
The Roman Empire

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Book or monograph Alden M. Robbins, Rome in the Fourth Century A.D.: An Annotated Bibliography with Historical Overview. McFarland & Company, 1992. Pbk. ISBN: 0899506240. pp.358.

Primary Sources

Secondary Sources

Article in Journal or Book Kurt Aland, "The Relation Between Church and State in Early Times: A Reinterpretation," Journal of Theological Studies, n.s. 19 (1968): 115-127.
Book or monograph B. Baldwin, Studies on Greek and Roman History and Literature. London Studies in Classical Philology, Vol 15. Amsterdam: Gieben, 1985.
Book or monograph J.P.V.D. Balsdon, Romans and Aliens. The University of North Carolina Press, 1980. Hbk. ISBN: 0807813834. pp.310.
Article in Journal or Book Leslie W. Barnard, "Church and State Relations A.D. 313-337," Journal of Church and State 24 (1982): 337-355.
Book or monograph Barnes: Constantine and EusebiusTimothy D. Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius, new edn. Harvard University Press, 1984. Pbk. ISBN: 0674165314. pp.464.
Book or monograph T.D. Barnes, Early Christianity and the Roman Empire. London: Variorum Reprints, 1985. Hbk. ISBN: 0860781550. pp.300.
On-line Resource Charles Bigg [1840-1908], The Church's Task under the Roman Empire. Four Lectures with Preface, Notes and an Excursus. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1905. Hbk. pp.136. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource P.J.J. Botha, "The historical Domitian - illustrating some problems of historiography," Neotestamentica 23.1 (1989): 45-60.View in PDF format pdf
Book or monograph Bowersock: Martyrdom & RomeG.W. Bowersock, Martyrdom and Rome. Cambridge: Cambridge University, 2002. Pbk. ISBN: 0521530490. pp.118.
Book or monograph Brent: The Imperial Cult and the Development of Church OrderAllen Brent, The Imperial Cult and the Development of Church Order: Concepts and Images of Authority in Paganism and Early Christianity Before the Age of Cyprian. Vigiliae Christianae Supplements Series. Leiden: Brill, 1999. Hbk. ISBN: 9004114203. pp.400.
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On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, "The Early Church in the Roman Empire," The Bible Student (Bangalore, India), 56 (March-April 1933): 30-32.View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "The Early Church in the Roman Empire," The Bible Student (Bangalore, India), 57 (May/June 1933): 55-58.
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "Christianity Under Claudius," Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 44 (1961/62): 309-26.
Book or monograph Matthew Bunson, Encyclopedia of the Roman Empire. Facts On File inc., 1994. Pbk. ISBN: 0816031827. pp.512.
On-line Resource Cecil John Cadoux [1883–1947], The Early Christian Attitude to War. A Contribution to the History of Christian EthicsCecil John Cadoux [1883–1947], The Early Christian Attitude to War. A Contribution to the History of Christian Ethics. London: Headley Brothers Publishers, Ltd., 1919. Hbk. pp.272. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Cecil John Cadoux [1883–1947], The Early Church and the World. A History of the Christian Attitude to Pagan Society and the State Down to the Time of ConstantiusCecil John Cadoux [1883–1947], The Early Church and the World. A History of the Christian Attitude to Pagan Society and the State Down to the Time of Constantius. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1925. Hbk. pp.675. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Book or monograph Cameron: Christianity and the Rhetoric of EmpireAveril Cameron, Christianity and the Rhetoric of Empire. The Development of Christian Discourse. Sather Classical Lectures, Vol 55. Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1991. ISBN: 0520089235 pp.280.
Book or monograph Carcopino: Daily Life in Ancient RomeJerome Carcopino, Daily Life in Ancient Rome. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1940. New edn. Penguin Books, 1956. Pbk. ISBN: 014012487X. pp. 368.
Book or monograph Mortimer Chambers, ed. The Fall of Rome: Can It Be Explained? New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. Pbk. ISBN: 0030844789. pp.117.
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Book or monograph Corcoran: The Empire of the TetrarchsSimon Corcoran, The Empire of the Tetrarchs: Imperial Pronouncements and Government AD 284-324. Oxford: Oxdord University Press, 2000. Pbk. ISBN: 019815304X. pp.440.
Book or monograph Agnes Cunningham, ed., The Early Church and the State. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1982. Pbk. ISBN: 0800614135. pp.132.
