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The Baptist Reporter is now in the public domain. For more information about Baptist periodicals see this article:
"Baptist Periodicals," Transactions of the Baptist Historical Society 5.3 (April 1917): 193-196.
The Baptist Reporter 1844-1854 |
The Baptist Reporter 1855-1865 |
Volume 1 (1844) Download Complete Volume pdf
- January
- On the Extension of Christianity
- The Baptists in Scotland
- Ireland
- Our Periodical Literature
- Dr Halley's Lectures
- Dr Halley and the Baptists
- Infant Sprinkling in Jamaica.--No.IV -- Observator
- The Two Small Biographical Memoirs
- Poetry
- Original Letter of the Late Rev, Joseph Kinghorn
- Narratives, Anecdotes, &c.
- Words of the Wise
- Correspondence
- Revivals
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts and Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools
- Reviews
- Religious Intelligence
- Baptist Intelligence
- Marriages
- Deaths
- February
- On the Extension of Christianity
- On Covetousness
- Dr. Halley's Lectures, No. II
- Persecutions in Denmark
- Astonishing Accuracy of the Bible
- Neander on Baptism. A Poser for Dr. Halley
- Poetry Biographical Memoir
- s Original Letter of the Late Rev, I. Mann, A.M.
- Narratives, Anecdotes & c.
- Correspondence
- Words of the Wise
- Plans of Usefulness
- Attempts to Do Good--J.D.
- Revivals
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts & Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools
- Reviews
- Passing Events
- Religious Intelligence
- Baptist Intelligence
- General Intelligence
- Marriages
- Deaths
- Conversation With Correspondents
- March
- On the Extension of Christianity
- A Remarkable Prediction or Puseyism Foretold Two Hundred Years Ago
- On Covetousness, No. II
- Sermon by John Foster
- Rise and Progress of the Baptist Cause in Denmark--W.B.
- Ireland. An Irish Labourer--J.B.
- Scotland. More "Labourers" Wanted!
- Biographical Memoirs
- Poetry
- Original Letter. The Pulpit and the Pew--D.I.
- Words of the Wise
- Narratives, Anecdotes & c.; Formation of a Baptist Church in Stuttgard
- Correspondence
- Attempts to Do Good -- E.B.
- Individual Reports
- Revivals
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts & Anecdotes Religious Tracts
- Reviews
- Passing Events
- Religious Intelligence
- Baptist Intelligence
- General Intelligence
- Marriages
- Deaths
- April
- On the Extention of Christianity
- On Prayer for the Mission to the East--a Friend to the Mission
- Rise and Progress of the Baptist Cause in Denmark--W.B.
- Covetousness, No.III--W.B.
- The Precious Blood of Christ
- Hard to Bear Rebuke
- Poetry
- Conversions
- Words of the Wise
- Biographical Memoirs
- Original Letter by Mr. Christopher Hall
- Narratives, Anecdotes & c.; A First Sabbath in New England
- Correspondence
- Plans of Usefulness
- Individual Reports
- Revivals
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts & Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools
- Reviews
- Passing Events
- Religious Intelligence
- Baptist Intelligence
- General Intelligence
- Marriages
- Deaths
- May
- The Extension of Christianity
- Christian Activity
- Hope
- Church Education
- Biblical Criticism; Baptism of Beds—W.B.; The Cross of Calvary—S.P.
- Poetry Baptist Statistics—No. 1—England
- Conversions; Singular Conversion of an Infidel—D.T.
- Biographical Memoirs
- Words of the Wise
- Original Letter--The Sleeping Preacher
- Narratives, Anecdotes, &c.
- Correspondence
- Open-Air Preaching
- Plans of Usefulness
- Individual Reports
- Attempts to Do Good
- Revivals
- Baptism
- Baptism Facts and Anecdote
- s Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools
- Education
- Reviews
- Passing Events
- Religious Intelligence
- Baptist Intelligence
- General Intelligence
- Marriages
- Deaths
- Conversation with Correspondents
- June
- On the Extension of Christianity
- The Anti-State-Church Conference
- Biblical Criticisms: Household Baptism; A Caveat Young Believers, Against the Solicitations of Carnal Delights
- Poetry Conversions; A Revival Scene by a Evangelist
- Biographical Memoirs; Mrs Mary Skeller
- Original Letter: "What Shall I Do With My Property?"—Christianus
- Narratives, Anecdotes, &c.
- Correspondence
- Words of the Wise
- Open-Air Preaching
- Attempts to Do Good
- Revivals
- Baptisms The Baptised—Rev D.D. Winslow
- Baptism Facts & Anecdote
- s Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools
- Reviews
- Passing Events
- Baptist Intelligence
- Religious Intelligence General Intelligence
- Marriages
- Deaths
- Conversation with Correspondents
- July
- The Extension of Christianity
- Christian Activity
- The Thermometer
- On Regeneration
- Baptismal Regeneration and Hereditary Claims to the Covenant of Grace
- Biblical Criticisms; The Song of Solomon
- Poetry
- Conversions; The Anxious Enquirer and the Blind Guide
- Biographical Memoirs: Mrs Wycherley
- Original Letter—William Carey (from 1787)
- Narratives, Anecdotes &c.
- Correspondence
- Open-Air Preaching
- Plans of Usefulness
- Attempts to Do Good
- Revivals
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts & Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools
- Reviews
- Passing Events
- Baptist Intelligence
- Religious Intelligence
- General Intelligence
- Marriages
- Deaths
- Conversation with Correspondents
- August
- On the Extension of Christianity
- The Church Essentially Missionary—H.M.
- Christian Activity
- Popish Missions
- Poetry
- Baptist Statistics, No. 2—Wales, Scotland, Ireland
- Biographical Memoirs: Mrs J.G. Fuller—W.L.
- Words of the Wise
- Narratives, Anecdotes, &c.
- Correspondence
- Open-Air Preaching
- Plans of Usefulness
- Attempts to Do Good
- Revivals—An Evangelist
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts & Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools
- Education
- Reviews
- Passing Events
- Baptist Intelligence
- Religious Intelligence
- General Intelligence
- Marriages
- Deaths
- Conversations with Correspondents
- September
- On the Extension of Christianity
- Christian Activity
- A Plain and Affectionate Appeal to a Candid Church of England Reader
- The Origin and History of the Controversy Among the Baptists of the Terms of Communion
- Dr. Halley's Geographical Objections to Immersion
- Antiquity of Christian Baptism by Immersion
- Popish Missions
- Persecution in the Bahamas Poetry Conversions—G.O.G.
- Biographical Memoirs: Mrs Eliza Picksley—J. Fraser
- Narratives, Anecdotes, &c.
