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Book Description
- Title:
- Original Letters Relative to the English Reformation Written During the Reigns of King Henry VIII, King Edward VI and Queen Mary: Chiefly from the Archives of Zurich, Translated from Authenticated Copies of the Autographs and Edited for the Parker Society
- Authors:
- Hastings Robinson [1792?-1866]
- Publication Year:
- 1846
- Location:
- Cambridge
- Publisher:
- Cambridge University Press
- Pages:
- 376
- Subjects:
- Reformation
- Copyright Holder:
- Public domain
Table of Contents
- Edward VI. to the Senate of Zurich, Westminster, Oct. 20, 1549
- Lady Jane Seymour to Bucer and Fagius, Sion, June 12, 1549
- Duke of Suffolk to H. Bullinger, London, Dec. 21, 1551
- Lady Jane Grey To H. Bullinger, Bradgate, July 12, 1551
- Lady Jane Grey To the same, Bradgate, July 7, 1552
- Lady Jane Grey To the same, Before June, 1553
- Archbishop Cranmer To Joachim Vadian, 1537
- Archbishop Cranmer To Wolfgang Capito, Without place or date
- Archbishop Cranmer To John à Lasco, London, July 4, 1548
- Archbishop Cranmer To Albert Hardenberg, Cambridge, July 28, 1548
- Archbishop Cranmer To Martin Bucer, London, Oct. 2, 1548
- Archbishop Cranmer To Philip Melancthon, London, Feb. 10, 1549
- Archbishop Cranmer To H. Bullinger, Lambeth, March 20, 1552
- Archbishop Cranmer To Calvin, Lambeth, March 20, 1552
- Archbishop Cranmer To Melancthon,Lambeth, March 27, 1552
- Archbishop Cranmer To the widow of M. Bucer, Lambeth, April 20, 1552
- Archbishop Cranmer To Conrad Hubert and others, Lambeth, April 20, 1552
- Archbishop Cranmer To Peter Martyr, From Prison, 1555
- Miles Coverdale To Calvin, Frankfort, March 26, 1548
- Miles Coverdale To Fagius, Windsor Castle, Oct. 21, 1548
- John Hooper To H. Bullinger, Strasburgh, Jan. 27, [1546]
- John Hooper To the same, Without place or date
- John Hooper To the same, Without place or date
- John Hooper To the same, After Sept. 10, 1547
- John Hooper To M. Bucer, Zurich, June 19, 1548
- John Hooper To H. Bullinger, Basle, March 28, 1549
- John Hooper To the same, Strasburgh, March 31, 1549
- John Hooper To the same, Mayence, April 8, 1549
- John Hooper To the same, Cologne, April 14, 1549
- John Hooper To the same, Antwerp, April 26, 1549
- John Hooper To the same, Antwerp, May 3, 1549
- John Hooper To the same, London, May 31, 1549
- John Hooper To the same, London, .June 25, 1549
- John Hooper To John Stumphius, London, Aug. 1, 1549
- John Hooper To H. Bullinger,, London, Nov. 7, 1549
- John Hooper To the same, London, Dec. 27, 1549
- John Hooper To the same, London, Feb. 5, 1550
- Bishop Hooper To H. Bullinger, London, March 27, 1550
- Bishop Hooper To the same, London, June 29, 1550
- Bishop Hooper To the same, Gloucester, Aug. 1, 1551
- Bishop Hooper To the same, Gloucester, Oct. 27, 1551
- Bishop Hooper To John Stumphius, Gloucester, Oct. 27, 1551
- Bishop Hooper To H. Bullinger, London, Feb. 28, 1553
- Bishop Hooper To the same, From prison, Sept. 3, 1553
- Bishop Hooper To John à Lasco, From prison, Nov. 25, 1553
- Bishop Hooper To H. Bullinger, From prison, May 23, 1554
- Bishop Hooper To the same, From prison, May 29, 1554
- Bishop Hooper To the same, From prison, Dec. 11, 1554
- Anne Hooper To H. Bullinger, London, Apr. 3, 1551
- Anne Hooper To the same, Gloucester, Oct. 27, 1551
- Anne Hooper To the same, Frankfort, April 20, 1554
- Anne Hooper To the same, Frankfort, Sept. 22, 1554
- Anne Hooper To the same, Frankfort, Nov. 12, 1554
