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Vols. 1 - 10 (1939 - 1948)
Vols. 11 - 20 (1949 - 1958)
Vols. 21 - 30 (1959 - 1968)
Vols. 31 - 40 (1969 - 1978)
Vols. 41 - 50 (1979 - 1988)
Vols. 51 - 60 (1989 - 1998)
Vols. 61 - 70 (1999 - 2008)
Vols. 71 - (2009 - )
Vol. 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50

Volume 41 (1979)

Article in Journal or Book George T. Montague, "Hermeneutics and the teaching of Scripture," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41.1 (Jan. 1979): 1-17.
Article in Journal or Book Robert R. Wilson, "Hardening of Pharaoh's heart," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41.1 (Jan. 1979): 18-36.
Article in Journal or Book Michael B. Dick, "Legal metaphor in Job 31," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41.1 (Jan. 1979): 37-50.
Article in Journal or Book Antony F. Campbell, "Psalm 78: a contribution to the theology of tenth century Israel," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41.1 (Jan. 1979): 51-79.
Article in Journal or Book Robert J. Karris, "Missionary communities: a new paradigm for the study of Luke-Acts," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41.1 (Jan. 1979): 80-97.
Article in Journal or Book Reinhard Pummer, "New evidence for Samaritan Christianity," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41.1 (Jan. 1979): 98-117.
Article in Journal or Book Thomas R.W. Longstaff, "Mark and Roger of Hovedon: a response," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41.1 (Jan. 1979): 118-120.
Article in Journal or Book John Joseph Collins, "The "historical character" of the Old Testament in recent biblical theology," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41.2 (April 1979): 185-204.
Article in Journal or Book Jon D. Levenson, "The Davidic covenant and its modern interpreters," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41.2 (April 1979): 205-219.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph Jensen, "The age of Immanuel," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41.2 (April 1979): 220-239.
Article in Journal or Book William H. Irwin, "Syntax and style in Isaiah 26," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41.2 (April 1979): 240-261.
Article in Journal or Book Thomas W. Overholt, "Jeremiah 2 and the problem of "audience reaction"," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41.2 (April 1979): 262-273.
Article in Journal or Book John Paul Heil, "Significant aspects of the healing miracles in Matthew," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41.2 (April 1979): 274-287.
Article in Journal or Book Edwin D. Freed, "Ego Eimi in John 1:20 and 4:25," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41.2 (April 1979): 288-291.
Article in Journal or Book Jerome Murphy-O'Connor, "Food and spiritual gifts in 1 Cor 8:8," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41.2 (April 1979): 292-298.
Article in Journal or Book Patrick William Skehan, "Structures in poems on wisdom: Proverbs 8 and Sirach 24," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41.3 (July 1979): 365-379.
Article in Journal or Book Alexander A. Di Lella, "The Deuteronomic background of the farewell discourse in Tob 14:3-11," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41.3 (July 1979): 380-389.
Article in Journal or Book James C. VanderKam, "The origin, character, and early history of the 364-day calendar: a reassessment of Jaubert's hypotheses," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41.3 (July 1979): 390-411.
Article in Journal or Book Harry Fleddermann, "The flight of a naked young man (Mark 14:51-52)," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41.3 (July 1979): 412-418.
Article in Journal or Book Jerome H. Neyrey, "Jacob traditions and the interpretation of John 4:10-26," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41.3 (July 1979): 419-437.
Article in Journal or Book Ronald F. Hock, "The workshop as a social setting for Paul's missionary preaching," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41.3 (July 1979): 438-450.
Article in Journal or Book Catholic Biblical Association of America. Task Force, "Women and priestly ministry: the New Testament evidence," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41.4 (Oct. 1979): 608-613.

Volume 42 (1980)

Article in Journal or Book Carroll Stuhlmueller, "Deutero-Isaiah: major transitions in the prophet's theology and in contemporary scholarship," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 42.1 (Jan. 1980): 1-29.
Article in Journal or Book Hayim Tawil, "Two notes on the treaty terminology of the Sefîre inscriptions," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 42.1 (Jan. 1980): 30-37.
Article in Journal or Book Addison G. Wright, "The riddle of the sphinx revisited: numerical patterns in the book of Qoheleth," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 42.1 (Jan. 1980): 38-51.
Article in Journal or Book Alexander Globe, "Some doctrinal variants in Matthew 1 and Luke 2, and the authority of the neutral text," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 42.1 (Jan. 1980): 52-72.
Article in Journal or Book Charles J. Robbins, "Rhetorical structure of Philippians 2:6-11," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 42.1 (Jan. 1980): 73-82.
Article in Journal or Book Daniel J. Harrington, "Research on the Jewish Pseudepigrapha during the 1970s," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 42.2 (April 1980): 147-159.
Article in Journal or Book Harold W. Attridge, "Thematic development and source elaboration in John 7:1-36," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 42.2 (April 1980): 160-170.
Article in Journal or Book William S. Kurz, "Hellenistic rhetoric in the christological proof of Luke-Acts," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 42.2 (April 1980): 171-195.
Article in Journal or Book Garry W. Trompf, "On attitudes toward women in Paul and Paulinist literature: 1 Corinthians 11:3-16 and its context," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 42.2 (April 1980): 196-215.
Article in Journal or Book Michael L. Barré, "Qumran and the "weakness" of Paul," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 42.2 (April 1980): 216-227.
Article in Journal or Book Yehoshua Gitay, "A study of Amos's art of speech: a rhetorical analysis of Amos 3:1-15," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 42.3 (July 1980): 293-309.
Article in Journal or Book Carol A. Newsom, "The development of 1 Enoch 6-19: cosmology and judgment," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 42.3 (July 1980): 310-329.
Article in Journal or Book Earl J. Richard, "The Old Testament in Acts: Wilcox's Semitisms in retrospect," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 42.3 (July 1980): 330-341.
Article in Journal or Book Thomas B. Dozeman, "Sperma Abraam in John 8 and related literature," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 42.3 (July 1980): 342-358.
Article in Journal or Book Martinus C de Boer, "Images of Paul in the post-apostolic period," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 42.3 (July 1980): 359-380.
Article in Journal or Book Alexander A. Di Lella, "Patrick William Skehan: a tribute," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 42.4 (Oct. 1980): 434-437.
Article in Journal or Book Michael A. Fishbane, "Biblical colophons, textual criticism and legal analogies," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 42.4 (Oct. 1980): 438-449.
Article in Journal or Book Richard J. Clifford, "The function of idol passages in Second Isaiah," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 42.4 (Oct. 1980): 450-464.
Article in Journal or Book Paul J. Achtemeier, "He taught them many things": reflections on Marcan christology," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 42.4 (Oct. 1980): 465-481.
Article in Journal or Book Jerome Murphy-O'Connor, "Sex and logic in 1 Corinthians 11:2-16," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 42.4 (Oct. 1980): 482-500.
Article in Journal or Book Mark Kiley, "A note on Hebrews 5:14," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 42.4 (Oct. 1980): 501-503.
Article in Journal or Book Jerome H. Neyrey, "The apologetic use of the transfiguration in 2 Peter 1:16-21," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 42.4 (Oct. 1980): 504-519.

