
Early Church History to the Death of Constantine, 3rd edn.
Edward Backhouse [1808-1879] & Charles Tylor [1816-1902]

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London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. Ltd., 1892. Hbk. pp.333.

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Edward Backhouse & Charles Tylor, Early Church History to the Death of Constantine, 3rd edn.


Biographical Preface

Part I to A.D. 200

  1. Promulgation of the Gospel - The New Society- Picture of Heathenism
  2. Nero's Persecution - Destruction of Jerusalem - Jewish-Christian Church
  3. Domitian and Nerva - The Apostle John - Epistle of Clement of Rome and Letter to Diognetus
  4. Trajan and Pliny - martyrdom of Ignatius - His Epistles
  5. Hadrian - Insurrection of the Jews - Marcus Aurelius - Perseuction and Calumnies
  6. Justin Martyr
  7. The Octavius of Miniucius Felix - Martyrdom of Polycarp
  8. Martyrs of Lyons and Vienne
  9. Ireneus - Gnosticism - The Montanists - Attitude of the Church Towards Dissenters
  10. Worship in the Early Church - The Agape of Lord's Supper
  11. Baptism - Infant Baptism
  12. Prayer - Almsgiving - Miraculous and Spiritual Gifts - Superstitious Practices
  13. Government of the Church - Maintenance of Ministers - Clergy and Laity - Church Action and Discipline - Places of Worship
  14. Holy Days and Festivals - Marriage - Asceticism - Burial
  15. The Catacombs
  16. Spread of the Gospel - Life ofth Early Christians, its Lights and Shadows
  17. Pagan Animosity and Christian Loyalty - The Philosophers assail the Church
  18. Christians and the Military Service - Slavery - Oaths
  • Appendix to Part I.

Part II - From A.D. 200 to the Death of Constantine, A.D. 337

  1. The Martyrs of Africa - Alexander Severus favours the Christians
  2. Tertullian and Clement of Alexandria
  3. Hippolytus - The Churches have rest - The Decian Persecution - Cyprian - The Lapsed - Gallus and the Pestilence
  4. Origen
  5. Persecution undeer Valerian - Cyprian's Martyrdom - His Life and Teaching - Novatian
  6. The Emperoprs Gallienus and Aurelian - Dionysius, Bishop of Alexandria, and Gregory Thaumaturgus
  7. The Diocletian Persecution
  8. The Diocletian Persecution (continued - Constantine
  9. The Diocletian Martyrs
  10. Constantine's Legislation - He Assumes Power over the Church - The Donatists - The Christians Slaughter one another
  11. Manicheism and Sabellianism - The Arian Controversy - The Council of Nicaea
  12. Intolerant Edits of Constantine - He espouses the Arian Cause - Athanasius - Baptism and death of the Emperor - Lactantius
  13. Rapid Growth of Ritualism - Manner of Worship in the Fourth Century - the Eucharist - Baptism
  14. Power of the Bishops - Pretensions of Rome - Paul of Samosata - Maintenance of the Clergy - Tithes - Clerical Dress
  15. The New Age of Art and Splendour - Consecration of Churches - Pictures in Churches - Embroidered Garments - Lighted Tapers - The Catacombs
  16. Prayers for the Dead - Invocation of Saints - Worship of Relics - Fasts and Festivals - Education - Church Buildings
  17. "Fordbidding to Marry" - and "Commanding to abstain from Meats" - The HErmists - Paul - Anthony - Monks and Nuns
  18. The Gospel continues to spread - Armenia - Abyssinia - Britain - Assimilation of the Church to the World - The Magistracy - War - Conclusion
  • Index

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