Original Letters Relative to the English Reformation Written During the Reigns of King Henry VIII, King Edward VI and Queen Mary: Chiefly from the Archives of Zurich, Translated from Authenticated Copies of the Autographs and Edited for the Parker Society
Hastings Robinson [1792?-1866]

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Book Description

Original Letters Relative to the English Reformation Written During the Reigns of King Henry VIII, King Edward VI and Queen Mary: Chiefly from the Archives of Zurich, Translated from Authenticated Copies of the Autographs and Edited for the Parker Society
Publication Year:
Cambridge University Press
Copyright Holder:
Public domain

Table of Contents

  1. Edward VI. to the Senate of Zurich, Westminster, Oct. 20, 1549
  2. Lady Jane Seymour to Bucer and Fagius, Sion, June 12, 1549
  3. Duke of Suffolk to H. Bullinger, London, Dec. 21, 1551
  4. Lady Jane Grey To H. Bullinger, Bradgate, July 12, 1551
  5. Lady Jane Grey To the same, Bradgate, July 7, 1552
  6. Lady Jane Grey To the same, Before June, 1553
  7. Archbishop Cranmer To Joachim Vadian, 1537
  8. Archbishop Cranmer To Wolfgang Capito, Without place or date
  9. Archbishop Cranmer To John à Lasco, London, July 4, 1548
  10. Archbishop Cranmer To Albert Hardenberg, Cambridge, July 28, 1548
  11. Archbishop Cranmer To Martin Bucer, London, Oct. 2, 1548
  12. Archbishop Cranmer To Philip Melancthon, London, Feb. 10, 1549
  13. Archbishop Cranmer To H. Bullinger, Lambeth, March 20, 1552
  14. Archbishop Cranmer To Calvin, Lambeth, March 20, 1552
  15. Archbishop Cranmer To Melancthon,Lambeth, March 27, 1552
  16. Archbishop Cranmer To the widow of M. Bucer, Lambeth, April 20, 1552
  17. Archbishop Cranmer To Conrad Hubert and others, Lambeth, April 20, 1552
  18. Archbishop Cranmer To Peter Martyr, From Prison, 1555
  19. Miles Coverdale To Calvin, Frankfort, March 26, 1548
  20. Miles Coverdale To Fagius, Windsor Castle, Oct. 21, 1548
  21. John Hooper To H. Bullinger, Strasburgh, Jan. 27, [1546]
  22. John Hooper To the same, Without place or date
  23. John Hooper To the same, Without place or date
  24. John Hooper To the same, After Sept. 10, 1547
  25. John Hooper To M. Bucer, Zurich, June 19, 1548
  26. John Hooper To H. Bullinger, Basle, March 28, 1549
  27. John Hooper To the same, Strasburgh, March 31, 1549
  28. John Hooper To the same, Mayence, April 8, 1549
  29. John Hooper To the same, Cologne, April 14, 1549
  30. John Hooper To the same, Antwerp, April 26, 1549
  31. John Hooper To the same, Antwerp, May 3, 1549
  32. John Hooper To the same, London, May 31, 1549
  33. John Hooper To the same, London, .June 25, 1549
  34. John Hooper To John Stumphius, London, Aug. 1, 1549
  35. John Hooper To H. Bullinger,, London, Nov. 7, 1549
  36. John Hooper To the same, London, Dec. 27, 1549
  37. John Hooper To the same, London, Feb. 5, 1550
  38. Bishop Hooper To H. Bullinger, London, March 27, 1550
  39. Bishop Hooper To the same, London, June 29, 1550
  40. Bishop Hooper To the same, Gloucester, Aug. 1, 1551
  41. Bishop Hooper To the same, Gloucester, Oct. 27, 1551
  42. Bishop Hooper To John Stumphius, Gloucester, Oct. 27, 1551
  43. Bishop Hooper To H. Bullinger, London, Feb. 28, 1553
  44. Bishop Hooper To the same, From prison, Sept. 3, 1553
  45. Bishop Hooper To John à Lasco, From prison, Nov. 25, 1553
  46. Bishop Hooper To H. Bullinger, From prison, May 23, 1554
  47. Bishop Hooper To the same, From prison, May 29, 1554
  48. Bishop Hooper To the same, From prison, Dec. 11, 1554
  49. Anne Hooper To H. Bullinger, London, Apr. 3, 1551
  50. Anne Hooper To the same, Gloucester, Oct. 27, 1551
  51. Anne Hooper To the same, Frankfort, April 20, 1554
  52. Anne Hooper To the same, Frankfort, Sept. 22, 1554
  53. Anne Hooper To the same, Frankfort, Nov. 12, 1554
