
Vigilae Christianae
Vols. 61 - (2007 - )

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Vols. 1 - 10 (1947 - 1956)
Vols. 11 - 20 (1957 - 1966)
Vols. 21 - 30 (1967 - 1976)
Vols. 31 - 40 (1977 - 1986)
Vols. 41 - 50 (1987 - 1996)
Vols. 51 - 60 (1997 - 2006)
Vols. 61 - (2007 - )
Vol. 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66

Volume 61 (2007)

Article in Journal or Book August den Hollander & Ulrich Schmid, "The Gospel of Barnabas, the Diatessaron, and Method," Vigiliae Christianae 61.1 (2007): 1-20.
Article in Journal or Book Ronnie J. Rombs, "A Note on the Status of Origen's De Principiis in English," Vigiliae Christianae 61.1 (2007): 21-29.
Article in Journal or Book Geoffrey D. Dunn, "Anastasius I and Innocent I: Reconsidering the Evidence of Jerome," Vigiliae Christianae 61.1 (2007): 30-41.
Article in Journal or Book Demetrios S. Katos, "Socratic Dialogue or Courtroom Debate? Judicial Rhetoric and Stasis Theory in the Dialogue on the Life of St. John Chrysostom," Vigiliae Christianae 61.1 (2007): 42-69.
Article in Journal or Book Tobias Nicklas, "»Écrits apocryphes chrétiens«: ein Sammelband als Spiegel eines Weitreichenden Paradigmenwechsels in der Apokryphenforschung," Vigiliae Christianae 61.1 (2007): 70-95.
Article in Journal or Book Taras Khomych, "The Admonition to Assemble Together in Didache 16.2 Reappraised," Vigiliae Christianae 61.2 (2007): 121-141.
Article in Journal or Book Michael Graves, "'Judaizing' Christian Interpretations of the Prophets As Seen by Saint Jerome," Vigiliae Christianae 61.2 (2007): 142-156.
Article in Journal or Book Dayna S. Kalleres, "Demons and Divine Illumination: A Consideration of Eight Prayers by Gregory of Nazianzus," Vigiliae Christianae 61.2 (2007): 157-188.
Article in Journal or Book A. Edward Siecienski, "The Authenticity of Maximus the Confessor's Letter to Marinus: The Argument from Theological Consistency," Vigiliae Christianae 61.2 (2007): 189-227.
Article in Journal or Book Pär Sandin, "Diognetiana," Vigiliae Christianae 61.3 (2007): 253-257.
Article in Journal or Book Dragoş-Andrei Giulea, "The Watchers' Whispers: Athenagoras's Legatio 25,1-3 and the Book of the Watchers," Vigiliae Christianae 61.3 (2007): 258-281.
Article in Journal or Book A.C. Geljon, "Philonic Elements in Didymus the Blind's Exegesis of the Story of Cain and Abel," Vigiliae Christianae 61.3 (2007): 282-312.
Article in Journal or Book Ilaria L.E. Ramelli, "Christian Soteriology and Christian Platonism: Origen, Gregory of Nyssa, and the Biblical and Philosophical Basis of the Doctrine of Apokatastasis," Vigiliae Christianae 61.3 (2007): 313-356.
Article in Journal or Book Bogdan G. Bucur, "Revisiting Christian Oeyen: "The Other Clement" on Father, Son, and the Angelomorphic Spirit," Vigiliae Christianae 61.4 (2007): 381-413.
Article in Journal or Book L. Roig Lanzillotta, "One Human Being, Three Early Christian Anthropologies An Assessment of Acta Andreae's Tenor on the Basis of Its Anthropological Views," Vigiliae Christianae 61.4 (2007): 414-444.
Article in Journal or Book Louis Painchaud & Michael Kaler, "From the Prayer of the Apostle Paul to the Three Steles of Seth: Codices I, XI and VII from Nag Hammadi Viewed as a Collection," Vigiliae Christianae 61.4 (2007): 445-469.
Article in Journal or Book Timothy Pettipiece, "The Faces of the Father: "Pentadization" in the Manichaean Kephalaia (Chapter 21)," Vigiliae Christianae 61.4 (2007): 470-477.