Volume 43 (1981)

Article in Journal or Book Neil J. McEleney, "The Beatitudes of the Sermon on the Mount/plain," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.1 (Jan. 1981): 1-13.
Article in Journal or Book Claudia V. Camp, "The wise women of 2 Samuel: a role model for women in early Israel?" Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.1 (Jan. 1981): 14-29.
Article in Journal or Book Gale A. Yee, "A form-critical study of Isaiah 5:1-7 as a song and a juridical parable," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.1 (Jan. 1981): 30-40.
Article in Journal or Book Gale A. Yee, "A form-critical study of Isaiah 5:1-7 as a song and a juridical parable," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.1 (Jan. 1981): 30-40.
Article in Journal or Book Norman A. Beck, "Reclaiming a biblical text: the Mark 8:14-21 discussion about bread in the boat," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.1 (Jan. 1981): 49-56.
Article in Journal or Book Harry Fleddermann, "The discipleship discourse (Mark 9:33-50)," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.1 (Jan. 1981): 57-75.
Article in Journal or Book Sandra M. Schneiders, "The foot washing (John 13:1-20): an experiment in hermeneutics," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.1 (Jan. 1981): 76-92.
Article in Journal or Book Peter R. Rodgers, "The longer reading of 1 Peter 4:14," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.1 (Jan. 1981): 93-95.
Article in Journal or Book "Bibliography of the published works of Patrick William Skehan," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.1 (Jan. 1981): 96-98.
Article in Journal or Book "Biblical news," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.1 (Jan. 1981): 96-99.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph Jensen, "Weal and woe in Isaiah: consistency and continuity," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.2 (April 1981): 167-187.
Article in Journal or Book Walter Brueggemann, "Vine and fig tree": a case study in imagination and criticism," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.2 (April 1981): 188-204.
Article in Journal or Book Richard J. Dillon, "Previewing Luke's project from his prologue (Luke 1:1-4)," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.2 (April 1981): 205-227.
Article in Journal or Book Charles E. Carlston, "Parable and allegory revisited: an interpretive review," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.2 (April 1981): 228-242.
Article in Journal or Book Jouette M. Bassler, "The Galileans: a neglected factor in Johannine community research," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.2 (April 1981): 243-257.
Article in Journal or Book Fernando F. Segovia, "The love and hatred of Jesus and Johannine sectarianism," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.2 (April 1981): 258-272.
Article in Journal or Book J. Cheryl Exum, "Of broken pots, fluttering birds and visions in the night: extended simile and poetic technique in Isaiah," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.3 (July 1981): 331-352.
Article in Journal or Book Sean E. McEvenue, "The political structure in Judah from Cyrus to Nehemiah," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.3 (July 1981): 353-364.
Article in Journal or Book Enrique Nardoni, "A redactional interpretation of Mark 9:1," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.3 (July 1981): 365-384.
Article in Journal or Book Urban C. Von Wahlde, "The witnesses to Jesus in John 5:31-40 and belief in the Fourth Gospel," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.3 (July 1981): 385-404.
Article in Journal or Book Craig A. Evans, "The voice from heaven: a note on John 12:28," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.3 (July 1981): 405-408.
Article in Journal or Book Richard A. Horsley, "Ancient Jewish banditry and the revolt against Rome, AD 66-70," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.3 (July 1981): 409-432.
Article in Journal or Book "In memoriam Peter Nober, S J: Elenchus bibliographicus biblicus," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.3 (July 1981): 434-435.
Article in Journal or Book Roland E. Murphy, "Patristic and Medieval exegesis - help or hindrance," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.4 (Oct. 1981): 505-516.
Article in Journal or Book Johan Lust, "Ezekiel 36-40 in the oldest Greek manuscript," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.4 (Oct. 1981): 517-533.
Article in Journal or Book Mitchell Joseph Dahood, "Eblaite ý-du and Hebrew 'ed, "rain cloud"," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.4 (Oct. 1981): 534-538.
Article in Journal or Book John S. Kselman, "A note on w'nhhw in Isa 57:18," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.4 (Oct. 1981): 539-542.
Article in Journal or Book Donald H. Juel, "Social dimensions of exegesis: the use of Psalm 16 in Acts 2," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.4 (Oct. 1981): 543-556.
Article in Journal or Book Brendan Byrne, "Living out the righteousness of God: the contribution of Rom 6:1-8:13 to an understanding of Paul's ethical presuppositions," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.4 (Oct. 1981): 557-581.
Article in Journal or Book Jerome Murphy-O'Connor, "Tradition and redaction in 1 Cor 15:3-7," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.4 (Oct. 1981): 582-589.
Article in Journal or Book Pheme Perkins, "Gnostic christologies and the New Testament," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.4 (Oct. 1981): 590-606.
Article in Journal or Book "Report of the Forty-Fourth General Meeting of the Catholic Biblical Association of America," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43.4 (Oct. 1981): 608-614.

