
Journal of Early Christian Studies
Vols. 12 - 20 (2003 - 2012)

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The official publication of the North American Patristics Society (NAPS), it focuses on the study of Christianity in the context of late ancient societies and religions from 100-700 AD.

Second Century Vols. 1 - 9 (1981 - 1992)
Continues as:
Journal of Early Christian Studies Vols. 1 - 10 (1993- 2002)
Journal of Early Christian Studies Vols. 11 - 20 (2003 - 2012)
Vol. 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20

Volume 11 (2003)

Article in Journal or Book Geoffrey D. Dunn, "Infected Sheep and Diseased Cattle, or the Pure and Holy Flock: Cyprian's Pastoral Care of Virgins," Journal of Early Christian Studies 11.1 (Spring 2003): 1-20.
Article in Journal or Book Maura K. Lafferty, "Translating Faith from Greek to Latin: Romanitas and Christianitas in Late Roman Fourth-Century Rome and Milan," Journal of Early Christian Studies 11.1 (Spring 2003): 21-62.
Article in Journal or Book David G. Hunter, "Augustine and the Making of Marriage in Roman North Africa," Journal of Early Christian Studies 11.1 (Spring 2003): 63-85.
Article in Journal or Book William Tabbernee, "Portals of the Montanist New Jerusalem: The Discovery of Pepouza and Tymion," Journal of Early Christian Studies 11.1 (Spring 2003): 87-93.
Article in Journal or Book Steven R. Harmon, "A Note on the Critical Use of Instrumenta for the Retrieval of Patristic Biblical Exegesis," Journal of Early Christian Studies 11.1 (Spring 2003): 95-107.
11.2 The Secret Gospel of Mark: A Discussion
Article in Journal or Book Charles W. Hedrick, "The Secret Gospel of Mark: Stalemate in the Academy," Journal of Early Christian Studies 11.2 (Summer 2003): 133-145.
Article in Journal or Book Guy G. Stroumsa, "Comments on Charles Hedrick's Article: A Testimony," Journal of Early Christian Studies 11.2 (Summer 2003): 147-153.
Article in Journal or Book Bart D. Ehrman, "Response to Charles Hedrick's Stalemate," Journal of Early Christian Studies 11.2 (Summer 2003): 155-163.
Article in Journal or Book François Bovon, "Canonical and Aprocryphal Acts of the Apostles," Journal of Early Christian Studies 11.2 (Summer 2003): 165-194.
Article in Journal or Book Alexandra Retzleff, "John Chrysostom's Sex Aquarium: Aquatic Metaphors for Theater in Homily 7 on Matthew," Journal of Early Christian Studies 11.2 (Summer 2003): 195-207.
Article in Journal or Book Rebecca Lyman, "2002 NAPS Presidential Address: Hellenism and Heresy," Journal of Early Christian Studies 11.2 (Summer 2003): 209-
Article in Journal or Book Liz James, "Color and Meaning in Byzantium," Journal of Early Christian Studies 11.2 (Summer 2003): 223-222.
Article in Journal or Book Andrew S. Jacobs & Rebecca Krawiec, "Fathers Know Best? Christian Families in the Age of Asceticism," Journal of Early Christian Studies 11.3 (Fall 2003): 257-263.
Article in Journal or Book Andrew S. Jacobs, "'Let Him Guard Pietas': Early Christian Exegesis and the Ascetic Family," Journal of Early Christian Studies 11.3 (Fall 2003): 265-281.
Article in Journal or Book Rebecca Krawiec, "'From the Womb of the Church': Monastic Families," Journal of Early Christian Studies 11.3 (Fall 2003): 283-307.
Article in Journal or Book Robert E. Winn, "The Church of Virgins and Martyrs: Ecclesiastical Identity in the Sermons of Eusebius of Emesa," Journal of Early Christian Studies 11.3 (Fall 2003): 309-338.
Article in Journal or Book David Frankfurter, "Syncretism and the Holy Man in Late Antique Egypt," Journal of Early Christian Studies 11.3 (Fall 2003): 339-385.
Article in Journal or Book Santiago Castellanos, "The Significance of Social Unanimity in a Visigothic Hagiography," Journal of Early Christian Studies 11.3 (Fall 2003): 387-419.
Article in Journal or Book Aaron, Milavec, "Synoptic Traditions in the Didache Revisited," Journal of Early Christian Studies 11.4 (Winter 2003): 443-480.
Article in Journal or Book Philip A. Harland, "Christ-Bearers and Fellow-Initiates: Local Cultural Life and Christian Identity in Ignatius' Letters," Journal of Early Christian Studies 11.4 (Winter 2003): 481-499.
Article in Journal or Book Jeremy M. Schott, "Founding Platonopolis: The Platonic Politeia in Eusebius, Porphyry, and Iamblichus," Journal of Early Christian Studies 11.4 (Winter 2003): 501-531.
Article in Journal or Book Brent D. Shaw, "Judicial Nightmares and Christian Memory," Journal of Early Christian Studies 11.4 (Winter 2003): 533-563.

