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Book Description

The Book of Proverbs with Introduction and Notes. Westminster Commentaries.
Publication Year:
Methuen & Co. Ltd.
Proverbs, Commentary, Old Testament
Copyright Holder:
Public domain

William Oscar Emil Oesterley [1866-1950], The Book of Proverbs with Introduction and Notes

Table of Contents

  • Prefatory Note by the General Editiors
  • Preface
  • Introduction
    1. The Book of Proverbs
    2. The Collections incorporated in Proverbs
    3. Dates of the Collections
    4. The Titles of the Collections
    5. The Hebrew Text
    6. The Ancient Versions
    7. Selected Bibliography
  • Excursuses
    1. The Wisdom Literature of the Ancient Oriental World
    2. The Religious Value of Proverbs
    3. The Hebrew Conception of Wisdom
    4. The Doctrine of Retribution and Reward
    5. The Doctrine of Immortality
    6. The attitude of the Sages to Worship
    7. The Chakamim ('Wise Men')
    8. The Meaning and Use of the term Mashal ('Proverb') IX
    9. The Connotation of Leb ('Heart') in Proverbs
    10. The subject of Woman in Proverbs
    11. The types of the 'Fool' in Proverbs
  • Text and Commentary
  • Index