- Correspondence
- Open-Air Preaching
- Plans of Usefulness
- Attempts to Do Good
- Revivals
- Baptisms
- Baptism facts & Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools
- Education Reviews
- Passing Events
- Baptist Intelligence
- Religious Intelligence
- General Intelligence
- Marriages
- Deaths
- Conversation with Correspondents
- October
- On the Extension of Christianity
- On Consistency—W.O.
- A Few Hints, on Personal Responsibility; or, What Am I Doing?—An Inquirer
- The Law of God Public Executions
- Selections
- Baptist Statistics, No. 3—America
- Poetry
- Conversions
- Biographical Memoirs: William John Mills
- Narratives, Anecdotes, &c.
- Correspondence
- Plans of Usefulness
- Baptisms Baptism Facts & Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools
- Reviews
- Literary Notice
- Passing Events
- Baptist Intelligence
- Religious Intelligence
- General Intelligence
- Marriages
- Deaths
- Conversation with Correspondents
- November
- The Extension of Christianity
- The Gospel
- Biblical Geography: Stohar, and Jacob's Well
- "Church" Principles Defined; from Practical Observation
- Pulpit Vulgarities A Complaint—W.W-- H.
- Death
- Poetry
- Persecution in the Bahamas
- Biographical Memoirs: Last Hours of Ebenezer Daniel, Baptist Missionary in Ceylon
- Original Letter on a Call to the Ministry from a Father to a Son—W.M.
- Narratives, Anecdotes, &c.
- Correspondence
- Attempts to do Good
- Revivals
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts & Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath
- Schools Education
- Reviews
- Baptist Intelligence
- Religious Intelligence
- General Intelligence
- Marriages
- Deaths
- Conversation with Correspondents
- December
- On the Extension of Christianity
- Dr. Halley on Baptism Congregational Policy
- Baptist Statistics, No. 4—Europe, Asia & Africa
- A List of the Principal Institutions of the Baptist Denominations in Great Britain
- The Baptist Statistics
- Baptist Statistics—Scotland Poetry Biographical Memoirs—Miss Patience Croggon
- Narratives, Anecdotes, &c.
- Correspondence
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts & Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools
- Education Reviews
- Passing Events
- Baptist Intelligence
- Religious Intelligence
- General Intelligence
- Marriages
- Deaths
Volume 2 (1845) Download Complete Volume pdf
- January
- A Chapter on Churches and Chapels
- Christian Activity
- Baptist Churches
- Reminiscences of the Late William Gadsby
- The State Church
- Wardlaw in Baptism versus Wardlaw on State Churches
- Poetry
- The Bible Class
- Conversions: A French Roman Catholic
- Biography
- Narratives, Anecdotes, &c.
- Correspondence
- Selections
- Plans of Usefulness: Advice to Village Preachers--G.W.C.
- Revivals
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts & Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools
- Reviews
- Baptist Intelligence
- Religious Intelligence
- General Intelligence Marriages
- Deaths
- Conversation with Correspondents
- February
- Memoir of Mr Hanserd Knollys
- Might Not the General and Particular Baptists Amalgmate?
- Baptist Churches
- Reminiscences of the Late William Gadsby
- Supplemental Baptist Statistics
- Poetry
- The Bible Class
- Biography: Mr. Atteby of Louth--The Rev. Francis Cameron
- Selections
- Narratives, Anecdotes, &c.: British Soldiers in Burmah--Serjeant Joseph Wilson, 26 Regiment
- Correspondence
- Revivals
- Evangelistic Tours
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts & Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools
- Reviews
- Baptist Intelligence
- Religious Intelligence: Statistics of the Roman Catholic Church in Great Britain
- General Intelligence
- Marriages
- Deaths
- Conversation with Correspondents
- The Missionary Intelligencer
- American Baptist Missions: Maulmein, Burmah
- Baptist Missionary Society: Western Africa; Ceylon; Jamaica
- General Baptist Missionary Society
- The World's Jubilee [Hymn]
- March
- Church Architecture To the Students of Our Colleges
- What Hinders the Spread of the Gospel in Ireland?
- The Subjects of Baptism
- Origin and Early History of Baptists in New England
- A Meditation at a Funeral
- The Land of Beulah
- Poetry
- The Bible Class Conversions: A Timid Disciple by Her Mother
- Biography: Mr. J Davis of Crayford by C. Hart
- Narratives, Anecdotes &c.
- Original Letter: From an Aged Pilgrim to His Son
- Correspondence
- Attempts to Do Good Hints of Usefulness
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts & Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools
- Reviews
- Baptist Intelligence
- Religious Intelligence
- General Intelligence
- Marriages
- Deaths
- Conversation with Correspondents
- The Missionary Intelligencer
- Clarkson Town, Jamaica
- An Easy Way of Raising Money for Missionary Purposes
- Nassau, Bahamas
- South Australia
- "The Wrong Book"
- General Baptist Missionary Society
- April
- Hanserd Knollys Society for the Publication of Works of Early Baptist Writers
- Present Afflictions Rightly Estimated--W.B. Baxter
- The Duty of Believers to Marry Only in the Lord
- The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus
- "The Glorious Gospel"
- A Tabular View of the Present State of Foreign Missions of the Baptist, Church of England, London and Wesleyan Missionary Societies
- Poetry
- Biography: Mrs Sarah Trull, Leicester; Mrs Hodgkins
- Narratives, Anecdotes, &c.
- Correspondence
- Attempts to Do Good
- Hints of Usefulness: To Members of Churches Revivals
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts & Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools
- Reviews
- Baptist Intelligence
- Religious Intelligence
- General Intelligence
- Marriages
- Deaths
- Conversation with Correspondents
- The Missionary Intelligencer
- General Baptist Mission--Printing Office at Outtack
- Baptist Missionary Society
- Evangelistic Labours in Scotland
- May
- Observations on a Letter by Urbane In the Evangelical Magazine for Feb.
- Justification by Faith and Works
- The Cottage, The Mansion, and the Dungeon
- Persecuting Spirit of Puseyism
- Dr Cox and Dr Halley, or, The Benefis of Baptism
- Poetry
- Conversions: Robert the Labourer
- Biography: Mr Adam Scott Dunlop; Richard Turner
- Narratives, Anecdotes, &c.
- Selections
- Arts and Sciences
- Correspondence
- Attempts to Do Good
- Revivals
- Baptisms
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools
- Reviews
- Baptist Intelligence: Foreign--Nova Scotia; Domestic
- Religious Intelligence
- General Intelligence
- Marriages Deaths
- Conversation with Correspondents
- The Missionary Intelligencer
- Stonehenge
- American Baptist Missions
- Baptist Missionary Society
- June
- Early Baptist Writers.--No. II.
