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Science & Christian Belief is a journal concerned with the interactions of science and religion, with particular reference to Christianity. It was founded in 1989, published by Paternoster Periodicals and is sponsored by Christians in Science and the Victoria Institute. There are two Issues per year. Visit the official website for subscription details.

Vols. 1 - 9 (1989-1987)
Vols 10 - 19 (1998-2007)
Vols. 20 - 29 (2008-2017)
Vols. 30 - (2018- )
Vol. 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19

Volume 10 (1998)

10.1 Download all articles from Science & Christian Belief website
On-line Resource Lawrence Osborn, "Editorial: Of Christians and Information Technology," Science & Christian Belief 10.1 (April 1998): 2.
On-line Resource D. Gareth Jones, "Infanticide: an Ethical Battlefield," Science & Christian Belief 10.1 (April 1998): 3-20.
On-line Resource Robert O'Connor, "Criteria of Sucess in Science and Theology," Science & Christian Belief 10.1 (April 1998): 21-40.
On-line Resource Phil Dowe, "Response to O'Connor: Inference to the Best Explanation and Predictive Power," Science & Christian Belief 10.1 (April 1998): 41-48.
On-line Resource David Burbridge, "William Paley Confronts Erasmus Darwin: Natural Theology and Evolutionism in the Eighteenth Century," Science & Christian Belief 10.1 (April 1998): 49-72.
On-line Resource James Spiegel, "A Berkeleyan Approach to the Problem of Induction," Science & Christian Belief 10.1 (April 1998): 73-84.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Science & Christian Belief 10.1 (April 1998): 85-112.
10.2 Download all articles from Science & Christian Belief website
On-line Resource "Editorial: On taking Both Science and the Bible Seriously," Science & Christian Belief 10.2 (Oct. 1998): 114.
On-line Resource Allan J. Day, "Adam, Anthropology and the Genesis Record," Science & Christian Belief 10.2 (Oct. 1998): 115-144.
On-line Resource David Booth, "Human Nature: Unitary or Fragmented?" Science & Christian Belief 10.2 (Oct. 1998): 145-152.
On-line Resource John Taylor, "Science, Christianity and the Post-Modern Agenda," Science & Christian Belief 10.2 (Oct. 1998): 163-178.
On-line Resource Robert S. White, "Essay Review: The Crucible of Creation: the Burgess Shale and the Rise of Animals by Simon Conway Morris," Science & Christian Belief 10.2 (Oct. 1998): 179-186.
On-line Resource J. Emry Macdonald & Michael B. Roberts, "Correspondence," Science & Christian Belief 10.2 (Oct. 1998): 187-196.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Science & Christian Belief 10.2 (Oct. 1998): 197-208.

Volume 11 (1999)

