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The McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry is an electronic and print journal that seeks to provide pastors, educators, and interested lay persons with the fruits of theological, biblical, and professional studies in an accessible form. Published by McMaster Divinity College in Hamilton, Ontario, it continues the heritage of scholarly inquiry and theological dialogue represented by the College’s previous print publications: the Theological Bulletin, Theodolite,
and the McMaster Journal of Theology. Print versions of the Journal will be available from Wipf & Stock every September for the previous academic year, beginning with the 2007-2008 volume.
Volume 1 (1998)
Prophets and Margins |
Kate Penfield, "Everywhere will be Called Eden," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 1 (1998). |
Clark H. Pinnock, "The Role of the Spirit in Creation," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 1 (1998). |
Clark H. Pinnock, "The Role of the Spirit in Redemption," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 1 (1998). |
J. Samuel Escobar, "Theology Back to the Mission Frontier," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 1 (1998). |
Denise Gillard, "The Black Church in Canada," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 1 (1998). |
Don Posterski, "Future Faith Churches," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 1 (1998).
Joyce E. Bellous, "Perspectives on Justice," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 1 (1998). |
Volume 2 (1999)
Volume 3 (2000)
Volume 4 (2001)
Texts and Contexts |
Pamella Cullen, "Debating and Dividing," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 4 (2001). |
Peter Lopinski, "To Wash and Be Washed," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 4 (2001). |
Ron Vince, "At the Areopagus (Acts 17:22-31): Pauline Apologetics and Lucan Rhetoric," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 4 (2001). |
Phillip Wiebe, "Altered States of Consciousness and New Testament Interpretation of Post-Resurrection Appearances," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 4 (2001). |
Stacy L. Otto, "The Lord of Lords: Bridegroom or Warrior?" McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 4 (2001). |
Richard Van Egmond, "An Exegetical Study of The Prologue of John (John 1:1-18)," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 4 (2001). |
Volume 5 (2002)
Ministry Amidst Diversity |
Religion and Ageing Conference |
Arlene Groh, "Restorative Justice Approaches," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 5 (2002). |
Michael Knowles, "From Vulnerable to Venerable: Scriptural Perspectives on Aging and the Elderly," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 5 (2002). |
Elizabeth Podneiks, "Raising Awareness of Abuse of Older Persons," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 5 (2002). |
Gladstone Festival of Preaching |
Stephen C. Farris, "Preaching for Churches in Conflict: 1 Corinthians and a Troubled Church," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 5 (2002). |
Stephen C. Farris, "A Wise Sort of Foolishness: 1 Corinthians 1:18-31," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 5 (2002). |
Stephen C. Farris, "From Idol Fancies to Solid Preaching," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 5 (2002). |
John L. Bell, "'Blessed Be Jael Among Women': Judges 4:4-24, Luke 1:46-55," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 5 (2002). |
John L. Bell, "'Not Peace, but a Sword': 1 Kings 3:15a-28, Matthew 10:34-39," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 5 (2002). |
Dan Sheffield, "Leadership Requirements for the Multi-Cultural Congregation," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 5 (2002).