- The Life and Times of Mr Wm. Kiffin
- Hints on Revivals
- Admirable Deductions! Alias Captital Misrepresentations Reasons for Nonconformity
- Two Hundred Years Ago
- Poetry
- Conversions: A Son of Abraham
- Biography: Mr William Wright; Miss Jane Beacher
- Narratives, Anecdotes, &c.
- Arts and Sciences
- Correspondence
- Hints of Usefulness
- Revivals
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts & Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools
- Reviews
- Passing Events
- Baptist Intelligence
- Religious Intelligence
- General Intelligence
- Marriages
- Deaths
- Conversation with Correspondents
- The Missionary Intelligencer
- Western Africa: Plat-Place at Bassilli, Fernando Po
- Agriculture in Africa
- Jamaica
- Farwell of a Missionary on His Departure to the Field of His Labours
- Jubilee Hymn
- July
- On the Promotion and Maintenance of Spiritual-Mindedness in Our Churches
- Early Baptist Ministers. No. II.
- The Life and Times of William Kiffin
- An Apology For Open-Air Preaching
- Chapel Debts and Ministers
- On Acts VIII. 37
- Poetry
- Biography: Mr John Keed; Hannah Mathews; Elizabeth Godfrey; Ann Harris
- Narratives, Anecdotes, &c.
- Arts and Sciences
- Selections
- Correspondence
- Hints of Usefulness
- Evangelistic Tours
- Revivals
- Baptisms
- Baptism
- Fact & Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts Sabbath Schools
- Education
- Reviews
- Passing Events
- Baptist Intelligence: Foreign--Serampore--Mr Knibb--Jamaica; Domestic
- Religious Intelligence
- General Intelligence
- Marriages
- Deaths
- Conversation with Correspondents
- The Missionary Intelligencer
- American Baptist Missions
- Baptist Missionary Anniversaries, 1845: Jamaica
- General Baptist Missionary Society: Departure of Missionaries
- August
- On Capital Punishments--G.N.W.
- Field Preaching
- Baptist Anniversaries, 1845
- The "May Meetings" America and its Slaves
- The Bible
- Poetry
- Conversions: A Remarkable Case in France
- Biography: Elizabeth Maddeys; Mary Croasdill
- Narratives, Anecdotes, &c.
- Arts and Sciences
- Correspondence
- Open-Air Preaching: Among the Railroad Labourers
- Plan of Usefulness
- Revivals
- Evangelistic Tours: Ireland
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts & Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools
- Reviews
- Passing Events
- Baptist Intelligence
- Religious Intelligence
- General Intelligence
- Marriages
- Deaths
- Conversation with Correspondents
- The Missionary Intelligencer
- Graham's Town, South Africa
- Baptist Missionary Society
- Miscellaneous Intelligence: Death of Mr Mack of Serampore
- September
- Nominal Church Membership--A lover of consistency
- Language and Translation
- Christian Character
- The Vessel of Redemption
- Baptists in Nova Scotia
- Poetry
- Biography: Mrs Barcham, of Worstead; Marianne Westcotte, a sabbath scholar
- Narratives, Anecdotes &c.
- Arts and Sciences
- Correspondence
- Plans of Usefulness
- Evangelistic Tours
- Baptisms
- Baptist Facts & Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools
- Reviews
- Baptist Intelligence: Foreign: Europe, Hemburgh--Holland; Domestic: Statistics of the Annual Meetings of Baptist Associations in Great Britain and Ireland
- General Intelligence
- Marriages
- Deaths
- The Missionary Intelligencer
- Patna--East Indies Death of Dr Yates, of Calcutta
- Miscellaneous Intelligence
- A Synopsis of the British Baptist Foreign Missions.--No. 1. Designed to show the present state of the Stations, Churches, Schools, &c., in connection with the Particular and General Baptist Missionary Societies of Great Britain
- October
- "It is Finished"
- Peace! Peace!
- The Difficulties and Consequences of the Paedobaptist Scheme Baptists in Nova Scotia, No. II
- Poetry
- Biography: An Old Disciple--I.C.; A Young Disciple--E.W.
- Narratives, Anecdotes, &c,
- Correspondence
- Plans of Usefulness
- Evangelistic Labours in France
- Baptisms
- Baptism Notes & Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools
- Reviews
- Baptist Intelligence
- Religious Intelligence
- General Intelligence
- Marriages
- Deaths
- Conversation with Correspondents
- The Missionary Intelligencer
- Baptist Missionary Society. Jericho, Jamaica
- To the Memory of Dr. Yates
- November
- The Importance of Prayer Meetings to a Christian Church
- The Great Duty of Man: or, Can Man in His Fallen State Perform the Duties Which God Requires of Him
- The Christian Not a Mere Professor
- A Compendious View of the Present State of the Baptist Denomination in America Europe
- Statistics of the Baptist Churches in Denmark and Prussia Report on the Annual Meetings of the Foreign Baptist Associations, 1844
- Poetry
- Biography: The Humble Disciple; Mary Manning; Mr Richard Phillips, Baptist Minister, Fynnon, Pembroke
- Narratives, Anecdotes, &c.
- Correpondence: Emigration to Australia
- Evangelistic Labours: Highlands and Islands of Scotland
- Revivals
- Baptisms
- Religious Tracts Sabbath
- Schools Reviews
- Passing Events
- Baptist Intelligence
- Religious Intelligence
- General Intelligence
- Marriages
- Deaths
- Conversation with Correspondents
- The Missionary Intelligencer
- Bahamas Fernando Po
- A Synopsis of the British Baptist Foreign Missions.--No. 2
- December
- Our New Movement
- The Go-Alongs and the Come-Alongs
- Poetry
- A Synopsis of the British Baptist Foreign Missions--No. 3
- Biography: Ann Marriott
- Queries for Consience at the Close of the Year
- Selections
- Correspondence
- Evangelistic Labours: Highlands and Islands of Scotland
- Baptisms
- Religious Tracts
- Reviews
- Baptist Intelligence: Number of Baptist Ministers and Baptist Churches in Great and Ireland, so far as can be ascertained, to November 30th, 1845; The Principal Public Institutions of the Baptist Denomination in Great Britain; Statistics of the Annual Meetings of Baptist Associations of Great Britain and Ireland--No. 2
- Marriages
- Deaths
- Announcement: National Anti-Corn-Law Bazaar to Held in the Theatre, Covent Garden, London
Volume 3 (1846) Download Complete Volume pdf
- January
- Essays, Exposition and Biography
- The Last Hundred Years; The Aspect of These Times
- Resolutions for the New Year, 1846
- The "Holy Kiss." In reply to the Theory of Dr. Halley
- Early Baptist Writers. No. III. The Life and Ministry of Mr John Tombes, B.D.
