![Article in Journal or Book](images/svg/article.svg) |
James Barr, “Luther and Biblical Chronology,” Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester 72.1 (1990): 51-68. |
![On-line Resource](images/svg/earth.svg) |
John L. Bechtel, "Modern application of Martin Luther's Open Letter on Translating," Andrews University Seminary Studies 11.2 (July 1973): 145-151. pdf |
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Heinz S. Bluhm, "Martin Luther as a creative Bible translator," Andrews University Seminary Studies 22.1 (Spring 1984): 35-44. pdf |
![On-line Resource](images/svg/earth.svg) |
David S.
Dockery, "Martin Luther's christological hermeneutics," Grace Theological
Journal 4.2 (Fall 1983): 189-203. |
![On-line Resource](images/svg/earth.svg) |
Prof. Kemper Fullerton, "Luther's Doctrine and Criticism of Scripture (I.)," Bibliotheca Sacra 63 No. 249 (1906): 1-35. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
![On-line Resource](images/svg/earth.svg) |
Prof. Kemper Fullerton, "Luther's Doctrine and Criticism of Scripture (II.)," Bibliotheca Sacra 63 No. 250 (1906): 284-299. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
![Article in Journal or Book](images/svg/article.svg) |
L. Franking Gruber, "Luther's New Testament in a Quadri Centennial Study," Bibliotheca Sacra 80 No. 317 (Jan. 1923): 97- |
![On-line Resource](images/svg/earth.svg) |
Timothy George, "'A right strawy epistle': Reformation perspectives on James," Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 4.3 (Fall 2000): 20-31. |
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Hans Heinz, "Jakobus 2:14-26 in der Sicht Martin Luthers," Andrews University Seminary Studies 19.2 (Summer 1981): 141-146. pdf |
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Henry Hoyle Howorth [1842-1923], "The Origin and Authority of the Biblical Canon According to the Continental Reformers I. Luther and Karlstadt," Journal of Theological Studies 8 No 31 July 1907): 321-365. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
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Henry Hoyle Howorth [1842-1923], "The Canon of the Bible Among the Later Reformers," Journal of Theological Studies 10 No 38 (Jan. 1909): 183-232. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
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Robert Kolb, "Reality Rests on the Word of the Lord: Martin Luther's Understanding of God's Word," Reformation & Revival 9.4 (Fall 2000): 47-63. pdf |
![Article in Journal or Book](images/svg/article.svg) |
Eugene F.
Klug, "Word and Scripture in Luther studies since World War II," Trinity
Journal ns 5.1 (Spring 1984): 3-46. |
![On-line Resource](images/svg/earth.svg) |
A. Skevington Wood, Luther's Principles of Biblical Interpretation. London: The Tyndale Press, 1960. Pbk. pp.36. pdf |