Volume 62 (2008)

Article in Journal or Book Jonathan J. Armstrong, "Victorinus of Pettau as the Author of the Canon Muratori," Vigiliae Christianae 62.1 (2007): 1-34.
Article in Journal or Book Jan M. Kozlowski, "The Portrait of Commodus in Herodian's History (1,7,5-6) as the Source of Pionius' post mortem Description in Martyrium Pionii (22,2-4)," Vigiliae Christianae 62.1 (2007): 35-42.
Article in Journal or Book Theodoros Alexopoulos, "Paradoxe Formulierungen bei Dionysios Areopagites mit speziellem Bezug auf Gregor von Nyssa," Vigiliae Christianae 62.1 (2007): 43-78.
Article in Journal or Book Joel Kalvesmaki, "Italian versus Eastern Valentinianism?" Vigiliae Christianae 62.1 (2007): 79-89.
Article in Journal or Book M.C. Steenberg, "Impatience and Humanity's Sinful State in Tertullian of Carthage," Vigiliae Christianae 62.2 (2007): 107-132.
Article in Journal or Book Walter Ameling, "The Christian lapsi in Smyrna, 250 A.D. (Martyrium Pionii 12-14)," Vigiliae Christianae 62.2 (2007): 133-160.
Article in Journal or Book Martin Albl, "The Image of the Jews in Ps.-Gregory of Nyssa's Testimonies against the Jews," Vigiliae Christianae 62.2 (2007): 161-186.
Article in Journal or Book Annemaré Kotzé, "The 'Anti-Manichaean' Passage in Confessions 3 and its 'Manichaean Audience'," Vigiliae Christianae 62.2 (2007): 187-200.
Article in Journal or Book Anders Lund Jacobsen, "Genesis 1-3 as Source for the Anthropology of Origen," Vigiliae Christianae 62.3 (2007): 213-232.
Article in Journal or Book Christine Shepardson, "Paschal Politics: Deploying the Temple's Destruction against Fourth-Century Judaizers," Vigiliae Christianae 62.3 (2007): 233-260.
Article in Journal or Book David Pastorelli, "Le Paraclet dans la notice antimontaniste du PseudoHippolyte, Refutatio omnium haeresium VIII, 19 Les commentaires prophétiques de Priscilla et Maximilla," Vigiliae Christianae 62.3 (2007): 261-284.
Article in Journal or Book Otto Hiltbrunner, "Mulier oder femina Augustinus im Streit um die richtige Bibelübersetzung," Vigiliae Christianae 62.3 (2007): 285-302.
Article in Journal or Book Fabienne Jourdan, "Le Logos et l'empereur, nouveaux Orphée « Postérité d'une image entrée dans la littérature avec Clément d'Alexandrie »," Vigiliae Christianae 62.4 (2007): 319-333.
Article in Journal or Book Reinhart Staats, "Kaiser Konstantin der Große und der Apostel Paulus," Vigiliae Christianae 62.4 (2007): 334-370.
Article in Journal or Book Frank Williams, "The Gospel of Judas: Its Polemic, its Exegesis, and its Place in Church History," Vigiliae Christianae 62.4 (2007): 371-403.
Article in Journal or Book Howard Jacobson, "Miriam and St Hippolytus," Vigiliae Christianae 62.4 (2007): 404-405.
Article in Journal or Book Jan den Boeft, "Delight and Imagination: Ambrose's Hymns," Vigiliae Christianae 62.5 (2007): 425-440.
Article in Journal or Book Johannes van Oort, "The Young Augustine's Knowledge of Manichaeism: An Analysis of the Confessiones and Some Other Relevant Texts," Vigiliae Christianae 62.5 (2007): 441-466.
Article in Journal or Book Michael Zheltov, "The Anaphora and the Thanksgiving Prayer from the Barcelona Papyrus: An Underestimated Testimony to the Anaphoral History in the Fourth Century," Vigiliae Christianae 62.5 (2007): 467-504.
Article in Journal or Book Paul L. Gavrilyuk, "Did Pseudo-Dionysius Live in Constantinople?" Vigiliae Christianae 62.5 (2007): 505-514.

Volume 63 (2009)