- Poetry
- The Late Mrs Judson
- Reviews
- Baptist Church History
- Christian Experience
- Characteristic Sketches
- The Spiritual Cabinet
- Narratives and Anecdotes
- Temperence
- Arts and Sciences
- Correspondence
- The Baptist Reporter
- Christian Activity
- Attempts to Do Good
- Open-Air Preaching
- Revivals
- Baptisms
- Public Baptisms in the "Baptist Reporter" of 1845
- Baptism Facts and Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Our New Proposal--Invitations to Worship Sabbath Schools and Education
- Intelligence
- Baptist: Foreign--Dr Judson; Domestic
- Missionary
- Religious
- General
- Passing Events
- Marriages
- Deaths
- William Knibb
- February
- Essays, Exposition and Biography
- Christian Union
- Why Do We Not Prosper?
- Infant Baptism and Popery
- Boundless Space
- A Historical Sketh of the Old Connexion of General Baptists
- A Tabular Statement of the Churches, Congregations, and Sabbath Schools, of the Old Connexion of General Baptists
- William Knibb, the Negro Liberator
- Reviews
- Baptist Church History
- Christian Experience
- Characteristic Sketches
- The Spiritual Cabinet
- Narratives and Anecdotes
- Temperence
- Arts and Sciences
- Correspondence
- The Baptist Reporter
- Christian Activity
- Attempts to Do Good
- Evangelistic Labours
- Hints of Usefulness
- Baptism Facts and Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Our New Proposal--Invitations to Worship
- Intelligence
- Baptist: Foreign; Domestic
- Missionary: General Baptist Missionary Society Review for 1845
- Religious
- General
- Marriages
- Deaths
- March
- Essays, Exposition and Biography: Who Doth Hinder?; The Power of Faith; Baptismal Regeneration; Marriage of the Lamb, or, the Restoration of Israel; Baptizo; Thoughts on Sleeping; Early Baptist Writers. No.IV. Mr Samuel How and His Times
- Poetry
- Reviews
- Music
- Baptist Church History
- Christian Experience
- Characteristic Sketches
- The Spiritual Cabinet
- Narratives and Anecdotes
- Temperence
- Arts and Sciences
- Correspondence
- The Baptist Reporter
- Christian Activity
- Evangelistic Labours
- Hints of Usefulness
- Revivals
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts and Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools and Education
- Intelligence
- Baptist: Foreign; Domestic
- Missionary: "William Knibb.--Funeral sermons were preached for our departed brother in all the chapels of the Baptist Western Union, which were filled by deeply affected congregations. Nearly all the chapels were neatly hung with black, and with few exceptions, every member of the churches wore some emblem of mourning and sorrow. Ministers of other denominations on the islands also improved his death." [p.149]
- Religious
- General
- Marriages
- Deaths
- William Jones, M.A.
- April
- Essays, Exposition and Biography
- What Else Doth Hinder?
- What Can Be Done?
- Jewish Rites--Baptism. From the New York Recorder
- The Origin, Antiquity, and Claims of the Baptists
- The Curse of War
- True Economy
- Sarah Boardman Judson [Obituary]
- Poetry
- Reviews
- Christian Experience
- Conversions
- Brief Memoirs: Mr Alexander Wilson; Mr W. Hodson; Mrs Jemina Davis; Mrs Rogers
- The Spiritual Cabinet
- Narratives and Anecdotes
- Temperance
- Correspondence
- The Baptist Reporter
- Christian Activity
- Evangelistic Labours
- Hints of Usefulness
- Revivals
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts and Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools and Education
- Intelligence
- Baptist: Foreign: "THE LATE W. KNIBB.--The Jamaica Baptist Western Union have resolved to erect a monument in the town of Falmonth, to the memory of this distinguished missionary. Mr. Abbott, his successor in his ministerial charge at Falmouth, is preparing for publication "The Life and Times of Rev. William Knibb." [p.189]; Domestic
- Missionary
- Religious
- General
- Marriages
- Deaths
- May
- Essays, Exposition and Biography
- One Radical Defect
- What Can Be Done?
- Importance of Personal Religion in the Formation of Character to Young Men
- Episcopal Confirmation
- Poetry
- Reviews
- Baptist Church History
- Mare Street, Hackney
- Christian Experience
- Conversions
- Brief Memoirs
- Mrs Johnston, Edinburgh
- Characteristic Sketches
- The Spiritual Cabinet
- Narratives and Anecdotes
- Temperance
- Correspondence
- The Baptist Reporter
- Christian Activity
- Evangelistic Labours
- Open Air Preaching
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts and Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools and Education
- Intelligence
- Baptist: Foreign; Domestic
- Missionary: Expulsion of Baptist Missionaries from Fernando Po
- Religious: Proposed Evangelical Alliance
- General
- Marriages
- Deaths
- June
- Baptist Annual Meetings
- Home Missionary Society
- Baptist Irish Society
- Annual Meetings of Baptist Associations in June, 1846
- Poetry
- Reviews
- Baptist Church History
- The English Northern Churches Christian Experience: Conversions
- Brief Memoirs of Two Young Christians
- Characteristic Sketches
- The Spiritual Cabinet
- Narratives and Anecdotes
- Temperance
- Arts and Sciences
- Correspondence
- The Baptist Reporter
- Christian Activity
- Evangelistic Labours
- Open Air Preaching
- Individual Efforts
- Hints of Usefulness; Revivals
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts and Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools and Education
- Intelligence: Baptist
- :Foreign; Domestic
- Missionary
- Religious
- General
- Marriages
- Deaths: Thomas Burchell--"The fears of many are realized. Thomas Burchell, the friend and fellow-soldier of the never-to-be-forgotten Knibb, has fallen--not on the high places of the field, but within the tents, to which he had for a season retired. Well:-- They kept together in their chivalry in life, and in death were not long divided. The mighty Atlantic rolls between their bodies, but their spirits are before the Throne. Peace and blessings on their memory! Mr. B. arrived in Englnnd about six weeks ago, for the good of his health, but alas, it was irrecoverably gone! He expired at his lodgings, near Southwark Bridge, on Saturday morning, May 16, at two o'clock." [p.280]
- July
- Baptist Annual Meetings: Bible Translation Society; Baptist Missionary Society
- Poetry
- Reviews
- Music
- Baptist Church History: A Historical Sketch of the Baptist Church, Eythorne, Kent. Part I.--Its Ancient History
- Christian Experience
- William Wilkinson; Anna Gladwell
- Mrs Mary Benjafield
- Mrs Ann Hardee
- The Spiritual Cabinet
- Narratives and Anecdotes
- Temperance
- Correspondence
- Christian Activity
- A Plea For Irish Harvesters
- Attempts to do Good
- Open Air Preaching
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts and Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools and Education
- Intelligence: Baptist
- Foreign
- Domestic
- Missionary
- Religious
- General
- Marriages
- Deaths
- August
- Essays, Expositions, and Biography; Christian Union And Christian Parties; The Moral Elevation of the Church Essential to Missionary Success; Life and Times of Menno--by The Rev. J. Newton Brown
- Poetry
- Reviews
- Baptist Church History
- Rayleigh, Essex
- Christian Experience: A Trophy of Mercy
- Characteristic Sketches
- The Spiritual Cabinet
- Narratives and Anecdotes
- Arts and Sciences
- Correspondence
- Christian Activity: Attempts to do Good; Open Air Preaching
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts and Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools and Education
- Intelligence
- Baptist: Foreign; Domestic
- Missionary
- Religious
- General
- Marriages
- Deaths
- September
- Essays, Explorations, and Biography
- A Revival of Religion. Its Nature, and the Best Means of Promoting it
- "Those Ignorant Baptists" (from the Montreal Register)
- Life and Times of Menno (Concluded)
- Poetry
- Reviews
- Baptist Church History
- Colchester, Essex Christian Experience: Conversions--James Taylor
- Brief Memoirs: Mr Andrew Mallock
- Characteristic Sketches
- The Spiritual Cabinet
- Narratives and Anecdotes
- Arts and Sciences
- Temperance
- Correspondence
- Christian Activity
- Attempts to do Good
- Hints of Usefulness; Revivals
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts and Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools and Education
- Intelligence: Baptist: Foreign; Domestic; Missionary; Religious and General
- Marriages
- Deaths
- October
- Essays, Explorations, and Biography: Christian Union and Christian Progress--Joseph Drew; Water Jerusalem; The Baptists; Biographical Sketch of the Rev. A. Judson, D.D.
