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The Pentecostal EducatorThe Pentecostal Educator is a publication of the World Alliance for Pentecostal Theological Education (WAPTE). It is reproduced here by permission. Visit the website for further information about the journal.

Volume 1 (2014)

1.1 Complete IssueView in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Prince Guneratnam, "Endorsement Letter," The Pentecostal Educator 1.1 (Fall 2014): 4.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the copyright holder]
On-line Resource Paul R. Alexander, "Introduction to the Journal - Editorial," The Pentecostal Educator 1.1 (Fall 2014): 5.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the copyright holder]
On-line Resource Rick Wadholm Jr., "Volume Editorial," The Pentecostal Educator 1.1 (Fall 2014): 6-7.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the copyright holder]
On-line Resource William K. Kay, "Aims of Christian Education," The Pentecostal Educator 1.1 (Fall 2014): 8-21.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the copyright holder]
On-line Resource Velli-Mati Kärkäinnen, "'Epistemology, Ethos, and Environment': In Search of a Theology of Pentecostal Theological Education," The Pentecostal Educator 1.1 (Fall 2014): 22-36.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the copyright holder]
On-line Resource Byron Klaus, "What Meaneth This? Edinburgh, Stone Church, and Doctors of the Church!" The Pentecostal Educator 1.1 (Fall 2014): 37-41.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the copyright holder]
On-line Resource Todd M. Johnson, "Book Review: Hunter, H. D. and Ormerod, N., eds.: The Many Faces of Global Pentecostalism," The Pentecostal Educator 1.1 (Fall 2014): 42-44.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the copyright holder]

Volume 2 (2015)

2.1 Complete IssueView in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Paul R. Alexander, "Editorial," The Pentecostal Educator 2.1 (Spring 2015): 6.
On-line Resource Rick Wadholm Jr., "Volume Editorial," The Pentecostal Educator 2.1 (Spring 2015): 7-8.
On-line Resource L. William Oliverio, Jr., "Breaking Out of the Immanent Frame: A Review Essay of James K. A. Smith’s How (Not) to be Secular: Reading Charles Taylor," The Pentecostal Educator 2.1 (Spring 2015): 9-24.
On-line Resource Lisa Long, "Discipleship Distinctions: A Comparison of Graduate Student Discipleship Plans in the United States with those in Central America," The Pentecostal Educator 2.1 (Spring 2015): 25-49.
2.2 Complete IssueView in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource "Editorial," The Pentecostal Educator 2.2 (Fall 2015): 5.
On-line Resource Rick Wadholm Jr., "Volume Editorial," The Pentecostal Educator 2.2 (Fall 2015): 6-7.
On-line Resource Jeff C. Magruder, "The Rise of Expository Preaching in Assemblies of God Ministerial Education: Potential and Pitfalls," The Pentecostal Educator 2.2 (Fall 2015): 8-22.
On-line Resource Christopher R.J. Holmes, " 'The subject of contemporization': The Holy Spirit and the Task of Theological Education," The Pentecostal Educator 2.2 (Fall 2015): 23-30.

Volume 3 (2016)

3.1 Complete IssueView in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Paul R. Alexander, "Editorial," The Pentecostal Educator 3.1 (Spring 2016): 5.
On-line Resource Rick Wadholm Jr., "Volume Editorial," The Pentecostal Educator 3.1 (Spring 2016): 6-7.
On-line Resource Andrew Ray Williams, "The Silicon Valley Meets Azusa Street: Opportunities and Obstacles to a Pentecostal Cyber-Ecclesiology in Pneumatological Perspective," The Pentecostal Educator 3.1 (Spring 2016): 8-17.
On-line Resource Paul T. Corrigan, "Pedagogy and Koinōnia," The Pentecostal Educator 3.1 (Spring 2016): 18-28.
On-line Resource Robert R. Wadholm, "The Open Extension of Pentecostal Education and the Interactive Web," The Pentecostal Educator 3.1 (Spring 2016): 29-37.
3.2 Complete IssueView in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Paul R. Alexander, "Editorial," The Pentecostal Educator 3.2 (Fall 2016): 5.
On-line Resource Rick Wadholm Jr., "Volume Editorial," The Pentecostal Educator 3.2 (Fall 2016): 6-8.
On-line Resource Steven M. Fettke, "What Makes an Excellent Teacher?" The Pentecostal Educator 3.1 (Spring 2016): 9-17.
On-line Resource Jon M. Dahlager, "Timothy and Paul: A Case Study in Spiritual Formation and Mentoring," The Pentecostal Educator 3.1 (Spring 2016): 18-23.
On-line Resource Zachary Michael Tackett, "Mama Smith’s Studio: Reflections on the Study of Piano as a Matrix for Teaching Historical Theology," The Pentecostal Educator 3.1 (Spring 2016): 24-35.