Clark H. Pinnock, "Religious Pluralism: A Turn to the Holy Spirit," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 5 (2002). |
Volume 6 (2003-2005)
Luz Iglesias, "Mission: A Paradigm from Pentecost," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 6 (2003-2005): 9-18. pdf |
Jason C. Robison, "Interpreting Postmodernism: Hermeneutics as Participatory Understanding," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 6 (2003-2005): 18-35. pdf |
Andrew K. Gabriel, "A Trinitarian Doctrine of Creation?: Considering Barth as a Guide," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 6 (2003-2005): 36-48. pdf |
Stanley E. Porter, "The Da Vinci Code, Conspiracy Theory and the Biblical Canon," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 6 (2003-2005): 49-80. pdf |
Robert Moore Jumonville & Robert Woods, "A Role-Taking Theory of Praying the Psalms: Using the Psalms as a Model for Structuring the Life of Prayer," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 6 (2003-2005): 81-112. pdf |
John P. Bowen, "Towards Scholarly Evangelists and Evangelistic Scholars: The Teaching of Evangelism in Theological Seminaries," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 6 (2003-2005): 113-125. pdf |
Gordon L. Heath, "Neither Scholarly nor a Solution: A Response to Tom Harpur's The Pagan Christ," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 6 (2003-2005): 126-153. pdf |
David Donaldson, "Constructing a Postmodern Church with Ancient Building Blocks," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 6 (2003-2005): 154-167. pdf |
Volume 7 (2006)
Stephen J. Bedard, "Paul and the Historical Jesus: A Case Study in First Corinthians," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 7 (2006): 9-22. pdf
Karen Sheil, "Body, Dance and Worship," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 7 (2006): 23-32. pdf |
Luz Iglesais, "Dance as Worship," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 7 (2006): 33-45. pdf |
Michael J. Reimer, "Rick Warren, Martin Bucer and the Worship Debate in Reformation Perspective," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 7 (2006): 46-69. pdf |
Anton Karl Kozlovic, "Making a "Bad" Woman Wicked: The Devilish Construction of Delilah within Cecil B. DeMille's Samson and Delilah (1949)," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 7 (2006): 70-102. pdf |
Michael J. Reimer, "The Pentateuch: The Hypotext of Mark 1:1-4:34," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 7 (2006): 103-131. pdf |
Mary L. Cinway, "Worship Music: Maintaining Dynamic Tension," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 7 (2006): 132-159. pdf |
Volume 8 (2007)
Steven M. Studebaker, "Theology: A Question of Discipleship," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 8 (2007): 9-37. |
Lee Beach, "Witness to the City: A Homiletical Theology for Urban Preaching," 23-37. |
David Robert Walls, "Wesley and Calvin on Sanctification," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 8 (2007): 38-63. |
James Ndyabahika, "Biblical Economy, Wealth and Poverty: A Challenge to the Great Lakes Region of East Africa," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 8 (2007): 64-81. |
Luciano Lombardi, "Land and Judgment: Toward a Clearer Understanding of God's Wrath on Other Nations in the Old Testament," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 8 (2007): 82-96. |
David Csinos, "The Biblical Theme of Welcoming Children," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 8 (2007): 97-117. |
Volume 9 (2007-2008)
Larry Siekawitch, "The Evolution of the Doctrine of Atonement in the Medieval Church: Anselm, Abelard and Aquinas," 3-30. pdf |
Stephen J. Bedard, "Turning Wine into Water: Tom Harpur and the "Re-Mythologization" of the Gospels," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 9 (2007-2008): 31-38. pdf |
Bruce Ballard, "The Problem of Evil: A Review Essay," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 9 (2007-2008): 39-49. pdf |
Anton Karl Kozlovic, "Christian Education and the Popular Cinema: The Creative Fusion of Film, Faith and Fun," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 9 (2007-2008): 50-71. pdf |
Andrew B. Perrin, "Lost in Translation(s): Ascertaining the Impact and Influence of the Dead Sea Scrolls on Contemporary English Bible Translations through an Investigative Case Study on the Psalms," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 9 (2007-2008): 72-95. pdf |
Patrick Franklin, "Bonhoeffer's Missional Ecclesiology," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 9 (2007-2008): 96-128. pdf |
Phil Zylla, "What Language Can I Borrow? Theopoetic Renewal in Pastoral Theology," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 9 (2007-2008): 129-143. pdf |
Volume 10 (2008-2009)
John R. Master & Jonathan L. Master, "Who is the "Woman" in 1 Timothy 2," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 10 (2008-2009): 3-21. pdf |
Patrick Franklin, "Penal Substitution in Perspective: Re-Evaluating the Articulation and Application of the Doctrine," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 10 (2008-2009): 22-52. pdf |
Andrew K. Gabriel, "Contemporary Images for Communicating the Atonement and Redemption: Liberator and Lover," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 10 (2008-2009): 53-68. pdf |
Stephen J. Bedard, "Losing Christianity: A New Testament Scholar's Fall From Faith (A Review Article)," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 10 (2008-2009): 69-74. pdf |
Lee Beach, "Preaching Subversively: The Book of Esther as a Homiletical Model," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 10 (2008-2009): 75-100. pdf |
Jamie Hussain, "Participating in Godliness: A Study of the Laws Concerning the Socially Marginalized in the Torah," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 10 (2008-2009): 101-139. pdf |
James Tyler Robertson, "Go Up and Possess the Garden of the World: The Ontario Baptist Mission to the North West Territories, 1869-70," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 10 (2008-2009): 140-173. pdf |