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The Pacific Journal of Baptist Reseach is an open-access online journal which aims to provide an international vehicle for scholarly research and debate in the Baptist tradition, with a special focus on the Pacific region.

Vols. 1-10 (2005-2015)
Vols 11- (2016-)
Vols. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Volume 1 (2005)

On-line Resource Ian M. Randall, " 'The Low Condition of the Churches': Difficulties Faced by General Baptists in England – the 1680s to the 1760s," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 1 (Oct. 2005): 3-19.
On-line Resource Joe L. Coker, "Social Conscience and Political Power among Nineteenth- Century English Baptists," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 1 (Oct. 2005): 20-38.
On-line Resource Martin Sutherland, "Free Church Ecclesiology and Public Policy in New Zealand 1890-1914," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 1 (Oct. 2005): 39-52.
On-line Resource Andrew Picard, "A Conflict of Ideologies: New Zealand Baptist Public Discourse on the Vietnam War," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 1 (Oct. 2005): 53-70.
On-line Resource "Reviews," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 1 (Oct. 2005): 71-78.
On-line Resource "International Conference on Baptist Studies IV," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 1 (Oct. 2005): 79.

Volume 2 (2006)



On-line Resource Brian Talbot, "'Catching the Infection of His Zeal': Francis Johnston, a Baptist Voice in the mid-Nineteenth Century Scottish Evangelical Debate on the work of the Holy Spirit," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 2.1 (April 2006): 3-23.
On-line Resource Mandy McMichael, "Educating Baptists: The Legacy of Basil Manly, Jr.," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 2.1 (April 2006): 25-38.
On-line Resource Graeme Chatfield, "Approaches to Ministerial training among New South Wales Baptists: Initial lines of Enquiry," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 2.1 (April 2006): 39-62.
On-line Resource Laurie Guy, "'Romanists' for Rum, Baptists against Booze: Two Churches in the struggle over prohibition in 1919," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 2.1 (April 2006): 63-82.
On-line Resource "Reviews," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 2.1 (April 2006): 83-87.



On-line Resource David Enticott, "The Rills and Rivers of F.W. Boreham's Preaching," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 2.2 (Oct. 2006): 3-20.
On-line Resource Laurie Guy, "'The Man from Wales': A Study of the Mission of Ivor Powell in New Zealand, 1955-1956," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 2.2 (Oct. 2006): 21-46.
On-line Resource Jeffrey Pugh, "Trauma, God Image and Renewal of Terminated Pastors," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 2.2 (Oct. 2006): 47-72.
On-line Resource

"Reviews," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 2.2 (Oct. 2006): 73-80.

Volume 3 (2007)



On-line Resource Phillip Larking, "A.H. Collins' Ministry at Ponsonby Baptist Church 1893-1902," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 3.1 (April 2007): 3-20.
On-line Resource Martin Sutherland, "'The N.Z. Baptist as an Agent of Denominational Identity 1874-1960," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 3.1 (April 2007): 23-39.
On-line Resource "Key Documents: 'I dwell among mine own people' – Allan Webb Calls for a Strong Sense of Baptist Identity, 1876," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 3.1 (April 2007): 41-52.
On-line Resource "Review Essay," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 3.1 (April 2007): 53-60.
On-line Resource "Reviews," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 3.1 (April 2007): 61-79.



On-line Resource Ken Manley, "William Potter (1836-1908) at South Melbourne Baptist Church (1863-1875): Questions of Principle, Propriety, Property and Prosperity," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 3.2 (Oct. 2007): 3-24.
On-line Resource John Tucker, "Heads in the Sand: New Zealand Baptists and the Tour Debate," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 3.2 (Oct. 2007): 25-40.
On-line Resource Martin Sutherland, " Gathering, Sacrament and Baptist Theological Method," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 3.2 (Oct. 2007): 41-57.
On-line Resource "Reviews," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 3.2 (Oct. 2007): 59-78.

Volume 4 (2008)



On-line Resource Colin R. Godwin, "Ignorant Fundamentalists?: Ministerial Education as a factor in
the Fundamentalist/Modernist Controversy in the Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec, 1927-1933," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 4.1 (April 2008): 5-31.
On-line Resource Myk Habets, " Naked but Not Disembodied: A Case for Anthropological Duality," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 4.1 (April 2008): 33-50.
On-line Resource Charles Carter, " Key Document: The Baptist Mission in the Central Province of Ceylon (1882)," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 4.1 (April 2008): 51-66.
On-line Resource "Reviews," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 4.1 (April 2008): 67-78.



