![Book or monograph](images/svg/book.svg) |
Jean-Henri Merle d'Aubigné [1794-1872], History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, Vols. 1-5. London: Religious Tract Society, 1846[?]. Hbk. pp.867. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
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Arthur Dakin, "Calvin's Doctrine of Baptism," Baptist Quarterly 9.3 (July 1938): 160-164. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
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Peter H. Davids, "An Anabaptist View of the Church," The
Evangelical Quarterly 56.2 (Apr.-June 1984): 81-94. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
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Andrew Davies, "Spirit and Word: Lessons from Puritanism," Reformation & Revival 5:3 (Summer 1996): 93-109. pdf
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W.D. Davies, "Keeping the Sabbath-John Calvin's Teaching on the Fourth Commandment," Reformation & Revival 6.3 (Summer 1997): 185-187. pdf |
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Anthony Charles Deane [1870-1946], The Life of Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury. London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1927. Hbk. pp.247. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
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David J. Deane, [1842-1937], Philip Melancthon: The Wittemberg Professor and Theologian of the Reformation. London: S.W. Partridge, [1890?]. pp.160. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
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Prof. Margaret
Deanesly, The Significance of the Lollard Bible. Ethel M. Wood Lecture
delivered before the University of London on 13 March, 1951 London: Athlone
Press, 1951. pp.23. pdf |
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Robert Demaus [1829?-1874], Hugh Latimer: A Biography. London: Religious Tract Society, n.d. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
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Robert Demaus [1829?-1874], William Tyndale. A Biography. A Contribution to the Early History of the English Bible. London: The Religious Tract Society, n.d. Hbk. pp.504. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
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M.W. Dewar, "The British Delgation at the Synod of Dort," Evangelical Quarterly 45.2 (April-June 1974): 103-116. pdf [All reasonable efforts have been made to contact the copyright holder of this article without success. If you hold the rights, please contact me] |
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A.G. Dickens, "The Teaching of Martin Luther," Baptist Quarterly 30.4 (October 1983): 151-161. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
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Nathaniel Dimock [1825-1909], The History of the Book of Common Prayer. Its Bearing on Present Eucharistic Controversies. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1910. Hbk. pp.139. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
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Kenneth Dix, "Varieties of High Calvinism Among Nineteenth-Century Particular Baptists," Baptist Quarterly 38.2 (April 1999): 56-69. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
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James Dixon Douglas [1922-2003], Light in the North. The Story of the Scottish Covenanters. Exeter: The Paternoster Press, 1964. Hbk. pp.220. pdf [All reasonable efforts have been made to contact the copyright holder of this article without success. If you hold the rights, please contact me] |
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Walter Douglas, "Politics and Theology in the Thought of Richard Baxter. Part I," Andrews University Seminary Studies 15.2 (Autumn 1977): 115-126. pdf |
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Walter B.T. Douglas, "Politics and Theology in the Thought of Richard Baxter. Part II," Andrews University Seminary Studies 16.1 (Spring 1978): 305-312. pdf |
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Doumergue [1844-1937], "What Ought to be Known about Calvin," The Evangelical
Quarterly 1.1 (1929): 60-82. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
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Robert Blackley Drummond [1833-1920], Erasmus: His Life and Character as Shown in His Correspondence and Works, 2 Vols. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1873. Hbk. pp.413+380. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
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John Henry Dyer [1804-1888], The Life of John Calvin, compiled from Authentic Sources, and Particularly from His Correspondence. London: John Murray, 1850. Hbk. pp.560. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |