 (Jan. 1993): 82-92. Reprinred and abridged from The Authentic Jesus by John Stott. | |
Bong-Ho Son, "Uniqueness of Christ and Social Justice," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.1 (Jan. 1993): 93-109. | |
17.2 | |
Chris Sugden, "Guest Editorial: Evangelicals and Environment in Process," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.2 (April 1993): 119-121. | |
"Summarizing Committee Report of the World Evangelical Fellowship Theological Committee and Au Sable Institute Mission Statement: 'Evangelical Christianity and the Environment' 26-31 August 1992," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.2 (April 1993): 122-133. | |
Calvin B. De Witt, "God’s Love for the World and Creation’s Environmental Challenge to Evangelical Christianity," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.2 (April 1993): 134-149. | |
Chris Wright, "Biblical Reflections on Land," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.2 (April 1993): 153-167. | |
Praveen (Sunil) Kapur, "Let There Be Life: Theological Reflections for the Care and Keeping of Creation," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.2 (April 1993): 168-175. | |
Loren Wilkinson, "Gaia Spirituality: A Christian Critique," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.2 (April 1993): 176-189. | |
Thomas Finger, "Mondern Alienation and Trinitarian Creation," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.2 (April 1993): 190-208. | |
Bruce J. Nicholls, "Responding Biblically to Creation: A Creator-Centered Response to the Earth," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.2 (April 1993): 209-222. | |
Neil W. Summerton, "Principles for Environmental Policy," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.2 (April 1993): 225-240. | |
Fred Van Dyke, "Ethics and Management on U.S. Public Lands: Connections, Conflicts, and Crises," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.2 (April 1993): 241-256. | |
Wayan Matra, "Environment and the Christian Faith: Aholistic Approach from Bali," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.2 (April 1993): 259-268. | |
Calvin Redekop & Wilmar Stahl, "The Impact on the Environment of the Evangelization of the Native Tribes in the Paraguayan Chaco," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.2 (April 1993): 269-283. | |
Chris Seaton, "Environment and Youth," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.2 (April 1993): 284-286. | |
17.3 | |
Christopher Smith, "The Legacy of William Carey," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.3 (July 1993): 293-308. Reprinted from International Bulletin of Missionary Research. | |
Ernest A. Payne, "Carey’s ‘Enquiry’," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.3 (July 1993): 309-319. Reprinted from International Review of Missions (1942). | |
Frederick S. Downs, "Reflections on the Enculturation/Social Justice Issue in Contemporary Mission," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.3 (July 1993): 320-328. Reprinted from the American Baptist Quarterly 8.4 (DEc. 1989). | |
John D. W. Watts, "Baptists and the Transformation of Culture: A Case Study from the Career of William Carey," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.3 (July 1993): 329-341. Reprinted from Review & Expositor 1 (1992). |
Waiter B. Davis, "Aspects of William Carey’s Missionary Policy," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.3 (July 1993): 342-354. Reprinted from Foundations (Jan. 1962). | |
Iain H. Murray, "William Carey: Climbing the Rainbow," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.3 (July 1993): 355-368. Reprinted from Banner of Truth (Oct. 1992). | |
Bruce J. Nicholls, "The Theology of William Carey," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.3 (July 1993): 369-380. | |
Ruth Rouse, "William Carey’s ‘Pleasing Dream," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.3 (July 1993): 381-394. Reprinted from International Review of Missions (1949). | |