11.1 Download all articles from Science & Christian Belief website
On-line Resource Derek Burke, "Guest Editorial: Genetically Moddifed Foods: Why So Much Concern?" Science & Christian Belief 11.1 (April 1999): 2-4.
On-line Resource Keith Ward, "Why God Must Exist," Science & Christian Belief 11.1 (April 1999): 5-14.
On-line Resource John J. Davis, "Cosmic Endgame Theological Reflections on Recent Scientific Speculations on the Ultimate Fate of the Universe," Science & Christian Belief 11.1 (April 1999): 15-28.
On-line Resource Roger J. Berry, "This Curses Earth: Is 'the Fall' Credible?" Science & Christian Belief 11.1 (April 1999): 29-50.
On-line Resource Joel B. Green, "Scripture and the Human Person: Further Reflections," Science & Christian Belief 11.1 (April 1999): 51-64.
On-line Resource Rodney D. Holder, "Multiple Universes as an Explanation for Fine-Tuning," Science & Christian Belief 11.1 (April 1999): 65-66.
On-line Resource Phil Dowe, "Multiple Universe Explanations Are Not Explanations," Science & Christian Belief 11.1 (April 1999): 67-68.
On-line Resource John W. Olley, "Further Observations on Min, 'Kind'," Science & Christian Belief 11.1 (April 1999): 69-72.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Science & Christian Belief 11.1 (April 1999): 73-96.
11.2 Download all articles from Science & Christian Belief website
On-line Resource Denis Alexander, "Editorial: reflections on the Twentieth Century," Science & Christian Belief 11.2 (Oct.1999): 98.
On-line Resource Frances Collins, "The Human Genome Project: Tool of Atheistic Reductionism or Embodiment of the Christian Mandate to Heal?" Science & Christian Belief 11.2 (Oct.1999): 99-112.
On-line Resource Peter J. Bussey, "Eastern Religions and Modern Physics - a Further Examination," Science & Christian Belief 11.2 (Oct.1999): 113-128.
On-line Resource John B. Sale, "Biodiversity Loss in the Developing World and Sustainable Development," Science & Christian Belief 11.2 (Oct.1999): 129-138.
On-line Resource Warren S. Brown & Malcolm A. Jeeves, "Portraits of Human Nature: Reconciling Neuroscience and Christian Anthropology," Science & Christian Belief 11.2 (Oct.1999): 139-150.
On-line Resource Colin A. Russell, "Essay Review: Reconstructing Nature: the Engagement of Science and Religion," Science & Christian Belief 11.2 (Oct.1999): 151-158.
On-line Resource Philip Duce, "Comment on 'This Cursed Earth'," Science & Christian Belief 11.2 (Oct.1999): 159-164.
On-line Resource Roger J. Berry, "Response to Philip Duce," Science & Christian Belief 11.2 (Oct.1999): 165-166.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Science & Christian Belief 11.2 (Oct.1999): 167-192.

Volume 12 (2000)

12.1 Download all articles from Science & Christian Belief website
On-line Resource Ernest Lucas, "Editorial: Science and Postmodernism," Science & Christian Belief 12.1 (April 2000): 2.
On-line Resource Peter J. Bussey, "Modern Astronomy and Our Perception of the Universe," Science & Christian Belief 12.1 (April 2000): 3-16.
On-line Resource Colin J. Humphreys, "How Many People Were in the Exodus from Egypt?" Science & Christian Belief 12.1 (April 2000): 17-34.
On-line Resource Peter Fulljames & Tonie Stolberg, "Consonance, Assimilation or COrrelation?: Science and Religion Cources in Higher Education," Science & Christian Belief 12.1 (April 2000): 35-46.
On-line Resource Peter Addinall, "The Fall: History or Myth?" Science & Christian Belief 12.1 (April 2000): Science & Christian Belief 12.1 (April 2000): 47-52.
On-line Resource Roger J. Berry, "The Fall of History," Science & Christian Belief 12.1 (April 2000): 53-64.
On-line Resource David A. Booth, "Correspondence," Science & Christian Belief 12.1 (April 2000): 65-66.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Science & Christian Belief 12.1 (April 2000): 67-96.
12.2 Download all articles from Science & Christian Belief website
On-line Resource Denis Alexander, "Editorial: The Human Genome Project," Science & Christian Belief 12.2 (Oct. 2000): 98.
On-line Resource James Danaher, "Is Communication From God Really Possible? A Conceptual Problem,"Science & Christian Belief 12.2 (Oct. 2000): 99-114.
On-line Resource Michael Fuller, "A Typology for the Theological Reception of Scientific Innovation," Science & Christian Belief 12.2 (Oct. 2000): 115-126.
On-line Resource Justin Marston, "Jewish Understandings of Genesis 1 to 3," Science & Christian Belief 12.2 (Oct. 2000): 127-150.
On-line Resource Brian G. Edgar, "Paul and the Person," Science & Christian Belief 12.2 (Oct. 2000): 151-164.
On-line Resource H. Russman, P.G. Nelson, R. Knight & Roger J. Berry, "Corresponence," Science & Christian Belief 12.2 (Oct. 2000): 165-172.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Science & Christian Belief 12.2 (Oct. 2000): 173-192.