Volume 44 (1982)

Article in Journal or Book Mitchell Joseph Dahood, "Eblaite and Biblical Hebrew," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44.1 (Jan. 1982); 1-24
Article in Journal or Book Dennis J. McCarthy, "Covenant and law in Chronicles-Nehemiah," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44.1 (Jan. 1982); 25-44.
Article in Journal or Book Gerald T. Sheppard, "More on Isaiah 5:1-7 as a juridical parable," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44.1 (Jan. 1982); 45-47.
Article in Journal or Book Gary A. Rendsburg, "Double polysemy in Genesis 49:6 and Job 3:6," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44.1 (Jan. 1982); 48-51.
Article in Journal or Book Harry Fleddermann, "A warning about the scribes (Mark 12:37b-40)," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44.1 (Jan. 1982); 52-67.
Article in Journal or Book Francis D. Weinert, "Luke, the Temple and Jesus' saying about Jerusalem's abandoned house (Luke 13:34-35)," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44.1 (Jan. 1982); 68-76.
Article in Journal or Book Luke Timothy Johnson, "Rom 3:21-26 and the faith of Jesus," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44.1 (Jan. 1982); 77-90.
Article in Journal or Book John Joseph Collins, "The apocalyptic technique: setting and function in the Book of Watchers," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44.1 (Jan. 1982); 91-111.
Article in Journal or Book E. Theodore Mullen, "The "minor judges": some literary and historical considerations," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44.2 (April 1982); 185-201.
Article in Journal or Book Murray H. Lichtenstein, "Chiasm and symmetry in Proverbs 31," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44.2 (April 1982); 202-211.
Article in Journal or Book Choon Leong Seow, "Hosea 14:10 and the foolish people motif," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44.2 (April 1982); 212-224.
Article in Journal or Book Winsome Munro, "Women disciples in Mark," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44.2 (April 1982); 225-241.
Article in Journal or Book Elizabeth Struthers Malbon, "Galilee and Jerusalem: history and literature in Marcan interpretation," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44.2 (April 1982); 242-255.
Article in Journal or Book Addison G. Wright, "The widow's mites: praise or lament - a matter of context," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44.2 (April 1982); 256-265.
Article in Journal or Book P. Joseph Cahill, "Hermeneutical implications of typology," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44.2 (April 1982); 266-281.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph Naveh, "An ancient amulet or a modern forgery," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44.2 (April 1982); 282-284.
Article in Journal or Book Susan Niditch, "The "Sodomite" theme in Judges 19-20: family, community, and social disintegration," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44.3 (July 1982); 365-378.
Article in Journal or Book Thomas B. Dozeman, "The way of the man of God from Judah: true and false prophecy in the pre-Deuteronomic legend of 1 Kings 13," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44.3 (July 1982); 379-393.
Article in Journal or Book J. Gerald Janzen, "Eschatological symbol and existence in Habakkuk," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44.3 (July 1982); 394-414.
Article in Journal or Book Terence J. Keegan, "Introductory formulae for Matthean discourses," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44.3 (July 1982); 415-430.
Article in Journal or Book Stanley B. Marrow, "Parrhesia and the New Testament," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44.3 (July 1982); 431-446.
Article in Journal or Book Thomas A. Hoffman, "Inspiration, normativeness, canonicity, and the unique sacred character of the Bible," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44.3 (July 1982); 447-469.
Article in Journal or Book Bruce Vawter & James Swetnam, "In memoriam," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44.3 (July 1982); 470-471.
Article in Journal or Book W. Boyd Barrick, "The straight-legged cherubim of Ezekiel's inaugural vision (Ezekiel 1:7a)," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44.4 (Oct. 1982); 543-550.
Article in Journal or Book Anthony R. Ceresko, "The function of antanaclasis (ms' "to find"/ms' "to reach, overtake, grasp") in Hebrew poetry, especially in the Book of Qoheleth," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44.4 (Oct. 1982); 551-569.
Article in Journal or Book William R.G. Loader, "Son of David, blindness, possession, and duality in Matthew," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44.4 (Oct. 1982); 570-585.
Article in Journal or Book Jerome H. Neyrey, "The Jacob allusions in John 1:51," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44.4 (Oct. 1982); 586-605.
Article in Journal or Book Joel Marcus, "The evil inclination in the Epistle of James," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44.4 (Oct. 1982); 606-621.
Article in Journal or Book Terrance Callan, "Psalm 110:1 and the origin of the expectation that Jesus will come again," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44.4 (Oct. 1982); 622-636.
Article in Journal or Book Jerome T. Walsh, "Report of the 45th general meeting of the Catholic biblical association of America," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44.4 (Oct. 1982); 637-644.

