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The Princeton Theological Review began publication in 1903 and ended in 1929 with its twenty-seventh volume. The journal’s lengthy articles and book reviews bore a resemblance to The Presbyterian and Reformed Review which had preceded it. An enhanced table of contents is presented here, linking to the entire run which has been digitised and hosted on the Princeton Seminary website.

Vols. 1 - 10 (1903 - 1912)
Vols. 11 - 20 (1913 - 1922)
Vols. 21 - 30 (1923 - 1929)
Vol. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Volume 1 (1903)

On-line Resource Meade C. Williams, "Edward Irving," The Princeton Theological Review 1.1 (1903): 1-22.
On-line Resource Howard Osgood, "Dashing the Little Ones against the Rock," The Princeton Theological Review 1.1 (1903): 23-37.
On-line Resource James Orr, "Prof. Swing on Ritschl and His Critics," The Princeton Theological Review 1.1 (1903): 38-50.
On-line Resource Samuel T. Lowrie, "An Exegesis of 2 Corinthians V. 1-5," The Princeton Theological Review 1.1 (1903): 51-61.
On-line Resource W. Scott Watson, "The Authenticity and Genuineness of the Book of Esther," The Princeton Theological Review 1.1 (1903): 62-74.
On-line Resource William Irvin, "Success in the Ministry," The Princeton Theological Review 1.1 (1903): 75-80.
On-line Resource Benjamin B. Warfield, "Modern Theories of the Atonement," The Princeton Theological Review 1.1 (1903): 81-92.
On-line Resource William Thomas Whitley, "A Study in Textual Criticism," The Princeton Theological Review 1.1 (1903): 93-100.
On-line Resource Theodore Whitefield Hunt, "The Epic Verse of Milton - 'Paradise Lost'," The Princeton Theological Review 1.1 (1903): 101-110.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Theological Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 1.1 (1903): 111-160.
On-line Resource Geerhardus Vos, "The Alleged Legalism in Paul's Doctrine of Justification," The Princeton Theological Review 1.2 (1903): 161-179.
On-line Resource David S. Schaff, "St. Bernard of Clairvaux," The Princeton Theological Review 1.2 (1903): 180-199.
On-line Resource William Brenton Greene, "The Practical Importance of Apologetics," The Princeton Theological Review 1.2 (1903): 200-226.
On-line Resource David Riddle Breed, "The New Era in Evangelism," The Princeton Theological Review 1.2 (1903): 227-238.
On-line Resource Robert Dick Wilson [1856-1930], "Babylon and Israel: A Comparison of their Leading Ideas Based Upon their Vocabularies," The Princeton Theological Review 1.2 (1903): 239-255.
On-line Resource Daniel Webster Fisher, "Christianity in the College," The Princeton Theological Review 1.2 (1903): 256-266.
On-line Resource Ernest Cushing Richardson, "Jacobus de Voragine and the Golden Legend," The Princeton Theological Review 1.2 (1903): 267-281.
On-line Resource Edward B. Hodge, "The Proposed Amendments and Additions to the Text of the Confession," The Princeton Theological Review 1.2 (1903): 282-284.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Theological Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 1.2 (1903): 285-236.
On-line Resource Alexander T. Ormond, "James McCosh as Thinker and Educator," The Princeton Theological Review 1.3 (1903): 337-361.
On-line Resource William M. McPheeters, "The Question of the Authorship of the Books of Scripture: A Criticism of Current Views," The Princeton Theological Review 1.3 (1903): 362-383.
On-line Resource James F. Riggs, "Missionary Policy in the Levant," The Princeton Theological Review 1.3 (1903): 384-402.
On-line Resource William Hallock Johnson, "Evolution and Theology To-day," The Princeton Theological Review 1.3 (1903): 403-422.
On-line Resource George G. Cameron, "Revelation or Discovery," The Princeton Theological Review 1.3 (1903): 434-456.
On-line Resource George G. Cameron, "The Laws Peculiar to Deuteronomy," The Princeton Theological Review 1.3 (1903): 434-456.
On-line Resource Benjamin B. Warfield, "Sanctifying the Pelagians," The Princeton Theological Review 1.3 (1903): 457-462. 
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 1.3 (1903): 463-512.
On-line Resource James Paterson Sheraton, "Our Lord's Teaching Concerning Himself," The Princeton Theological Review 1.4 (1903): 513-536.
On-line Resource Chalmers Martin, "The Imprecations in the Psalms," The Princeton Theological Review 1.4 (1903): 537-553.
On-line Resource Jacob Cooper, "Vicarious Suffering the Order of Nature," The Princeton Theological Review 1.4 (1903): 554-578.
On-line Resource William M. McPheeters, "The Question of Authorship: Practice Versus. Theory," The Princeton Theological Review 1.4 (1903): 579-596.
On-line Resource George Macloskie, "The Outlook of Science and Faith," The Princeton Theological Review 1.4 (1903): 597-615.
On-line Resource James Lindsay, "Gnosticism as a Philosophy of Religion," The Princeton Theological Review 1.4 (1903):  616-623.
On-line Resource John De Witt, "The Memorial Tablet to Dr. James C. Moffat," The Princeton Theological Review 1.4 (1903): 624-630.
On-line Resource Samuel Dickey, "Critical Note New Points of View for the Study of an Old Problem: The .Greek of the New Testament," The Princeton Theological Review 1.4 (1903): 631-636.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 1.4 (1903): 637-688.

