Savonarola. The Florentine Martyr. A Reformer Before the Reformation
Elizabeth Warren

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Book Description

Savonarola. The Florentine Martyr. A Reformer Before the Reformation
Publication Year:
S.W. Partridge & Co.
Biography, Italy, Reformation, Church History
Copyright Holder:
Copyright holder

Elizabeth Warren, Savonarola. The Florentine Martyr. A Reformer Before the Reformation

Table of Contents

  • Introductory Chapter
  1. Childhood and Youth
  2. Disappointed Hopes
  3. Convent of San Marco
  4. Unexpected Popularity
  5. The Magnificent and the Prior
  6. Extracts from Sermons
  7. The Bible Student
  8. Reformation in Literature and Art
  9. Charles VIII. Invades Italy
  10. Am Unwelcome Guest
  11. The Popular Preacher and Political Adviser
  12. Preaching, Praying, and Working
  13. Papal Hostility—Carnival of 1496
  14. Prince Pico Della Mirandola
  15. Sermons on Amos and Zechariah
  16. Sincerity of Purpose: Weakness of Judgment
  17. Popularity Increases, and Troubles Likewise
  18. Humiliating Disclosures—Carnival of 1497
  19. Tumult on Ascension Day—Wrath of the Pope
  20. Trial of Bernardo del Nero
  21. The Triumph of the Cross
  22. Trouble upon Trouble—Carnival of 1498
  23. The Ordeal by Fire
  24. Convent of San Marco Attacked
  25. Imprisonment and Trial of Savonarola
  26. Fra Domenico—Patient in Tribulation
  27. The End
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