Volume 45 (1983)

Article in Journal or Book Philip J. King, "The contribution of archaeology to biblical studies," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.1 (Jan. 1983): 1-16.
Article in Journal or Book Rick D. Moore, "The integrity of Job," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.1 (Jan. 1983): 17-31.
Article in Journal or Book Addison G. Wright, "Additional numerical patterns in Qoheleth," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.1 (Jan. 1983): 32-43.
Article in Journal or Book George Raymond Beasley-Murray, "The interpretation of Daniel 7," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.1 (Jan. 1983): 44-58.
Article in Journal or Book Mark S. Smith, "The "Son of Man" in Ugaritic," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.1 (Jan. 1983): 59-60.
Article in Journal or Book Robert Doran, "Luke 20:18: a warrior's boast?" Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.1 (Jan. 1983): 61-67.
Article in Journal or Book Francis H. Agnew, "1 Peter 1:2 - an alternative translation," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.1 (Jan. 1983): 68-73.
Article in Journal or Book Raymond E Brown, "Not Jewish Christianity and gentile Christianity but types of Jewish/gentile Christianity," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.1 (Jan. 1983): 74-79.
Article in Journal or Book Philip R. Davies, "Calendrical change and Qumran origins: an assessment of VanderKam's theory," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.1 (Jan. 1983): 80-89.
Article in Journal or Book Carol L. Meyers, "Jachin and Boaz in religious and political perspective," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.2 (April 1983): 167-178.
Article in Journal or Book Niels Erik A. Andreasen, "The role of the queen mother in Israelite society," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.2 (April 1983): 179-194.
Article in Journal or Book Lloyd M. Barré, "Halel¹ yah: a broken inclusion," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.2 (April 1983): 195-200.
Article in Journal or Book Douglas K. Clark, "Signs in Wisdom and John," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.2 (April 1983): 201-209.
Article in Journal or Book Fernando F. Segovia, "John 15:18-16:4a: a first addition to the original farewell discourse?" Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.2 (April 1983): 210-230.
Article in Journal or Book Paul J. Achtemeier, "An apocalyptic shift in early Christian tradition: reflections on some canonical evidence," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.2 (April 1983): 231-248.
Article in Journal or Book Paul L. Redditt, "The concept of nomos in Fourth Maccabees," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.2 (April 1983): 249-270.
Article in Journal or Book Lawrence Boadt, "Intentional alliteration in Second Isaiah," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.3 (July 1983): 353-363.
Article in Journal or Book Michael DeRoche, "Jeremiah 2:2-3 and Israel's love for God during the wilderness wanderings," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.3 (July 1983): 364-376.
Article in Journal or Book Gerald H. Wilson, "The Qumran Psalms manuscripts and the consecutive arrangement of Psalms in the Hebrew Psalter," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.3 (July 1983): 377-388.
Article in Journal or Book Harry Fleddermann, "And he wanted to pass by them" (Mark 6:48c)," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.3 (July 1983): 389-395.
Article in Journal or Book Marla J. Schierling Selvidge, "And those who followed feared" (Mark 10:32)," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.3 (July 1983): 396-400.
Article in Journal or Book Bart D. Ehrman & Mark A. Plunkett, "The angel and the agony: the textual problem of Luke 22:43-44,2 Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.3 (July 1983): 401-416.
Article in Journal or Book Thomas L. Brodie, "The accusing and stoning of Naboth (1 Kgs 21:8-13) as one component of the Stephen text (Acts 6:9-14, Acts 7:58a)," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.3 (July 1983): 417-432.
Article in Journal or Book John L. White, "Saint Paul and the apostolic letter tradition," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.3 (July 1983): 433-444.
Article in Journal or Book Elias D. Mallon, "A stylistic analysis of Joel 1:10-12," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.4 (Oct. 1983): 537-548.
Article in Journal or Book Steven L. McKenzie & Howard N. Wallace, "Covenant themes in Malachi," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.4 (Oct. 1983): 549-563.
Article in Journal or Book Timothy Polk, "Paradigms, parables, and mesal¯m: on reading the masal in Scripture," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.4 (Oct. 1983): 564-583.
Article in Journal or Book William O. Walker, "The Son of Man: some recent developments," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.4 (Oct. 1983): 584-607.
Article in Journal or Book Brendan Byrne, "Sinning against one's own body: Paul's understanding of the sexual relationship in 1 Corinthians 6:18," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.4 (Oct. 1983): 608-616.
Article in Journal or Book Andrew T. Lincoln, "Ephesians 2:8-10: a summary of Paul's gospel?" Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.4 (Oct. 1983): 617-630.
Article in Journal or Book Pheme Perkins, "Koinonia in 1 John 1:3-7: the social context of division in the Johannine letters," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.4 (Oct. 1983): 631-641.
Article in Journal or Book Jerome T. Walsh, "Report of the forty-sixth general meeting of the Catholic Biblical Association of America," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.4 (Oct. 1983): 642-650.
Article in Journal or Book "In memoriam: Dennis J McCarthy, SJ," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 45.4 (Oct. 1983): 650.