Volume 2 (1904)

On-line Resource James Paterson Sheraton, "Our Lord's Teaching Concerning Himself," The Princeton Theological Review 2.1 (1904): 1-31.
On-line Resource William P. Armstrong, "The Witness of the Gospels," The Princeton Theological Review 2.1 (1904): 32-64.
On-line Resource Benjamin B. Warfield, "Spiritual Culture in the Theological Seminary," The Princeton Theological Review 2.1 (1904): 65-87.
On-line Resource John De Witt, "Jonathan Edwards: A Study," The Princeton Theological Review 2.1 (1904): 88-109.
On-line Resource Francis L.Patton, "Theological Encyclopædia," The Princeton Theological Review 2.1 (1904): 110-136.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 2.1 (1904): 137-176.
On-line Resource David S. Schaff, "Thomas Aquinas and Leo XIII," The Princeton Theological Review 2.2 (1904): 177-196.
On-line Resource Timothy G. Darling, "The Apostle Paul and the Second Advent," The Princeton Theological Review 2.2 (1904): 197-214.
On-line Resource Paul van Dyke, "Thomas Cromwell," The Princeton Theological Review 2.2 (1904): 215-256.
On-line Resource Robert Dick Wilson [1856-1930], "Royal Titles in Antiquity: An Essay in Criticism," The Princeton Theological Review 2.2 (1904): 257-282,
On-line Resource Edward B. Hodge, "The Story of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church," The Princeton Theological Review 2.2 (1904): 283-294.
On-line Resource Benjamin B. Warfield, "Ecclesiastical Note," The Princeton Theological Review 2.2 (1904): 295-316.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 2.2 (1904): 317-364.
On-line Resource Paul van Dyke, "Thomas Cromwell," The Princeton Theological Review 2.3 (1904): 369-401.
On-line Resource Hugh M. Scott, "The Place of ὀιχoδoμή in New Testament Worship," The Princeton Theological Review 2.3 (1904): 402-424.
On-line Resource George Macloskie, "Mosaism and Darwinism," The Princeton Theological Review 2.3 (1904): 425-441.
On-line Resource Ernest Cushing Richardson, "Voragine as a Preacher," The Princeton Theological Review 2.3 (1904): 442-464.
On-line Resource Robert Dick Wilson [1856-1930], "Royal Titles in Antiquity: An Essay in Criticism," The Princeton Theological Review 2.3 (1904): 465-497.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 2.3 (1904): 498-544.
On-line Resource Edward Waite Miller, "The Great Awakening and its Relation to American Christianity," The Princeton Theological Review 2.4 (1904): 545-562.
On-line Resource James Orr, "Why the Mind has a Body," The Princeton Theological Review 2.4 (1904): 563-569.
On-line Resource Jacob Cooper, "Destructive Criticism," The Princeton Theological Review 2.4 (1904): 570-591.
On-line Resource William H. Hodge, "The Infinite, Contradictory and Faith," The Princeton Theological Review 2.4 (1904): 592-598.
On-line Resource Benjamin B. Warfield, "The Millennium and the Apocalypse," The Princeton Theological Review 2.4 (1904): 599-617.
On-line Resource Robert Dick Wilson [1856-1930], "Royal Titles in Antiquity: An Essay in Criticism," The Princeton Theological Review 2.4 (1904): 618-664.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 2.4 (1904): 665-720.