- Anne Hooper To the same, Frankfort, April 11, 1555
- John Ponet To H. Bullinger, Strasburgh, April 14, 1556
- John Ponet To the same, Strasburgh, June, 1556
- Maria Ponet to Peter Martyr, Strasburgh, July 15, 1557
- Richard Cox To H. Bullinger, Palace, Westminster, Oct. 22, 1549
- Richard Cox To the same, London, Nov. 1, 1550
- Richard Cox To the same, Westminster, May 5, 1551
- Richard Cox To the same, ·, Windsor, Ocl. 5, 1552
- Owen Oglethorp to H. Bullinger, Oxford, Oct. 30, 1548
- Robert Hom To John Wolfius, Frankfort, Feb. 2, 1556
- Robert Hom and R. Chambers to Senate of Zurich, Frankfort, Peb. 3, 1556
- Robert Hom To H. Bullinger, Frankfort, Feb. 3, 1556
- Robert Hom To the same, Frankfort, Sept. 19, 1556
- James Pilkington To R. Gualter, Geneva, April 7, 1556
- James Pilkington To H. Bullinger, Cevennes, June 27, 1556
- Eart of Bedford to H. Bullinger, Venice, April 26, 1557
- Sir A. Cook to P. l.lfartyr, Strasburgh, Jan. 20, 1558
- Sir J. Cheke To H. Bullinger, Greenwich, June 7, 1553
- Sir J. Cheke To John Calvin, Strasburgh, Oct. 20, 1555
- Sir J. Cheke To H. Bullinger, Strasburgh, March 12, 1556
- Sir R. Morison To Calvin, Strasburgh, April 17, 1555
- Sir R. Morison To H. Bullinger, Strasburgh, Aug. 23, 1555
- Thomas Lever To R. Ascham, Without place or date
- Thomas Lever To H. Bullinger, Geneva, April 11, 1554
- Thomas Lever To the same, Geneva, April 23, 1554
- Thomas Lever To H. Bullinger, Geneva, June 28, 1554
- Thomas Lever To the same, Geneva, Jan. 17, 1555
- Thomas Lever To the same, Frankfort, Feb. 12, 1555
- Thomas Lever To the same, Strasburgh, Jan. 4, 1556
- Thomas Lever To the same, Berne, May 12, 1556
- Thomas Lever To R. Gualter, Basle, May 27, 1556
- Thomas Lever To H. Bullinger, Afau, Sept. 18, 1556
- Thomas Lever To R. Gualter, Arau, Aug. 11, 1557
- Thomas Lever and others to H. Bullinger, Arau, Oct. 5, 1557
- T. Sampson To John Calvin, Strasburgh, Feb. 23, 1955
- T. Sampson To H. Bullinger, Strasburgh, Aug. 6, 1555
- T. Sampson To the same, Strasburgh, April 6, 1556
- T. Sampson To the same, Without place or date
- T. Sampson To the same, Lausanne, Aug. 12, 1556
- T. Sampson To the same, Lausanne, Sept. 13, 1556
- T. Sampson To the same, Lausanne, Oct. 13, 1556
- T. Sampson To the same, Strasburgh, April 23, 1557
- T. Sampson To Peter Martyr, Frankfort, April 8, 1558
- T. Sampson To the same, Strasburgh, July 10, 1558
- Christopher Hales To R. Gualter, London, March 4, 1550
- Christopher Hales To the same, London, May 24, 1550
- Christopher Hales To H. Bullinger, London, June 12, 1550
- Christopher Hales To the same, London, Dec. 10, 1550
- Christopher Hales To R. Gualter, Before Jan. 26, 1551
- Christopher Hales To the same, London, Jan. 26, 1551
- R. Hilles To H. Bullinger, August, 1540
- R. Hilles To the same, London, 1541
- R. Hilles To the same, Frankfort, Sept. 18, 1541
- R. Hilles To the same, Strasbtlrgh, Nov. 23, 1541
- R. Hilles To the same, Strasburgh, May 10, 1542
- R. Hilles To the same, Strasburgh, Dec. 18, 1542
- R. Hilles To the same, Frankfort, March 24, 1543
- R. Hilles To the same, Strasburgh, Sept. 26, 1543
- R. Hilles To the same, Strasburgh, Nov. 15, 1543
- R. Hilles To the same, Strasburgh, Sept. 26, 1544
- R. Hilles To the same, Strasburgh, April 15, 1545
- R. Hilles To the same, Strasburgh, Jan. 28, 1546
- R. Hilles To the same, Strasburgh, April 30, 1546
- R. Hilles To the same, Strasburgh, Jan. 26, 1547
- R. Hilles To the same, Strasburgh, Feb. 25, 1547
- R. Hilles To the same, Strasburgh, May 19, 1547