Volume 12 (2004)

Article in Journal or Book Matthew Craig Steenberg, "Children in paradise: Adam and Eve as "infants" in Irenaeus of Lyons," Journal of Early Christian Studies 12.1 (Spring 2004): 1-22.
Article in Journal or Book Aaron P. Johnson, "Identity, Descent, and Polemic: Ethnic Argumentation in Eusebius' Praeparatio Evangelica," Journal of Early Christian Studies 12.1 (Spring 2004): 22-56.
Article in Journal or Book J. Warren Smith, "A Just and Reasonable Grief: The Death and Function of a Holy Woman in Gregory of Nyssa's Life of Macrina," Journal of Early Christian Studies 12.1 (Spring 2004): 57-84.
Article in Journal or Book Louis I. Hamilton, "Possidius' Augustine and Post-Augustinian Africa," Journal of Early Christian Studies 12.1 (Spring 2004): 85-105.
Article in Journal or Book Michael Heintz, "Mimetes Theou in the Epistle to Dionetus," Journal of Early Christian Studies 12.1 (Spring 2004): 107-119.
Article in Journal or Book Annette Yoshiko Reed, "The trickery of the fallen angels and the demonic mimesis of the divine: aetiology, demonology, and polemics in the writings of Justin Martyr," Journal of Early Christian Studies 12.2 (Summer 2004): 141-171.
Article in Journal or Book Michael Kaler, Louis Painchaud & Marie-Pierre Bussières, "The Coptic Apocalypse of Paul, Irenaeus' Adversus haereses 2.30.7, and the second-century battle for Paul's legacy," Journal of Early Christian Studies 12.2 (Summer 2004): 173-193.
Article in Journal or Book Susan R. Holman, "Rich City Burning: Social Welfare and Ecclesiastical Insecurity in Basil's Mission to Armenia," Journal of Early Christian Studies 12.2 (Summer 2004): 195-215.
Article in Journal or Book A.H. Merrills, "Monks, Monsters, and Barbarians: Re-Defining the African Periphery in Late Antiquity," Journal of Early Christian Studies 12.2 (Summer 2004): 217-244.
Article in Journal or Book Guy G. Stroumsa, "Christ's laughter: Docetic origins reconsidered," Journal of Early Christian Studies 12.3 (Fall 2004): 267-288.
Article in Journal or Book Thomas A. Wayment, "Christian teachers in Matthew and Thomas: the possibility of becoming a 'master'," Journal of Early Christian Studies 12.3 (Fall 2004): 289-311.
Article in Journal or Book Timothy J. Horner, "Jewish aspects of the Protoevangelium of James," Journal of Early Christian Studies 12.3 (Fall 2004): 313-335.
Article in Journal or Book Lewis Ayres, "Athanasius' Initial Defense of the Term Homousios: Rereading the De Decretis," Journal of Early Christian Studies 12.3 (Fall 2004): 337-359.
Article in Journal or Book Patricia Cox Miller, "Visceral Seeing: The Holy Body in Late Ancient Christianity," Journal of Early Christian Studies 12.4 (Winter 2004): 391-411.
Article in Journal or Book Joy A. Schroeder, "John Chrysostom's Critique of SPousal Violence," Journal of Early Christian Studies 12.4 (Winter 2004): 413-442.
Article in Journal or Book Maria M. Kiely, "The interior courtyard: the heart of Cimitile/Nola," Journal of Early Christian Studies 12.4 (Winter 2004): 443-479.
Article in Journal or Book Erika T. Hermanowicz, "Catholic Bishops and Appeals to the Imperial Court: A Legal Study of the Calama Riots in 408," Journal of Early Christian Studies 12.4 (Winter 2004): 481-521.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph A, Guttilla, "Dall Capua di Ausonio (Roma altera quondam) alla Nola di Paolino (post urbem titulos sortita secundos)," Journal of Early Christian Studies 12.4 (Winter 2004): 523-536.

