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Book Description
- Title:
- Life of Luther with Illustrations from Authentic Sources
- Authors:
- Julius Köstlin [1826-1902]
- Publication Year:
- 1900
- Location:
- London
- Publisher:
- Longmans, Green & Co.
- Pages:
- 494
- Subjects:
- Martin, Luther, Biography, Reformation
- Copyright Holder:
- Public domain
Table of Contents
- Luther's Childhood and Yout, Up to His Entering the Convent—1483-1505
- Birth and Parentage
- Childhood and School-days
- Student-days at Erfurt, and Entry into the Convent, 1501- 1505
- Luther as Monk and Professor, Until His Entry on the War of Reformation—1505-1517
- At the Convent at Erfurt, till 1508
- Call to Wittenberg. Journey to Rome II I. Luther as Theological Teacher. to 1517
- The Breach with Rome, Up to the Diet of Worms—1517-1521
- The Ninety-five Theses 68
- The Controversy concerning Indulgences
- Luther at Augsburg, before Caietan. Appeal to a Council
- Miltitz and the Disputation at Leipzig, with its Results
- Luther's further Work, Writings, and Inward Progress, until 1520
- Alliance with the Humanists and Nobility
- Crisis of Secession; Luther's Works–to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation, and on the Babylonian Captivity
- The Bull of Excommunication, and Luther's Reply
- The Diet of Worms
- From the Diet of Worms to the Peasants War and Luther's Marriage
- Luther at the Wartburg, to his Visit to Wittenberg in 1521
- Luther's further Sojourn at the Wartburg, and his Return to Wittenberg, 1522
- Luther's Reappearance and fresh Labours at Wittenberg, 1522
- Luther and his anti-Catholic Work of Reformation, up to 1525
- The Reformer against the Fanatics and Peasants, up to 1525
- Luther's Marriage
- Luther and the Reconstruction of the Church to the First Religious Peace—1523-1532
- Survey
- Continued Labours and Personal Life
- 292 III. Erasmus and Henry VIII. Controversy with Zwingli and his Followers, up to 1528
- Church Divisions in Germany. War with the Turks. The Conference at Marburg, 1529
- The Diet of Augsburg, and Luther at Coburg, 1530
- From the Diet of Augsburg to the Religious Peace of Nuremberg, 1532. Death of the Elector John
- From the Religious Peace of Nuremberg to the Death of Luther
- Luther under John Frederick
- Negotiations respecting a Council and Union among the Protestants. The Legate Vergerius, 1535. The Wittenberg Concord, 1536
- Negotiations respecting a Council and Union among the Protestants (continued). The Meeting at Schmalkald, 1537. Peace with the Swiss. Luther's Friendship with the Bohemian Brethren
- Other Labours and Proceedings, 1535-39. The Archbishop Albert and Schonitz. Agricola
- Luther and the Progress and Internal Troubles of Protestantism, 1538-41
- Luther and the Progress and Internal Troubles of Protestantism (continued), 1541-44
- Luther's Later Life: Domestic and Personal
- Luther's Last Year and Death
Cross References