  54. Anne Hooper To the same, Frankfort, April 11, 1555
  55. John Ponet To H. Bullinger, Strasburgh, April 14, 1556
  56. John Ponet To the same, Strasburgh, June, 1556
  57. Maria Ponet to Peter Martyr, Strasburgh, July 15, 1557
  58. Richard Cox To H. Bullinger, Palace, Westminster, Oct. 22, 1549
  59. Richard Cox To the same, London, Nov. 1, 1550
  60. Richard Cox To the same, Westminster, May 5, 1551
  61. Richard Cox To the same, ·, Windsor, Ocl. 5, 1552
  62. Owen Oglethorp to H. Bullinger, Oxford, Oct. 30, 1548
  63. Robert Hom To John Wolfius, Frankfort, Feb. 2, 1556
  64. Robert Hom and R. Chambers to Senate of Zurich, Frankfort, Peb. 3, 1556
  65. Robert Hom To H. Bullinger, Frankfort, Feb. 3, 1556
  66. Robert Hom To the same, Frankfort, Sept. 19, 1556
  67. James Pilkington To R. Gualter, Geneva, April 7, 1556
  68. James Pilkington To H. Bullinger, Cevennes, June 27, 1556
  69. Eart of Bedford to H. Bullinger, Venice, April 26, 1557
  70. Sir A. Cook to P. l.lfartyr, Strasburgh, Jan. 20, 1558
  71. Sir J. Cheke To H. Bullinger, Greenwich, June 7, 1553
  72. Sir J. Cheke To John Calvin, Strasburgh, Oct. 20, 1555
  73. Sir J. Cheke To H. Bullinger, Strasburgh, March 12, 1556
  74. Sir R. Morison To Calvin, Strasburgh, April 17, 1555
  75. Sir R. Morison To H. Bullinger, Strasburgh, Aug. 23, 1555
  76. Thomas Lever To R. Ascham, Without place or date
  77. Thomas Lever To H. Bullinger, Geneva, April 11, 1554
  78. Thomas Lever To the same, Geneva, April 23, 1554
  79. Thomas Lever To H. Bullinger, Geneva, June 28, 1554
  80. Thomas Lever To the same, Geneva, Jan. 17, 1555
  81. Thomas Lever To the same, Frankfort, Feb. 12, 1555
  82. Thomas Lever To the same, Strasburgh, Jan. 4, 1556
  83. Thomas Lever To the same, Berne, May 12, 1556
  84. Thomas Lever To R. Gualter, Basle, May 27, 1556
  85. Thomas Lever To H. Bullinger, Afau, Sept. 18, 1556
  86. Thomas Lever To R. Gualter, Arau, Aug. 11, 1557
  87. Thomas Lever and others to H. Bullinger, Arau, Oct. 5, 1557
  88. T. Sampson To John Calvin, Strasburgh, Feb. 23, 1955
  89. T. Sampson To H. Bullinger, Strasburgh, Aug. 6, 1555
  90. T. Sampson To the same, Strasburgh, April 6, 1556
  91. T. Sampson To the same, Without place or date
  92. T. Sampson To the same, Lausanne, Aug. 12, 1556
  93. T. Sampson To the same, Lausanne, Sept. 13, 1556
  94. T. Sampson To the same, Lausanne, Oct. 13, 1556
  95. T. Sampson To the same, Strasburgh, April 23, 1557
  96. T. Sampson To Peter Martyr, Frankfort, April 8, 1558
  97. T. Sampson To the same, Strasburgh, July 10, 1558
  98. Christopher Hales To R. Gualter, London, March 4, 1550
  99. Christopher Hales To the same, London, May 24, 1550
  100. Christopher Hales To H. Bullinger, London, June 12, 1550
  101. Christopher Hales To the same, London, Dec. 10, 1550
  102. Christopher Hales To R. Gualter, Before Jan. 26, 1551
  103. Christopher Hales To the same, London, Jan. 26, 1551
  104. R. Hilles To H. Bullinger, August, 1540
  105. R. Hilles To the same, London, 1541
  106. R. Hilles To the same, Frankfort, Sept. 18, 1541
  107. R. Hilles To the same, Strasbtlrgh, Nov. 23, 1541
  108. R. Hilles To the same, Strasburgh, May 10, 1542
  109. R. Hilles To the same, Strasburgh, Dec. 18, 1542
  110. R. Hilles To the same, Frankfort, March 24, 1543
  111. R. Hilles To the same, Strasburgh, Sept. 26, 1543
  112. R. Hilles To the same, Strasburgh, Nov. 15, 1543
  113. R. Hilles To the same, Strasburgh, Sept. 26, 1544
  114. R. Hilles To the same, Strasburgh, April 15, 1545
  115. R. Hilles To the same, Strasburgh, Jan. 28, 1546
  116. R. Hilles To the same, Strasburgh, April 30, 1546
  117. R. Hilles To the same, Strasburgh, Jan. 26, 1547
  118. R. Hilles To the same, Strasburgh, Feb. 25, 1547
  119. R. Hilles To the same, Strasburgh, May 19, 1547