Volume 13 (2001)

13.1 Download all articles from Science & Christian Belief website
On-line Resource Sir John Houghton, "Guest Editorial: An environmental imperatvie for the new Millennium," Science & Christian Belief 13.1 (April 2001): 2-4.
On-line Resource Rodney D. Holder, "Fine-Tuning, Many Universes, and Design," Science & Christian Belief 13.1 (April 2001): 5-14.
On-line Resource Roger J. Berry, "John Ray, Father of Natural Historians," Science & Christian Belief 13.1 (April 2001): 25-38.
On-line Resource Lindsay Cullen, "Nancey Murphy, Supervenience and Causality," Science & Christian Belief 13.1 (April 2001): 39-50.
On-line Resource J.D. Pearson, "A Mendelian Interpretation of Jacob's Sheep," Science & Christian Belief 13.1 (April 2001): 51-58.
On-line Resource John Byl, "on Numbers in Numbers," Science & Christian Belief 13.1 (April 2001): 59-65.
On-line Resource Colin J. Humphreys, "Response," Science & Christian Belief 13.1 (April 2001): 66-68.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Science & Christian Belief 13.1 (April 2001): 69-96.
13.2 Download all articles from Science & Christian Belief website
On-line Resource Owen Gingerich, "Guest Editorial: What does Physics tell us about God?" Science & Christian Belief 13.2 (Oct. 2001): 98.
On-line Resource Neil G. Messer, "Human Genetics and the Image of the Triune God," Science & Christian Belief 13.2 (Oct. 2001): 99-112.
On-line Resource Colin A. Russell, "Where science and history meet: some fresh challenges to the Christian faith?" Science & Christian Belief 13.2 (Oct. 2001): 113-126.
On-line Resource John Hedley Brooke, "The Wilberforce-Huxley Debate: Why Did It Happen?" Science & Christian Belief 13.2 (Oct. 2001): 127-142.
On-line Resource David A. Booth, "Essay Review – Neither Lifeless not Mindless – a Commentary of 'Reason, Science and Faith' by Paul Marston & Roger Forster," Science & Christian Belief 13.2 (Oct. 2001): 143-154.
On-line Resource Paul Marston, "Response to Booth," Science & Christian Belief 13.2 (Oct. 2001): 155-160.
On-line Resource Nancey Murphy, "Response to Cullen," Science & Christian Belief 13.2 (Oct. 2001): 161-162.
On-line Resource Alan J. Gijsbers, "Correspondence," Science & Christian Belief 13.2 (Oct. 2001): 163-164.
On-line Resource "Obituary: Professor David Ingram C.B.E, D.L. 1927-2001," Science & Christian Belief 13.2 (Oct. 2001): 165.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Science & Christian Belief 13.2 (Oct. 2001): 166-192.

Volume 14 (2002)

