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Neotestamentica is an academic journal published under the auspices of the New Testament Society of South Africa / Nuwe-Testamentiese Werkgemeenskap van Suid-Afrika (NTSSA). 35 volumes have been digitised and hosted on the Sabinet website. They are linked here by permission of the journal's editor.
Biblical Essays (1966)
Biblical Essays |
A.H. Van Zyl, "Preface," Neotestamentica (1966): 7-8. pdf |
H.B. Thom, "Message," Neotestamentica (1966): 9. pdf |
Old Testament Essays |
John Bright, "The Prophetic Reminiscence: Its Place and Function in the Book of Jeremiah," Neotestamentica (1966): 11-30. pdf |
Georg Fohrer, "Action of God and Decision of Man in the Old Testament," Neotestamentica (1966): 31-39. pdf |
Abraham Malamat, "The Ban in Mari and in the Bible," Neotestamentica (1966): 40-49. pdf |
Th. C. Vriezen, "Ruach Yahweh (Elohim) In The Old Testament," Neotestamentica (1966): 50-61. pdf |
S. du Toit, "Exegesis and Philosophy," Neotestamentica (1966): 62-71. pdf |
I.H. Eybers, "Relations Between Jews and Samaritans in the Persian Period," Neotestamentica (1966): 72-89. pdf |
F.C. Fensham, "A Possible Origin of the Concept of the Day of the Lord," Neotestamentica (1966): 90-97. pdf |
J.J. Glück, "The Conquest of Jerusalem in the Account of II Sam. 5:6-8a," Neotestamentica (1966): 98-105. pdf |
L.M. Muntingh, "Some Aspects of West-Semitic Kingship in the Period of the Hebrew Patriarchs," Neotestamentica (1966): 106-115. pdf |
H.S. Pelser, "The Origin of the Syrian Asceticism or Monasticism," Neotestamentica (1966): 116-131. pdf |
A. Van Selms, "How Do Books of the Bible Commence?" Neotestamentica (1966): 132-141. pdf |
A.H. van Zyl, "Psalm 19," Neotestamentica (1966): 142-158. pdf |
P.J. van Zyl, "tTb'l in the Phoenician and Biblical Literature," Neotestamentica (1966): 159-162. pdf |
P.A. Verhoef, "Some Notes on Malachi 1:11," Neotestamentica (1966): 163-172. pdf |
E.J. Smit, "Death - And Burial Formulas In Kings and Chronicles Relating to the Kings of Judah," Neotestamentica (1966): 173-178. pdf |
New Testament Essays |
F.L. Botha, "The Date of the Death of Jesus and the Conversion of Paul," Neotestamentica (1966): 181-190. pdf |
P.L. du Plessis, "The Authorship of the Epistle of Jude," Neotestamentica (1966): 191-199. pdf |
A.B. du Toit, "The Nature of Witness of the Church in the World According to Mt. 5:13-16," Neotestamentica (1966): 200-218. pdf |
F.C. Fensham, "The Curse of the Cross and the Renewal of the Covenant," Neotestamentica (1966): 219-226. pdf |
J.P. Louw, "A Motivation for θεος in Rom. 9: 5," Neotestamentica (1966): 227-229. pdf |
Jac. L. Müller, "Exegesis and Kerugma," Neotestamentica (1966): 230-238. pdf |
L.H. Roberts, "παις θεου and ο υιος του θεου in Acts 1-13," Neotestamentica (1966): 239-263, pdf |
Volume 1 (1967)
J.H. Roberts, "The Sermon on the Mount and the Idea of Liberty," Neotestamentica 1.1 (1967): 9-15. pdf |
J. du Plessis, "The Ethics of Marriage according to Matt. 5:27-32," Neotestamentica 1.1 (1967): 16-27. pdf |
P.J. du Plessis, "Love and Perfection in Matt. 5:'43-48," Neotestamentica 1.1 (1967): 28-34. pdf |
J.P. Louw, "ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣΥΝΗ in the Sermon on the Mount," Neotestamentica 1.1 (1967): 35-41. pdf |