Volume 46 (1984)

Article in Journal or Book Bp. Richard J. Sklba, "Until the Spirit from on high is poured out on us" (Isa 32:15): reflections on the role of the Spirit in the exile," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46.1 (Jan. 1984): 1-17.
Article in Journal or Book Paul G. Mosca, "Who seduced whom: a note on Joshua 15:18; Judges 1:14," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46.1 (Jan. 1984): 18-22.
Article in Journal or Book John S. Kselman, "A note on Psalm 85:9-10," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46.1 (Jan. 1984): 23-27.
Article in Journal or Book Gene Rice, "The integrity of the text of Psalm 139:20b," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46.1 (Jan. 1984): 28-30.
Article in Journal or Book Wilfred G.E. Watson, "Further examples of semantic-sonant chiasmus," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46.1 (Jan. 1984): 31-33.
Article in Journal or Book John S. Kloppenborg, "Tradition and redaction in the synoptic sayings source," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46.1 (Jan. 1984): 34-62.
Article in Journal or Book Donald Senior, "The struggle to be universal: mission as vantage point for New Testament investigation," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46.1 (Jan. 1984): 63-81.
Article in Journal or Book Joyce A. Little, "Paul's use of analogy: a structural analysis of Romans 7:1-6," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46.1 (Jan. 1984): 82-90.
Article in Journal or Book Angelo Tosato, "The law of Leviticus 18:18: a reexamination," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46.2 (April 1984): 199-214.
Article in Journal or Book William H. Irwin, "The punctuation of Isaiah 24:14-16a and 25:4c-5," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46.2 (April 1984): 215-222.
Article in Journal or Book Jon D. Levenson, "Some unnoticed connotations in Jeremiah 20:9," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46.2 (April 1984): 223-225.
Article in Journal or Book Michael B. Dick, "Prophetic poiesis and the verbal icon," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46.2 (April 1984): 226-246.
Article in Journal or Book Gerald O'Collins, "Luminous appearances of the risen Christ," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46.2 (April 1984): 247-254.
Article in Journal or Book Juan B. Cortés, "The Greek text of Luke 18:14a: a contribution to the method of reasoned eclecticism," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46.2 (April 1984): 255-273.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph Plevnik, "The taking up of the faithful and the resurrection of the dead in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46.2 (April 1984): 274-283.
Article in Journal or Book Robert A. Wild, "The warrior and the prisoner: some reflections on Ephesians 6:10-20," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46.2 (April 1984): 284-298.
Article in Journal or Book Brian Peckham, "The composition of Joshua 3-4," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46.3 (July 1984): 413-431.
Article in Journal or Book Millard C. Lind, "Monotheism, power, and justice: a study in Isaiah 40-55," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46.3 (July 1984): 432-446.
Article in Journal or Book Fred W. Burnett, "Philo on immortality: a thematic study of Philo's concept of palingenesia," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46.3 (July 1984): 447-470.
Article in Journal or Book Richard A. Horsley, "Popular messianic movements around the time of Jesus," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46.3 (July 1984): 471-495.
Article in Journal or Book Jouette M. Bassler, "The enigmatic sign: 2 Thessalonians 1:5," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46.3 (July 1984): 496-510.
Article in Journal or Book James C. VanderKam, "Studies in the Apocalypse of Weeks (1 Enoch 93:1-10, 91:11-17)," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46.3 (July 1984): 511-523.
Article in Journal or Book "List of members of the Pontifical Biblical Commission," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46.3 (July 1984): 524.
Article in Journal or Book Eugene Charles Ulrich, "Horizons of Old Testament textual research at the thirtieth anniversary of Qumran cave 4," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46.4 (Oct. 1984): 613-636.
Article in Journal or Book Robert LaBarbera, "The man of war and the man of God: social satire in 2 Kings 6:8-7:20," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46.4 (Oct. 1984): 637-651.
Article in Journal or Book Saul Olyan, "Hasalôm: some literary considerations of 2 Kings 9," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46.4 (Oct. 1984): 652-668.
Article in Journal or Book Duane L. Christensen, "Zephaniah 2:4-15: a theological basis for Josiah's program of political expansion," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46.4 (Oct. 1984): 669-682.
Article in Journal or Book Susan Marie Praeder, "Acts 27:1-28:16: sea voyages in ancient literature and the theology of Luke-Acts," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46.4 (Oct. 1984): 683-706.
Article in Journal or Book Stanley K. Stowers, "Paul's dialogue with a fellow Jew in Romans 3:1-9," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46.4 (Oct. 1984): 707-722.

Volume 47 (1985)