14.1 Download all articles from Science & Christian Belief website
On-line Resource Denis Alexander, "Editorial: Globalising Science & Christian Belief," Science & Christian Belief 14.1 (April 2002): 2.
On-line Resource Malcolm Jeeves, "Changing Portraits of Human Nature," Science & Christian Belief 14.1 (April 2002): 3-32.
On-line Resource Joel B. Green, "Eschatology and the Nature of Humans: a Reconsideration of Pertinent Biblical Evidence," Science & Christian Belief 14.1 (April 2002): 33-50.
On-line Resource Jan J. Boersema, "Why is Francis of Assisi the Patron Saint of Ecologists?" Science & Christian Belief 14.1 (April 2002): 51-78.
On-line Resource Ted Burge, "Correspondence: What Else Does Physics Tell Us About God?" Science & Christian Belief 14.1 (April 2002): 79.
On-line Resource Percy Hammond, "Neither Lifeless nor Mindless," Science & Christian Belief 14.1 (April 2002): 80-82.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Science & Christian Belief 14.1 (April 2002): 83-96.
14.2 Download all articles from Science & Christian Belief website
On-line Resource Ernest Lucas, "Editorial: Science and Postmodernism – Further Reflections," Science & Christian Belief 14.2 (Oct. 2002): 98.
On-line Resource John L. Taylor, "The Postmodern Attack on Scientific Realism," Science & Christian Belief 14.2 (Oct. 2002): 99-106.
On-line Resource Donald A. Carson, "Maintaining Scientific and Christian Truths in a Postmodern World," Science & Christian Belief 14.2 (Oct. 2002): 107-122.
On-line Resource Michael W. Poole, "Explaining or Explaining Away?: The Concept of Explanation in the Science-Theology Debate," Science & Christian Belief 14.2 (Oct. 2002): 123-142.
On-line Resource Nancey Murphy, "The Problem of Mental Causation: How DOes Reason Get its Grip on the Brain?" Science & Christian Belief 14.2 (Oct. 2002): 143-158.
On-line Resource D. Gareth Jones, "Human Cloning: Unwarranted Control or Legitimate Stewardship?" Science & Christian Belief 14.2 (Oct. 2002): 159-180.
On-line Resource Philip Bligh, "Correspondence: Some Thoughts on Causality and Design," Science & Christian Belief 14.2 (Oct. 2002): 181-182.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Science & Christian Belief 14.2 (Oct. 2002): 183-192.

Volume 15 (2003)

15.1 Download all articles from Science & Christian Belief website
On-line Resource Denis Alexander, "Editorial: Geography and the Science-Faith Debate," Science & Christian Belief 15.1 (April 2003): 2.
On-line Resource Roger Trigg, "A Christian Basis for Science," Science & Christian Belief 15.1 (April 2003): 3-16.
On-line Resource Graeme Finlay, "Homo divinus: The Ape that Bears God's Image," Science & Christian Belief 15.1 (April 2003): 17-40.
On-line Resource John Greene, "Balfour v. Huxley on Evolutionary Naturalism: A 21st Century Perspective," Science & Christian Belief 15.1 (April 2003): 41-64.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Science & Christian Belief 15.1 (April 2003): 65-96.
15.2 Download all articles from Science & Christian Belief website
On-line Resource John White: "Guest Editorial," Science & Christian Belief 15.2 (Oct. 2003): 98-100.
On-line Resource John Byl, "Indeterminacy, Divine Action and Human Freedom," Science & Christian Belief 15.2 (Oct. 2003): 101-116.
On-line Resource Howard J. Van Till, "Are Bacterial Flagella Intelligently Designed? Reflections on the Rhetoric of the Modern ID Movement," Science & Christian Belief 15.2 (Oct. 2003): 117-140.
On-line Resource Joe N. Perry, "Genetically-modified Crops," Science & Christian Belief 15.2 (Oct. 2003): 141-164.
On-line Resource Joel B. Green, "Science, Religion, and the Mind-Brain Problem: The Case of Thomas Willis (1621-1675)," Science & Christian Belief 15.2 (Oct. 2003): 165-186.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Science & Christian Belief 15.2 (Oct. 2003): 187-200.
On-line Resource "Index to Vols 1-14," Science & Christian Belief 15.2 (Oct. 2003): 201-216.

Volume 16 (2004)