Evangeline Anderson-Rajkumar, "Carey’s Commitment to Social Justice," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.3 (July 1993): 395-399. Reprinted from Christian History 11.4. | |
S. Pearce Carey, "Sati or Widow Burning," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.3 (July 1993): 400. An excerpt from S. Pesarce Carey. London: Carey Press, 1934. p. 182f. | |
17.4 | |
Howard Marshall, "Preaching from the New Testament," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.4 (Oct. 1993): 405-420. Reprinted from The Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology 9.2 (Autumn 1991). | |
Gordon D. Fee, "Exegesis and the Role of Tradition in Evangelical Hermeneutics," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.4 (Oct. 1993): 421-436. Reprinted from Crux 27.1 (March 1991): | |
David J. Bosch, "Hermeneutical Principles in the Biblical Foundation for Mission," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.4 (Oct. 1993): 437-451. Reprinted from Zending op weg Naorde de Toekomst. Kampen UJH Kok, 1878. | |
Stan Nussbaum, "African Bible Guides: Preliminary findings of an experiment with African Christianity in Microcosm," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.4 (Oct. 1993): 452-467. Reprinted from INteract Research Centre, Selly Oak Colleges, Birmingham, UK. | |
Joshua Kudadjie, "African Bible Guides Series—Booklet 8: Colossians," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.4 (Oct. 1993): 468-471. Reprinted from INteract Research Centre, Selly Oak Colleges, Birmingham, UK. | |
Mark J. Cartledge, "A Model of Hermeneutical Method—An Exegetical Missiological Reflection upon Suffering in 2 Corinthians 4:7-15," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.4 (Oct. 1993): 472-483. | |
Grahame Cheesman, "Competing Paradigms in Theological Education Today," Evangelical Review of Theology 17.4 (Oct. 1993): 484-499. |
Volume 18 (1994)
18.1 | |
Alister E. McGrath, "The Church’s Response to Pluralism," Evangelical Review of Theology 18.1 (Jan. 1994): 4-19. | |
Simon Chan, "The Logic of Hell: A Response to Annihilationism," Evangelical Review of Theology 18.1 (Jan. 1994): 20-32. | |
John Stott, "The Logic of Hell: A Brief Rejoinder," Evangelical Review of Theology 18.1 (Jan. 1994): 33-34. | |
"Confessing the One Faith: An Evangelical Response by W.E.F. Theological Task Groupon Ecumentical Issues," Evangelical Review of Theology 18.1 (Jan. 1994): 35-46. | |
Peter Kuzmic, "A Credible Response to Secular Europe," Evangelical Review of Theology 18.1 (Jan. 1994): 47-59. | |
Valson Thampu, "AIDS and the Heretical Imperative: The Outbreak of Truth," Evangelical Review of Theology 18.1 (Jan. 1994): 60-69. | |
18.2 | |
Bruce J. Nicholls, "Priorities in Our Common Task: Ministry to and with the Poor," Evangelical Review of Theology 18.2 (April 1994): 101-104. | |
Bong-Ho Son, "Evangelism and the Poor," Evangelical Review of Theology 18.2 (April 1994): 105-116. | |
Dorothy Harris, "Incarnation as Relocation Among the Poor," Evangelical Review of Theology 18.2 (April 1994): 117-127. | |
Chris Sugden, "Christ as Saviour from Sin and Death and as Liberator from Socio-Economic and Political Oppression," Evangelical Review of Theology 18.2 (April 1994): 128-136. | |
Alan Nichols, "Ethical Issues in Evangelism and Justice Among the Poor," Evangelical Review of Theology 18.2 (April 1994): 137-151. | |
Beulah Wood, "The Tribe of Martha and Priscilla," Evangelical Review of Theology 18.2 (April 1994): 152-160. | |
D. Jebaraj, "Exodus: A Paradigm of the Salvation and Liberation of the Oppressed," Evangelical Review of Theology 18.2 (April 1994): 161-166. | |
Agnes Liu, "Training the Poor for Ministry to the Poor," Evangelical Review of Theology 18.2 (April 1994): 167-172. | |
"The New Dehli Statement," Evangelical Review of Theology 18.2 (April 1994): 173-192. | |
18.3 | |
John Roxborogh, "From Guilt to Awareness: Gospel and Culture, Conscience and Mission," Evangelical Review of Theology 18.3 (July 1994): 196-203. | |
Ramez Atallah, "The Objective Witness to Conscience: An Egyptian Parallel to Romans 2:15," Evangelical Review of Theology 18.3 (July 1994): 204-213. | |