Volume 13 (2005)

Article in Journal or Book Elizabeth A. Goodine & Matthew W. Mitchell, "The Persuasiveness of a Woman: The Mistranslation and Misinterpretation of Eusebius' Historia Ecclesiastica 5.1.41," Journal of Early Christian Studies 13.1 (Spring 2005): 1-
Article in Journal or Book Carl L. Beckwith, "The Condemnation and Exil of Hilary of Poitiers at the Synod of Béziers (356 C.E.)," Historia Ecclesiastica 5.1.41," Journal of Early Christian Studies 13.1 (Spring 2005): 21-
Article in Journal or Book Cam Grey, "Demoniacs, Dissent, and Disappointment in the Late Roman West: Some Case Studies from the Hagiographical Literature," Historia Ecclesiastica 5.1.41," Journal of Early Christian Studies 13.1 (Spring 2005): 39-
Article in Journal or Book Arthur Urbano, "Donation, Dedication, and Damnatio Memoriae: The Catholic Reconciliation of Revenna and the Church of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo," Historia Ecclesiastica 5.1.41," Journal of Early Christian Studies 13.1 (Spring 2005): 71-
Article in Journal or Book Valerie A. Karras, "A re-evaluation of Marriage, Celibacy, and Irony in regory of Nyssa's On Virginity," Historia Ecclesiastica 5.1.41," Journal of Early Christian Studies 13.1 (Spring 2005): 111-
Article in Journal or Book Ric Barrett-Lennard, "The Canons of Hippolytus and Christian Concern with Illness, Health and Healing," Journal of Early Christian Studies 13.2 (Summer 2005): 137-164.
Article in Journal or Book Philip Rousseau, "The Pious Household and the Virgin Chorus: Reflections on Gregory of Nyssa's Life of Macrina," Journal of Early Christian Studies 13.2 (Summer 2005): 165-186.
Article in Journal or Book Celica Milovanovic, "Sailing to Sophistpolis: Gregory of Nazianzus," Journal of Early Christian Studies 13.2 (Summer 2005): 187-232.
Article in Journal or Book Daniel E. Doyle, "Spread throughout the world: hints on Augustine's understanding of Petrine ministry," Journal of Early Christian Studies 13.2 (Summer 2005): 233-246.
Article in Journal or Book Jeremy M. Schott, "Porphyry on Christians and Others: 'Barbarian Wisdom,' Identity Politics,, and Anti-Christian Polemics," Journal of Early Christian Studies 13.3 (Fall 2005): 277-314.
Article in Journal or Book Nicole Kelley, "Problems of knowledge and authority in the Pseudo-Clementine romance of recognitions," Journal of Early Christian Studies 13.3 (Fall 2005): 315-348.
Article in Journal or Book H. Gregory Snyder, "Pictures in dialogue: a viewer-centered approach to the Hypogeum on Via Dino Compagni," Journal of Early Christian Studies 13.3 (Fall 2005): 349-386.
Article in Journal or Book Richard J. Catchpole, "Uderpinning the Text: Self-Justification in John Cassian's Ascetic Prefaces," Journal of Early Christian Studies 13.4 (Winter 2005): 411-436.
Article in Journal or Book Edwards Watts, "Winning the Intracommunal Dialogues: Zacharias Scholasticus' Life of Severus," Journal of Early Christian Studies 13.4 (Winter 2005): 437-464.
Article in Journal or Book Laura Nasrallah, "Empire and Apocalypse in Thessaloniki: Interpreting the Early Christian Rotunda," Journal of Early Christian Studies 13.4 (Winter 2005): 465-508.
Article in Journal or Book Christopher M. Tuckett, "The Didache and the synoptics once more: a response to Aaron Milavec," Journal of Early Christian Studies 13.4 (Winter 2005): 509-518.
Article in Journal or Book Aaron Milavec, "A rejoinder," Journal of Early Christian Studies 13.4 (Winter 2005): 519-523.

Top of Page

Volume 14 (2006)

Article in Journal or Book

James E. Goehring, "2005 NAPS Presidential Address. Remembering Abraham of Farshut: History, Hagiography, and the Fate of the Pachomian Tradition," Journal of Early Christian Studies 14.1 (Spring 2006): 1-