16.1 Download all articles from Science & Christian Belief website
On-line Resource Denis Alexander, "Editorial: The Electronic Publishing of Science & Chritian Belief," Science & Christian Belief 16.1 (April 2004): 2.
On-line Resource David A. Norman, "Beyond Reductionism and Dualism: Towards a Christian Solution to the Mind Body Problem," Science & Christian Belief 16.1 (April 2004): 3-12.
On-line Resource Owen Gingerich, "Truth in Science: Proof, Persuasion, and the Gilileo Affair," Science & Christian Belief 16.1 (April 2004): 13-26.
On-line Resource Derek Burke, "Assessing Risk: science or art?" Science & Christian Belief 16.1 (April 2004): 27-44.
On-line Resource Neil. G. Messer, "Cloning, Creation and Control," Science & Christian Belief 16.1 (April 2004): 45-49.
On-line Resource Calum MacKellar, "Creation – a Bond of Love?" Science & Christian Belief 16.1 (April 2004): 50-52.
On-line Resource D. Gareth Jones, "Response by D. Gareth Jones," Science & Christian Belief 16.1 (April 2004): 53-55.
On-line Resource Philip Bligh, "Correspondence: The Illusory Self," Science & Christian Belief 16.1 (April 2004): 56-59.
On-line Resource Peter G.H. Clarke, "Selfhood in not an Illusion," Science & Christian Belief 16.1 (April 2004): 60.
On-line Resource P.G. Nelson, "Human Origins – a Response," Science & Christian Belief 16.1 (April 2004): 62-64.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Science & Christian Belief 16.1 (April 2004): 65-96.
16.2 Download all articles from Science & Christian Belief website
On-line Resource Peter Clarke, "Editorial: God, Science and Freedom: Where Next?" Science & Christian Belief 16.2 (Oct. 2004): 98-100.
On-line Resource Malcolm Jeeves, "How Free is Free? Reflections on the Neuropsychology of Thought and Action," Science & Christian Belief 16.2 (Oct. 2004): 101-122.
On-line Resource Alan Torrance, "Developments in Neuroscience and Human Freedom: Some Theological and Philosophical questions," Science & Christian Belief 16.2 (Oct. 2004): 123-138.
On-line Resource Patrick Richmond, "Neuroscientific Determinism and the Problem of Evil," Science & Christian Belief 16.2 (Oct. 2004): 139-156.
On-line Resource Peter Bussey, "Beyond Materialism: from the edieval Scholars to Quantum Physics," Science & Christian Belief 16.2 (Oct. 2004): 157-179.
On-line Resource Oliver Barclay & John Houghton, "Sir Robert Boyd," Science & Christian Belief 16.2 (Oct. 2004): 179-180.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Science & Christian Belief 16.2 (Oct. 2004): 181-192.

Volume 17 (2005)