- Poetry
- Reviews: Annual Report and Statistics of Baptist Associations in Great Britain and Ireland, in 1846
- Baptist Church History
- A Historical Sketch of the Baptist Church Eythorne, Kent
- Christian Experience
- Mr Joseph Taylor
- William Turner
- Characteristic Sketches
- The Spiritual Cabinet Narratives and Anecdotes Temperance--Elishu Bennett
- Correspondence
- Christian Activity: Railway Labourers
- Baptisms: Baptisms at the Missionary Stations During the Past Year
- Baptism Facts and Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools and Education
- Intelligence
- Baptist: Foreign; Domestic
- Missionary: Fernando Po
- Religious: Income and Expenditure in 1846 of the Following Religious and Benevolent Institutions
- General
- Marriages
- Deaths
- November
- Essays, Expositions and Biography: Depression and Revival; Rain from Heaven--The Rev Applegate; Thoughts on a Revival; Thoughts on Prayer; Unwearied Zeal; Dr Judson on the Commission Given by Christ; Sketch of the Missionary Labourers and Death of the Rev. Thos. Burchell
- Poetry
- Reviews
- Baptist Church History
- Christian Experience
- John Wilders
- Henry Thomas
- Elizabeth Hammond
- Characteristic Sketches
- Narratives and Anecdotes
- Arts and Sciences
- Temperence
- Correspondence
- Christian Activity
- Attempts to Do Good--Baptist Village Missions--On Visiting the Sick; Revivals
- Baptisms: Baptisms at the Missionary Stations During the Past Year
- Baptism Facts and Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools and Education
- Intelligence
- Baptist: Foreign--A Tabular View of the Rise and Present State of the Baptist Churches of New Brunswick; Domestic
- Missionary
- Religious
- General
- Marriages
- Deaths
- December
- Essays, Expositions, and Biography
- Rev. E.J. Francies, Late Baptist Missionary at Haiti
- Baptist Ministers and Churches in Great Britain and Ireland
- Annual Report and Statistics of Baptist Associations in Great Britain and Ireland, in 1846
- The Principal Institutions of the Baptist Denomination in Great Britain Reviews Christian Experience
- Conversions--A Hopeful Case
- Brief Memoirs--William Sinden
- Characteristic Sketches: The Great Western Steamer in a Hurricane
- Narratives and Anecdotes
- The Spiritual Cabinet
- Correspondence
- The Baptist Reporter
- Christian Activity: Hints of Usefulness
- Baptisms
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools and Education
- Intelligence
- Baptist: Foreign; Domestic
- Missionary
- Religious
- General
- Marriages
- Deaths
Volume 4 (1847) Download Complete Volume pdf
- January
- Baptism of the Ethiopian Eunuch
- General Baptist Missionary Society
- Annual Report for 1846
- Memoir of Robert Carmichael. The Founder and First Minister of the Scotch Baptist; with a Sketch of Their Origin
- Ancient Meeting for the Choice of a Pastor
- Poetry
- Reviews
- Baptist Church History
- Christian Experience
- Characteristic Sketches
- The Spiritual Cabinet
- Narratives and Anecdotes
- Three Great Curses, Slavery, War, Intemperance
- Correspondence
- The Baptist Reporter
- Hints of Usefulness
- Christian Activity
- Evangelistic Labours--Ireland
- Attempts to do Good Baptisms
- Public Baptisms in the "Baptist Reporter," 1846
- Foreign
- Domestic
- Baptism Facts and Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools and Education
- Intelligence
- Baptist
- Foreign
- Domestic
- Missionary--"Dr. Judson, of Burmah, when attanding the annual meeting of the American Baptist Missionary Union, presented a paper, which was read by the Rev. Baron Stow, accounting for the different success of missions m different fields of labour. The following is a copy:--"Thase notions that have scarcely any religion, literature, or priesthood, are more open to the reception of a new religion; and among these, as in the case of the Greenlanders, Karens, South Sea Islanders, and people of colour in the West Indies, the [p.45] speediest success might be expected. In those nations where the gospel had been corrupted, success was likely to be less speedy; their opposition was furious for a time, but still their previous knowledge of divine truth, and reverence for the scriptures, ultimately assisted in preparing the way to the mind, The nations that would most of all tire out the wavering and faint-hearted, were those in which false religions prevailed, that had an erudite literature connected with their religion, an hereditary priesthood, and a despotic government." such, alas! is the condition of three-fourths of the family of man. He exhorted the brethren to adopt the motto of his venerable father, after he became, in his old age, a baptist. "Keep straight forward and trust in God." "[pp.44-45]
- General
- Marriages
- Deaths
- February
- The Evangelical and Slavery
- The Piety We Now Need
- Biblical Criticism. Acts VIII. 38, 39
- Poetry
- Baptist Churches in London and its Environs
- Reviews
- Baptist Church History
- Christian Experience
- The Late E.H. Frances, Missionary to Hayti
- Mr James French, Kilmington, Devon
- Characteristic Sketches
- William Jay
- The Spiritual Cabinet
- Narratives and Anecdotes
- The Three Great Curses, Slavery, War, Intemperence
- Correspondence
- Hints of Usefulness
- Look Around You!