F.J. Botha, "Recent Research on the Lord's Prayer," Neotestamentica 1.1 (1967): 42-50. pdf |
F.C. Fensham, "The Good and Evil Eye in the Sermon on the Mount," Neotestamentica 1.1 (1967): 51-59. pdf |
E.P. Groenewald, "God and Mammon," Neotestamentica 1.1 (1967): 59-65. pdf |
A.B. du Toit, "The Self-revelation of Jesus in Matthew 5 - 7," Neotestamentica 1.1 (1967): 66-72. pdf |
S.P.J.J. van Rensburg, "Sanctification according to the New Testament," Neotestamentica 1.1 (1967): 73-87. pdf |
Volume 2 (1968)
A.B. du Toit, "The incarnate word - a study of John 1:14," Neotestamentica 2.1 (1968): 9-21. pdf |
I.J. du Plessis, "Christ as the Only begotten," Neotestamentica 2.1 (1968): 22-31. pdf |
J.P. Louw, "Narrator of the Father - ΕΞΗΓΕΙΣΘΑΙ and related terms in Johannine Christology," Neotestamentica 2.1 (1968): 32-40. pdf |
J.H. Roberts, "The Lamb of God," Neotestamentica 2.1 (1968): 41-51. pdf |
H.L.N. Joubert, "'The Holy One of God' (John 6:69)," Neotestamentica 2.1 (1968): 52-69. pdf |
B.C. Lategan, "The truth that sets man free - John 8:31-36," Neotestamentica 2.1 (1968): 70-80. pdf |
F.C. Fensham, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life," Neotestamentica 2.1 (1968): 81-88. pdf |
J.L. de Villiers, "The Shepherd and his flock," Neotestamentica 2.1 (1968): 89-103. pdf |
J.C. Coetzee, "Christ and the prince of this world in the Gospel and the Epistles of St. John," Neotestamentica 2.1 (1968): 104-121. pdf |
L. Floor, "The Lord and the Holy Spirit in the fourth Gospel," Neotestamentica 2.1 (1968): 122-130. pdf |
E.P. Groenewald, "The Christological meaning of John 20:31," Neotestamentica 2.1 (1968): 131-140. pdf |
Volume 3 (1969)
P.J. du Plessis, "The Concept of Pneuma in the Theology of Paul," Neotestamentica 3.1 (1969): 9-20. pdf |
J.H. Roberts, "Die Gees en die Charismata in die Briewe van Paulus," Neotestamentica 3.1 (1969): 21-36. pdf |
W.S. Vorster, "2 Kor. 3: 17: Eksegese en Toeligting," Neotestamentica 3.1 (1969): 37-44. pdf |
H.J.B. Combrinck, "Die verhouding Pneuma - Dunamis," Neotestamentica 3.1 (1969): 45-51. pdf |
A.B. du Toit, "Die formule εν πνευματι by Paulus," Neotestamentica 3.1 (1969): 52-60. pdf |
J.J. Engelbrecht, "Pneuma en Eskatologie by Paulus," Neotestamentica 3.1 (1969): 61-75. pdf |
Volume 4 (1970)
A.B. du Toit, "Preface," Neotestamentica 4.1 (1970): 7. pdf |
J.P. Louw, "Linguistics and Hermeneutics," Neotestamentica 4.1 (1970): 8-18. pdf |
B.C. Lategan, "Hermeneutiek en Geskiedenis," Neotestamentica 4.1 (1970): 19-40. pdf |
Jac. J. Müller, "Geestesbesit as Hermeneutiese Prinsiep," Neotestamentica 4.1 (1970): 41-51. pdf |
C. van der Waal, "Die Hermeneuse van die "apokalipties" -profetiese gedeeltes van die Nuwe Testament," Neotestamentica 4.1 (1970): 52-79. pdf |
H.L.N. Joubert, "Ontmitologisering as Hermeneutiese Moontlikheid," Neotestamentica 4.1 (1970): 80-93. pdf |
F. Floor, "Calvyn se Hermeneutiek in vergelyking met Ebling een Fuchs," Neotestamentica 4.1 (1970): 94-107. pdf |
J.C. Coetzee, "Die Betekenis van Kruis en Opstanding by Rudolf Bultmann," Neotestamentica 4.1 (1970): 108-131. pdf |
I.J. du Plessis, "Die Aard en Betekenis van die Eskatologie in die Eksistensieteologie van Bultmann en sy Navolgers," Neotestamentica 4.1 (1970): 132-149. pdf |
Volume 5 (1971)
F.C. Fensham, "Hebrews and Qumran," Neotestamentica 5.1 (1971): 9-21. pdf |