Book or monograph Dodds: Pagan and Christian in an Age of AnxietyE.R. Dodds. Pagan and Christian in an Age of Anxiety. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991. Pbk. ISBN: 0521385997. pp.160.
Book or monograph The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars AD 226-363 Michael H. Dodgeon & Samuel N.C. Lieu, The Roman Frontier and the Persian Wars AD 226-363. London: Routledge, 1991. Pbk. ISBN: 0415103177. pp.464.
Article in Journal or Book W. Eck, "The Bar Kokhba Revolt: the Roman point of view," Journal of Roman Studies, 89 (1999): 76-89.
Book or monograph Sidney Z. Ehler, ed. & trans., Church and State Through the Centuries. Biblo & Tannen Booksellers & Publishers Incorporated, 1988. Pbk. ISBN: 0819601896.
Article in Journal or Book E. Earle Ellis, "Open questions concerning the Christians and the Roman Empire in the age of the Severi," Journal of Theological Studies, n.s., Vol. 18 (1974): 13-26.
Article in Journal or Book M. Errington, "Church and State in the First Years of Theodosius I," Chiron 27 (1997): 21-72.
Article in Journal or Book M. Errington, "Christian Accounts of the Religious Legislation of Theodosius I," Klio 79 (1997): 398-443.
Book or monograph A. Ferrill, The Fall of the Roman Empire: The Military Explanation. London: Thames and Hudson, 1986.
On-line Resource John Neville Figgis [1866-1919], The Political Aspects of S. Augustine's 'City of God'John Neville Figgis [1866-1919], The Political Aspects of S. Augustine's 'City of God'. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1921. Hbk. pp.132. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Book or monograph Duncan Fishwick, Imperial Cult in the Latin West. Studies in the Ruler Cult of the Western Provinces of the Roman Empire: The Provincial Priesthood. Religions in the Graeco-Roman World. Leiden: Brill, 2002. Hbk. ISBN: 9004125396. pp.424.
On-line Resource Richard Valpy French [1839-1907], British Christianity during the Roman OccupationRichard Valpy French [1839-1907], British Christianity during the Roman Occupation. London: SPCK, 1900. Hbk. pp.64. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Article in Journal or Book W.H.C. Frend, "Open Questions Concerning the Christians and the Roman Empire in the Age of the Severi, " Journal of Theological Studies, Vol. Vol. 25 (1974): 331-351.
Article in Journal or Book W.H.C. Frend, "Church and State: Perspective and Problems in the Patristic Era," Elizabeth A. Livingstone, ed. Studia Patristica, Vol. 17.1. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1982. pp.38-54.
Book or monograph Albino Garzetti, From Tiberius to the Antonines: A.D. 14-192. London: Routledge, 1977. Pbk. ISBN: 006472378X.
On-line Resource Alfred Shenington Geden [1857-1936], Select Passages Illustrating Mithraism. Translations of Early DocumentsAlfred Shenington Geden [1857-1936], Select Passages Illustrating Mithraism. Translations of Early Documents. London: SPCK, 1925. Hbk. pp.87. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Book or monograph Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. J.B. Jury, ed. 7 Vols. London: Dent, 1909-1914.
Book or monograph Being Greek Under Rome: Cultural Identity, the Second Sophistic and the Development of EmpireSimon Goldhill, ed., Being Greek Under Rome: Cultural Identity, the Second Sophistic and the Development of Empire. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. Hbk. ISBN: 0521663172. pp.404.
Book or monograph Goodman: The Roman World 44 BC-ADMartin Goodman, The Roman World 44 BC-AD 180. London & New York: Routledge, 1997. Pbk. ISBN: 0415049709. pp.416.
Book or monograph Timothy E. Gregory, Vox Populi: Popular Opinion and Violence in the Religious Controversies of the Fifth Century A.D. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1986. Hbk. ISBN: 0814202918. pp. xii + 245.
Article in Journal or Book R.P.C. Hanson, "The Reaction of the Church to the Collapse of the Western Roman Empire in the Fifth Century," Vigiliae Christianae, Vol. 26. (1972): 272-287.
Book or monograph Ernest George Hardy, Christianity and Roman Government: A Study in Imperial Administration. London / New York: George Allen and Unwin / Macmillan, 1894. pp.xiv + 161.
Article in Journal or Book W.V. Harris, "Child exposure in the Roman Empire," Journal of Roman Studies, 84 (1994): 1-22.