Volume 3 (1905)

On-line Resource Robert McNutt McElroy, "The American Revolution from the Standpoint of an English Scholar," The Princeton Theological Review 3.1 (1905): 1-15.
On-line Resource James Lindsay, "Greek Philosophy of Religion," The Princeton Theological Review 3.1 (1905): 16-22.
On-line Resource Meade C. Williams, "The Multitude of Denominations," The Princeton Theological Review 3.1 (1905): 23-31.
On-line Resource James S. Dennis, "The Educational Campaign of Missions in India," The Princeton Theological Review 3.1 (1905): 32-54.
On-line Resource Robert Dick Wilson [1856-1930], "Royal Titles in Antiquity: An Essay in Criticism," The Princeton Theological Review 3.1 (1905): 55-80.
On-line Resource Benjamin B. Warfield, "Augustine and His 'Confessions'," The Princeton Theological Review 3.1 (1905): 81-126.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 3.1 (1905): 127-176.
On-line Resource Alfred H. Kellogg, "The Incarnation and Other Worlds," The Princeton Theological Review 3.2 (1905): 177-190.
On-line Resource Ernest Cushing Richardson, "Oral Tradition, Libraries and the Hexateuch," The Princeton Theological Review 3.2 (1905): 191-215.
On-line Resource Benjamin B. Warfield, "William Miller Paxton," The Princeton Theological Review 3.2 (1905): 216-237.
On-line Resource Robert Dick Wilson [1856-1930], "Royal Titles in Antiquity: An Essay in Criticism," The Princeton Theological Review 3.2 (1905): 238-267.
On-line Resource E.D. Miller, "Professor Royce's Idealism," The Princeton Theological Review 3.2 (1905): 268-298.
On-line Resource James Oscar Boyd [1874-1947], "Critical Note. An Undesigned Coincidence," The Princeton Theological Review 3.2 (1905): 299-303.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 3.2 (1905): 304-352.
On-line Resource John D. Davis, "The Nineteenth Psalm in the Criticism of the Nineteenth Century," The Princeton Theological Review 3.3 (1905): 353-375.
On-line Resource Ethelbert D. Warfield, "John Knox, Reformer of a Kingdom," The Princeton Theological Review 3.3 (1905): 376-398.
On-line Resource James A. Kelso, "The Code of Hammurabi and the Book of the Covenant," The Princeton Theological Review 3.3 (1905): 399-412.
On-line Resource Theodore Whitefield Hunt, "The Elements of Shakespeare's Genius," The Princeton Theological Review 3.3 (1905): 413-421.
On-line Resource Robert Dick Wilson [1856-1930], "Royal Titles in Antiquity: An Essay in Criticism," The Princeton Theological Review 3.3 (1905): 422-440.
On-line Resource Thomas F. Fotheringham, "The Doctrine of Baptism in Holy Scripture and the Westminster Standards," The Princeton Theological Review 3.3 (1905): 441-466.
On-line Resource James S. Dennis, "Education as a National Asset of Japan," The Princeton Theological Review 3.3 (1905): 467-476.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 3.3 (1905): 477-528.
On-line Resource Benjamin B. Warfield, "Tertullian and the Beginning of the Doctrine of the Trinity," The Princeton Theological Review 3.4 (1905): 529-557.
On-line Resource Robert Dick Wilson [1856-1930], "Royal Titles in Antiquity: An Essay in Criticism," The Princeton Theological Review 3.4 (1905): 558-572.
On-line Resource John De Witt, "Archibald Alexander's Preparation for His Professorship," The Princeton Theological Review 3.4 (1905): 573-594.
On-line Resource George Macloskie, "New Light on the Old Testament," The Princeton Theological Review 3.4 (1905): 595-617.
On-line Resource Thomas F. Fotheringham, "The Doctrine of Baptism in Holy Scripture and the Westminster Standards," The Princeton Theological Review 3.4 (1905): 618-640.
On-line Resource J. Gresham Machen, "The New Testament Account of the Birth of Jesus," The Princeton Theological Review 3.4 (1905): 641-670.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 3.4 (1905): 671-704.