H.J.B. Combrink, "Some thoughts on the Old Testament Citations in the Epistle to the Hebrews," Neotestamentica 5.1 (1971): 22-36. pdf |
E.A.C. Pretorius, "Διαθηκη in the Epistle to the Hebrews," Neotestamentica 5.1 (1971): 37-50. pdf |
W.S. Vorster, "The meaning of παρρησια in the Epistle to the Hebrews," Neotestamentica 5.1 (1971): 51-59. pdf |
H.A. Lombard, "Καταπαυσις in the Letter to the Hebrews," Neotestamentica 5.1 (1971): 60-71. pdf |
L. Floor, "The General Priesthood of Believers in the Epistle to the Hebrews," Neotestamentica 5.1 (1971): 72-82. pdf |
C. van der Waal, "The 'People of God' In the Epistle to the Hebrews," Neotestamentica 5.1 (1971): 83-92. pdf |
Volume 6 (1972)
W. Nicol, "The history of Johannine research during the past century," Neotestamentica 6.1 (1972): 8-18. pdf |
W.S. Vorster, "The Gospel of John as language," Neotestamentica 6.1 (1972): 19-27. pdf |
C. van der Waal, "The Gospel According to John and the Old Testament," Neotestamentica 6.1 (1972): 28-47. pdf |
J.C. Coetzee, "Life (eternal life) in St. John's writings and the Qumran scrolls," Neotestamentica 6.1 (1972): 48-66. pdf |
F.C. Fensham, "Love in the Writings of Qumran and John," Neotestamentica 6.1 (1972): 67-77. pdf |
Volume 7 (1973)
W.C. van Unnik, "Once more St. Luke's Prologue," Neotestamentica 7.1 (1973): 7-26. pdf |
H.J.B. Combrink, "The Structure and Significance of Luke 4:16·30," Neotestamentica 7.1 (1973): 27-48. pdf |
C. van der Waal, "The Temple in the Gospel according to Luke," Neotestamentica 7.1 (1973): 49-60. pdf |
W. Nicol, "Tradition and Redaction in Luke 21," Neotestamentica 7.1 (1973): 61-72. pdf |
J.H. Roberts, "Ekklesia in Acts - Linguistic and Theology: A Venture in Methodology," Neotestamentica 7.1 (1973): 73-94. pdf |
B.C. Lategan, "Tradition and Interpretation - two methodological remarks," Neotestamentica 7.1 (1973): 95-103. pdf |
Volume 8 (1974)
W.C. van Unnik, "Once more St. Luke's prologue," Neotestamentica 8 addendum (1974): 7-26. pdf |
8.1 |
J.H. Roberts, "Dynamic Equivalence in Bible Translation," Neotestamentica 8.1 (1974): 7-20. pdf |
W.S. Vorster, "Concerning Semantics. grammatical analysis, and Bible translation," Neotestamentica 8.1 (1974): 21-42. pdf |
G.M.M. PeIser, "A Translation Problem - Heb. 10:19·25," Neotestamentica 8.1 (1974): 43-53. pdf |
A.B. du Toit, "The significance of Discourse Analysis for New Testament interpretation and translation," Neotestamentica 8.1 (1974): 54-79. pdf |
J.P. Louw, "Dictions and Transformations in the Art of Translation," Neotestamentica 8.1 (1974): 80-94. pdf |
Volume 9 (1975)
W. Nicol, "Faith and works In the Letter of James," Neotestamentica 9.1 (1975): 7-24. pdf |
A.S. Geyser, "The Letter of James and the Social Condition of his Addressees," Neotestamentica 9.1 (1975): 25-33. pdf |
H.J.B. Combrink, "The Structure of 1 Peter," Neotestamentica 9.1 (1975): 34-63. pdf |
J.L. de Villiers, "Joy in Suffering In 1 Peter," Neotestamentica 9.1 (1975): 64-86. pdf |
W.S. Vorster, "Heterodoxy in 1 John," Neotestamentica 9.1 (1975): 87-97. pdf |
J.P. Louw, "Verbal aspect in the first Letter of John," Neotestamentica 9.1 (1975): 98-104. pdf |
J. du Preez, "'Sperma autou' in John 3:9," Neotestamentica 9.1 (1975): 105-112. pdf |
I.H. Eybers, "Aspects of the Background of the Letter of Jude," Neotestamentica 9.1 (1975): 113-123. pdf |