Book or monograph Peter Heather, Goths and Romans 332-489. Oxford Historical Monographs. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994. Pbk. ISBN: 019820535X. pp.394.
Book or monograph Herrin: The Formation of ChristendomJudith Herrin, The Formation of Christendom, new edn. Phoenix Press, 2001. ISBN: 1842121790. pp.540.
Book or monograph Hopkins: A World Full of GodsKeith Hopkins, A World Full of Gods: Pagans, Jews, and Christians in the Roman Empire. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1999. Hbk. ISBN: 0297819828. pp.408.
Book or monograph Horsley, ed.: Paul and EmpireRichard A. Horsley, editor. Paul and Empire: Religion and Power in Roman Imperial Society. Trinity Press International, 1997. Pbk. ISBN: 1563382172. pp.272.
Book or monograph Arthur Hugh Martin Jones, Constantine and the Conversion of Europe. London: English Universities Press, 1948 / Toronoto: University of Toronto Press Inc., 1979. Pbk. ISBN: 0802063691. pp.223.
Book or monograph Jones: The Later Roman Empire 284-602Arthur Hugh Martin Jones, The Later Roman Empire 284-602. A Social, Economic and Administrative Survey, 2 Vols. John Hopkins University Press, 1986. Pbk. ISBN: 0801832853. pp.1546.
Article in Journal or Book Donald L. Jones,"Christianity and Emperor Worship From Hadrian to Constantine," Perspectives in Religious Studies 6.1 (1979): 34-44.
On-line Resource Edwin A. Judge, "Judaism and the Rise of Christianity: A Roman Perspective," Tyndale Bulletin 45.2 (1994): 355-368. View in PDF format pdf
Book or monograph Walter Emil Kaegi, Byzantium and the Decline of Rome. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1968. Hbk. ISBN: 0691035105. pp.302.
Book or monograph Lim: Public Disputations and Social Order in Late AntiquityRichard Lim, Public Disputations and Social Disorder in Late Antiquity. Transformation of the Classical Heritage, No 23. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995. Hbk. ISBN: 0520085779. pp.296.
Article in Journal or Book Ricahrd Lim, "Religious Disputations and Social Disorder in Late Antiquity," Historia 44 (1995): 204-31.
Book or monograph MacMullen: Christianizing the Roman EmpireRamsey MacMullen, Christianizing the Roman Empire (A.D. 100-400) . New Haven: Yale University Press, 1986. Pbk. ISBN: 0300036426. pp.189.
Book or monograph Ramsay MacMullen, Paganism in the Roman Empire, new edn. Yale University Press, 1983. Pbk. ISBN: 0300029845.
Book or monograph MacMullen: Corruption and the Decline of RomeRamsay MacMullen, Corruption and the Decline of Rome. Yale University Press, 1990. Pbk. ISBN: 0300047991. pp.332.
On-line Resource Arthur Cushman McGiffert [1861-1933], A History of Christianity in the Apostolic AgeArthur Cushman McGiffert [1861-1933], A History of Christianity in the Apostolic Age. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1897. Hbk. pp.680. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Article in Journal or Book James S. McLaren, "Jews and the Imperial Cult: From Augustus to Domitian," Journal for the Study of the New Testament 27.3 (2005): 257-278. [Read Abstract]
Book or monograph Cyril Mango, Byzantium: The Empire of New Rome. Phoenix Books, 1994. Pbk. ISBN: 1857991303. pp.344.
Book or monograph Markus: The End of Ancient ChristianityRobert Austin Markus, The End of Ancient Christianity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991. Pbk. ISBN: 0521339499. pp.276.
Book or monograph Matthews: The Roman Empire of AmmianusJohn Matthews, The Roman Empire of Ammianus. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd., 1989. Hbk. ISBN: 0715622463. pp.624.
Book or monograph Mattews: Western Aristocracy and Imperial CourtJohn F. Matthews, Western Aristocracy and Imperial Court A.D. 364-425. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990. Pbk. ISBN: 0198144997. pp.460.
On-line Resource Ronald B Mayers, "The New Testament doctrine of the state," Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 12.4 (Fall 1969): 199-214. View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book R. Mikat, "Church and State," Karl Rahner, ed., Sacramentum Mundi: An Encyclopedia of Theology, Vol.1. London: Burns & Oates, 1968. pp.337-346.
