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Book Description

The Spirit in the Word
Publication Year:
Marshall, Morgan & Scott Ltd.
Special Revelation, Bible, Inspiration
Copyright Holder:
Public domain

David Martin McIntyre [1859-1938], The Spirit in the Word

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  1. Introduction
  2. Biblical Criticism: Its Place and Scope
  3. Inspiration
  4. The Media of Inspiration
  5. The Inpiration of the Old Testament
  6. Prophecy
  7. The Prophetic Afflatus
  8. The Bible and Science
  9. The Inspiration of the New Testament
  10. The Self-Witness of the Scriptures
  11. The Four-Fold Portrait
  12. The Authority of Christ
  13. Our Lord's Relation to the Scriptures of the Old Testament
  14. The Answer of the Soul to Christ
  15. The Universality of the Bible
  16. The Living Word
  17. The First Word and the Last