- R. Hilles To the same, Strasburgh, June 18, 1548
- R. Hilles To the same, London, June 4, 1549
- R. Hilles To the same, London, Nov. 17, 1549
- R. Hilles To the same, London, June 25, 1550
- R. Hilles To the same, London, March 22, 1551
- R. Hilles To the same, London, July 9, 1553
- John Aylmer To H. Bullinger, Bradgate, May 29, 1551
- John Aylmer To the same, London, Dec. 23, 1551
- James Haddon To H. Bullinger, Bradgate, May 29, 1551
- James Haddon To the same, London, Dec. 28, 1551
- James Haddon To the same, Richmond, Aug. 1552
- James Haddon To the same, About October, 1552
- James Haddon To the same, London, Nov. 30, 1553
- James Haddon To the same, Strasburgh, July 9, 1554
- James Haddon To the same, Strasburgh, Aug. 31, 1554
- James Haddon To the same, Strasburgh, Dec. 9, 1554
- James Haddon To the same, Strasburgh, Jan. 8, 1555
- James Haddon To the same, Strasburgh, Jan. 15, 1555
- James Haddon To the same, Strasburgh, April 24, 1555
- James Haddon To the same, Strasburgh, Dec. 7, 1555
- James Haddon To the same, Strasburgh, March 12, 1556
- John Banks To H. Bullinger, London, March 15, 1554
- John Banks To the same, Strasburgh, Dec. 9, 1554
- John Banks To the same, Strasburgh, Jan. 9, 1555
- Thomas Harding to H. Bullinger, Oxford, Oct. 19, 1551
- Henry Sidall to H. Bullinger, Oxford, Oct. 4, 1552
- Ralph Skinner to H. Bullinger, Oxford, Jan. 5, 1550
- John Willock to H. Bullinger, Oxford, May 12, 1552
- Barthol. Traheron To H. Bullinger, London, Feb. 20, 1540
- Barthol. Traheron To the same, Before Feb. 18, 1546
- Barthol. Traheron To the same, London, Aug. 1, 1548
- Barthol. Traheron To the same, London, Sept. 28, 1548
- Barthol. Traheron To the same, London, Dec. 31, 1548
- Barthol. Traheron To the same, Oxford, June 12, 1550
- Barthol. Traheron To the same, London, Sept. 10, 1552
- Barthol. Traheron To the same, London, June 3, 1553
- Barthol. Traheron To John Calvin, Without place or date
- Peter Alexander to Paul Fagius, Lambeth, March 24, 1549
- Paul Fagius CLVIII. To Ulstetter, Calais, .April 18, 1549
- Paul Fagius To the same, Lambeth, April 26, 1549
- Paul Fagius To Conrad Hubert, Croydon, May 7, 1549
- Bernardine Ochinus To Musculus, London, July 17, 1548
- Bernardine Ochinus To the same, London, Dec. 23, 1548
- Musculus to H. Bullinger, Berne, March 12, 1549
- Peter of Perugia to H. Bullinger, Cambridge, Feb. 10, 1550
- Thomas Norton to Calvin, London, Nov. 13, 1552
- Hierome Massarius to H. Bullinger Basle, Dec. 21, 1553
- John Byrchman to H. Bullinger, Dec. 10, 1549
- William Salkyns To H. Bullinger, Strasburgh, Nov. 26, 1554
- William Salkyns T'o the same, Strasburgh, Dec. 28, 1554
- Francis Dryander To H. Bullinger, Cambridge, March 25, 1549
- Francis Dryander To the same, Cambridge, June 5, 1549
- Francis Dryander To Joachim Vadian, Cambridge, June 5, 1549
- Francis Dryander To H. Bullinger, Basle, Dec. 3, 1549
- Francis Dryander To the same, Strasburgh, May 2, 1552
- Francis Warner to H. Bullinger, Strasburgh, July 8, 1543
- Thomas Knight to H. Bullinger, Venice, Jan. 23, 1547
- Richard Masters to R. Gualter, Oxford, June 14, 1551
- Augustine Bemher to H. Bullinger, Baxterley, May 31, 1552
- M. Parker and W. Haddon to C. Hubert and Chelius, Camb. 1551
- M. Bucer's widow to Abp. Cranmer, Before April 29, 1552
- U. Chelius and C.Hubert to Parker and Haddon, Strasburgh, June 20, 1553
- Julius Terentianus to J. {ab Ulmis], Strasburgh, Nov. 20, 1553
- M. Reniger to H. Bullinger, Without place or date
Cross References