Article in Journal or Book Matthew W. Mitchell, "In the Footsteps of Paul: Steps along the Road to Canon in Ignatius of Antioch," Journal of Early Christian Studies 14.1 (Spring 2006): 27-
Article in Journal or Book Justin R. Howell, "The Characterization of Jesus in Codex W, Journal of Early Christian Studies 14.1 (Spring 2006): 47-
Article in Journal or Book Adam Serfass, "Slavery and Pope Gregory the Great," Journal of Early Christian Studies 14.1 (Spring 2006): 77-
Article in Journal or Book Richard Cross, "Divine Monarchy in Gregory of Nazianzus," Journal of Early Christian Studies 14.1 (Spring 2006): 105-
Article in Journal or Book Geoffrey D. Dunn, "Tertullian's Scriptural Exegesis in de praescriptione haereticorum," Journal of Early Christian Studies 14.2 (Summer 2006): 141-
Article in Journal or Book Adam Lehto, "Moral, Ascetic, and Ritual Dimensions to Law-Observance in Aphrahat's Demonstrations," Journal of Early Christian Studies 14.2 (Summer 2006): 157-
Article in Journal or Book Jason Moralee, "The Stones of St. Theodore: Disfiguring the Pagan Past in Christian Gerasa," Journal of Early Christian Studies 14.2 (Summer 2006): 183-
Article in Journal or Book Thomas J. Heffernan & James A. Shelton, "Paradisus in carcare: The Vocabulary of Imprisonment and the Theology of Martyrdom in the Passio Sanctarum Perpetuae et Felicitatis," Journal of Early Christian Studies 14.2 (Summer 2006): 217-
Article in Journal or Book John R. Fortin, "Saint Augustine's Letter 211 in the Rule of the Master ad the Rule of Saint Benedict," Journal of Early Christian Studies 14.2 (Summer 2006): 225-
Article in Journal or Book Charles H. Cosgrove, "Clement of Alexandria and Early Christian Music," Journal of Early Christian Studies 14.3 (Fall 2006): 255-
Article in Journal or Book Erin Ronsse, "Rhetoric of Martyrs: Listening to Saints Perpetua and Felicitas," Journal of Early Christian Studies 14.3 (Fall 2006): 283-
Article in Journal or Book Daniel Caner, "Towards a Miraculous Economy: Christian Gifts and Material 'Blessings' in Late Antiquiry," Journal of Early Christian Studies 14.3 (Fall 2006): 329-
14.4 The Question of Orthodoxy
Article in Journal or Book Walter Völker (reviewer) & Thomas P Schenk (translator), "Walter Bauer's Rechtgläubigkeit und Ketzerei im ältesten Christentum," Journal of Early Christian Studies 14.4 (Winter 2006): 399-
Article in Journal or Book Catherine M. Chin, "Origen and Christian Naming: Textual Exhuastion and the Boundaries of Gentility in Commentary on John 1," Journal of Early Christian Studies 14.4 (Winter 2006): 407-
Article in Journal or Book Andrew McGowan, "Tertullian and the 'Heretical' Origins of the 'Orthodox' Trinity," Journal of Early Christian Studies 14.4 (Winter 2006): 437-
Article in Journal or Book Mark DelCogliano, "Eusebius Theologies of the Son as the Image of God before 341," Journal of Early Christian Studies 14.4 (Winter 2006): 459-
Article in Journal or Book Jennifer Wright Knust, "Early Christian Re-Writing and the History of the Pericope Adulterae," Journal of Early Christian Studies 14.4 (Winter 2006): 485-

Volume 15 (2007)

Article in Journal or Book Maureen A. Tilley, "2006 NAPS Presidential Address: When Schism Becomes Heresy in Late Antiquity: Developing Doctrinal Deviance in the Wounded Body of Christ," Journal of Early Christian Studies 15.1 (Spring 2007): 1-
Article in Journal or Book Lisa Bailey, "'These Are Not Men': Sex and Drink in the Sermons of Caesarius of Arles," Journal of Early Christian Studies 15.1 (Spring 2007): 23-
Article in Journal or Book Bentley Layton, "Rules, Patterns, and the Exercise of Power in Shenoure's Monastery: The Problem of World Replacement and Identity Maintenance," Journal of Early Christian Studies 15.1 (Spring 2007): 45-
Article in Journal or Book Thomas Sizgorich, "'Not Easily Were Stones Joined by the Strongest Bonds Pulled Asunder': Religious Violence and Imperial Order in the Later Roman World," Journal of Early Christian Studies 15.1 (Spring 2007): 75-
Article in Journal or Book Kristina Sessa, "Guest Editor's Note: Holy Households: Domestic Space, Property, and Power," Journal of Early Christian Studies 15.2 (Summer 2007): 129-
Article in Journal or Book Kate Cooper, "Approaching the Holy Household," Journal of Early Christian Studies 15.2 (Summer 2007): 131-
Article in Journal or Book Kim Bowes, "'Christianization' and the Rural Home," Journal of Early Christian Studies 15.2 (Summer 2007): 143-
Article in Journal or Book Kristina Sessa, "Christianity and the cubiculum: Spiritual Politics and Domestic Space in Late Antique Rome," Journal of Early Christian Studies 15.2 (Summer 2007): 171-
Article in Journal or Book Julia Hillner, "Monastic Imprisonment in Justinian's Novels," Journal of Early Christian Studies 15.2 (Summer 2007): 205-
Article in Journal or Book Elisabeth R. O'Connell, "Transforming Monumental Landscapes in Late Antique Egypt: Monastic Dwellings in Legal Documents from Western Thebes," Journal of Early Christian Studies 15.2 (Summer 2007): 239-
Article in Journal or Book Andrew S. Jacobs, "Dialogical Differences: (De-)Judaising Jesus' Circumcision," Journal of Early Christian Studies 15.3 (Fall 2007): 291-
Article in Journal or Book Joseph G. Mueller, S.J., "The Ancient Church Order Literature: Genre or Tradition?" Journal of Early Christian Studies 15.3 (Fall 2007): 337-
Article in Journal or Book C. Clark Carlton, "The Kyriakos Anthropos in Mark the Monk," Journal of Early Christian Studies 15.3 (Fall 2007): 381-
Article in Journal or Book Joel Kalvesmaki, "The Original Sequence of Irenaeus, Against Heresies 1: Another Suggestion," Journal of Early Christian Studies 15.3 (Fall 2007): 407-
Article in Journal or Book Michael Vlad Niculescu, "Spiritual Leavening: The Communication and Reception of the Good News in Origen's Biblical Exegesis and Transformative Pedagogy," Journal of Early Christian Studies 15.4 (Winter 2007): 447-
Article in Journal or Book Christine Shepardson, "Controlling Contested Places: John Chrysostom's Adversus Judaeos Homilies and the Spatial Politics of Religious Controversy," Journal of Early Christian Studies 15.4 (Winter 2007): 483-
Article in Journal or Book Adam M. Schor, "Theodoret on the 'School of Antioch': A Network Approach," Journal of Early Christian Studies 15.4 (Winter 2007): 517-
Article in Journal or Book Joel B. Itzkowitz, "Jews, Indians, Phylacteries: Jerome on Matthew 23.5," Journal of Early Christian Studies 15.4 (Winter 2007): 563-