Volume 4 (1906)

On-line Resource Benjamin B. Warfield, "Tertullian and the Beginnings of the Doctrine of the Trinity," The Princeton Theological Review 4.1 (1906): 1-36.
On-line Resource J. Gresham Machen, "The New Testament Account of the Birth of Jesus," The Princeton Theological Review 4.1 (1906): 37-81.
On-line Resource Thomas F. Fotheringham, "The Doctrine of Baptism in Holy Scripture and the Westminster Standards," The Princeton Theological Review 4.1 (1906): 82-104.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 4.1 (1906): 105-144.
On-line Resource Benjamin B. Warfield, "Tertullian and the Beginnings of the Doctrine of the Trinity," The Princeton Theological Review 4.2 (1906): 145-167.
On-line Resource John De Witt, "The Intellectual Life of Samuel Miller," The Princeton Theological Review 4.2 (1906): 168-190.
On-line Resource Meade C. Williams, "Preaching Christ," The Princeton Theological Review 4.2 (1906): 191-205.
On-line Resource David S. Schaff, "The Sacramental Theory of the Mediæval Church," The Princeton Theological Review 4.2 (1906): 206-235.
On-line Resource Samuel T. Lowrie, "Exegetical Note on II Cor. V. 16, 17," The Princeton Theological Review 4.2 (1906): 236-241.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 4.2 (1906): 242-288.
On-line Resource Geerhardus Vos, "Christian Faith and the Truthfulness of Bible History," The Princeton Theological Review 4.3 (1906): 289-305.
On-line Resource William Brenton Greene, Jr., "Broad Churchism and the Christian Life The Princeton Theological Review 4.3 (1906): 306-316.
On-line Resource Donald Beaton, "'The Marrow of Modern Divinity' and the Marrow Controversy The Princeton Theological Review 4.3 (1906): 317-338.
On-line Resource James Lindsay, "The Development of Scottish Theology The Princeton Theological Review 4.3 (1906): 339-351.
On-line Resource Frederick W. Loetscher, "Schwenckfeld's Participation in the Eucharistic Controversy of the Sixteenth Century The Princeton Theological Review 4.3 (1906): 352-386.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature The Princeton Theological Review 4.3 (1906): 387-432.
On-line Resource Hugh M. Scott, "Has Scientific Investigation Disturbed the Basis of Rational Faith?" The Princeton Theological Review 4.4 (1906): 433-453.
On-line Resource Frederick W. Loetscher, "Schwenckfeld's Participation in the Eucharistic Controversy of the Sixteenth Century," The Princeton Theological Review 4.4 (1906): 454-500.
On-line Resource Henry Elias Dosker, "Theodore Beza," The Princeton Theological Review 4.4 (1906): 501-512.
On-line Resource Daniel Gath Whitley [?-1918], "What was the Primitive Condition of Man?" The Princeton Theological Review 4.4 (1906): 513-534.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 4.4 (1906): 535-576.

Volume 5 (1907)