On-line Resource Martin Sutherland, "Staking a Claim: Establishing a Baptist College in New Zealand
1926-1933," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 4.2 (Oct. 2008): 3-28.
On-line Resource "Key Document: Mission, Slavery, Freedom: Philip Cornford Recalls the Baptist
Mission in the West Indies," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 4.2 (Oct. 2007): 29-61.
On-line Resource "Reviews," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 4.2 (Oct. 2008): 63-69.
On-line Resource "Index 1995-2008," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 4.2 (Oct. 2008): 70-79.

Volume 5 (2009)



On-line Resource John Walker, "'Duties of Manhood': South Australian Baptists and Manly
Character circa 1880-1940," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 5.1 (April 2009): 5-26.
On-line Resource Andrew Picard, "Be the Community: Baptist Ecclesiology in the Context of Missional Church," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 5.1 (April 2009): 27-69.
On-line Resource "Reviews," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 5.1 (April 2009): 71-91.



On-line Resource Laurie Guy, "The Rise and Fall of the Sabbath in New Zealand 1860-2000," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 5.2 (Oct. 2009): 5-38.
On-line Resource John Walker, "'A Holy Liberty in the Lord'? South Australian Baptists and Female Gender Roles, circa 1870 to 1940," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 5.2 (Oct. 2009): 39-62.
On-line Resource "Review Article," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 5.2 (Oct. 2009): 63-70.
On-line Resource "Reviews," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 5.2 (Oct. 2009): 71-86.

Volume 6 (2010)



On-line Resource Martin Sutherland, " Preface: Stanley Grenz and Baptist Thought," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 6.1 (April 2010): 3-4.
On-line Resource Brian Harris, "Beyond Individualism: Stanley Grenz's Contribution to Baptist Theology," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 6.1 (April 2010): 5-19.
On-line Resource Jason S. Sexton, "Stanley Grenz's Ecclesiology: Telic and Trinitarian," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 6.1 (April 2010): 20-43.
On-line Resource Jay T. Smith, "A Trinitarian Epistemology: Stanley J. Grenz and the Trajectory of Convertive Piety," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 6.1 (April 2010): 44-64.
On-line Resource Jonathan R. Wilson, "Do Pietists Need a Doctrine of Creation?: God's World in the Baptist Tradition and Stanley J. Grenz," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 6.1 (April 2010): 65-78.



On-line Resource John Tucker, "'A many-headed hydra': New Zealand Baptists and the Gambling Monster, 1890-1940," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 6.2 (Oct. 2010): 3-30.
On-line Resource Martin Sutherland, "Hesitating too long: the New Zealand Baptist College, 1952-1974," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 6.2 (Oct. 2010): 31-66.
On-line Resource "Reviews," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 6.2 (Oct. 2010): 67-79.

Volume 7 (2011)



On-line Resource Alistair Mackenzie, "Baptists Supporting Christians in the Academy: a Personal Perspective," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 7.1 (April 2011): 1-23.
On-line Resource Roger Driver-Burgess, "Tolkien's Literary Faith," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 7.1 (April 2011): 24-45.
On-line Resource Rob Kilpatrick, "Missio Dei: Mission in Bold Humility," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 7.1 (April 2011): 46-62.
On-line Resource "Reviews," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 7.1 (April 2011): 63-97.



On-line Resource Gordon L. Heath, "'The Great Association Above': Maritime Baptists and the War of 1812," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 7.2 (Oct. 2011): 1-22.
On-line Resource Brendon Neilson, "The baptist Imagination of James McClendon," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 7.2 (Oct. 2011): 23-38.
On-line Resource Sebastian Murrihy, "New Zealand Baptists and the Great Depression of 1929-35: How the Baptists Responded during a Time of National Economic Distress," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 7.2 (Oct. 2011): 39-54.
On-line Resource "Reviews," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 7.2 (Oct. 2011): 55-75.
On-line Resource "Index to Articles 1995-2011," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 7.2 (Oct. 2011): 77-84.

Volume 8 (2013)



On-line Resource Laurie Guy, "Fightings Within and also Without: New Zealand Baptists, the Public, and Gay Issues 1970 to the Present," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 8.1 (May 2013): 1-8.
On-line Resource Graham Hill, "The Atonement and Healing: Wrestling with a Contemporary Issue," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 8.1 (May 2013): 9-18.
On-line Resource David Starling, "Good Fences, Good Neighbours?: Holiness, Boundaries, and Mission," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 8.1 (May 2013): 19-26.
On-line Resource Brian Harris, "Faithful Thinking: The Role of the Seminary in Promoting a Thoughtful Christian Faith," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 8.1 (May 2013): 27-35.
On-line Resource "Reviews," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 8.1 (May 2013): 36-66.