Article in Journal or Book Lisa R. Holliday, "Will Satan Be Saved? Reconsidering Origen's Theory of Volition in Peri Archon," Vigiliae Christianae 63.1 (2009): 1-23.
Article in Journal or Book Susan Wessel, "The Reception of Greek Science in Gregory of Nyssa's De hominis opificio," Vigiliae Christianae 63.1 (2009): 24-46.
Article in Journal or Book Alexis Torrance, "Precedents for Palamas' Essence-Energies Theology in the Cappadocian Fathers," Vigiliae Christianae 63.1 (2009): 47-70.
Article in Journal or Book Peter J. Williams, "Alleged Syriac Catchwords in the Gospel of Thomas," Vigiliae Christianae 63.1 (2009): 71-82.
Article in Journal or Book Anthony Briggman, "Measuring Justin's Approach to the Spirit: Trinitarian Conviction and Binitarian Orientation," Vigiliae Christianae 63.2 (2009): 107-137.
Article in Journal or Book Benedetta M. Zorzi, "The Use of the Terms αγνεια, παρθενια, σωφροσυνη, and εγκρατεια in the Symposium of Methodius of Olympus," Vigiliae Christianae 63.2 (2009): 138-168.
Article in Journal or Book Roberto Chiappiniello, "Feminei Furores. Prudentius' Hamartigenia and the Epigramma Paulini," Vigiliae Christianae 63.2 (2009): 169-188.
Article in Journal or Book Ilaria L.E. Ramelli, "Origen, Patristic Philosophy, and Christian Platonism Re-Thinking the Christianisation of Hellenism," Vigiliae Christianae 63.3 (2009): 217-263.
Article in Journal or Book Michael Kaler, "The Letter of Peter to Philip and its Message of Gnostic Revelation and Christian Unity," Vigiliae Christianae 63.3 (2009): 264-295.
Article in Journal or Book Dominika A. Kurek-Chomycz, "The Sweet Scent of the Gospel in the Didache and in Second Corinthians: Some Comments on Two Recent Interpretations of the Stinoufi Prayer in the Coptic Did. 10.8," Vigiliae Christianae 63.4 (2009): 323-344.
Article in Journal or Book Charlotte Radler, "The Dirty Physician: Necessary Dishonor and Fleshly Solidarity in Tertullian's Writings," Vigiliae Christianae 63.4 (2009): 345-368.
Article in Journal or Book Reinhart Ceulemans, "The Latin Patristic Reception of the Book of Canticles in the Hexapla," Vigiliae Christianae 63.4 (2009): 369-389.
Article in Journal or Book Daniel J. Nodes, "The Organization of Augustine's Psalmus contra Partem Donati," Vigiliae Christianae 63.4 (2009): 390-408.
Article in Journal or Book Dieter T. Roth, "Did Tertullian Possess a Greek Copy or Latin Translation of Marcion's Gospel?" Vigiliae Christianae 63.5 (2009): 429-467.
Article in Journal or Book Silke Sitzler, "Identity: The Indigent and the Wealthy in the Homilies of John Chrysostom," Vigiliae Christianae 63.5 (2009): 468-479.
Article in Journal or Book Christoph Joest, "Die sog. “Règlements” als Werk des Pachomianers Horsiese († nach 386)," Vigiliae Christianae 63.5 (2009): 480-492.
Article in Journal or Book Benjamin Garstad, "Joseph as a Model for Faunus-Hermes: Myth, History, and Fiction in the Fourth Century," Vigiliae Christianae 63.5 (2009): 493-521.

Volume 64 (2010)

Article in Journal or Book

Matyáš Havrda, "Some Observations on Clement of Alexandria, Stromata, Book Five," Vigiliae Christianae 64.1 (2010): 1-30.