On-line Resource William P. Armstrong, "The Resurrection and the Origin of the Church in Jerusalem," The Princeton Theological Review 5.1 (1907): 1-25.
On-line Resource John B. Kelso, "Mediaeval Mariolatry," The Princeton Theological Review 5.1 (1907): 26-48.
On-line Resource John Preston Hoskins, "German Influence on Religious Life and Thought in America During the Colonial Period," The Princeton Theological Review 5.1 (1907): 49-79.
On-line Resource Charles Rosenbury Erdman, "Modern Practical Theology," The Princeton Theological Review 5.1 (1907): 80-89.
On-line Resource Anthony Brummelkamp, "Revision of Article Thirty-Six of the Confessio Belgica," The Princeton Theological Review 5.1 (1907): 90-97.
On-line Resource John De Witt, "Relations of Church History to Preaching," The Princeton Theological Review 5.1 (1907): 98-112.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 5.1 (1907): 113-176.
On-line Resource James Orr, "Some Recent Developments in Criticism and Theology," The Princeton Theological Review 5.2 (1907): 177-187.
On-line Resource Harold M. Wiener, "The Laws of Deuteronomy and the Arguments from Silence," The Princeton Theological Review 5.2 (1907): 188-209.
On-line Resource John Preston Hoskins, "German Influence on Religious Life and Thought in America During the Colonial Period," The Princeton Theological Review 5.2 (1907): 210-241.
On-line Resource John Szlupas, "Lithuania and its Ancient Calvinistic Churches," The Princeton Theological Review 5.2 (1907): 242-280.
On-line Resource Sidney Zandstra, "Historical Note," The Princeton Theological Review 5.2 (1907): 281-287.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 5.2 (1907): 288-352.
On-line Resource Benjamin B. Warfield, "Augustine's Doctrine of Knowledge and Authority," The Princeton Theological Review 5.3 (1907): 353-397.
On-line Resource William Hallock Johnson, "Was Paul the Founder of Christianity," The Princeton Theological Review 5.3 (1907): 398-422.
On-line Resource Geerhardus Vos, "The Priesthood of Christ in the Epistle to the Hebrews," The Princeton Theological Review 5.3 (1907): 423-447.
On-line Resource Donald Beaton, "Thomas Boston," The Princeton Theological Review 5.3 (1907): 448-470.
On-line Resource "Reviews Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 5.3 (1907): 471-528.
On-line Resource Benjamin B. Warfield, "Augustine's Doctrine of Knowledge and Authority," The Princeton Theological Review 5.4 (1907): 529-578.
On-line Resource Geerhardus Vos, "The Priesthood of Christ in the Epistle to the Hebrews," The Princeton Theological Review 5.4 (1907): 579-604.
On-line Resource Harold M. Wiener, "Deuteronomy and the Argument from Style," The Princeton Theological Review 5.4 (1907): 605-630.
On-line Resource Sidney Zandstra, "Sheol and Pit in the Old Testament," The Princeton Theological Review 5.4 (1907): 631-641.
On-line Resource

"Reviews Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 5.4 (1907): 642-704.

Volume 6 (1908)

On-line Resource Ernest Russell, "John Knox as Statesman," The Princeton Theological Review 6.1 (1908): 1-28.
On-line Resource James Oscar Boyd [1874-1947], "Ezekiel and the Modern Dating of the Pentateuch," The Princeton Theological Review 6.1 (1908): 29-51.
On-line Resource Caspar Wistar Hodge, "The Idea of Dogmatic Theology," The Princeton Theological Review 6.1 (1908): 52-82.
On-line Resource Louis Matthews Sweet, "Heathen Wonder-Births and the Birth of Christ," The Princeton Theological Review 6.1 (1908): 83-117.
On-line Resource "Reviews Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 6.1 (1908): 118-176.
On-line Resource Benjamin B. Warfield, "The Westminster Assembly and its Work," The Princeton Theological Review 6.2 (1908): 177-210.
On-line Resource Kerr D. Macmillan, "Marriage among the early Babylonians and Hebrews," The Princeton Theological Review 6.2 (1908): 211-245.
On-line Resource John D. Davis, "The Future life in Hebrew thought during the Pre-Persian period," The Princeton Theological Review 6.2 (1908): 246-268.
On-line Resource James Orr, "Autonomy in Ethics," The Princeton Theological Review 6.2 (1908): 269-277.
On-line Resource Charles R. Morey, "The Beginnings of Saint Worship," The Princeton Theological Review 6.2 (1908): 278-290.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 6.2 (1908): 291-352.
On-line Resource Benjamin B. Warfield, "The Westminster Assembly and its Work," The Princeton Theological Review 6.3 (1908): 353-391.
On-line Resource George S. Patton, "Beyond Good and Evil," The Princeton Theological Review 6.3 (1908): 392-436.
On-line Resource James Lindsay, "Psychology of the Soul," The Princeton Theological Review 6.3 (1908): 437-454.
On-line Resource William M. McPheeters, "The Determination of Religious Value the Ultimate Problem of the Higher Criticism," The Princeton Theological Review 6.3 (1908): 455-478.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 6.3 (1908): 479-528.
On-line Resource "Herman Bavinck," The Princeton Theological Review 6.4 (1908): 529-543.
On-line Resource William Hallock Johnson, "Pragmatism, Humanism and Religion," The Princeton Theological Review 6.4 (1908): 544-564.
On-line Resource Benjamin B. Warfield, "The First Question of the Westminster 'Shorter Catechism'," The Princeton Theological Review 6.4 (1908): 565-587.
On-line Resource Arnold van Couthen Piccardt Huizinga, "The Function of Authority in Life and its Relation to Legalism in Ethics and Religion," The Princeton Theological Review 6.4 (1908): 588-636.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 6.4 (1908): 637-700.

