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Theological Review is the journal of the Near East School of Theology, Beirut, Lebanon. Visit their website for subscription details.
Volume 31 (2010)
31.1 |
"Editorial Note," Theological Review 31.1 (April 2010): 3- |
Verne H. Fletcher, "Some Reflections on Death," Theological Review 31.1 (April 2010): 4- |
John Derksen, "Why Did Early Christians Turn Violent?" Theological Review 31.1 (April 2010): 60- |
Keven Lawson, "A Proposal for 'Right-Handed' Christian Education," Theological Review 31.1 (April 2010): 92- |
31.2 |
Emidio Campi, "Early Reformed Attitudes Toward Islam," Theological Review 31.2 (Nov. 2010): 129- |
Najib G. Awad, "Is Perichoresis between Theological Interpretation and Historical Criticism Possible?" Theological Review 31.2 (Nov. 2010): 152- |
Solomon Nigsian, "Religion through the Ages," Theological Review 31.2 (Nov. 2010): 179- |
Henry I. MacAdam, "A Mixed Quartet: A Review Article [Part I]," Theological Review 31.2 (Nov. 2010): 203- |
Volume 32 (2011)
32.1 |
Johnny Awwad, "From Saul to Paul: The Conversion of Paul the Apostle," Theological Review 32.1 (April 2011): 3- |
Wolfram Reiss, "The Portrayal of the 'Other' in History and Religious Education: New Challenges and Perspectives in Europe and in the Middle East," Theological Review 32.1 (April 2011): 15- |
Martin Tamcke, "Theological Education in the Presence of the Other," Theological Review 32.1 (April 2011): 33- |
32.2 |
Chistine B. Lindner, "Women in the Early Protestant Church in Beirut," Theological Review 32.2 (Nov. 2011): 71- |
Habib C. Malik, "The Crusades between Myth and Reality," Theological Review 32.2 (Nov. 2011): 97- |
Najib G. Awad, "Extra trinitate nulla salus: Trinitarian and Christological Language in Scripture," Theological Review 32.2 (Nov. 2011): 125- |
Mary Mikhael, "'Ordination of Women and the Church in the Middle East," Theological Review 32.2 (Nov. 2011): 153- |
Karlfried Froehlich, "'The Essence of Christian Spirituality'," Theological Review 32.2 (Nov. 2011): 163- |
Volume 33 (2012)
33.1 |
Habib Badr, "The Middle East Council of Churches: Present Perspective and Future Prospects," Theological Review 33.1 (April 2012): 3- |
Hadi Ghantous, "Was Job 'Patient' Is God 'Just'?" Theological Review 33.1 (April 2012): 22- |
Sylvie Avakian, "The Mystery of Divine Love in the Apophatic Theology of Bishop George Khodr," Theological Review 33.1 (April 2012): 39- |
Tarek Mitri, "Middle Eastern Christians and the 'Arab Spring'," Theological Review 33.1 (April 2012): 69- |
33.2 |
Lyall Armstrong, "The Rise of Islam: Traditional and Revisionist Theories," Theological Review 33.2 (Nov. 2012): 87- |
Mahmoud R. Youness, "The Theory of Evolution: An Islamic Perspective (Part 1)," Theological Review 33.2 (Nov. 2012): 107- |
Colin Chapman, "Is Dialogue Going Anywhere? Relfections on a Century of Christian-Muslim Relations," Theological Review 33.2 (Nov. 2012): 135- |
Arda Ekmedkji, "Commencement Address 2012: 'Reveal the Handiwork of God'," Theological Review 33.2 (Nov. 2012): 159- |
George Sabra, "Installation Address of the President. 'Serving, Coping and Transforming: The Three Tasks of a Theological Seminary," Theological Review 33.2 (Nov. 2012): 163- |
Volume 34 (2013)
34.1 |
David D. Grafton, "The Politics of Pre-Islamic Arab Christianity in Contemporary Western Scholarship," Theological Review 33.1 (April 2013): 3- |
Edward J. Alam, "From Regensburg to Istanbul and Back Again: Pope Benedict XVI on Islam," Theological Review 33.1 (April 2013): 22- |
Andrew Lake, "The First Protestants in the Middle East: The English Aleppo Chaplains (1597-1782)," Theological Review 33.1 (April 2013): 39- |
Terrence J. Kleven, "Family Virtues in Islam and Christianity: Building Communities in Harmony," Theological Review 33.1 (April 2013): 50- |
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