"Beza's Icones". Cotemporary Protraits of Reformers of Relgions and Letters
Charles Greig McCrie [1836-1910]

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Book Description

"Beza's Icones". Cotemporary Protraits of Reformers of Relgions and Letters
Publication Year:
Religious Tract Society
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
Charles Greig McCrie [1836-1910], "Beza's Icones". Cotemporary Protraits of Reformers of Relgions and Letters

Table of Contents

  • IPortrait of Theordore Beza of Vezelay
  • Facsimile of Title-Page of 1580
  • Preface
  • Editor's Introduction
  • Portrait of King James VI
  • Group 1. The Adr,ance Guard dir,inely dzoun out of different Regions of the world—England, Bohemia, Italy—far the purpose of renewing Christianity
    1. John Wyclif
    2. William Tyndale
    3. John Huss
    4. Jerome of Prague
    5. Savanarola
  • Group II. The Leading Agent1 in Rutoring Christianity among the German people
    1. Erasmus
    2. Martin Luther
    3. Philip Melanchthon
    4. George, Prince of Anhalt
    5. John Bugenhagen
    6. Justus Jonas
    7. John Forster
    8. Gaspar Cruciger
    9. Joachim Camerarius
    10. James Sturm
    11. Martin Bucer
    12. Paul Fagius
    13. Wolfgang Musculus
    14. Andrew Gerard
    15. John Sleidan
  • Group III. The principal Renewers in our day of true Christianity in restored Switzerland and neighbouring Regions
    1. Ulrich Zwingli
    2. John Œcolampadius
    3. Ambrose Blaurer
    4. Henry Bullinger
    5. Simon Grynæus
    6. Peter Martyr
    7. Josiah Simler
    8. Joachim Vadina
    9. Sebastian Münster
    10. Conrad Gesner
    11. John Calvin
    12. William Farel
    13. Peter Viret
  • Group IV. Distinguished French persons, some of whom Renewed belles lettres and others Renewed true Cbrirtianity in France
    1. Francis I
    2. Margaret of Valois
    3. William Budé
    4. Francis Vatable
    5. James Tussan
    6. Michel De L'Hôspital
    7. Julius Cæsar Scalinger
    8. Melchoir Volmar
    9. James Faber
    10. Robert Stephen
    11. Clément Marot
    12. Augustin Marlorat
  • Group V. A Renewer and Steadfast Asserter of Christianity restored in England
    1. Thomas Cranmer
  • Group VI. A Principal Rentwer of Christianity restored in England
    1. John Knox
  • Group VII. A Principal Renewer of Christianity restored among the Poles
    1. John A'Lasco
  • Group VIII. A Principal Renewer of Renascent Christianity among the Spaniards
    1. John Diaz
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