Volume 7 (1909)

On-line Resource David Hay Fleming, "John Howie of Lochgoin: His Forebears and his Works," The Princeton Theological Review 7.1 (1909): 1-28.
On-line Resource James Oscar Boyd [1874-1947], "Jewish Parties in the Fifth Century Before Christ," The Princeton Theological Review 7.1 (1909): 29-51.
On-line Resource Émile Doumergue, "Calvin, an Epigone of the Middle Ages or an Initiator of Modern Times?" The Princeton Theological Review 7.1 (1909): 52-104.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 7.1 (1909): 105-176.
On-line Resource Andrew Lang, "The Reformation and Natural Law," The Princeton Theological Review 7.2 (1909): 177-218.
On-line Resource Benjamin B. Warfield, "Calvin's Doctrine of the Knowledge of God," The Princeton Theological Review 7.2 (1909): 219-325.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 7.2 (1909): 326-368.
On-line Resource John De Witt, "John Calvin - The Man," The Princeton Theological Review 7.3 (1909): 369-380.
On-line Resource "Benajamin B. Warfield, "Calvin's Doctrine of God," The Princeton Theological Review 7.3 (1909): 381-436.
On-line Resource "Herman Bavinck, "Calvin and Common Grace," The Princeton Theological Review 7.3 (1909): 437-465.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 7.3 (1909): 466-528.
On-line Resource Émile Doumergue, "Music in the Work of Calvin," The Princeton Theological Review 7.4 (1909): 529-552.
On-line Resource Benjamin B. Warfield, "Calvin's Doctrine of the Trinity," The Princeton Theological Review 7.4 (1909): 553-652.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 7.4 (1909): 653-704.

Volume 8 (1910)

On-line Resource Caspar Wistar Hodge, "Christian Experience and Dogmatic Theology," The Princeton Theological Review 8.1 (1910): 1-43.
On-line Resource Samuel Angus, "The Koiné, the Language of the New Testament," The Princeton Theological Review 8.1 (1910): 44-92.
On-line Resource Charles R. Morey, "The Origin of the Fish-Symbol," The Princeton Theological Review 8.1 (1910): 93-106. 
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 8.1 (1910): 107-176. 
On-line Resource Caspar Wistar Hodge, "Modern Positive Theology," The Princeton Theological Review 8.2 (1910): 177-230.
On-line Resource Charles R. Morey, "The Origin of the Fish-Symbol," The Princeton Theological Review 8.2 (1910): 231-246.
On-line Resource William P. Armstrong, "The Resurrection of Jesus and Historical Criticism," The Princeton Theological Review 8.2 (1910): 247-270.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 8.2 (1910): 271-352. 
On-line Resource Louis F. Benson, "English Hymnody: Its Later Developments," The Princeton Theological Review 8.3 (1910): 353-388.
On-line Resource John R. Mackay, "The Promise and Vow taken by Members of the Westminster Assembly," The Princeton Theological Review 8.3 (1910): 389-400.
On-line Resource Charles R. Morey, "The Origin of the Fish Symbol," The Princeton Theological Review 8.3 (1910): 401-432.
On-line Resource Herman Bavinck, "The Reformed Churches in the Netherlands," The Princeton Theological Review 8.3 (1910): 433-460. 
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 8.3 (1910): 461-527. 
On-line Resource William Hallock Johnson, "Miracles and History," The Princeton Theological Review 8.4 (1910): 529-559.
On-line Resource Benjamin B. Warfield, "'Scripture', 'The Scriptures', in the New Testament," The Princeton Theological Review 8.4 (1910): 560-612.
On-line Resource Harold McA. Robinson, "The Text of Luke XXII," The Princeton Theological Review 8.4 (1910): 613-656.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 8.4 (1910): 657-704. 