Volume 4 (2017)

4.1 Complete IssueView in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Paul R. Alexander, "Editorial," The Pentecostal Educator 4.1 (Spring 2017): 5.
On-line Resource Rick Wadholm Jr., "Volume Editorial," The Pentecostal Educator 4.1 (Spring 2017): 6-7.
On-line Resource Michael Bommarito, "Moving from a Focused Center to the Blurred Edges: A Pentecostal Response to the Missional Movement," The Pentecostal Educator 4.1 (Spring 2017): 8-17.
On-line Resource Allen Martin, "Teaching Cross-Culturally," The Pentecostal Educator 4.1 (Spring 2017): 18-23.
4.2 Complete IssueView in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Paul R. Alexander, "Editorial," The Pentecostal Educator 4.2 (Fall 2017): 5.
On-line Resource Rick Wadholm Jr., "Volume Editorial," The Pentecostal Educator 4.2 (Fall 2017): 6-7.
On-line Resource Bob L. Johnson Jr., "n Search of a Pentecostal Theology of Knowledge-Work: Exploring the 'Under' Charted Territory of the Scholar-Researcher Vocation," The Pentecostal Educator 4.2 (Fall 2017): 8-52.
On-line Resource L. William Oliverio Jr., "The Pentecostal Conversation on the Wall of Higher Education: A Rapprochement with Tradition," The Pentecostal Educator 4.2 (Fall 2017): 53-68.
On-line Resource Rickie D. Moore, "Educating the Next Generation, Inside-Out: From Pentecostal Tongues to Multi-Cultural Conversations: The Conversation Behind the Wall," The Pentecostal Educator 4.2 (Fall 2017): 69-78.

Volume 5 (2020)

5.1&2 Complete IssueView in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Paul Alexander, "Editorial," The Pentecostal Educator 5.1&2 (Spring 2020): 1-2.
On-line Resource Miguel Alvarez, "A New Beginning: An Editorial," The Pentecostal Educator 5.1&2 (Spring 2020): 3-4.
On-line Resource Doug Lowenberg, "Having Gone, Disciple All Nations: Context, Canon, Commission, and Charisma," The Pentecostal Educator 5.1&2 (Spring 2020): 5-16.
On-line Resource Miguel Alvarez, "Interpretation of the Scripture: Exploring a Latin American Method," The Pentecostal Educator 5.1&2 (Spring 2020): 17-32.
On-line Resource Soh Hui Leng Davina, "Fostering Vocation in the Here and Now: A Case Study," The Pentecostal Educator 5.1&2 (Spring 2020): 33-44.
On-line Resource Daniel Topf, "Ten Characteristics of Pentecostal Theological Education in the Twenty-first Century," The Pentecostal Educator 5.1 (Spring 2020): 45-58.
On-line Resource Barry L. Saylor, "The Christian Campus Community as a Vehicle of Transformational Discipleship: Training Emerging Christian Leaders for Community Transformation," The Pentecostal Educator 5.1&2 (Spring 2020): 59-68.

Volume 6 (2021)