Book or monograph Fergus Millar, The Emperor in the Roman World (31 BC-AD 337). London, 1977. Hbk. ISBN: 0715609513. pp.800.
Book or monograph C. Morino, Church and State in the Teaching of St. Ambrose. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of Press, 1969.
Book or monograph K.F. Morrison, Rome and the City of God. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1964.
Book or monograph Ernest Nash, A Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Rome. Ha ker Art Books, 1981. Hbk. ISBN: 0878172653.
On-line Resource Gaetano Negri [1838-1902], Julian the ApostateGaetano Negri [1838-1902], Julian the Apostate, translated from the 2nd Italian Edition by the Duchess Litta-Visconti-Arese, 2 Vols. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1905. Hbk. pp.636. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Book or monograph Novak: Christianity and the Roman EmpireRalph Martin Novak, Christianity and the Roman Empire: Background Texts. Trinity Press International, 2001. Pbk. ISBN: 1563383470. pp.320.
Book or monograph Rahner: Church & State in Early ChristianityHugo Rahner, Church & State in Early Christianity. Ignatius Press,1992. Pbk. ISBN: 0898703778.
On-line Resource William M. Ramsay [1851-1939], The Church in the Roman Empire Before AD 170William M. Ramsay [1851-1939], The Church in the Roman Empire Before AD 170, 8th Edn. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1904. Hbk. pp.510.
Article in Journal or Book J.B. Rives, "The decree of Decius and the religion of the empire," Journal of Roman Studies, 89 (1999): 135-154.
Book or monograph Alden M. Robbins, The Fall of Rome: A Reference Guide. Jefferson, NC & London: McFarland & Co., 1983. Hbk. ISBN: 089950034X. pp.130.
Book or monograph Henry Thompson Rowell, Rome in the Augustan Age. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1985. Pbk. ISBN: 0806109564. pp.242.
Book or monograph Ronald A. Sarno, The Cruel Caesars: Their Impact on the Early Church. New York: Alba House, 1976. ISBN: 0818911352. pp.165.
Book or monograph A.N. Sherwin-White, The Letters of Pliny: A Historical and Social Commentary. Oxford: Clarendon, 1966. ISBN: 0199120102. pp.230.
Book or monograph A.N. Sherwin-White, Roman Society and Roman Law in the New Testament. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1963. reprinted by Sandpiper Books, 2000. Pbk. ISBN: 019825153X. pp.216.
Book or monograph Marta Sordi, The Christians and the Roman Empire. London & Sydney: Croom Helm, 1986. Pbk. ISBN: 0415098157. pp.224.
Article in Journal or Book Finian D. Taylor, "Origen of Alexandria: Christians and the State in the Third Century," American Benedictine Review 43.3 (1992): 250-261.
Book or monograph Thompson: Romans and BarbariansE.A. Thompson, Romans and Barbarians: The Decline of the Western Empire. Wisconsin Studies in Classics. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 2002. Pbk. ISBN: 0299087042. pp.352.
Book or monograph Turcan: The Cults of the Roman EmpireRobert Turcan, The Cults of the Roman Empire. Blackwell Publishers, 1996. Pbk. ISBN: 0631200479. pp.410.
Book or monograph Wallace-Hadrill: The Barbarian West: 400-1000J.M. Wallace-Hadrill, The Barbarian West: 400-1000. Blackwell Publishers, 1996. Pbk. ISBN: 0631202927. pp.184.
Book or monograph B.H. Warmington, Nero: Reality and Legend. Ancient Culture & Society Series. London: Chatto and Windus, 1970. Pbk. ISBN: 0701114541. pp.192.
Book or monograph Wells: The Roman EmpireColin M. Wells, The Roman Empire, 2nd edn. London: Fontana, 1992. ISBN: 0006862527. pp.304.
Book or monograph Molly Whitaker, Jews and Christians: Graeco-Roman Views. Cambridge Commentaries on the Writings of the Jewish and Christian World, 200 B.C.-A.D. 200. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984. pp. ix + 286.
Book or monograph Wilken: The Christians as the Romans Saw ThemRobert L. Wilken, The Christians as the Romans Saw Them. New Haven & London: Yale: University Press, 1984. Pbk. ISBN: 0300036272.
Article in Journal or Book A.K. Ziegler, "Pope Gelasius I and His Teaching on the Relation of Church State," Catholic Historical Review, Vol. 27 (1942): 3-28.

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