Volume 9 (1911)

On-line Resource Benjamin B. Warfield, "On the Antiquity and the Unity of the Human Race," The Princeton Theological Review 9.1 (1911): 1-25.
On-line Resource Geerhardus Vos, "The Pauline Eschatology and Chiliasm," The Princeton Theological Review 9.1 (1911): 26-60.
On-line Resource Kerr D. Macmillan, "The Shepherd of Hermas. Apocalypse or Allegory?" The Princeton Theological Review 9.1 (1911): 61-94.
On-line Resource W.H.H. Marsh, "The New Optimism Versus the Optimism of the Gospel," The Princeton Theological Review 9.1 (1911):  95-117.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 9.1 (1911): 118-184. 
On-line Resource W.S. Plumer Bryan, "The Church, Her Colleges and the Carnegie Foundation," The Princeton Theological Review 9.2 (1911): 185-241.
On-line Resource Benjamin B. Warfield, "On the Biblical Notion of 'Renewal'," The Princeton Theological Review 9.2 (1911): 242-267.
On-line Resource Charles R. Morey, "The Origin of the Fish-Symbol," The Princeton Theological Review 9.2 (1911): 268-289. 
On-line Resource William P. Armstrong, "Epigraphical Note," The Princeton Theological Review 9.2 (1911): 290-298. 
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 9.2 (1911): 299-376. 
On-line Resource Charles Rosenbury Erdman, "The Making of the English Bible," The Princeton Theological Review 9.3 (1911): 377-386.
On-line Resource John Fox, "The Influence of the English Bible on English Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 9.3 (1911): 387-401.
On-line Resource Frederick W. Loetscher, "The English Bible in the Spiritual Life of the English-Speaking People," The Princeton Theological Review 9.3 (1911): 402-414.
On-line Resource Donald Beaton, "Notes on the History of the Authorised Version of the Bible in Scotland," The Princeton Theological Review 9.3 (1911): 415-437.
On-line Resource Willis Judson Beecher, "Concerning the Incarnation and the Atonement," The Princeton Theological Review 9.3 (1911): 438-457.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 9.3 (1911): 458-536. 
On-line Resource Benjamin B. Warfield, "On Faith in its Psychological Aspects," The Princeton Theological Review 9.4 (1911): 537-566.
On-line Resource James Oscar Boyd [1874-1947], "The Character and Claims of the Roman Catholic English Bible," The Princeton Theological Review 9.4 (1911): 567-605.
On-line Resource Ernest G. Sihler, "The Religion of the Emperor Julian," The Princeton Theological Review 9.4 (1911): 606-615.
On-line Resource "A List of the Writings of Samuel Miller, D.D., LL.D., 1769-1850," The Princeton Theological Review 9.4 (1911): 616-636.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 9.4 (1911): 637-704.

Volume 10 (1912)

On-line Resource J. Gresham Machen, "The Hymns of the First Chapter of Luke," The Princeton Theological Review 10.1 (1912): 1-38.
On-line Resource Louis F. Benson, "The Development of the English Hymn," The Princeton Theological Review 10.1 (1912): 39-85.
On-line Resource Henry Elias Dosker, "The Dutch 'Staten-Bybel' of 1637," The Princeton Theological Review 10.1 (1912): 86-109.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 10.1 (1912): 110-176. 
On-line Resource Louis F. Benson, "The Liturgical Use of English Hymns," The Princeton Theological Review 10.2 (1912): 177-211.
On-line Resource J. Gresham Machen, "The Origin of the First Two Chapters of Luke," The Princeton Theological Review 10.2 (1912): 212-277.
On-line Resource Charles R. Morey, "The Origin of the Fish Symbol," The Princeton Theological Review 10.2 (1912): 278-298.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 10.2 (1912): 299-376. 
On-line Resource William Brenton Greene, Jr., "The Church and the Social Question," The Princeton Theological Review 10.3 (1912): 377-398.
On-line Resource Louis F. Benson, "Dr. Watts' 'Renovation of Psalmody'," The Princeton Theological Review 10.3 (1912): 399-436. 
On-line Resource J. Ritchie Smith, "The Authorship of the Fourth Gospel," The Princeton Theological Review 10.3 (1912): 437-464.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 10.3 (1912): 465-528. 
On-line Resource J. Gresham Machen, "The Virgin Birth in the Second Century," The Princeton Theological Review 10.4 (1912): 529-580.
On-line Resource Ernest Cushing Richardson, "The Documents of the Exodus, Contemporary, Original, and Written," The Princeton Theological Review 10.4 (1912): 581-605. 
On-line Resource Louis F. Benson, "Dr. Watts' 'Renovation of Psalmody'," The Princeton Theological Review 10.4 (1912): 606-644.
On-line Resource "Reviews of Recent Literature," The Princeton Theological Review 10.4 (1912): 645-712. 

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