6.1 Complete IssueView in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Paul Alexander, "Editorial," The Pentecostal Educator 6.1 (Spring 2021): 1-2.
On-line Resource Miguel Alvarez, "In This Issue…" The Pentecostal Educator 6.1 (Spring 2021): 3-4.
On-line Resource Tomasz Bialokurec, "Charismatic Leadership Redefined: Transformed by Servanthood," The Pentecostal Educator 6.1 (Spring 2021): 5-20.
On-line Resource Christian Tsekpoe, "Direct Mentoring as a Model of Discipleship in Multigenerational Contexts: Experiences from an African Pentecostal Church," The Pentecostal Educator 6.1 (Spring 2021): 21-34.
On-line Resource Wonsuk Ma, "Global Christianity: Where Are We and How Did We Get Here?" The Pentecostal Educator 6.1 (Spring 2021): 35-54.
On-line Resource "Called to God’s Mission: Report of the Third Round of the International Dialogue between Representatives of the World Communion of Reformed Churches and Representatives of the Pentecostal World Fellowship, 2014-2020," The Pentecostal Educator 6.1 (Spring 2021): 55-86.
6.2 Complete IssueView in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Paul Alexander, "Editorial," The Pentecostal Educator 6.2 (Fall 2021): 91-92.
On-line Resource Miguel Alvarez, "We Welcome Teamwork and Cooperation," The Pentecostal Educator 6.2 (Fall 2021): 93-94.
  Special Theme: "Pentecostal Social Engagement"
On-line Resource Ulrik Josefsson & Barry Saylor, "Introduction," The Pentecostal Educator 6.2 (Fall 2021): 95-100.
On-line Resource Kyama Mugambi, "Pentecostal Social Engagement: Challenges and Possibilities for the Global South," The Pentecostal Educator 6.2 (Fall 2021): 101-112.
On-line Resource Cheryl Bridges Johns, "Response to Kyama Mugambi’s 'Pentecostal Social Engagement: Challenges and Possibilities for the Global South'," The Pentecostal Educator 6.2 (Fall 2021): 113-114.
On-line Resource Miguel Alvarez, "Theological Foundation for Pentecostal Holistic Mission," The Pentecostal Educator 6.2 (Fall 2021): 115-140.
On-line Resource Allan H. Anderson, "Theological Foundation for Pentecostal Holistic Mission: A Response to Miguel Alvarez," The Pentecostal Educator 6.2 (Fall 2021): 141-146.
On-line Resource Naar M’fundisi-Holloway, "The Role of the Church as a Political Entity: A Case for Zambia," The Pentecostal Educator 6.2 (Fall 2021): 147-160.
On-line Resource Amos Yong, "Zambian Political Pentecostalism: A Case for Many Tongues, Many Politics," The Pentecostal Educator 6.2 (Fall 2021): 161-166.
On-line Resource Charles Morara Obara, "Afrodiasporic Mission: Opportunities and Challenges: A Case Study of Christ Is the Answer Ministries," The Pentecostal Educator 6.2 (Fall 2021): 167-182.
On-line Resource Thang San Mung, "Worship as a lifestyle: An Exegetical Study of Ephesians 5:15-20 with a Special Reference to Contemporary Worship Practice," The Pentecostal Educator 6.2 (Fall 2021): 183-1986.

Volume 7 (2022)