Chris Wright, "Ethical Responses to God the Creator," Evangelical Review of Theology 18.3 (July 1994): 214-221. | |
Christopher Marshall, "The Use of Scripture in Ethics," Evangelical Review of Theology 18.3 (July 1994): 222-233. | |
Richard B. Hays, "The Church as a Scripture-Shaped Community: The Problem of Method in New Testament Ethics," Evangelical Review of Theology 18.3 (July 1994): 234-247. |
Richard Langston, "Alternatives to Bribery: Philippines," Evangelical Review of Theology 18.3 (July 1994): 248-260. | |
Ennio Mantovani, "Traditional and Present Day Values and Ethics in Melanesian Society," Evangelical Review of Theology 18.3 (July 1994): 261-273. | |
John R. Brinsley, "The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and the Church," Evangelical Review of Theology 18.3 (July 1994): 274-284. |
18.4 | |
Klaas Runia, "The Challenge of the Modern World to the Church," Evangelical Review of Theology 18.4 (Oct. 1994): 301-321. Reprinted from the European Journal of Theology 2.2 (1993): 145-162. | |
Stanley J. Grenz, "Postmodernism and the Future of Evangelical Theology: Star Trek and the Next Generation," Evangelical Review of Theology 18.4 (Oct. 1994): 322-334. Reprinted from Crux 30.1 (March 1994). | |
W.A. Visser & T. Hooft, "Evangelism Among Europe’s Neo-pagans," Evangelical Review of Theology 18.4 (Oct. 1994): 335-347. Reprinted from International Review of Mission 66-4 (1977). | |
Harold Turner, "The Gospel as Truth in a Secular Society The Three Levels of Mission in New Zealand," Evangelical Review of Theology 18.4 (Oct. 1994): 348-353. Reprinted from Bruce Patrick, ed., New Vision New Zealand. Auckland: New Vision New Zealand,1993. pp.61-68. | |
Brian Carrell, "The Christian Faith in a Post-Christian Society," Evangelical Review of Theology 18.4 (Oct. 1994): 354-358. Reprinted abridged from The Reaper (Dec.-Jan. 1992). | |
Viju Abraham, "The Challenge of Urbanization in the Developing World A Case Study from Bombay," Evangelical Review of Theology 18.4 (Oct. 1994): 359-364. Reprinted from Urban Mission (Sept. 1992). | |
John Williams, "The Gospel as Public Truth: A Critical Appreciation of the Theological Programme of Lesslie Newbigin," Evangelical Review of Theology 18.4 (Oct. 1994): 365-376. Reprinted abridged from Anvil 10.1 (1993). |
Volume 19 (1995)
19.1 | |
Eliot, "Two Case Studies," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.1 (Jan. 1995): 4-8. Eliot - reprinted from Brian Whitehead, Craving for Love. Tunbridge Wells: Monarch, 1993. pp. 180-82. Noel and Jan - reprinted from Submission to the Justice and Law Reform Select Committee on The Human Rights Commission 1992. Lower Hutt: Lion of Judah Ministries, 1993. pp. 150-153. | |
"The St. Louis Statement on Human Sexuality,"Evangelical Review of Theology 19.1 (Jan. 1995): 9-42. Reprinted from Resource, a Publication of Presbyterians for Renewal (Mrch 1994). | |
Harold Turner, "Gender and Homosexuality," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.1 (Jan. 1995): 43-53. Reprinted from Sane Sex (Homebush West, Australia: ANZEA Publishers, 1993). pp.153-179. | |
James B. De Young, "The Source and Meaning of the translation ‘Homosexuals’ in Biblical Studies," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.1 (Jan. 1995): 54-63. Reprinted in abridge form from Master's Seminary Journal (Fall 1992): 191-215. | |
Richard John Neuhaus, "In the Case of John Boswell," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.1 (Jan. 1995): 64-70. Reprinted from First Things 41 (March 1994): 56-59. | |
Walter A. Trobisch, "The Church and Polygamy A dialogue with Omodo," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.1 (Jan. 1995): 71-73. Reprinted from William A. Smalley, ed., Readings in Missionary Anthropology II. South Pasadena: William Carey Library, 1978. | |
Leopold A. Foullah, "A Socio-Theological Evaluation of Polygamy," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.1 (Jan. 1995):74-80. Reprinted from Evangelical Ministries (Jan.-April 1985). | |
19.2 | |