Article in Journal or Book Konstantinos Spanoudakis, "Eusebius C. Hier. 6.5 on Man and Fowl: An Instance of Christian-Pagan Dialogue on a Theurgic Ritual," Vigiliae Christianae 64.1 (2010): 31-53.
Article in Journal or Book Arnold Johannes, "Textkritisches zu Origenes' Contra Celsum," Vigiliae Christianae 64.1 (2010): 54-73.
Article in Journal or Book Iain Gardner & Jay Johnston, "The Liber Bartholomaei on the Ascension: Edition of Bibliothèque Nationale Copte 1321 f. 37," Vigiliae Christianae 64.1 (2010): 74-86.
Article in Journal or Book Howard Jacobson, "Tria Patristica," Vigiliae Christianae 64.1 (2010): 87-88.
Article in Journal or Book Andrew Cain, "Gregory of Elvira, Lactantius, and the Reception of the De ira Dei," Vigiliae Christianae 64.2 (2010): 109-114.
Article in Journal or Book Theodore A. Bergren, "The Structure and Composition of 5 Ezra," Vigiliae Christianae 64.2 (2010): 115-139.
Article in Journal or Book Richard Goulet, "Cinq nouveaux fragments nominaux du traité de Porphyre “Contre les chrétiens”," Vigiliae Christianae 64.2 (2010): 140-159.
Article in Journal or Book Winrich Löhr, "Christianity as Philosophy: Problems and Perspectives of an Ancient Intellectual Project," Vigiliae Christianae 64.2 (2010): 160-188.
Article in Journal or Book AnneMarie Luijendijk, "Sacred Scriptures as Trash:Biblical Papyri from Oxyrhynchus," Vigiliae Christianae 64.3 (2010): 217-254.
Article in Journal or Book Eric W. Scherbenske, "Marcion's Antitheses and the Isagogic Genre," Vigiliae Christianae 64.3 (2010): 255-279.
Article in Journal or Book Dominic Keech, "John Cassian and the Christology of Romans 8,3," Vigiliae Christianae 64.3 (2010): 280-299.
Article in Journal or Book Juan Chapa, "The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Gospel of John in Egypt," Vigiliae Christianae 64.4 (2010): 327-352.
Article in Journal or Book Petr Kitzler, "Ex uno homine tota haec animarum redundantia. Ursprung, Entstehung und Weitergabe der individuellen Seele nach Tertullian," Vigiliae Christianae 64.4 (2010): 353-381.
Article in Journal or Book Young Richard Kim, "Reading the Panarion as Collective Biography: The Heresiarch as Unholy Man," Vigiliae Christianae 64.4 (2010): 382-413.
Article in Journal or Book Andrew Dinan, "Another Citation of Philo in Clement of Alexandria's Protrepticus (10,93,1-2)," Vigiliae Christianae 64.5 (2010): 435-444.
Article in Journal or Book Jean-Claude Fredouille, "L'humanité vue d'en haut (Cyprien, Ad Donatum, 6-13)," Vigiliae Christianae 64.5 (2010): 445-455.
Article in Journal or Book Tarmo Toom, "Hilary of Poitiers' De Trinitate and the Name(s) of God," Vigiliae Christianae 64.5 (2010): 456-479.
Article in Journal or Book Dimitrios Zaganas, "Cyrille d'Alexandrie aux prises avec un exégète allégoriste au début de son In Oseam: Didyme l'Aveugle ou Piérius d'Alexandrie?" Vigiliae Christianae 64.5 (2010): 480-491.
Article in Journal or Book Christian Gnilka, "Versdubletten Zu Prudentius, Peristephanon 2,514," Vigiliae Christianae 64.5 (2010): 492-495.
Article in Journal or Book Craig A. Gibson, "Was Nicolaus the Sophist a Christian?" Vigiliae Christianae 64.5 (2010): 496-500.
Article in Journal or Book Christopher Tuckett, "Lightfoot's Text of 2 Clement: A Response to W.L. Petersen," Vigiliae Christianae 64.5 (2010): 501-519.

Volume 65 (2011)

