Pasquale Villari [1827-1917], Life and Times of Girolamo Sabonarola, with Portraits and Illustrations, 2 Vols. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1888. Hbk. pp.349+440.

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Book Description

Life and Times of Girolamo Sabonarola, with Portraits and Illustrations, 2 Vols.
Publication Year:
T. Fisher Unwin
Girolamo Sabonarola, Biography
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
Pasquale Villari [1827-1917], Life and Times of Girolamo Sabonarola, with Portraits and Illustrations, 2 Vols.

Table of Contents

  • Book I
    1. 1452-1475: From the bith of Savonarola to his becoming a monk
    2. 1475-1481: From his entering the cloister to his first arrival in Florence
    3. Lorenzo the Magnificent, and the Florentines of his day
    4. Marsilio Ficino and the Platonic Academy
    5. 1481-1490: His First residence in Tuscany, travels in Lombardy, and return to Florence
    6. Savonarola's philosophy
    7. Savonarola's first religious pamphlets and his interpretations of the Scriptures
    8. 1491: Savonarola preaches on the Gospels in the Cathedral. He shows his aversion to Lorenzo the Magnificent. He preaches on the First Epistle of St. John.
    9. 1492-1493: Death of Lorenzo de Medici and of Pope Innocent VIII. Election of Alexander VJ. Savonarola's journey to Bologna. Separation of the Convent of St. Mark from the Lombard Congregation. Reforms in the Convent.
    10. 1493-1494: Savonarola expounds the chief points of his doctrines during Advent, 1493. He predicts the coming of the French during the Lent of 1494
  • Book II
    1. 1494: The coming of the Fench into Italy
    2. The Medici are expelled from Florence. Savonarola is sent on an embassy to the French camp
    3. November 1494: The revolt of Pisa. The entry of Charles VIII, into Florence; his treaty with the republic, and his departure
    4. December 1494: Political condition of Florence, after the departure of the French. Savonarola proposes a new form of government
    5. 1494-1495: Constitution of the new government through Savonarola's efforts. The Greater Cquncil and the Council of Eighty. A new scheme of taxation, based on the " Decima," or tax of ten per cent. on real property. Discussion on the law for a general pacification and the repeal of the law "Dalle Sei Fave," which repeal is carried The establishment of the tribunal of merchandise or commerce. Resignation of the Accoppiatori. The abolition of " Parlamenti." Foundation of the Monte Di Pieta. Verdict of Italian politicians on the reforms introduced by Savonarola
    6. Savonarolla's prophecies and prophetical writings
    7. 1495: Various factions are formed in Florence. Savonarola takes his texts from the Psalms on feast days ; and in Lent, by means of sermons on Job, inaugurates a general reformation of manners with signal success. Conversion of Frà Benedetto
  • Book III
    1. 1495-1496: Charles VIII. returns to France. The allies aid Piero de' Medici's attempt to re-enter Florence. Savonarola preaches against tyranny and against the Medici. The latter are repulsed
    2. 1495-1496: The Pope issues a briefsummonin~ Savonarola to Rome. His reply. Another brief prohibits him from preaching, but the Ten procure its tacit revocation. A Cardinal's hat is offered to Savonarola, but he refuses to accept it
    3. Savonarola returns to the pulpit as Lenten Preacher in 1496
    4. Various writings concerning the works of Savonarola.Letters addressed to him by different potentates and his replies. The Florentine Ambassador's interview with the Pope. Savonarola returns to the pulpit and preaches on festival days on texts from Ruth and Micah
    5. 1496: he straits of the Republic and the disastrous course of the Pisan War. The death of Piero Capponi. The threats of the allies, who summon the Emperor Maximilian to Italy. The new brief issued by the Pope against Savonarola, and the latter's reply. The Republic is besieged in Leghorn by the forces of the Emperor and of the League. Savonarola returns to the pulpit, and the Florentines are miraculously rescued from every danger
    6. 1494: Francesco Valori is made Gonfalonier, and proposes several new laws. Carnival celebrated by a burning of the Vanities. Purchase of the Medici Library by the Monastery of St. Mark. Savonarola's !deas on the beautiful; his defence of poetry; his compositions in verse
  • Book IV
    1. 1497: Sarnnarola's sermons on Ezekiel during Lent, 1497. Piero de' Medici's career in Rome. A fresh attempt to re-establish him in Florence; and complete failure of the scheme
    2. 1497: Savonarola's sermon on Ascension Day, and the popular riot. The excommunication launched against him, and his reply. The raging of the pestilence, and its decline
    3. 1497: The arrest of Lamberto dell' Antella. His revelations concerning the Medici plot. The trial and condemnation of all the accused
    4. Savonarola's minor works, both published and unpublished. His "Triumph of the Cross."
    5. 1497-1498: Savonarola resumes his sermons on Septuagesima Sunday. A second "Burning of the Vanities." More papal briefs. Continuation of his sermons
    6. March 1498: Colloquy of the Florentine Ambassador with the Pope. More briefs and fresh threats. The Signory calls new meetings, and Savonarola is inhibited from preaching. His last Lenten sermon and farewell address to the people. His letter to the Pope, and other letters to the Princes
    7. April 7, 1498: The ordeal by fire
    8. April 8-9, 1498: The attack and defence or the convent ; Savonarola and his two companions are led to prison
    9. April 9-25. 1498: Savonarola is examined and put to the question. The magistrates of the Republic concoct two falsified reports of bis avowals, but still fail to prove his guilt
    10. April 26—May 18. 1498: Fra Domenico, Fra Silvestro, and many other friars and friends of the convent are brought to trial Savonarola writes his last compositions while in solitary confinement
    11. May 19-23, 1498: Savonarola is put to fresh torture by the Apostolic Commissioners. His third trial again proves him innocent The condemnation and execution of the three friars
  • Conclusion
  • Appendix
  • Index
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