17.1 Download all articles from Science & Christian Belief website
On-line Resource Michael Byrne, "Guest Editorial: The Boyle Lectures at St Mary-le-Bow," Science & Christian Belief 17.1 (April 2005): 2-4.
On-line Resource John F. Haught, "The Boyle Lecture 2003: Darwin, Design and the Promise of Nature," Science & Christian Belief 17.1 (April 2005): 5-20.
On-line Resource Simon Conway Morris, "A Response to the Boyle Lecture," Science & Christian Belief 17.1 (April 2005): 21-24.
On-line Resource Alister McGrath, "A Blast from the Past? The Boyle Lecture and Natural Theology," Science & Christian Belief 17.1 (April 2005): 25-34.
On-line Resource Paul Helm, "Reflections on the Boyle Lecture," Science & Christian Belief 17.1 (April 2005): 35-40.
On-line Resource Roger J. Berry, "The Lions Seek Their Prey From God: a Commentary on the Boyle Lecture," Science & Christian Belief 17.1 (April 2005): 41-56.
On-line Resource John F. Haught, "True Union Differentiates: A Response to My Critics," Science & Christian Belief 17.1 (April 2005): 57-70.
On-line Resource Michael J. Clifford, "Appropriate Technology: The Poetry of Science," Science & Christian Belief 17.1 (April 2005): 71-82.
On-line Resource Alan Gijsbers, "Correspondence: More on Moses," Science & Christian Belief 17.1 (April 2005): 83.
On-line Resource Colin Reeves, "Correspondence: Van Till and Probability Theory," Science & Christian Belief 17.1 (April 2005): 84-86.
On-line Resource Howard J. Van Till, "Correspondence: Intelligent Design's Vulnerability to False Positive Indicators: A Response to Reeves," Science & Christian Belief 17.1 (April 2005): 87-90.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Science & Christian Belief 17.1 (April 2005): 91-112.
17.2 Download all articles from Science & Christian Belief website
On-line Resource Denis Alexander, "Editorial," Science & Christian Belief 17.2 (Oct. 2005): 114.
On-line Resource Alister McGrath, "Has Science Eliminated God? Richard Dawkins and the Meaning of Life," Science & Christian Belief 17.2 (Oct. 2005): 115-136.
On-line Resource Roger P. Paul, "Relative State or It-from-Bit: God and Contrasting Interpretatons of Quantum Theory," Science & Christian Belief 17.2 (Oct. 2005): 155-176.
On-line Resource Rodney D. Holder, "God and Differing Interpretations of Quantum Theory," Science & Christian Belief 17.2 (Oct. 2005): 177-186.
On-line Resource Julian Chela-Flores, "Fitness of the Universe for a Second Genesis," Science & Christian Belief 17.2 (Oct. 2005): 187-198.
On-line Resource D. Gareth Jones, "Responses to the Human Embryo and Embryonic Stem Cells: Scientific and Theological Assessments," Science & Christian Belief 17.2 (Oct. 2005): 199-222.
On-line Resource Arthur Jones David Tyler, "Engaging with Intelligent Design? Reflection on the Rhetoric of Howard Van Till," Science & Christian Belief 17.2 (Oct. 2005): 223-232.
On-line Resource Howard J. Van Till, "Apples, Oranges and Portraits of the Intelligent Design Movement," Science & Christian Belief 17.2 (Oct. 2005): 233-242.
On-line Resource David Booth, "Correspondence: Psychobiosocial muddle or model?" Science & Christian Belief 17.2 (Oct. 2005): 243-246.
On-line Resource Peter G.H. Clarke, "MacKay/Jeeves and Torrance/Cartright: Similarities and a Major Difference," Science & Christian Belief 17.2 (Oct. 2005): 24-248.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Science & Christian Belief 17.2 (Oct. 2005): 249-256.

Volume 18 (2006)

18.1 Download all articles from Science & Christian Belief website
On-line Resource Brain Heap, "Guest Editorial: The Open Mind," Science & Christian Belief 18.1 (April 2006): 2-4.
On-line Resource Simon Conway Morris, "The Boyle Lecture 2005: Darwin's Compass: How Evolution Discovers the Song of Creation," Science & Christian Belief 18.1 (April 2006): 5-22.
On-line Resource Roger J. Berry, "Response to the Boyle Lecture: Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution," Science & Christian Belief 18.1 (April 2006): 23-30.
On-line Resource John Polkinghorne, "Response to the Boyle Lecture: Rich Reality," Science & Christian Belief 18.1 (April 2006): 31-34.
On-line Resource Michael S. Northcott, "Response to the Boyle Lecture: Navingating the Deep Structure of Biological Hyperspace: Divine Providence in an Otherwise Lonely Universe," Science & Christian Belief 18.1 (April 2006): 35-40.
On-line Resource Simon Conway Morris, "A response to the commentaries of R.J. Berry, John Polkinghorne and Michael Northcott," Science & Christian Belief 18.1 (April 2006): 41-48.
On-line Resource Oliver R. Barclay, "Design in Nature," Science & Christian Belief 18.1 (April 2006): 49-62.
On-line Resource John J. Bimson, "Reconsidering a Cosic Fall," Science & Christian Belief 18.1 (April 2006): 63-82.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Science & Christian Belief 18.1 (April 2006): 83-112.
18.2 Download all articles from Science & Christian Belief website
On-line Resource Denis Alexander, "Editorial," Science & Christian Belief 18.2 (Oct. 2006): 114.
On-line Resource Peter Harrison, "The Bible and the Emergence of Modern Science," Science & Christian Belief 18.2 (Oct. 2006): 115-132.
On-line Resource Peter Bussey, "Physical Infinities: a Substitute for God," Science & Christian Belief 18.2 (Oct. 2006): 133-150.
On-line Resource Craig McConnell, "The BBC, the Victoria Institute, and the Theological Context for the Big Bang –Steady State Debate," Science & Christian Belief 18.2 (Oct. 2006): 151-168.
On-line Resource John Polkinghorne, "Where is Natural Theology Today?" Science & Christian Belief 18.2 (Oct. 2006): 169-180.
On-line Resource Alister McGrath, "Paley Memorial Sermon," Science & Christian Belief 18.2 (Oct. 2006): 181-188.
On-line Resource "Obituary: David Given (1943-2005)," Science & Christian Belief 18.2 (Oct. 2006): 189-190.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Science & Christian Belief 18.2 (Oct. 2006): 191-208.

