Documents Illustrative of the Continental Reformation
Beresford James Kidd [1863-1948], editor

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Book Description

Documents Illustrative of the Continental Reformation
Publication Year:
Clarendon Press
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
Beresford James Kidd [1863-1948], editor, Documents Illustrative of the Continental Reformation

Table of Contents

  • Prefatory Note
  1. Lutheran
    1. Definition of the Treasury of Merits
    2. The First Applications of Indulgences to Souls in Purgatory
    3. The Indulgence as an Expedient of papal Finance
    4. Specimen Grants
    5. The New Learning and Obscurantism
    6. The Commission of Indulgences to Albert, Archbishop of Mainz, 1515-17
    7. The Ninety-Theses, 1517
    8. The Controversy Concerning Indulgences, 1518
    9. Cajetan, 1518
    10. Leo X
    11. Luther's Reply
    12. Miltitz, 1519
    13. The Disputation at Leipzig, 1519
    14. The Circulation of Luther's Works
    15. Luther's Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians
    16. Erasmus and Luther, 1519
    17. Luther and Ulrich von Hutten, 1520
    18. The Three Treatises of 1520
    19. The Excommunication of Luther, 1520
    20. The Diet of Worms, 1521
    21. Melanchthon
    22. Radicalism at Wittensberg, 1521-2
    23. Adrian VI and the Diet of Nürnberg, 1922-3
    24. The New Ecclesiastical System, 1523-4
    25. The Mission of Campeggio, 1523-4
    26. The Beginnings of Reform in Sweden, 1523-4
    27. The Spread of Reform with the Empire, 1523-5
    28. The Weakening of the Reformation, 1524-5
    29. The Diet of Speier, 1526
    30. The Organization of the Lutheran Communities, 1526-9
    31. The Progress of Reform in Scandinavia, 1527-9
    32. The Diet of Speier, 1529
    33. Catholic and Protestant, 1529
    34. The Diet of Augsberg, 1530
    35. The Protestants in Arms
    36. A Truce
    37. The Expansion of Protestantism, 1532-41
    38. The Lutheranizing of Denmark, Norway, and Iceland, 1537-40
    39. The Founding of the Jesuits by Paul III
    40. The Colloquy of Rathisbon, 1541
    41. The Founding of the Roman Inquisition by Paul III, 1542
    42. The Last War between Charles and Francis, 1542-4
    43. The Council of Trent, 1545-63
    44. The Interim of Augsberg
    45. The Peace of Augsberg
  2. Reformed
    1. Switzerland in 1513
    2. The Swiss at Home, c. 1513
    3. Zwingli, The Humanist, to 1519
    4. The Isolation of Zürich, 1521-1
    5. The Beginnings of the Reformation in Zürich, 1522
    6. The Disputations at Zürich, 1523
    7. The Reformation Completed in Zürich, 1524-5
    8. The Anabaptists in Zürich, 1525-32
    9. Reform in the Rest of German Switzerland to 1529
    10. Cappel, 1529-31
    11. Farel, 1526-32
    12. Politics and Geneva, to the Arrival of Farel, 1519-32
    13. Farel in Geneva, 1532-6
    14. Calvin, to His Arrival in Geneva, 1509-36
    15. Farel and Calvin in Geneva, 1536-8
    16. Calvin in Exile, 1538-41
    17. The Ecclesiastical State in Geneva, 1541-2
    18. The Discipline in Geneva, 1542-64
    19. Switzerland, Hungary, The Palatinate, and Poland
    20. The Huguenots, c. 1560
    21. The Dutch Reformed, 1559-62
    22. The Overthrow of the Ancient Church, 1560
    23. The New Faith, Discipline, and Worship, 1560-4
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