Arthur D. Innes [1863-1938]
Cranmer and The Reformation in England
Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1900. Hbk. pp.199.

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As the author of this work died in 1938 the book is now in the public domain and can be downloaded here as a PDF [2.61 MB].


Chronological Tables

Chapter I
Prologue: Unrest
Pioneers of the Reformation - Europe in the Fifteenth Century - The New Learning - Savonarola - State of England - The Supplicacyon for the Beggers - Ecclesiastical Corruption - Its Causes - Special Conditions in England - Motive Force
for Reformation

Chapter II
Prologue: The Scholars' Movement, 1496-1529
Colet Lectures at Oxford - The New Method - Characteristics - Erasmus at Oxford - Colet Dean of St. Paul's - Accession of Henry VIM - Erasmus and More - The Utopia - Religion in Utopia-- -- Characteristics of the Scholars - The New Testament of Erasmus - The Extirpation of Heresy - Colet's Address to Convocation - The Reformation Intended . . .

Chapter III
Prologue: The Lutheran Revolt, 1517- 1530
Luther and Erasmus - The Meaning of Luther - Luther and Tetzel - Luther and the Papal Bull - The Diet of Worms - The Edict of Worms - The Heads of the Christian States - The Peasants' War - The Papal Elections - Political Consequences - The Diet of Spires - The Sack of Rome - The Protest of Spires - The Schnialkaldic League, and After - The Zurich
Reformers - The Augsburg Confession

Chapter IV
A Tender Conscience: 1503-1529
Henry VIII - His Marriage with Catherine of Aragon - The Dispensation - A Conscience Undisturbed - A Conscience Awakened - Views on the Nullity of the Marriage - First Steps for “Divorce” - Their Failure - The New Method

Chapter V
The King's Instruments
Cranmer at Cambridge - The Discovery of Cranmer - The Bearing of his Theory of the Divorce - The King and the Scholar - The Training of a Primate - Thomas Cromwell - His Char-acter - Italy: the "Prince" - Cromwell the Adventurer - Cromwell and Wolsey - Cromwell and Henry

Chapter VI
The Supreme Head: 1529-1534
Aspects of Henry's Reformation - It was not Doctrinal - Papal Supremacy - The Divorce and the Universities - Cranmer made Archbishop - Act in Restraint of Appeals - Cranmer pronounces the Divorce - Papal Condemnation thereof - Annates Act - Reformation Parliament - First Acts against Abuses - Heresy-Hunting - The Clergy under Preemunire - The "Supremacy" Clause - The Supplication against the Ordinaries - The Bill of Wards - Answers of Convocation - "Submission of the Clergy" - Resignation of Thomas More - Benefit of Clergy - Effects of the Legislation - Its Character

Chapter VII
The Hand Of Cromwell: 1534-1540
Legislation of 1534 - Act of Succession - More and Fisher refuse the Oath - Further Legislation, 1534-- 5 - Execution of More and Fisher - Cranmer and the King's Victims - Cromwell Vicar-General - The Monastic System - Corruption of the Monasteries - Previous Evidence - The Evidence before Parliament - The First Visitation and Suppression - The Pilgrimage of Grace - Completion of the Suppression - Tuning the Pulpits - Fall of Cromwell

Chapter VIII
Fidei Defensor: 1529-1547
Cranmer and Royal Supremacy - Freedom of Conscience - Henry's Views on Authority - Restraint of Superstitious Practices - Translation of Scripture - Suppression of Heresy - Tyndale's Bible - Coverdale, Matthew, and the Great Bible - Proposed Revision - The English Litany - The Ten Articles - The Bishops' Book - The German Protestants - The Six Articles - Celibacy - The King's Book - Discussions on the Sacraments and on Orders - The Rationale - Death and Character of Henry

Chapter IX
Affairs on the Continent: 1530-1563
The German Modus Vivendi - Henry VIII holds aloof - The Political Riddle - Growth and Fall of the Schmalkaldic League - Demand for a General Council - Difficulty of summoning one - The Diet of Ratisbon - Council summoned at Trent - Ignatius Loyola - The Jesuit System - Calvin and Calvinism - The Position in 1547 - Maurice of Saxony - From the Peace of Augsburg to 1563

Chapter X
josiah: 1547-1549
The New Government - Gardiner in Opposition - Theories of the Eucharist - Justification - Purgatory - Celibacy - Images - The Plan of Campaign - The Homilies - The Paraphrase - The Visitation - Imprisonment of Gardiner and Bonner - Legislation of Edward's First Year - War against Images - Suppression of Preaching - New Order of Communion - The First Prayer-Book

Chapter XI
The Puritan Eddy: 1549-1553
Weakness of Edward's Government - Reform and Plunder - The Western Rising - Ket's Rising - Fall of Somerset - Swiss Influences - Ridley - Alasco - Hooper and Knox - Cranmer and the Eucharist - Aggressive Reformers - Nonconformity - "Reformatio Legum" - Second Act of Uniformity - Second Prayer-- Book - The Ordinal - The Forty-- Two Articles - Character of the Government - Cranmer's Reformation

Chapter XII
Reaction and Counter-Reaction: 1553-1559
PAGE Northumberland's Plot - Moderation of Mary - Imprisonment of Bishops - Repeal of Ecclesiastical Laws - Wyatt's Rebellion: its Consequences - The Married Clergy - Character of Parliament - Marriage of Philip and Mary - Gardiner - Reconciliation with Rome - Character of Mary - First Year of Persecution - Who were the Persecutors? - Bonner and Gardiner - Unique Character of the Persecution - Resulting Reaction

Chapter XIII
The Least of the Martyrs: 1529-1556
The Martyrs' Reward - The Reproach of Cramner - Under Henry VIII. - Cranmer and the Supremacy - His Work under Edward - His Lack of Self-Reliance - His Occasional Courage - Cranmer under Attainder - The Three Bishops at Oxford - Cranmer's Trial and Condemnation - He asks to "confer" - Submission, Degradation, and Appeal - Third and Fourth Submissions - The Recantation - The Second Recantation - The Virtue of Courage - Last Days - St Mary's Church - The Witness

Chapter XIV
Epilogue: The Reformation in England
Results - Two Aspects of the Reformation - Sovereignty of the Temporal Power - Becket and Cranmer - Cranmer and Comprehension - The Clergy and the Reformation - Comprehension and Ambiguity - Elizabeth - Rival Theories - Church and Nation Commensurate - Church Endowments - Church a Divine Institution - The Laity and the Reformation: First Stages; Under Edward; Under Mary - English Protestantism

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