7.1 Complete IssueView in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Paul Alexander, "Editorial," The Pentecostal Educator 7.1 (Spring 2022): 1-2.
On-line Resource Miguel Alvarez, "A Global Vision: Editorial," The Pentecostal Educator 7.1 (Spring 2022): 3-4.
On-line Resource Douglas P. Lowenberg, "Have We Missed the Main Point? The Purpose for Jesus’ Encounter with the Canaanite Woman (Matthew 15:21-28)," The Pentecostal Educator 7.1 (Spring 2022): 5-32.
On-line Resource Doreen Alcoran-Benavidez & Edwardneil Benavidez, "The War on Drugs in the Philippines and the Image of Healing and Restoration in Mark 5:1–20: Contrasting Perspectives on the Worth of the Human Being," The Pentecostal Educator 7.1 (Spring 2022): 33-50.
On-line Resource Daniel Orlando Álvarez, "Pentecostal Response to the Migrant Caravans," The Pentecostal Educator 7.1 (Spring 2022): 51-72.
On-line Resource Wonsuk Ma, "Pentecostalism: A New but Big Kid on the Global Christian Block," The Pentecostal Educator 7.1 (Spring 2022): 73-92.
On-line Resource Ulrik Josefsson & Matthew T. Nowachek, "Practitioners and Pentecostalism: An Epistemological Investigation into Learning as Doing, Experience, and Reflection," The Pentecostal Educator 7.1 (Spring 2022): 93-110.
On-line Resource Lora Angeline Embudo Timenia, "Bridging the distance: A Microcosm of Filipino Classical Pentecostal Identity," The Pentecostal Educator 7.1 (Spring 2022): 111-129.
7.2 Complete IssueView in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Paul Alexander, "Editorial," The Pentecostal Educator 7.2 (Fall 2022):
On-line Resource Wonsuk Ma, "The Conference Issue: Guest Editorial," The Pentecostal Educator 7.2 (Fall 2022): 137-138.
On-line Resource Younghoon Lee, "David Yonggi Cho: A Statesman for Global Pentecostalism," The Pentecostal Educator 7.2 (Fall 2022): 139-152.
On-line Resource William M. Wilson, "The Pentecostal World Fellowship: Its Past, Present, and Future," The Pentecostal Educator 7.2 (Fall 2022): 153-164.
On-line Resource David R. Wells, "The Development and Role of the Christian Unity Commission," The Pentecostal Educator 7.2 (Fall 2022): 165-172.
On-line Resource Cecil M. Robeck, Jr., "Growing Opportunities for Pentecostal Ecumenical Engagement," The Pentecostal Educator 7.2 (Fall 2022): 173-190.
On-line Resource Jean-Daniel Plüss, "The Reformed–Pentecostal Dialogue: A Journey in Discipleship," The Pentecostal Educator 7.2 (Fall 2022): 191-206.
On-line Resource Karla Ann Koll, "The Gifts of Dialogue: A Reformed Response to Jean-Daniel Plüss," The Pentecostal Educator 7.2 (Fall 2022): 207-210.
On-line Resource Arto , "Pentecostals Promoting Religious Liberty," The Pentecostal Educator 7.2 (Fall 2022): 211-220.
On-line Resource Arto Hämäläinen & Rauli Lehtonen, "Persecution: A Hindrance or Help for the Advance of the Gospel? A Pentecostal-Charismatic View," The Pentecostal Educator 7.2 (Fall 2022): 221-240.
On-line Resource John F. Carter, Paul R. Alexander, & Barry L. Saylor, "Advancing the Vision for Pentecostal Theological Education Worldwide: The Origins and Development of the World Alliance for Pentecostal Theological Education," The Pentecostal Educator 7.2 (Fall 2022): 241-260.
On-line Resource Wonsuk Ma, "Pentecostal Theological Formation and Education for Tomorrow (Sec 1)," The Pentecostal Educator 7.2 (Fall 2022): 261-275.
On-line Resource Max Barroso, "Everyone from Anywhere to Everywhere: A Brief Overview of the World Missions Commission," The Pentecostal Educator 7.2 (Fall 2022): 275-274.
On-line Resource Niclas Lindgren, "Theological Basis for Understanding Human Poverty and Holistic Mission: The Pentecostal Relief and Development Partners," The Pentecostal Educator 7.2 (Fall 2022): 285-302.

Volume 8 (2023)

8.1 Complete IssueView in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Paul Alexander, "Editorial," The Pentecostal Educator 8.1 (Spring 2023): 1-2
On-line Resource Miguel Alvarez, "For This Issue: Editorial," The Pentecostal Educator 8.1 (Spring 2023): 3-4.
On-line Resource Douglas P. Lowenberg, "What Was Jesus Modeling? The Purpose of Jesus’ Encounter with the Canaanite Woman (Matthew 15:21-28)," The Pentecostal Educator 8.1 (Spring 2023): 5-34.
On-line Resource Thang San Mung, "Worship as Lifestyle: An Exegetical Study of Ephesians 5:15-20 with a Special Reference to Contemporary Worship Practice," The Pentecostal Educator 8.1 (Spring 2023): 35-50.
On-line Resource Geoffrey Butler, "The Case for Credobaptism: The Development of a Pentecostal Distinctive," The Pentecostal Educator 8.1 (Spring 2023): 51-64.
On-line Resource Ee Lin Lam, "Glimpses of the Work of the Spirit in an Online Learning Environment," The Pentecostal Educator 8.1 (Spring 2023): 65-80.
On-line Resource Eva Wong Suk Kyun, "The Role of Pentecostal Education in the Development of the Assemblies of God Malaysia from Classical Emphases to Contemporary Emphases," The Pentecostal Educator 8.1 (Spring 2023): 81-104.
On-line Resource Pamela Gregory, "Transition and Re-Entry from Host Country to Passport Country For Children of Missionaries (MKs) with Intellectual Disabilities: A Literature Review," 105-116.
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