Harry F. van Rooy, "I The Old Testament as Tradition," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.2 (April. 1995): 100-101. | |
Paul G. Schrotenboer, "Introduction," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.2 (April. 1995): 102-114. | |
Brian Wintle, "II The New Testament as Tradition," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.2 (April. 1995): 115-130. | |
James Stamoolis, "III Scripture and Tradition in the Orthodox Church," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.2 (April. 1995): 131-143. | |
George Vandervelde IV, "Scripture and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.2 (April. 1995): 144-156. | |
Gerald L. Bray, "V: Scripture and Tradition in Reformation Thought," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.2 (April. 1995): 157-166. pdf | |
Bruce Wearne, "VI Scripture and Tradition in Enlightenment Thought," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.2 (April. 1995): 167-175. | |
Martin Hamel, "VII Scripture and Tradition in the World Council of Churches," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.2 (April. 1995):176-184. |
Paul G. Schrotenboer, "VIII An Evangelical View of Scripture and Tradition," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.2 (April. 1995): 185-198. | |
19.3 | |
Bong Rin Ro, "Opportunities for International Cooperation in Evangelical Theological Education," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.3 (July 1995): 213-219. | |
Wilson W. Chow, "An Integrated Approach to Theological Education," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.2 (July 1995): 220-228. | |
Bruce J. Nicholls, "The Role of Spiritual Development in Theological Education," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.3 (July 1995): 228-236. |
Paul Bowers, "Accreditation as a Catalyst for Renewal in Theological Education," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.3 (July 1995): 237-247. | |
Robert W. Ferris, "The Future of Theological Education," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.3 (July 1995): 248-267. | |
Emilio Antonio Núñez, C., "Accreditation and Excellence," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.3 (July 1995): 268-278. | |
Ken R. Gnanakan, "Accreditation and Renewal," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.3 (July 1995): 279-286. | |
Tite Tiénou, "The Future of ICAA," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.3 (July 1995): 287-291. | |
Michael Griffiths, "The Contextualization of Overseas Theological Education," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.3 (July 1995): 292-306. | |
Dr. Dieumeme Noëlliste, "Toward a Theology of Theological Education," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.3 (July 1995): 307-313. | |
Roger Kemp, "A Brief Introduction to ICAA," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.3 (July 1995): 314-315. | |
19.4 | |
Peter Kuzmic, "What has Boston to do with Bosnia?" Evangelical Review of Theology 19.4 (Oct. 1995): 324-329. | |
Bong Rin Ro, "The Korean Church: Growing or Declining?" Evangelical Review of Theology 19.4 (Oct. 1995): 330-335. | |
Rodrigo D. Tano, "Theological Issues in the Philippine Context," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.4 (Oct. 1995): 336-353. | |
Bruce J. Nicholls, "Contextualisation in Chinese Culture," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.4 (Oct. 1995): 354-367. | |
Charles R. A. Hoole, "A Nineteenth Century Church Growth Debate: India," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.4 (Oct. 1995): 368-380. | |
Chee Pang Choong, "Issues in the Hindu-Christian Debate During the Nineteenth Century Bengal Renaissance," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.4 (Oct. 1995): 381-386. | |
Lamin Sanneh, "Christian Missions and the Western Guilt Complex," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.4 (Oct. 1995): 387-392. Reprinted from preface of Ph.D. Thesis, University of Aberdeen. | |
Lamin Sanneh, "Christian Missions and the Western Guilt Complex," Evangelical Review of Theology 19.4 (Oct. 1995): 393-400. |