  120. R. Hilles To the same, Strasburgh, June 18, 1548
  121. R. Hilles To the same, London, June 4, 1549
  122. R. Hilles To the same, London, Nov. 17, 1549
  123. R. Hilles To the same, London, June 25, 1550
  124. R. Hilles To the same, London, March 22, 1551
  125. R. Hilles To the same, London, July 9, 1553
  126. John Aylmer To H. Bullinger, Bradgate, May 29, 1551
  127. John Aylmer To the same, London, Dec. 23, 1551
  128. James Haddon To H. Bullinger, Bradgate, May 29, 1551
  129. James Haddon To the same, London, Dec. 28, 1551
  130. James Haddon To the same, Richmond, Aug. 1552
  131. James Haddon To the same, About October, 1552
  132. James Haddon To the same, London, Nov. 30, 1553
  133. James Haddon To the same, Strasburgh, July 9, 1554
  134. James Haddon To the same, Strasburgh, Aug. 31, 1554
  135. James Haddon To the same, Strasburgh, Dec. 9, 1554
  136. James Haddon To the same, Strasburgh, Jan. 8, 1555
  137. James Haddon To the same, Strasburgh, Jan. 15, 1555
  138. James Haddon To the same, Strasburgh, April 24, 1555
  139. James Haddon To the same, Strasburgh, Dec. 7, 1555
  140. James Haddon To the same, Strasburgh, March 12, 1556
  141. John Banks To H. Bullinger, London, March 15, 1554
  142. John Banks To the same, Strasburgh, Dec. 9, 1554
  143. John Banks To the same, Strasburgh, Jan. 9, 1555
  144. Thomas Harding to H. Bullinger, Oxford, Oct. 19, 1551
  145. Henry Sidall to H. Bullinger, Oxford, Oct. 4, 1552
  146. Ralph Skinner to H. Bullinger, Oxford, Jan. 5, 1550
  147. John Willock to H. Bullinger, Oxford, May 12, 1552
  148. Barthol. Traheron To H. Bullinger, London, Feb. 20, 1540
  149. Barthol. Traheron To the same, Before Feb. 18, 1546
  150. Barthol. Traheron To the same, London, Aug. 1, 1548
  151. Barthol. Traheron To the same, London, Sept. 28, 1548
  152. Barthol. Traheron To the same, London, Dec. 31, 1548
  153. Barthol. Traheron To the same, Oxford, June 12, 1550
  154. Barthol. Traheron To the same, London, Sept. 10, 1552
  155. Barthol. Traheron To the same, London, June 3, 1553
  156. Barthol. Traheron To John Calvin, Without place or date
  157. Peter Alexander to Paul Fagius, Lambeth, March 24, 1549
  158. Paul Fagius CLVIII. To Ulstetter, Calais, .April 18, 1549
  159. Paul Fagius To the same, Lambeth, April 26, 1549
  160. Paul Fagius To Conrad Hubert, Croydon, May 7, 1549
  161. Bernardine Ochinus To Musculus, London, July 17, 1548
  162. Bernardine Ochinus To the same, London, Dec. 23, 1548
  163. Musculus to H. Bullinger, Berne, March 12, 1549
  164. Peter of Perugia to H. Bullinger, Cambridge, Feb. 10, 1550
  165. Thomas Norton to Calvin, London, Nov. 13, 1552
  166. Hierome Massarius to H. Bullinger Basle, Dec. 21, 1553
  167. John Byrchman to H. Bullinger, Dec. 10, 1549
  168. William Salkyns To H. Bullinger, Strasburgh, Nov. 26, 1554
  169. William Salkyns T'o the same, Strasburgh, Dec. 28, 1554
  170. Francis Dryander To H. Bullinger, Cambridge, March 25, 1549
  171. Francis Dryander To the same, Cambridge, June 5, 1549
  172. Francis Dryander To Joachim Vadian, Cambridge, June 5, 1549
  173. Francis Dryander To H. Bullinger, Basle, Dec. 3, 1549
  174. Francis Dryander To the same, Strasburgh, May 2, 1552
  175. Francis Warner to H. Bullinger, Strasburgh, July 8, 1543
  176. Thomas Knight to H. Bullinger, Venice, Jan. 23, 1547
  177. Richard Masters to R. Gualter, Oxford, June 14, 1551
  178. Augustine Bemher to H. Bullinger, Baxterley, May 31, 1552
  179. M. Parker and W. Haddon to C. Hubert and Chelius, Camb. 1551
  180. M. Bucer's widow to Abp. Cranmer, Before April 29, 1552
  181. U. Chelius and C.Hubert to Parker and Haddon, Strasburgh, June 20, 1553
  182. Julius Terentianus to J. {ab Ulmis], Strasburgh, Nov. 20, 1553
  183. M. Reniger to H. Bullinger, Without place or date
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