Volume 19 (2007)

19.1 Download all articles from Science & Christian Belief website
On-line Resource Rodney Holder, "Editorial: Astronomy and Christianity in China," Science & Christian Belief 19.1 (April. 2007): 2.
On-line Resource David Martin, "Does the Advance of Science Mean Secularisation?" Science & Christian Belief 19.1 (April. 2007): 3-14.
On-line Resource Roger J. Berry, "Eden and Ecology: Evolution and Eschatology," Science & Christian Belief 19.1 (April. 2007): 15-36.
On-line Resource Russell Manning, "Mere Summing Up? Some Considerations on the History of the Concept of Emergence and its Significance for Science and Religion," Science & Christian Belief 19.1 (April. 2007): 37-58.
On-line Resource Graham J. O'Brien, "A Theology of Purpose: Creation, Evolution and the Understanding of Purpose," Science & Christian Belief 19.1 (April. 2007): 59-74.
On-line Resource Denis Alexander, "Obituary: Arthur Peacocke [1924-2006]," Science & Christian Belief 19.1 (April. 2007): 75-76.
On-line Resource P.G. Nelson, "Correspondence: The Curse: Relational or Cosmic?" Science & Christian Belief 19.1 (April. 2007): 77.
On-line Resource Roger J. Berry, "Correspondence: A Cosmic Fall?" Science & Christian Belief 19.1 (April. 2007): 78-80.
On-line Resource Lynda Jaeger, "Correspondence: Comment on Roger Paul, 'Relative State or It-from-Bit'," Science & Christian Belief 19.1 (April. 2007): 81-83.
On-line Resource Richard Sturch, "Evolution and Intelligence," Science & Christian Belief 19.1 (April. 2007): 84.
On-line Resource Simon Conway Morris, "A response to Richard Sturch," Science & Christian Belief 19.1 (April. 2007): 85-86.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Science & Christian Belief 19.1 (April. 2007): 87-96.
19.2 Download all articles from Science & Christian Belief website
On-line Resource Keith Fox, "Guest Editorial: Theoretical and practical knowledge in science and faith," Science & Christian Belief 19.2 (Oct. 2007): 98.
On-line Resource Patrick Redmond, "Richard Dawkin's Darwinian Objection to Unexplained Complexity in God," Science & Christian Belief 19.2 (Oct. 2007): 99-116.
On-line Resource Edward B. Davis, "Robert Boyle's Religious Life, Attitudes, and Vocation," Science & Christian Belief 19.2 (Oct. 2007): 117-138.
On-line Resource John Turl, "All Things New," Science & Christian Belief 19.2 (Oct. 2007): 139-160.
On-line Resource Colin A. Russell, "Hydrotheology: Towards a natural theology for water," Science & Christian Belief 19.2 (Oct. 2007): 161-184.
On-line Resource Percy Hammond, "Correspondence: Emergence and Time," Science & Christian Belief 19.2 (Oct. 2007): 185.
On-line Resource Ernest Lucas, "Correspondence: A 'Good' Creation," Science & Christian Belief 19.2 (Oct. 2007): 185-186.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Science & Christian Belief 19.2 (Oct. 2007): 187-208.
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