Volume 16 (2008)

Article in Journal or Book

Naomi Koltun-Fromm, "Re-imagining Tatian: The Damaging Effects of Polemical Rhetoric," Journal of Early Christian Studies 16.1 (Spring 2008): 1-

Article in Journal or Book Andrew Dinan, "Clement of Alexandria's Predication of the Verb panteuomai of Heraclitus," Journal of Early Christian Studies 16.1 (Spring 2008): 31-
Article in Journal or Book Guy G. Stroumsa, "The Scriptural Movement of Late Antiquity and Christian Monasticism," Journal of Early Christian Studies 16.1 (Spring 2008): 61-
Article in Journal or Book Susan R. Holman, "On Phoenix and Eunuchs: Sources for Meletius the Monk's Anatomy of Gender," Journal of Early Christian Studies 16.1 (Spring 2008): 79-
16.2 Translated Texts for Historians
Article in Journal or Book Gillian Clark, "Introduction: 'This strangely neglected author': Translated texts for Historians and Late Antiquity," Journal of Early Christian Studies 16.2 (Summer 2008): 131-
Article in Journal or Book Mark Humphries, "Rufinus's Eusebius: Translation, Continuation, and Edition in the Latin Ecclesiastical History," Journal of Early Christian Studies 16.2 (Summer 2008): 143-
Article in Journal or Book A.C. Dionisotti, "Tranlated Saints: Wisdom and Her Daughters," Journal of Early Christian Studies 16.2 (Summer 2008): 165-
Article in Journal or Book Sebastian P. Brock, "Saints in Syriac: A Little-Tapped Resource," Journal of Early Christian Studies 16.2 (Summer 2008): 181-
Article in Journal or Book Tim Greenwood, "'New Light from the East': Chronography and Ecclesiastical History Through a Late Seventh-Century Armenian Source," Journal of Early Christian Studies 16.2 (Summer 2008): 197-
Article in Journal or Book Peter W. Martens, "Revisiting the Allegory/Typology Distinction: The Case of Origen," Journal of Early Christian Studies 16.3 (Fall 2008): 283-
Article in Journal or Book Michael Kaler, "The Prayer of the Apostle Paul in the Context of Nag Hammadi Codex I,"Journal of Early Christian Studies 16.3 (Fall 2008): 319-
Article in Journal or Book AnneMarie Luijendijk, "Papyri from the Great Persecution: Roman and Christian Perspectives," Journal of Early Christian Studies 16.3 (Fall 2008): 341-
Article in Journal or Book Stephen J. Shoemaker, "Epiphanius of Salamis, the Kollyridians, and the Early Dormition Naratives: The Cult of the Virgin in the Fourth Century," Journal of Early Christian Studies 16.3 (Fall 2008): 371-
Article in Journal or Book Brenda Llewellyn Ihssen, "Basil and Gregory's Sermons on Usury: Credit Where Credit Is Due," Journal of Early Christian Studies 16.3 (Fall 2008): 403-
Article in Journal or Book Ellen Muehlberger, "Ambivalence about the Angelic Life: The Promise and Perils of an Ealry Christian Discourse of Asceticism," Journal of Early Christian Studies 16.4 (Winter 2008): 447-
Article in Journal or Book Gregory A.Smith, "How Thin is a Demon?" Journal of Early Christian Studies 16.4 (Winter 2008): 479-
Article in Journal or Book Andrew Nicolotti, "A Cure for Rabies or a Remedy for Concupiscence? A Baptism of the Elchasaites," Journal of Early Christian Studies 16.4 (Winter 2008): 513-
Article in Journal or Book Scott G. Brown, "The Letter to Theodore. Stephen Carlson's Case against Clement's Authorship," Journal of Early Christian Studies 16.4 (Winter 2008): 535-
Article in Journal or Book Jeff Jay, "A New Look at tge Epistolary Framework of the Secret Gospel of Mark," Journal of Early Christian Studies 16.4 (Winter 2008): 573-

