Life of Luther with Illustrations from Authentic Sources
Julius Köstlin [1826-1902]

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Book Description

Life of Luther with Illustrations from Authentic Sources
Publication Year:
Longmans, Green & Co.
Martin, Luther, Biography, Reformation
Copyright Holder:
Public domain

Table of Contents

  • Author's Preface
  1. Luther's Childhood and Yout, Up to His Entering the Convent—1483-1505
    1. Birth and Parentage
    2. Childhood and School-days
    3. Student-days at Erfurt, and Entry into the Convent, 1501- 1505
  2. Luther as Monk and Professor, Until His Entry on the War of Reformation—1505-1517
    1. At the Convent at Erfurt, till 1508
    2. Call to Wittenberg. Journey to Rome II I. Luther as Theological Teacher. to 1517
  3. The Breach with Rome, Up to the Diet of Worms—1517-1521
    1. The Ninety-five Theses 68
    2. The Controversy concerning Indulgences
    3. Luther at Augsburg, before Caietan. Appeal to a Council
    4. Miltitz and the Disputation at Leipzig, with its Results
    5. Luther's further Work, Writings, and Inward Progress, until 1520
    6. Alliance with the Humanists and Nobility
    7. Crisis of Secession; Luther's Works–to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation, and on the Babylonian Captivity
    8. The Bull of Excommunication, and Luther's Reply
    9. The Diet of Worms
  4. From the Diet of Worms to the Peasants War and Luther's Marriage
    1. Luther at the Wartburg, to his Visit to Wittenberg in 1521
    2. Luther's further Sojourn at the Wartburg, and his Return to Wittenberg, 1522
    3. Luther's Reappearance and fresh Labours at Wittenberg, 1522
    4. Luther and his anti-Catholic Work of Reformation, up to 1525
    5. The Reformer against the Fanatics and Peasants, up to 1525
    6. Luther's Marriage
  5. Luther and the Reconstruction of the Church to the First Religious Peace—1523-1532
    1. Survey
    2. Continued Labours and Personal Life
    3. 292 III. Erasmus and Henry VIII. Controversy with Zwingli and his Followers, up to 1528
    4. Church Divisions in Germany. War with the Turks. The Conference at Marburg, 1529
    5. The Diet of Augsburg, and Luther at Coburg, 1530
    6. From the Diet of Augsburg to the Religious Peace of Nuremberg, 1532. Death of the Elector John
  6. From the Religious Peace of Nuremberg to the Death of Luther
    1. Luther under John Frederick
    2. Negotiations respecting a Council and Union among the Protestants. The Legate Vergerius, 1535. The Wittenberg Concord, 1536
    3. Negotiations respecting a Council and Union among the Protestants (continued). The Meeting at Schmalkald, 1537. Peace with the Swiss. Luther's Friendship with the Bohemian Brethren
    4. Other Labours and Proceedings, 1535-39. The Archbishop Albert and Schonitz. Agricola
    5. Luther and the Progress and Internal Troubles of Protestantism, 1538-41
    6. Luther and the Progress and Internal Troubles of Protestantism (continued), 1541-44
    7. Luther's Later Life: Domestic and Personal
    8. Luther's Last Year and Death
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