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Chapter I
- John· Colet returns from Italy to Oxford (1496)
- The Rise of the New Learning (1453-92)
- Colet's previous History (1496)
- Thomas More, another Oxford Student (1492-6)
- Colet first hears of Erasmus (1496)
Chapter II
- Colet's lectures on St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans (1496-7)
- Visit from a Priest during the Winter Vacation (1496-7?)
- Colet on the Mosaic Account of the Creation (1497?)
- Colet studies afresh the Pseudo-Dionysian Writings (1496-7?)
- Colet lectures on 'I. Corinthians' (1497?)
- Grocyn's Discovery (1498?)
Chapter III.
- Erasmus comes to Oxford (1498)
- Table-talk on the Sacrifice of Cain and Abel (1498 ?)
- Conversation between Colet and Erasmus on the Schoolmen (1498 or 1499)
- Erasmus falls in love with Thomas More (1498)
- Discussion between Erasmus and Colet on 'The Agony 'in the Garden,' and on the Inspiration of the Scriptures (1499)
- Correspondence between Colet and Erasmus on the Intention of Erasmus to leave Oxford (1499-1500)
- Erasmus leaves Oxford and England (1500)
Chapter IV.
- Colet made Doctor and Dean of St. Paul's (1500-5)
- More called to the Bar-In Parliament-Offends Henry
VII. - The Consequences (1500-1504)
- Thomas More in Seclusion from Public Life (1504-5)
- More studies Pico's Life and Works-His Marriage (1505)
- How it had fared with Erasmus (1500-5)
- The 'Enchiridion,' &c. of Erasmus (1501-5)
Chapter V.
- Second Visit of Erasmus to England (1505-6)
- Erasmus again leaves England for Italy (1506)
- Erasmus visits Italy and returns to England(1507-10)
- More returns to Public Life on the Accession of Henry
VIII. (1509-10)
- Erasmus writes the ' Praise of Folly ' while resting at
More's House (1510 or 1511)
Chapter VI.
- Colet founds St. Paul's School (1510)
- His Choice of Schoolbooks and Schoolmasters (1511)
Chapter VII.
- Convocation for the Extirpation of Heresy (1512)
- Colet is charged with Heresy (1512)
- More in trouble again (1512)
Chapter VIII
- Colet preaches against the Continental Wars - The First Campaign (1512-13)
- Colet's Sermon to Henry VIII. (1513)
- The Second Campaign of Henry VIII. (1513)
- Erasmus visits the Shrine of our Lady of Walsingham (1513)
Chapter IX.
- Erasmus leaves Cambridge, and meditates leaving England (1513-14)
- Erasmus and the Papal Ambassador (1514)
- Parting Intercourse between Erasmus and Colet (1514)
Chapter X.
- Erasmus goes to Basle to print his New Testament (1514)
- Erasmus returns to England-His Sa~ire upon Kings (1515)
- Returns to Basle to finish his Works-Fears of the Orthodox Party (1515)
- The 'N ovum Instrumentum' completed - What it really was (1516)
Chapter XII.
- More immersed in Public Business (1515)
- Colet's Sermon on the Installation of Cardinal Wolsey
- More's 'Utopia' (1515)
- The 'Institutio Principis Christiani' of Erasmus (1516)
- More completes his 'Utopia '-the Introductory Book (1516)
Chapter XIII.
- WhatColet thoughtofthe 'Novum lnstrumentum' (1516)
- Reception of the 'N ovum Instrumen turn' in other Quarters (1516)
- Martin Luther reads the 'Novum Instrumentum' (1516)
- The 'Epistolre Obscurorum Virorum' (1516-17)
- The 'Pythagorica' and 'Cabalistica' of Reuchlin (1517)
- More pays a Visit to Coventry (1517?)
Chapter XIV.
- The Sale of Indulgences (1517-18)
- More drawn into the Service of Henry VlIl. - Erasmus leaves Germany for Basle (1518)
Chapter XV.
- Erasmus arrives at Basle-His Labours there (1518)
- The Second Edition of the New Testament (1518-19)
- Erasmus's Health gives way (1518)
Chapter XVI.
- Erasmus does not die (1518)
- More at the Court of Henry VIII. (1518)
- The Evening of Colet's Life (1518-19)
- More's Conversion attempted by the Monks (1519)
- Erasmus and the Reformers of Wittemberg (1519)
- Election of Charles V. to the Empire (1519)
- The Hussites of Bohemia (1519)
- More's Domestic Life (1519)
- Death of Colet (1519)
- Conclusion
A. Extracts from MS. Gg. 4, 26, in the Cambridge University Library, Translations of which are given at pp. 37, 38 of this Work
B. Extracts from MS. on. 'I. Corinthians.' - Emmanuel College MS. 3. 3.12
C. On the Date of More's Birth
D. Ecclesiastical Titles and Preferments of Dean Colet, in Order of Time
E. Catalogue of early Editions of the Works of Erasmus in my possession
F. Editions of Works of Sir Thomas More in my Possession
Cross References