Volume 17 (2009)

Article in Journal or Book David G. Hunter, "2008 NAPS Presidential Address: The Significance of Ambrosiaster," Journal of Early Christian Studies 17.1 (Spring 2009): 1-
Article in Journal or Book Chris Frilingos, "No Child Left Behind: Knowledge and Violence in the Infancy Gospel of Thomas," Journal of Early Christian Studies 17.1 (Spring 2009): 27-
Article in Journal or Book Benjamin H. Dunning, "What Sort of Thing Is This Luminous Woman? Thinking Sexual Difference in On the Origin of the World," Journal of Early Christian Studies 17.1 (Spring 2009): 55-
Article in Journal or Book Jason David BeDuhn, "Augustine Accused: Megalus, Manichaeism, and the Inception of the Confessions," Journal of Early Christian Studies 17.1 (Spring 2009): 85-
Article in Journal or Book Rebecca Krawiec, "'Garments of Salvation': Representations of Monastic Clothing in Late Antiquity," Journal of Early Christian Studies 17.1 (Spring 2009):
17.2 Bodies and Boundaries in Late Antiquity: Essays in Honour of Patricia Cox Miller
Article in Journal or Book Patricia Cos Miller, "On the Edge of Self and Other: Holy Bodies in Late Antiquity," Journal of Early Christian Studies 17.2 (Summer 2009): 171-
Article in Journal or Book David Brakke, "The Body as/at the Boundary of Gnosis," Journal of Early Christian Studies 17.2 (Summer 2009): 195-
Article in Journal or Book David Frankfurter, "Martyrology and the Prurient Gaze," Journal of Early Christian Studies 17.2 (Summer 2009): 215-
Article in Journal or Book Viriginia Burrus, "Carnal Excess: Flesh at the Limits of Imagination," Journal of Early Christian Studies 17.2 (Summer 2009): 247-
Article in Journal or Book Derek Krueger, "The Unbounded Body in the Age of Liturgical Reproduction," Journal of Early Christian Studies 17.2 (Summer 2009): 267-
Article in Journal or Book Elizabeth A.Clark, "Contested Bodies: Early Christian Asceticism and Nineteeth-Century Polemics," Journal of Early Christian Studies 17.2 (Summer 2009): 281-
Article in Journal or Book Bogdan G. Bucur, "The Place of the Hypotyposeis in the Clementine Corpus: An Apology for 'The Other Clement of Alexandria'," Journal of Early Christian Studies 17.3 (Fall 2009): 313-
Article in Journal or Book David DeSilva, "An Example of How to Die Nobly for Religion: The Influence of 4 Maccabees on Origen's Exhortatio ad Martyrium,"Journal of Early Christian Studies 17.3 (Fall 2009): 337-
Article in Journal or Book Andy Alexis-Baker, "Ad Quirinum Book Three and Cyprian's Catachumenate," Journal of Early Christian Studies 17.3 (Fall 2009): 357-
Article in Journal or Book Christopher A. Beeley, "Cyril of Alexandria and Gregory Nazianzen: Tradition and Complexity in Patristic Christology," Journal of Early Christian Studies 17.3 (Fall 2009): 381-
Article in Journal or Book Matthew Dal Santo, "Gregory the Great and Eustratius of Constantinople: The Dialogues on the Miracles of the Italian Fathers as an Apology for the Cult of Saints," Journal of Early Christian Studies 17.3 (Fall 2009): 421-
Article in Journal or Book Alexis Torrance, "Standing in the reach: The Significance and Function of the Saints in the Letters of Barsanuphius and John of Gaza," Journal of Early Christian Studies 17.3 (Fall 2009): 459-
Article in Journal or Book Benjamin L. White, "Reclaiming Paul? Reconfiguration as Reclamation in 3 Corinthians," Journal of Early Christian Studies 17.4 (Winter 2009): 497-
Article in Journal or Book Nicola Denzey Lewis, "Aployrosis as Ritual and Sacrament: Determining a Ritual Context for Death in Second-Century Marcosian Valentianism,"Journal of Early Christian Studies 17.4 (Winter 2009): 525-
Article in Journal or Book David M. Reis, "Thinking with Soul: Psyche and Psychikos in the Construction of Early Christian Identities," Journal of Early Christian Studies 17.4 (Winter 2009): 563-
Article in Journal or Book Michael C. McCarthy, S.J., "Modalities of Belief in Ancient Christian Debate," Journal of Early Christian Studies 17.4 (Winter 2009): 605-
Article in Journal or Book Ross S. Kraemer, "Jewish Women's Resistance to Christianity in the Early Fifth Century: The Account of Severus, Bishop of Minorca," Journal of Early Christian Studies 17.4 (Winter 2009): 635-