Article in Journal or Book Robert Grady North, "Violence and the Bible: the Girard connection," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47.1 (Jan. 1985): 1-27.
Article in Journal or Book Walter Brueggemann, "A shape for Old Testament theology: 1, structure legitimation; 2, Embrace of pain," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47.1 (Jan. 1985): 28-46.
Article in Journal or Book George W. Coats, "An exposition for the conquest theme," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47.1 (Jan. 1985): 47-54.
Article in Journal or Book Raymond C. Van Leeuwen, "What comes out of God's mouth: theological wordplay in Deuteronomy 8," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47.1 (Jan. 1985): 55-57.
Article in Journal or Book Anthony R. Ceresko, "A rhetorical analysis of David's "boast" (1 Samuel 17:34-37): some reflections of method," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47.1 (Jan. 1985): 58-74.
Article in Journal or Book Thomas M. Finn, "The God-fearers reconsidered," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47.1 (Jan. 1985): 75-84.
Article in Journal or Book Benjamin Fiore, "Covert allusion" in 1 Corinthians 1-4," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47.1 (Jan. 1985): 85-102.
Article in Journal or Book Henry Rowold, "Yahweh's challenge to rival: the form and function of the Yahweh-speech in Job 38-39," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47.2 (April 1985): 199-211.
Article in Journal or Book Paul G. Mosca, "Psalm 26: poetic structure and the form-critical task," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47.2 (April 1985): 212-237.
Article in Journal or Book Bruce V. Malchow, "A manual for future monarchs," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47.2 (April 1985): 238-245.
Article in Journal or Book Vincent P. Branick, "The sinful flesh of the Son of God (Rom 8:3): a key image of Pauline theology," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47.2 (April 1985): 246-262.
Article in Journal or Book John Gillman, "Signals of transformation in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47.2 (April 1985): 263-281.
Article in Journal or Book Stanley N. Olson, "Pauline expressions of confidence in his addressees," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47.2 (April 1985): 282-295.
Article in Journal or Book Carroll D. Osburn, "1 Enoch 80:2-8 (67:5-7) and Jude 12-13," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47.2 (April 1985): 296-303.
Article in Journal or Book Jerome D. Quinn, "[Ziskovsky, George J] in memoriam," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47.2 (April 1985): 304-305.
Article in Journal or Book Choon Leong Seow, "A textual note on Lamentations 1:20," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47.3 (July 1985): 416-419.
Article in Journal or Book Michael L. Barré, "Amos 1:11 reconsidered," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47.3 (July 1985): 420-427.
Article in Journal or Book John Huehnergard, "Biblical notes on some new Akkadian texts from Emar (Syria)," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47.3 (July 1985): 428-434.
Article in Journal or Book Richard A. Horsley, "Like one of the prophets of old": two types of popular prophets at the time of Jesus," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47.3 (July 1985): 435-463.
Article in Journal or Book Craig A. Evans, "On the Isaianic background of the Sower Parable," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47.3 (July 1985): 464-468.
Article in Journal or Book Frank J. Matera, "The death of Jesus according to Luke: a question of sources," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47.3 (July 1985): 469-485.
Article in Journal or Book C. Thomas Rhyne, "Nomos dikaiosynes and the meaning of Romans 10:4," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47.3 (July 1985): 486-499.
Article in Journal or Book Terence E. Fretheim, "Divine foreknowledge, divine constancy, and the rejection of Saul's kingship," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47.4 (Oct. 1985): 595-602.
Article in Journal or Book Robert L. Cohn, "Convention and creativity in the Book of Kings: the case of the dying monarch," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47.4 (Oct. 1985): 603-616.
Article in Journal or Book Jack Levison, "Is Eve to blame: a contextual analysis of Sirach 25:24," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47.4 (Oct. 1985): 617-623.
Article in Journal or Book Gerald H. Wilson, "The Qumran Psalms Scroll [11QPsa] reconsidered: analysis of the debate," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47.4 (Oct. 1985): 624-642.
Article in Journal or Book L. William Countryman, "How many baskets full: Mark 8:14-21 and the value of miracles in Mark," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47.4 (Oct. 1985): 643-655.
Article in Journal or Book Edgar W. Conrad, "The annunciation of birth and the birth of the Messiah," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47.4 (Oct. 1985): 656-663.
Article in Journal or Book Vincent P. Branick, "Apocalyptic Paul," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47.4 (Oct. 1985): 664-675.
Article in Journal or Book Michel Gourgues, "The thousand-year reign (Rev 20:1-6): terrestrial or celestial," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47.4 (Oct. 1985): 676-681.

Volume 48 (1986)

Article in Journal or Book Paul J. Achtemeier, "An elusive unity: Paul, Acts, and the early church," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.1 (Jan. 1986): 1-26.
Article in Journal or Book Christopher T. Begg, "2 Kings 20:12-19 as an element of the Deuteronomistic History," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.1 (Jan. 1986): 27-38.
Article in Journal or Book Tamara Cohn Eskenazi, "The chronicler and the composition of 1 Esdras," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.1 (Jan. 1986): 39-61.
Article in Journal or Book Wendy J. Cotter, "'For it was not the season for figs'," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.1 (Jan. 1986): 62-66.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph A. Grassi, "The role of Jesus' mother in John's Gospel: a reappraisal," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.1 (Jan. 1986): 67-80.
Article in Journal or Book Jerome Murphy-O'Connor, "Interpolations in 1 Corinthians," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.1 (Jan. 1986): 81-94.
Article in Journal or Book Daniel J. Harrington, "[MacRae, George W, 1928-1985] in memoriam," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.1 (Jan. 1986): 95.
Article in Journal or Book K.A. Mathews, "The Leviticus scroll (11QpaleoLev) and the text of the Hebrew Bible," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.2 (April 1986): 171-207.
Article in Journal or Book Susan Niditch, "Ezekiel 40-48 in a visionary context," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.2 (April 1986): 208-224.
Article in Journal or Book Paul L. Redditt, "The Book of Joel and peripheral prophecy," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.2 (April 1986): 225-240.
Article in Journal or Book Jeffrey L. Staley, "The structure of John's prologue: its implications for the gospel's narrative structure," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.2 (April 1986): 241-264.
Article in Journal or Book James W. Aageson, "Scripture and structure in the development of the argument in Romans 9-11," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.2 (April 1986): 265-289.
Article in Journal or Book Michael D. Guinan, "[Flanagan, Neal M]: in memoriam," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.2 (April 1986): 290.
Article in Journal or Book Myles M. Bourke, "Joseph A Fitzmyer, SJ: a biographical sketch," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.3 (July 1986): 375-378.
Article in Journal or Book Raymond E. Brown & Alexander A. Di Lella, "A wise and discerning heart: Studies presented to Joseph A Fitzmyer, SJ in celebration of his 65th birthday," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.3 (July 1986): 375-522.
Article in Journal or Book John P. Meier, "Books and articles by Joseph A Fitzmyer, SJ," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.3 (July 1986): 379-386.
Article in Journal or Book Frank Moore Cross, "A new Aramaic stele from Tayma'," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.3 (July 1986): 387-394.
Article in Journal or Book Alexander A. Di Lella, "Sirach 51:1-12: poetic structure and analysis of Ben Sira's Psalm," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.3 (July 1986): 395-407.
Article in Journal or Book David Noel Freedman, "Acrostic poems in the Hebrew Bible: alphabetic and otherwise," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.3 (July 1986): 408-431.
Article in Journal or Book Daniel J. Harrington, "The prophecy of Deborah: interpretative homiletics in Targum Jonathan of Judges 5," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.3 (July 1986): 432-442.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph Jensen, "Yahweh's plan in Isaiah and in the rest of the Old Testament," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.3 (July 1986): 443-455.
Article in Journal or Book Roland E. Murphy, "Wisdom's song: Proverbs 1:20-33," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.3 (July 1986): 456-460.
Article in Journal or Book Bruce Vawter, "Yahweh: Lord of the heavens and the earth," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.3 (July 1986): 461-467.
Article in Journal or Book Raymond E Brown, "Gospel infancy narrative research from 1976 to 1986: part I (Matthew)," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.3 (July 1986): 468-483.
Article in Journal or Book John R. Donahue, "Recent studies on the origin of "Son of Man" in the gospels," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.3 (July 1986): 484-498.
Article in Journal or Book Francis T. Gignac, "Morphological phenomena in the Greek papyri significant for the text and language of the New Testament," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.3 (July 1986): 499-511.
Article in Journal or Book Pheme Perkins, "Pauline anthropology in light of Nag Hammadi," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.3 (July 1986): 512-522.
Article in Journal or Book Robert B. Robinson, "Literary functions of the genealogies of Genesis," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.4 (Oct. 1986): 595-608.
Article in Journal or Book John W. Miller, "Depatriarchalizing God in biblical interpretation: a critique," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.4 (Oct. 1986): 609-616.
Article in Journal or Book Brian Peckham, "The Vision of Habakkuk," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.4 (Oct. 1986): 617-636.
Article in Journal or Book John M. Perry, "The three days in the synoptic passion predictions," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.4 (Oct. 1986): 637-654.
Article in Journal or Book Mark Kiley, "Lord, save my life" (Ps 116:4) as generative text for Jesus' Gethsemane prayer (Mark 14:36a)," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.4 (Oct. 1986): 655-659.
Article in Journal or Book Raymond E Brown, "Gospel infancy narrative research from 1976 to 1986: part II (Luke)," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.4 (Oct. 1986): 660-680.
Article in Journal or Book C. Clifton Black, "St Thomas's commentary on the Johannine prologue: some reflections on its character and implications," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 48.4 (Oct. 1986): 681-698.