- Christian Activity
- Evangelistic Labours
- Ireland
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts and Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools and Education
- Intelligence
- Missionary--Madras;
- Religion;
- General
- Marriages
- Deaths
- March
- Memoir of Christmas Evans
- Ejaculatory Prayer
- Rationalists and Rationalism in Germany
- Philippi
- Poetry
- Reviews
- Baptist Church History: Loughwood, Devon
- Christian Experiences
- Conversions--The Infidel - His Mother - and the Bible;
- Brief Memoirs--Henry Palmer
- Characteristic Sketches: Death of Mozart
- The Spiritual Cabinet
- Narratives and Anecdotes
- The Three Great Curses, Slavery, War, Intemperance
- Correspondence
- Hints of Usefulness: "The Weekly Prayer-meeting"
- Christian Activity: Evangelistic Labours; Attempts to do good
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts and Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools and Education
- Intelligence: Baptist: Foreign; Domestic; Missionary; Religious: Statistics of Welsh Calvinistic Methodists; General: "Public feeling is now strong against the importation of any more of the East Indian labourers called Coolies. They do not answer. And as they were brought to run down the wages of free negroes, we are glad it is so." [p.126]
- Marriages
- Deaths
- April
- New Government Education Scheme
- Christianity Finally Triumphant
- The Necessity of Divine Interposition on Behalf of the Church
- The Millennium, Personal Reign, & Resurrection
- Poetry
- Reviews
- Baptist Church History: Melbourne, South Australia
- Christian Experiences: William Williams; Henry Thompson
- Characteristic Sketches: A Sabbath Evening in an Indian Lodge
- The Spiritual Cabinet
- Narratives and Anecdotes
- The Three Great Curses, Slavery, War, Intemperance
- Correspondence
- Hints of Usefulness
- The Weekly Prayer-meeting
- Active Benevolence and Christian Enjoyment
- Christian Activity: Journal of James Blair
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts and Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools and Education
- Intelligence
- Baptist: Foreign; Domestic
- Missionary
- Madagascar
- Lines Suggested at a Missionary Prayer-Meeting
- Jamaica
- Seventh Day Baptist Missions
- Marriages
- Deaths
- May
- The Government Education System
- A Historical Sketch of John Dr Wycliffe, the Morning Star of the Reformation
- The General Baptists of England and the Freewill Baptists of America
- The Baptism of the Holy Ghost
- Poetry
- Reviews
- Baptist Church History: Lymm Regis, Dorset
- Characteristic Sketches: The Venerable Bede
- The Spiritual Cabinet
- Narratives and Anecdotes: The Early Life of Dr William Yates, Late of Calcutta
- The Three Great Curses, Slavery, War, Intemperance
- Correspondence
- Christian Activity: Evangelistic Labours--Journal of James Blair; Revivals--New York
- Baptisms
- Baptism Fact and Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools and Education
- Intelligence
- Baptist: Baptist Statistics
- Missionary
- Western Africa
- Belize
- Religious
- Converts from Popery in Ireland
- Evangelical Alliance
- Chinese Ordination
- General
- Government Educational System
- Marriages
- Deaths
- June
- Baptist Anniversary Meetings
- Baptist Home Missionary Society
- Baptist Irish Society
- Poetry
- Reviews
- Characteristic Sketches: A Place of Worship in New Zealand
- Christian Experience: Blind Solomon
- The Spiritual Cabinet
- Narratives and Anecdotes
- Correspondence
- Christian Activity
- Evangelistic Labours
- Journal of T.P. Henderson
- Attempts to Do Good--Distribution of Periodicals
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts and Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools and Education
- Intelligence:
- Baptist: Western Africa
- Religious
- General
- Marriages
- Deaths
- General Election--To Dissenting Electors
- July
- Baptist Anniversary Meetings
- Baptist Missionary Society
- Religious and Benevolent Societies
- Poetry
- Reviews Christian Experience
- J. Channing Pearce
- Mrs Rachael Bury
- William Storer
- The Spiritual Cabinet
- Narratives and Anecdotes
- Correspondence
- Hints of Usefulness: Paying and Praying
- Christian Activity
- Attempts to do Good
- Revivals
- America, Brown University
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts and Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools and Education
- Intelligence
- Baptist; Religious; General Marriages Deaths General Election--To Dissenting Electors
- August
- What Would Constitute a Revived Ministry
- Our Colleges
- Baptist Anniversaries
- Bible Translation Society
- Hanserd Knolly's Society
- Denominational Annual Meetings
- :Baptist Union
- A Statistical Table of the Various Religious Denominations in the United States
- Poetry
- Reviews
- Baptist Church History: Reading Christian Experience: The Happy Rescue
- Characteristic Sketches
- The Spiritual Cabinet
- The Three Great Curses, Slavery, War, Intemperence
- Correspondence
- Hints of Usefulness: How to Raise Money for Building Places of Worship
- Christian Activity: Extracts from a Yorkshire Home Missionary's Report
- Baptisms
- Baptism Fact and Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools and Education
- Intelligence
- Baptist
- Missionary
- Western Africa
- Jamaica
- Religious
- General
- Marriages
- Deaths
- General Election--To Dissenting Electors
- September
- Christianity in China--Its History and Prospects by Rev. G. Smith, Church Missionary
- Our Colleges
- Baptists Out of Place
- A Statistical And Descriptive Tabular of the Baptists in the United States
- Supplementary--American Anti-mission Baptist Associations
- Poetry
- Reviews
- Baptist Church History: Hill Cliff, Grappenhall, Cheshire
- Christian Experience
- Brief Memoirs
- Mrs Newbigin
- Miss Frances Knibb: "Sister of the late William Knibb, died at Liverpool, May 26, and is now, doubtless, before the throne, joining with her brother in acclamations of "Worthy is the Lamb." Miss Knibb was 45 years of age, and a member of the independent church under the care of Dr. Raffles. She had been waiting the approach of death some time and often expressed a wish if it were the Lord's will, that she might depart to be with Christ. Before her departure she read the memoir of her beloved brother, recently published." [p.350]
- Conversions--Conversion of a Hindoo
- Characteristic Sketches: The Baptism of the Cross
- The Spiritual Cabinet
- The Three Great Curses, Slavery, War, Intemperence
- Correspondence
- Hints of Usefulness: How to Raise Money for Building Places of Worship
- Christian Activity: Evangelistic Labours--Yorkshire; Revivals--Revivals in the United States
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts and Anecdotes: The Legs of the Lame are Not Equal