Volume 18 (2010)

Article in Journal or Book Paul M. Blowers, "Pity, Empathy, and the Tragic Spectacle of Human Suffering: Exploring the Emotional Culture of Compassion in Late Ancient Christianity," Journal of Early Christian Studies 18.1 (Spring 2010): 1-27
Article in Journal or Book Callie Callon, "Sorcery, Wheels, and Mirror Punishment in the Apocalypse of Peter," Journal of Early Christian Studies 18.1 (Spring 2010): 29-49.
Article in Journal or Book Nina E. Livesey, "Theological Identity Making: Justin's Use of Circumcision to Create Jews and Christians," Journal of Early Christian Studies 18.1 (Spring 2010): 51-79
Article in Journal or Book Mark Weedman, "The Polemical Context of Gregory of Nyssa's Doctrine of Divine Infinity," Journal of Early Christian Studies 18.1 (Spring 2010): 81-104.
Article in Journal or Book Andrew Cain, "Jerome's Epitaphium Paulae: Hagiography, Pilgrimage, and the Cult of Saint Paula," Journal of Early Christian Studies 18.1 (Spring 2010): 105-139.
Article in Journal or Book Nathanael Andrade, "The Processions of John Chrysostom and the Contested Spaces of Constantinople," Journal of Early Christian Studies 18.2 (Summer 2010): 161-189.
Article in Journal or Book Michele Renee Salzman, "Ambrose and the Usurpation of Arbogastes and Eugenius: Reflections on Pagan-Christian Conflict Narratives," Journal of Early Christian Studies 18.2 (Summer 2010): 191-223.
Article in Journal or Book Bronwen Neil, "Models of Gift Giving in the Preaching of Leo the Great," Journal of Early Christian Studies 18.2 (Summer 2010): 225-259.
Article in Journal or Book Michael Philip Penn, "Moving Beyond the Palimpsest: Erasure in Syriac Manuscripts," Journal of Early Christian Studies 18.2 (Summer 2010): 261-303.
Article in Journal or Book Steven R. Johnson, "Hippolytus's Refutatio and the Gospel of Thomas," Journal of Early Christian Studies 18.2 (Summer 2010): 305-326.
Article in Journal or Book Mark S.M. Scott, "Guarding the Mysteries of Salvation: The Pastoral Pedagogy of Origen's Universalism," Journal of Early Christian Studies 18.3 (Fall 2010): 347-
Article in Journal or Book Susan Wessel, "Memory and Individuality in Gregory of Nyssa's Dialogue de anima et Resurrectione," Journal of Early Christian Studies 18.3 (Fall 2010): 369-
Article in Journal or Book Frederick G. McLeod, "Theodore of Mopseustia's Understanding of Two Hypostaseis and Two Prosopa Coinciding in One Common Prosopon," Journal of Early Christian Studies 18.3 (Fall 2010): 393-
Article in Journal or Book Peter Van Nuffelen, "Episcopal Succession in Constantinople (381-450 C.E.): The Local Dynamics of Power," Journal of Early Christian Studies 18.3 (Fall 2010): 425-
Article in Journal or Book Elizabeth S. Bolman, "Shenoute and a Recently Discovered Tomb Chapel at the White Monastery," Journal of Early Christian Studies 18.3 (Fall 2010): 453-
Article in Journal or Book Heidi Marx-Wolf, "High Priests of the Higher God: Third-Century Platonists as Ritual Experts," Journal of Early Christian Studies 18.4 (Winter 2010): 481-
Article in Journal or Book Ariane Magny, "Porphyry in Fragments: Jerome, Harnack, and the Problem of Reconstruction," Journal of Early Christian Studies 18.4 (Winter 2010): 515-
Article in Journal or Book Lance Jenott Garroway, "The Law-Observance Lord: John Chrysostom's Engagement with the Jewishness of Christ," Journal of Early Christian Studies 18.4 (Winter 2010): 591-
Article in Journal or Book Catherine M. Chin, "Rufinus of Aquileia and Alexandrian Afterlives: Translation as Origenism," Journal of Early Christian Studies 18.4 (Winter 2010): 617-