Volume 49 (1987)

Article in Journal or Book Daniel J. Harrington, "The Jewishness of Jesus: facing some problems," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49.1 (Jan. 1987): 1-13.
Article in Journal or Book John G. Gammie, "The Septuagint of Job: its poetic style and relationship to the Septuagint of Proverbs," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49.1 (Jan. 1987): 14-31.
Article in Journal or Book Jean Duhaime, "Dualistic reworking in the scrolls from Qumran," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49.1 (Jan. 1987): 32-56.
Article in Journal or Book Jack Dean Kingsbury, "The developing conflict between Jesus and the Jewish leaders in Matthew's Gospel: a literary-critical study," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49.1 (Jan. 1987): 57-73.
Article in Journal or Book Robert F. O'Toole, "Luke's message in Luke 9:1-50," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49.1 (Jan. 1987): 74-89.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph Plevnik, "The eyewitnesses of the risen Jesus in Luke 24," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49.1 (Jan. 1987): 90-103.
Article in Journal or Book Bernard F. Batto, "The covenant of peace: a neglected ancient Near Eastern motif," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49.2 (April 1987): 187-211.
Article in Journal or Book E. Theodore Mullen, "The sins of Jeroboam: a redactional assessment," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49.2 (April 1987): 212-232.
Article in Journal or Book Frank J. Matera, "The plot of Matthew's Gospel," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49.2 (April 1987): 233-253.
Article in Journal or Book John W. Pryor, "John 4:44 and the patris of Jesus," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49.2 (April 1987): 254-263.
Article in Journal or Book Marion L. Soards, "Kõsemann's "righteousness" reexamined," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49.2 (April 1987): 264-267.
Article in Journal or Book Richard B. Hays, "Christology and ethics in Galatians: the law of Christ," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49.2 (April 1987): 268-290.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph Jensen, "Vawter, Bruce Francis, 1921-1986," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49.2 (April 1987): 291-292.
Article in Journal or Book William Henry Propp, "The skin of Moses' face - transfigured or disfigured," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49.3 (July 1987): 375-386.
Article in Journal or Book David P. Wright, "Deuteronomy 21:1-9 as a rite of elimination," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49.3 (July 1987): 387-403.
Article in Journal or Book Leslie C. Allen, "Ezekiel 24:3-14: a rhetorical perspective," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49.3 (July 1987): 404-414.
Article in Journal or Book Jerome Kodell, "Luke and the children: the beginning and end of the "great interpolation" (Luke 9:46-56, 18:9-23)," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49.3 (July 1987): 415-430.
Article in Journal or Book Sam K. Williams, "Again pistis Christou," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49.3 (July 1987): 431-447.
Article in Journal or Book Wilhelm Wuellner, "Where is rhetorical criticism taking us," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49.3 (July 1987): 448-463.
Article in Journal or Book Peggy L. Day, "Abishai the satan in 2 Samuel 19:17-24," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49.4 (Oct. 1987): 543-547.
Article in Journal or Book Pauline A. Viviano, "2 Kings 17: a rhetorical and form-critical analysis," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49.4 (Oct. 1987): 548-559.
Article in Journal or Book Katheryn Pfisterer Darr, "Like warrior, like woman: destruction and deliverance in Isaiah 42:10-17," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49.4 (Oct. 1987): 560-571.
Article in Journal or Book John S. Kselman, "Psalm 3: a structural and literary study," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49.4 (Oct. 1987): 572-580.
Article in Journal or Book Mary Ann L. Beavis, "The trial before the Sanhedrin (Mark 14:53-65): reader response and Greco-Roman readers," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49.4 (Oct. 1987): 581-596.
Article in Journal or Book Florence Morgan Gillman, "Another look at Romans 8:3: "in the likeness of sinful flesh"," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49.4 (Oct. 1987): 597-604.
Article in Journal or Book Andrew T. Lincoln, "The church and Israel in Ephesians 2," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49.4 (Oct. 1987): 605-624.
Article in Journal or Book Jerome Murphy-O'Connor, "Benoit, PÞre Pierre, OP, 1906-1987," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49.4 (Oct. 1987): 625-626.
Article in Journal or Book Jerome T. Walsh, "Report of the fiftieth general meeting of the Catholic Biblical Association of America," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49.4 (Oct. 1987): 626-633.