On-line Resource Frank Rees, "Beyond Religion: The Bad News, Other News, and the Good News," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 8.2 (Nov. 2013): 1-13.
On-line Resource Myk Habets, "The Primacy of Christ and Election," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 8.2 (Nov. 2013): 14-29.
On-line Resource Naomi Compton, "Why do We Suffer?: A Theological Reflection on the 'Jesus Heals Cancer' Sign and Responses to it," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 8.2 (Nov. 2013): 30-44.
On-line Resource Philip Halstead, "Designing the Forgiveness Matters Course: An A to Z Guide," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 8.2 (Nov. 2013): 45-67.
On-line Resource "Reviews," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 8.2 (Nov. 2013): 68-77.

Volume 9 (2014)



On-line Resource John Tucker, "Editorial: 'As Broad as the Gospel is, and as Narrow': New Zealand Baptists and Social Issues," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 9.1 (May 2014): 1-7.
On-line Resource David Bebbington, " Nineteenth-Century British Baptist Attitudes towards the Relations of Church and State," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 9.1 (May 2014): 8-21.
On-line Resource Peter Lineham, "The Unexplained Religion of the WCTU," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 9.1 (May 2014): 22-34.
On-line Resource Allan Davidson, "Remembering—War and Peace: Reflections on Memorialisation," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 9.1 (May 2014): 35-47.
On-line Resource Martin Sutherland, "Laurie Guy: A Critical Appreciation," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 9.1 (May 2014): 48-56.
On-line Resource Bibliography of Laurie Guy's published work" The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 9.1 (May 2014): 57-59.



On-line Resource Steven R. Harmon, "James Wm. McClendon, Jr.'s Narrative Christology in Ecumenical/ecclesiological Perspective," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 9.2 (Nov. 2014): 1-10.
On-line Resource Stephen R. Holmes, "Beyond a Bath and a Book: Baptist Theological Commitments," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 9.2 (Nov. 2014): 11-24.
On-line Resource Scott Harrower, "A Relational-Historical "Limit Case" Proposal for Meaningful
Discourse about God," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 9.2 (Nov. 2014): 25-47.
On-line Resource Dale Campbell, "Sin in Secular Ears: A Theo-Biblical and Sociological Doctrine
of Sin in Aotearoa New Zealand," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 9.2 (Nov. 2014): 48-60.
On-line Resource "Review," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 9.2 (Nov. 2014): 61-71.

Volume 10 (2015)



On-line Resource David Starling, "Introduction—Atonement, Justice and Peace: A Baptist-Anabaptist Conversation," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 10.1 (May 2015): 1-2.
On-line Resource Graeme Chatfield, "Penal Substitutionary Atonement in the Early Church Fathers, the Creeds, and Trinitarian Theology," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 10.1 (May 2015): 3-10.
On-line Resource Anthony R. Petterson, " Atonement, Justice and Peace in the Old Testament (especially Leviticus and Isaiah 53): Response to Darrin Snyder Belousker's Atonement, Justice, and Peace," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 10.1 (May 2015): 11-16.
On-line Resource Matthew Anslow, "Jesus' Understanding of His Own Death: Reflections on Chapter 9 of Darrin Snyder Belousek's Atonement, Justice, and Peace," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 10.1 (May 2015): 17-22.
On-line Resource David Starling, "Atonement, Justice and Peace in Romans 1-6: Some Thoughts in Response to Darrin Snyder Belousek's Atonement, Justice, and Peace," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 10.1 (May 2015): 23-28.
On-line Resource Darrin W. Snyder Belousek, "Continuing the Conversation: Rejoinder to Respondents from the Morling Conference on Atonement Theology," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 10.1 (May 2015): 29-38.
On-line Resource "Reviews," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 10.1 (May 2015): 39-54.


On-line Resource Steven R. Harmon, "Editorial," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 10.2 (Nov. 2015): 1.
On-line Resource Bill J. Leonard, "An Appreciative and Critical Review of Contesting Catholicity: Theology for Other Baptists (1)," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 10.2 (Nov. 2015): 2-5.
On-line Resource C. Douglas Weaver, "An Appreciative and Critical Review of Contesting Catholicity: Theology for Other Baptists (2)," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 10.2 (Nov. 2015): 6-11.
On-line Resource Adam C. English, "An Appreciative and Critical Review of Contesting Catholicity: Theology for Other Baptists (3)," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 10.2 (Nov. 2015): 12-16.
On-line Resource Fisher Humphreys, "An Appreciative and Critical Review of Contesting Catholicity: Theology for Other Baptists (4)," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 10.2 (Nov. 2015): 17-22.
On-line Resource Curtis W. Freeman, "Response to Reviewers of Contesting Catholicity," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 10.2 (Nov. 2015): 23-32.
On-line Resource "Reviews," The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 10.2 (Nov. 2015): 33-39.

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