
Journal of Ecclesiastical History -
Vols. 1 - 10 (1950 - 1959)

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Vols. 11 - 20 (1960 - 1969)
Vols. 21 - 30 (1970 - 1979)
Vols. 31 - 40 (1980 - 1989)
Vols. 41 - 49 (1990 - 1999)
Vols. 50 - 59 (2000 - 2009)
Vols. 60 - (2010 - )
Vol. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Volume 1 (1950)

Article in Journal or Book Thomas Walter Manson, "The New Testament basis of the doctrine of the church," The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 1.1 (April 1950): 1-11.
Article in Journal or Book Einar Molland, "Irenaeus of Lugdunum and the apostolic succession," The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 1.1 (April 1950): 12-28.
Article in Journal or Book Edward C. Ratcliffa, "The Sanctus and the Pattern of the Early Anaphora, I," The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 1.1 (April 1950): 29-36.
Article in Journal or Book Rose Graham, "The Conflict between Robert Winchelsey, Archbishop of Canterbury and the Abbot and monks of St. Augustine's, Canterbury," The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 1.1 (April 1950): 37-50.
Article in Journal or Book Stephen A. van Dijk, "The Litany of the Saints on Holy Saturday," The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 1.1 (April 1950): 51-62.
Article in Journal or Book T. M. Parker, "Was Thomas Cromwell a Machiavellian?" The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 1.1 (Jan.-April 1950): 63-75.
Article in Journal or Book

Geoffrey F. Nuttall, "Richard Baxter's Correspondence: a preliminary survey," The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 1.1 (April 1950): 85 - 95

Article in Journal or Book Norman Sykes, "The Election and Inthronization of William Wake as Archbishop of Canterbury," The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 1.1 (April 1950): 96 - 101
Article in Journal or Book Norman H. Baynes, "The Byzantine Church: a bibliographical note on recent work," The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 1.1 (April 1950): 102 - 113.
Article in Journal or Book Edward C. Ratcliff, "The Sanctus and the Pattern of the Early Anaphora, II," The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 1.2 (July 1950): 125-134.
Article in Journal or Book W.H. Semple, "Augustinus Rhetor: A study, from the Confessions, of St. Augustine's secular career in education," The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 1.2 (July 1950): 135-150.
Article in Journal or Book Paul Grosjean, "S. Patrice d'Irlande et quelques homonymes dans les anciens martyrologes," The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 1.2 (July 1950): 151-171.
Article in Journal or Book E.F. Jacob, "On the Promotion of English University Clerks during the Later Middle Ages," The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 1.2 (July 1950): 172-186.
Article in Journal or Book Claude Jenkins, "British History, mainly Ecclesiastical, in the Nuremberg Chronicle," The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 1.2 (July 1950): 187-196.
Article in Journal or Book Geoffrey F. Nuttall, "The Worcestershire Association: its Membership," The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 1.2 (July 1950): 197-206.
Article in Journal or Book P.G. Lindhardt, "Grundtvig and England," The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 1.2 (July 1950): 207-224.
Article in Journal or Book Winthrop S. Hudson, "Post-Reformation Church History Studies published in the United States since the War," The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 1.2 (July 1950): 225-231.

Volume 2 (1951)


Michel Rajji, "Le Monothélisme chez les Maronites et les Melkites," Journal of Ecclesiastical History 2.1 (Jan.-April 1951): 38-42.

  Marcel Simon, "Saint Stephen and the Jerusalem Temple," Journal of Ecclesiastical History 2.2 (July-Oct. 1951): 127-142.
  Bernard Capelle, "L'Entretien d'Origène avec Héraclide," Journal of Ecclesiastical History 2.2 July-Oct. 1951): 143-157.

Volume 3 (1952)

  Walter C. Till, "The Gnostic Apocryphon of John," Journal of Ecclesiastical History 3.1 (Jan.-April 1952): 14-22.

Volume 4 (1953)


Volume 5 (1954)


Einar Molland, "The heretics combatted by Ignatius of Antioch," Journal of Ecclesiastical History 5 (April 1954): 1-6.

  W.H.C. Frend, "The Gnostic sects and the Roman Empire," Journal of Ecclesiastical History 5 (April 1954): 25-37.
  Derwas James Chitty, "Pachomian sources reconsidered," Journal of Ecclesiastical History 5 (April 1954): 38-77.
  Matthew Black, "The festival of Encaenia ecclesiae in the ancient church with special reference to Palestine and Syria," Journal of Ecclesiastical History 5 (April 1954): 78-85.
  Arnold Ehrhardt, "Jewish and Christian ordination," Journal of Ecclesiastical History 5 (Oct. 1954): 125-138.
  Arnold H.M. Jones, "Notes on the genuineness of the Constantinian documents in Eusebius's Life of Constantine," Journal of Ecclesiastical History 5 (Oct. 1954): 196-200

Volume 6 (1955)


Volume 7 (1956)

  Gerald Bonner, "Scillitan saints and the Pauline Epistles," Journal of Ecclesiastical History 7 (Oct. 1956): 141-146.

Volume 8 (1957)


Volume 9 (1958)

  Geoffrey G. Willis, "Historical background of the English lectionary of 1955," Journal of Ecclesiastical History 9 (April 1958): 73-86.

Volume 10 (1959)


Next Volume

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