Volume 50 (1988)

Article in Journal or Book Pheme Perkins, "Theological implications of New Testament pluralism," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50.1 (Jan. 1989): 5-23.
Article in Journal or Book George W. Ramsey, "Is name-giving an act of domination in Genesis 2:23 and elsewhere," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50.1 (Jan. 1989): 24-35.
Article in Journal or Book Christopher T. Begg, "Rereading of the "animal rite" of Genesis 15 in early Jewish narratives," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50.1 (Jan. 1989): 36-46.
Article in Journal or Book Charles E. Carlston, "Betz on the Sermon on the Mount - a critique," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50.1 (Jan. 1989): 47-57.
Article in Journal or Book Mikeal C. Parsons, "The text of Acts 1:2 reconsidered," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50.1 (Jan. 1989): 58-71.
Article in Journal or Book Jerome H. Neyrey, "Bewitched in Galatia: Paul and cultural anthropology," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50.1 (Jan. 1989): 72-100.
Article in Journal or Book Mark S. Smith, "Seeing God" in the Psalms: the background to the beatific vision in the Hebrew Bible," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50.2 (April 1989): 171-183.
Article in Journal or Book Michael L. Barré, "Habakkuk 3:2: translation in context," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50.2 (April 1989): 184-197.
Article in Journal or Book Lester L. Grabbe, "Another look at the Gestalt of "Darius the Mede"," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50.2 (April 1989): 198-213.
Article in Journal or Book Martinus C de Boer, "Ten thousand talents: Matthew's interpretation and redaction of the parable of the Unforgiving Servant (Matt 18:23-35)," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50.2 (April 1989): 214-232.
Article in Journal or Book Raymond E. Brown, "The burial of Jesus (Mark 15:42-47)," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50.2 (April 1989): 233-245.
Article in Journal or Book Harry P. Nasuti, "The woes of the prophets and the rights of the apostle: the internal dynamics of 1 Corinthians 9," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50.2 (April 1989): 246-264.
Article in Journal or Book Jerome Murphy-O'Connor, "1 Corinthians 11:2-16 once again," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50.2 (April 1989): 265-274.
Article in Journal or Book Ronald S. Hendel, "The social origins of the aniconic tradition in early Israel," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50.3 (July 1989): 365-382.
Article in Journal or Book Walter Brueggemann, "2 Samuel 21-24: an appendix of deconstruction?" Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50.3 (July 1989): 383-397.
Article in Journal or Book Jeffrey S. Rogers, "Narrative stock and Deuteronomistic elaboration in 1 Kings 2," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50.3 (July 1989): 398-413.
Article in Journal or Book Gary A. Rendsburg, "The mock of Baal in 1 Kings 18:27," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50.3 (July 1989): 414-417.
Article in Journal or Book Daniel I. Block, "Text and emotion: a study in the "corruptions" in Ezekiel's inaugural vision (Ezekiel 1:4-28)," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50.3 (July 1989): 418-442.
Article in Journal or Book Joel Marcus, "The gates of Hades and the keys of the kingdom (Matt 16:18-19)," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50.3 (July 1989): 443-455.
Article in Journal or Book Mary Ann Getty, "Paul and the salvation of Israel: a perspective on Romans 9-11," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50.3 (July 1989): 456-469.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph A. Fitzmyer, "The Aramaic background of Philippians 2:6-11," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50.3 (July 1989): 470-483.
Article in Journal or Book Gale A. Yee, "The anatomy of biblical parody: the dirge form in 2 Samuel 1 and Isaiah 14," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50.4 (Oct. 1989): 565-586.
Article in Journal or Book John S. Kselman, "Psalm 146 in its context," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50.4 (Oct. 1989): 587-599.
Article in Journal or Book Roland E. Murphy, "Wisdom and eros in Proverbs 1-9," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50.4 (Oct. 1989): 600-603.
Article in Journal or Book John T. Carroll, "Luke's portrayal of the Pharisees," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50.4 (Oct. 1989): 604-621.
Article in Journal or Book William O. Walker, "Text-critical evidence for interpolations in the letters of Paul," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50.4 (Oct. 1989): 622-631.
Article in Journal or Book Luke Timothy Johnson, "The mirror of remembrance (James 1:22-25)," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50.4 (Oct. 1989): 632-645.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph Jensen, "Prediction-fulfillment in Bible and liturgy," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50.4 (Oct. 1989): 646-662.
Article in Journal or Book Claude Peifer, "McGrath, Brendan, 1914-1988," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50.4 (Oct. 1989): 663-664.
Article in Journal or Book Jerome T. Walsh, "Report of the fifty-first general meeting of the Catholic Biblical Association of America," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50.4 (Oct. 1989): 664-671.

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