Article in Journal or Book Huub van de Sandt, "Why does the Didache Conceive of the Eucharist as a Holy Meal?" Vigiliae Christianae 65.1 (2011): 1-20.
Article in Journal or Book Ilaria L.E. Ramelli, "Origen's Anti-Subordinationism and its Heritage in the Nicene and Cappadocian Line," Vigiliae Christianae 65.1 (2011): 21-49.
Article in Journal or Book Albert-Kees Geljon, "Didymus the Blind: Commentary on Psalm 24 (23 LXX): Introduction, Translation and Commentary," Vigiliae Christianae 65.1 (2011): 50-73.
Article in Journal or Book Pierre Létourneau, "The Dialogue of the Savior as a Witness to the Late Valentinian Tradition," Vigiliae Christianae 65.1 (2011): 74-98.
Article in Journal or Book Anthony Briggman, "Revisiting Irenaeus' Philosophical Acumen," Vigiliae Christianae 65.2 (2011): 115-124.
Article in Journal or Book Benjamin L. White, "How to Read a Book: Irenaeus and the Pastoral Epistles Reconsidered," Vigiliae Christianae 65.2 (2011): 125-149.
Article in Journal or Book Mark DelCogliano, "The Literary Corpus of George of Laodicea," Vigiliae Christianae 65.2 (2011): 150-169.
Article in Journal or Book Graham H. Twelftree, "Exorcism and the Defeat of Beliar in the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs," Vigiliae Christianae 65.2 (2011): 170-188.
Article in Journal or Book Alin Suciu, "À propos de la datation du manuscrit contenant le Grand Euchologe du Monastère Blanc," Vigiliae Christianae 65.2 (2011): 189-198.
Article in Journal or Book R.P.H. Green, "Problems in the Text of Juvencus," Vigiliae Christianae 65.2 (2011): 199-213.
Article in Journal or Book Marcel Sarot, "Basil of Caesarea, Gregory of Nyssa, and the Transformation of Divine Simplicity," Vigiliae Christianae 65.2 (2011): 214-216.
Article in Journal or Book Sible de Blaauw, "La Basilica Apostolorum sulla Via Appia e l'area cimiteriale circostante," Vigiliae Christianae 65.2 (2011): 217-221.
Article in Journal or Book Andrew Radde-Gallwitz, "The Holy Spirit as Agent, not Activity: Origen's Argument with Modalism and its Afterlife in Didymus, Eunomius, and Gregory of Nazianzus," Vigiliae Christianae 65.3 (2011): 227-248.
Article in Journal or Book Matteo Grosso, "A New Link between Origen and the Gospel of Thomas: Commentary on Matthew 14,14," Vigiliae Christianae 65.3 (2011): 249-256.
Article in Journal or Book Vincent T.M. Skemp, "Learning by Example: Exempla in Jerome's Translations and Revisions of Biblical Books," Vigiliae Christianae 65.3 (2011): 257-284.
Article in Journal or Book Andrew Crislip, "Envy and Anger at the World's Creation and Destruction in the Treatise without Title `On the Origin of the World' (NHC II,5)," Vigiliae Christianae 65.3 (2011): 285-310.
Article in Journal or Book Ellen Muehlberger, "Preserving the Divine: ατο- Prefixed Generative Terms and the Untitled Treatise in the Bruce Codex," Vigiliae Christianae 65.3 (2011): 311-328.
Article in Journal or Book Anthony Briggman, "Irenaeus and Genesis: A Study of Competition in Early Christian Hermeneutics," Vigiliae Christianae 65.3 (2011): 329-332.
Article in Journal or Book Matthias Smalbrugge, "Augustins Trinitätsdenken. Bilanz, Kritik und Weiterführung der modernen Forschung zu `De Trinitate'," Vigiliae Christianae 65.3 (2011): 333-336.
Article in Journal or Book Matyáš Havrda, "Galenus Christianus? The Doctrine of Demonstration in Stromata VIII and the Question of its Source," Vigiliae Christianae 65.4 (2011): 343-375.
Article in Journal or Book Christopher A. Beeley, "The Early Christological Controversy: Apollinarius, Diodore, and Gregory Nazianzen," Vigiliae Christianae 65.4 (2011): 376-407.
Article in Journal or Book Neil Adkin, "Catullus in Jerome? Notes on the Cohortatoria de paenitentia ad Sabinianum (Epist. 147)," Vigiliae Christianae 65.4 (2011): 408-424.
Article in Journal or Book Paul M. Blowers, "The Dialectics and Therapeutics of Desire in Maximus the Confessor," Vigiliae Christianae 65.4 (2011): 425-451.
Article in Journal or Book Theodore de Bruyn, "Ambrosiaster's Interpretations of Romans 1:26-27," Vigiliae Christianae 65.5 (2011): 463-483.
Article in Journal or Book Dirk Krausmüller, "Making Sense of the Formula of Chalcedon: the Cappadocians and Aristotle in Leontius of Byzantium's Contra Nestorianos et Eutychianos," Vigiliae Christianae 65.5 (2011): 484-513.
Article in Journal or Book Nathan Witkamp, "A Critical Comparison of the So-called `Lawsuit' in the Baptismal Rites of Theodore of Mopsuestia and Narsai of Nisibis," Vigiliae Christianae 65.5 (2011): 514-542.
Article in Journal or Book Johannes van Oort, "Augustine's Manichaean Dilemma in Context," Vigiliae Christianae 65.5 (2011): 543-567.

Volume 66 (2012)

Article in Journal or Book Anthony Briggman, "Spirit-Christology in Irenaeus: A Closer Look," Vigiliae Christianae 66.1 (2012): 1-19.
Article in Journal or Book Boris A. Paschke, "Tertullian on Liturgical Prayer to Christ: New Insights from De Spect. 25.5 and Apol. 2.6," Vigiliae Christianae 66.1 (2012): 20-29.
Article in Journal or Book Mark DelCogliano, "Tradition and Polemic in Basil of Caesarea's Homily on the Theophany," Vigiliae Christianae 66.1 (2012): 30-55.
Article in Journal or Book Alexandra Pârvan, "Genesis 1-3: Augustine and Origen on the coats of skins," Vigiliae Christianae 66.1 (2012): 56-92.
Article in Journal or Book Markus Mülke, "Hieronymus und Johannes Chrysostomos (zu Hier. in Tit. 1,12 und epist. 70,2)," Vigiliae Christianae 66.1 (2012): 93-102.

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