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools and Education
- Intelligence: Baptist; Foreign; Domestic; Missionary--Western Africa; Religious--Statistics of the Methodist New Connexion in 1847; General--Capital Convictions and Executions
- Marriages
- Deaths
- October
- The Present Power and Pretensions of Popery
- Our Colleges
- Siam
- Annual Reports and Statistics of Baptist Associations in Great Britain in 1847
- Poetry
- Reviews
- Baptist Church History: Ringstead, Northamptonshire
- Christian Experience: An Irish Missionary
- Characteristic Sketches: Church Rates
- The Spiritual Cabinet Narratives and Anecdotes
- The Three Great Curses, Slavery, War, Intemperence
- Correspondence
- Hints of Usefulness: Men More Than Money
- Christian Activity
- Evangelistic Labours--Yorkshire
- Attempts to do Good
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts and Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools and Education
- Intelligence
- :Baptist
- Foreign
- Domestic
- Religious
- Marriages
- Deaths
- November
- Christianity and Slavery
- Popery in Italy
- Siam
- Second Notice of Statistics of British Colonial Baptist Associations
- Poetry
- Reviews
- Baptist Church History: Chadwell Heath Christian Experience: A Son of Abraham
- Characteristic Sketches: Dutch Baptist Church Martyrs
- The Spiritual Cabinet
- Narratives and Anecdotes
- The Three Great Curses, Slavery, War, Intemperence
- Correspondence
- Hints of Usefulness: The Penny Post
- Christian Activity: Attempts to do Good--Colporteur System
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts and Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools and Education
- Intelligence
- Baptist
- Religious and General
- Missionary: Western Africa--Fernando Po
- Marriages
- Deaths
- December
- The Vale of Years from the "Oriental Baptist"
- Annual Reports and Statistics of Baptist Associations in Great Britain and Ireland,in 1847 [concluded]
- The Principal Public Institutions of the Baptist Denomination in the Great Britain
- Poetry
- Reviews
- Baptist Church History: Hill Cliff, Cheshire
- Christian Experience:
- Conversions--Parasua, from the General Baptist Missionaries in Orissa
- Brief Memoirs--Joseph Crawford
- Characteristic Sketches: Dr Yates' Last Voyage to India
- The Spiritual Cabinet
- Narratives and Anecdotes
- Correspondence
- Hints of Usefulness: Bad Habits in Conversation
- Christian Activity: Attempts to do Good--Colporteur System Baptisms Religious Tracts Sabbath Schools and Education
- Intelligence
- Baptist
- Missionary: Contributions in 1847, of the Auxiliaries in Great Britain and Ireland, to the Baptist Missionary Society
- Marriages
- Deaths
Volume 5 (1848) Download Complete Volume pdf
- January
- Present Depressed State of Religion, and the Means of its Revival
- Switzerland--Religious State of the Cantons
- Baptism in the "Grande Riviere," Haiti
- Poetry
- Reviews
- Baptist Church History: Accrington, Lancashire
- Christian Experience
- :Conversions
- Conversion of a Descendent of Abraham, Now a Baptist Minister
- Brief Memoirs
- Mr William Abbee
- Frederick West
- Mr John Leech
- Characteristic Sketches: John Berridge
- Spiritual Cabinet: On Prayer--From "Mount of Olives"
- Narratives and Anecdotes
- The Three Great Curses
- Slavery--The English Religious Press and American Slavery
- War--Evil Influence of War
- Intemperance--On Closing Public Houses on the Lord's Day
- Correspondence
- Hints of Usefulness--A New Employment for Christians
- Attempts to do Good--The Colporteur System
- Baptisms: Public Baptisms in the "Baptist Reporter," 1847--Monthly Tabular of Baptisms From the "Reporter" For 1847
- Baptism Facts and Adecdotes: Immersion Not Dangerous But Beneficial
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools and Education: Materials for Ragged Schools
- Intelligence: Baptist; Missionary; Religious--Statistics of Wesleyan Methodism in 1847; General
- Marriages
- Deaths
- February
- Present Depressed State of Religion, and the Means of Revival
- The World Before Us
- The Karens of Burmah
- Poetry
- Reviews
- Baptist Church History: Macclesfield
- Christian Experience
- Conversions--Conversion of a Descendent of Abraham, Now a Baptist Minister (continued)
- Brief Memoirs--Henry Galley
- Characteristic Sketches: Scenes of the Ocean
- Spiritual Cabinet: From the "Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation"
- Narratives and Anecdotes
- The Three Great Curses: Slavery; War; Intemperance
- Correspondence
- Christian Activity: Inland Navigation and the Railway Mission; Revivals
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts and Adecdotes
- Sabbath Schools and Education
- Religious Tracts
- Intelligence
- Baptist: Foreign--Denmark
- Missionary
- General Baptist Missions
- Religious--Primitive Methodist Missions, 1847
- General
- Marriages
- Deaths
- Editorial Address
- March
- Present Depressed State of Religion, and the Means of its Revival
- Ireland. Present State of the Baptist Churches
- Poetry
- Reviews
- Baptist Church History: Banbridge, Ireland
- Christian Experience: Brief Memoirs
- Mary Digwood
- John Purkason
- Characteristic Sketches: The Three Jews in Babylon by John Foster
- Spiritual Cabinet: From "Ford's Arm in Zion"
- Narratives and Anecdotes
- The Three Great Curses: Slavery and War; Intemperance
- Hints of Usefulness
- Correspondence
- Christian Activity: Evangelistic Labours--Journal of James Blair
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts and Adecdotes
- Sabbath Schools and Education
- Religious Tracts
- Intelligence
- Baptist
- Missionary
- Western Africa
- China
- Religious--Statistics of Voluntaryism; General
- Marriages
- Deaths
- Editorial Address
- April
- Present Depressed State of Religion, and the Means of its Revival
- Romanism in France
- Religious Liberty on the Continent
- Poetry
- Reviews
- Baptist Church History: Burnley, Lancashire
- Christian Experience: Brief Memoirs--John Bakewell
- Characteristic Sketches: A Hindoo Marriage
- Spiritual Cabinet
- Narratives and Anecdotes
- Hints of Usefulness: The Church Member--No. 1
- Correspondence
- Christian Activity: Evangelistic Labours--Journal of James Blair
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts and Adecdotes
- Sabbath Schools and Education: The Adaptation of the Scriptures to the Youthful Mind
- Religious Tracts
- Intelligence
- Baptist
- Missionary
- Bengal Baptist Association
- Sixth Annual Meeting
- Jamaica
- Religious
- The Bible in England
- London Missionary Society
- Statistics of Popery in the United States
- General
- Marriages
- Deaths
- May
- Present Depressed State of Religion, and the Means of its Revival
- Progress of Religious Liberty on the Continent Portugal