Volume 19 (1911)

Article in Journal or Book Virginis Burrus, "2010 NAPS Presidential Address: 'Fleeing the Uxorious Kingdom': Augustine's Queer Theology of Marriage," Journal of Early Christian Studies 19.1 (Spring 2011): 1-
Article in Journal or Book Maryás Havda, "Grace and Free Will According to Clement of Alexandria," Journal of Early Christian Studies 19.1 (Spring 2011): 21-
Article in Journal or Book Jed W. Atkins, "The Officia of St. Ambrose's De Officiis," Journal of Early Christian Studies 19.1 (Spring 2011): 49-
Article in Journal or Book Sophie Lunn-Rockliffe, "Bishops on the Chair of Pestilence: Ambriosiaster's Polemical Exegesis of Psalm 1.1," Journal of Early Christian Studies 19.1 (Spring 2011): 79-
Article in Journal or Book Giuseppe A. Guttilla, "Una lettura del Persistephanon 6 di Prudenzio tra Trinità 'teologica,' trinità 'imperiale,' e trinità 'martiriale'," Journal of Early Christian Studies 19.1 (Spring 2011): 101-
Article in Journal or Book Kenneth Berding, "Polycarp's Use of 1 Clement: An Assumption Reconsidered," Journal of Early Christian Studies 19.1 (Spring 2011): 127-
Article in Journal or Book H. Gregory Snyder, "A Second-Century Christian Inscription from the Via Latina," Journal of Early Christian Studies 19.2 (Summer 2011): 157-
Article in Journal or Book Mark DelCogliano, "The Influence of Athanasius and the Homoiousians on Basil of Caesarea's Decentralization of 'Unbegotten'," Journal of Early Christian Studies 19.2 (Summer 2011): 197-
Article in Journal or Book Bradley K. Storin, "In a Silent Way: Asceticism and Literature in the Rehabilitation of Gregory Nazianzus," Journal of Early Christian Studies 19.2 (Summer 2011): 225-
Article in Journal or Book Andrew Radde-Gallwitz, "Gregory of Nyssa's Pneumatology in Context: The Spirit as Anointing and the History of the Trinitarian Controversies," Journal of Early Christian Studies 19.2 (Summer 2011): 259-
Article in Journal or Book Jason Scully, "Angelic Pneumatology in the Egpytian Desert: The Role of the Angels and the Holy Spirit in Egyptian Asceticism," Journal of Early Christian Studies 19.2 (Summer 2011): 287-
19.3 Law and Order in Late Antiquity: Guest editor - Kate Cooper
Article in Journal or Book Kate Cooper, "Christianity, Private Power, and the Law from Decius to Constantine: The Minimalist View," Journal of Early Christian Studies 19.3 (Fall 2011): 327-
Article in Journal or Book Jill Harries, "Superfluous Verbiage? Rhetoric and Law in the Age of Constantine and Julian," Journal of Early Christian Studies 19.3 (Fall 2011): 345-
Article in Journal or Book Caroline Humfress, "Bishops and Law Courts in Late Antiquity: How (Not) to Make Sense of the Legal Evidence," Journal of Early Christian Studies 19.3 (Fall 2011): 375-
Article in Journal or Book Kristena Sessa, "Ursa's Return: Captivity, Remarriage, and the Domestic Authority of Roman Bishops in Fifth-Century Italy," Journal of Early Christian Studies 19.3 (Fall 2011): 401-
Article in Journal or Book Julia Hillner, "Gregory the Great's 'Prisons': Monastic Confinement in Early Byzantine Italy," Journal of Early Christian Studies 19.3 (Fall 2011): 433-
Article in Journal or Book David J. Downs, "Redemptive Almsgiving and Economic Stratification in 2 Clement," Journal of Early Christian Studies 19.4 (Winter 2011): 493-517.
Article in Journal or Book Karen L. King, "Reading Sex and Gender in the Secret Revelation of John," Journal of Early Christian Studies 19.4 (Winter 2011): 519-538.
Article in Journal or Book Isabella Sandwell, "How to Teach Genesis 1.1-19: John Chrysostom and Basil of Caesarea on the Creation of the World," Journal of Early Christian Studies 19.4 (Winter 2011): 539-564.
Article in Journal or Book Daniel L. Schwartz, "Religious Violence and Eschatology in the Syriac Julian Romance," Journal of Early Christian Studies 19.4 (Winter 2011): 565-587.
Article in Journal or Book James A. Kelhoffer, "The Search for Confessors at the Council of Nicaea," Journal of Early Christian Studies 19.4 (Winter 2011): 589-599.

Volume 20 (2012)

Article in Journal or Book

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