- Annual Meetings of Baptist Associations, 1848
- American Baptist Institutions, from the Baptist Almanac for 1848
- American Statistics, from the Baptist Almanac for 1848
- Poetry
- Reviews
- Baptist Church History: Hamsterley, Durham Christian Experience: Miss Emma Pratt
- Characteristic Sketches: Congregational Singing
- Spiritual Cabinet, From Leask's "National Revolutions"
- Narratives and Anecdotes
- Hints of Usefulness: The Church Member--No. II
- Correspondence
- Christian Activity: Revivals
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts and Adecdotes
- Sabbath Schools and Education: Government Education
- Religious Tracts
- Intelligence
- Baptist: Government's Grant to Juggernauts temple
- Missionary
- Religious
- General
- Marriages
- Deaths
- June
- Bloomsbury Baptist Chapel
- Baptist Anniversary Meetings: Baptist Union; Baptist Home Missionary Society
- The Beginning of a Great Revival. From the "New York Recorder"
- Poetry
- Reviews
- Baptist Church History: Hamsterley, Durham (continued)
- Christian Experience
- Brief Memoirs
- Theophilus Smith
- Sudden Death of a Teacher, James Norman--Mrs Susan Baker
- Caroline Grant Pearsall
- Characteristic Sketches: The Jesuits
- Spiritual Cabinet
- Narratives and Anecdotes: The Original Anecdotes of Andrew Fuller
- Hints of Usefulness: The Quiet Church Member--No. III
- Correspondence
- Christian Activity: Evangelistic Labours--Journal of Thomas Henderson
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts and Anecdotes
- Sabbath Schools and Education: Reading Rooms for Teachers
- Intelligence: Baptist: Baptist Churches in Prussia; Missionary--West Africa; Religious: Statistics of Religious and Benevolent Institutions; General: Sabbath Day Intemperance
- Marriages
- Deaths
- July
- Baptist Irish Society
- Baptist Missionary Society
- Poetry
- Baptist Church History: Sunderland
- Christian Experience: Brief Memoirs
- Mrs Mary Romford
- Elizabeth Hernaman
- Narratives and Anecdotes
- The Three Great Courses
- Slavery: A Man's Title Deeds of Himself
- War: The Duke after the Battle of Waterloo
- Temperance: A Letter to a the Readers of the British Press
- Hints of Usefulness: The Declining Church Member--No. VI
- Correspondence
- Christian Activity: Open-Air Preaching:Yorkshire
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts and Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools and Education
- Intelligence
- Baptist: Baptist Associations
- Missionary
- Religious
- General
- Marriages
- Deaths
- August
- Annual Association of the Evangelical General Baptists
- The Deputations to and from America
- The Lying Preacher
- Poetry
- Reviews
- Baptist Church History: Tuthill-Stairs, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, Northumberland
- Christian Experience: Brief Memoirs
- Shelomith Sharp, of Wilburton
- James Skerritt, of Chelsea
- Mr John Trolley, of Boston
- The Spiritual Cabinet, from "Converse with Conscience"
- Narratives and Anecdotes
- The Three Great Curses
- Slavery: Spanish Slavery
- War: Folly of Fighting for Liberty
- Intemperance: Spirit-selling versus Revivals
- Hints of Usefulness: We are Weak; How Shall we be Made Strong?
- Correspondence
- Christian Activity: Attempts to do Good
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts and Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools and Education
- Intelligence:
- Baptist
- Missionary
- General: Church Rate Seizures
- Religious: Income and Expenditure in 1848, of the Following Religious and Benevolent Institutions
- Marriages
- Deaths
- September
- The Great Delusion of Baptismal Regeneration
- The Connexion Which Baptism Has With Christianity
- The Christian Professors. On Consistency
- Poetry
- Reviews Baptist Church History: Tuthill-Stairs, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, Northumberland (continued)
- Christian Experience: Brief Memoirs--Mr Benjamin Lloyd
- Characteristic Sketches: Descent into Jacob's Well
- The Spiritual Cabinet, from "Spirit of Holiness" by John Harrington Evans
- Narratives and Anecdotes
- Hints of Usefulness: The Dissatisfied Church Member. No. V
- Correspondence
- Christian Activity: Attempts to do Good
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts and Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools and Education
- Intelligence
- Baptist; Missionary--The Jungle Christians and Their Teacher - Mr D.L. Brayton
- Religious
- General: Railways in India
- Marriages
- Deaths
- October
- The Coming Downfall of the Papacy
- The Great Delusion of Baptismal Regeneraton (concluded)
- Poetry
- Reviews
- Baptist Church History: Great Wllingham, Norfolk
- Christian Experience
- Conversions--an entire change
- Brief Memoirs--Mrs Letitia Bomford
- Characteristic Sketches: A Picture of War
- The Spiritual Cabinet
- Narratives and Anecdotes
- Hints of Usefulness: The Disciplined Church Member. No. VI
- Correspondence
- Christian Activity: Evangelistic Labours; Attempts to do Good
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts and Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools and Education
- Intelligence: Baptist: Foreign
- Benedicts History of the Baptists
- American Baptist Free Missionary Society
- Missionary: Meeting of Mr Abbott and the Karen Preachers
- Religious: Government--The Jesuits in France
- General
- Marriages
- Deaths
- The Leicester Election
- November
- The Peace Convention at Brussels
- Christian Relationship
- Poetry
- Reviews
- Baptist Church History: Bangalore, Hindostan
- Christian Experience: Brief Memoirs--The Young Believers
- Characteristic Sketches: The Puritan's Sabbath
- The Spiritual Cabinet
- Narratives and Anecdotes
- Hints of Usefulness: The Restored Church Member. No. VIII
- Correspondence
- Christian Activity: Stirring Appeals; Attempts to do Good
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts and Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools and Education
- Intelligence
- Baptist; Baptist Missions, Malton, Yorkshire
- Baptismal Anecdote
- Religious
- General
- Marriages
- Deaths
- December
- The Peace Convention in Brussels (concluded)
- On Revivals of Religion
- Poetry
- Reviews
- Christian Experience: Brief Memoirs--Mrs Anne Purdy
- Characteristic Sketches: Chalmers in the Country
- The Spiritual Cabinet, from Dr Chalmer's Daily Scripture Readings
- Narratives and Anecdotes
- The Three Great Curses
- Hints of Usefulness
- Christian Activity: Revivals
- Baptisms
- Baptism Facts and Anecdotes
- Religious Tracts
- Sabbath Schools and Education
- Intelligence
- Baptist
- Missionary: Government's grant to Juggernaut's temple
- Religious and General
- Marriages
- Deaths
- The Baptist Reporter
Volume 6 (1849) Download Complete Volume pdf
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December